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Permissible temperature in an apartment in winter according to the law. What should be the air temperature in the apartment: normal

According to GOST 30494-96, which determines the microclimate parameters in residential and public spaces, in the cold season optimal values air temperatures in the kitchen and toilet are considered to be 19-21°C, in the bathroom and combined toilet - 24-26°C, in the bedroom and others living rooms ah, intended for recreation and study - 20-22°C, in the lobby and storerooms - 16-18°C. At the same time, in areas with low temperatures reaching -31°C and below, heating of rooms to 21-23°C is provided. Acceptable standards for a comfortable stay in living rooms, values ​​within the range of 18-24°C are considered; for the kitchen, toilet and bathroom this figure varies in the range of 18-26°C, for the pantry - 12-22°C. And in areas with low temperatures, heating of residential premises to 20-24°C is allowed.

In the warm season, the optimal air temperature for living rooms and recreation rooms is considered to be a range of values ​​equal to 22-25°C, but fluctuations within 20-28°C are also acceptable. At night, the temperature difference can be no more than 3 degrees.

The optimal temperature for a children's room is 23°C. It is advisable to maintain the air temperature at the same level all the time using heating devices so that while the baby is changing clothes and sleeping, he does not become hypothermic. It is recommended to maintain high humid air using special humidifiers.

What to do if the apartment is too cold

Start heating season in apartment buildings it occurs when the outside air temperature drops below +8°C. Utilities compare average daily temperatures within five days. Apartments must be heated. The law allows minor interruptions in heating within 24 hours, while a one-time heating shutdown cannot exceed 16 hours if the air temperature in residential premises is between 12 and 22 degrees.

If the apartment is too cold or hot, residents have the right to file a written complaint and send it to the emergency dispatch service. The document is assigned registration number. Next, utility services are required to inspect the premises and draw up an act on the basis of which recalculation is possible utility payments. If technical supervisors identify gross violations, utility services are obliged to correct the situation within 2-7 days; otherwise, apartment-by-apartment recalculation of utility payments is made according to the footage of the apartments.

Heat / Radiators

Problems with heating during the heating season and cold in the apartment can be a reason for going to court. By law, batteries must warm the room no lower than the temperature established by special standards.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Legal requirements

Temperature in living areas apartment building determined by the “Rules for the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, as well as “GOST R 51617-2000. State standard Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. Are common technical specifications

The “Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities” states that in residential premises the temperature should not be lower than +18 °C (in corner rooms ah - +20 °C). And in areas with the coldest five-day temperature of -31 °C and below, the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than +20 °C (in corner rooms - +22 °C).

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00 hours) the air temperature in the apartment can drop by no more than 4 °C. During the daytime, a decrease in temperature below the standard level is not allowed.

At the same time, GOST R 51617-2000 (State Russian Federation standard. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions. approved Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated June 19, 2000 N 158-st) establishes the minimum air temperature level for certain types of premises in an apartment.

Room Indoor air temperature in cold period year, °C
Living room of an apartment or dormitory 18 (20 )
The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 20 (22 )
Apartment and dormitory kitchen, vat: 18
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment -
Bathroom 25
Individual restroom 18
Combined toilet and bathroom area 25
The same, with individual heating 18
Common washroom 18
Shared shower 25
Shared restroom 16
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the dormitory 18
Lobby, common corridor, front hall apartment building, staircase 16
Lobby, common corridor, staircase in the dormitory 18
Laundry room 15
Ironing and drying rooms in dormitories 15
Storage rooms for storing personal belongings and sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12
Isolation room in a dormitory 20
Elevator machine room 5
Garbage collection chamber 5

Notes: In the corner rooms of apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 °C higher than specified

How to correctly measure the air temperature in your apartment?

The current “Rules for the provision of public services” explain the situation as follows:

... Measurement of air temperature in residential premises is carried out in a room (if there are several rooms - in the largest living room), in the center of planes spaced from inner surface outer wall and heating element at 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at a height of 1 m. In this case measuring instruments must meet the requirements of standards (GOST 30494-96)…

What to do if the temperature in your apartment drops below normal?

If you find that your apartment is colder than required by law, you must notify your emergency dispatch service. The application can be made either in writing or orally (by telephone call).

The duty officer is required to register your application and set a time for the inspection.

The time for the inspection is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receiving a message from the consumer about a violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed upon with the consumer.

Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up. If during its course a violation of the quality of a utility service is established, then the inspection report indicates the date and time of the inspection, the identified violations of the quality parameters of the utility service, the methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time of the beginning of the violation of the quality of the utility service. services.

It’s cold in the apartment: what compensation can you expect?

If no one comes to you, or comes and signs documents, but nothing changes, then you have a natural desire to influence the situation in more radical ways.

Before we look at possible methods impact on public utilities, let's clarify what responsibilities the current legislation places on the heat supplier to a residential building.

The requirements for an acceptable interruption in the heat supply are formulated as follows (for more details, see the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, Appendix 1, Section VI):

  • no more than 24 hours (in total) within 1 month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +12°C to standard temperature indicated in the table above;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +10°C to +12°C;
  • no more than 4 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +8°С to +10°С

The liability of utility companies for violations of these requirements is established as follows:

  • for each hour exceeded permissible duration heating interruption, calculated in total for the billing period in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period.

Well, what if heat is supplied to the apartment, but the radiators do not warm the room? In this case, the following requirements are established:

  • permissible decrease in standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3°C from the above level;
  • a decrease in air temperature in a living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) is not allowed

Responsibility for violation of these norms is established as follows:

  • for each hour of deviation in air temperature in a residential area in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period for each degree of temperature deviation.

Thus, the current legislation makes it possible:

  • In the event of your batteries being disconnected, for every hour in excess of the permitted duration of battery disconnection (the terms are indicated above), you will be charged 0.15% of the monthly (this is how we set the billing period) payment for heat
  • If the apartment is cold, but the radiators still heat, then you can demand a reduction in the monthly heating fee by 0.15% for each hour when the temperature was below the standard.

The recalculation may be for a significant amount. Let's do the math.

Suppose you pay about 3,000 rubles a month in winter for heating your apartment. You are tired of constantly freezing and, say, on December 3, you drew up an act stating that the temperature in your apartment does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius (determined based on the temperature in the largest room by area).

However, within a month there was no reaction from the utility workers. It's still cold in the house. What will the recalculation be like?

We take 27 days following the drawing up of the act. This will be 648 hours. We multiply this number of hours by 0.15%, we get a figure of 97.2%. You should be recalculated for this amount. It turns out that you are actually not obligated to pay for heating if this service is not provided efficiently.

Naturally, no one will return this money to you voluntarily. We need to go to court.

What are the chances of winning a lawsuit regarding cold radiators in an apartment?

There are precedents for residents being able to get their heating bills recalculated due to the cold in their apartment.

In particular, in 2014, in several courts, a resident Perm region managed to achieve a recovery of 136 thousand rubles in favor of low temperature in a living room.

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, Gubakha resident Natalya Alekseeva (surname changed) filed a lawsuit against the local management company in the spring of 2014, demanding 350 thousand rubles from utility workers. She substantiated her statement by the fact that during the heating season of 2012-2013, as well as in winter next year the temperature in her apartment did not rise above 15 degrees. Meanwhile, according to the rules for the provision of public services, the air in residential premises must be heated to 18 degrees, and in corner rooms - to 20.

Alekseeva invited employees of the Criminal Code to take her temperature. In total, such measurements were made ten times. And not once did they meet the norm. The plaintiff even noted in her statement to the court that because of the cold in the apartment she became ill, and listed several diseases that brought her to the hospital.

Alekseeva did not stop complaining to various authorities, district and regional, trying to get a recalculation of utility bills. And in 2013, she even refused to pay for heating, believing that the money was being taken from her unreasonably. The case then reached the magistrate’s court, which issued an order to collect 31 thousand rubles in debt from Alekseeva. But this decision was overturned, since she was able to prove the improper provision of a service such as heating.

As a result, all attempts to solve the problem peacefully failed. Claims asking for a recalculation of heat payments were rejected. The woman was not offered any compensation. And then she went to court.

During the trial, representatives of the management company completely denied their involvement in low temperatures in Alekseeva’s apartment. They stated that there was no agreement between them for the provision of such a service as heating, and money for it did not arrive at their cash desk. Therefore, they did not recognize the demands presented.

However, the Gubakhinsky City Court decided otherwise. The fact is that, according to the management agreement for the apartment building where Alekseeva lives, the management company is obliged to provide water supply, sanitation and heating services. According to the same document, payment for them must be paid directly resource supply organizations.

The management company, in addition, has an agreement with the local housing and communal services department on the supply of thermal energy. It states that this resource is intended for heating residential buildings, and the air temperature in them must meet the standards.

Therefore, the court recognized Alekseeva’s demands as legal, and all the objections of the Criminal Code as unfounded. The absence of a heating agreement between them does not play any role, since this obligation of the utility organization is specified in the agreement for the management of an apartment building.

Taking into account that the management company could no longer argue the fact of poor-quality heat supply, the court satisfied the plaintiff’s demands to recover money. At the same time, Alekseeva is required to return 77 thousand rubles as a recalculation, in addition, a fine of half this amount and 20 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage. Total 136 thousand.

You love cool air and have completely tormented your family with constant drafts and open windows, or vice versa, are you a heat-loving person and torment them with sweltering heat? Let's figure out what temperature is the most comfortable and optimal for your home.

Air temperature in the apartment

The air temperature in the apartment is one of the most important factors microclimate. In different climatic zones, the optimal temperature parameters are different. So for a hot climate it is 17-19 0C, for a moderate climate from 18 to 20 0C and in cold conditions 20-22 0C. Discomfort and poor health can be observed at temperatures of 24 0C or more.

But, of course, the optimal temperature regime is the one at which the inhabitants of the living space feel comfortable.

According to SNiP, the minimum permissible temperature value during the heating season in an apartment is threshold is 18 0C. Most people experience a state of thermal comfort at temperatures in 21-25 degrees Celsius. But for different groups population, this figure fluctuates. So research has shown that for women and children optimal temperature indoor air is at 23-25 ​​0C, and for the male population - 21-23 0C.

Specialist hygienists, together with psychologists, have developed their own simple rules and conditions under which the temperature in a living room will approach the maximum comfortable conditions. According to their calculations normal temperature air in the house should be within 18-24 degrees Celsius. It is this heat temperature that will provide the most acceptable for the human body.

Temperature in the apartment for different rooms

Sanitary standards recommend adhering to the following temperature conditions.

The concept of the magnitude of temperature differences horizontally and vertically in residential buildings. When moving around the apartment, a person should not feel the temperature difference. This is possible if horizontal temperature fluctuations are within 2-3 0C.

How to measure the temperature in a room

In this case, the temperature in the room is measured at interior wall at a distance of 1 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor.

The standards apply only after the heating season. Before it - there are no standards - warm up as best you can!

Hot water temperature in the apartment

And the temperature hot water should be all year round– not lower than +50 and not higher than +70 degrees (according to the sanitary norms and rules of SNiP 2.08-01-89 “Residential buildings”). Measure it at an open tap by immersing the thermometer in a glass under running water.

The temperature in the apartment does not meet the standards: what to do?

If the temperature in the apartment during the heating season does not meet the standards, You can write a statement to your DEZ requesting verification. For this purpose, a technician-supervisor or an engineer from the local DEZ usually comes. After checking the batteries or plumbing system, a report is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment. If the complaints are confirmed, utility companies undertake to correct everything within 1 to 7 days.

Every heating season, Rospotrebnadzor and other bodies monitoring compliance with consumer rights receive many complaints from citizens who are not satisfied with the established air temperature in residential premises. Often these complaints are justified, sometimes not. The fact is that the legislation regulates these issues very clearly, down to every degree. These standards are addressed in SanNiP, and in a number of Federal Laws and government regulations.

Established standards for different rooms in a residential building

Utilities must provide a specific air temperature in residential premises, which will vary depending on the specific purpose of each room. The figures are taken based on the SNiP in force today. The values ​​should be as follows:

  • 18 degrees for rest rooms and bedrooms;
  • the same temperature is provided for the kitchen;
  • the bathroom should be really warm - 25 degrees Celsius. It is precisely because of the increased requirements that a coil is always installed there, and not a standard battery;
  • For corner rooms, the normal temperature is 20 degrees.

The above figures are taken from Appendix No. 2 of SanPiN, which lists optimal norms on temperature and humidity in residential buildings. Compliance with them is a requirement, not a recommendation.

Temperature in the rest of the house. Permissible deviations

Living in apartment building, remember that the law regulates not only the air temperature in residential premises, but also in places common use. Today the values ​​are as follows:

  • 16 degrees for staircase. The entrances must be warm, which is ensured by the heating for which you pay;
  • in the elevator - not lower than + 5 degrees;
  • attic and basements- +4 degrees.

This temperature regime necessary for safe operation building and is recorded in the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 2003, number 170. Negative temperature in technical rooms, such as those listed above, is simply unacceptable. This is a safety issue and the occurrence of such a situation can lead to accidents.

Attention! Heating must be uninterrupted from the beginning of the heating season (the date is set by local authorities and may vary from year to year, depending on the prevailing weather).

Breaks due to emergency circumstances may be permitted. The duration allowed is as follows:

  • no more than 16 hours at a time, if the temperature in the apartment did not drop below 12 degrees;
  • no more than 8 hours if the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees;
  • 4 hours when the temperature drops to 4 degrees.

During the month, no heating is allowed for a total of 24 hours. Exceeding the above standards will be a violation of the rules for the provision of utility services and will lead to recalculation of payments made.

Ensuring proper air temperature in the living room

This responsibility is legally assigned to management company. It is also important that both an obvious drop in temperature, which makes the apartment unsuitable for living, and excessive excess of the norm are not allowed.

Attention! According to sanitary standards, an air temperature of more than 22 degrees Celsius will be considered outside the recommended range. This will inevitably have a negative impact on the health of residents.

If in separate rooms temperature regime is violated, then changes are made to heating system, and, if necessary, installation of additional devices.

The rules in force today were introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 2006. Minimum temperature threshold for winter period set to the following values:

  • 18 degrees for the living space as a whole;
  • 20 degrees for corner rooms in the apartment.

Any Russian region can make changes at the local level. As a rule, we are talking about the far north, where this issue is especially relevant and ensuring proper living conditions is a prime necessity. What is typical for such regions (with periods when average temperature for 5 days is below -31 degrees) installed increased standards and apartments should be warmer than the national average.

State Standard R 52617-2000 allows temperature deviation at night by three degrees downward or upward from the norm. Everything else is a gross violation of your rights as a consumer of public services and an excuse. This happens as follows:

  • according to the seventh section of Government Decree No. 354 of 2011, the basis for future recalculation will be your appeal to the emergency service of public utilities;
  • besides phone call, it is recommended to file a complaint in person by writing a corresponding statement (in 2 copies), taking one of the copies, with a note of acceptance, for yourself;
  • after registering a complaint, the management company is obliged to measure the actual air temperature in the complainant’s living space;
  • a utility employee takes measurements (and also checks the banal serviceability of in-house heating systems) on the spot, in your presence. Based on the results, an act is drawn up and signed by the parties;
  • in addition to the mandatory recalculation of payment for services (which is guaranteed by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights), you may also be entitled to payment of a penalty if this was specified in the agreement with the management company.

Attention! Recalculation must be made both for the period when there was no proper heat in the premises, and for the time it will take utilities to restore the heating supply. According to the law, heating fees are reduced by 0.15% for each hour of complete absence or non-compliance with standards.

Of course, it may happen that the management company will not respond to your request at all or will greatly delay the deadline for sending an engineer to you to measure the temperature. In this case, you need to complain to the city administration, then to the prosecutor's office and the court.

Attention! While present during the inspection, check the correctness of the expert’s actions. Temperature measurement is carried out at a distance of 1 m from the wall and at a height of one and a half meters in each room.