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Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter: heating and cooling at low temperatures. Air conditioning for heating in winter

Having bought a split system for your home, have you suddenly wondered whether it is possible to turn on the split system in winter? The question is quite reasonable, because even the instructions and technical documentation for the purchased climate control equipment indicate that the operating temperature range of reversible air conditioners is from -5 to +25 degrees. What if it’s not -5, but -30? Let's find out how realistic the operation of the air conditioner is in winter.

Heating in winter: myth or reality

Pay attention to the instructions for your air conditioner. Surely you will see there the parameters already mentioned above, or very close to them. If the temperature outside is below -5, the air conditioner will simply lose the heating capacity stated in the technical documentation. Sooner or later it will completely drop to zero. Is it possible to operate the air conditioner in winter?

Household air conditioners should not be used in winter at all. The fact is that oil dissolved in the refrigerant “works” effectively only at the parameters specified in the instructions. By violating it (the instructions), you risk “losing” your friend forever, because the friction of the parts will occur almost dry due to thickened oil, and this will inevitably lead to rapid wear of the compressor and its final failure.

“Winter” temperatures for efficient operation of reversible air conditioners should not be lower than -5 degrees

There are measures aimed at expanding the operating temperature range of the split system so that you can use the equipment in winter time to cool the room, not to heat it.

Choosing an air conditioner for use in winter

Thanks to the winter start device, operation of the air conditioner in winter period possible, and not in the range specified in the instructions, but at much more low temperatures. To do this, you need to select a model with technical indicators, suitable for this purpose. The MDV split system provides operation down to -8 degrees, and VRF - up to -15 degrees Celsius.

Some models of split systems, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Daikin, can be used to heat rooms even if the outside temperature is -25 degrees, which, you see, is a good achievement.

Air conditioners of the Mitsubishi Electric and Daikin brands can operate even at temperatures of -25 degrees

When constant air conditioning is required, use special equipment: drainage a heating element, used to drain liquid; a heating device for the compressor, which prevents oil freezing and refrigerant boiling; fan speed slower to prevent freezing internal parts devices. This kit can be equipped with most quality cars, but only a technician can do this. If you require uninterrupted operation of the device down to -15 (in the absence of wind up to -25 degrees), then you need to contact the service center. Here you will not only install adapted equipment, but also put it on warranty service. It is possible to expand the temperature range, but this is an unjustified risk when operating the equipment.

Device heat transfer diagram

Possible problems due to improper use

Turning on conventional equipment in winter can lead to a number of troubles, and their nature depends on the mode in which you operated it and what the outside temperature was.

Heating mode, temperature below -5 degrees

  • the external unit begins to become covered with an ice crust from the condensate released during operation;
  • heat transfer deteriorates, heating performance decreases;
  • Liquid refrigerant may enter the compressor, causing it to fail.

“Cooling” mode, temperature +5 degrees and below

  • the external block and drainage pipe freeze;
  • compressor performance decreases;
  • the risk of compressor failure increases when the air conditioner is turned on.

Preparing a household air conditioner for use in winter

If the air conditioner does not turn on in winter, or rather, there are no plans to use it, then it is worth preparing it for the cold. To do this you need:

  1. turn on the split system in the “Ventilation” mode for 2-2.5 hours to remove moisture from the heat exchanger of the indoor unit;
  2. clean the filters (you can do it yourself);
  3. cover the external unit with waterproof material.

Checking the operation of the air conditioner in winter

And one more pressing question for many remained “for starters”: “How to check the air conditioner at sub-zero temperatures?” You can check it only if the temperature outside rises to the minimum specified in the instructions or if you have a “winter kit”.

If you bought and decided to install a split system in winter, when it is -25-30 degrees outside, then you should either wait for warmer weather and then do the installation, or trust the company that sold you the climate control equipment to turn on the system in the spring.

Household air conditioners provide undoubted benefits in the summer, giving comfort and coolness to the apartment. The refrigerant pumped into them takes heat from the premises, which is sent outside and released into the atmosphere through outdoor unit. Some models can work not only for cooling, but also as heaters. Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the apartment in winter for heating? This question is asked by many people who are encountering climate control equipment for the first time. Let's try to give a detailed answer to it.

Some myths about air conditioners

The first air conditioners, for example, Soviet BK and many other window models, were able to work exclusively for cooling. They hummed like transformer boxes, but supplied the apartments with life-saving coolness. Over time, traditional air conditioners were replaced by split systems consisting of two blocks. They are more convenient to install and differ reduced level noise. In addition, they learned to work in two directions.

This is precisely what is associated with the myth that the air conditioner cools in the summer and heats in the winter. This is not true - without proper retrofitting (if it is provided at all by the manufacturer), it will not be able to work in the winter season. Heating is possible only in spring and autumn periods when the outside air temperature has not yet dropped below zero. As soon as it crosses the zero mark, it cannot be turned on (or not recommended - it all depends on the model).

Another myth is that the split system takes away outside air, cools it and delivers it to the room. This is not true - the vast majority of air conditioners circulate the air in the rooms. The option to suck in outside air is only available in expensive models. Moreover, it is not very clear why such simple functionality has such an impact on the cost of equipment - it simply soars in price.

Available operating modes

HVAC specialists advise not to turn it on at all. domestic air conditioners for heating in winter at temperatures environment below +5 degrees.

An air conditioner with a heating function (we do not take as an example the most advanced models with an extended operating temperature range) installed in an apartment can be turned on only in two cases:

  • In summer, in any heat, even the strongest.
  • In autumn or spring - at temperatures not below zero (sometimes down to -5).

That is, in most cases, heating with an air conditioner in winter is impossible - it will simply break down. You can turn it on for heating in the winter season only in the southernmost regions, where temperatures rarely drop below zero (winters in the south are usually warm).

It’s easy to turn on the air conditioner for heating - pick up the remote control and use the Mode button to select the Heat mode, set the required temperature indicator.The device will “think” a little, after which it will turn on and begin to pump heat into the apartment. The sound of its operation changes a little, but there is nothing wrong with that - everything is within normal limits. At first, the device may emit an unpleasant odor, which will disappear 10-15 minutes after switching on.

What are the consequences of turning on the air conditioner for heating in winter?

If you turn on the air conditioner for heating in winter, at negative temperatures, then nothing good will happen - that’s for sure. Here is a list of possible breakdowns:

You cannot turn on the air conditioner in winter for cooling at sub-zero temperatures. The reason is simple - the oil in the compressor will freeze.

  • The compressor will break down due to simple freezing of the oil, which becomes thick and prevents the heart of the unit from working.
  • Malfunction of the outdoor unit due to condensate freezing - it simply has nowhere to go.
  • Damage to refrigerant lines.

Here are three main reasons why you should not turn on your air conditioner in winter when the temperature is below zero. A personal experience Many users say that already near the zero mark, the heating efficiency is quickly lost. Subzero temperature and will completely ruin the unit - this is no longer a warranty case.

Optimal operating conditions

The air conditioner can be turned on for heating at temperatures above 0 degrees, and preferably above +5 degrees (in winter, spring and autumn) - this is the verdict of experts. It’s best to look at the instructions for a specific device, where the operating range will be indicated. There are models that can operate in an extended range - for example, up to -5 degrees. It is prohibited to use them in frost below this mark.

Some models can be used at fairly low temperatures, but they are rarely found on sale and are more expensive. They work in temperatures as low as -25 degrees, which is important for regions with cold winters.

Using winter kits for air conditioners

To begin with, let's remember one rule - you cannot turn on the split system for heating in the winter. This applies to the vast majority of household models. Their maximum is -5 on the thermometer. And in best case scenario is it zero or +5. The operating principle of the air conditioner is to blame for everything - when working for heating, its outdoor unit is cooled, and in winter it completely freezes. Therefore, use it for heating in strong winter frosts impossible.

Some may object - they say that there are so-called winter kits on sale that allow you to turn on the air conditioning even in winter. Let's not deny that they really exist. They are only designed for air conditioning, not heating. That is, a winter kit is equipment designed to start the air conditioner for cooling in winter.

Winter kits include electronic control units that monitor freon pressure and ambient temperature, creating conditions for the successful launch of split systems in cooling mode in winter.

Winter kits solve the following problems:

  • Heat up the crankcase with oil.
  • Limit the fan rotation speed.
  • Ensure drainage works.

Features of starting heating in winter

Let's assume that you have an air conditioner at your disposal that can be turned on in winter, when the outside air temperature is within the operating range of the device. You click on the start button, select a worker and temperature conditions, but nothing happens - the air conditioner does not work for heating.

In this case, there is no need to rush - the system must warm up. She can be in “thought” for up to 15-20 minutes. The compressor does not work at this time, the fan does not work. After warming up, a click will be heard, the system will start in reverse mode, the radiator in the indoor unit will begin to gradually heat up. Heating works a little slower than cooling; the apartment will become warmer in 15-20 minutes.

Before turning on the air conditioner for heating, do not forget to vacuum the radiators and remove dust from the dust filters - this will help get rid of unpleasant odor. By the way, a mobile air conditioner with heating works the same as a regular split system.

Models of winter air conditioners

If you want to use an air conditioner to heat your apartment, let's look at models that can be turned on even in winter. We will focus on samples with an operating temperature range of up to -25 degrees.

The estimated cost of this air conditioner is 110 thousand rubles. It is a wall-mounted split system inverter type with an air flow capacity of up to 13.2 cubic meters. m/min. It can be turned on for heating at temperatures down to -25 degrees, and for cooling at temperatures down to -10 degrees. Model features:

  • Built-in air filtration.
  • Accurate temperature control.
  • Low noise level.
  • Self-diagnosis system.
  • The distance between blocks is up to 20 meters.

The heating power is 4 kW with a power consumption of 800 W (no violations of the laws of physics - this is not efficiency, but just the result of the operation of a thermodynamic machine).

If you want to get an air conditioner that can provide heating in temperatures down to -25 degrees, but you are not ready to pay more than 100 thousand rubles for it, then we have a solution. This is a compact split system from GENERAL with a thermal power of 2990 W. Air flow – up to 10 cubic meters. m/hour, with the ability to adjust the fan speed. It can be included in the control circuit " smart home"or control it using the remote control. The ambient temperature during heating operation is up to -25 degrees. Among all similar air conditioners this model is the most accessible.

Another inverter type split system. It can be turned on for heating in frosts down to -25 degrees. The cost of the model is about 85 thousand rubles. Thermal power– 4 kW, air flow– up to 12.25 cubic meters m/min. The air conditioner is equipped with an anion generator and air filter. It is distinguished by its compact design and low power consumption - 970 W in heating mode.

Before us is a completely extreme air conditioner. It can be turned on in heating mode even in the bitterest frosts - down to -40 degrees. In the same frosts, the cooling function also works. Thermal power is 6740 W with a power consumption of 2.1 kW. Powerful fan provides passage of up to 19.2 cubic meters of air per hour. There is also a dehumidification function and a built-in air filter. The model is intended for use in commercial premises, operating in heating and air conditioning modes.

Winter is approaching by leaps and bounds. This is felt not only on the street, but also in our own apartments: unfortunately, the heating system often leaves much to be desired, and you have to heat the house yourself. There is another situation: sometimes the radiators are heated too actively, and it is simply necessary to cool the air in the room. In this regard, many people have a question: is it possible to use air conditioning in winter? We answer - it is possible. But with some conditions.

Available on the market a wide range of air conditioners having different specifications, so it's not very simple. But split systems, monoblocks and other devices still have one thing in common: they are used extremely rarely in winter. But why?

It's about our famous Russian frosts. When the air temperature changes, its humidity also changes - therefore, when the air conditioner operates, excess moisture (condensation) occurs. Most air conditioners have a drainage system installed to remove moisture: the visible part of this system is a tube, which, as a rule, goes outside. If it's too cold outside, the drainage system tube freezes and an ice plug forms in it, which prevents condensation from escaping. Then the moisture has two options: either it seeps into your home through the internal casing, or it damages the device.

The outdoor unit also suffers from the cold, in particular the compressor - the “heart” of the air conditioner, compressing the refrigerant (a special substance necessary for the operation of air conditioners) and supporting its movement through the rest of the device. A special oil helps him carry out his direct duties, the properties of which depend on the air temperature. If it drops below the limit approved by the manufacturer, the oil will thicken and compressor parts will wear out.

There is another danger. In heating mode, the refrigerant, despite its name, should not be cooled, but heated. This does not happen at extremely low temperatures. Upon arrival chilled, i.e. When liquid refrigerant enters the compressor, a hydraulic shock occurs - this is what can render the device unusable.

That's why In winter, use the air conditioner with caution and follow the operating instructions.

True, there is one type of air conditioner that can be adapted to work in winter conditions, is a mobile monoblock air conditioner. This is mobile floor device can be used in all rooms, taken with you to the dacha or transported when moving: the device does not require installation. The only element of the device that should not be located in the room is the air duct for removing warm or cold air. To eliminate the risk of freezing of the air duct, it is worth leading it into the ventilation hole.

In general, the operation of an air conditioner is based on only one principle, familiar to us from physics lessons: heat is absorbed during evaporation, and released during condensation.

The device was originally intended for cooling, but modern technologies have stepped far forward, so that now heating is the most common function for climate control technology. To understand how an air conditioner works for heating, let's first look at how it works for cooling:

  1. The refrigerant enters the compressor in a gaseous state.
  2. In a compressor, the refrigerant is compressed under pressure and heated to a very high temperature.
  3. From the compressor, the refrigerant enters the condenser, where the refrigerant transforms into a liquid state.
  4. Next, the refrigerant pressure decreases and it enters the evaporator of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, where it again changes from liquid to gas. The refrigerant boils, it “takes” heat from the room, travels back to the external unit and “throws” the collected heat outside.
  5. The refrigerant in gaseous state is returned to the compressor and the cycle is completed.

You can use the heating mode special valve- it reverses the flow of refrigerant and, as it were, swaps the places of the condenser and evaporator. Otherwise the principle is the same.

Before using the heating mode, make sure that the device has this function. This is indicated in the instructions, as well as on the device itself - the heating mode is usually indicated by a sun icon.

If a heating mode is provided, look at the lower temperature threshold at which heating can be turned on - this is usually also written in the instructions.

Remember: every thermometer may have errors. Sometimes it reaches several degrees. Therefore, it is better not to use the air conditioner if your thermometer shows the critical level declared by the manufacturer.

To what temperature do air conditioners operate for heating?

As a rule, air conditioners operate properly in heating mode when the air temperature is above -5°C. At lower temperatures, firstly, the heating power drops significantly, and secondly, there is a risk of icing of the condenser or the drainage system of the device. So we do not recommend turning on the heating mode during severe frosts, otherwise, due to improper operation, you risk losing your climate “friend”.

However, some models of split systems heat the air at both -10°C and -15°C. The lower temperature limit depends on the type of refrigerant. Inverter models also work at -15°C - they have a function for adjusting the intensity of the compressor, which allows it to be more flexible in relation to outside temperatures. Of course, the price of an inverter air conditioner is much higher than a regular one.

The simplest reason why the heating does not work is that the client bought the device without understanding its capabilities. For example, split systems without heating mode are very popular in latitudes with warm climates. Therefore, be attentive to all the details when purchasing climate control equipment.

Does your favorite appliance not heat up in cold weather? No wonder. We have already written about the possible dangers of operating an air conditioner in the cold: the problem may be related to a breakdown of the compressor, oil, or drainage system. The wizard will help you understand the problem in detail.

If heating does not occur, do not rush to sound the alarm. Especially when the display shows that the device is working normally. Maybe it just takes a long time to warm up indoor unit– this is normal in cold weather. The room temperature may begin to rise within 15 minutes of starting the device.

Another common problem is a refrigerant leak. Leakage occurs, for example, due to poor-quality soldering of the interblock tubes through which the refrigerant circulates. In this case, you will need to refill with refrigerant, which is carried out by service departments.

Even if you know, do not forget that after installation you need to properly care for it. If you do not have time to clean the filters in a timely manner, then damage cannot be avoided.

A small display screen will also help you pinpoint the problem. IN modern models it will usually output an error code. The meaning of each code is shown in the instructions.

If you cannot determine the cause of the breakdown or are not sure that you can fix it yourself, you should call a specialist.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter for cooling?

The answer will be the same as the answer to the question about heating - it is possible. But only if the winter is warm.

Usually, minimum temperature, at which the air conditioner operates normally in cooling mode is -5°C. At a lower temperature, the device is exposed to all the dangers that we wrote about at the beginning of the article. Therefore, carefully study the technical specifications of the device before using the cooling mode.

In order not to be distracted by the operation of the air conditioner, you can set: with it, the device will turn on and off automatically according to the schedule that you create.

However, you always have the opportunity to “strengthen” the air conditioner by installing a winter kit.

Winter kit for air conditioner

Sometimes the air conditioner is equipped with a so-called winter kit. The kit includes several devices. They're heating up drainage system, prevent oil thickening and refrigerant overcooling.

The operating principles of the winter kit are as follows:

  • Thanks to temperature sensor The rotation speed of the fan of the external unit is adjusted. When the temperature gets lower, the speed slows down. This prevents freezing (and thickening) of the oil and the formation of ice in the housing.
  • A significant part of the compressor's load comes from starting it. And if the compressor is also frozen, the air conditioner will definitely be in trouble. Therefore, the winter kit provides heating of the compressor crankcase. This way the compressor is always ready to start.
  • To prevent ice jams from occurring and condensate to be removed without problems, the drainage system is heated.

It would seem that all the problems have been solved, and the dangers have been overcome, if not for one thing. Indeed, the winter kit allows you to turn on the air conditioning at lower temperatures than stated by the manufacturer, but only in cooling mode!

If you turn on the air conditioner with the winter set in heating mode, the device will still not be able to work properly. Moreover, the risk of water hammer increases significantly.

In addition to providing comfortable temperature In the summer, the air conditioner also dries out the air in the cabin. This helps to effectively combat glass fogging all year round, so it is in demand even in winter. However, depending on the outside temperature, the control system may prohibit the air conditioning compressor from turning on. In this matter, the laws of physics and the protective functions of electronics rule the roost.

Physics of the process

Operation of any air conditioner (including regular refrigerator) is based on the transition of the refrigerant (freon) circulating through the system from a gaseous state to a liquid state, and vice versa. It is these changes in the state of aggregation that ensure the absorption and release large quantity heat (thermal energy).

Freon enters the cabin radiator (evaporator) in a liquid state and at a low temperature. Through the honeycomb of the heat exchanger, it actively absorbs heat from the air, simultaneously drying it, and boils, completely turning into gas. In the system's external radiator (condenser), it releases this energy into the environment, turning back into liquid.

Complete evaporation of freon is critical to the health of the compressor, which circulates it throughout the system. If even a small volume of liquid refrigerant gets into it, it will be fatal. Therefore, various monitoring sensors are included in the control system to eliminate this risk. Based on their readings, the electronics can forcibly turn off the compressor during operation or even prohibit its activation.


Now in the overwhelming majority car air conditioners use R134a freon. At atmospheric pressure it begins to boil already at -26°C. But in the air conditioning system it is under overpressure. Accordingly, its boiling point will be higher. The transition to a gaseous state in the evaporator is possible at approximately 0°C. In winter, it often happens that freon simply does not have enough heat from the air in the cabin to turn into gas. This is closely monitored by an ambient temperature sensor and an additional climate control sensor in the cabin. Therefore, when certain conditions overboard, the control system will prohibit the inclusion of the air conditioning compressor.

The pressure in the air conditioning system is monitored by a combination sensor. If too low or high blood pressure turning on the compressor will be prohibited in order to eliminate the risk of damage. This is done so that the system does not activate, for example, when there is not enough freon in it. Important point: When the air conditioner is running, the freon pressure before the compressor is usually about 3 bar, and after the compressor it is about 14 bar. A short time after it stops, the indicators are compared. At 20°C this pressure is about 5–6 bar, but at 0°C it drops to 2 bar. And on some car models, this is enough for the control system to block the compressor from turning on.

Depending on the specific car model, pressure and temperature sensors have different priorities. For example, on many machines the control unit is guided by the readings of an external temperature sensor. If the car is driven into a heated garage from the cold, then even when the pressure in the system physically rises to the operating range, the electronic “brains” will need a little more time to realize the real, and not momentary change in environmental conditions and give the go-ahead to turn on the compressor.

The main conclusion: in winter you can safely use air conditioning. This in no way affects the resource of its elements. The only question is whether the control system of a particular car, which has been trained to play it safe, will approve this. On some cars, the air conditioning compressor will turn on even at negative temperatures outside (slightly below zero). And, for example, on some Fords it will refuse to work when a “snowflake” lights up on the instrument panel (the temperature drops below 3°C). It all depends on software and the design of the air conditioning system of a particular vehicle, that is, its performance characteristics. By the way, service technicians recommend regularly turning on the air conditioner in winter to reduce the risk of souring of the pressure metal plate compressor clutch.

The air conditioner protection system is very reliable. It relies on the readings of several sensors and has various safety algorithms. Overall, little is known about real facts turning on the compressor when unfavorable conditions. But if for some reason this does happen and liquid freon gets into it, then its death will be sudden, and the rest of the system elements will not be affected.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter for heating in cold weather? How to do this correctly? What problems might arise? How to solve them and avoid their occurrence?

In this article we will talk about how a split system works at low temperatures. You will learn how to properly operate it in winter. We will tell you what problems may lie in wait for you and how to easily solve them.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner for heating in winter?

Answer: you can. But only if:

  • Prepare the conditioner;
  • It will suit you;
  • Use it correctly;
  • The temperature outside corresponds to the operating mode of the split system for heating.

Minimum temperature

At what temperature can the air conditioner be turned on for heating? - there is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the model and manufacturer. Some models can operate for heating at -10, and some only at +5.

U inverter air conditioners the minimum operating temperature is lower. than non-inverter ones. Below is a table of minimum temperatures for the most popular air conditioner models (we replaced the model power with the ** symbol):

Air conditioner modelMinimum temperature for heating operation
Cooper&Hunter CH-S**FTXLA-25
Toshiba RAS-**U2KH3S-EE / RAS-**U2AH3S-EE-5 / -10
Mitsubishi Electric MUZ-FH**VE-15 / -16
Panasonis CS-HE**QKD/CU-HE**QKD-15 / -16
Midea MSR-**ARDN1

Heating efficiency

The split system may not always be able to operate at full capacity in cold weather. For example, the specification states that it can operate down to -20. This does not mean that the air conditioner will warm the air to +24.

As a rule, at a minimum temperature the air warms up no higher than +16...+18 °C. The colder it is outside, the worse the air conditioner works.

Each air conditioner has (Coefficient of performance). This is analogous to efficiency. The higher it is, the more economically the equipment operates. For example, at COP 3, for every 1 kW of electricity you will receive 3 kW of heat.

The greater the difference in temperature outside and in the apartment, the lower the COP and the worse the air conditioner works for heating.


There is no big difference between operating an air conditioner in winter and summer. You just need to turn it on and monitor the condition of the outdoor unit. It freezes up over time, causing the air conditioner's performance to deteriorate.

Many models have a defrost mode. If it does not turn on automatically for you, you will have to do it manually. when there is no such mode, you will need to chip away the ice and spill the outdoor unit warm water.

It would be a good idea to install a canopy over the outdoor unit. In the spring, water will fall from the icicles onto the block, where it will freeze. This will cause it to freeze.

If the outside temperature is too low, you cannot turn off the air conditioning. Otherwise, the oil in the compressor pan will become too viscous and you will not be able to start it :)

Problems and solutions

Possible problems that may occur when operating the air conditioner at sub-zero temperatures:

  • Freezing of water in the drainage pipe;
  • Icing of the outdoor unit;
  • Temperature too low;
  • Increasing the viscosity of the oil in the pan;
  • Freezing of fan bearings.

If in winter your air conditioner starts spitting water or condensation starts dripping from it, the problem is in the drainage. An ice tube may form in the drain tube and moisture will not drain out. Solving the problem is easy - warm it up outer part drainage tube.

If the efficiency of the split system has dropped, or it has stopped cooling altogether, you need to follow these steps:

Just look at the thermometer. If the temperature outside is below the minimum specified in the instructions, there is nothing to do. You'll have to wait for warmer weather or install a winter kit (discussed below).

Check whether the outdoor unit is covered with ice. In particular, the radiator (condenser). It is located on the back side of the outdoor unit. If it becomes frozen, rinse it with warm water and dry it, or better yet, dry it with a hair dryer.

Icy outdoor unit. It will not be able to give the air conditioner full power and may cause it to break down.

Sometimes the grease in the radiator bearing freezes or it becomes covered with ice. If the fan does not rotate, try spinning it manually. If this does not help, warm up the bearing with a hairdryer.

Sometimes the oil in the compressor sump becomes too viscous. This can happen for three reasons:

  1. The temperature outside is too low;
  2. During maintenance or repair, the compressor was filled with inappropriate oil;
  3. The air conditioner was turned off for a long time.

In this case, you will need to remove the housing of the outdoor unit and warm up the lower part of the compressor. To do this, use a hair dryer.

Winter set

There is a winter kit for air conditioning. which helps to avoid problems (in some air conditioner models it is installed initially). His tasks include:

  • Automatic switching on/off of the winter set;
  • Warming up the compressor sump;
  • Heating of the drainage tube;
  • Fan rotation speed adjustment.

The winter kit operates from power supply. But his consumption is insignificant. Much less than an air conditioner. Power consumption can vary between 25-70 W.

Air conditioning with and without a winter set - the difference is immediately visible.

Heat pump or air conditioner?

Did you know? What is the principle of operation of an air-to-air heat pump that is no different from an air conditioner? Their main difference is in characteristics and price.

Modern air source heat pumps can operate at temperatures below -35. For an air conditioner, the minimum temperature (for some models) is -28. According to the installation principle, they do not differ, the only difference is in price and maintenance costs.

If you decide to heat your home with air conditioning, and temperatures in your region can drop below -20, consider purchasing heat pump. It has another important advantage - the COP coefficient of the heat pump is much higher. Than the air conditioner.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know the answer to the question: is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter for heating in cold weather? Let's summarize the above:

  1. The minimum operating temperature of the air conditioner must correspond to the outside temperature;
  2. The efficiency of the air conditioner depends on the difference in temperature outside and inside the house;
  3. At minimum operating temperature the air conditioner will not be able to effectively warm the room;
  4. To protect yourself from problems, install a winter kit;
  5. If temperatures in your region fall below -25, it is better to install a heat pump.