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Design projects of small apartments. Storing things in a small apartment. Small tile backsplash

Everyone wants to live in a cozy, nice apartment, where everything is done with taste, and all objects are in harmony with each other, creating together a single stylish space. And if in spacious apartments This is not so difficult to do, but with miniature ones you will have to work hard. Designers unanimously declare that what smaller apartment, the more difficult it is to equip it correctly, and when drawing up projects and plans, literally every millimeter is taken into account, because you need to arrange all the areas necessary for life, not forgetting about storage places, decorations and other elements.

Small apartments are not such a rarity now, so there are already many successful examples, many have accumulated useful tips, which everyone can use if they wish.

No. 1. Light colors are a priority

White color and that's all bright hues are capable of creating a real miracle, expanding even the smallest space. Try not to use dark and saturated shades, which will only emphasize main drawback apartments are a lack of free space. You can use both cold and warm shades: the former are ideal in sunny apartments, the latter will be appropriate in those rooms that face north.

Light shades perfectly reflect light, so the apartment will seem visually more spacious in any lighting. But in an effort to make the room as bright as possible, it is important not to overdo it and not turn it into a surgical ward, otherwise the room will lose its coziness and feeling of home comfort. So everyone is welcome pastel shades, monochrome, as well as the use of bright details. You can paint one of the walls a different shade, or hang a noticeable picture, because this can distract the attention of those entering from the lack of free space.

Nice welcome – no doors: in place doorways you can create, additionally highlight them, in as a last resort, install sliding doors, and when possible keep them open. This way, light from neighboring rooms will enter the room, and overall it will seem somewhat larger than it actually is.

No. 3. Making the ceiling higher

The problem with many rooms is... You can solve this problem if you use some tricks when decorating the room: try highlight the ceiling more light color than the walls, even if by one tone. This is not difficult to do, but the effect will be amazing.

But there are other ways to make the ceiling visually a little higher. So, in progress is underway vertical stripe, which can decorate one of the walls, correct lighting, and reflective surfaces. If the ceiling is glossy stretch or mirrored, then the space of the room will be reflected in it, which means it will be difficult to immediately determine where the walls end and the ceiling begins, and this will benefit the owners of small apartments. In addition, being in such a place, although visually, is more high room, it will be much more comfortable.

No. 4. Lighting

Lighting plays one of the key roles in the perception of space: it is important that all areas of the room, every corner, are bright enough. Otherwise, all the dark places will emphasize the boundaries of the room, making it smaller than it is. There is also no need to overdo it with lighting so that the room does not look too formal and uncomfortable.

Instead of a large chandelier, it is better to use flat lampshade, under which several light bulbs can hide: this way there will be enough light, but you will be able to save money usable space. Perfect option - spot lighting around the entire perimeter of the room. By the way, it is often combined with glossy stretch ceilings, which reflect light and make the room brighter and larger. In any case, spot lighting provides optimal light for the room.

Do not forget that each zone in a room in a small apartment needs its own lighting: in, for example, in addition to general lighting, lamps are also needed near the recreation area, about working area, over paintings or TV. The same goes for the bedroom, hallway, kitchen, bathroom and other rooms.

No. 5. Space zoning

Probably the most ideal option for a small apartment is to dismantle some of the partitions in it and combine several rooms. So , have become no longer an outlandish phenomenon, but a completely normal practice, which is being resorted to more and more often. Combining the living room, kitchen and hallway is very functional, and the absence of walls between them makes the space much larger than it actually is.

Zoning in a small apartment need to be given Special attention, because there should be no rough boundaries between in different parts premises. You need to arrange everything so that it is clear where the line between the kitchen and the living room is, but at the same time try to do it in such a way as not to clutter the room. That is why pieces of furniture, light, glass partitions, etc. You can even separate the living room with lighting or a podium.

For small apartments ideal – , high-tech and modern. All items should have clear, laconic forms, be as simple as possible, without elaborate details. It’s good if you can combine several functions in one item, and there is a lot of such furniture now. Sofas that can turn into a bed and at the same time have spacious storage space no longer surprise us. You can also pay attention to modern solutions: tables that extend from the wall, ironing board, which is compactly hidden in the closet, etc.

Minimalism must be observed and in jewelry. Without accessories, the apartment will seem uncomfortable, but you shouldn’t overdo it. It is better to remove the abundance of souvenirs and other small items from shelves and other surfaces, as well as huge carpets and other voluminous decorations. It is better to limit yourself to a few accessories, preferably in the same style, so that they truly become a decoration, a feature of your apartment. Of course, you can use small artificial and live plants, paintings, photographs, candles, interesting figures, vases, bright textiles, etc. note that It’s better to hang one large painting or photograph than several small ones: many small things make your eyes run wild, and one bright, noticeable spot attracts attention, distracting from everything else.

No. 7. No massive curtains

In small apartments, as a rule, there are only a few windows, so you should try to make the most of natural light. And to do this, give up massive heavy ones that only hide the room and make it darker and cramped. Today they are gaining popularity And, which combine all the advantages and regular curtains. They are easy to use, they can be easily raised completely, freeing up the window opening by 100%, and just as easily they can be lowered, plunging the room into darkness. With all this, such curtains take up minimal space in window opening and become stylish decoration interior

No. 8. Changing rooms

If a small apartment has several rooms, then some can be combined. But if this option is not for you, then try one little trick.

How is it used in your apartment? Most likely, it is reserved for the living room, and this is a very common and, in most cases, the right decision. But if you rarely gather with the whole family in the living room, but are forced to huddle in very small rooms of your own, then why not swap the functions of the rooms. You can move your bedroom to the most spacious room of all, and there, or a place for creativity. This can be done using the same zoning methods, using a podium, etc.

No. 9. Proper storage

The French and Italians have already become real masters in arranging storage spaces in small apartments. Their practice is to create them in the most unexpected places: above the bed, in the toilet, above the sofa in the living room. Thanks to this, useful things, souvenirs and other items can be stored without using such valuable square meters.

Built-in storage- another way to save useful space in the apartment, and you can build in drawers, shelves and cabinets anywhere, combining functions for various items. For each room you need to choose your own own system storage, and there is no single method, but still try to make the most of corner space. with a mirror or reflective surface to more than compensate for the space that went under the storage system itself.

In many apartments, incl. small, all the furniture is located along the walls, but the space can also be used vertically, arranging shelves and cabinets right under the ceiling.

No. 10. Mirror and glass surfaces

A mirror can work wonders even in the smallest apartments. If it is placed correctly and it occupies a significant area on the wall, it can create feeling of extra space, as if there was another room behind the mirror. And the rays of light are also reflected in mirror surfaces, making the room much brighter. You can use an ordinary mirror, sharpen it into a frame, you can hang small mirrors on the walls, or you can use mirror surfaces on pieces of furniture.

An excellent solution for small apartments is transparent furniture: glass or plastic. Due to the fact that you can see everything that is hidden behind it, the space is not cluttered, and the functionality is preserved at the same time. sufficient level. Use transparent kitchen table, chairs, partitions, doors, etc.

No. 11. Photo wallpaper


The ideal recipe for small apartments is to have a minimum of multifunctional furniture, a maximum of mirrors and good lighting. At the same time, they give preference light colors in the design of walls and ceilings and the unity of decoration in neighboring rooms. Minimalism in furniture and accessories and following the above tips will allow you to transform even the smallest apartment beyond recognition.

What to do if the footage of your apartment leaves much to be desired? It doesn't matter whether it's a conscious choice or a necessity in life, but most of us, living in small spaces, plan to make the interior attractive and functional.

Therefore, many are trying to find acceptable ways to create visual unity of all objects in a small apartment. For example, some ideas that can inspire every owner are bright colors on the walls, storing things using original methods, using multifunctional furniture.

To this you can add magnificent paintings and flower arrangements to achieve an unforgettable experience of staying in such a comfortable room.

Methods for visually enlarging an apartment

It is worth taking into account: no matter the size of the apartment, there will always be not enough free space. It is because of this that methods for making a small apartment a little more spacious will also be useful for owners of large apartments.

Proper planning. In a small apartment it is quite possible to create an interior that will look beautiful and harmonious. But for this, the ceiling height must be proportional to the area of ​​the apartment. How larger area room, the higher the ceiling. Therefore, if the ceiling height is low, then it is undesirable to make a studio apartment: this will only focus attention on such a detail as insufficient space.

Formation of a compositional center. To do this, in a small room you can place one volumetric element. This will make it possible to concentrate attention on it and, in turn, will distract from the size of the room. An option is possible when the wall or part of it is left empty, which will not clutter the room, so this technique is quite suitable for the center of the composition.

Using symmetry. In a small room, a composition based on symmetry will be a win-win option to balance the space.

Advice! But you shouldn’t be zealous and build symmetrical compositions in an apartment that is small in size. It will be tiring and look boring.

Color spectrum. It is better to paint the walls and ceilings the same color. The line of transition between the wall and the ceiling will be softened, which will visually increase the space.

In adjacent rooms, it is better to make walls in one color scheme. This approach can visually unify the room and create the illusion of spaciousness in it. If you do not divide the floor into zones, it can also perform this function.

Advice! The color for the walls and ceiling should be chosen in a tone close to the floor, which will help expand the boundaries of the room.

To increase the height of the ceiling, you can draw edgings that will stand out against the background of other elements. This approach will help to highlight the ceiling into an auxiliary plane. After all, the edgings will be able to attract attention due to the fact that they will draw attention to the ceiling. It is also a visual trick that can be used to make a room appear larger.

A beautiful interior can be created very simply even in a small apartment in Khrushchev. You can paint the walls of the room matte paint rich tone, and for the central area on the ceiling choose light paint with a glossy sheen. This will enhance the stunning impression of such a contrasting edging.

Things and materials. Better to add to the interior high mirrors. Thanks to them, you can create the illusion of increasing the number of rooms in the apartment. The room will seem more spacious than it actually is. In this case, they must be placed near window and door openings.

To make the room look freer and more spacious, you should store things correctly. To do this, they should be placed above eye level, since what our gaze does not come across, we simply do not notice. But such placement is only suitable for those things that are used in rare cases.

Ideally, storage systems should be located in areas inaccessible to view. And this is possible if the cabinets are made on the same level as the wall and made in the same color as them.

Important! A huge wardrobe should not be the main decoration of the interior. It can only be left in the center if it has some antique value.

This way you will get beautiful interior small apartment in classic style as in the photo:

The number, shape and size of elements must be in optimal quantity. It is better to get rid of unnecessary items and leave only those that are necessary. It is better to use medium-sized objects that can also be easily moved.

Advice! For small rooms ideal option there will be items round shape. The less sharp corners, all the better.

Storing things

Today there are many organizers on the market with different purposes. These are the ones that should be used to save space.

For example, if your closet has too high shelves, then for convenience you can purchase textile clothing organizer boxes. Such a box will take up half the shelf, but all the things will not lie on top of each other.

You can lay them out neatly and not wrinkle them. This is true for non-seasonal items.

If you don't have small compartments in your closet, you can purchase special organizers for underwear and socks.

This will help organize everything in the closet and make it possible to arrange all the things on the shelves. You will no longer need to purchase chests of drawers and pencil cases, which will only clutter the room. In another case, when, on the contrary, there is little space in the closet, it is best to use hanging shelves. This will create additional space for clothes.

Transparent objects. In order not to overload the interior, you should make sure that there are transparent things in the room. These do not necessarily have to be decorative items; they can also be functional. For example, you can instead wooden table put a transparent glass one, of course, if you don’t have children in the house.

It is also possible to equip doors frosted glass. Nothing will be visible through them, but light will enter the room.

Additional seating can be provided by using several poufs. They should not be of a standard shape: it is better that they are intricate and have a unique texture. This will make the room not only more spacious, but also more interesting.

As for doors, you should avoid them if possible. At the same time, those doors that will be in the apartment should not be cheap.

How difficult it is to create a harmonious and functional one will help you decide on the direction, methods of interior design and choose the best color scheme.

Can I use fake diamond in the bathroom? Find out about the intricacies of finishing different rooms artificial stone.

Studio apartment: what you need to know?

A studio apartment can be made if your home is not low ceilings. This type The living space is distinguished by the absence of partitions as such. That is, even if the apartment is one-room, it will look large, since there are no walls to divide the space into functional zones.

If you want to create such an apartment, you should first find out whether there will be any legal or technical problems. If you can get rid of some walls, this option is worth using. After this, you can begin to implement your idea.


Regardless of whether you can create a studio apartment or not, you need to think about lighting. Considering small sizes housing, it is worth giving preference point light, which will make the entire space more spacious and larger due to bright illumination.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you choose lamps with heavy and large shades. From the chandelier to small room should be rejected altogether.

The more lit your room is, the more likely it is that the room will not seem as small as it really is.

Remember about natural light too. Try to widen the windows if possible. Even 20-30 centimeters will make the room brighter. If this is impossible, you must at least not clutter the light source. This primarily applies to curtains.

Beautiful apartments photos of the interiors of small Khrushchev apartments

In a small apartment, you should completely forget about traditional options, even if you want to decorate the interior in a classic style. Preference should be given to blinds, Roman blinds, light curtains, for example, French or English curtains. They won't be a burden appearance both the window and the entire room.


A small apartment, like a large one, can also be decorated in an interesting and unusual way; it is important to choose the ideal combination of all things and give preference to a single modern style.

Naturally, the best option is an interior in the spirit of minimalism. In such a room, in any case, you should avoid an excessive amount of unnecessary details that serve as decoration. Preference should be given exclusively to those items that carry practical meaning in room.

Look: many options, a wide choice of colors and design of facades - from matte to glossy samples.

Read about the benefits of corner modular living room furniture.

Mixed styles, such as, for example, Scandinavian minimalism, will look beautiful and original: the design will be saturated with contrasting objects, but in general it will remain airy due to the predominance of light shades.

Remember! There should be no more than 1/3 of stand-out items in the apartment.

Another option that is suitable for decorating small spaces is contemporary This style combines not only beauty, but also comfort.. It does not have any clear divisions with other design options; it differs only in that when creating an interior, preference is given to simple objects and occasionally bright color accents are made.

Anyone can choose an interior design even for a small apartment. It is important not to focus on the shortcomings, but to skillfully hide them and strive to advantageously emphasize the advantages of the living space. Taking into account the development of technology and using various methods interior decorating, this becomes easier to implement than it seems.

Today I want to touch on an important and difficult topicinterior of small apartments. Very often, looking through magazines that publish magnificent interiors luxury apartments and country houses, you wonder how far these rosy pictures are from real apartments, where 99% of residents live big cities. Moreover, large design agencies often refuse to work with small spaces due to the unprofitability of such projects.

Interior of small apartments: functional zoning

Each room in a small apartment performs several functions. Modern small apartments do not allow you to organize a separate office. However, it easily solves this problem. Here are some successful examples, in my opinion:

Kitchen + dining room + living room + office + library

Living room + office

Bedroom + living room + office

Bedroom + workplace

Tiny room combines sleeping and working space

, organized in.

One of our projects was created just for a small one-room apartment. In this case, the only room separates the bedroom and living room areas.

The zoning issue is being successfully resolved through flooring– carpet in the living room area, tiles in the kitchen, wooden floor in the corridor. Here you should pay special attention to the harmonious combination of materials and colors.

The ability to do a general “decluttering” is an invaluable quality for the owner of a small apartment. Get rid of furniture that stands out from the general concept of the interior or is not used for its intended purpose. Take home numerous souvenirs brought from travels out of sight, hide everything extra items on cabinets and boxes. Regular cleaning and meticulous analysis of everything that is in sight will help save the space in your home.

You can read more about choosing furniture and decor for a small apartment. The theme of small apartment design is endless. And I will return to it many times in the future. In the meantime, I hope you found the article useful and you can use some of the ideas given to work on the interior of your home.

Small apartments have always caused a feeling of discomfort; their owners felt left out. Since the new ones appeared design approaches In the reorganization of space and compact “smart” apartments, the acquisition of budget housing has become prestigious. You can live quite comfortably on a few square meters if you think through it down to the smallest detail. design of a small studio apartment. Here

You can combine desires and opportunities by arranging cozy housing in the center of a big city. Small in area standard apartment

can turn into a very cozy studio apartment, the design of which will take into account all the needs of the family living in it. A compact studio apartment is special type layouts where there are practically no partitions or piers. Small housing with proper zoning is common in the megacities of Japan, Europe and America, where every square meter is very expensive. Good design project for a small studio apartment

also costs a lot of money. But you can use the recommendations of experts to make several of your “squares” of living space cozy.

A studio apartment is a space planning option that appeared in Russia not so long ago. The small size of the “studio” is an opportunity for your creative self-expression, where it is easy to emphasize some design concept or vision of aesthetics. This is as functional and economical as possible, especially in heating season

, as well as in terms of repair costs.

A few decades ago, few people thought about demolishing all the walls in their apartment and combining the rooms into one space. Thoughtful design project for a small studio apartment

  • considered ideal for certain categories of citizens:
  • A young couple who have just separated from their parents; Students whose wealthy parents prefer to move them away from negative influence
  • dormitories; P
  • entrepreneurs who are forced to work for two cities for years and often come on business (cheaper than paying for a hotel);
  • Creative individuals using the studio as a creative workshop;
  • Lovers of modern housing with an unusual layout;
  • Couples living as guests from different cities or countries, having adult children and forced to meet on neutral territory.

Now this option is used very often and apartment owners prefer studios for many reasons.

Absence stationary partitions And interior walls– a great advantage in terms of functional changes. With the birth of a child it is easy to transform interior design of a small studio apartment, adding children's Corner With play area. When changing your lifestyle, you can expand workplace to execute Additional tasks remotely at home. If you often have guests in the house, it is recommended to “expand” the soft corner with additional seats.

The studio apartment was popular in America and Europe: it was simultaneously used as housing for young people and as a creative workshop.

Arrangement of a studio apartment using zoning

With the huge selection of housing that real estate agencies offer today, it is not so easy to choose best option. Spectacular design of a small studio apartment or a smart apartment can more than compensate for all the shortcomings in footage if every corner is managed correctly. Thoughtful zoning of functional areas will help with this.

You can talk about a studio apartment from the creative side - after all, this is, at a minimum, a platform for self-expression.

Studio-style housing is much more convenient than traditional small-sized apartments, which remain cramped and dark due to large quantity piers. Studio apartments do not have them; most often only the bathroom is separate; there is only a conditional division between the hallway, living room and bedroom areas, as in photo example.

The absence of walls seems to the free artist (and to the common man too) how limitless possibilities to express your imagination.

If there is a desire to make an additional delimitation of living space, different techniques are usually used.


1. Methods visual zoning and organizing space according to functionality Kitchen block, sleeping area, guest and work space
2. Glass partitions, mirrors, aquariums and bubble panels Partitions made of glass blocks, up to the ceiling and low partitions, glass and plastic doors, sliding and stationary screens
3. Screens and textile curtains ( ceiling cornice, Japanese) Light transparent (translucent) fabric, thread and rope curtains, decorative elements
4. Furniture zoning Multi-level shelves, bookcases and racks, upholstered furniture with an island, a computer desk at the end, folding table tops, a bar counter, furniture modules
5. Bunk and multi-level furniture Coupe bed or loft bed, folding chairs and sleeping modules

These methods are quite sufficient for the conditional delimitation of space to fit into design of a small studio apartment. Using modular furniture and all kinds of transformers (folded after use), it is easy to expand the possibilities of compact housing.

Let’s figure out how you can independently furnish your studio in style with maximum comfort.

Attention ! The point of zoning is to have everything at hand, and every corner is equipped so that it is obvious which zone is for sleeping, working, cooking or receiving guests.

Apartments with small square footage are considered for housing for several reasons: convenience, savings, practicality.

Do not forget that each functional area should have its own local lighting. Widely Use:

  • LED strip around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling;
  • Spot lighting for cabinets;
  • Floor lamps;
  • Desk lamp;
  • Wall sconces.

Lamps can be mounted not only to walls and ceilings, but also to the ends of cabinet furniture.

The convenience of a studio apartment is comfortable space for one person or couple.

What should a studio kitchen and bathroom look like?

Regarding the kitchen, there are also options, especially since modern city dwellers cook little, coming home at night and on rare weekends. It is not necessary to take up space with a large 4-burner gas stove with oven. If you cook often, it is necessary powerful hood so that fumes and odors do not fill the entire apartment. This is the only minus of the studio apartment.

One person does not need a full kitchen.

Everyone chooses from the list kitchen equipment only the essentials:

  • Small electric stove with 2 elements;
  • Electric kettle;
  • Oven (microwave oven);
  • Electric grill;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Food processor;
  • Universal pressure cooker.

Several devices will fit in a small kitchen cabinet next to the sink or a single washbasin, if a bathtub is not included in the design project of a small studio.

A studio-type apartment does not require bulky cabinet furniture; open modular shelves that can be rearranged for equipment and office supplies are sufficient. Some pieces of furniture can be displayed on their ends, using them as a functional partition.

The interior of the small studio does not have a full-fledged kitchen, only a small catering unit.

Usually a studio-type apartment has a full-fledged toilet or bathroom, but it can also be isolated rather conditionally. The problem is odors and hygiene. Therefore, it is better to separate it as it should be - according to all standards. There is no bathtub - just a shower box with a tray where you can do laundry is enough.

The size of the bathroom in a studio apartment does not allow it to accommodate a full-sized bathtub.

Compact washing machine can be located in a niche under the sink so as not to allocate a separate place for it. This technique is used in Khrushchev and modern interior design of a small studio apartment . When the composition of the family changes, children are born, it is advisable to change the studio to a multi-room apartment.

There is a washing machine built under the countertop, and there is also a small storage system.

As long as everything suits a small family, it is better to have one large room answering everyone modern requirements than a small one-room Khrushchev house, where even one person is cramped. The studio always has a lot of light, air and free space in the passages, if it is not cluttered old furniture and unnecessary trash.

Having a small studio apartment, you can make the most of the space and keep everything at hand.

Selection of finishing materials for design of studio baths and kitchens in small apartments the same as in the traditional layout. Considering that everything is united here, the room must have good waterproofing.

Double-glazed plastic windows will help improve the sound insulation of a house located along the road.

Design approaches to planning and arranging furniture in a small studio apartment

The size of studio-type apartments ranges from 16 to 40 sq.m. There are square, rectangular and corner options, depending on whether it was the original layout or a transformation from the old foundation. When purchasing, some received a fully furnished home with furniture, only personal belongings were missing, while others received bare walls.

It’s always nice to independently participate in the design of your apartment, and the studio makes this easy.

Attention ! If it is not possible to contact specialists for a planning project and interior design of a small studio apartment , you will have to arrange it yourself. The catch with a studio-type layout is that limited area without walls, the dining table may end up near the toilet, and the bed next to front door.

The owners can pick up best shades, your favorite fittings and delimit the space in a way that is convenient.

IN new apartment There may even be no plumbing, only communication risers are provided:

These exit points determine the location of the bathroom and kitchen unit. They cannot be moved, but pipes can be extended to move them along the wall.

Participating in the layout - especially of the studio - is very important.

After the square meters for communications have been allocated, it is important to purchase compact plumbing fixtures. It is recommended to purchase multifunctional and vertically elongated models. After solving the issue with partitions and ventilation of the bathroom, you can begin to design the kitchen unit.

Savings are a significant indicator: studio apartments are much cheaper than multi-room options.

Advice . You can do without a dining table in order to save space by expanding the window sill in the form of a tabletop.

A large dining table is only needed for a family of 3-4 people. It is imperative to provide a complete work surface(top of a cabinet or folding tabletop) for cooking. Bar counter and wide coffee table near the sofa bed or in the center of the guest island is enough for 1-2 residents.

It is the savings Money and repair costs are a significant advantage of a studio apartment over other housing options.

Keep in mind that there will be other horizontal surfaces - a computer desk (folding module for a laptop) and open hanging shelves in each functional area. Arranging small interior one-room studio apartment, take into account your lifestyle and daily needs, do not fill your home with unnecessary items.

It is better to store the wardrobe in one wardrobe with a mirrored facade, then other mirrors are not needed. Use the cabinet itself to delimit functional areas or as a headboard under folding sofa.

Open space makes you feel more free and puts you in a creative mood.

In the design of a small studio apartment modern style is most acceptable:

  • Ecostyle;
  • High tech;
  • Fusion;
  • Art Deco;
  • Minimalism;
  • Postmodernism.

At minimum area studio apartments have to save every centimeter of space, but there is the possibility of visual expansion. For these purposes, designers use wide horizontal lines in the decor and high narrow furniture. Various pencil cases, modules and multifunctional shelving will also serve for zoning and “absorbing” small items.

Arranging a studio apartment is a whole creative project, which deserves a multifaceted approach.

Pay attention to the corner computer desk with shelving. Despite its compact size, it is very roomy and comfortable. in the interior of a small studio . You can even place it against the back of the sofa or fence off the corner where the bed is.

Advice . To prevent your sleeping area from appearing close to the front door, move the bed or pullout sofa as far away as possible.

The decor should be minimal, and the approach to planning should be thorough.

Furniture should be placed so as not to lie facing the entrance. A high headboard or side of any furniture will help isolate a sleeping person. You can use textiles and temporary partitions, a canopy or a curtain. For more practical tips, see real examples small studio apartment with interior design in the photo.

VIDEO: Design of a small studio apartment.

50 interior design ideas for a small studio apartment:

Not everyone is to the taste of huge, cold mansions, so many people choose cozy and charming small apartments with low rent or utility costs. However, modest square meters dictate their own design conditions, knowing which you can easily build not only a comfortable and roomy, but also a stylish family nest.

What are we dealing with?

TO small apartments include all premises whose area is less than 30 square meters. m. Most often these include one-room “Khrushchev” apartments and studio apartments.

Let's start to act

Modern design offers a lot creative ideas, allowing you to make the most of every meter of a small apartment.

Idea 1 – Zoning the space

Dividing an apartment into functional areas and zones is the first step towards consistency and style. At the same time, walls should not act as partitions, because this takes up extra space and visually narrows the overall space.

It is better to isolate the hallway area from the hall by installing a wardrobe for outerwear or a shelf with books, and separate the kitchen from the bedroom with a buffet, mirror or bar complex.

Such fences will be appropriate and multifunctional, performing both a main and an auxiliary role. This is especially true for studio apartments.

Idea 2 – Choosing furniture

If there are not enough square meters, then so is the furniture. This dictates certain boundaries in the setting. Thus, it is expected to select all kinds of lightweight transformers and modules: folding sofa beds, tables equipped with shelves and drawers, walls combining a table, a wardrobe and a rack.

Also welcome are sofas or beds with special sides that serve as a dressing table and have retractable lower sections. In order to save space, preference should be given to hanging structures. There is no use for massive furniture here.

Idea 3 – Engage the corners

In any small room there will be “dead” zones that, due to poor planning, cannot fully serve the benefit of people.

Too narrow niches or uneven corners It’s easy to use by ordering a wardrobe or shelving according to the specified parameters. For these purposes, they were invented and presented in a wide range different kinds corner structures.

Built-in furniture can be used anywhere: if the ceilings are too high, for example, it is not difficult to design small second floor for mezzanines or sleeping areas.

Idea 4 – Mirrors, light, glass

The design of a small apartment is impossible without special tricks with which you can visually increase the space. These primarily include adequate lighting, both natural and artificial. We must try not to clutter the window openings and not skimp on chandeliers, floor lamps and LEDs.

The second is the use of light colors: cream, white, pistachio, beige. These colors will absorb perfectly Sun rays and create a cozy atmosphere.

The third trick - reflective surfaces - play an equally important role in the setting of a small room. Mirrors or mirror mosaics, glass doors, countertops and stained glass windows - all this shines and reflects, thereby expanding the space.

Idea 5 – Everything to the walls

An important rule: avoid cluttering the space, so the central part should always be free for view and movement.

Sofas, tables and flowers in pots are moved to the walls. But the place for a fluffy carpet is right in the middle of the room.

Idea 6 – Making accents

Light gray, beige or cream are good, but the presence of bright and catchy, non-standard accents is simply necessary. Such details immediately catch the eye and significantly enliven the interior of a small apartment.

True, there is no need to overdo it, just put a few colored volumes, lay out an intense carpet or throw pillows and a blanket on the sofa.

At the same time, accessories and pieces of furniture should be as large and expressive as possible, since small figurines and frames only reduce the already small space.

Deciding on a style

Creating new interior, it is always easier to navigate by a certain style, so in your creative search, look through photographs of the design of a small apartment and possible options playing with space.

Oddly enough, but also for miniature areas the choice style direction quite wide: classic, Provence, pop art, loft, hi-tech. However, the most popular is minimalism, which initially involves the use of only the necessary multifunctional furniture in contrasting shades and free spaces without excessive decoration.

The list of almost win-win styles for mini-apartments also includes scandi, art deco, ethnic,

The main thing is that if a style has been chosen, then it should be maintained in all zones and rooms without exception, otherwise the area will be fragmented and visually will look smaller and cramped.

Eternal laws

In addition to the stated terms and conditions, miniature rooms have several more laws, subject to which housing will be both comfortable and harmonious:

  • In the smallest rooms (kitchens and bathrooms), it is better to use more light cords and LED strips: there is never too much light;
  • There should be no dark corners;
  • In the hallway of a small apartment there is no place for hanger racks or tripods. Only wall shelves or built-in cabinets;
  • White and pastel shades should predominate;
  • A two-tier ceiling with lighting will visually increase the space;
  • Choose preferentially cantilever structures and furniture for long legs to clear the floor;
  • Study the modern market: there are now quite a lot of transformable or foldable items. For example, the core of a thin partition turns into a table, and the bed is hidden inside a cabinet built into the wall;
  • For children's room the best solution will be the use of a set that includes a school corner, a closet, a shelving unit and a bed on the second tier.

A small area is not a death sentence, but an opportunity to use your imagination and ingenuity to their full potential.

Undoubtedly, limited space dictates its own conditions for the selection of things and furniture, but the end result is a cozy and comfortable nest, where there is nothing superfluous.

Photos of small apartments