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Where should the entrance doors open? Where should the front door open according to Vastu Shastra?

The question is, in which direction should the entrance doors open? different traditions solved differently.

Since ancient times in Russian villages they opened only to the inside of the hut. Heavy snowfalls and blizzards often occur in winter. The entrance may be blocked by a huge snowdrift. If the door opens outwards, then it is simply impossible to leave the house. If you go inside, you can simply open it and blaze a path in the right direction. In many villages this rule is still observed, born out of experience and common sense.

Feng Shui and proper door installation

The philosophy of Feng Shui is completely in agreement with Russian traditions. According to this doctrine, through the entrance doors one enters the home positive energy good luck qi. The correct opening of the front door is towards the inside of the building. This way it will not block the path to the flow of qi. Swinging the door outward changes their direction, driving away good luck and prosperity.

For the free flow of qi energy, it is also important that secret vertical “arrows” are not directed at the entrance: spiers of neighboring buildings, lamp posts, gutters, sharp corners. They worsen the feng shui of the home. To accumulate good energy, you can hang a lantern in front of the entrance of the house (it is important that the place is well lit). Feng Shui experts advise people living on the upper floors to hang a small round mirror above the front door. It will reflect the flow of bad energy.

Where should the front door open according to Vastu Shastra?

Hindu philosophy Vastu Shastra advises installing the main door in the house so that it opens inward and only clockwise. This will attract good luck and health. Top destinations for entrance equipment - east and north. From the east, the powerful energy of the rising Sun penetrates into the house. She brings health, fulfillment of desires, fame and clarity of mind. Streams of energy from the north bring fertility and luck in all matters.

The southern and western directions are extremely undesirable. South according to Vastu is the zone of influence of Yama. In Hinduism this is the name of the god of death. Energy coming from the south brings disease, destruction and death. West and southwest are under the strong influence of Rahu. This is a shadow planet with negative energy. It hinders all good endeavors and brings illness and poverty.

Like feng shui, Vastu focuses on ensuring that there are no large obstacles (trees, lamp posts, etc.) in front of the main entrance. They slow down good energy flows.

Convenience and fire safety rules

According to the norms fire safety, Entrance door must open onto the landing. In the event of a fire, it will not block the entrance or become an obstacle to the movement of panicked people. If for a small landing several doors at once, all of them are installed so as not to interfere with each other (i.e., opening inward).

If all neighboring doors swing outward, they will interfere with each other and not all residents will be able to quickly evacuate from the burning house. For the arrangement of a private mansion, the rules are not so strict. In it, the front door can open in any direction.

The emergence and widespread use of tongue-and-groove slabs/partitions is due to the achievement of reducing the cost and labor intensity of laying interior partitions. It is worth specifying the GWP in more detail.

Advantages of building material

GWP ( tongue-and-groove slabs) are an inexpensive, neat solution to the problem of prompt redevelopment of any home, both during the work of professional construction workers, and for reproducing the construction and redevelopment of a home with your own hands. When using PGP for arranging interior, and even inter-apartment, wall partitions, each user is guaranteed to be insured against dirt, excess garbage and monetary costs. The complete absence of mountains of garbage and minimal labor costs are due to the fact that you don’t have to use any cement mortar , as in activities with brickwork
, and install a partition system, as when installing plasterboard slabs. During construction interior partitions

  • tongue-and-groove plates have distinctive advantages:
  • Easy to install;
  • Possibility of installing partitions without special equipment;
  • No wet processes;
  • Immediately after the construction of the partitions, you can paste them with wallpaper; To move to, it is only necessary to carry out finishing putty;
  • tongue-and-groove tile material easy to saw, plane, nail and mill;
  • Save money effective area premises.
  • Tongue-and-groove hollow slabs have a clear advantage over conventional wall floors that are familiar to everyone. Although they are lighter, the strength characteristics are identical. Hollow structures reduce transportation costs and significantly save on final work.

    Material properties

    The properties of a hollow tongue-and-groove slab include the following indicators:

  • Soundproofing
  • The sound insulation level of such a slab is 43 dB. Specified value equal to the level of sound protection in luxury homes.

  • Strength
  • If during installation attachments the correct fasteners are selected, then the plate with two fastening points can withstand a weight of up to 200 kg. The most reliable type of fastener is a dowel.

  • Non-flammable
  • Thanks to this property, electrical wiring and small-diameter pipelines can be laid in hidden longitudinal voids.
    Co standard sizes tongue-and-groove slabs different types You can refer to the table below:

    The research results proved that the breaking load for ordinary slabs was 874 kgf, and for moisture-resistant ones - 907 kgf. At the same time, similar Russian and European standards for minimum destructive force are more than 170 kgf.
    Using a tongue-and-groove partition for installation doorways you can do without additional work. To install doorways with standard width 90 centimeters there is no need to resort to reinforcement.
    High level tongue-and-groove sheets gained popularity when developers began selling apartments without interior partitions. Buyers had the opportunity not only to get creative in creating unique interior in your home, but also to solve a difficult task that is associated with all the features of the repair.

    How to update an old one wooden door with your own hands at home?

    Installation of wall ceilings

    The popularity of tongue-and-groove material lies in its economy and simplicity. Nowadays, the task of any builder is to complete repairs with the least material, labor and time costs. If tongue-and-groove partition slabs are used in construction, then one qualified craftsman can build up to 30 sq.m. during one work shift. partitions. No other materials allow you to work at such speed.
    Installation of interior partitions made of tongue-and-groove slabs is quite simple. Any craftsman who does not have special construction skills can handle the typical process. In order to install a partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs, you must adhere to temperature regime in room. Thus, installation should be carried out at temperatures above +5°C. Before installation, the material must lie in the room for at least 24 hours. As an adhesive for its installation, a putty mixture is used in the base, which includes a gypsum binder.

  • It is necessary to remove dirt and dust from all surfaces that are located near the future structure.
  • It is recommended to create a partition marking and project it onto the walls of the room. A plumb line is used for this.
  • If it is necessary to level the floor surface, you should first begin this process by laying a layer cement-sand mortar regarding all requirements and standards for floor arrangement and leveling.
  • PGP sheets must be installed horizontally with the groove up. All slabs that are in the first row should have their ridges removed. The tongue-and-groove sheet is quite easy to process, so it will not be difficult to cut it with a hacksaw with a wide blade or a jigsaw.
  • After this, all the slabs of the first row are assembled, and the structure is checked with a level for horizontalness.
  • Then you can proceed to installing the second row of slabs. For this assembly adhesive applied to the groove of the bottom row, as well as to the crest of the sheet being mounted. They are carefully assembled and checked for density.
  • After installing the row, it is important to remove any remaining adhesive from the surface.
  • It is very important that the slabs are installed out of order and that the vertical lines do not coincide. Additional elements are cut out in stages.
    You must constantly evaluate the verticality of the structure using a plumb line.

  • In order to save material, the last row of the slab can already be installed vertically. The space between the ceiling and the structure must be filled with mounting adhesive.
  • This installation method is called hard. It is used where there are no special requirements for sound insulation.

    5 /5 (1 )

    Any construction is carried out according to the project. This also applies to where the interior door should open. Factors influencing this can be identified.
    The design is based on building codes and regulations (SNiP), fire safety rules. The main conditions when installing doors are safety in the event of emergency and unhindered evacuation if it occurs.

    Based on this, in places where people gather, in work premises (offices, organizations of different profiles), it is impossible to change the direction of opening the doors without approval from the fire inspection authorities. The principle of opening is only from the room into the corridor towards the main exit.

    The entrance door opens to the outside of the apartment and must be installed strictly according to the design. If you decide to change the opening side, then this should not prevent (block) the neighbors from leaving the apartment.

    It happens that an incorrectly deployed door touches the neighbor’s and catches it, which is unacceptable. Hence the conclusion - doors should allow you to freely enter and exit the apartment for security reasons, plus be convenient to use.

    Now let's talk where they should open interior doors in the apartment. Here the canvases are installed according to the drawings, but the owner himself can change the opening. This is dictated by ease of use, the location of openings in the wall, the size of the room, and the location of the windows.

    And also, the number of rooms opening onto one corridor, its area, and other points. Therefore, for each situation, you can define rules that take into account where the interior door should open.

    Options for opening interior doors

    Single door model

    When choosing a design, it is based on its best location and ease of use. There are several types of opening models:

    Single-leaf swing doors are the most commonly used design, as they close tightly around the perimeter, which increases sound insulation and thermal insulation of the room.

    They are easy to install, the design is simple and clear, the opening side can be any, depending on external factors.

    Double door

    Swing double doors - these designs are more suitable for large premises. These are mainly places with large crowds of people (conference halls, cinemas and other institutions). Often in country houses or apartments with improved layout large area they look quite aesthetically pleasing.

    The accordion sliding door is installed in rooms with a small area, narrow corridor, so the swing option, when opening into the room, will not allow you to place any furniture in its path.
    If the hallway or corridor is narrow, then when turning in their direction, the swing model will block the free movement of other family members. The accordion helps out because it folds without taking up extra space.

    Sliding models are similar in functionality to accordion doors, as they save space. They can zone an area and block fairly large openings where another type is unacceptable.
    But in terms of soundproofing characteristics and heat retention, the two above types are inferior to swing options. So choose according to your room parameters, noise and thermal insulation requirements, where the interior door should open.

    Location of interior doors

    We all live in apartments, dormitories, and other dwellings, where door blocks are installed everywhere. Today, apartments are bought in the “gray version” - without finishing, door leaves, even without partitions.
    To bring them to " white version", you will have to install interior doors as well. I'll explain general principles, which can be followed when determining the direction of rotation.

    Interior doors from small rooms should open into a large room.

    The bathroom door opens outwards, as does the toilet door for safety reasons. For example, if after taking a bath an elderly person becomes ill, he will fall at the exit, blocking the opening. If it opens outward, then he will receive help, but if it opens inside, then it will be difficult to get into the bathroom.

    In addition to security, there is also constraint. How will you get into the toilet when you open the door inward if the door hits the toilet? There are also such small toilets. And the bathrooms in old houses are so small that there is no room to turn around.

    When installing door panels, make sure that they do not partially block the space of the room; place them with the opening towards the wall.

    The interior door, when open, should not cover the switch or sockets, so as not to bypass it - this is the convenience of installation. So the concept of where interior doors should open is a matter of comfort.

    The door from the kitchen opens into the corridor, and with a normal area of ​​the room, eating can be done inside, to the nearby wall, so proceed from the situation.

    Often in the kitchen the canvas is removed and an arch is arranged, but this is not for everyone. Not everyone likes the fact that when cooking, all couples go into the rooms unhindered. It is better to close the door, cook food, ventilate, and then open it.

    If there are one or more windows in the room, then when you open the interior door, you should contemplate not a blank wall, but the windows and the space of the room.

    Opening doors in the apartment

    1 – correct; 2 – incorrect; 3 – door – accordion.

    In bedrooms, if they are adjacent to a sanitary cabin, it is better to open the doors inward to the adjacent wall, and not outward, so that the door does not block the passage when open.

    The living room is the largest room in terms of area, so the door opens inward, and if the area is not so hot, then install a sliding model. I have a narrow and long corridor and the door from the hallway was moved into it.

    The corridor, divided by an opening, began to visually appear wider and lighter. I made the accordion door myself according to my drawings according to the width of the cut opening, and installed it myself. It’s very convenient, doesn’t interfere, doesn’t take up extra space, and there’s no question about where the interior door should open.

    The only thing that, when moving the doorway, was to coordinate this nuance and legitimize it. MBTI took measurements, and based on them they issued a new technical passport. Moving the opening is considered redevelopment.

    In a narrow passage, make sure that the canvases do not touch each other, so that you do not “get entangled” in them. That's why there are doors that open left and right (hinged).

    Often built-in wardrobes are installed in corridors and hallways. As a rule, narrow hinged doors are installed here that open outward and do not create inconvenience. But if the hallway is small, then you can install sliding doors.

    The arrangement of the paintings should be such that when the door is open you can move freely around the apartment. If a door opens somewhere and hits the wall, install stops.

    If it is inconvenient to use any of the doors, reinstall it. I did this with door frames upon exiting the loggia. As a rule, they all open into the room, creating a “dead zone” around them for installing pieces of furniture. And the tulle kept clinging to the canvas.

    I turned all the boxes, and the canvases began to open onto the loggia; it’s good that they are 1.5 meters wide. It has become much more convenient, and the entire area near the loggia is free, you can place some furniture. My friends followed my example and were also pleased.

    If you are just planning a renovation, then consider in advance the most rational option for where the interior door should open. If it is already installed and causes discomfort when using it, then reinstall it.

    Where and how should doors open according to fire safety rules?

    Right installed door is a guarantor of the safety of those living or working in the entire premises or in separate rooms people in case of emergency. In addition, for “wrong” doors, the owner of the house faces serious fines or even legal proceedings. Therefore, when installing all types of door structures in an apartment or office, it is important to follow fire safety rules. And for this it is important to know how and where (that is, in which direction) the “correct” doors open.

    Often during a fire, people may have a collective panic attack. The life and health of those in the room may depend on every detail of its arrangement. One of the most important details is correct installation and the correct location of the doors. In this regard, there are certain fire safety standards that must be strictly adhered to. Doors must be positioned correctly and open in the right direction in order to become assistants in saving people at a critical moment.

    How and where do entrance doors open correctly?

    This material is a must-learn for both apartment and residential owners and owners of offices and factories. The primary rules for placing doors are simple: structures should not interfere with each other, and they must open “to the street” in order to avoid obstructing the exit of the population.

    In apartments and residential buildings is considered an evacuation door and therefore always opens “to the exit”. This will speed up the exit of people from the premises in case of fire. Also, you cannot change the direction of opening doors or install additional ones if they may interfere with the emergency exit of residents of neighboring apartments.

    Important! For public buildings(most often) the same rule applies: doors in parts important to the evacuation plan open outward.

    How to properly install interior doors

    Doors in living areas can open both inward and outward. However, in small rooms such as a toilet or bathroom, they must open outwards. This fact will help you quickly leave the room if an emergency occurs. As for other parts of the living quarters, it is correct for doors to open into a larger room. For example, the doors in the opening between the corridor and the hall open into the hall.

    It swings open into a larger part of the room so that those entering can see its entire space. When the entrance is located in a corner, the door should open towards the nearest wall. If the entrance door is located in the middle of the wall, the doors should open towards the switch. This is done to quickly and conveniently turn on the light.

    If two interior doors are located next to each other, they should not touch each other when opening. And, even more important for safety, adjacent doors should not block one another.

    For public buildings that are regularly occupied a large number of people, one more rule applies: doors leading to a corridor or hall that is often filled with workers or visitors must open inward, that is, towards themselves. This protects people passing through the external premises from impacts and injuries.

    Escape doors

    According to SNiP rules, wooden and metal evacuation doors must open in the direction of evacuation, that is, to the street.

    • private houses;
    • offices in which less than one and a half dozen people constantly work;
    • storage rooms less than 200 m2 in size;
    • sanitary facilities.

    Doors in the boiler room

    Boiler rooms are part of both residential and public premises and buildings, or be located nearby. For premises of this type, two basic rules apply:

    1. The boiler room door facing the street opens outwards.
    2. Doors from the boiler room to another room or room open into the boiler room. This is done to protect people and property in case of an explosion.

    Thus, most often doors (especially entrance ones) open outward. This rule applies to both residential and office premises. This and other fire safety standards for opening doors are aimed at ensuring the safety of people in the building.

    Which way should the door open: video

    This question arises for almost everyone who decides to purchase a new one. door block. There is no definite answer to this, since it is necessary to take into account some features of the structure in which they will be installed, as well as the existing Building Codes and Rules and requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    First you need to figure out which door is called “right” and which is called “left”. And it's not that simple. The fact is that in many European countries the opening side is determined when the door is positioned “away from you”, while in Russia - from the opening side “towards you”. Hence the difference: Russians consider doors with a handle on the right to be “left”, and doors with a handle to the left – “right”. But in Europe it's the other way around.

    In order to avoid confusion and difficulties in selection, many manufacturers prefer to install universal hinges on their products, although this option is not entirely convenient. Universal hinges, as a rule, are one-piece, and in order to remove the canvas it is necessary to completely dismantle the hinges.

    There is another way out - when going to a door salon, have a floor plan with you indicating the location of the doors. Experienced consultants themselves will determine the desired side of the door swing and tell you which hinges are best to use for installation.

    Where doors should open according to fire safety rules

    Another important point: according to SNiP, doors in apartment buildings must be installed with outward opening, since from the point of view of fire safety this is the most suitable option. In the event of evacuation or carrying out a wounded person on a stretcher, such a door does not pose a serious obstacle, which cannot be said about a door that opens inward. However, it is not always convenient to install an outward opening door, especially when it comes to apartment building. It is important to coordinate the direction of plowing the canvas with the nearest neighbors, since opened door should not interfere with the emergency evacuation of people living nearby in the event of a fire or any other emergency.

    On the other hand, if the standards established by the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not met, the owner of the “wrong” door will face fines, and in some cases, legal proceedings, which in any case will not acquit the violator. In order to change the opening side, you do not need permission from the BTI, since this event is not a redevelopment. But no oral, or even written, agreements with neighbors relieve the owner of an incorrectly installed door from liability.

    But for owners of private households there are no restrictions - doors can be installed in any direction and changed direction without any approval from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    Concerning administrative buildings and enterprises, there are also certain requirements. If a door opens into a hall or corridor that is intended to accommodate a large crowd of people, it should open toward itself. This is necessary in order to avoid bruises and injuries passing along the corridor. In other cases, entrance doors must unconditionally be installed with outward opening.

    The issue of installing a door and changing the direction of its swinging must be approached with special responsibility. If you need to buy an entrance door, contact trusted manufacturers, large, well-known companies. This will not only allow you to purchase a door High Quality, but also get advice regarding the direction of opening. The fact is that consultants and managers of such companies, as a rule, undergo special training and know all the intricacies of selecting the right one in terms of direction door design. One of such enterprises is the Gerda company.