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Indoor flower Zamioculcas. Caring for the plant in winter. Signs of nutritional deficiency

The houseplant known as the dollar tree requires special care. Despite its unpretentiousness in maintenance, Zamioculcas is important correct landing, watering, light mode, fertilizer.

Indoor decorative flower does not require special care, but properly selected fertilizing will provide the plant with a beautiful appearance.

Zamioculcas blooms infrequently. After the flowers fall, the soil in which the crop grows becomes depleted. The process of flower formation takes a lot of energy, so additional nutrition during this period is very important.

Zamioculcas must be fertilized every 2-3 weeks, starting from March 10-15 until September inclusive. The ornamental plant responds well to liquid fertilizers intended for succulents and cacti. Such preparations should not contain nitrogen.

Fertilizer for zamioculcas in concentrated form must be diluted in water.

You can also use fertilizers for deciduous ornamental crops, but dilution should be carried out by adding more water than according to the instructions for other plants.

The use of high concentrations of fertilizing and the introduction of nitrogen preparations are detrimental to zamioculcas. They are too aggressive for such a plant, causing burns and rotting of the entire root system and green mass.

Fertilizer is applied only to pre-moistened soil. For the aboveground part, use a root solution, additionally diluted 10 times. From the first days of October, fertilizing zamioculcas should be suspended.

Signs of nutritional deficiency

When there is a deficiency of nutrients, zamioculcas changes its appearance: the plant becomes sickly and weak. Symptoms of a lack of useful components:

  • leaf falling;
  • the green part dries, becomes yellow or light green, with brown spots;
  • The shoots begin to increase in size and become thin.

The first signs of the disease will help determine the lack of adequate nutrition and tell you when to feed the zamioculcas.

Timing and frequency of application

To grow a healthy plant, you need to know the rules of fertilization.

The first fertilizing should be done in the spring after planting in a pot. This is due to the increasing activity of the young shoot, which requires a lot of energy for growth and development. In winter, the feeding process must be minimized, and if Zamioculcas feels well, then fertilizer is completely eliminated for this period.

With the arrival of spring and active growing season, fertilizing should be resumed. ornamental plant and carry it out twice a month. Ready-made complex preparations for cacti are used as fertilizer. You can also buy succulent mixtures.

Processing methods:

  • 1) irrigation of the green part of the plant in the form of a working solution, leaf feeding;
  • 2) watering the root system.

Spraying is only applicable to healthy plant, not having a single sign of illness or exhaustion. The frequency of processing is once a month.

It is forbidden to fertilize more than twice a week.

During the period of budding and flowering, it is recommended to stop fertilizing zamioculcas. Preparation of a solution for irrigation is reduced to mixing 1 g or 1 ml of the selected product with 1 liter of water. Feeding the leaves is in addition to treating the roots of the plant.

Types of fertilizers for zamioculcas

Before using the preparations, you should remember that it is necessary to feed the crop on moist soil. Alternation of organics and minerals - optimal solution when processing the plant.


Organic fertilizers are effective for fertilizing zamioculcas. It is recommended to use the following types:

  1. Manure or bird droppings.

Fresh material is poured into the container 1/3 full, water is poured in room temperature. After 4 days, stir. The working solution is prepared by adding water in a ratio of 1:20 for manure or 1:25 for litter. The composition is used for root feeding.

  1. Compost.

The mixture is used in the form of mulch. Ready product should be laid on top of the pot's soil in a layer several centimeters high.

  1. Sapropel.

Lake sludge is sold in specialized stores in granular or liquid form. Before application, it is mixed with soil in a ratio of 1:10.

  1. Wood ash.

The substance is used dry or dissolved in water. It needs to be introduced into the soil at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per 1 kg of soil, mix thoroughly. To prepare the solution, add 6 tsp to 1 liter of liquid. ash, leave for 7 days. Water the plant at the rate of 100 ml of the prepared composition per liter pot.

  1. Sawdust.

This material is applied to the soil as mulch.

  1. Peat.

The rock is scattered over the soil surface in a layer of 5-6 cm and mixed with the top layer of soil.

Mineral supplements

This group of products produces positive effect per plant in combination with organic matter. The following drugs showed good results:

  1. Agricola.

The product is rich in microelements and dissolves in water without sediment. Fertilize with the drug root system 3 times a month. The solution is prepared by diluting 1 tsp. in 2 liters of water. Contact of the substance with zamioculcas leaves is not permissible.

  1. Agricola Aqua.

The drug is administered without additional preparation. This modification of Agricola is suitable not only as a watering agent, but also for spraying. It accelerates the growth of zamioculcas, prolongs flowering and budding.

  1. Pokon.

This feeding does not require breeding. When fertilizing, you should use safety glasses, gloves, and a respirator. The drug is dangerous for animals and people.

  1. Uniflor growth.
  1. Uniflor-bud.

Contains potassium and phosphorus, promotes the formation of buds and flowers. Mixing proportions are identical to the previous fertilizer.

  1. Master color.

The substance contains a lot of iron and is used as a prophylactic against chlorosis.

Safety precautions when working with fertilizers

Any preparations for feeding plants should be purchased in specialized stores and ensure that there are clear instructions. When processing zamioculcas, be sure to use protective gloves, goggles, and when spraying, a respirator to prevent the drug from entering the respiratory system.

The fertilizer must be stored in a ventilated area without direct sunlight. Fertilizers should be kept away from children and animals. Humidity and storage temperature must comply with the instructions. It is also necessary to avoid close contact with heating devices, food, medicines.

Do-it-yourself fertilizers

Homemade products showed good results:

Fertilizing zamioculcas at home is not difficult, but precise dosages must be observed to avoid oversaturation.

In order for your indoor plant to be healthy and have a beautiful appearance, you should follow the recommendations:

  1. Watering and air humidity should be moderate.
  2. Provide bright lighting, if necessary, transfer the plant to another, more suitable place.
  3. Fertilization with organic matter and mineral fertilizers should alternate.
  4. Treatment is carried out in spring and summer, in autumn it is reduced to a minimum, and in winter it is not carried out unless there is an urgent need.
  5. It is necessary to fertilize not only the root system (tubers), but also the above-ground part of the zamioculcas.
  6. Transplantation and reproduction occurs every 3 years.

Keeping Zamioculcas in winter

With the arrival of autumn, fertilizing should be reduced to a minimum. Continuous fertilization causes harm by depleting the entire root system. Decorative culture will not be able to gain strength and “rest” for winter period.

Spring-summer season

Zamioculcas, growing in its usual environment, can reach a meter in height. In apartment conditions, inexperienced gardeners exclude fertilizing to stop growth. This decision is wrong: it is necessary to fertilize the plant, but according to certain rules.

The first feeding after purchase should be done in the spring, when Zamioculcas enters the activity phase. Fertilize the crop with one or another preparation according to the instructions, since different manufacturers offer means of a specific action. There are concentrated fertilizers on the market that require additional dilution in water, and are ready for use without additional manipulation.

Zamioculcas should be fertilized regularly 2 times a month until autumn. From September, reduce the number of treatments to one, gradually transferring the plant to a dormant state.

Zamioculcas will decorate the house with bright, succulent leaves with proper care. Fertilizing a plant has a positive effect on its appearance and general condition.

Zamioculcas, the dollar tree, can be found on the windowsills of apartments, offices, and schools. And for good reason! Spectacular, modern, but at the same time unpretentious in care, the plant becomes the pride of its owners. Even the myth that Zamioculcas is a celibate flower does not prevent it from winning fans. Fans of this plant admit that even novice gardeners can grow a dollar tree at home.

Zamioculcas - exotic in the house

This beauty's homeland is Tanzania, a small country in eastern Africa. Initially growing in arid regions with a lack of moisture, Zamioculcas feels great in an ordinary apartment or office.

Zamioculcas belongs to succulent plants family Araceae. Its stems are straight and fleshy, with dark green shiny spear-shaped leaves.

Perhaps it is precisely because of its resemblance to a palm tree that it is popularly known by such names as aroid palm, Zanzibar pearl, emerald palm, and, more familiar to us, the dollar tree.

In the plant’s homeland, in East Africa, it constantly blooms with yellow-orange or green-white flowers, but in ordinary apartments, flowering can only be achieved in adult plants. Zamioculcas reaches 80 cm in height, but at a young age it grows rather slowly. Tubers form on its roots, in which they accumulate nutrients

, so the plant can easily endure dry periods of its life.

Dollar tree or flower of celibacy - myths and signs Zamioculcas will get along well with both a novice amateur and a professional gardener. Large pots with powerful plants decorate spacious offices, greening the office premises and adding a touch of coziness to them, last years

he became very popular. One of the reasons for this success is the sign that Zamioculcas brings money to the house; it is even called dollar tree . Of course, you can't find dollars on it, but it is considered to be a flower that grows well in the house, with lush foliage and

rich color leaves, increases the well-being of the family. To do this, the shoot (or rhizome) of zamioculcas must be taken from successful or rich people, giving in return a coin of small denomination. However, like almost any succulent, Zamioculcas is considered a celibate flower. Having it in the house negates the possibility of getting married for

unmarried girl

. Whether this is true or not is up to you to decide, but if you are inclined to believe superstitions, but still want a flower, then ask your friends to buy it for you as a gift, and when presenting the flower, give the giver a small coin - then the negative energy of the flower will be neutralized.

Features of planting and transplantation

When choosing a flower to buy, look at the condition of the leaves - they should be shiny, tight, and without damage. As a rule, all purchased specimens require replanting. Important! Zamioculcas is poisonous. Any part of the plant that produces sap can damage your skin, so use gloves. Do not allow children or pets to bite or chew its leaves. Since Zamioculcas is tall and

heavy plant , you should choose stable large pots, but at the same time, new dishes should be only a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. There is no need to replant the plant every spring,

best time for the procedure - when the pot is completely filled with shoots and roots. In the bottom of a new pot there must be

drainage holes

  1. to drain excess water.
  2. Fill in 5–6 cm of light soil, which includes sand, perlite or vermiculite. You can use ready-made soil mixture for succulents.
  3. Carefully remove the zamioculcas from the old pot, plastic container you can just cut it in half. Free the roots from remaining drainage.
  4. Place the plant in new pot so that the top earthen coma was 2 cm below the edge.
  5. Fill up empty seats soil, lightly moisten.
  6. Place the transplanted plant in the shade for two days. Stage 6.

Secrets of correct Zamioculcas transplant - video

Basic home care

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious plant, but in order for it to become a spectacular decoration of the room, it should be properly cared for. It is best to place the flower pot on a bright window. Zamioculcas tolerates partial shade well, but the color of the leaves becomes less saturated.

From time to time, the pot should be turned to the light source with the other side, especially in spring and summer - during the period of active growth.

Try to periodically wipe off dust from the leaves, and it is more advisable to wash too large specimens under a warm shower, covering the earthen ball with a bag.

How to properly water and feed a plant

In winter, zamioculcas is not fed, but watered only after the soil has completely dried.

Never water from a tray - only from above, through a lump of earth! Once a month in spring and summer, Zamioculcas should be fed with universal liquid fertilizer

for succulents (for example, Agricola), reducing the dosage by 2 times. Try to support high humidity

, periodically spraying the bush. On a sunny window and in hot weather, water it generously, without waiting for the earthen lump to dry out; do not allow drops of water to fall on the leaves if the plant is illuminated by the sun at this time. The plant tolerates drought well, and in cool summers it is better to “underwater than overwater.”

Dollar tree blossom

It is believed that Zamioculcas does not bloom indoors, but some gardeners note the appearance of such “cobs” in their adult plants.

It grows at any time of the year, is relatively short (up to 20 cm), odorless, and completely unattractive. But the blooming of Zamioculcas may mean that you are doing a great job of caring for it.

Rest period It does not shed leaves and does not need a special room, it is simply watered less and not fed at all. Some specimens live according to their biological clock and begin to grow actively in winter, producing new leaves, then you have to focus on the plant itself and feed it during this period.

Errors in care - table

Problem Symptoms Solution
OverflowThe leaves become limp, turn yellow, fall off, and rot near the ground.Remove from the pot and inspect the roots. Trim off any rot and plant in succulent soil.
Root rotSoft rotten parts of tubers and leaf petioles.Cut out the damaged parts, sprinkle the sections with crushed coal, treat them with Fundazol and transplant them into a completely new substrate.
DroughtThe leaves lose their elasticity, turn yellow, their tips dry out, especially in winter - in the absence of watering and central heating.Water more often, spray
Drafts and low temperaturesLeaves on young shoots turn yellow and fall off, dark spots on leaf blades.Put in more warm place without drafts.

Diseases and pests

Zamioculcas is very rarely affected by pests and diseases, most often from uninvited guests you can find aphids, scale insects and spider mite.

Aphids may appear on the plant after it has been on fresh air open air. Leaves affected by aphids curl, turn yellow and fall off. To kill insects, spraying with drugs such as Fitoverm, Intavir, Decis is used.

The scale insect is an inconspicuous insect, but multiplying quickly, it covers the leaves with dense dark spots. They can be removed with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution, and for prevention, spray zamioculcas with a soap solution or Aktara. Adult scale insects are removed from the plant only by hand - due to their immunity to insecticides.

In a dry room, a whole colony of spider mites can settle on Zamioculcas. The pest entangles the internodes with white threads; if there are few insects, it is difficult to notice. But if you periodically spray the plants with plain water, droplets of moisture will settle on the web, and you will immediately see it. Then you should immediately take measures to destroy the mite, wash the leaves with soapy water, spray with tobacco infusion (infuse 200 g of tobacco for 24 hours in 5 liters of water, boil for 2 hours and, after cooling the solution, add another 5 liters of water and 25 g laundry soap). In particular advanced cases spider mites are sprayed with acaricides (Akterik, Fitoverm). In addition, neighboring plants should also be treated. window frames and a window sill.

Harmful insects in the photo

Dollar tree propagation

The best way to propagate zamioculcas is by dividing the bush during transplantation, but the amazing vitality of the plant allows it to grow even from a leaf plate. You should take a closer look at this method if you need a lot planting material

. In addition, Zamioculcas can be grown from seeds, but it is impossible to find them on sale.

Dividing the bush

Rooting leaves

  1. If, when replanting a plant, several leaf blades fall off, do not rush to throw them away - this is an excellent planting material.
  2. It is advisable to take leaf blades from old branches; before planting, the petiole should be dipped in Kornevin. Fill individual cups or trays with loose, light, slightly moist soil. plant sheet plates
  3. into the prepared substrate.
  4. Place in a well-lit place and water periodically.
  5. Be patient and wait. Even yellowed leaves should not be thrown away - after 2–3 months they will develop roots and a bulb will begin to form.

In another couple of months, new leaves will appear. Further care consists of regular watering.

If you are interested in observing the appearance of roots, you can root zamioculcas in water. In this case, the cutting or leaf is simply lowered into water instead of soil, and when the first roots appear, it is transplanted into the ground. However, with this method, the cuttings often rot.

Growing a dollar tree from a leaf cutting - video

Experienced flower growers do not need to introduce the indoor plant Zamioculcas, because this flower appeared in our country back in the late 90s. It was at that time that a plant with an unusual name, grown in Dutch nurseries, became available for the first time to domestic gardeners. It didn’t take Zamioculcas long to win the love of many flower growers. This was facilitated not only by his unpretentiousness, but also decorative properties , thanks to which it looks great both in ordinary apartments

, and in office premises. However, the official name of this exotic plant did not take root among ordinary flower growers, so an alternative was invented for it - dollar tree . Perhaps this is precisely what can explain the fact that in most cases, Zamioculcas today adorns banks and other financial institutions. It is also often called “ woman's happiness

The dollar tree, which is most commonly found in East Africa, is a member of the Araceae family. However, it stands out from its relatives in that it is unpretentious.

IN natural conditions Zamioculcas growth is not afraid of either drought or the hot scorching sun. Therefore this exotic flower is wonderful takes root in our climate.

Zamioculcas has pronounced decorative properties, which is manifested in its spectacular appearance and unusual structure. Unique plant does its lack of branches. The part of the plant that many people think is the stem is actually compound leaves, which begin to form immediately from the tuber.

When growing zamioculcas, the tubers located underground play an important role for the plant because they accumulate moisture. During development, this flower develops erect, feathery large sizes leaves with a waxy coating on the surface. All leaves grow on thickened petioles that originate at the base. Adaptation to periods of drought is explained by the fact that any part of the plant accumulates moisture whenever possible.

During the season, the dollar tree shows slight increase in height. Another feature is the extremely rare flowering - such an event is observed only in very mature specimens. Because of this, zamioculcas, which is grown at home, can rarely please the owner with flowers.

Zamioculcas corresponds to its family in many ways. It looks like a small ear of corn with a pale green blanket encircling it in a circle. Zamioculcas is not a very durable plant; usually after 5-10 years you have to look for a replacement. Throughout its life it does not grow above one meter.

It must be taken into account that Zamioculcas is poisonous plant, and any part of it is dangerous. For this reason, it is recommended to grow it in places where neither small children nor pets can reach it.

You need to be especially careful With poisonous juice , since if it gets into the eyes, the condition may worsen. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions when caring for Zamioculcas.

Caring for a houseplant zamioculcas

Although Zamioculcas can feel comfortable under any growing conditions, it reacts accordingly to lack of care. When you bring home a purchased plant, do not rush to plant it. First you need to let it stand for two to three weeks in order to adapt to new conditions. Next, having assessed the current time of year and the characteristics of the plant, a decision is made to transplant Zamioculcas.

Caring for this plant allows delays between waterings, this will not lead to a slowdown in its growth or other negative phenomena. Drafts do not pose a danger to him either. With the onset of summer, you can move the flower pot to the balcony, veranda or open terrace, where the zamioculcas will feel even better.


It is advisable to place this exotic plant on a windowsill located on south side, where he will be provided with plenty of sunlight. The dollar tree grows best when it receives indirect light. Moreover, if the leaves reach rare straight Sun rays, then it will not harm him.

It is allowed to keep this indoor plant on north side, however, in this case you will not get the same stable growth as on the south side. In addition, as experience shows, in this part of the room the leaves will not have such a rich shade, since the plant will not receive enough required quantity Sveta.

It is not recommended to grow Zamioculcas in full or partial shade. If there will be a shortage of lighting, then this will make its leaves reach for the light, and they will also turn out thin, weak, with sparsely spaced leaf blades. Therefore the disadvantage solar lighting can hit the plant painfully, which will primarily affect its decorative qualities.


Considering that the natural environment for the plant is a hot climate, the flower feels quite comfortable in dry and hot weather. In summer, Zamioculcas can grow at temperatures of +21...+29 degrees. In winter, the optimal temperature for it is + 15... + 18 degrees. Much less damage is caused to this exotic flower by a decrease in temperature in winter if rare watering is carried out at this time of year.

Zamioculcas can experience serious stress with sudden temperature fluctuations. If the temperature drops below + 12 degrees, then in some cases this can lead to its death.


Along with lighting, watering is no less important for the normal development of zamioculcas. If you neglect this activity during care, then at some point the dollar tree will begin to weaken and dry out. It must be remembered that this flower can withstand long periods of drought well, so this will not disrupt the rhythm of its life as much as an excess of moisture.

Although the dollar tree is a drought-resistant crop, watering is still necessary. Otherwise it's will cause leaves to fall. This is an additional clue to the grower that the plant is lacking moisture, and it gets rid of parts to reduce its consumption. Usually, if the root is in a viable state, when watering is resumed, the plant begins to feel better and gradually recovers.

  • it is not advisable to carry out frequent abundant watering, as this can cause even more harm to the plant. If there is no way to remove excess moisture, the roots will soon begin to rot and die. IN summer period it is important to carry out moderate watering, their frequency is determined by the state of the earthen coma: optimally, when only the top layer has time to dry between successive waterings;
  • in cases where it is difficult to understand whether the plant needs moisture, it is recommended to postpone this event for a day. In winter, watering should be reduced even more. It is enough to water the zamioculcas once every 3-4 weeks using settled warm water;
  • considering that the leaves of the plant have a natural surface wax coating, dust quickly accumulates on them. For this reason, it will be necessary to carry out regular water procedures. During a warm shower, it is important to protect the soil from moisture so as not to disturb the growing conditions of zamioculcas.

Feeding Zamioculcas

Plants grown at home, especially need feeding. And Zamioculcas is no exception.

Transplantation and propagation

Considering that zamioculcas grows rather slowly, it can be transplanted quite rarely. Usually the need for this arises at the moment when there is no space left for the roots. further growth in a pot. Mature plants need to be replanted every five years, and young - every two years. This operation must be carried out with great care, trying not to injure the rhizomes, since after this they require a lot of time to recover.


Among exotic plants There are many interesting representatives that can be grown without any problems in our latitudes at home. The indoor Zamioculcas flower is not uncommon for most gardeners today, because it was first offered in our country back in the 90s. Therefore, during this time, experienced florists were able to obtain enough information about the features of growing zamioculcas: how to care, how often to replant, etc. Although zamioculcas is unpretentious plant, still he needs provide some care, which guarantees not only fast growth, but also resistance to diseases.

Zamioculcas – exotic flower, which has become very popular in a short period of time. It, similar to the Crassula, is called money tree, but in order not to be confused with the latter, Zamioculcas is usually called a dollar tree. Apparently that's why he often decorates office rooms and banks.

Optimal conditions for plant growth

In the wild, the plant develops well both on dry soils and under the hot sun. At home, the plant requires care. After purchase, it needs two weeks of adaptation to new conditions, only then the plant is replanted.

Important! The Zamioculcas flower, or rather its leaves, are poisonous. If there are small children or animals in the house, you should place the zamioculcas in a place inaccessible to them. Trying to taste it will result in an upset stomach or an allergic reaction.

Lighting for Zamioculcas

It is better to allocate a place for the plant on southern windowsills. They're always lit sunlight. On the north side, zamioculcas will not disappear either, but the leaves will not be so bright and the growth will not be so fast. Shaded rooms are not suitable at all - the leaves will look for a light source, stretching and weakening. Lack of light will significantly worsen decorative look plants.

Temperature and humidity

In its natural environment, Zamioculcas is resistant to drought and heat, but care at home consists of following temperature regime and humidity conditions.

In summer, the plant prefers a temperature of +21...+29°C, in winter - +15...+18°C. In principle, it is not afraid of small changes, but temperatures below +12°C will be disastrous for the flower.

Attention! The most unfavourable conditions for Zamioculcas – dampness at low temperatures.

Air humidity does not play a special role in the development of the plant, but it responds well to spraying.

Soil requirements

Heavy soils are not suitable for the plant. Zamioculcas loves loose soil that allows moisture and air to pass through well. You can purchase ready-made soil with the addition of coal, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take leaf and turf soil, sand and peat in equal parts.

How to plant zamioculcas

Before planting, prepare drainage for the pot. This can be expanded clay, small river pebbles and polystyrene foam. It needs to be laid three-quarters of the way to the bottom of the pot. For successful rooting of plants, ready-made soils for violets or cacti are well suited; they allow air and moisture to pass through perfectly. If you take soil from the garden, it needs to be disinfected. When planting from cuttings, you can also root in water, in disposable cup. The seedling is placed in a warm place with diffused lighting at +22°C. If rooting in the ground, water regularly. It is important not to overwater - excess moisture will cause weak roots to rot. When planting a plant with tubers, make sure that the tubers protrude slightly from the soil.

Did you know? There are many superstitions associated with Zamioculcas. It is contraindicated in the house of a lonely young lady. Popular belief says: if a lady dreams of getting married, she must remove ivy, violets, tradescantia and zamioculcas from the house.

Fertilizing and watering zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is not a capricious plant, but you need to know how to care for it. First of all, this concerns watering and fertilization. Being naturally resistant to drought, zamioculcas tolerates underwatering more easily than excess moisture. Although when long absence When watered, the plant sheds its leaves in order to consume less moisture and nutrients. Don’t be alarmed if this happens - the plant’s root does not die and will recover well when care is resumed. If moisture stagnates, the root system will rot and die.

In summer, a moderate watering regime is needed; in winter, water once a month with warm, settled water. Sometimes a plant needs to be given warm shower, while covering the soil in the pot with film. The plant needs feeding during the growing season once every two weeks. For feeding it is better to take universal fertilizer and dilute it to half the specified concentration.

IN spring-summer period You need to feed them twice a month with compounds for cacti or succulents. Zamioculcas responds well to spraying. For this purpose, complex compounds or urea are used. During the winter dormant period, there is no need to fertilize the plant.

How to transplant a flower

When choosing a pot for replanting, keep in mind: the larger the pot, the more the root system will develop, otherwise the above-ground part of the flower will develop better.

When is it necessary to replant a flower?

Zamioculcas transplantation at home is carried out annually. The plant grows slowly, so it does not require frequent replanting. Do this if the entire pot is filled with tubers, then the plant will become crowded and needs help. Young plants are replanted every two years, adults once every five years.

Transplantation scheme

Zamioculcas does not tolerate transplantation well, so this is done by transshipment with extreme caution. The soil is not changed during replanting; transfer the plant from the old pot onto paper, and then add fresh soil to the old pot in the new pot. The need to completely change the soil arises only when the plant becomes ill. It is preferable to use clay pot, the soil dries out faster in it and there is less concern about moisture stagnation. When replanting, keep in mind that the next leaves that grow after replanting will be larger than the previous ones, so the pot must be stable.

How to propagate Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is propagated by root division or cuttings. Sometimes a fallen leaf already has a formed tuber; you can use it as planting material.

Interesting! Feng Shui teachings about plants say: if the zamioculcas plant is healthy and shines with bright green leaves, there is no need to worry about financial problems. The flow of money into your budget is reliable and stable.

For the tuber propagation procedure, mature plant carefully removed from the pot. Its rhizome is divided, trying not to damage the tubers, and dried. Each separated part is planted in a separate pot. When planting, sprinkle with fine charcoal. The pot should already have drainage and soil prepared in advance.

dollar tree

Caring for a homemade zamioculcas flower at home - this will be discussed in the article.

I'll tell you about the intricacies of growing and magical secrets this interesting plant, because many signs and superstitions are associated with it.

Eastern philosophy believes that the dollar tree improves your financial situation.

Zamioculcas zamifolia belongs to the Araceae family, native to hot Africa.

The plant is similar to succulents, retaining nutrient moisture in the leaves and using it during periods of drought.

People call the flower this way: dollar tree, female happiness, flower of celibacy.

  1. leaves are mistaken for branches (but the main trunk is a tuber that is in the ground)
  2. contains sufficient moisture to survive dry times
  3. glossy bright green leaves of the same size, arranged tightly and forming a rosette
  4. the tree grows up to one meter in height

Thanks to exotic species and ease of care, Zamioculcas is an excellent addition to an office or apartment.

The juice is poisonous. Avoid contact with skin and eyes (if this occurs, immediately rinse the affected area with clean water).

Original indoor flower — .

Zamioculcas flowering

How Zamioculcas blooms

How Zamioculcas blooms at home can be observed very rarely, because... The plant loses color when mature.

Experts say that almost every plant can bloom, but only with sufficient light and water.

When the dollar tree blooms, at first it is very difficult to distinguish it from an ordinary leaf.

The flower itself is tightly covered with a leaf-spread; its size can be up to 10 centimeters and at first glance resembles a small cob of corn.

Over time, the cover opens completely. How often Zamioculcas blooms at home depends on the conditions of growth and feeding.

Please note that if a tree blooms but does not produce new leaves, then most likely it is getting old and needs to be propagated.

Compositions of indoor plants with zamioculcas

Some plants not only look spectacular individually, but also combine well and get along with other plants.

A composition of home flowers can be made in one pot. It should be spacious enough. The most important condition: the same requirements for care, soil composition, watering and lighting.

So zamioculcas in composition with other plants will feel harmonious. Any type of succulent is most suitable for this.

If you do not want to plant all the plants in one flowerpot, you can create a composition of plants in separate pots, but place them close.

You can combine flowers that need different watering, but in the same amount of lighting and spraying. This compositional solution will bring freshness to the interior.

Caring for Zamioculcas at home

Caring for Zamioculcas at home will not take much time, but it’s worth knowing key features and secrets of the procedure.

The tree can survive in any environment, but to keep it looking fresh with fresh leaves and vibrant greenery, follow these tips.

Soil and watering. Plant zamioculcas in a spacious pot:

  • the soil should be moderately fertilized and contain turf, sand and peat
  • universal soil is also suitable (this composition is balanced and has a sufficient amount of microelements)
  • the acid level of the soil should be neutral
  • The plant should be watered as the soil dries, but the main thing is excess moisture will harm the tuber
  • drainage plays an important role because prevents excess fluid retention

IN cold period all plants are in a dormant state. Therefore, in winter you should reduce watering and spraying the flower.

Light and air temperature. Zamioculcas can decorate any corner of your home. The main condition is that the tree must receive diffused light throughout the day.

Placing a pot with a plant on a windowsill may be hampered by its dimensions (it is enough to place it near the window).

There are no special requirements for air temperature; the plant feels equally good in hot and cool rooms. The temperature must be at least 15 °C.

Humidity and spraying. It is advisable to occasionally spray the tree, and also periodically clean the leaves of dust with a damp cloth.

If there is insufficient air humidity in the room, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and die.

You shouldn’t be scared, because if the dollar tree has been growing for you for more than a year, it could be natural process dying off of the lower leaves due to age.

Fertilizer. In order to motivate active growth, zamioculcas needs feeding. The flower produces one new leaf per year.

To accelerate tree growth, use emulsions, which are presented in a large assortment on the shelves of specialized flower shops.

Fertilizers designed for cacti or succulents are suitable for dollar trees.

The liquid should be diluted according to the instructions. The plant quickly absorbs nutrients, so feeding is required every 14 days.

Fertilizing the flower should occur in spring and summer, i.e. during periods of active growth. Alternating mineral and organic fertilizers will give good results.

Once a month you can fertilize through the leaves, that is, spray them special solution, the composition of which contains urea.

Foliar feeding introduces some limitations. It should be temporarily stopped if the plant has withered, is about to bloom, or is affected by pests.

It is carried out only on dry leaves and no more than once a month. Feeding in winter is stopped, as it can harm the plant. You can actively fertilize in early May.

It is very important to follow safety precautions when working with fertilizers. Use gloves for protection and do not allow solutions to come into contact with open areas body, eyes, nose.

Zamioculcas transplant after purchase

Young zamioculcas should be replanted in a new pot and fresh soil every year in the spring. If the plant is large, with many branches and leaves, replanting is needed as needed.

How and in what soil is it better to replant. The soil must be mixed with sand, peat or universal (when purchasing ready mixture in the shop).

Suitable soil intended for succulents and cacti. The next pot needs to be selected a little larger than the previous one. Good drainage will protect the flower from excess moisture.

Growth will be more active when the roots reach the walls of the pot. The old soil should be replaced with fresh soil, and at the end of the replanting, the soil in the pot should be slightly moistened.

If the plant is more than half a meter high, some branches may need support.

Immediately after acquisition, you should not replant Zamioculcas; the flower needs to get used to its new home.

Acclimatization lasts about a month, then transshipment is recommended - a method of transplanting a flower in which old land remains.

This way you will protect the flower from unnecessary damage to the roots.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas can reproduce using any part of the plant. There are 3 methods:

Sheet. To do this, a leaf or small branch must be carefully cut off and left for several days to dry.

Then place it in sand or a mixture of sand and peat, preferably cover it on top glass jar or polyethylene.

The greenhouse must be constantly ventilated and the soil moistened. It is better if the seedling stands in a bright, warm place. Any healthy leaf or a small part of it will do for this.

Sheet method reproduction

Tubers. When transplanting an adult plant, the stem-tuber can be divided into separate elements.

Rooting stimulants (for example, Kornevin or Zircon), which can be purchased at a flower shop, are also effective.

Root formation can take up to 6 months. How larger area, on which a root should form, the faster the shoot will grow stronger.

Propagation by tubers

Diseases and pests of the dollar tree

Flower growers claim that the plant is hardy and resists pests well, but sometimes this happens. Poor care can also cause serious harm.

A common mistake is excessive soil moisture. The roots begin to rot from excess moisture.

If this happens:

  • you need to carefully remove the flower from the pot
  • dry the root system and replant in new soil
  • damaged roots should be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon tablets

If they turn yellow and fall off lower leaves, this is not always an indicator of the presence of a disease or pest. This often happens due to age and the old leaves die off.

The black spot that may appear on the site of fallen leaves does not pose a threat to the plant. Yellowed leaves should be cut off after they have completely dried.

Among the pests that can settle on zamioculcas leaves are:

Scale insects or shield aphids. The insect multiplies quickly and injures leaves and stems, which become covered with black spots.

Adult aphids form scutes on plant surfaces, under which they live:

  1. aphid is a small green or gray insect
  2. feeds on the sap of the flower on which it lives (the leaves of the plant begin to dry out and curl up)
  3. You can kill aphids using an insecticide or nicotine sulfate with soap solution
  4. solutions based on soap and tobacco are used to control pests

Spider mite. The insect is red in color, which can be seen by the small cobwebs that the tick leaves behind:

  • Wiping the leaves with a solution of soap, tobacco infusion or special chemical compounds will help destroy the pest.
  • After treating wood using one of the methods, after 24 hours it is necessary to wash it with plenty of water.
  • in order to protect the soil from excess moisture, you should first cover it with polyethylene

But even if your plant has lost its leaves, but the tuber remains, do not rush to get rid of it. It is necessary to inspect the remaining root system and trunk of the plant.

If they look strong and healthy, treatment is necessary. weak solution manganese, planted in the soil.

You may soon see new shoots as the plant is incredibly hardy.

Zamioculcas: folk signs and superstitions

With many indoor plants tie up various signs and superstition. Some bring happiness and wealth, others love and prosperity.

The names of the flower speak for themselves: dollar tree, female happiness, celibacy flower.

Zamioculcas was called the flower of celibacy because it is believed that it will not even allow the potential husband of its owner to cross the threshold.

With its energy, the plant does not give a chance to romance and love, and if there is already a relationship, then there will be discord in them.

This sign is directly associated with the similarity of the plant with spathiphyllum.

The flowers of these plants are almost identical, and spathiphyllum is categorically not recommended for single young ladies to keep at home.

If the plant was given as a gift married couple, then it will no longer harm the existing relationship. There is also an opinion that zamioculcas, on the contrary, attracts love.

Due to the fact that it blooms very rarely, it was awarded the name “women’s happiness.” It is believed that if a young girl takes proper care of it and the zamioculcas blooms, she will soon meet her betrothed.

In order for a tree to fulfill the most cherished desires of its owner, several conditions must be met. The tree should be a gift, but even for this precious gift you need to give a symbolic amount.

You need to care for, groom and cherish the flower, according to all the rules, until the plant blooms.

If someone asks for a leaf or a shoot in order to plant a flower for themselves, you need to take a little money from the person or not give the shoot.

Zamioculcas is credited with many positive signs, which outnumber all the negative ones, which you don’t even want to believe in.

Zamioculcas. Rituals to attract wealth and love

Zamioculcas was nicknamed the money tree thanks to eastern philosophy. If you look closely, you will see that the bright green leaves vaguely resemble coins, and their rich color is similar to the color of dollar bills.

There is an opinion that zamioculcas must be stolen, namely, a leaf or pagon must be picked in secret from everyone, in order to then grow it yourself.

The stolen plant will serve for the benefit of its owner. If the tree looks healthy, strong, and its leaves are shiny, it means that there is an abundance of money in the house.

The plant withers - this promises financial losses.

The energy of the flower not only attracts cash flows, but supports them in every possible way.

If the dollar tree is seriously ill and cannot be cured, you should purchase another plant and place it next to the withering one. Healthy tree will nourish the sick person with its energy.

In order to money signs started working, you must follow the rules.

The tree must be a gift, and the person who presents you with the plant must be financially wealthy.

For a dollar tree you should give a couple of coins “at the mercy”. Care must be correct, in compliance with all recommendations and advice from professionals.

The tree has strong energy, but sometimes to strengthen it, you can perform rituals to attract money and relationships.

A dollar bill should be placed under the pot - this enhances the properties of the tree.

You can attach dollar bills to the leaves as extra leaves.

The water with which you will water the flower can be pre-charged with wealth by dropping a few coins into it. After watering the flower with such water, the coins should be transferred to the wallet, so they will attract income.

Place coins (preferably cents) on the surface of the earth around the leaves, like a circle of prosperity and wealth.

You should not bury coins in a zamioculcas pot.

Ritual to attract love

You can ask a flower for the fulfillment of a love wish.

Tie red ribbons or threads onto the leaves of the tree, saying out loud your innermost request to the Universe.

Or just make a wish (it should not harm other people, and also have a positive wording).

In return, the dollar tree only needs to give proper care and caring attitude.

If your plant withers for no reason, then you should analyze the energy situation in your home. Dollar Tree is very sensitive to negativity and can even show it.

Constant hypocrisy and lies negatively affect the condition of the tree. The flower “feels” when there are constant quarrels and screams in the house.

Reconciliation and calm in the family will give the flower a positive charge of energy and help it return to normal.

Zamioculcas and Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a whole science of how to organize your space so that it works for your prosperity and enrichment.

Much attention is paid to symbols and talismans. According to Eastern teachings, zamioculcas is a symbol of love, wealth and good luck.

The main thing is to decide on its location in the apartment.

To do this, you can use a special table, which, according to the cardinal directions, divides the house into sectors.

Place the plant in the money zone of your apartment, namely in the southeast. If this sector is located in the bedroom, then the flower will not bring any harm energetically.

If you hang a small picture or photo depicting your wish on its leaves, it will come true.

And some Feng Shui experts even claim that the dollar tree will have a positive effect on prosperity and luck, regardless of its location.

Zamioculcas has particularly strong energy, because its leaves constantly stretch upward.

Always choose Zamioculcas for a gift or for your home correct solution. After all, the dollar tree will not cause any trouble, it will bring freshness and wealth to your home.

In the article Zamioculcas home care, the following points were discussed:

  • how to care for a dollar tree after purchase
  • how to deal with pests and flower diseases
  • what magical properties are attributed to this indoor plant

This is what my pet looks like...

I confirm the magical abilities of the flower. Checked personally.

Do you have experience raising money or love relationship using flowers. Share in the comments.

Best regards, Tina Tomchuk