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Types of lighting in the toilet with different layouts. Choosing the style of the room. Large toilets in private homes

The toilet, of course, is far from the main room in the apartment. However, the bathroom must be equipped in such a way that it is as convenient and safe to use as possible. This applies, of course, to the wiring and connection of lamps in the toilet that must be done correctly.

The peculiarity of bathrooms is, first of all, that in most cases the rooms are small. In addition, toilets are usually completely absent daylight, because windows are almost never provided in bathrooms. That's why artificial lighting in such rooms, in any case, it should be quite intense and powerful.

Which lamps to choose

Such devices are purchased depending on the design and layout of the bathroom itself. For example, lighting in a small toilet, long and narrow, is best arranged using some beautiful wall lamps. Using such equipment narrow room can be easily expanded visually. To do this, the lamps should be hung higher on both long walls.

For a restroom with low ceilings Regular flat lampshades are best suited. Lighting in the toilet large area can be organized using the most different lamps. These can be small ceiling chandeliers, wall sconces, and even floor options similar devices.

When choosing lamps for a toilet, among other things, you should take into account the standards provided by SNiP. Otherwise, using the restroom will be inconvenient in the future. So, for example, according to the rules, normal lighting in a toilet per 1 m2 is 20 lux.

Wiring rules

According to SNiP standards, the cable in the toilet, as it is allowed, is only allowed to be laid in a hidden way. That is, the wires in such rooms are pulled in grooves. Exception in in this case are only wooden buildings. In the toilets of such houses, cables can be laid in hermetically sealed metal pipes.

It is not prohibited to install sockets in toilets. However, such elements are most often installed only in combined bathrooms. In such rooms they are used for washing machines, hair dryers, etc. Sometimes lamps in the toilet are also connected to the sockets. In any case, only waterproof structures (minimum IP 44) should be used in bathrooms.

Distribution boxes Usually they are not installed either in separate toilets or in combined bathrooms. In any case, it is better to move such an element outside the restroom.

Cable selection

Of course, the wires used for installation in the toilet, as in any other place in the apartment, must be fire-resistant and reliable. When choosing a cable for a restroom, you need to pay attention to:

    its section;

    material and number of cores;


For obvious reasons, such products should be purchased exclusively from trusted manufacturers.

As for the material, in most cases, property owners today use copper wiring for their electrification. Aluminum is considered outdated and does not meet the requirements of organizing modern life.

Wiring to toilets, combined or separate, is three-wire. That is, the cable must have a ground wire.

If everywhere in the rooms there are stretched copper wires, then, of course, you should use this type of cable for the restroom. The aluminum option is not particularly suitable in this case. It is believed that it is best to use cables with low level smoke emissions VVGng 3x1.5 or VVGng-LS. In any case, the cross-section of the wire purchased for the toilet should not be less than 2.5 mm 2.

Location of devices: standards

In individual restrooms, lights can be hung almost anywhere. When installing such devices in combined bathrooms, the following rules should be observed:

    It is allowed to place lamps in the toilet, as well as sockets, no closer than 60 cm to sinks, bathtubs and showers;

    It is also not allowed to place sockets or lighting fixtures directly next to the floor, to avoid them getting wet due to leaks.

The wires from the restroom should be connected to a two-pole RCD. This method will allow you to immediately turn off the power to the bathroom in the future, if necessary.

How to wire a toilet

Perform the procedure for electrifying the restroom as follows:

    make markings on the walls;

    measure the required wire length;

    buy the cable itself.

    perform wall slitting according to the markings;

    make sockets for sockets, if provided;

    install switches.

How to make light in the toilet: wall strobing

IN brick houses Cables are usually pulled using fairly simple technology. It is not too difficult to ditch walls made of such material. After all, bricks are laid using cement mortar. This material is quite easy to use with a hammer and chisel.

The seam between the rows of bricks stretches in the vast majority of cases along the entire wall. So horizontal cable laying in such a house can be done in just a couple of hours. WITH vertical installation However, in this case you will have to tinker. After all, bricklaying is done with bandaging of seams. Therefore, in order to raise or lower the cable along the plane of the wall, you will have to use a grinder.

The same tool is usually used for gating concrete walls. In this case, horizontal knockout has to be done more carefully than in brickwork- using a building level.

Wire routing

After the grooves are laid in accordance with the chosen lighting design in the toilet, they begin to hollow out the sockets for the sockets. For this purpose, a hammer drill with a special attachment is usually used. Next, we begin to actually lay the wires. Pulling cables in grooves is allowed without any additional protection. But it is best to lay the wires in grooves along the pipe. In this case, in the future, if necessary, they can be easily replaced.

When laying a cable in a groove, you can fasten it, for example, with thin metal plates, cut yourself. Each such element is nailed into a groove in the middle. The cable is then pulled over the plate. Next, bend the ends of the metal strip over the laid wire. Using the same principle, you can also secure a pipe under the cable in the groove.

After the wiring to the toilet has been laid, the groove is sealed with alabaster or cement mortar. After waiting for the material to dry, the section of the wall above the cable is carefully sanded using sandpaper.

Connecting devices

After the wall with the sealed groove dries, you can begin to actually arrange the lighting in the toilet. When using only one lamp in the restroom, it is best to move the switch outside the restroom, for example, into the corridor.

As with sockets, a socket is pre-hollowed out for this element. Switches are installed according to the diagrams drawn on their rear panel. In cables, the ground wire usually has a sheath yellow color, "phase" - red, "zero" - blue. In accordance with this, the connection is made. When installing lighting in the toilet, sockets are installed using the same technology. That is, they connect the earth, phase and zero wires to the corresponding terminals of the product.

Smart connection

You don't have to use the light in the toilet too often. But many people simply forget to flip the switch after visiting the restroom. And this, of course, is very uneconomical. To avoid this, you can install not ordinary, but “smart” lighting in the toilet.

In this case, in addition to the lamp itself and the switch, a special device is installed in the restroom - a presence sensor to turn on the light. Such a device is installed in the toilet right at the entrance. Equipment of this type is connected directly to the wiring coming out of the wall and to the lamp according to the diagram provided by the manufacturer.

Instead of a presence sensor to turn on the light in front of the entrance to the restroom, you can also install a motion sensor. Such a device will also make living in the house much more comfortable. It differs from a presence sensor in that it does not “catch” various kinds small movements. However, such a device will still be able to “notice” a person passing through a doorway in any case. At the same time, motion sensors are somewhat cheaper than presence sensors.

To feel comfortable in own home(apartment), take into account the smallest details and little things, including lighting in the toilet, bathroom and storage room. Only in this way will the room meet the requirements placed on it, and the conditions necessary for rest and work will be created.

The importance of lighting in the restroom

One of the main differences between a toilet and other living spaces is the lack of natural light. Even during the day it is dark and gloomy here. The choice of lamps and lighting fixtures is closely related to the finishes used for the walls, ceilings and floors. Focus on the dimensions of the room, which is usually extremely small.

For example, in Khrushchev toilets you need to use brighter fixtures. If the luminous flux is low, the walls of such a room will be “squeezed to the sides.”

The selection of lighting fixtures and materials for finishing the toilet should be carried out in parallel. Without one there cannot be the other!

Lighting on the floor, walls and ceiling

Before choosing lighting fixtures for the restroom, decide on the level of illumination. The light flux can come from different levels:

  1. Ceiling - overhead lighting. If the lamp meets the requirements for the restroom, the device can be anything. This is a standard solution for small toilets, but the choice depends on the height of the ceilings.
  2. Wall-mounted units are an option for rooms with low ceilings. When choosing a place to place sconces or candle-shaped lamps, make sure that they do not interfere with free movement.
  3. Floor - bottom lighting. There are two options - flexible LED strips, mounted in the floor Spotlights. This solution is less common than others, and if used, it is used exclusively in conjunction with one of the two previous methods. An original and non-standard approach that slightly increases the brightness of the lighting. Main destination - decorative decoration rooms.

Lamp selection

Choosing a lamp is a process that does not require a serious approach. Another thing is purchasing the necessary light bulbs, direct light sources. Let's look at their varieties and determine what the operating conditions are in the restroom.

Incandescent lamps

The operating principle of electrical products is based on a spiral (often made of tungsten). The current flowing in a spiral creates friction, which leads to the formation of a glow. The cavity is filled with inert gases or is in a deep vacuum. This eliminates oxidation and rupture of the spiral when feeding electric current. If you carefully break a light bulb, the filament may not crack, but as soon as electricity is applied, it will burn out.

The power of incandescent lamps ranges from 15 to 1000 W. In the restroom, use lighting fixtures with a power of no more than 40 W. Heating temperature of products more power can reach 200 °C, which is very dangerous if the products are built into plastic wall panels and suspended ceilings.

Lamps operating directly from electrical network, are available with a permissible voltage from 220 to 240 V. It is much safer to use lamps with a step-down transformer for lamps of 12, 24 or 36 V. The lighting level remains the same.

When operating lamps with voltages below 220 V (for example, 180 V), be sure to install a step-down transformer that will reduce physical parameters to the required value and will protect the product from premature burnout due to power surges.

When choosing a transformer, add the power of the lamps used and increase the resulting value by 10%. The result will be the required power of the transformer. Execute parallel connection, make sure equal to length all wires. The latter is necessary so that the lamps burn equally. Light bulbs located further from the transformer will be dimmer, which looks unsightly in chandeliers.

Halogen lamps

The advantages of halogen lamps are obvious:

  • moisture protection;
  • compactness;
  • glow efficiency;
  • minimal power consumption.

Far from it a budget option, since most halogen lamps require step-down transformers to operate at a voltage of 12 V. Such transformers are very expensive, but saving will not lead to anything good. Cheap lamps and transformers are designed and manufactured in China. The former quickly fail and consume more electricity than the declared value, the latter are noisy during operation.

A high-quality transformer is durable, reliable and silent. Presentable appearance allows you to use it as a decorative decoration.

There are two types of halogens:

In most cases, spotlights with the ability to change the direction of the light flow are used in the toilet.

Note! In stores you can find halogen lamps with a voltage of 220 V.

The operating principle of these lamps is built around a flask filled under pressure with mercury vapor. When a lighting device is turned on, under the influence of electrical discharges on mercury vapor, radiation is generated, accompanied by a glow. Despite the apparent unsafety (use of toxic mercury), if you avoid mechanical influences, such lamps will last longer than conventional and halogen lamps.

Housekeepers have other advantages - increased light output and light temperature threshold. Transformers are not needed in the electrical circuit because energy-saving lamps contain a built-in ballast (ballast) that performs their functions.

Allowed to operate fluorescent lamps daylight, in the designation of which we use capital letter"D".

LED bulbs

Lighting fixtures include a variety of LEDs located on lamps of various shapes. Light output is ten times higher compared to incandescent lamps. The indicator can reach 150 lm/W. Add to this a long service life.

Have LED lamps and its disadvantages - the negative impact of white light on the visual apparatus. On the other hand, not much time is spent in the restroom, so if this is true, the impact is negligible. Look great LED lights and in terms of design.

Check out the table performance characteristics for all types of lamps. Here is the approximate cost of each:

Automation of lighting in the toilet

One of best solutions for small restrooms, three to five spotlights will be used.

After choosing the level of lighting, fixtures and lamps, proceed to the next stage - considering the possibility of organizing automatic lighting.

Benefits of automating toilet lighting:

  • significant savings electrical energy- although the time spent in the toilet is short, situations are inevitable when, after relieving themselves, they forget to turn off the light;
  • ease of operation - no switches, no need to press a button or look for it in the dark at night, or reach for switches, which is important for small family members.

The latter will also allow you to avoid unpleasant situations when one of the roommates turns off the light outside, and you cannot “shout out to him” while being inside. At night you won’t have to look for the switch in the dark.

Types of sensors

When installing automatic lighting systems in the toilet, three types of sensors are used - sound, ultrasonic and infrared.

The first is activated by sound, and its sensitivity ranges from 40 to 50 dB (hand clap). The sensor housing is equipped with two regulators. Using one, the noise level for closing the contact is set, and the second is the duration of the glow after turning on the lamp. There are many variations, and the cost is at least 350 rubles.

Advantages sound sensors- flexibility of settings, switch off by sound (clap your hands a second time, the room will become dark).

Disadvantages - small coverage area, but since the toilet is small, this is irrelevant. Using hypersensitive models will lead to an increase in the number of false positives.

Ultrasonic sensors are small in size, easy to disguise, and respond faster. The operating principle is based on the propagation of ultrasonic waves from 20 to 50 kHz. When these waves pass through the sensor, they cause a circuit to close - the Doppler effect. The cost of such products starts from 350 rubles.

There is only one drawback - periodic movement is required, otherwise the lamp will go out. If you linger in the toilet while sitting on the toilet, you will have to occasionally wave your arms.

Infrared sensors are equipped with lenses that focus infrared radiation and directing it to a special sensor. At a certain intensity of radiation (the appearance of a person in the controlled area), the circuit closes. The duration of the circuit is adjusted using the regulator on the sensor body. Motion sensors are more expensive than others - their minimum cost is 600 rubles.

Flaws infrared sensors- numerous false alarms due to temperature changes associated with the close proximity of hot water supply or air conditioning pipes.

Select the appropriate sensor, then turn it on electrical circuit so that it is located between the power source and the lighting fixtures.


When lighting the toilet, you can use any of the options considered - a matter of taste. On the other hand, it is recommended to operate lamps with minimum voltage and installed transformers.

Perfect option - point devices with LEDs located on the ceiling or walls. Floor lighting - decorative solution, which does not affect the light output.

Many people do not attach any importance to the lighting in this room, believing that one not too bright and low-power light bulb may be enough.

And it’s completely in vain to do this, since usually no one stays in this room for a long time, so there can be no talk of any energy savings here. But if the lighting in the toilet is too weak, then you can only feel some discomfort Even with the most stylish and correctly selected finishing material for this room, the walls and floor will look faded and ugly if you don’t think about lighting. As in any other room, every person in this small room should feel comfort and coziness. But when making lighting in this room, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions and total area

of this room. For example, if it is necessary to illuminate a toilet in a Khrushchev-era building, then it should be brighter, since the area here is very small and with dim lighting the walls will seem to be squeezed on the sides. The approach to lighting in this room should be completely different than in all other rooms. The thing is that there is natural lighting, which during the daytime fills the rooms with light, bringing with it warmth. And in closed small space only brighter light can drive away the darkness and gloom. But great importance

will also have correctly selected material for finishing the walls, floors, and also the ceiling.

If you look at the photos of lighting in the toilet that are attached to this article, you can understand what kind of lamps can be used here and how they can be positioned. Both luxurious sconces on the walls and spotlights on the ceiling are suitable here. When choosing lamps, it is worth considering what kind of walls are in the toilet, what color they are and what material was used for decoration.

IN small room It's better if there are walls light tone. This applies to both wallpaper and tiles. The floor can be darker and more contrasting. If the walls are light and the lamps are bright, this will help visually expand the space. When choosing lamps, you need to consider the design style toilet room. In this case, in no case should the ceiling be darker than the walls.

Spotlights can be installed both on the ceiling and on the walls. If possible, it is better to combine them with a dimmer, with which you can change the brightness of the light. When making lighting in the toilet of an apartment, you can install a lampshade above the doors. But a lot of light is also not suitable, especially if the light bulbs will shine into your eyes. If in the toilet of a Khrushchev it is better to use brighter light, then in the toilet of a new building apartment would be better suited more subdued light.

In the bathroom, natural light, as a rule, is not provided, so when renovating this room, you must be faced with the choice of lamps installed in the toilet. It is necessary to take into account small area and limited space. And for normal lighting of the toilet room ordinary lamp incandescence is not enough, and it will look like modern interior not very nice.

In this article:

Features of organizing lighting in the toilet room

To create a complete lighting system in the toilet, it is necessary to provide for all the features of this room. Typically in apartment buildings residential buildings A very small area is allocated for these premises. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to determine the optimal interior solution.

Since the main problem is lack of space, Lightning equipment First of all, it should visually make it larger. Properly selected toilet lamps will allow you to achieve not only an expansion of the area, but also other aspects that can improve the perception of a specific room.

Basic requirements for lighting devices

  • Increased level of moisture protection. It is recommended to purchase lamps marked IP65/66, which provide protection for lighting equipment even from direct exposure to water flow.
  • Tightness of the lighting device. The connecting sections of the housing must be as tight as possible in order to completely prevent not only moisture but also dirt from entering the lighting fixture. Otherwise, its electronic mechanisms will quickly fail.
  • Sustainability lighting equipment To temperature changes . This indicator must be taken into account when a bathroom is combined with a bathtub.

Important! At self-connection ceiling chandelier it is important to prevent contact electrical wiring and water.

Backlight levels

Before choosing lighting equipment for the toilet, you first need to decide on the lighting level option. There are several of them for this room.

Overhead ceiling lighting

This option involves using ceiling lamps, the models of which are modern market enough. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth taking into account the main requirements for the organization of lighting systems in wet areas. It is also necessary to provide for the ceiling height.

For your information! Ceiling placement of light sources will provide an opportunity to avoid reducing the space of the toilet on the wall side. This is an ideal option for a small room.

Wall lighting

This option for organizing a lighting system is suitable for toilet rooms with low ceilings. The main nuance in this case - correct location lighting fixtures on the wall. They should not interfere with entering/exiting the premises.

Bottom floor lighting

This option for organizing the lighting system involves the use of flexible light sources or point lighting fixtures built into the floor base.

As a rule, such systems are used quite rarely when compared with the first two options, and most often for spacious toilet rooms in private homes, country cottages or combined bathrooms with a bathroom.

This could be additional decorative lighting.

For your information! Any presented option for organizing lighting systems in toilets and bathrooms can be done independently.

Selection of lighting equipment

Ceiling type

  • When choosing a small-sized chandelier, one light source placed in the center of the ceiling surface is sufficient.
  • You will need several spotlights, depending on their power. They are evenly distributed over the entire ceiling area.

Important! Spot-type lighting devices are suitable only for suspended ceiling structures.

Wall type

In this situation, it is quite possible to use wall sconces. For a small toilet room with low ceilings more ideal option does not exist. But it is important to give preference to flat models of wall lamps, which will take up the least amount of space. Otherwise, they will constantly interfere when moving around the room.

Floor type

When designing a floor lighting system, you can use spot light models. There are options for luminaires with a high-strength body, built directly into the floor base and into the walls (usually placed from below). You can also use flexible neon or strip with LED elements.

For your information! Required amount light sources is calculated based on the area of ​​the room and lighting standards according to SNiP.

Advantages of using LED spotlights

  • Saving electrical energy. Even though the light in the toilet turns on very rarely and for a short time, everyone wants to save as much as possible. LED sources lighting for this is the best suitable option, especially for older people who may well forget to turn off the lights and have them stay on all day.
  • Quite bright light radiation that does not strain the eyesight. Even several lighting devices installed in the corners of the room, which will create a soft, all-encompassing glow, will not adversely affect the eyes.
  • Easy installation of lighting equipment. Compact LED lamps can be easily installed independently, without the involvement of specialists.
  • High degree of equipment protection from moisture. Despite the fact that the air space in the toilet is not as saturated with moisture as in the bathroom, extra precaution does not hurt. But for a combined bathroom, this criterion is quite important.

Lamps installed in the toilet

Lighting system installation

Connecting lights installed in the toilet is quite important stage repair work. The duration of its operational period will depend on the quality of installation and connection of the lighting device.

Important! By doing electrical installation work You must independently comply with safety requirements to avoid injury.

Installation of the illuminator itself is given in the instructions that come with it. But you need to carefully understand the correct electrical wiring connection.

Wiring diagram

  • First you need to draw a plan for the location of lighting fixtures if several of them will be used.
  • Next, the surface where the wires will pass is marked.
  • Before electrical installation work begins, the room or the entire apartment is disconnected from electricity.
  • Using a punch, you need to make channels (grooves) along the drawn lines. The electrical wiring will be hidden directly in them.
  • Now you can lay the wires (this must be done from the box to the switch). Separate wire for each lighting device.

Important! Wiring in the toilet and bathroom should be located at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor base.

  • After laying the cable, it is necessary to insulate all connecting sections. To do this, you will need a special insulating PVC tape.

Important! Before connecting, the ends of the wires are carefully stripped of 1-2 cm of insulation.

  • The wiring in the channels is fixed using special dowels - clamps.
  • Upon completion of the work, the grooves are covered with a special putty that is resistant to moisture.

Expert opinion

Ivan Zaitsev

Lighting specialist, department consultant building materials large network shops

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Conclusion! By observing safety requirements when performing electrical installation work and strictly following the instructions for installing the lamp and the electrical wiring diagram, you can install the lighting system yourself, without the involvement of a specialist.

Decorating one of the smallest rooms in the apartment - the toilet - is far from the most easy task. It is necessary to use even the smallest area optimally, placing, if possible, also a small sink. At the same time, the design of a toilet consists not only of the choice of finishing material, but also the development of the design of walls, floors, ceilings, and lighting.

Finishing materials

Since the toilet is a room that requires frequent cleaning using detergents, the requirements for finishing materials are high. They should wash well, not be afraid of water, not absorb odors, have a long service life and long time do not change color. There are not many such materials. Most often these are ceramic, marble tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Porcelain tiles in the toilet - for those who do not want ceramic tiles, an excellent solution

The mosaic deserves special mention. These small squares look completely different. At the right combination With tiles of normal formats you can get many interesting options.

There is another material that appeared several years ago. This decorative plasters. They are different types With different characteristics. They also come with water-repellent properties, and many of them can be washed many times with brushes. They look modern and last for years. They are applied to leveled walls with special spatulas/spatulas made of plastic. The disadvantage of this type of finishing for the toilet is high price. Another unpleasant point: there are few specialists who can lay decorative plasters sufficiently high level. There seems to be nothing complicated, but without experience there are a lot of “jambs” - visible seams, poorly ground components, unevenness, etc.

There is a more budget option - finishing with plastic panels. It is, of course, not as durable as tiles, but it also costs much less and is much easier and faster to install. If you need an inexpensive option, this is it.

Wall plastic panels— economical version of the toilet design Left — wall PVC panels in combination with washable wallpaper, on the right - an unusual color

Another cheap way finishing the toilet - covering the walls with washable wallpaper. But the durability of such a coating is relatively short, and the prices are not that low. In this case there is good way- combine plastic panels and wallpaper: trim the lower part with plastic - to a height of about 1.5 m, and cover the rest of the space with wallpaper.

Color selection and design

When choosing color range to decorate the toilet you need to start from general design apartments. In principle, the design of the toilet should not fall out of the overall concept. But no one will definitely change the tiles in the toilet every time after the wallpaper has been re-pasted. Therefore, neutral tones are often used - white, beige, gray. They are diluted with accessories to match the main design of the apartment. It turns out to be a universal option.

Toilet design in neutral colors is the best choice

When choosing a tone - light or dark - first of all they look at the size of the room. In most apartments the toilet is small - 2 square meters. m, maximum - 3 sq. m. This does not complicate the situation too much - such a situation occurs often, the solutions are known and worked out.

For a small toilet, light or combined tiles are more suitable. It is advisable to do the combination like this: dark bottom, light top. This division is not fashionable, but it visually makes the room much wider and more spacious. Look at the photo. The red and white toilet seems much wider than in beige tones, although in fact they are the same.

Horizontal division gives another effect: a clear edge seems to “fall apart” the walls to the sides, lowering the ceiling. In a narrow and tall room this is the desired effect. If you don’t like this toilet design - with a clear division - at all, do something similar, modifying the idea. For example, as in the photo below.

Black and beige toilet design

The idea is the same, the execution is different. The combination of black and beige is not as bright as with white, but it is more pleasing to the eye. The division is also horizontal, but it is not at the same level, and besides, the zebra tiles on the sides distract attention, also optically “pushing” the walls to the sides.

Two more photo examples. In the right picture, the wall farthest from the entrance has a dark color and there is a dark stripe on the sides. Visually, the strip pushes the walls apart, but the dark far wall seems to be even further away. In this case - not the best correct solution. It will look better if this wall is lighter than the side ones.

Toilet design in standard apartment in the photo on the left is made using several techniques. The first is a horizontal division of the far wall, which visually brings it closer. Second - vertical stripes on the side walls, which serve the same purpose: to make the room more square, at least visually.

Another way to visually make the room not so high is to lay several rows of tiles that were used on the floor on the walls. It looks good, creating the illusion of lower ceilings.

The vertical stripes are interesting. Manufacturers of ceramic tiles also began to produce them in collections (like wallpaper) to make it easier to combine. All their elements go well together, you just need to decide how much different types you will use - two, three or four. Some toilet finishing options ceramic tiles can be seen in the photo.

The main color is light beige and there are two tile options with patterns - one is pronounced, the other is barely noticeable. Quite a complex option combined tiles in the toilet - three colors, and even inserts with patterns... Such a toilet design must be drawn in design programs, otherwise something strange may turn out. Different combinations - simpler and more complex

As you understand, it is impossible to imagine all the toilet design options. There are too many options and variations, but we have outlined the main trends and methods.

Plumbing location

As you have seen, in many toilets, even small ones, they try to install a small washbasin. Fortunately, there is plumbing different forms and sizes. For toilets, so-called mini-options are used. Their depth can be 20-30 cm, there are straight and angular, so, if desired, you can find an option for a variety of conditions.

Let's consider the most typical ways location of the sink in the toilet. If the doors are positioned so that one of the walls is a little larger, you can put the sink on this wall. In this case, the toilet is placed traditionally - closer to the opposite wall.

With the same layout, you can choose another option - place the toilet (if desired and possible, and a bidet) along long wall, and place the mini-sink in the corner.

Another option for placing plumbing fixtures is a toilet and bidet along a long wall, a sink in the corner

Just keep in mind that the width of the passage must be at least 60 cm. Otherwise it will be very inconvenient. This means that this option for arranging plumbing fixtures can be implemented if the width of the toilet room is at least 1.2 m.

You can choose plumbing fixtures for a very narrow and small toilet, with an area of ​​no more than 2 square meters. m. There are models of toilets that can be placed in a corner. It can be combined perfectly with a corner sink.

Corner toilet - a solution for a small toilet

Color and type

In most cases, plumbing fixtures are chosen white. But maybe she different colors: red, black, pink, etc. Another thing is that colored toilets or sinks are mainly supplied to order, and you have to wait several weeks for them. But you can purchase any color.

If possible, it is better to install a console toilet in a small toilet. Due to the fact that it rests on the wall, and not on the floor, it does not look so massive, and it is also more convenient for cleaning. Its downside is the high price. Its installation requires a fairly powerful base, which is hidden behind the false panel. This wall can be made:

Installation of a console toilet - video

The principle of installing a console toilet is demonstrated in the video. The sequence of actions is clearly and clearly described.

Lighting in the toilet

Traditionally done in the toilet ceiling lighting- one light bulb, and not a very powerful one, is enough for small space. But lighting is also one of the design methods that can be used to beat even simple tiles, creating interesting lighting effects.

There is no need to give up the light source at the top; you can just add a few lamps in the interior. If you have shelves, make them illuminated. For this purpose, it is more convenient to use It, although it does not have a noticeable effect on the degree of illumination, but it looks good (pictured on the left). Another option is to install lamps in the wall. These may be ordinary built-in models, but they look very unusual on the wall (pictured on the right).

There is another option - to mount the lighting along the bottom of the wall. It will be easier to do if you can find lamps that match the dimensions of the tiles and calculate their position so that they fit completely. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, but the tiles will have to be cut.

Bottom lighting is an interesting option

Technical requirements for lighting fixtures standard for toilet - high humidity It shouldn’t be here, so you can buy any models.

Photos of toilets in an apartment of unusual design

Let's start with the practical component. In many apartments, technical rooms are so small that there is no room for washing machine very difficult to find. First of all, this applies to Khrushchev buildings, but other typical high-rise buildings rarely indulge in spaciousness. If this is your case, you can try to install washing machine in the toilet. There are two options - find a special machine - as in the photo on the left, or install it in a specially made niche covering the pipes. Only the base is required to be powerful, and the machine to have a minimum level of vibration.

Now let's move on to the design delights. Let's start with the floor. IN last years have become fashionable, and they can be made with a 3D effect.

The image on the floor can be anything, without restrictions. This is a haven for lovers non-standard solutions and extreme sports...even if only in the toilet.


Photo printing can also be done on walls. Images are transferred onto ceramics with photographic precision. As a result, you can feel like you are on top of a mountain before the start of a ski competition, for example...

Feel like a skier...

There are some pretty weird tile collections out there. For example, in the form of windows of high-rise buildings. It looks interesting, but how comfortable you can feel in such a place is the question...

And if desired, even ordinary ones Decoration Materials can be arranged in such a way that you get a masterpiece toilet design.

The whole throne...