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Greenhouse made of plastic bottles. An alternative option for building a greenhouse from plastic containers. Greenhouse made from cut plates

DIY greenhouses from plastic bottlesreal opportunity get triple benefit. Firstly, you will find a use for waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the disposal of which is now an urgent problem on a global scale. Secondly, get a universal greenhouse or greenhouse for any plants. And thirdly, spend as little as possible. Money, because for construction you will only need available materials. In addition, such a building looks decorative and colorful on the site, especially if you take bottles of different colors.

Advantages of a greenhouse made from plastic bottles

A greenhouse made from plastic bottles may at first seem unreliable and not very useful building, but practice shows the fallacy of this opinion:

  • Plastic, as both a light and durable material, serves for several seasons, without fear of winds and precipitation.
  • Thermal insulation qualities bottles are quite high due to internal voids. The properties of this design are similar to cellular polycarbonate.
  • PET containers transmit light perfectly. The amount of incoming light can be easily adjusted by combining clear and darkened containers.
  • Assembling a greenhouse or greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands - exciting activity, which does not require special skills and requires only ordinary tools.

In addition, recycling plastic is a task for the future, allowing us to maintain a stable environmental situation on our planet and finally clear all streets, parks and reservoirs of ubiquitous garbage.

For novice builders there are a couple of simple, but effective advice how to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands as quickly and successfully as possible:

  • Start collecting bottles early, taking into account that the average family uses about 30 bottles per month.
  • Before construction, the bottles must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • To cut plastic, you can use different tools - scissors, a wood cutter or a suitable knife.
  • You cannot fasten plastic with a stapler, fishing line or regular thread. Such seams will quickly disintegrate under the influence of weather conditions.
  • As source material They use bottles of the same size and shape; the most convenient is a 1.5-liter container.
  • To strengthen plastic walls pull the threads, apply thin metal mesh or secure them with flat slats.
  • You can combine PET bottles with other materials. For example, for small greenhouses it is more convenient to build a film roof.
  • You can make strips (about 3 cm wide) from bottles, which are used to glue seams.

PET bottle is a multifunctional building material, especially for gardeners. For the construction of greenhouses, it can be used in its entirety, cut, and given the desired shape. It all depends on its purpose and the builder’s flight of fancy. The most common types of structures are:

  • Greenhouse made from bottle posts strung on a frame vertical pillars. Often rods (sticks) are placed inside the pillar, which further strengthen the structure.
  • Greenhouse from bottle plates, which are sewn with nylon threads, heated plastic strips or any other reliable method.
  • Construction rack type, which involves attaching a plastic sheet to a frame of longitudinal-transverse slats.
  • The simplest mini-greenhouses for seedlings.

The shape of such structures can be arched, classic rectangular, with pitched and gable roofs.

Video about greenhouses made from plastic bottles of various designs

Several options for DIY plastic bottle greenhouses

The simplest greenhouse made from plastic bottles can last about 10 years without fail. She is not afraid of either snow or extreme cold and allows you to start growing seedlings without additional heating in early spring. The shape of the structure can be in the form of a house, arched, with one or gable roof. It all depends on your desire and the talent of the builder.

The materials and tools used in the construction process are as follows:

  • bottles - in quantities of 400 pieces for a small building;
  • wooden slats or PVC pipes for the frame;
  • cutting tool (scissors or knife);
  • strong threads;
  • scotch.

Greenhouses made from solid plastic bottles:

  1. PET bottles are prepared by cutting off the bottoms at the rounding point, where the diameter does not reach its maximum value.
  2. String the prepared pieces on top of each other using pressure. The harder you press, the stronger the structure will be. The height of such bottle columns should be equal to the height of the building.
  3. A frame is erected from the selected material and threads are stretched between the vertical frames at a short distance from one another.
  4. Bottle poles are tightly inserted into the spaces between the threads and secured to the frame.
  5. To increase reliability, the entire structure is additionally secured using tape.

A greenhouse made from plastic bottles is built according to the same principle, but fewer bottles are needed, and the frame is made even simpler.

Greenhouses covered with “bottle” fabric

PET containers can be easily cut plastic plates, having sewn them together, they obtain a durable, even and perfectly bendable coating. It can be used to cover greenhouses of any type, and in terms of reliability it is in many ways superior to film.

To create such a coating:

  • Cut off the top and bottom of the bottle where the bend ends.
  • The workpieces are divided into 2 parts and, for leveling, ironed through thick fabric or, after soaking in hot water, put under a press for several days.
  • The resulting plates are sewn together using an awl, as well as cord thread or soft wire. The plates should overlap each other by 2-5 cm so that the canvas is solid and even.
  • Ready sheets secured to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws.

Using this coating, you can build a very durable greenhouse on slats. For this:

  • The required number of plastic sheets is made, as well as longitudinal and transverse slats with a section of 3x3 cm, equal to the length and width of the sheets, respectively.
  • First, longitudinal slats are installed, which are then stitched with transverse ones.
  • Plastic sheets They are aimed at the slats with a furniture gun, and the joints are glued with plastic strips.

Video about a greenhouse covered with plates made of plastic bottles

Ideas for creating mini-greenhouses from bottles with your own hands

If you just need to grow some seedlings, large greenhouse you don't need it. Small greenhouse will cope with this task perfectly, and you will need very few bottles.

Most interesting options greenhouses:

  • A greenhouse, the walls of which are made of 1.5-liter bottles, and the roof is covered with plastic film.
  • A simple greenhouse made from a 5-liter container, the bottom of which is cut off and placed over the seedlings like a cap.
  • A portable greenhouse made from a bottle, right in which you can grow low seedlings. The container is laid on its side, a rectangular hole-door is cut out on top, and gravel and substrate are placed on the bottom. The door can be closed and opened using tape.

Video about a mini greenhouse made from PET bottles

In conclusion

The construction of greenhouses from plastic bottles is not only economically profitable, but also beneficial for preserving the environment. Such a building will become a reliable assistant to the vegetable grower, and if necessary, it can be easily modified, disassembled or moved.

Technologically manufactured greenhouse from regular bottles is in no way inferior to other structures of this type. This is due to the following:

  • Enclosing structures built from this material retain heat well thanks to the air enclosed in a glass or plastic shell. In itself, it is an excellent heat insulator.
  • The ability of bottle material to transmit light is slightly lower than that of ordinary glass. Therefore, in such a greenhouse it is dispersed, so that the plants do not come under direct influence sunlight, which has a beneficial effect on their growth.
  • The cost of a bottle greenhouse cannot be high, since it is made from scrap material using ordinary household tools.
The amount of light entering the greenhouse can be controlled by combining the placement of dark and transparent containers in the wall structure. This type of assembly is a fun activity that does not require much experience and can be done even by beginners in greenhouse construction.

In addition, the manufacture of such a structure is the recycling of plastic or glass containers, that is, a task of the future, which today is very relevant for preserving the ecology of the entire planet.

Advantages and disadvantages of bottle greenhouses

These structures can be made from whole bottles or bottle sheets, if applicable. plastic containers.

Compared to fragile greenhouse film and fragile glass, greenhouse coating made from bottles is superior in many respects:

  1. A greenhouse made from bottles will not be destroyed by gusts of wind and snow load- it is resistant to external influences.
  2. Bottles are durable material. Therefore, a greenhouse made from them can serve its owners for more than one year. Individual parts of such a structure, if damaged, can be easily replaced without general dismantling of the structure.
  3. Warm air heated by the sun in bottles is able to maintain a comfortable temperature for a long time in a building made of this material.
  4. For construction from plastic dishes no capital foundation is needed due to the low weight of the products.
If the walls of such a structure are made from glass bottles, supporting structure it should be more powerful for him. Indeed, for 1 m 2 of enclosing structures in this case, approximately 150 pieces of such containers will be required. Therefore the total weight glass greenhouse will be very solid. Hence the need to build a full-fledged foundation for it.

But in such a structure it will be warmer than in any other, thanks to the ability of glass containers to retain heated air. In this case, a greenhouse heating system may not be required in the autumn-winter period - a positive temperature in it is guaranteed. And if colorful bottles You can also line the walls with ornaments; the greenhouse will turn out not only beautiful, but also original.

The only drawback of building from plastic or glass containers is the amount of time required when collecting and preparing the material. To make a medium-sized structure, you need to have 600-2000 bottles. And this is a lot, especially when plastic containers have to be cut and sewn into panels.

Designing a greenhouse from bottles

In the construction of a greenhouse from scrap materials, as in any other business, there are some nuances, as well as the need for stage-by-stage work. The first step in this process should be choosing a location to build.

It is recommended to place a greenhouse made of bottles with south side plot in an open, illuminated place, but outside the area of ​​prevailing winds. There should be no tall trees, fences or anything near the structure that could long time shade the greenhouse.

To build it, you should choose a dry area. Aquifer the soil in this place should lie at a depth of more than one and a half meters. Greenhouse plants excess moisture is contraindicated.

After determining the location, you need to think about the dimensions of the structure and draw up its drawing. It is recommended to make a greenhouse from bottles at least 1.5 m long and 1.5-2 m wide. The height of the structure should be 2 m or more. The drawing should indicate the location of the load-bearing elements of the frame, roof, dimensions and installation locations of doors. After production visual diagram Once you have the dimensions, you can proceed to the next stage of work.

Technology for installing a greenhouse from plastic bottles

This container can be used in different ways. Some make greenhouses from whole bottles, while others make from products cut into blanks. We will consider both options for such construction.

Preparatory work

Before making a greenhouse from plastic bottles, the site for it should be thoroughly prepared: remove the plant layer of soil, level the area and mark out the perimeter of the structure using pegs, a cord, a hammer and a tape measure. In addition to them, you will need timber and scissors, nails and an awl, nylon thread, wooden planks, screws, a screwdriver and a building level.

For walls you will need to assemble required amount plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. It is desirable that their shape and volume are the same. Stickers should be removed from all bottles, then the containers should be washed and dried.

When collected plastic containers Please note that transparent white products have an ideal throughput for sunlight. Therefore, they are more suitable for greenhouse walls. It is recommended to use dark containers for creating ornaments or assembling corner elements of a structure.

Due to plastic greenhouse It is not very heavy and does not require a massive foundation. As a base, you can use a 100x100 mm beam, impregnated with an antiseptic, or cinder blocks laid in a row, filled with cement mortar for strength.

Frame assembly

To assemble the greenhouse frame, 1-2 assistants will be required, since it wooden parts will have to be periodically supported during installation by connecting them into a “claw” or overlap using screws and metal corners.

In general the process looks like this:

  • To the base of 100x100 mm timber laid instead of the foundation, you need to attach vertical posts, and then make two strappings along them - upper and lower. The pitch of the racks should be at least 1 m.
  • The frame racks need to be covered with nylon thread in several rows with a step between them of 30-40 cm so that these distances are enough to accommodate bottle posts.
  • Make a roof frame from timber.
After completing these works, you can move on to forming walls from bottles.

Construction of walls

To make walls from whole plastic bottles, you first need to cut off the bottom at the level of the lower belt so that the two blanks can be connected vertically to each other. The plugs must be removed, and the finished cylinders must be strung on a thread so that the end result is a pipe of the required height in accordance with the size of the frame. In this case, it is important to press the strips of bottles tightly to eliminate gaps between them.

To ensure structural strength, wall parts can be wrapped with transparent tape. The outer rows should be secured with screws to the frame posts. The finished wall needs to be strengthened horizontally with slats in several places at once.

The wall can be assembled directly on the frame or in a separate place by stringing the blanks onto a durable plastic rod.

The arrangement of rows in the frame wall is most often vertical, but they can also be laid out horizontally. The doors of such a greenhouse are made from plastic bottles in a similar way.

You can also use cut plates made from plastic bottles for cladding. This type of work takes much longer and requires a lot of material. To cover small greenhouse About 5,000 blanks may be needed, but it is believed that such a structure is lighter and stronger.

You need to cover it like this:

  1. Cut off the bottoms and necks of two-liter bottles.
  2. Cut the resulting cylinder lengthwise to obtain a rectangular-shaped piece. In order for it to become flat, the plastic needs to be ironed or placed unfolded under a press.
  3. Using an awl, make holes in each formed rectangle, and then sew the parts through them with fishing line, overlapping them. The result of the work should be a plastic sheet of size corresponding to the dimensions of the wall of the structure.
  4. Apply its edge to the beams of the upper frame frame and secure it with nails using a thin lath. After this, stretch the canvas and secure its remaining three edges to the wall of the greenhouse. All other sides of the structure and the roof frame are sheathed in the same way.
For strength, the walls of the greenhouse can be trimmed crosswise with slats in several places.

Roof installation

For this, the columns from blanks need to be assembled in advance. It will be better if the parts are strung on a rigid rod or rail. It is important that the roof is strong, since it is subject to snow loads more than other structures.

The work should be done in this order:

  • Make rows of 30-40 cm long from plastic blanks, placing them on rods or slats;
  • Secure the resulting posts to the wooden parts of the roof with nails;
  • Wrap the finished parts of the structure with tape for strength.
To reduce humidity in the greenhouse, its roof can be covered with polyethylene, fixing it to the beams with staples.

Technology for installing a greenhouse from glass bottles

It is easy to make a beautiful greenhouse from glass bottles. Such a structure can last for many years. Its construction will proceed slowly, but its result is worth the time and effort spent - it is very warm in such a greenhouse.

Before you make this greenhouse from bottles with your own hands, you will have to collect a considerable amount of glass containers. It is desirable that all products have the same shape and length. You need to remove the labels from the bottles, wash the containers of glue and dry them. During work, the necks of the bottles must be sealed with stoppers to prevent dirt from getting into them.

The shape and dimensions of the greenhouse roof need to be decided in advance. If it is sloping and not hipped, one wall of the structure should be higher than the rest.

There are no particular difficulties in construction, but it is important to carry out the work in the established sequence. Due to the fact that a glass structure will have a significant weight, it cannot be done without a powerful foundation. To install it, you need to install the formwork, lower the reinforcement into it, fill it with M400 concrete and level its surface in a horizontal plane. After the concrete has hardened, the frame for the greenhouse can be installed on the foundation.

It is made from metal profile pipes, wood or building bricks. The supporting pillars of the frame must be located in increments of 1 m in relation to each other. It is important to indicate in advance the location of the door, window openings and stranglers.

After finishing work on the frame, its walls can be filled with glass containers. Bottles in the masonry should be placed with their necks inward and in a checkerboard pattern. A cement-lime mixture can be used as a binder. After laying out each row, you should wait a little - the solution should set a little.

As the rows of bottles are laid, the surface glass products need to be cleaned of cement composition. If it sets well, it will be very difficult to clean the bottoms, the transparency of which determines the amount of light and comfortable temperature in the greenhouse.

After finishing the laying of the walls, you need to wait for final polymerization construction mixture and only then engage in the manufacture of doors, windows and roof installation, for which the best material V in this case It will be polycarbonate.

How to make a greenhouse from bottles - watch the video:

To summarize, we can draw the following conclusion: to make a greenhouse from bottles you will need little money and quite a lot of containers. Both glass and plastic are ideally suited for greenhouse farming. Plants feel quite comfortable in such conditions and therefore will certainly please their owners with vigorous growth and a good harvest.

Do you want to build a greenhouse for growing plants on your plot of land but no money to order finished design or materials? I have good news for you, a greenhouse can be made from ordinary plastic bottles.

This material mainly differs from polyethylene film, since it does not tear and is not afraid of strong winds. Plus, plastic bottles retain heat in greenhouse structure, thanks to the emptiness inside the container. This feature allows you to start growing plants and fruits in early spring.

The bottles can be put aside for some time, but to make the process go faster, it is recommended to contact your neighbors and explain the situation. If you are not squeamish, there is another option - collecting containers in garbage barrels.

To create a unique stained glass greenhouse, bottles are used different color. This way you can realize your creative ideas.

You will only have to spend money on nails and timber. To build a medium-sized greenhouse you will need about 600 bottles.

How to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles yourself? Instructions

Let's consider a master class on making a greenhouse from ordinary plastic bottles. Do you think the work will be difficult? Then you are mistaken, the main thing is to know a certain construction algorithm, and even a schoolchild can build such a structure for growing plants and fruits. It is enough to set aside a few days. It is advisable to use the help of acquaintances and friends, then the process will speed up significantly.

To assemble the frame you will need the following tools:

  • Roulette.
  • A thread.
  • Level.
  • Nails.
  • Hammer.
  • Cutter.
  • Awl.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Paper.
  • Regular pencil.
  • Plastic bottles. The quantity depends on the size of the structure.
  • Rail.
  • Beam.

There is no need to order project development from professionals. The main thing is to indicate on the drawing the main dimensions and shape of the roof. It is recommended to mark all calculations on paper. If necessary, you can create an estimate from which it will be clear that there will be virtually no expenses.

To ensure normal lighting, the structure should face south. The surface of the earth must be thoroughly cleaned.

The structure made from plastic bottles is very light, so it is not necessary to build a foundation. But to protect the greenhouse from moisture, it is recommended to prepare a base of timber, logs or cinder blocks.

If there is a foundation from a previous greenhouse, then it is recommended to use it, first getting rid of all the elements of the old structure.

To build a frame, you need to prepare a foundation rectangular shape. To do this, you will need bars with a cross section of 10x7 cm. Bars of the same size are used as load-bearing beams. They need to be installed at a distance of 1 m. The roof elements are tied at a height of 1.5 m.

The frame is attached using self-tapping screws or nails.

To properly assemble a greenhouse from plastic bottles, you need to know a few nuances:

  • Using a cutter, cut off the bottom of the plastic container so that you can put one bottle on top of the other. The cut is made at the bottom to ensure a tight connection.
  • At the next stage, the first row is laid out on the base. Here you also need to cut off the top so that you can attach the bottle to the tree using self-tapping screws.
  • Assemble original pillars from containers by stringing them on top of each other, after cutting off the bottom. During stringing, force should be used to ensure that the structure is strong.
  • In order for the assembled pillars to be fixed and not to wobble, you need to stretch the nylon thread between the installed wooden blocks.

The roof can also be made from plastic bottles. You just need to prepare the posts and small sheathing. To ensure tightness, it is recommended to tie the roof with tape and cover it with film.

The sheathing can be made not only from wood, but also from metal wire.

Tips for assembling a greenhouse from plastic bottles:

  • It is recommended to start collecting heifers in August or September, so that the structure is ready by spring.
  • If there is a shortage of material, bottles can be asked from familiar gardeners or purchased in addition.
  • For cutting plastic you can use construction knife or scissors.
  • The bottles are held together with wire, fishing line, and nylon thread. Some summer residents fuse the edges.
  • To achieve the exact shape of the frame, you need to use the same bottles, for example 2.5 liters.
  • To give strength to the structure, you can make a simple lathing, that is, fix the mesh through 2-3 bottles.
  • The roof does not have to be covered with bottles; a cheap one will do for this. polyethylene film, which can be changed every season without any problems.
  • Doors are made from bottles or other lightweight material.

Using these tips, I think you will not have any difficulties making a greenhouse structure.

Step-by-step video for beginners

Unfortunately, I could not find video clips where you can see step by step the construction of a greenhouse from plastic bottles. But there are other videos that can charge you with motivation, which will allow you to make a similar structure yourself.

I think that even beginners do not need any master classes, since everything is quite simple. You just need to build a frame, you can learn how to do this from my previous articles about greenhouses, and anyone can cut and connect bottles. This is the life hack I came up with, I hope you liked it and everything is clear.

Do you like to spend summer months in the country? Then don’t rush to throw away the plastic bottles that you accumulate over the fall, winter and spring. You just don’t need to say that you don’t have them. According to statistics, the average family of four throws away about 300 of these bottles every year, but it’s a waste of time. The fact is that these are not just pieces of plastic, but an excellent building material for a greenhouse. If you suddenly need a greenhouse made from bottles, that’s no problem either! How to build dacha building from bottles and how practical will it be?

It would seem that a plastic bottle of lemonade or mineral water, what kind of greenhouse will it make? Very good! This material perfectly transmits and scatters light, allowing solar energy to be accumulated in the beds. In addition to this property, a greenhouse made of plastic bottles has the following advantages:

  • The material is durable. It is not afraid of insects, bacteria, moisture, sudden gusts of wind and strong temperature changes. In that bottle plastic outperforms even the most reliable reinforced films.
  • Low cost. It goes without saying that when you bought it you paid for the lemonade, but in essence it turns out to be “pleasant with healthy” - after all, it was delicious for you.
  • Protection of Nature. If you throw away a plastic bottle, it will take 300 years to decompose, polluting the soil.
  • The greenhouse turns out to be very light. If plastic or metal frames can have a decent weight, then a structure made of bottles can be safely moved around the site alone.
  • The design can have any shape. In the case of film, the design idea is limited by the sailing properties of the covering material.

From significant shortcomings The only thing we can highlight is that you really need a lot of bottles - several hundred. In addition, the label must be removed from each of them. It’s not difficult to do this; we’ll tell you exactly how below.

The first to use plastic bottles for the construction of greenhouses were not representatives of the needy sections of society, but rather wealthy people. This is due to the fact that in the early nineties, when this fashion began, drinks in plastic were not the cheapest, and all summer residents had a desire to save money.

Types of greenhouses made from plastic bottles

One of the first craftsmen to make such a greenhouse was a certain Norwegian. He needed about 1000 bottles. Having built a frame from timber, he filled the openings with his building material. The result was a house with gable roof, which looked more like a greenhouse ( capital structure big size, standing on the foundation), but could move freely around the site if necessary by one person. People familiar with such a project believe that similar model- one of the most successful. Here is the first view of a greenhouse made from plastic bottles.

Do you think it will help environment greenhouses made from plastic bottles?


However, there are other solutions for how to make a greenhouse from bottles:

  • Greenhouse-book. Consists of two frames held together by conventional door hinges. It can move around the site, covering different beds. Very compact storage.
  • Greenhouse on a frame. The base is made of timber, plastic or metal in the form of arcs. The space between the beams is filled with bottles. Not the best good decision, as there are difficulties with ventilation.
  • Greenhouse made of film and bottles. The bed is lined with bottles around the perimeter, and a PVC film is placed on top. Practical solution for low crops.

But the most good option- a greenhouse in the form of a portable house.

You can make mini-greenhouses from bottles. The bottom of the container is cut off, and the resulting hole is used to cover the young shoot. There is even a ventilation system - to ventilate, just unscrew the lid.

How to build a greenhouse from plastic bottles

Although such buildings look funny, their construction is quite labor-intensive. You should start with a project that takes into account quantity and quality necessary materials, as well as the size of the greenhouse.


Please note that it will not be possible to build a greenhouse that is too large. The problem is that this requires a lot of bottles. Remember the Norwegian innovator? So, for a greenhouse 2x2x2 meters he needed about 1000 bottles. If you approach the design rationally, without greatly inflating the size of the building, then you need about 500 PET containers.

First, draw on paper the expected shape of the future greenhouse. Most likely, you will end up with a design with dimensions approximately:

  • 2 meters wide and long;
  • 1.6 meters in height.

Moreover, due to the formation flat roof you can reduce the number of bottles needed.

Do you need a foundation?

Yes I need it. Only it should not be tightly connected to the greenhouse itself. Most likely, you will use the structure on at least two beds, so the upper part of the greenhouse should move freely around the site. The base is made this way:

  1. A pit is dug 20-25 centimeters deep, strictly along the contours of the beds.
  2. The pit is lined with timber or boards.
  3. Grooves are made at the corners to allow the portable top of the greenhouse to be secured.

You will form the beds on the same formwork.

How to arrange beds?

“Boxes” without a bottom are made from the same boards on the formwork, the corners of which must be attached to the lower bars using grooves. You need to make an indent of about 10-15 centimeters from the edge of the foundation so that the bottle “cover” can fit there without any problems. Then soil is poured into these beds, and crops can be planted.

Preparing the bottles

The majority of PET packaging used must be transparent. Colored ones transmit light worse, which means solar energy in the greenhouse will not be enough for maximum yield. Darkened bottles can be used as decorative elements. For example, some summer residents use them to paint a smile on the wall of the greenhouse.

To remove labels from bottles you need:

  • pour soapy water into a large trough or bathtub;
  • Place the bottles there for a day, pressing them on top with something heavy.

The next day the paper will soften and fall off, and if it remains in place, it will be very easy to tear it off.

After this, you need to cut out the bottom of each bottle. We insert another bottle into the resulting hole so that only the narrowing in front of the neck is immersed, and the main “body” remains outside. In this way we form “columns”, which in the future we will use to create a wall. Calculate the number of bottles in each chain depending on the design dimensions of the greenhouse.

Each bottle must be washed thoroughly. This can be done in the same trough where the labels were soaked.

Creating walls

To begin with, we make frames from timber that correspond to the design dimensions. We attach a picket fence, wire or reinforcement between the upper and lower slats so that it looks like guitar strings. The distance between these “strings” should be about 10 centimeters. We will string “columns” of bottles on them, passing them through the neck of the top bottle to the hole in the bottom of the bottom one.

Expert opinion

Kazimov Azhar Askhatovich, summer resident-designer

If there are too large gaps between the rows of bottles, then you need to cut strips of plastic from the unused containers. They close the gaps. This does not spoil the appearance, but it increases the tightness of the greenhouse. It is recommended to fix them with a construction stapler. The roof is made in a similar way, which is currently lying to the side: we will install it at the final stage.

Final stage

The walls of the frames must be fastened at the ends. You can do this with nails, but then dismantling the greenhouse before winter will be more difficult. It is recommended to make all connections using a system of grooves cut into the timber. The resulting box is placed on the formwork. The roof is laid on top.

The door to the greenhouse is made as follows - one of the end frames is attached not with grooves, but by screwing it to its “neighbor” with ordinary window or door hinges. The opposite side is not “tightly” fixed; a latch or hook is screwed to it.

Our greenhouse made of plastic bottles is ready. It looks unusual and is unpretentious in maintenance. The cost of the structure is much lower than its analogue with film, plastic or glass. As practice shows, beds warm up better with the help of bottles than with other covering materials. And there is also a reason to be proud: a do-it-yourself greenhouse made from bottles! Such circumstances will give big harvests and a great mood for many years!


In order to better understand what a bottle greenhouse is, you can view the photographs below.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you what the advantages of greenhouses made with plastic bottles are and how to build it correctly.

There is so much that can be done using ordinary scrap materials that we simply throw away. For example, let's take plastic bottles. On the Internet you can find a lot of products made from plastic bottles. It is a universal material: cheap, accessible, easy to process and safe. You may be surprised, but you can use it not only to make small crafts or garden supplies, and also large-scale structures. One of them is a greenhouse. Don't believe me? In this article we will tell you what it is like, a greenhouse made from plastic bottles with your own hands.

You can repeat everything thanks to detailed instructions. Therefore, you can already at this moment stock up on plastic containers rather than throw them away, and get your friends and neighbors involved, you will need quite a lot of raw materials.

Advantages of plastic bottles

Why are we talking about plastic bottles? After all, you can build a greenhouse from wood or metal covered with film. But it’s all about the advantages inherent in the material. Let's look at them so that you can be convinced of the advisability of building a greenhouse made of plastic:

There is only one catch that may scare you. We are talking about the number of these same bottles. Depending on the size of the greenhouse, you will need from 600 to 2000 pieces. plastic containers. The preparation is thorough but realistic. All you need is time and friendly neighbors. Otherwise, it will take time, a little effort and desire. With a set of all this, you can make a greenhouse.

How to make a greenhouse

Our greenhouse will be lined with plastic bottles. The frame itself is made by them durable materials to hold up the walls and roof. Before you get started, you need to stock up on the bottles themselves. In general, for an average greenhouse you will need about 1000 pieces of plastic bottle. Each of them should be prepared. How? Let's find out.

Preliminary preparation of bottles for plating

First, sort the bottles by volume and color. Ideally, use a smooth, transparent bottle, light or brown in color. Their volume is 2-3 liters. There should be no labels on the container; remove them. And in order to remove any glue residue on the plastic, you need to soak the products in a soapy solution. Then the bottles will be clean and suitable for use.

Advice! This work is scrupulous and quite long if we are talking about processing 1000 bottles at once. We recommend that you do this gradually as you collect these same bottles. It is better to spend 5-10 minutes a day to wash several new bottles than to spend several days cleaning all the containers at once.

The next step is to construct the walls from plastic. In this article we will look at two options for creating a greenhouse:

  • made of solid plastic;
  • from solid plastic bottles.

You can choose the option that you like the most. So, let's start by creating a canvas for the greenhouse.

Plastic canvas greenhouse

It all starts with cutting the bottles. Your task is to cut out the bottom and neck of the bottle, since we won’t need them, and cut the resulting cylinder lengthwise on one side. This way you will get something like a rectangle from a plastic bottle. This is only a small part of the entire structure, like a brick in a masonry.

Advice! The remaining bottom and neck can be used at your discretion. Don't write off throwing them away. They may be needed to create decor or crafts.

Since the blanks will curl, they can be placed under some kind of blanket. As you process the rest of the bottles, each part will level out. The next step is to sew the resulting plates together. This is done overlapping, using sewing machine. Narrow strips of plastic are created. Overlappings must be created in one direction. To ensure a strong connection, we recommend using a nylon thread of medium thickness.

Note! Some people connect the finished parts using a construction stapler or fishing line. However, this method is a little more expensive. And the fishing line can easily damage the plastic.

The resulting strips should have a length identical to the height of the greenhouse, plus a margin of 20 cm for hemming. The resulting narrow strips need to be sewn into one continuous piece or fabric. It's like film, only thicker and cheaper. The width of the canvas can be identical to the gap between the supports (frame) or large to completely wrap the greenhouse around the entire perimeter. You decide.

To create a roof, you can use slate made from the same bottles. It should also be prepared in advance. Your task is to divide the resulting cylinder (without bottom and neck) into two parts. Then these parts are fastened to each other, creating a wave. You can see this process of creating slate from bottles in the photo.

Frame creation and cladding

Creating a frame begins with the foundation. But, since the bottles are light in weight, like wooden elements frame, the foundation may be shallow. Shallow enough strip foundation. You can fill the perimeter of the structure with old tires. They are dug in halfway and forgotten by the gravel.

Even when laying the foundation, you can dig holes under support pillars. Their depth is 50-60 cm with a greenhouse height of up to 2 m. After which, the support pillars are strengthened with strapping, additional jumpers and wind connections. Commit in progress simple nails or, better yet, self-tapping screws. At the same stage, the frame for front door and windows. Be sure to saturate the wood with drying oil to protect it from rotting. As an option, you can use such a structure laid on strong beams.

That's all, now you can start covering the frame. It's better if someone helps you. Fixation plastic sheets to wood is done with self-tapping screws for thin strips. Make sure that the sheathing is properly stretched, just do not overdo it to avoid deformation of the seams. Finally, seal the joints with construction tape, making the greenhouse made of plastic bottles airtight. Fold the upper allowance (those 20 cm) around the beam and fix it from the inside. The lower one is fixed to the foundation.

All that remains is to put on the roof. Use pre-made slate. In the photo below you can see another version of a greenhouse made of solid fabric. As you can see, her appearance very worthy.

Greenhouses of plastic bottles master class

We considered one option for creating a greenhouse from plastic containers. It is more complex and costly in terms of time and effort. There is a simpler option. In this case, the bottles do not need to be cut. Here detailed instructions on creation:

The roof can also be assembled using the same principle. And to perform waterproofing, a film is placed under the bottles. The cracks inside are caulked to protect the plants from the wind.


Now you know how to make a greenhouse with your own hands without extra costs for construction. As you can see, easy task. Even children can cope with this task. You just need to set aside time, make an effort and collect the required amount of plastic containers. And then it’s a matter of little things.