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Housekeeping useful tips. Useful kitchen tips. Fish without smell

To prevent the synthetic rug in the bathroom from slipping underfoot, my husband glued strips of rubber from an old bicycle tire to its bottom.

I put a thin slice of sponge at the bottom of the soap dish - it absorbs moisture and the soap does not get wet.

The wool knitting threads turned out to be too dark. I boiled them for 2 minutes with baking soda (1 tbsp per 5 liters of water) and rinsed thoroughly. The yarn became lighter.

If I sew a toy for my little grandson, I put it inside Plastic container from "kinder" with beads. The toy will sound! And so that during fun or washing the container does not accidentally open, I first wrap it with tape.

The granddaughter accidentally turned over an open bottle of brilliant green. I collected the liquid that had not yet been absorbed with paper napkins. I diluted vodka with lemon juice (1:1) and wiped the area of ​​the floor damaged by brilliant green with a cotton swab soaked in this mixture.

Put on a blouse and notice that the collar is wrinkled? In such a situation, I use a hair straightener. Very comfortably!

Before frying or baking meat, I sprinkle it with a little powdered sugar - a delicious crispy crust will appear on the finished dish.

Fingerprints from lacquered furniture I remove it with half a raw potato. Afterwards I wipe with a soft cloth.

When rinsing items made from natural fabrics, I add 1 tbsp to the water (per 5 liters). hair balm or 1 tsp. glycerin. Clothes become much softer.

If I'm going to machine wash a lace napkin, I put it in a pillowcase. I set the wash mode to delicate. Delicate lace will retain its grace.

Lush carnation bushes in a flower garden often fall apart from strong winds. So that the flowers do not have to be tied up, I plant them in a border among other plants. Just remember to take into account the height of the bushes.

I've been planting for years now climbing beans next to the sunflowers. The powerful stems of “sunny flowers” ​​serve as a good support for it.

To prevent damage to young cabbage seedlings cabbage flea beetle, I pollinate a bed with bushes with ash and tobacco dust.

Blonde hair will acquire a beautiful shine and become soft if you use this recipe once a week. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 4 tbsp. dried chamomile flowers, let it brew under the lid for 30-40 minutes. I strain, add 1 des.l. liquid honey, stir. I generously moisten clean, slightly towel-dried hair with the resulting product. After half an hour I wash them warm water no shampoo.

I dilute a pharmacy eucalyptus tincture with water (1:1) and soak the crumb in the liquid for 5 minutes rye bread. I squeeze out the bread slurry and put it on for 15 minutes. Afterwards I wash my face with warm water. not only is it cleansed, but also receives vitamins.

I am preparing a rejuvenating mask. I crush fresh dandelion leaves in a mortar and pour in a little boiled water to form a mushy mixture. I add honey to it - in equal proportions with the mass of leaves. I smear my face soaked in olive oil with a cotton pad, after which I apply the prepared product. After 10-15 minutes, wash off with cool water. mineral water(I let it sit in an open container first). I don’t wipe my face, but pat it dry with a towel.

I grind the rice in a coffee grinder and mix it with ground coffee (1:1). I dilute the mixture with milk to the consistency of sour cream and gently rub it into the skin after a shower. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. The skin becomes smooth and radiant. I recommend!

I mash a few boiled beans with a fork and add lemon juice and linseed oil (2:1). I warm the mixture a little and apply it to my face, rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Here you will find some tricks and useful housekeeping tips that you will undoubtedly appreciate because they will make your housework easier. They don't cost anything, but they will save you time and stress. If you have any little home secrets of your own, write and I will publish them.

Safe whipping.

To prevent whipped whites from scattering all over the kitchen, you don’t have to buy an expensive mixer with a bowl. You can beat them with an ordinary mixer in an ordinary bowl. You just need to buy a plastic plate (you can also use a cardboard one, but this is for one-time use), drill two holes in it, into which whisk whisks will be inserted. Holes can also be drilled with a knife. Here's the cover for you!

How to open a jar.

You've probably been angry more than once when you couldn't open a jar: your hands slip and the lid doesn't open! In this situation, one wide or several narrow rubber bands will help you, by which you will hold the jar.

How to peel eggs easily.

AND fresh eggs can be easily cleaned if you add two tablespoons of soda to the water when boiling. And don’t be afraid - soda does not affect their taste in any way.

How to cut several tomatoes at the same time.

Appreciate this idea when you need to cut several cherry tomatoes at the same time, for example, for a sandwich or salad. Just place them between two saucers, press lightly and cut. This way you don't have to worry about cutting your fingers.

How to decorate a biscuit.

Did you quickly bake a sponge cake for the arrival of your guests and want to decorate it? To do this you will only need a piece of lace and powdered sugar. Two minutes - and you have an original and beautiful treat for tea.

How not to lose hairpins.

Are you constantly losing your hair clips? A box for menthol candies will help you put this in order. It has a good lid that allows you to simply pour out as much as you need without opening the entire box.

Garlic without press.

As you know, the garlic press is difficult to clean, so you can use an ordinary fork. She will cope with this task quickly and with the same result.

How not to cry when cutting onions.

The first method I tried was to chew gum while cutting onions.

It will help if you wipe it cutting board white vinegar, which reliably neutralizes the substances that cause tears to flow.

How to cut fresh bread .

Do you love fresh bread, but have trouble cutting it nicely? Just flip it over. The bottom crust is stronger, so it is easier to cut and the bread will not tear.

Try these tips and write if you liked them.

Useful tips for your home you will find on the World of Home website by subscribing to news updates


  • The nail will be easily driven in if its tip is dipped in vegetable oil.
  • If you add sugar to the cement solution, it will become much stronger.
  • Alabaster diluted with milk hardens longer - it is easier for them to seal cracks with a brush.
  • If the brush is for oil works very hard, you need to dip it in boiling vinegar for 1 minute.
  • A room that has just been wallpapered cannot be ventilated for several days, otherwise the wallpaper will begin to bubble and peel off.
  • It is easier to cut tiles when they are wet. This way it is less likely to break.
  • Imported tiles are more expensive than domestic ones, but when laying them you do not have to align the edges of the tiles so that they lie close to one another.
  • Fallen tiles can be firmly fixed with zinc white, thickly rubbed natural drying oil. But it will take a long time to dry.
  • Washable wallpaper should not be used to cover a sunny room - under the influence of sun rays Such wallpapers emit substances harmful to health.
  • Using wallpaper and light-colored paints, you can visually increase the volume of the room. Dark tones visually reduce its volume.
  • To decorate cold residential premises, it is better to use “warm” colors: pink, pastel, etc. warm rooms You can use “cold” tones: white, blue, marble, etc.


  • Scratches on polished furniture can be repaired using shoe polish of the appropriate color.
  • You can wipe mirrors with cotton wool soaked in cologne or alcohol (vodka). You can use cold water mixed with linen blue - this will give the mirror a pleasant shine. A diluted infusion of tea is suitable for the same purpose.
  • It is recommended to clean a yellowed enamel bathtub with salt and vinegar.
  • Tiles In the bathroom, it is recommended to wipe with vinegar and water (1: 5). You can use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia.
  • It is recommended to wash anything painted with light oil or enamel paint with water without soap and soda (they make the paint dull). You can add ammonia to the water (a teaspoon per liter) - it removes dirt and adds shine. After washing, you need to wipe with a dry cloth to prevent yellow spots and streaks from appearing.
  • It is not recommended to clean enameled bathtubs with acids or abrasive powders - the enamel is damaged.
  • A new broom, mop, or broom will last longer if you soak it in hot soapy water before use.
  • A white mark on a polished surface caused by a hot object can be removed by wiping it with alcohol and vegetable oil.
  • You need to rub it with a woolen rag in a circular motion.
  • You should not wash windows with soap, as it forms a film on the glass that is difficult to clean.
  • A strong vinegar solution removes stains from glass and mirrors (1 tablespoon per glass of water).
  • A brush dipped in salt water will help restore the golden color to straw products.
  • The color of the carpet will become brighter if you sprinkle it with fine white salt in the evening, and the next day remove the salt with a soft, clean, damp cloth.
  • Linoleum floors should not be washed hot water or water with added soda or ammonia- linoleum becomes dull and deteriorates.
  • Can be washed with warm water with added laundry soap, then rinse and wipe dry.
  • About once every 3 months you need to wipe the linoleum with natural drying oil, and then thoroughly wipe it off with a soft cloth. You can rub linoleum with a mixture of wax, paraffin and turpentine (1:1:5), which must be mixed while heated.
  • It is good to wipe parquet floors with a damp cloth soaked in cold water with the addition of glycerin (a tablespoon per glass of water). Washing parquet with hot water is not recommended.
  • From time to time you need to wipe the walls of the cupboard with vinegar to remove foreign odors.
  • It is enough to wipe chrome surfaces with a cloth soaked in soapy water.
  • Nickel-plated surfaces are cleaned with pastes and liquid formulations for cleaning. For example: a paste of ammonia and tooth powder. When this mixture dries, the product should be wiped with a dry cloth and polished with a cloth.
  • Earthenware with a pattern cannot be washed with hot water - the glaze may deteriorate. Moreover, you cannot wash it with soda - the design will be erased. For this purpose, you need to use lukewarm water and good soap, and even better - mustard powder.
  • To keep your serving knives shiny, you need to peel them with raw potatoes. A few drops of lemon juice will also work.
  • Porcelain dishes should be washed with water with the addition of ammonia.
  • Crystal dishes cannot be washed with hot water - this causes them to become cloudy and become covered with a network of fine cracks. If, after washing, you wipe it with a woolen cloth with blue-tinted starch, the dishes will shine more.
  • Dark Plaque It is easy to remove from silver and silver-plated items as follows: wash the item in warm soapy water, then clean it with a soft cloth soaked in a mixture of ammonia with chalk or tooth powder. After this, rinse with warm water and wipe thoroughly.
  • Silver, silver plated and cupronickel products can be refreshed by washing them in warm water with baking soda (50 g per 1 liter of water) or in warm soapy water with ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter). After this, the product must be rinsed clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Useful kitchen tips

  • Peeling potatoes darkens the skin on your hands. To avoid this, you need to wet your hands with vinegar before work and let them dry, and after work, immediately wash them with soap and lubricate them with cream.
  • All glassware- glasses, vases - can be washed without special means. To do this, add a little vinegar or coarse salt to warm water. The dishes will become cleaner and more transparent.
  • Aluminum pans They will shine again if they are boiled with potato peelings, apple peels, rhubarb peels or a vinegar solution.
  • Darkened enamel pans should be boiled with any dishwashing liquid and then rinsed with hot water. But if you boil them with a vinegar solution twice a month, they will not darken.
  • If something burns in the pan, you can pour it on the bottom cold water and add salt. After a few hours, food residues can be easily removed. For enamel pans This method is suitable: fill the pan with hot water with the addition of a spoonful of soda, leave it to stand, and then boil - the remaining food will come off perfectly.
  • Pans can be easily cleaned like this: warm them slightly and wipe them with salt and then with parchment (in as a last resort- plain paper).
    If escaping milk spills onto a hot stove, you need to fill the flooded area with salt and cover it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.
  • To prevent the ice tray from freezing in the refrigerator freezer, you must first rub it with a candle.
  • It is better to store cereals and starch in jars with a ground-in lid - tin, glass or earthenware. To prevent bugs from getting into the cereal, before putting it into jars, the cereal needs to be heated in a frying pan or in the oven, and gauze bags with salt should be placed in the jars for storing it.
  • To remove raspberry beetle larvae, berries need to be soaked in a two percent solution for 15-20 minutes. table salt. The larvae float to the surface. After this, the berries should be rinsed with clean water.
  • To prevent bugs from getting into the flour, you need to put a few cloves of garlic in the bag where it is stored, without peeling the top skin.
  • The flour should be sifted periodically and poured into a clean bag.
  • To make it easier to sharpen knives, scissors, etc., you can place them in a weak salt solution for half an hour and sharpen them without wiping them.
  • It is much easier to clean the meat grinder if you run the raw potatoes through at the end.
  • You should not dry the meat grinder near a heat source - this will dull the knives.
  • New glass glasses will not beat if they are placed in a vessel with cold water, slowly heat it to a boil and leave them to cool in the same water.
  • Metal baking foil will last much longer in the refrigerator - it does not stick together.


  • An unpleasant odor on your hands (from fish, garlic, etc.) can be removed by rubbing your hands with salt and then washing them with soap.
  • You can remove the smell of garlic from your mouth by chewing parsley.
  • The smell of fish in pans and pots will disappear if you wipe them with heated salt and then rinse them.
  • If spoons and forks have a fishy smell, you need to wash them with cold soapy water, lubricate them with vegetable oil and dry them gently with a soft towel.
  • The smell of onions can be removed by rubbing kitchen boards, cutlery with dry salt.
  • From unpleasant odor in the kitchen you can get rid of it if you boil it in open container water with the addition of vinegar and after a few minutes ventilate the room. For the same purpose, you can put an orange or lemon peel on a heated burner or sprinkle a little salt on a hot stove.
  • The smell of escaped milk spilled on a hot stove can be localized by covering the flooded area with salt and covering it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.
  • To remove the smell of paint from a room, you need to rub a head of garlic and leave it in the room for a while.
  • Smell oil paint It will disappear faster in the apartment if you place plates of salt in several places.
  • The smell of tobacco from the room is difficult to remove even by a draft. But this can be done this way: open the windows and put them in different places rooms 2-3 wet towels. They absorb tobacco smell well. For the same purpose, you can light several candles in the room where you smoked.


  • After wearing jewelry, they need to be wiped dry with a cloth to avoid stains from sweat.
  • Keep jewelry needs to be in a dry place.
  • Amethysts, topazes, pearls, turquoise lose their color intensity under the influence ultraviolet rays- they should be stored in the dark.
  • Gold-plated items can be cleaned by wiping their surface with a cotton swab dipped in cologne, turpentine or egg white.
  • A gold item will shine more if you keep it in sweetened water for some time.
  • You can restore the shine of gold and silver jewelry by washing them with the following mixture: ½ cup of soap solution and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. You can use a soft toothbrush for this. After treatment, rinse the product with water and wipe dry.
  • For the cleaning silver products, you need to put them in the solution hot water and ammonia (1:1). When the solution has cooled, remove the products from the water and wipe carefully.


  • Unpleasant odor from shoes can be eliminated using hydrogen peroxide by wiping the inside of the shoes with a cotton swab moistened with it. A solution of potassium permanganate is used for the same purpose.
  • Formaldehyde is used to disinfect shoes: the inside of the shoes is wiped with a cloth soaked in formaldehyde and placed in plastic bag, tie it and leave it for a day. Then the shoes are taken out and aired.
  • Suede shoes can be cleaned well by holding them over steam and then brushing them with a special brush. If suede shoes If it is heavily soiled, it should be cleaned with soapy water and ammonia. After cleaning, it is advisable to treat the suede with a water-repellent agent.
  • If your shoes are too tight, you need to pour a little cologne, alcohol or vinegar into them. After this, the shoes will take the shape of the foot, and the leather will become softer.
  • If the shoes are tight in a particular place, you should drip heated wax or paraffin on it and pull it on the last for several days. The desired dough will stretch noticeably.
  • If the shoes are too big and “flop” on your feet, you can glue a strip of foam rubber to the back.
  • New, just purchased leather shoes need to be spread with cream, allowed to absorb, dry, and then polished with velvet cloth.
  • If the shoes cannot be made shiny, you need to wipe them with a slice of lemon and polish them with velvet cloth.
  • To prevent shoes from squeaking, you need to soak the sole with hot natural drying oil or lubricate it with linseed or castor oil.
  • If new shoes “burn” your feet in hot weather, you can wipe the inside of them with three percent vinegar.
    To prevent shoes from getting wet, you can treat them with the following solution: dissolve 40 g in a water bath fish oil, 10 parts wax, 3 parts turpentine. Apply the cream in liquid form.
  • Dry sports shoes can be soaked in warm water until the leather becomes soft. Then you need to wipe it inside and out, dry it, lubricate it with glycerin and stuff it tightly with newsprint.
  • In warm weather, to care for shoes, it is better to use emulsion creams that dissolve well and allow air to pass through, and in winter - creams based on organic solvents (they provide an air- and waterproof film).
  • Dried shoe polish can be restored by adding a few drops of turpentine and gently heating it.
  • It is useful to rinse shoe brushes with water with the addition of ammonia.
  • To soften the leather of shoes that have not been worn for a long time, you need to rub it generously with castor oil and let it absorb.


  • Leather goods can be renewed by wiping them with whipped egg white. Contaminated skin can be washed with warm, unboiled milk.
    Skin color will be restored if you lubricate it with glycerin.
  • Adds shine to leather products coffee grounds. The thickener should be wrapped in a woolen or flannel cloth and rubbed vigorously over the skin.
  • Leather products can be cleaned with soap and water and ammonia, and then wiped with a cloth moistened with castor oil (or petroleum jelly or glycerin).
  • Worn places on leather products need to be wiped from time to time with a cloth soaked in glycerin or fresh orange peel.
  • This will help restore them to their previous appearance.
  • A dirty leather bag can be cleaned by rubbing the leather with a cut onion. As the onion becomes dirty, you need to make a new cut.
  • After completing the procedure, wipe the bag until shiny with a clean soft cloth.
  • A dark leather handbag will become shiny if you wipe it with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice.
  • Another way to renew a leather handbag is to wash it carefully in warm soapy water, to which a little ammonia has been added. Then dry and wipe with a cloth soaked in castor oil.
  • To clean sheepskin coats, use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. After this, the product should be treated with another solution: 20 g of glycerin, 20 g of ammonia, 5 borax per 0.5 liter of water. Then the sheepskin coat needs to be dried and washed by hand.
  • Suede jackets and coats should be cleaned with the following solution: 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 5 tablespoons of water. Then the items must be carefully wiped with a cloth moistened with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water.
  • If new leather gloves turned out to be a bit tight, you need to wrap them in a wet towel, and after 2-3 hours put them on and dry them in your hands.
  • To restore the shine of dull fur, you need to grind the kernel into powder. walnuts, tie the resulting powder in gauze folded in three and rub the fur over the hair with this swab. After the nut oil is absorbed, the fur will acquire a beautiful, long-lasting shine.
  • Goat products are washed with cold soapy water and then rinsed.


  • A greasy stain on wallpaper can be removed by applying a piece of soft thick cloth, moistened with pure gasoline and slightly wrung out, to it for 2-3 minutes. The fat dissolved by gasoline will be absorbed into the fabric. Tooth powder soaked in gasoline is used for the same purpose. When the powder dries, you need to brush it off the wall. An old stain will have to be treated twice
  • You can remove a dark hot stain on furniture like this: rub with half a lemon until the stain fades. This operation must be repeated until complete disappearance spots.
  • Stains from light liquids on furniture can be removed by soaking a sponge in vegetable oil and carefully moving it along the grain of the wood. You can also use mayonnaise paste or vegetable oil, mixed with salt (apply, leave for two hours, then rinse). A mixture is also suitable linseed oil with turpentine (1: 1) (similar).
  • Paint stains from glass can be removed with vinegar.
  • A stain on leather shoes can be removed with gasoline or onion juice.
  • Fresh grease stains from cotton, wool, and silk fabrics can be removed by sprinkling tooth powder on both sides of the fabric.
  • You need to put a sheet of white paper on top, press it with a heavy object and leave it for a day. Clean off the powder with a dry brush.
  • Grease stains on silk fabrics can be removed with a pinch of salt diluted in ammonia.
  • Grease stains from a fur coat can be removed in two ways: 1) wipe the fur in one direction with a cloth moistened with purified gasoline or a special stain remover; 2) wash the stains with the solution washing powder or foam from soap shavings. At the same time, rub the solution or foam into the fur so as not to moisten the leather base. After this treatment, wash the area where the stain was with water, dry the fur (but not in the sun!), and then beat out the fur coat with a beater.
  • Grease from canned food will be removed with chalk or tooth powder left on the contaminated area overnight.
  • If you need to get rid of it urgently grease stain, you can sprinkle it with tooth powder and iron it through the paper.
  • Tea stains on tablecloth can be easily removed with lemon juice.
  • Yellow stains on laundry from an iron can be removed with a borax solution (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water), after which you need to rinse the item and dry it.
  • If the yellowness remains, wipe the area with an onion cut in half and wash with soap and cold water.
  • To remove an iodine stain, you need to moisten it with water. room temperature and rub with starch. You can also soak the item in a solution of ammonia and water (1 gram per glass of water) and then wash it in soapy water.
  • Iodine stains are easily removed with ammonia.
  • Lipstick stains can be cleaned with alcohol.


  • Very spectacular snow-covered spruce or pine branches can be obtained by immersing them for a day in a supersaturated solution of table salt (1:1), and then drying them. If you use the same solution copper sulfate, the branches will be covered with blue crystals. You can also dip the branch into melted paraffin several times - it will look like a branch that has just been covered with snow.
  • If, before lighting candles, you dip them in salt water (or better yet, keep them in it for about an hour), they will not float and will burn much longer.
  • You can put a berry from jam or compote in each cell of the ice tray, add water and put it in the freezer. The result is spectacular ice cubes that will decorate any holiday cocktail.
  • If in padlock water flows in and it rusts, you can put rubber rings on its buds.
  • Windows can be sealed with old sheets using soap solution instead of glue. These strips are easy to remove, wash and reuse.
  • Ball pen, which has not been written to for a long time, will begin to write immediately if the tip of its metal rod with a ball is first dipped in alcohol or cologne.
  • To prevent matches from getting damp while hiking, you need to coat their heads with nail polish.
  • To damp firewood better flared up, you should sprinkle them with salt.
  • Charcoal or chalk, placed in a box with metal objects (tools, for example), absorb moisture and thereby protect them from rust.
  • Wool for knitting can be made whiter by boiling it for 2-3 minutes in a soda solution. The dyed wool will become lighter.
  • It will be easy to unravel a matted woolen item if you hang it outside for a few hours on a damp, cloudy day or hang it over a boiling kettle.
  • A pleated skirt will not wrinkle if you store it in a nylon stocking.
  • Synthetic fabric It’s better to cut with heated scissors, then it won’t crumble and you won’t have to sew the seams.
  • To save a wet book, you need to sprinkle the pages with talcum powder, close them and put them under a press. When they are dry, wipe the sheets with a soft cloth and, lightly hitting the book, shake off the talc.
  • If you leave soap for a day before use - two per battery central heating or stove, it will give twice as much foam.
  • To prevent the glass in the sideboard from rattling, you can stick several pieces of adhesive tape on the top edge.
  • To remove small blisters on the surface of plywood furniture, you need to pierce a bubble, inject glue into it, place several sheets of paper on top and iron it with an iron.
  • The surface of the iron on which something has burned can be wiped with a cloth with fine salt.
  • To sharpen scissors, you need to cut them sandpaper, making 6-8 cuts.
  • To prevent the chair legs from scratching the floor, you should glue pieces of felt to them.
  • To collect glass shards, you can use cotton wool soaked in water. You can also make a ball of window putty and roll it over the area where the glass shards are located. It will absorb even invisible particles.

Men are naturally good bosses. They are capable of anything! At the same time, however, they are not used to looking for easy ways to solve problems - they are not as cunning as inventive women housewives. If only your dad or grandfather knew these efficient housekeeping tips, it would be much easier for them to do their male affairs. These 16 tips will help you deal with everyday issues much more effectively. Men, get to work! Point 14 works flawlessly.

  1. This is how you should fold your shirt and belt. The collar will remain in perfect condition!
  2. When painting any surface, do not forget to wrap protruding parts, such as handles, in foil, then they will not be stained with paint.

  3. Remove excess paint using a rubber band stretched over the can.

  4. Scratches on the car can be removed using WD-40 oil spray or its analogues. Simply wipe the damaged surface with it and it will shine like new again!

  5. Store your laces neatly rolled up in paper cylinders. Absolute order!

  6. Before you start using the water filter, pour it... vodka! It will perfectly prepare the filter for use.

  7. Store your treasures properly.
  8. Turns out the measuring cup is made for men's spirits!

  9. Wet your knife with cold water and the onion won't make you cry.

  10. Walnuts are great for dealing with scratches on your skin. wooden surfaces. Rub them with nuts and appearance will improve significantly!

  11. Idea for storing garden tools.
  12. If you put a glass of water in the microwave, your pizza won't dry out while it warms up.

  13. If the house is tight bed linen, you can use the duvet cover as a sleeping bag - both a sheet and a blanket, 2 in 1.

  14. Shoes that are too narrow or too tight will become noticeably larger if you spray them with window spray containing alcohol. After this, insert dilators inside or wear shoes with thick toes.

  15. If soaked kitchen knife in salt water for half an hour, it will be much easier to sharpen. Soak the knife immediately before the process.

  16. When baking a pie with meat, fish and other juicy fillings, use this trick: cut the bread into thin slices and place it under the pie if you notice that the filling has begun to leak out. Nothing will burn!

Send these tips to everyone - I’m sure they will be useful not only to men. It's great when

It seems that the stream of useful housekeeping tips will not dry up. Today I provide you with a few more. This time they will come in handy when working in the garden or in the kitchen.

All these tips have been tested in practice and believe me, they will help you save some money, time and nerves.

Cleans your purse and coat

Do you want to know how to quickly get all the “lost” buttons, coins, pins and other small items from the bottom of your purse? Use the sticky roller you probably have in your hallway to pick up hair and dust particles from your coat or sweater. This way your purse will quickly be clean without you spilling everything out of it.

How to peel a banana?

Do you know how to peel a banana easily and quickly without cutting or biting the peel?

It is enough to find a place on the banana where there is a hard “seam”. In this place you need to press your fingers together so that the peel cracks at the place of this “seam”.

After this, peel the banana completely calmly.

Stands for knives

If you need a place to safely stow your knives during your vacation or weekend camping in the woods, here's an idea. Just take a box, fill it with short sticks - and here you have a classic knife stand. It is quite possible that you will want to have such a stand at home. Well, make it more careful for your home; you can use wooden skewers to fill the box.

Path without grass

Are you tired of the grass that grows between the tiles on the path, but don’t want to use it? chemicals that would damage surrounding plants? Try salting the grass. Then water carefully and wait for the result. In our case, the weeds died after four days.

Fancy decorations

Want to decorate your cake with sugar pearls? It's really hard to place it where you want it. An ordinary toothpick soaked in water will help you. This toothpick will help you transfer the pearls exactly where you want them.

Baking paper will hold

It probably annoyed you too when you placed baking paper on a baking sheet, but it curled and did not want to stay in one place. The solution is completely simple. Make a dot in each corner of the baking sheet with your lard-coated finger. I guarantee you that the paper will hold up perfectly during baking.

How to separate the yolk

You probably have your own way to separate the yolk from the white. Here's another one. An ordinary funnel will help you. If you pour an egg into it, the white will flow out and the yolk will remain. Fast and reliable.

For a long time fresh milk

If you want fresh milk to stay fresh longer, add a few grains of salt to it. This amount will not spoil the taste of milk, but will keep it fresh longer. You can drink it and use it for cooking.

Surely each of us has things that seem to have served their purpose and would be a pity to throw away. Do you have old boots or shoes that you love but look worn out? Have ugly pills appeared on your favorite sweater? There are practical and simple techniques and things will be like new! Here you will find five simple but useful housekeeping tips.

If you have white rag slippers or tennis shoes and you can’t freshen them up even with washing machine, a simple trick will help you turn them into fashionable slippers again. Clean the rubber parts with toothpaste mixed with baking powder. They will be snow-white again. Then paint the slippers like regular clothes. For example, in green color. The slippers will look like new and fashionable.

Olive oil is a miracle. It is used not only for food, but also for body care and for other practical purposes. Your leather shoes or boots will especially love it. Instead of chemical creams, use this wonderful liquid. Take care of your leather and your shoes will look like new again.

Do your shoes smell? Have you already tried all sorts of methods, but the smell has not gone away? Before you decide to throw them away, give them one last chance. Put them in a resealable bag plastic zipper, and put them in the freezer overnight.

You can extend the life of your shaving blades. You won't guess what! If you have old jeans, this is what you need! Run the blade against the direction of the thread a few times, you will be surprised what this does to the blade.

If you want to throw away your old disposable razors, you can reuse them last time. Use this razor to cut off the pilling on your favorite sweater that has lost its appearance. And then you can throw it away.