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Brown furniture in the interior of different rooms: possible options (51 photos)

Selecting shades for a home is one of the most important stages in interior design. How to choose a wallpaper color to highlight the coziness of any room?

Changing the design in the interior begins with choosing shades for the walls.

You can turn to designers who will help you update the room in accordance with current trends, or focus on your taste, using colors that match your character and mood.

Wallpapering for painting will allow you to change color scheme rooms much more often than in the case of gluing regular wallpaper for walls, and patterned materials, including several shades at once, will provide variety in home design.

In any case, it is the palette of wallpaper for the walls that will become the main factor determining the degree of comfort of the updated interior. Let's see what the options are color design are considered relevant. See photos of wallpaper color selection - and make your choice.

Wallpaper colors, photos

Rules for choosing shades

To choose a fashionable and modern wallpaper color that would make the interior holistic and harmonious, you need to think in advance about how a particular shade will transform your room.

Consider the following factors and features home interior:

Wallpaper color shades should be selected taking into account their psychological impact. Everyone knows that some wallpapers can have a depressing effect or promote excessive emotionality, while others can calm you down, set you up for relaxation or allow you to concentrate on important matters.

Advice: bright and rich shades should not be used as a background if you plan to relax in a renovated interior. They can be used as small accents on one of the walls.

Modern wallpaper colors differ in tonality and saturation, and they can be divided into several categories. Let's figure out what colors are considered successful in decorating home rooms.

Warm wallpaper palette for walls

Wallpaper warm shades are most often chosen for decorating bedroom interiors: a calm and gentle palette, evoking associations with nature, will serve as a source of inspiration and create the ideal atmosphere for your relaxation.

Light and warm colors suitable for decorating a nursery in the area where you plan to place your child’s crib.

In the interior of a living room, wallpaper in warm colors is appropriate when you strive to create a homely, cozy environment: in such an interior, any bright or dark details can upset the balance of shades, so it is recommended to stick to a light and calm color scheme in the design.

In the kitchen, light wallpaper is not always successful from a practical point of view: against such a background, all dirt and surface defects will be visible. However, warm colors are often used in dining room designs as they are thought to have a positive effect on appetite.

In the hallway and study, a light and warm wallpaper color palette is also considered suitable.

Standard light wall shades are universal: against the background of white wallpaper you can place any furniture, regardless of its color, shape or style.

Beige wallpaper for walls has similar properties: it combines well with other wallpaper and can dilute an overly bright or dark interior, suitable for creating an airy, light and romantic atmosphere.

Attention! Light wallpapers are most often used as background wallpapers: in such an interior it is possible to create an accent by using bright patterned materials with a similar background shade.

Another way to create a romantic and inspiring atmosphere in any room of your home is with pink wallpaper. To prevent such an interior from looking too colorful, stick to a soft pink palette or combine wallpaper of this color in several tones.

Fashionable wallpaper colors this year include all colors of the natural palette.. Delicate yellow wallpaper will make the interior warm, light and sunny, and will also charge you with positivity throughout the day.

Light green wallpaper, which has similar properties, is suitable both as a background and as inserts on walls of lighter shades. The rich shades of peach wallpaper will add spring brightness to the interior.

To prevent an interior made in these colors from looking banal and monotonous, do not be afraid to use other shades, forming smooth transitions or masking boundaries color zones moldings.

For variety you can use Additional materials or hang wallpaper designed in the style of wood, leather, stone, brick and other interesting surfaces.

Cold and dark palette

Despite the fact that cold shades of wallpaper can make a room gloomy and uncomfortable, many modern interiors are designed in exactly the same color scheme.

The correct use of cool colors can also contribute to the visual expansion of space, and a number of modern styles (minimalism or Scandinavian style) cannot be imagined without accents of this type.

Cool colors can be both light and dark. The first version of wallpaper can be used when decorating a modern bedroom or living room, creating stylish design in the interior of a kitchen or bathroom.

Dark-colored wallpaper, applied around the entire perimeter of the room, can be seen in some directions when decorating a large living room or study.

Pay attention to how a certain shade of a cool or dark palette affects the mood and perception of the room.

For example, blue wallpaper, due to its proximity to natural themes, is easily perceived: a delicate interior in blue tones, complemented by light accents, will both relax and charge you with internal energy.

The marine palette also includes blue wallpaper for walls: since such materials are darker, they will cause additional stress in the interior, and therefore are suitable as separate accents, and not as a background.

From modern dark wallpapers All varieties of purple shades are very popular. Rich purple wallpaper will personify the rigor and aristocracy of your home interior, emphasizing its luxury and wealth, but only if you do not use bright colors to complement such an interior.

If you are planning to make the room more cheerful, choose purple wallpaper for the walls.

The neutral color scheme of wallpaper for walls is characteristic of modern trends in design. In rooms intended for relaxation, you can use calm gray wallpaper. Such walls will not attract attention, but will be perceived harmoniously even if you complement the design with bright accents.

Advice: diversify gray interior you can use wallpaper, textiles or accessories in warm and bright shades: yellow, pink, blue, brown and others.

Brown wallpaper has always been associated with strict design. Plain wallpaper in a rich brown shade is an excellent option for decoration. accent wall or decorating wide walls in narrow rooms if you plan to correct their proportions.

Any wallpaper with brown patterns on a warm background looks stylish and elegant.

One of the most controversial palettes is black. There are very few people who want to decorate their home rooms with black wallpaper. This wall design looks gloomy and mournful enough to provide comfort. But that doesn't mean you can't create a sophisticated, modern design with black wall coverings.

Harmony of black and any light shade– the key to creating a stylish interior for any room in your home. It is enough to dilute the walls with other wallpaper or purchase light-colored furniture - and the interior will look strict, but stylish.

And black and white wallpapers have been at the peak of popularity over the past few years.

Olive wallpaper and similar shades (for example, mustard) are more suitable for decorating rooms in vintage styles: classic, baroque, retro, art deco. Since wallpaper of this color can cause conflicting feelings, don't be afraid to complement the room with bright accents.

Yellow, gold, green, purple and other tones will make your background warmer and cozier.

Bright colors and their role in the interior

The most fashionable colors wallpapers belong to a bright palette. Wallpaper without patterns and patterns in rich colors will enliven the interior and make the room more cheerful.

Multi-colored wallpaper with bright images will allow you to create a stylish interior even without the use of additional accessories.

This palette is appropriate in every room of your home. But it is important to remember that not all interiors can have bright accents everywhere. For example, in the bedroom it is recommended to create bright accents in the bedside area, and in the children's room - only in the play area of ​​the room.

Modern wallpaper colors can have different saturations, so in interiors it is possible to create smooth transitions between the same bright wallpaper of different tones.

Lilac wallpaper is suitable for those who want to brighten up the design bright colors, but prefers deep shades. Although this color can make a room feel cramped, light accents can easily correct this problem. And if you use lilac color against a background of white or beige, you will get harmonious design, corresponding to modern trends.

Red wallpaper symbolizes passion and expression. Not everyone will decide to create such a wall design.

The red palette is suitable for decorating formal interiors, but since plain wallpapers of scarlet and similar colors are quite difficult to fit into the finished design, patterned red wallpapers with light transitions or patterns of calm colors are more popular.

Green wallpaper with proper lighting and choosing other shades may be perceived as less saturated and active, so they will also work as a background in any interior of your home.

In the photo you can see an example of decorating a modern living room using such wallpaper: thanks to the dilution with white and beige colors, the background shade looks less saturated.

note that green tint has many varieties. Depending on your room design ideas, you can use lighter or darker accents without depriving the interior of its intended brightness.

For example, turquoise wallpaper will become excellent option to highlight the main area of ​​any room, and delicate mint wallpaper, combining blue and green palette, will create a gentle and romantic background.

A similar palette includes pistachio wallpaper for walls, which plays a different role depending on its brightness.

Cozy home interiors are often decorated in another color that has several manifestations. We are talking about orange wallpaper.

Sunny, bright and cheerful shades of this type will charge you with energy and a positive mood.

You have seen photos of interiors of various wallpaper colors, the role of different color accents in home design - and now you know for sure how to choose the color of wallpaper for your rooms.

All that remains is to realize your ideas - and delight your loved ones with an updated interior that radiates harmony and comfort.

It is no secret that colors and shades can influence a person’s emotional and psychological state, mood and health. Psychologists say that brown shades promote relaxation, have a calming effect, and help restore vitality, relax. Brown wallpaper will create a stylish and pleasant interior in any room. But designers recommend combining dark colors with light ones. In this case, the space will not look dull and too gloomy.

Many people think that brown is a gloomy color and will make the room look dull. But this is not true at all. By combining brown wallpaper with light interior items and other shades of wallpaper, you can quickly and easily achieve harmony in the atmosphere of the room and make it individual and beautiful.

A rich brown shade has quite a lot of design potential. If you pick it up " ideal neighbor", the interior as a whole will become special and attractive.

Thanks to the combination Brown with vintage designs, floral monograms, geometric motifs and children's prints, the interior will be truly unique and inimitable.

What wallpaper to match with brown wallpaper

When choosing brown wallpaper for a room, you need to be careful. For small rooms, it is not recommended to overload it with such a color so that the room does not seem even smaller.

Brown color in the interior (video)

Combination of brown and white

This union is considered the most ideal. With this combination, white color will open up the room and fill it with freshness. To prevent such a tandem from seeming dull, you can add a few colorful details that will add variety without spoiling general design. For example, in the same shade, make a panel on the wall.

Light shades combined with brown colors perfectly visually expand the space. Therefore, if you paste white and brown wallpaper into a small room, it will look larger.

Brown and pastel shades

This trend is also one of the most successful in room design. The space will look soft, the atmosphere will become warm and relaxed. This combination is great for the bedroom and living room. For the hall, you can use the “accent” technique, known in design art. That is, brown wallpaper is pasted on one of the walls. For other wall surfaces, pastel wallpaper with patterns or ornaments is used. But such an interior needs to be completed by adding bright decorative items, for example, blue pillows or lighting fixtures turquoise color. For walls that will accentuate attention, in this case, it is better to choose a chocolate shade of wallpaper or brown and gold fabrics. This interior of a bedroom or living room will look chic and exclusive.

And if you add expensive furniture, for example, from Italy, the room will look like a palace. One of the most successful pastel shades for brown color – beige.

The combination of brown wallpaper with blue

A duet of brown and blue wallpaper will give the room coolness, so designers recommend using this combination for rooms located on the south side.

We must not forget that blue shades represent the sea and sky. Properly placed accents and appropriately selected decor will create a light atmosphere in the room, similar to a ship sailing on the surface of the sea.

In children's rooms there is no need to add too much brown. But using a blue tint for the walls and highlighting a small area, for example, a study area, using a light shade of chocolate color is an ideal option for a room in which a young man lives.

Golden and brown combination

This duet is considered the most sophisticated and luxurious. The shades complement each other, the walls shimmer with gold in the sunlight. Show the wealth and wealth of the owners of an apartment or house, perhaps by using this particular combination. Brown wallpaper goes well with yellow.

Combination of green and brown

This pair of shades is quite harmonious, like trees and leaves, earth and grass. You can create a natural aura and immerse yourself in a natural atmosphere by covering the walls with brown wallpaper and adding emerald inserts.

Brown and orange wallpaper

Such an interior is harmonious and balanced and certainly will not look boring. Orange tint, filled spring mood, goes well with shades of brown. The atmosphere in the room will be energetic, but at the same time warm and cozy. Harmony and balance reign in such an interior. This Combination should be used in cases where you want to achieve a warm and cozy atmosphere, not lacking in energy. For this option, it is better to choose furniture in light colors.

Combination of brown and lilac

You can give the room a pleasant, relaxing and calm atmosphere using a combination of brown and lilac wallpaper. This duet will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, living room or children's room. Designers recommend adding ornaments and patterns to the decor, or a beautiful, but small panel with a flower, if the wallpaper is plain.

A bedroom made in this combination will become relaxing. But the function of this room is precisely relaxing holiday and relaxation. combination of brown and lilac color will not only help create a good atmosphere, but also get rid of visible flaws on the walls or ceiling, thanks to the richness of the color scheme.

What wallpaper will suit brown furniture?

The basic and main rule when choosing wallpaper for brown furniture- find the right combination flowers and not make the room colorful. Furniture in brown color goes best with delicate, dim, pastel wallpaper. Data neutral shades will create a calm and relaxing, and most importantly, non-stressful atmosphere in the room.

For brown furniture you should choose wallpaper in colors such as:

  • White;
  • Light yellow;
  • Beige;
  • Cream.

These shades are classic.

If you plan to create a stylish interior, then it is better to opt for shades such as

  • Lime;
  • Turquoise;
  • Gold.

They will help revive the interior and add energetic notes. The atmosphere in the room will become relaxed.

Living room in brown (video)

What furniture goes with brown wallpaper

Brown wallpaper is the personification of naturalness and naturalness. Furniture in cream, beige, yellow, green, coffee, milky flowers. When choosing a green color, it is better to choose a shade of light apple green. It will help make the atmosphere in the room softer. Combination brown wallpaper and orange furniture is used in large, spacious rooms. For small areas it is better to choose light brown canvases and green furniture.

As you can see, brown wallpaper can make a room very interesting.

Brown wallpaper in the interior (photo)

Beige wallpaper for the living room is a classic.

Despite the fact that some consider them dull and unremarkable, in combination with properly selected furniture, textiles and other decorative elements, such wallpapers can create a very attractive environment.

Sometimes beige wallpaper in the interior looks more interesting than bright colored ones.

Although beige goes well with a large number of other colors, when choosing beige wallpaper you need to take into account some nuances, which will be discussed below.

Living room in beige tones

Beige, along with its various shades, is a natural, neutral color.

This palette is preferred by people who strive to create a calm and cozy environment, avoid risky situations and have a negative attitude towards any major changes in their lives.

These people are characterized by kindness and lack of conflict, they are reasonable, practical and restrained.

Wallpapering is the most affordable and economical option for beige walls.

Beige wallpaper will add space, lightness, light to the room and create a comfortable, serene atmosphere in it. They are perfect for the living room.

If you like to experiment, you can dilute the beige color of the room with bright furnishings and accessories.

Choose decorative elements and interior items in a living room with beige wallpaper should be used with caution, as too much beige can turn it into a boring and lifeless room.

Beige wallpaper: its advantages

Beige wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • they give the room a warm and comfortable look;
  • visually increase the size of the room and make it bright;
  • their use is allowed in almost all interior styles, with the exception of pretentious and avant-garde styles;
  • they can be perfectly combined with contrasting colors;
  • allow you to create a different environment: strict (if you choose a chocolate-colored wallpaper pattern) or romantic (if you give preference to a golden print);
  • open up wide possibilities when choosing decorative items.

What colors go best with beige wallpaper?

Beige has many different shades. Of these, the most popular are the following:

  • golden;
  • wheat color;
  • champagne;
  • cappuccino;
  • milk chocolate.

Beige can be mixed with other most bright colors, for example, with green, blue, pink, gray.

Because beige is natural natural color, red, brown, blue and green combine very well with it.

These combinations give the room freshness and lightness.

The most common beige combinations are:

With blue. Curtains and small interior details can be blue. They will give the room an elegant and sophisticated look and make it cooler;

With black. This living room looks simple and stylish. Beige walls with black furniture they are most suitable for modernism and minimalism;

With white. This color combination is preferable to use in the living room. small size, because large room in this range it will seem very simple. And remember the obligatory bright accents;

With gray. This is a calm combination, you can also add white and peach colors to it;

With green. This combination creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere in the room and looks quite beautiful.

Choosing suitable furniture

The color of the furniture should be darker than the color of the walls.

Sofas with gray or black upholstery look great with beige wallpaper.

Upholstered furniture light color can be used when one wall of the room is dark beige and the rest are light beige.

You can use it as a bright accent pink color. Cushions, small ottomans and pink curtains will give the room a romantic look.

Cabinet furniture is allowed both dark and light. The chocolate shade is very popular.

Choosing curtains for the living room with beige wallpaper

The correct choice of curtains is very important, because their importance in the interior can hardly be overestimated. Curtains of a contrasting color can create a solemn mood or, conversely, bring austerity to the interior.

Curtains should match the color of the wallpaper or furniture. It is better not to use the same tone for curtains and walls, otherwise everything will merge. Choose a contrasting shade for the curtains.

Blue or chocolate curtains will look great in a living room with beige wallpaper. They can be made from fabrics of various textures or textures or combinations thereof.

This depends on how well the living room is lit and whether there is a need to curtain the windows at night.

It is important to remember that the color of the curtains cannot overlap the color of the walls; on the contrary, with the help of curtains the stylistic unity of the interior is emphasized.

Thus, the use of beige wallpaper in the living room is not only acceptable, but also helps to create a cozy, calm atmosphere in it. No wonder they have been popular for many years and will never go out of fashion.

Photo of beige wallpaper in the living room

The concept of “repair” affects every adult at least once in their life. Among important elements interior created in a living space, let us highlight the issue of decorating the walls. Modern market finishing materials offers many options for wall design, let's focus on how to choose the color of the wallpaper.

Attention ! The atmosphere of the room, its comfort and coziness depend on the right choice.

Any mistake when selecting wallpaper leads to very unpleasant consequences: damage to the design, waste of time and money.

Rules for choosing wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper these days, factors such as the material wealth of the apartment owner, his personal preferences, and fashion trends in design and interior are taken into account. Let's try to figure out how to choose wallpaper for photo wallpapers, what you need to take into account in order to achieve your goal.

Choosing a color

IN modern design interior use two color compositions: warm and cold. In addition, you can use their various shades. Very bright colors The best decision for decoration of residential premises. It will be difficult to choose tulle for such wallpaper. It would be right to make it bright color accent in the kitchen.

Advice ! When wallpapering adjacent rooms, use wallpaper that is similar in tone.

If the room is well lit naturally sunlight, you can “mute” it a little with purple, lilac, and blue shades. For rooms with windows facing north, be sure to choose light laminate or linoleum, transparent curtains, and warm wallpaper colors.

Advice ! Pink, beige, red, yellow tones are suitable for dark living spaces.

If you know the rules for modifying patterns on wallpaper, you can get the visual effect of increasing or decreasing the size of the room. Discreet patterns give it additional volume; rich and expressive shades add coziness and home heat into a spacious room. If the ceilings are high, it would be correct to use dark laminate or linoleum, light tulle. The lower part of the walls is decorated with dark canvases, and the upper part is decorated with light colors. For a dark room, thick curtains may not be used, but in a sunny room they will help to “escape” from the annoying sun “bunny” in the morning.

For lovers unusual interiors, will fit non-standard solutions. You can combine plain wallpaper with bright linoleum or laminate flooring. Neutral curtains will complement the created image.

Advice ! It’s better not to use heavy patterns, but to limit yourself to modest floral pattern, undemanding polka dots, geometric shapes.

Unusual solutions

You can wallpaper a room with multi-colored wallpaper that has the same finish. One wall can be decorated with wallpaper with a pattern, the three remaining walls can be decorated with plain wallpaper, matching in color.

When decorating a room, be sure to take into account the color of the linoleum or laminate flooring, window frames, and curtains. Rules for selecting wallpaper for decorating a room are presented in the video fragment

If the room does not have cornices installed, you can not glue wallpaper to the ceiling, but use a wide border. For plain canvases, a frieze with an interesting architectural pattern is suitable. For wallpaper with a pattern, it would be correct to take a plain frieze.

Attention ! Wallpapering the panels through which heating is supplied to the room is not allowed, as this is a direct violation of safety regulations.

It’s better to simply paint them or apply a pattern on them identical to the pattern on the wallpaper, using a stencil.

Features of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

This room is intended for complete relaxation; laminate is mainly laid on the floor here; linoleum in the bedroom is very rare. To properly decorate this room, it is important to follow certain rules.

The tulle in this room is chosen transparent, without bright ornaments. Linoleum or laminate should be in harmony with the furniture elements. For a small bedroom it would be correct to use plain wallpaper. With their help, you can visually expand the space in the room, fill the room with the atmosphere that is conducive to good rest after a difficult day at work. Smooth walls can be decorated with paintings, photographs, and other types of design. Fans of “convex” wallpaper or canvases with an original image can choose canvases that imitate natural materials, contain abstraction, a not very intrusive print, and identical elements. When choosing a color scheme for wallpaper, you can be guided by personal preferences; for lovers of a romantic mood, peach, light green, beige, and silver tones are suitable. Fans of bright, passionate emotions will appreciate unusual tulle for windows and rich colors for wall decoration. You can choose a different color for each wall, for example, green, red, yellow, purple.

How to choose the right laminate, tulle, wallpaper? These questions concern any home owner. If the room is elongated, for it visual expansion they paste over the walls near the window opening with a bright color, and at the doors they use bright hues. Interesting solution is the use of photo wallpaper. If you select a wall opposite the bed or at its head for them, you can get the effect of visually expanding the room.

For a square room, allocation is allowed bright accent only one wall. IN small room as ideal option pastel shades will be used, light laminate or linoleum. To create a visual division of the bedroom into two levels, you can use patterned wallpaper on the upper section, and plain wallpaper on the lower section. In this way you can emphasize the beauty of the drawing.

To identify the boundary between these levels, you can use a bright border. Designers use a technique in which one color is chosen as the dominant color, and the second simply emphasizes it. Accessories or unusual decorative elements will make the created image complete.

Rules for selecting wallpaper for the living room

The living room or hall are considered the most visited rooms in the apartment. To finish the floor in such rooms, use a high-strength laminate or linoleum. In priority dark shades floor coverings to make them easier to care for.

Wallpaper for decorating the hall is chosen in several shades of the same tone. Using this option, the room is divided into several zones: the light part will be light, the dining area is decorated in darker colors. When decorating a living room in classic style, laminate is replaced parquet board made from expensive wood. The walls are covered with fabrics with tapestry or painting.

A non-standard option for decorating a living room is considered to be canvases made from a variety of plant fibers: reed, bamboo or papyrus. Such an interior will look exotic, and the materials used will be environmentally friendly and resistant to high humidity and sunlight.

How to choose wallpaper for a children's room

This room should be bright and cozy, so it requires a special approach. Of the shades suitable for this room, the best would be beige, light green, pink, and blue tones. When choosing wallpaper for this room, be guided by the following criteria: practicality, beauty, environmental friendliness. The drawing can be selected on any subject, taking into account the wishes of the owner of the room.

The main color is chosen to be neutral, the emphasis is on an unusual border or decorating one wall with bright wallpaper. Game Zone will look harmonious with a bright panel that has storyline from a popular animated film or fairy tale. The sun and clouds on the walls will complement the green linoleum or carpet.

Choice for kitchen decoration

Modern sophistication kitchen furniture can be highlighted using plain wallpaper. You can hang bright wallpaper on one wall, for example, use it to highlight dining area. As great purchase for a room such as a kitchen there will be materials that imitate tiles, wood, and natural stone. The convex structure will not only be similar natural materials, but also quite a budget option.

For classic cuisine Patterns of the same type would be a good solution; for the “country” style, you can purchase images with vegetables or fruits, and for the “modern” style, geometric patterns would be a good solution.

Advice ! Dark colors are not suitable for the kitchen, especially if it is small.

Every person at least once in his life will face the problem of renovating his home. One of the significant details of the furnishings created in the room is the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper is the most preferable option for decorating wall surfaces, since they play the role of not only decorating a room, but also a kind of insulation. Today they are used to cover not only walls, but also ceilings.

They belong to finishing materials roll type, manufactured at the most different bases. This could be paper, non-woven fabric, etc.

How to choose the right wallpaper

Nowadays, when choosing wallpaper, you need to consider:

  • Financial opportunities.
  • Personal wishes.
  • The style of the room.

You should also pay attention to the texture, the presence of a pattern, as well as the color of the wallpaper. The texture can be embossed, vinyl, velor or regular. The design can be various stripes, polka dots, flower arrangements, abstract figures.

As for colors, there are wallpapers in light, neutral and dark tones. All of the above positions are interconnected.

Before you start renovation work When arranging the room, you need to choose a style and decide on a color scheme.

How to choose the color of wallpaper? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the location of the windows, the lighting of the room, the resistance of paints to fading, as well as the colors of curtains and furniture.

If window openings indoors facing north side, then it’s better to stick to wallpaper in warm colors, for example, yellow, orange, light beige, pink. Windows face south - use cool shades such as emerald, blue-gray, jade.

If the room is well lit sun rays, then it would be appropriate to use wallpaper in dark colors - sapphire, terracotta, cornflower blue. In a shaded room, it is better to choose colors that have reflective properties - gold, golden yellow, orange.

Remember that wallpapers in blue and cyan shades quickly fade under the influence of the sun, and dark blue ones in shaded rooms begin to cast gray.

TO light walls you need furniture in light colors, and dark wallpaper require dark furniture. If the curtains and furniture are decorated, and the walls are decorated with carpets and paintings, in this situation it is better to opt for smooth wallpaper or wallpaper with small patterns.

Speaking of a possible wallpaper design, it may have different size, be contrasting or muted, placed often or rarely.

The abundance of large flowers visually reduces the volume of the room, while small, sparsely located flowers, on the contrary, expand the space. Also, a large floral pattern can serve as an accent for different style directions. Small ones are usually used as a neutral basis for design.

If you want furniture or any other decorative details to dominate the interior, then opt for wallpaper with a discreet, muted pattern. If your goal is the opposite, then do the opposite.

Striped wallpaper is quite common. They harmonize well with most design styles. Vertical stripes visually lift low ceilings, but at the same time reduce the area of ​​the room. This drawback can be avoided by choosing wallpaper with wide stripes or stripes with blurred boundaries. This nuance can play an important role when decorating a small room.

Another variation of the wallpaper pattern are large spots. They can be arranged in an orderly, ornamental or chaotic manner. Due to the sharp appearance of stains on the wall, it is not recommended to completely decorate the room with such wallpaper. It is best to use them as accents, highlighting them separate zones. Also, retouched spots give interesting effect, which is expressed in the play of light and shadow.

Another type of wallpaper pattern is the so-called grainy decor. It looks like small spots-drops of different tones, as if obtained using a spray bottle. This print perfectly hides and hides all the imperfections of the walls. This property allows you to use such wallpaper for rooms of a wide variety of designs.

There are also plain or smooth wallpapers. They perfectly emphasize and highlight every detail of the interior, no matter what style it is in. But they have one rather significant drawback - they need to be glued only perfectly flat surface, since they do not hide the imperfections of the walls.

How to choose the right wallpaper colors in different rooms

What color of wallpaper is suitable for the interior? different rooms? Below we will look at the answer to this question.


For a nursery, they usually try to choose wallpaper in two colors. This is done to highlight separate zones that differ in their purpose. Most often for sleeping place choose muted pastels of white, sand or yellow tones without a large print. Wallpaper in a bright palette is appropriate for the activity area.

It is possible to use both paper and vinyl wallpapers. Products with drawings depicting fairy tale and cartoon characters are popular.


Any type of wallpaper would be appropriate for the bedroom. But the optimal solution would be wallpaper with silk-screen printing or vinyl coating. Speaking of colors, it is preferable to stick to a pastel palette.

Wallpaper will look great in the bedroom white. Blue colors are also a good option. This color will fill the room with freshness and maintain emotional stability.

Simply made for sleeping area wallpaper Green colour. They have a calming, hypnotic effect. In addition, they calm you down and set you up for a good rest.

Living room

For the walls in the living room the most suitable different types wallpaper: textile, silk-screen, vinyl. Color palette may be different. There are no strict restrictions here.

Wallpaper gray will fit perfectly into a living room in a high-tech or minimalist style. For classic interior The most suitable wallpaper is warm, natural shades. Such a range will visually expand the space and also fill the room with light and air.

An interesting design idea is to use wallpaper in two different tones. Moreover, they can be either contrasting or differ from each other by two or three shades. The photo of wallpaper in two colors shows that such combinations allow you to achieve a very interesting result.


In the corridor, hallway and kitchen there are more high risks pollution. Here it is optimal to choose washable wallpaper or products that are resistant to various kinds spots This can be thick vinyl wallpaper, silk-screened wallpaper or paintable wallpaper.


It is advisable to choose a warm palette for the kitchen, for example, orange, red, yellow shades. This range will increase the feeling of hunger and give a positive attitude.

For the corridor and hallway it is better to choose dark colors. Moreover, it is necessary to combine the color of the wallpaper with the rest of the walls.

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of wallpapers different color, which makes it possible to bring quite bold design ideas to life.

We hope that this article will help you choose the right wallpaper color. Just don’t forget to take into account the lighting in the room, because depending on the lighting, the color can take on one shade or another. Good luck!

Photos of wallpaper of different colors