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Where a gas boiler cannot be installed. Installing a gas boiler in a private house - what standards do you need to know about? Calculator for calculating the required thermal power for a home heating system

Probably no one will argue about the statement that gas systems are most preferable for use in private houses and cottages. Gas boilers They are quite reliable and efficient, have relatively low fuel consumption and make it possible to regulate the air temperature in the room, which directly depends on the power of the boiler in closed heating systems. What you need to know before installing this equipment and we'll talk in this publication.

General requirements

Installation Rules gas boiler in a private home are strictly regulated. That is why before creating autonomous heating based on a gas boiler unit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents that must be followed at all stages of the work. First of all, this is: SNiP 2.04.08-87; SNiP 2.04.01-85; SNiP 2.04.05-91; SNiP 41-01-2003; SNiP 21-01-97.

Gas heating systems differ in many respects. When installing, an important point is the number of circuits, location and method of exhaust gas removal. Single-circuit boiler equipment are used to heat the premises of a private house. Many models can work with boilers indirect heating, to create a hot water supply. Double-circuit boilers are designed to create heating and domestic hot water at the same time.

Heating equipment for a private home can be wall or floor mounted. Floor standing boilers, as a rule, have greater power and dimensions, due to the boiler placed in them. Such installations are demanding on the ventilation system of the room in which they are installed, the presence of a chimney with natural draft, the fire safety of the enclosing structures and the quality of the foundation on which the equipment will be installed. Mounted boilers are less demanding, and therefore more in demand among our compatriots.

Before installing a gas boiler in a private house, you must prepare its future location. It is prohibited by law to place gas mini-heaters in living rooms. Ideal for these purposes separate room with appropriate dimensions, proper ventilation, lighting and fire safety systems.

There is a direct relationship between the power of the boiler unit and the volume of the combustion room.

  • Power ≤ 30 kW requires a room volume ≥ 7.5 m 3 .
  • Power 30 - 59 kW requires a room volume ≥ 13.5 m 3.
  • Power ≥ 60 kW requires a room volume ≥ 15 m 3 .

If a closed heating system is used cascade connection gas boiler units, then the required boiler room area is calculated based on the requirements: for one installation 4 m 2 of floor, with a ceiling height of at least 2 m.

Regarding the walls and ceiling of the furnace room: they must be made of material with a fire resistance rating of 45 minutes.

Regarding ventilation: the room intended for the installation of gas boiler equipment must be equipped supply and exhaust system ventilation with a multiplicity of at least 3. The size of the supply air duct (when air is supplied from the street) is calculated at the rate of 8 cm 2 per 1 kW of boiler power. If the inflow is made from corridors and non-residential premises of the house, then the diameter of the air duct should be calculated in the ratio of 30 cm 2 per 1 kW of equipment power.

In addition, this room must have a window with a glazing area of ​​at least 0.3 m2 for every 1 m2 of floor.

Doors to the boiler room must also meet strictly defined requirements: the opening width is at least 0.8 m. To compensate for negative pressure, in case of problems with air flow, a gap of at least 2.5 cm in height is required between the threshold and the door.

Stepping away from the topic, we would like to inform you that we have prepared comparative reviews for gas boilers. You can familiarize yourself with them in the following materials:


Before connecting a gas boiler to the heating system and starting to enjoy all the benefits of civilization, you need to take care of the availability of furnace room engineering communications. In addition to the heating and gas supply system pipes, you need to take care of the following communications.

  1. Electricity is needed to work pumping equipment, igniter and automation. In addition, the boiler room needs light and additional socket for possible connection of a stabilizer or uninterruptible power supply. Experts recommend organizing the power supply in the boiler room using a three-core cable, with a conductor cross-section of 2 mm 2. There must be a circuit breaker on the line. Light is made by using the required number of lamps with closed shades. Let us remind you that all electrical equipment must be grounded.
  2. Water pipes. Everything is simple here: despite the fact that the heating system is closed, over time the amount of coolant in it decreases. To recharge, you need running water. If you intend to connect a double-circuit gas boiler, then water supply is necessary to create hot water supply in the house.
  3. Sewerage. The need for a sewerage system is usually thought about only after the blast valve has been activated, as a result of which masses of coolant end up on the floor. The best option is to have a drain organized in the floor.

Smoke removal system

The chimney is an integral part of any gas (and not only) heating equipment. For turbocharged boiler units they are used, which have small sizes and are taken out into the street through a hole in load-bearing wall. Installations with atmospheric burners are a different matter: the temperature of the exhaust gases at their outlet reaches 800 °C. It is precisely such devices that require a major chimney made in accordance with all fire safety rules.

One more the most important quality chimneys must have - create natural draft. To do this, they must run strictly vertically, have a diameter corresponding to the power of the boiler unit, and be correctly discharged through the roof. The figure shows the height of the chimney head, depending on its location on the roof.

As for the dependence of the chimney diameter on the power of the boiler unit: here you should focus on the data indicated in the installation passport.

Scheme and stages of connecting gas boilers

It is best if the connection is handled subject matter experts or services that will service your heating system. If your initiative self-installation boiler equipment will find support in the relevant authorities (which is very doubtful), then after preparing the project and the necessary permits and purchasing equipment, you can begin installing the boiler unit.

  1. Installation. The wall mounted boiler is mounted on the wall using special fastenings or strips, which are usually supplied as a set. The floor-mounted one is mounted on a flat, fireproof surface. Unlike wall-mounted equipment, floor-standing boilers are installed at a distance of 25–30 cm from the wall. It is important to know that the installations must be accessible from all sides.
  2. Connection to the smoke exhaust system. Important! After connection, you need to make sure that there is draft in the chimney. Be sure to check the tightness of the connection between the outlet pipe and the chimney.
  3. Connection to communication systems. Typical scheme connecting a gas boiler to a heating system with a two-pipe system looks as shown in the figure.

The following is a classic connection diagram for a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler.

From left to right: coolant outlet to the heating system; entrance tap water; gas main connection; hot water V DHW system; inlet of cooled coolant from the heating system.

First of all, you should take care of installing taps on the water supply, heating and gas systems, which will be responsible for disconnecting these systems from the boiler during its maintenance and repair, as well as if emergency shutdown is necessary. Next, you should install a filter rough cleaning for the input of the plumbing system and the “return” of the heating system, using shut-off elements before and after it. The final stage will be connecting the boiler unit to the heating system and trial run installations. It should be carried out in the presence of gas industry specialists.

The rules for installing gas boilers in the Russian Federation are strictly regulated. As, indeed, in other countries. No wonder, because negligence is unacceptable; gas equipment is potentially explosive and fire hazardous. Installation of gas boilers must be carried out with the participation of specialists.

Rules and regulations

The installation of a boiler in a private house must be carried out in strict accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • SNiP "Residential buildings".
  • SNiP “Gas supply” 2.04.08-87.
  • SNiP “Heating, ventilation, air conditioning” 2.04.05-91.

Modern gas boiler room - clean and tidy room

Dimensions and layout of the room

Installation of a gas boiler is possible in a separate furnace on the ground or first floor, in the kitchen. It is not allowed to enter the furnace room from living rooms. The premises must meet the following conditions:

  • The volume of the combustion chamber must be at least 7.5 m 3 in existing houses and over 15 m 3 in new ones. Recently, cascade systems with two or more boilers have been increasingly used in private homes. For each subsequent heating unit, the volume is prescribed to be increased by 6 m 3.
  • The floor area for one boiler is at least 4 m2.
  • Ceiling height from 2 meters and above.
  • The minimum width of the door to the furnace room or kitchen is 80 cm. Accordingly, the construction opening is no narrower than 90 cm. There must be a gap of at least 2.5 cm between the floor and the door ceiling.
  • In the room where it is planned to install the heating boiler there should be an opening window facing the street. Glazing area excluding frame - 0.3 m2 per square meter floor area, minimum 0.8 m2.

The furnace room of a private house can be located in non-residential premises basement or first floor, in the kitchen

Required utilities

Proper installation gas boilers is possible if the necessary communications are available in the boiler room. This is not counting the gas supply pipe with a tap and meter:

  • Power supply for boiler automation and pumps(if the heating unit is not energy-independent). For these purposes, a separate cable with a cross-section of at least 3 x 1.5 mm should be installed from the meter, protecting the line automatic switch. Processing units of imported boilers are not designed for the unstable characteristics of domestic energy networks. Therefore, you need to connect the boiler through a stabilizer. Many equipment suppliers require the presence of a stabilizer prerequisite providing a guarantee. The equipment must be grounded, the ground loop must comply with regulatory requirements. The electrical outlet should not be located closer than 10 cm from gas equipment. The lamp shades are closed.
  • Cold water for recharging and filling the system.
  • Sewerage. It is often forgotten, this is wrong. Condensing boilers precipitate water vapor during operation, and condensate is formed in quite large quantities: in the season, up to a liter of water per kilowatt of boiler power per day. It is discharged into the general sewer system or into a separate receiver. There are claims that this liquid is an acidic solution and should not be discharged into plastic sewer pipes and bioseptic tanks. This statement is true only for heating boilers on liquid fuel, the acid content in the condensate during gas combustion is negligible. It is recommended to install a drain in the floor of the boiler room: when the safety group is activated, quite a lot of water can enter the room. a large number of coolant.

Air flow and ventilation

The furnace room and kitchen must have a working natural ventilation. The hole is located 25 cm from the ceiling, diameter ventilation shaft 10 cm or more.

During operation of the boiler, large amounts of oxygen are required for fuel combustion. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure air flow in the room, otherwise the boiler will not develop the required power, or the flame may go out altogether. Air can be taken directly from the street, or from the corridor or non-residential adjacent premises. To ensure inflow from the street to external wall make a hole, it can be closed with a grille; the most convenient is the standard adjustable VTK valve.

If air comes from the house, the inflow is made in the door or partition. Its area is from 20 cm 2. If gas heating boilers are installed in a turbocharged version (air is supplied and gases are removed using a fan), you can use a coaxial (double) pipe instead of the usual chimney with its outlet to the street through the wall. It simultaneously carries out inflow and outflow. In this case, inlet openings are not needed; in the furnace room it is enough to provide only natural ventilation.

If a cascade is installed, each boiler must have its own chimney


The design of the chimney directly depends on the type of boiler. As we have already noted, turbocharged boilers do not need chimneys at all; one coaxial or two separate pipes of small diameter are sufficient. Fire requirements for heating units of this type (especially condensing units) are low; the temperature of the exhaust gases in them is not much higher than room temperature. For some types of boilers, the pipes may generally be plastic.

The temperature of the exhaust gases of boilers with a conventional atmospheric burner is quite high, here it is necessary to take into account fire safety requirements. Devices familiar brick chimney from ceramic bricks not enough according to current standards. At a minimum, there should be a fire-resistant and chemical-resistant liner pipe inside it. High alloy steel, ceramic or asbestos cement pipe.

A rational option is to install the chimney of a gas boiler with an insulated design. It could be a sandwich pipe made of of stainless steel, thermally insulated double ceramic, ceramic-concrete or ceramic-steel pipe. Enameled steel is also used. Insulated chimneys are not cheap, however, given the fact that there is no need to build brick pipe and the foundation for it are economically justified.

The height of the chimney head above the roof depends on the distance from the ridge and should not be less than indicated in the diagram

The diameter of the chimney should not be less than that indicated in the equipment passport. An approximately 25 kW boiler will require a chimney with an internal diameter of 125 mm; 30 kW - 150 mm; 40 kW - 170 mm. The height of the chimney from the entry point to the exit point is at least 5 meters. The head should be half a meter or more higher than the ridge. If the distance from the pipe to the ridge is more than one and a half meters, this value is calculated. The correspondence of the chimney diameter cannot be neglected. If it is less than required, the fuel will not burn completely. As a result, it will form carbon monoxide, the boiler power will decrease and gas consumption will increase.

The installation standards for gas boilers require cleaning in the lower section of the chimney. For metal pipes Below the cleaning there is also a tube for draining condensate. A glass of liquid can drip from the chimney of a boiler with an atmospheric burner in a day or two.

If two or more are installed in the furnace room heating units, each boiler must have a separate chimney.

Video on installing a gas boiler in a private house

The boiler should be located as close to the chimney as possible. It is allowed to install a horizontal (slope of 2° or more) pipe from the boiler to the entrance to the chimney up to 2 meters long, but the smaller this section, the better the draft. Regarding the distance from the walls, the requirements for the installation of gas boilers depend on their type of finish (degree of flammability).

Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler on a partition or wall made of combustible materials is prohibited. Accordingly, installing a wall-mounted gas boiler as a heating equipment on a wooden wall without additional measures is impossible. The boiler is not hung on a fireproof wall or partition, not closer than 2 cm. You also need to move at least 2 cm away from the side wall, but more is better. As a rule, this distance is ensured by the mounting system of the boiler itself. It is allowed to install equipment on structures made of combustible materials, protected by plaster, ceramic tiles, metal sheet in combination with asbestos. The protection should protrude to the sides and down beyond the dimensions heating installation 10 cm or more and 70 cm up.

Wooden walls must be protected. Behind the sheet of metal there must be asbestos with a thickness of at least 3 mm

Gas boiler installation floor type is carried out maintaining the same distances from the walls, the floor must be made of non-combustible materials. Wooden floors should be protected with steel over an asbestos sheet with a thickness of 3 mm. Distance from front panel heating device to the wall opposite - at least a meter. The values ​​prescribed by the standards must be supplemented by the parameters specified in the instructions for the boiler. For example, the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers is often regulated by manufacturers at 30-50, which is much higher than the minimum requirements.

Connecting the gas supply, test run and setting up complex automation must be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate approval

Installation of heating equipment requires special care, accuracy, and compliance with regulations. Do-it-yourself installation is possible, but only in the part that does not touch the gas. The connection and inspection of the gas supply must be carried out by a licensed specialist who will sign one of the many documents required to approve the gasification of the house.

Gas heating is still the most economical way to heat residential buildings. Since gas is a dangerous substance, when installing gas system heating, you need to take into account a lot of requirements and standards. In particular, owners of houses and apartments need to know how to properly install a gas boiler. This article will discuss the installation standards for a gas boiler.

The requirements for the installation of gas heating equipment must be complied with, otherwise the boiler simply will not be allowed to be put into operation. For different situations Each has its own rules and must be considered separately.

Standards for private houses

According to the regulations, gas heating equipment can only be placed in rooms with good ventilation, which are located:

  • On the first floor of the building;
  • At the plinth level or in the basement;
  • In the attic;
  • In the kitchen (only boilers with a power of no more than 35 kW are suitable for installation in kitchens).

In the latter case, it is necessary to take into account not one standard, but two at once. The first of them allows you to install units with a power of up to 35 kW, and the second - up to 60 kW. These standards refer only to heating equipment - no requirements are imposed on any other devices using gas.

To know exactly what standard needs to be followed in a particular situation, you need to contact your local gas service - it is their employees who will put the equipment into operation after installation. Information about current standards can also be obtained from the designer - after all, the source of information special significance no, only the result is important.

The result in in this case is an understanding of the rules for installing gas boilers. In addition, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what kind of room is needed for a gas boiler so that it can be installed and put into operation, having gone through the stage of coordination with the relevant services.

The placement of a gas boiler in a private house, depending on its total power, should be carried out as follows:

  • Power up to 150 kW - installation is possible on any floor where there is a free separate room;
  • Power from 150 to 350 kW - equipment can be installed in a separate room no higher than the first floor, as well as in extensions.

If the equipment power exceeds 350 kW, then it is prohibited to use it in private homes.

Standards for installing a gas boiler in the kitchen

If the kitchen is selected as a site for installing gas heating or water heating equipment with a power of no more than 60 kW, the room must meet several requirements:

  • The total volume of the room for installing a gas boiler must exceed 15 m3, and another cubic meter is added for each kilowatt of boiler power;
  • The height of the room must exceed 2.5 m;
  • Ventilation system must provide exhaust hood three times the size of the room;
  • The air flow through the ventilation system should also be three times the volume of the room, and this value does not include the part of the air spent on the combustion process;
  • The room under the gas boiler must have a window with a window (the area of ​​the window is selected depending on the thickness of the glass);
  • The room door should not be located close to the floor, but at such a distance that the total gap area exceeds 0.025 m2.

There is an additional rule that is not noted in the standards, but requires fulfillment - gas heating equipment can only be installed in those rooms that have a door. Failure to comply with this rule (as well as all others) always leads to refusal to put the boiler into operation.

Today, meeting the requirement for a door in a room with a gas boiler can be problematic. IN modern construction there is a tendency to remove most partitions and form arches in doorways. The solution to the problem could be non-standard options doors. A good option are glass doors, which do not overload the interior, but perform their function.

Requirements for individual premises

Boiler rooms located in separate rooms must meet a number of requirements, which are very similar to the previous ones:

  • The ceiling must be at a height of over 2.5 m;
  • The area and volume of the room are selected depending on individual preferences, but the minimum allowable volume is 15 m3;
  • Each wall of the boiler room must have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours and no flame spread (brick, concrete and building blocks);
  • Ventilation is subject to the same requirements as when installing a boiler in the kitchen - three times the outflow and the same amount of air intake, increased by the volume of oxygen consumed during the combustion process;
  • The room must have at least one window with a glazing area of ​​0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume.

When installing gas boilers with a power of over 150 kW, it must be possible to exit the boiler room directly onto the street. Placing a gas boiler in an individual residential building assumes that the equipment cannot be adjacent to living rooms. In any case, the boiler room must be equipped exclusively with fire doors.

Important point– the room standards for installing a gas boiler take into account the area of ​​the glazing, and not the size of the window itself. In some situations, it is regulated that the room must have at least one glass with an area of ​​more than 0.8 m2. If necessary, such a window can even be placed in the door - there are no rules about its location in the regulations, and in this case there is no need to track the distance from the boiler to the window.

Extension of boiler rooms

Of course, it is very convenient to have a separate room for gas equipment, but this is not always possible, and you have to think about where to place a gas boiler in a private house under such conditions. The solution to the problem is to add a boiler room.

The standards in this case coincide with those described above, but there are a number of additional requirements:

  • The boiler room can only be attached to a solid wall;
  • The distance between the nearest window or door should be more than one meter;
  • The boiler room can only be laid out using non-combustible materials that can last at least 0.75 hours before ignition;
  • The walls of the boiler room itself must be erected separately from the main building - i.e. you will need your own foundation and four new walls.

In order for a gas line to be installed into an equipped boiler room, the building must be registered. In the absence of appropriate documents, representatives of the gas service will simply refuse to approve the equipment, even if all standards are met.

If the main building has not yet been built, then during the design process you need to find out what the room for the gas boiler should be like and comply with all the requirements, otherwise putting the boiler into operation will be impossible. When installing a boiler in an already constructed building, you can allow small deviations in some parameters, but they must be compensated for by others.

Installation of a gas boiler in combined kitchens

In modern construction, the arrangement of studio apartments or layouts in which the living room and kitchen are combined into one large space is actively practiced. Of course, such a solution has a lot of advantages - for example, it opens up a large portion of free space, which is perfect for implementing all kinds of design ideas.

The problem is that gas services similar layouts are regarded as residential, therefore the installation of any gas equipment in them is prohibited. In studios this problem cannot be solved, but when combining a living room with a kitchen, options are possible.

So, it is quite possible to call the room “kitchen-dining room” during the paperwork process. Thanks to this name, the combined room will not be considered residential, so you can safely install a gas boiler in it. Another option is installation sliding partition between rooms or a complete re-issuance of all certification papers.

Gas boiler location

In apartments, gas boilers are usually placed in the kitchen, which is determined by the presence of all the necessary communications, and the distance from the gas pipe to the boiler is maintained without problems. Typically used for apartments wall-mounted boilers, which are attached to the walls using special brackets included with the equipment.

If the house has a staircase leading to the top floor, the owners have a desire to install a boiler under it. As a rule, the volume of space under the stairs is enough for a boiler, but there are problems with ventilation, so it has to be arranged separately using large-diameter pipes.

Deciding where to install a boiler in a private home depends on the format of the equipment and the requirements specified in the attached documentation. The boiler passport always indicates the required distances from the walls, ceiling and opposite wall, and you should definitely focus on these indicators.

Installation features according to SNIP

  1. Installation of gas boilers is only possible on walls made of non-combustible materials. The distance from the gas boiler to the wall must exceed 2 cm.
  2. If the walls are still subject to combustion, they must be protected with fireproof material. The most common options are a layer of asbestos with a metal sheet, plaster over 3 cm thick, ceramic tile or mineral wool cardboard.
  3. On the sides, the distance from the boiler to the wall must be at least 10 cm. If the walls are made of flammable materials, this distance increases to 25 cm.
  4. A gas boiler can only be installed on a substrate made of non-combustible material. In the case of wooden coverings, special supports are made from tiles or bricks, which provide the necessary fire resistance. Reason for floor devices should be at least 10 cm wider than the dimensions of the boiler itself.


When installing gas heating boilers, it is necessary to take into account the standards for installing a gas boiler in a private house or apartment. Since this equipment requires approval from gas services, all standards must be observed, otherwise it will not be possible to put the boiler into operation.

Installation of gas equipment (boiler) is a practical necessity during the cold season. Gas boilers come in floor-standing and wall type fixation. Rules for installing gas equipment, requirements for the premises - all this must be taken into account at the stage of installing the heating system. For safe installation with gas equipment, it is worth carefully studying all the subtleties that this procedure involves.

Premises requirements

There are a few regulatory documents regulating the requirements and installation standards steam equipment high pressure. Below is a list of collected requirements for a room intended for the installation of gas equipment.

List of requirements:

Boiler room volume

Regulatory documents and safety requirements must be taken into account when installing gas equipment, since improper handling can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Rules for installing and connecting gas boiler equipment

Before you begin installing gas equipment of the type in question in a private home, you will need to prepare certain documents, and then carry out the required actions, which are the rules.

Rules for installing gas boilers:

  • A contract with the supplier regarding the supply of natural combustible material will be required;
  • Gas equipment must be installed installation organization, specializing in providing this type of service;
  • Technical conditions, as well as the equipment installation project, must be agreed upon with the gas service representative at the location where the system is installed. Project documentation, as a rule, is developed by specialized institutes with the appropriate license for this type activities;
  • Heating system up to P=1.8 atm.;
  • An engineer from the regional or district gas service arrives at the site, after which he checks the correct connection natural gas in the furnace and kitchen. The engineer also checks compliance with the requirements put forward by equipment of this type;
  • The valve opens only if the engineer has not identified any violations;
  • There must be no air in the system;
  • All connections are checked for leaks;
  • A voltage stabilizer is installed, as well as an uninterruptible power supply;
  • It is not allowed to add antifreeze to heating water, as this can damage the sealing gaskets and then lead to leaks in the home heating system.

Important. Compliance with the rules and requirements are mandatory measures for the arrangement.

Wall-mounted boiler: preparation and installation

It is advisable to prepare for the installation of a gas boiler before purchasing the equipment. Thus, the equipment of the device is checked, and attention is paid to the presence of fastening elements. If fasteners are missing, you will need to purchase them separately. The product you purchase must be certified. Needs to be verified serial number V accompanying documents with those marked on inside doors. You also need to check the characteristics.

Before you begin installing the equipment on the wall, you need to rinse the internal tubes, to do this, remove the shipping plugs and pass them through the boiler under slight pressure. During the assembly process of the equipment, small debris may have gotten inside the tubes, which simply needs to be removed.

According to the requirements, the wall on which the gas boiler will be installed must be made of non-combustible material. If the wall is made of flammable material, you will need to cover it with a special layer of heat-resistant coating, the thickness of which will be at least 3 millimeters. The boiler is fixed at a distance of 45 millimeters from the wall. Only after careful preparation as described above can you proceed with a safe and correct installation.

Installation sequence:

It is important to know! After connecting the gas equipment, only an employee of the gas organization has the right to open the valve and then put the boiler into operation. They also check the connection, location of the boiler and compliance with other standards and requirements.

Floor-standing boiler: preparation and installation

In most cases, a floor-standing boiler is used for heating premises. large areas. The installation of such equipment often involves distributing the coolant over several floors of the house. As in the case of a boiler wall version execution, it all starts with choice. Before choosing your home, you will need to mentally imagine the location of the pipes in the boiler room.

Taking into account the significant mass of the floor-standing boiler, it is necessary to provide it with a solid foundation. If the floor is wooden, and at the same time quite durable, pour concrete screed is considered an optional action. To do this, you need to lay a sheet of galvanized iron, the dimensions of which are slightly larger than the base of the device. It can coincide on the sides with the dimensions of the device, but on the formal side it should protrude by 30 centimeters, and this is the minimum distance.

Sequence of work:

By following all the steps to install and connect gas equipment to the heating system, observing the requirements of regulatory documents, knowing the rules and listening to the recommendations of experienced professionals, a high-quality work process and subsequent reliable results become possible.

Own mini-boiler rooms are a convenient way to heat a private home. Modern units with extremely high efficiency useful action and the possibility of smooth adjustment allow you to effectively heat rooms of any size. Their popularity is also due to the affordable cost of gas. Technical standards there are strict requirements for the premises for installing a gas boiler, failure to comply with which can lead to an emergency.

Today, gas boilers are the most popular for heating a home.

Preparatory activities

Before installing the heating system, you will have to collect a considerable amount permitting documentation, prepare a project, bypass a number of authorities. Strict requirements to the room for a gas boiler are determined dangerous properties gas, which is an explosive substance.

The owner of the premises must independently study the standards and SNiPs, which describe all the rules and standards for placing equipment in residential premises. Issues of gas supply to suburban households and the rules for using gas-powered equipment are regulated by SNiP 31−02−2001. After this, the home owner needs to contact the appropriate design service, which will draw up technical specifications. The finished design documentation will become the basis and a clear plan for further installation.

In this video you can see how to properly and safely place a boiler room in your home:

When submitting an application to the gas supply service, you must provide the following information:

  • expected volume of blue fuel consumption;
  • Availability gas appliances in room ( gas stove or instantaneous water heaters);
  • area of ​​the heated room.

A gas boiler makes it possible to set the microclimate that suits you without being tied to central heating and water supply

Specialists review the application and decide whether it is possible to install a boiler in this room. If the conditions for installing a gas boiler in a private house do not comply with safety requirements, the applicant will receive a justified refusal. The possibility of installing a heating system is considered in each individual case; there are no standard projects.

If the solution is satisfactory, the owner of the premises receives a project with technical conditions. During the installation of gas equipment, they must be strictly observed, otherwise specialists will identify inconsistencies and violations during inspection, which may result in a refusal to start the system or subsequent corrections.

Development and approval of the project

Installation work without a design permitting installation heating boiler, are prohibited. First of all, this is due to high degree dangers of the work performed and further operation of the equipment.

When drawing up design documentation, the features of the premises are taken into account. It must comply with all the requirements specified in the technical specifications. In addition, the project indicates a drawing for laying gas supply communications:

  • in private houses - throughout the area up to front door in a residential building;
  • in apartments - from the front door to the point where the boiler is connected to the gas network.

When installing heating boilers, it is necessary to create a project, this is due to the high degree of danger of this structure

The preparation of such documentation can only be carried out by authorized persons who have received a license to similar works and are responsible for all payments. The owners of the premises are prohibited from editing anything or making adjustments at their own discretion. Prepared project documents are subsequently sent for approval. This issue is being dealt with technical department on gas supply. Review may take from several days to several months, depending on the complexity of the drawings and the characteristics of the premises.

Along with the project for which boiler equipment will be installed, the following must be submitted for approval:

  • technical passport of the unit;
  • installation and operating instructions;
  • certificates confirming the boiler’s compliance with sanitary and technical standards;
  • confirmation of an examination of the boiler, revealing its compliance with safety standards.

When choosing heating equipment, you need to know what gas boilers are and their characteristics

The buyer receives all these documents when purchasing equipment. If it was not possible to achieve a positive decision on the installation, you need to pay attention to the reason for the refusal. Specialists reviewing the project are required to list the actions the implementation of which will subsequently allow obtaining permission. Once the documents are approved, you can proceed to installation work.

Eligibility Conditions

According to the requirements, the installation of gas boilers in a private house must be carried out in a separate non-residential premises, provided that its power exceeds 30 kW. Well suited for mini-boiler room equipment basement or any structure attached to the cottage. This allows you to heat not only the main living area, but also technical rooms.

Gas boilers do not create noise or soot, and can heat rooms up to 300 sq.m.

A residential building is equipped with a boiler room if the following conditions are met:

  • area per boiler - at least 4 square meters;
  • ceiling height - from 2200 mm;
  • the presence of a window is required (as a source natural light) with an area of ​​at least 0.5 square meters;
  • door opening - from 800 mm;
  • the distance from the boiler to the entrance to the room is at least 1300 mm;
  • the distance from the boiler to the wall is at least 1300-1500 mm, which is due to the need to access the equipment in case of breakdown or maintenance;
  • the floor covering must be made of non-flammable, non-combustible material.

It is recommended to insulate the surface of the walls to which the boiler is closest with heat-resistant materials. The unit must be placed horizontally; vibration and noise level during operation depend on its stability. In the room where the boilers are located, everyone electrical outlets there must be a grounding circuit, which is due to the connection individual elements to the power supply network (pump, ignition).

A supply is required in a mini-boiler room cold water, and in the floor there is a drainage system for removing coolant. Access to the inspection window must be free, since cleaning is carried out regularly due to clogging of the channels.

Installation of chimney and ventilation

Floor standing boilers are different high power, but wall-mounted ones allow you to save space, especially in small apartments

The ventilation system, like the chimney, is necessary for the normal, uninterrupted operation of the heating system, as well as to prevent an emergency fire or explosion. They are equipped separately, and for admission fresh air a forced ventilation duct is installed. The entrance window is located at the bottom of the entrance door or external ceiling; its size is at least 1/30 of the entire area of ​​the room. To prevent air circulation, ventilation ducts must not be blocked.

The location of the boiler is preferable directly next to the chimney pipe. If it is located in the wall, two windows are equipped - the main one and the inspection window. The pipe outlet is equipped directly to the street or through other rooms through pipes.

It is appropriate to equip separate rooms as boiler rooms in case of installation of floor-standing boilers. They are characterized by more bulky dimensions compared to wall models and block the passage in the room. Floor standing boilers are different more power , but wall-mounted ones are convenient to use even in apartment buildings. Such equipment already provides coaxial pipe, removing combustion products and simultaneously providing air flow.

Requirements for kitchen premises

Not all houses have the opportunity to allocate separate room for boiler room equipment. In addition, if the power of the unit does not exceed 30 kW, then it is allowed to be installed in kitchen areas. At the same time, they must meet the approved requirements:

  • the distance from the boiler to the wall surface is at least 10 cm;
  • distance to ceiling - at least 15 cm;
  • no hood (for models with open camera combustion);
  • The volume of the room is at least 15 cubic meters.

Ventilation can be provided by a grille mounted at the bottom of the door or by leaving a gap in the window frame.

Should be strictly adhered to certain requirements to ensure the safe operation of such equipment in the kitchen

The listed requirements are common to everyone who wants to install in own home autonomous system heating. However, the main basis for permission to install a gas boiler will be technical conditions, which are considered by specialists individually for each object.