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Accent wall in the interior, interesting design options, photo. Accent wall in the interior - original solutions, subtleties of choice

Many designers like to use such a feature as an “Accent Wall” in their work. Even without explaining the meaning of this term, on an intuitive level, it still becomes clear what we are talking about. An accent wall is a wall that is significantly different from the rest of the walls in the room and attracts attention due to its unusual texture. bright color or drawing.

This trick is designed for the “wow” effect and almost all designers love to use it in order to attract additional attention. It has been scientifically proven that a person’s impression of his location is formed in a quarter of a minute, and everything he sees after this time is perceived by the brain under the yoke of the first impression.

A reception with an emphasis on one of the walls of the room not only serves to attract the guest’s first glance, it can serve as an original decoration design solution. Its function depends on the type of accent. In this way you can visually change the room to increase space, narrow it, highlight bright elements decor or architectural features rooms.

Let's figure out in what cases it is appropriate to make an accent wall and consider some rules. Let's see in which rooms it is most appropriate to use this technique, and what are the rules for correct location accent.

Conditions for using this effect:

  1. Typically, the accent wall is the one that first comes into the guest’s field of vision when entering the room;
  2. The emphasis is placed only on one wall, not on two, and especially not on all four;
  3. You can not place emphasis on the entire wall, but only highlight certain fragments or protrusions (optional);
  4. The wall is decorated not only with unusual wallpaper. The accent can be made with paint, brick or decorative ceramic tiles, wooden panels, etc.;
  5. You can play with visual effects. By using warm accent colors (orange, red and yellow tones) you can bring the wall closer. If you paint one of the small walls in an elongated room, then you can bring it closer to a square. But don't do a similar procedure with long wall, otherwise you will narrow your room even more;
  6. Using cool accent colors (blues, greens and purple tones) on the contrary, visually remove the wall. Therefore, if you still want to focus on long wall rooms, then use for this cool color. It will help move the wall away and thereby expand the space;
  7. To ensure a calm atmosphere in the room, it is better to avoid using saturated and bright colors in the interior, but to focus on a shade close to the base color of the walls; the emphasis can be placed on a pattern or different texture materials;
  8. And, conversely, for a bright accent, use the exact opposite color, which, due to the contrast, will provide a “wow” effect;
  9. If the room design is made in a neutral color scheme, then you can use any color you like for an accent without worrying that it won’t suit;

An accent wall can be decorated in any room in your apartment and is completely different ways, but most often designers prefer to place the accent on the wall in the living room or bedroom. In both the first and second versions accent wall stands out most often with wallpaper.

Living room

In this room, an accent in the TV viewing area, where you can place or hang a plasma, will look beautiful. They also often draw attention to the affected area by completely changing the color of the wall behind the sofa or by sticking a wide strip of contrasting wallpaper in the middle of the wall.

If the living room area is quite impressive, then in this case you shouldn’t highlight the entire wall, it will be enough to focus on small space. It may serve them workplace, section of wall near bookcase etc. An impeccable look is created by the accent in the fireplace area.


There is not much choice here; basically, the wall or part of it at the head of the bed is used as an accent wall. Wall paneling with wood panels also looks very nice in the bedroom. Take a look for yourself and appreciate the uniqueness and unusualness of this design.

And a few examples of how an accent wall looks in a hallway, a nursery, and how it can zone a spacious room. Notice how attractive it is when the pattern on it matches some decorative elements.

  • 1 Which wall can be an accent wall?
  • 2 What functions can a wall perform?
  • 3 How to make an accent on a wall: we use different techniques
  • 4 Prints and textures
  • 5 Interesting finish
  • 6 Decor
  • 7 Recommendations

To make the room stylish and bright, pay Special attention its decoration, because it is the design that creates the atmosphere. A rather interesting technique that will help give the room uniqueness is an accent wall in the interior. What could it be like?

An accent wall can be present in the interior of any room. For example, this way you can make your living room brighter. In the bedroom you can also play interestingly on one of the sides; this will help create a special atmosphere or provide additional zoning. Bright wall The child, that is, the owner of the nursery, will certainly appreciate it. And in the kitchen, such an emphasis can be quite appropriate and fit harmoniously into the design.

Which wall can be an accent wall?

Is it possible to make an accent on any wall? Theoretically, it’s quite, but, as practice shows, this technique should be used thoughtfully and carefully, because instead of originality, you can get absurdity and an unnecessary change in the proportions of the room.

So how do you determine which wall is best for an accent wall?

  • Draw up a floor plan in advance and find out which wall will be as free as possible. After all, if you focus on one side and cover it with furniture or accessories, then the idea will not be realized, since the brightness will fade and cannot be appreciated.
  • Decide which technique you will use, this is important. For example, if you decide to play with color, then remember that in certain lighting it may appear completely different from what you plan or expect to see. In addition, if straight lines constantly fall on the wall Sun rays, then some Decoration Materials may burn out or change their properties.
  • It is advisable to accent the wall that comes into view first. That is, ideally it should be located opposite the entrance or at least in such a way that it opens full review. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.
  • Accent can be like big wall, and smaller. It all depends on the purpose for which you are selecting the surface. But if it is extensive, then excessively bright design can make it stand out too much, and this is not always appropriate and sometimes not in better side changes the proportions of the room and spoils its perception.

What functions can a wall perform?

At first glance, it may seem that an accent on the wall can perform only one function - adding brightness and creativity to the interior. But actually it is not. By highlighting one of the walls, you can not only transform the room, but also change it. So, what functions can an accent wall serve?

  • Zoning. If you need to highlight and designate one of the zones, then this can be done with the help of an interesting wall decoration, in which the area of ​​space is located. For example, you can play around the recreation area, sleeping area , a play area in the nursery and so on.
  • Background. An accent wall can become interesting background for anyone interior element: you can put a bed or a dining table near it, or place a sofa with armchairs. Moreover, even if the object was not initially bright, the emphasis on the wall will allow you to perceive it completely differently.
  • You can additionally highlight some object located on or near the wall, that is, draw attention to it. So, if you purchased interesting picture, then by placing it on a bright background, you can make the accessory even more noticeable, catchy and bright. You can do the same with a modern flat-screen TV, a sofa and any other element that you would like to make one of the main features in the room.
  • Using an accent wall you can transform a room or even adjust the space. For example, if the room is narrow and elongated, then highlighting one of the short walls will make it less cramped and longer. By making it brighter, you will visually bring the surface closer, thus changing the perception of space.
  • The most obvious function is, of course, room decor. Moreover, it will become bright even if there are few elements in it. Sometimes such a technique is appropriate and even necessary; it allows you to make any room both interesting and bright, and more comfortable.

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How to make an accent on a wall: we use different techniques

The accent on the wall can be done in a variety of ways, and all of them will be discussed below. The most obvious and easiest way to create an accent is to play with colors. And there are a lot of options:

  • Dark color. If the basic design is done in light colors, then it would be logical to use saturated and dark shade. These include chocolate, purple, dark blue, burgundy, black, graphite.
  • A bright color would be appropriate if a calm and restrained tone was used as the background. But it is worth remembering that catchy shades, like dark ones, visually bring surfaces closer, and this can be used for certain purposes (and if you do not remember this property, then you can upset the proportions).
  • Unusual contrasts. Playing on contrasts color design sometimes it allows you to refresh and transform the interior. Moreover, the contrast can be somewhat unusual and non-trivial, so it is not at all necessary to use perfectly matching harmonious tones. On the contrary, if you combine incompatible things, you can achieve interesting visual effects.
  • If you do not want to disturb the harmony of the room, then to highlight one of the walls, use a color that matches the main one, that is, the predominant color in the design.

Prints and textures

In any case, the drawings will look bright and stylish on the wall, and they will be very different. Thus, the image can be large and single, occupying central zone walls or almost the entire surface. But repeating prints or neutral ones, for example, geometric, floral, animalistic, stripes, checks, polka dots, can also look interesting.

Can be arranged interesting game invoices And contrasting ones look especially stylish and bright. So, if the remaining surfaces are smooth, then the accent wall can be more voluminous. And to create visual volume, you can use decorative plaster and interesting textured wallpaper. You can also combine glossy and matte surfaces.

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To create an accent on the wall, you can use different Decoration Materials:

  • Wallpaper with three-dimensional designs.
  • Photo wallpaper. They will allow you to create an independent zone: cozy corner on the seashore, an oasis in the desert, a modern metropolis, an impenetrable jungle or a gorgeous landscape.
  • Mosaic. Using this technique you can create a variety of patterns.
  • Finishing decorative bricks also looks interesting and stylish.
  • Usage decorative plaster. With its help you can create interesting volumetric surfaces. So, you can apply the composition with a spatula in chaotic movements: in waves, in a zigzag or in a spiral. And after spreading it in a fairly dense layer, you can leave fingerprints with your palms or stencils.
  • Use wall panels. The range is wide, so you can choose something unusual and bright.
  • You can cover the entire wall with fabric. What if you put a layer underneath it? soft material, then the accent will be even more unusual.

You can highlight a wall using an improvised arch, podium, columns or other element.


Help to highlight a wall decorative elements:

  • Large mirror. It can occupy most of the wall or almost the entire surface. And a creative frame will attract attention even more actively.
  • Painting. But it must certainly be either big, or bright, or unusual. And in addition, it will be highlighted by a contrasting background.
  • Panel. And such an accessory, created with your own hands or made to order, will be especially original and exclusive.
  • A simple but at the same time creative way is to use vinyl stickers. And the more contrasting they are, the more noticeable the accent will become.
  • Create a drawing on the wall. And for this it is not at all necessary to have artistic skills or talent, because you can use stencils.
  • Graffiti will look bright.
  • Try decorating a wall with a plant. For example, you can use a climbing one, which plays the role of a living decoration for most of the surface, or a bright and large one, such as a palm tree.
  • Use decorative fireplace, it is associated with comfort and home.
  • Create a photo composition or a large photo collage.
  • Hang on the wall large map world or vintage poster.

With the help of lighting you can also play around the wall in an interesting way. One option is to use spotlights. So, you can place several halogen lamps above the surface along a line. Try using mobile devices, directing the rays at the wall. Or you can let it go around the entire perimeter LED strip, this will also look very interesting.

Some useful tips for those who decided to focus on the wall:

  1. You can select not the entire wall, but only part of it, this is also allowed.
  2. In some cases, it is appropriate to use several methods of emphasis simultaneously. For example, you can play up a wall with color and texture. But it is important not to overdo it, so as not to overload the surface and not make it overly colorful or flashy.
  3. It is better to highlight only one wall. Although sometimes it is allowed original design two sides, but no more.

An accent wall will definitely transform and refresh the design if you decorate it in an original way.

Individual and stylish design- this is a reflection of the inner worldview of the homeowners, their tastes and preferences; the interior can tell a lot about them, so you need to select all its elements with skill. You can enliven your living space with dynamic patterns and textures, rich color palette, an original combination of materials - all these techniques are used to create an accent wall. What is this element and what role does it play in the room? How to personalize a space? Which original ideas can offer modern designers? - our article will answer all these questions.

Accent wall and the meaning of its creation

An accent wall is a surface that differs in texture, color or pattern from other walls, and either the entire area of ​​the wall or part of it can become an accent. Designers call this technique the “wow effect” and love to use it to grab people's attention. Scientists have long proven that in order to form a first impression, a person only needs 15 seconds; he will already perceive other information through this prism.

What is the purpose of creating an accent wall? - firstly, to diversify a monochromatic interior and bring new colors into a limited space. And if you combine several types of shapes and textures, then the room turns out to be voluminous and spectacular. Secondly, this is a kind of manipulation of attention: it is the surfaces that strikingly contrast with the rest of the decoration of the room that primarily attract interest. Thirdly, with the help of an accent wall you can zone the space, adjust the shape of the room and simply make the interior more interesting.

A few words about the main thing:

  • As a rule, the wall that guests see when entering the room is chosen as an accent wall;
  • Three or four walls are never emphasized; it will look awkward and disjointed;
  • If you don’t want to highlight the entire wall, you can focus on individual elements- niches, columns, ledges, walls, shelves, cornices;
  • An accent wall is decorated using paint, decorative plaster, artificial stone, brick, tile, wood, wallpaper and other materials;
  • Visually bring the wall closer and make the room more comfortable warm shades- orange, coral, yellow, red and others, cold ones, on the contrary, visually move the wall away from the viewer and expand the space;
  • To create a dynamic design, choose a contrasting or bright color; for a calm atmosphere, choose a shade that is a couple of tones different from the main background;
  • The selected additional color must be present in the accessories: for example, if all the walls are beige and one is terracotta, then take care of purchasing a couple of vases or a carpet with an ornament of this shade;
  • Be careful with textures: if all the walls are covered with wallpaper with patterns, make the accent wall simply smooth. Conversely, if the room is monochromatic and does not please with an abundance of textures, you can decorate the accent wall with decorative plaster, photo wallpaper or printed wallpaper.

Where to place the accent wall?

Prototype accent wall in Soviet time served as a carpet - with its help they emphasized the area that they especially wanted to highlight. Nothing has changed much, only now they use for this purpose not a bulky product, but an original finish.

In hallways, halls and corridors, fragments of walls are distinguished: the interior does not seem dull, and the free space is not “eaten up” by excessive decor, and the interior turns out to be individual and interesting.

Accent walls are also decorated in bathrooms; the space near the sink or bathtub is often used for this good purpose. Let’s make a reservation right away: in small bathrooms, playing with contrasts is contraindicated, otherwise the room will seem even smaller, but in spacious rooms you are not limited in your choice, the main thing is to consider the wear resistance of the material and its resistance to moisture and temperature changes.

In the living room, an accent wall is often placed near the TV or dining table. You can accentuate the part of the wall on which you plan to place an expensive painting or panel, as well as a niche near the fireplace. If there is art hanging on the wall that you want to draw attention to, don't place an accent wall nearby, otherwise it will distract viewers from the desired point.

In the bedroom, the accent wall is most often located near the head of the bed. Since you want to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in this room, you can make the accent wall just a few shades darker than the main tone or play with texture.

You shouldn’t make a classic accent wall in a child’s room; it’s better to cover one part of the room with bright photo wallpaper or decorate it with decorative plaster in the color of the bedspread or curtains. However, ordinary bright geometry or abstraction will look very interesting.

Since in the kitchen one wall is mainly devoted to work surface and closed with a set, using bright colors to highlight the dining area. This a great opportunity carry out zoning and at the same time make the corner for family gatherings more comfortable.

Accent walls: design secrets

Game of colors. This is the simplest and effective way highlighting the wall from the rest. The more contrasting the color you choose, the more spectacular the accent will be. Often the wall is painted or pasted over bright wallpaper, decorative plaster and textured materials do not give such an effect. To make it easier to choose related colors, use the color wheel as a guide. If you want a calm room, choose shades adjacent to the main one; if you want a contrasting one, take the shade located opposite.

Instead of masking all sorts of protrusions and corners, try to take the shortest route: cover them with wallpaper that will differ in color or texture.

Ornaments. Original patterns, lines and shapes have a significant impact on people's perception. An accent wall can convey a particular mood, give the room romance or deliberate severity, brevity or luxury.

Geometric patterns are widespread: a longitudinal strip visually makes the room taller, and a transverse strip expands the room. A striped wall makes the room more dynamic; it is appropriate in the living room, bedroom or kitchen.

It will seem balanced and strict if the accent wall is decorated “a la tartan” or with a Scottish check. This decor gives the room comfort, but at the same time, is quite laconic.

Wallpaper with floral patterns makes the atmosphere softer and more comfortable: even a room with a minimum of furniture and accessories will seem cozier if the accent wall is covered with such wallpaper. You can go the other way, making one wall plain and the others with ornaments.

When choosing wallpaper for an accent wall, you need to remember a few subtleties:

  • Do not combine cheap and luxury wallpaper. The most harmonious combination is represented by wallpaper of the same price category and quality, they may differ in texture and color;
  • It is best to choose wallpaper of the same thickness - it will be easier for you to glue them, you will not have to join the strips and select the edging;
  • Wallpaper should be suitable in style, reflect the specifics and atmosphere of a particular room;
  • Large-format panels and large ornaments are best combined with plain wallpaper;
  • Geometry goes well with plain wallpaper, and floral ornament- with textured wallpaper;
  • It is better to dilute saturated colors with neutral and muted colors, otherwise the room will create an oppressive impression.

Texture. You can focus not on the brightness or saturation of the picture, but on the texture of the surface. Tile, fake diamond or masonry, wood and mosaic, wooden panels, decorative plaster - all these materials will add depth and texture to the room. This is an interesting option for stylized rooms: loft, country, Provence and other styles simply cannot be imagined without deliberately rough materials, and East style can’t do without mosaics and luxurious tile panels. For Japanese or chinese style Untreated wood or bamboo will do.

Drawings, stickers, photo wallpapers. Stencil painting, thematic drawings and photo wallpaper can be used to decorate the room. The main thing is to take into account the style and theme of the room. The palette should not be tedious: if you are not confident in your abilities, choose a pastel or monochrome palette. For modern style Photo wallpapers with images of cities and streets are quite suitable, for Country style - rustic motifs, for children's - bright images of cartoon characters, and so on. You can even use photographs if you wish!

An accent wall will be a win-win option if the room seems faceless or dull to you. The main thing is to choose the right color, texture or pattern so that the wall becomes laconic and interesting addition interior, and not a foreign element!

An accent wall is an element that can greatly refresh the interior, add a touch of exclusivity to it, and even change the space for the better. How to use this technique correctly and in which rooms is it appropriate? We decided to look into this and looked at real examples using an accent wall in the interior.

What is an accent wall and why is it needed?

Many people have heard about the concept of an accent wall, but not everyone knows what it is and what it is needed for. First of all, it is used to designate a particular area, for example, highlighting a living room or dining room in a studio apartment. But often this technique is used to visually deepen the space or distract attention from any shortcomings of the room.

Cold and warm shades

The next question that interests many is which shades to choose, warm or cool. Here everything depends not only on personal preferences. Important factors The size of the room, as well as its location depending on the cardinal directions, are also important. If the room is small, then you should not use too active or warm colors, since they can only reduce space. Cool, deep or refreshing colors would be appropriate here.

As for the cardinal directions, in apartments where the windows face northern and east side, it is better to use more warm shades, but in southern and western rooms cool colors will be appropriate.

Most often, an accent wall can be found in bedroom interiors. This element decorates the wall at the head of the bed and focuses attention on this area. This technique will help visually stretch out a cramped room and slightly deepen it. Especially if you use shades of blue, gray or green for decoration.

In the living room you can use more daring color combinations than in the bedroom. Here the wall is often painted a different color, directly in the sitting area where the sofa is, and attention is also often focused on the wall with the fireplace. This method of zoning is perfect for the interior of one-room apartments and studio apartments.

In interior design, facelessness - dangerous enemy. However, in the fight against it, it is important not to slide to the other extreme and not make the interior overloaded and colorful. Balance will help to maintain the technique of accentuation in design: an accent can be a large piece of decor, bright spots in textiles, or simply a wall highlighted with color, pattern, material or texture.

We have already written about creating in the interior. A much cheaper and easier way is to highlight the wall with color or pattern.

General principles

The emphasis is on one wall, in very rare cases on two. You can select the entire wall, or only part of it, especially if it is a niche or ledge.

Interior partitions or internal surfaces It is good to make accent arches in order to emphasize zones in space.

In a studio apartment, this technique can be used for zoning as follows: a small section of wall is allocated between two functional areas rooms. This seems to show that there could be a wall here. Or a part of the wall where a certain area is located is painted.

How to choose a wall to highlight? Usually this is the wall that is visible immediately upon entering the room or simply the one on which you want to focus attention. For example, highlighting a wall with family photos encourages guests to look at them.

IN different rooms choose your zone for emphasis. In the bedroom there is most often a wall behind the bed, in the living room - behind the TV or behind the sofa, in the kitchen - an area with a dining table.

Color accent

You can highlight a wall by painting it one color or using wallpaper. An accent is not necessarily a contrasting color spot. If you want to support calm atmosphere in the design of the room, but at the same time making it more interesting, you can choose a color close to the dominant one. For example, in a blue room, a light green wall will attract attention, but look calm.

The choice of color is very important for the perception of the room. Aggressive warm colors, such as red, orange, warm shades of brown, bring the wall closer to the observer, and deep and cold blues, greens, grays move it away. Take this into account when decorating an elongated room: only short walls can be painted in “hot” shades.

Pattern accent

A wall covered with wallpaper with an ornament or pattern or painted with stripes or zig-zags will make the room more multifaceted. The pattern will make the space voluminous, influence its geometry and mood.

Stripes - universal tool perception management. Horizontal stripes on the wall make it wider, but bring the ceiling closer, vertical stripes do the opposite. A contrasting striped wall will bring dynamics and energy to the room.

Control the atmosphere of the room by choosing a pattern: a floral pattern will make the room more feminine and soft, a check will make the room brutal, and patterns that create a visual illusion will make the room modern and bold.