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DIY open type expansion tank. Do-it-yourself heat accumulator - it's easy

It must be admitted that the majority of citizens former USSR There is not enough income to purchase modern heating equipment, so people have to look for alternative solutions. Take, for example, a buffer tank (also known as a heat accumulator), which is very useful thing for heating systems of private houses. A product with an average volume of 500 liters will cost approximately 600-700 USD. e., and the price of a thousand-liter tank exceeds 1000 USD. e. If you work hard and make a heat accumulator with your own hands, and then install it in the boiler room yourself, then you can easily meet half of this amount. Our task is to tell you about the manufacturing methods.

A thermal energy storage device is nothing more than an insulated iron tank with pipes for connecting water heating lines. The product is designed to heat a house during periods when the main heat source (boiler) is inactive. Substitution is practiced in the following cases:

  1. When heating a home with a stove with a water circuit or a boiler that burns solid fuel. The storage tank works for heating at night, after wood or coal burns out. Thanks to this, the homeowner can relax in peace, rather than running to the boiler room. It is comfortable.
  2. When the heat source is an electric boiler, and electricity consumption is recorded using a multi-tariff meter. Energy at the night rate is half the price, so during the day the heating system is completely powered by the heat accumulator. It's economical.
Factory tanks with heat exchangers for hot water supply and solar systems

Important point. A hot water accumulator tank increases the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler. After all, the maximum efficiency of a heat generator is achieved with intense combustion, which cannot be constantly maintained without a buffer tank that absorbs excess heat. The more efficiently wood is burned, the lower its consumption. This also applies gas boiler, whose efficiency decreases in low combustion modes.

A storage tank filled with coolant operates on a simple principle. While the heat generator is heating the rooms, the water in the tank is heated to a maximum temperature of 80-90 ° C (the heat accumulator is charging). After the boiler is turned off, the radiators begin to receive hot coolant from storage tank, providing heating of the house for a certain time (the thermal battery is discharged). The duration of operation depends on the volume of the tank and the outside air temperature.

How does a heat accumulator work - diagram

The simplest factory-made storage tank for water, shown in the diagram, consists of the following elements:

  • main tank cylindrical made from carbon or stainless steel;
  • thermal insulation layer 50-100 mm thick, depending on the insulation used;
  • outer skin – thin painted metal or polymer cover;
  • connecting fittings embedded in the main container;
  • immersion sleeves for installing a thermometer and pressure gauge.

Note. More expensive models heat accumulators for heating systems are additionally equipped with coils for hot water supply and heating from solar collectors. Another useful option is a block of electric heating elements built into the upper zone of the tank.

Factory production of heat storage devices

If you are seriously concerned about the topic of installation in own home heat accumulator made by yourself, then first it would not hurt to become familiar with the factory assembly technology for these products.

Cutting on plasma apparatus blanks for lid and bottom

It is unrealistic to repeat it yourself in a home workshop, but some techniques will be useful to you. At the enterprise, the hot water accumulator tank is made in the form of a cylinder with a hemispherical bottom and a lid in the following sequence:

  1. Sheet metal 3 mm thick is fed to the machine plasma cutting, where they receive blanks for end caps, housing, hatch and stand.
  2. On lathe Main fittings with a diameter of 40 or 50 mm (thread 1.5 and 2”) and immersion sleeves for control devices are manufactured. A large flange is also machined there for inspection hatch about 20 cm in size. A pipe for insertion into the body is welded to the latter.
  3. The body blank (the so-called shell) in the form of a sheet with holes for fittings is directed to rollers that bend it to a certain radius. To get a cylindrical container for water, all that remains is to butt weld the ends of the workpiece.
  4. From metal flat circles Hydraulic Press stamps hemispheres.
  5. The next operation is welding. The order is as follows: first, the body is welded using tacks, then the lids are tacked to it, then all the seams are completely welded. At the end, fittings and an inspection hatch are attached.
  6. The finished storage tank is welded to the stand, after which it undergoes 2 permeability tests - air and hydraulic. The latter is produced at a pressure of 8 bar, the test lasts 24 hours.
  7. The tested tank is painted and insulated with basalt fiber no less than 50 mm thick. The top of the product is lined with thin sheet steel with polymer paint or covered with a thick cover.

The body is bent from a sheet of iron on rollers

Reference. To insulate the tank, manufacturers use different materials. For example, Prometheus heat accumulators Russian production insulated with polyurethane foam.

Instead of cladding, manufacturers often use a special cover (you can choose the color)

Most factory-made heat accumulators for heating systems are designed for a maximum pressure of 6 Bar at a coolant temperature of 90 °C. This value is twice the response threshold of the safety valve installed in the safety group of solid fuel and gas boilers (limit - 3 Bar). Details manufacturing process shown in video:

We make a heat battery ourselves

You have decided that you cannot do without a buffer tank and want to make it yourself. Then get ready to go through 5 stages:

  1. Calculation of the volume of the heat accumulator.
  2. Choosing a suitable design.
  3. Selection and preparation of materials.
  4. Assembly and leak testing.
  5. Installation of the tank and connection to the water heating system.

Advice. Before calculating the volume of the barrel, think about how much space in the boiler room or other room you can allocate for it (in terms of area and height). Clearly decide how long the water heat accumulator should replace the inactive boiler, and only then proceed to the first stage.

How to calculate tank volume

There are 2 ways to calculate the capacity of a storage tank:

  • simplified, offered by manufacturers;
  • accurate, carried out according to the formula for the heat capacity of water.

The duration of heating a house with a heat accumulator depends on its size

The essence of the enlarged calculation is simple: for each kW of boiler plant power, a volume equal to 25 liters of water is allocated in the tank. Example: if the power of the heat generator is 25 kW, then the minimum capacity of the heat accumulator will be 25 x 25 = 625 l or 0.625 m³. Now remember how much space in the boiler room is allocated for the tank and adjust the resulting volume to the actual dimensions.

For reference. Those who want to weld a homemade heat accumulator often wonder how to calculate the volume of a round barrel. It's worth remembering here calculation formula area of ​​a circle: S = ¼πD². Substitute the diameter of a cylindrical tank into it, and multiply the resulting result by the height of the tank.

You will get more accurate dimensions of the heat accumulator if you use the second method. After all, a simplified calculation will not show how long the calculated volume of coolant will last under the most unfavorable conditions. weather conditions. The proposed method is based on the indicators you need and is based on the formula:

m = Q / 1.163 x Δt

  • Q – the amount of heat that needs to be accumulated in the battery, kW;
  • m – estimated mass of coolant in the tank, tons;
  • Δt – difference in water temperatures at the beginning and end of heating;
  • 1.163 W/kg °C is the reference heat capacity of water.

Let's explain further with an example. Let's take standard house 100 m² with an average heat consumption of 10 kW/h, where the boiler must be idle for 10 hours a day. Then it is necessary to accumulate 10 x 10 = 100 kW of energy in the barrel. The initial water temperature in the heating network is 20 °C, heating occurs up to 90 °C. We calculate the mass of the coolant:

m = 100 / 1.163 x (90 - 20) = 1.22 tons, which is approximately 1.25 m³.

note that thermal load 10 kW is taken approximately; in an insulated building with an area of ​​100 m², heat loss will be less. Point two: so much heat is needed on the coldest days, of which there are 5 for the whole winter. That is, in in this example a heat accumulator for 1000 liters is sufficient with a large margin, and taking into account the seasonal temperature difference, you can easily keep it to 750 liters.

Hence the conclusion: you need to substitute the average heat consumption for cold period equal to half the maximum:

m = 50 / 1.163 x (90 - 20) = 0.61 tons or 0.65 m³.

Note. If you calculate the volume of the barrel based on the average heat consumption, in severe frosts it will not be enough for the calculated period of time (in our example - 10 hours). But you will save money and space in the furnace room. More information on making payments is presented in.

About the design of the container

To successfully make a heat accumulator with your own hands, you will have to defeat one insidious enemy - the pressure exerted by the liquid on the walls of the vessel. Do you think why factory tanks are made cylindrical, and the bottom and lid are hemispherical? Yes, because such a container can withstand the pressure of hot water without additional gain. On the other hand, few people have technical feasibility mold metal on rollers, not to mention drawing semicircular parts. We offer the following ways to resolve the issue:

  1. Order a round internal tank from a metalworking enterprise, and carry out the insulation and final installation work yourself. It will still cost less than buying a ready-made heat accumulator.
  2. Take a ready-made cylindrical tank and make a buffer tank on its base. We will tell you where to get such tanks in the next section.
  3. Weld a rectangular heat accumulator from sheet iron and strengthen its walls.

Heat accumulator drawing rectangular shape volume 500 l cross-section

Important advice. For a closed heating system with a solid fuel boiler, where overpressure can jump to 3 Bar and higher, it is strongly recommended to use a cylindrical heat accumulator made by yourself.

In an open heating system, in which there is no excess pressure, you can use a rectangular tank. But don't forget about hydrostatic pressure coolant onto its walls and add to it the height of the water column from the heating system (to the expansion tank installed in highest point). Therefore, it is important to strengthen the flat walls of a homemade heat accumulator, as shown above in the drawing of a container with a capacity of 500 liters.

A rectangular storage tank, properly reinforced, can also be used in closed system heating. But keep in mind: in the event of an emergency surge in pressure from overheating of a TT boiler, the tank will leak with a 90% probability, although under a layer of insulation you may not notice a small leak. How the unreinforced walls of a vessel bulge when filled with water is shown in the video:

For reference. It makes no sense to weld directly onto the walls stiffeners made of corners, channels and other rolled metal. Practice shows that corners of a small section are bent by the pressure force along with the wall, and larger ones are torn off over time, starting from the edge. Making a powerful frame from the outside is impractical, the consumption of materials is too high. Only internal spacers will save you, as shown in the drawing of a homemade heat accumulator.

Drawing of a 500 l heat accumulator - top view

Selection of materials for the tank

You will make your task much easier if you find a ready-made cylindrical tank that was originally designed to work under pressure. What containers can be used:

  • propane cylinders of different capacities;
  • discarded process containers, for example, receivers from industrial compressors;
  • receivers from railway cars;
  • old iron boilers;
  • internal tanks of containers for storing liquid nitrogen, made of stainless steel.

It is much easier to make a reliable heat accumulator from ready-made steel vessels

Note. IN as a last resort A steel pipe of suitable diameter will do. Flat covers can be welded to it, which will have to be reinforced with internal braces.

To weld a square tank, take sheet metal 3 mm thick, no more needed. Make of rigidity round pipes with a diameter of 15-20 mm or profiles 20 x 20 mm. Select the size of the fittings according to the diameter of the boiler outlet pipes, and for cladding, buy thin steel (0.3-0.5 mm) with powder painting.

A separate question is how to insulate a heat accumulator that you welded yourself. The best option– basalt wool in rolls with a density of up to 60 kg/m³ and a thickness of 60-80 mm. Polymers such as polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam should not be used. The reason is mice that love warmth and in the fall can easily settle under the lining of your storage tank. Unlike polymer insulation, they do not like basalt fiber.

Don't have any illusions about extruded polystyrene foam, rodents eat it too

Now let's indicate alternative options ready-made vessels that are not recommended for use in heat accumulators:

  1. An improvised tank made from a Eurocube. Similar plastic containers designed for a maximum content temperature of 70 °C, but we need 90 °C.
  2. Thermal accumulator from iron barrel. Contraindications: thin metal and flat product covers. Instead of strengthening such a barrel, it’s easier to take a good pipe.

Assembling a rectangular structure

We would like to warn you right away: if you have a mediocre command of art welding work, then it is better to order the manufacture of the tank externally according to your drawings. The quality and tightness of the seams is of great importance; at the slightest leak, the storage container will leak.

First, the tank is welded with tack welds, and then with a continuous seam

For a good welder there will be no problems here, you just need to understand the order of operations:

  1. Cut metal blanks to size and weld the body without a bottom and a lid using tacks. To secure the sheets, use clamps and a square.
  2. Cut holes in the side walls for the stiffeners. Insert the prepared pipes inside and scald their ends from the outside.
  3. Grab the bottom and lid to the tank. Cut holes in them and repeat the operation with the installation of internal braces.
  4. When all the opposite walls of the container are securely connected to each other, begin continuous welding of all seams.
  5. Install supports from pipe sections on the product.
  6. Insert the fittings at a distance of less than 10 cm from the bottom and cover, as shown in the drawing.
  7. Weld metal brackets to the walls, which will serve as brackets for attaching the insulating material and sheathing.

The photo shows a stretch made from a wide strip, but it is better to use a pipe

Advice on installing internal struts. To ensure that the walls of the heat accumulator effectively resist bending due to pressure and do not break due to welding, extend the ends of the stretch marks outward by 50 mm. Then additionally weld stiffeners to them from steel sheet or stripes. ABOUT appearance don’t worry, the ends of the pipes will then disappear under the cladding.

Steel brackets are welded to the body to secure insulation and sheathing

A few words about how to insulate a heat accumulator. First, check it for leaks by filling it with water or lubricating all the seams with kerosene. Thermal insulation is quite simple:

  • clean and degrease all surfaces, apply primer and paint to protect them from corrosion;
  • wrap the tank with insulation without squeezing it, and then secure it with a cord;
  • cut the facing metal, make holes in it for the pipes;
  • Screw the casing to the brackets with self-tapping screws.

Screw the cladding sheets so that they are connected to each other with fasteners. That's it for making a homemade heat accumulator for open system heating is finished.

Installation and connection of the tank to heating

If the volume of your heat accumulator exceeds 500 liters, then placing it on a concrete floor is extremely undesirable; you need to build a separate foundation. To do this, dismantle the screed and dig a hole to a dense layer of soil. Then fill it with broken stone (rubble), compact it and fill it with liquid clay. Fill the top reinforced concrete slab 150 mm thick in wooden formwork.

Scheme of the foundation for the battery tank

The correct operation of a heat accumulator is based on the horizontal movement of hot and cooled flow inside the tank when the battery is “charging” and the vertical flow of water during “discharge”. In order for these conditions to be met, the following actions must be taken:

  • the circuit of a solid fuel or other boiler is connected to a water storage tank through a circulation pump;
  • the heating system is supplied with coolant using a separate pump and mixing unit with a three-way valve that allows it to be taken from the battery required amount water;
  • the pump installed in the boiler circuit should not be inferior in performance to the unit supplying coolant to the heating devices.

Tank-heat accumulator wiring diagram

The standard connection diagram for a heat accumulator with a TT boiler is shown above in the figure. The balancing valve on the return line serves to adjust the flow of coolant based on the temperature of the water entering and leaving the tank. Our expert Vladimir Sukhorukov will tell you how to connect and configure correctly in his video:

For reference. If you live in the capital of the Russian Federation or the Moscow region, then regarding the connection of any heat accumulators, you can consult personally with Vladimir, using the contact information on his official website.

Budget storage tank made from cylinders

For those homeowners whose boiler room area is very limited, we suggest making a cylindrical heat accumulator from propane cylinders.

Homemade heat storage device paired with a TT boiler

The 100 l design, developed by another of our masters, is designed to perform 3 functions:

  • unload the solid fuel boiler when overheating, taking in excess heat;
  • heat water for household needs;
  • provide heating of the house for 1-2 hours in case of shutdown of the TT boiler.

Note. Duration battery life of this heat accumulator is small due to its small volume. But it will fit in any furnace room and will be able to remove heat from the boiler during a power outage thanks to direct connection, which is very important for safety.

This is what a tank made from cylinders looks like without lining

To assemble the storage tank you will need:

  • 2 standard propane cylinders;
  • at least 10 m of copper tube with a diameter of 12 mm or corrugated stainless pipe same size;
  • fittings and sleeves for thermometers;
  • insulation – basalt wool;
  • painted metal for cladding.

You need to unscrew the valves from the cylinders and cut off the caps with a grinder, not forgetting to fill them with water to prevent the remaining gas from exploding. The copper tube must be carefully bent into a coil around a pipe of suitable diameter. Then proceed like this:

  1. Using the presented drawing, drill holes in the future heat accumulator for pipes and sleeves for thermometers.
  2. Secure by welding several metal brackets inside the cylinders for mounting the DHW heat exchanger.
  3. Place the cylinders one on top of the other and weld them together.
  4. Install a coil inside the resulting tank, releasing the ends of the tube through the holes. Use gland packing to seal these areas.
  5. Attach the bottom and lid.
  6. Cut a fitting into the lid for air release, and into the bottom for a drain valve.
  7. Weld the brackets to secure the casing. Make them different lengths to ready product had a rectangular shape. It will be inconvenient to bend the cladding in a semicircle, and it will not be aesthetically pleasing.
  8. Insulate the tank and fasten the casing with self-tapping screws.
Connecting a tank to a boiler without a pump

The design feature of this heat accumulator is that it is connected to a solid fuel boiler directly, without circulation pump. Therefore, for docking they use steel pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, laid at a slope, and the coolant circulates by gravity. To supply heated water to heating circuit a pump with a three-way mixing valve is installed after the buffer tank.


On many Internet resources there is a statement that making a heat accumulator with your own hands is a piece of cake. If you study our material, you will understand that these declarations do not correspond to reality and in fact the issue is quite complex and serious. You can’t just take a barrel and attach it to a heat generator. Hence the advice: think carefully about all the nuances before starting work. And without a welder’s qualifications, it’s not worth taking on a container operating under pressure; it’s better to order it from a specialized workshop.

The principle of operation of the heat accumulator is based on the property of water to retain thermal energy. A thermal accumulator is a container filled with coolant, which is built into the heating system of a private home, where the accumulator first absorbs heat and then distributes it. The thermal accumulator allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • Regulates the heat transfer of the heating system;
  • Increases the efficiency of solid fuel boilers;
  • In heating systems with electric boilers allows you to accumulate heat at night, minimizing the number of times the electric boiler is turned on during the day at a more expensive tariff;
  • It combines sources of thermal energy, if there are several of them, accumulating the heat they generate in itself, and then distributes it at the right moment.

A simple heat accumulator consists of a thermally insulated tank with 4 outlets: 2 outlets are cut into the top of the tank, 2 outlets are embedded in the bottom. Through one pair of outlets, water from the tank enters the boiler, where it is heated and then flows back into the battery; the house heating system is connected to the other pair of outlets. Due to the fact that hot water lighter than cold, all of it collects in the upper part of the heat accumulator, gradually, as it heats up, filling the tank entirely.

The heating system is filled using the same principle: hot water, cooling in the heating radiators, returns to the tank through the outlet located below, thereby pushing hot water through the upper outlet into the heating system of the house.

The described scheme is the most primitive; there can be more taps depending on the number of connected thermal energy sources.

Making a heat storage tank with your own hands


Design selection

There are two types of thermal accumulators:

  • With a heat exchanger - a heat exchanger is placed inside the tank in the form of a spiral made of a stainless (or copper) tube, which is connected directly to the boiler, as a result of which the boiler coolant moves along a separate circuit and due to this the water is heated;
  • Without a heat exchanger, the coolant in the boiler and heating system is the same.

A tank with a heat exchanger is used when more than one source of thermal energy is connected to the heat accumulator, for example, in addition to the boiler, a solar collector or heat pump is also connected, or the pressure in the boiler circuit is unacceptable for the heating system, etc.

Advice! If there is only one boiler in the heating system, it is easier to make a heat accumulator with your own hands without a heat exchanger.

Making a tank

Any tank of the appropriate volume will be suitable for the heat accumulator. It can be round or rectangular, made of steel or plastic. But in the case of a plastic tank, you should make sure that the material can withstand high coolant temperatures, which can reach up to 90 °C.

If there is no suitable container, you can make it yourself. For this you will need:

  • Steel sheet, at least 2 mm thick;
  • Pipes, flanges or bends (if the pipelines are connected with threads).

It’s easier to make a rectangular tank with your own hands. Knowing the battery capacity, dimensions metal structures can be adjusted to the conditions of the room where the installation will take place.

The process of making a heat accumulator with your own hands is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Marking and cutting steel sheets to size;
  2. Welding the metal structure of the tank;
  3. Marking and welding of bends and flanges (slopes);
  4. Cleaning weld seams;
  5. Check for leaks, you need to fill the tank with water and carefully inspect the welds for leaks.

When making a heat accumulator with your own hands, you must provide a repair hatch that allows you to clean inner surface containers from deposits and scale, as well as a drainage drain.

  • Styrofoam;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Any other suitable thermal insulator.

Important! The better the homemade tank is thermally insulated, the longer it will be able to retain thermal energy.

The heat accumulator must have a safety valve. In addition, it is recommended to equip the battery with a thermometer and shut-off valves on each of the branches, making its maintenance easier.

The heat accumulator is installed in close proximity to the boiler to avoid unnecessary losses heat. Install on a level concrete surface. Access to the maintenance hatch must not be obstructed.

After installing the heat accumulator, its outlets are connected to the boiler circuit and the heating system circuit. The DIY battery is ready for use.

The heat accumulator plays a major role in the heating system. It is he who is responsible for stable, high-quality heating of the home, even in cases where there is no longer any fuel in the system. This useful unit can be purchased at the store, but it is very expensive, and not everyone has that kind of money. Therefore, you can try to make it and then connect it yourself.

Home heat accumulator and its operating principle

The main task that the heat accumulator performs is to maintain the heating system of the house using hot water when, for some reason, the stove or boiler does not heat up. At proper installation devices can improve the quality of home heating and save energy.

In simple words, it is a large reservoir of water enclosed in a thermally insulating shell.

Advantages of using a heat accumulator:

  • Even if the heating boilers stop completely, the room will be heated;
  • If you have a heat accumulator, you don’t have to heat the boiler at night, which will ultimately result in significant savings;
  • Due to the fact that the battery absorbs excess heat, the risk of overheating of the heating circuit is eliminated;
  • It is possible to connect several heat sources, for example, install heating elements into a heat accumulator.

The disadvantage of a heat accumulator is its size and weight. They are rather large and for ease of use of the device, it is advisable to allocate a separate room for it.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: the liquid in the container is heated to a high temperature, and then gradually released into the heating system.

A heat accumulator (sometimes called a buffer tank) can play the role of a water heater if a coil is built inside it. True, it will still not be possible to heat water in large volumes. The thermal accumulator can be charged not only using a boiler, but also using a solar collector. For this purpose, a coil is also built in, through which liquid heated by the sun will flow.

What is a heating storage tank

A storage tank is an insulated container with leads for connecting water heating pipes. Serves to heat the home when the heat source is stopped.

A standard heat storage tank without unnecessary bells and whistles consists of:

  • Tank in the form of a steel cylinder;
  • Thermal insulation is approximately 50-100 mm;
  • Sheathing;
  • Fittings embedded in the container;
  • Immersion sleeves for fixing the pressure gauge and thermometer.

Also, such a water storage increases the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler. After all, maximum thermal output occurs during active combustion of fuel, and this is impossible without a buffer that absorbs all excess heat. The more efficiently wood burns, the less of it is needed. The same applies to gas installations.

While the room is heated by the heat generator, the storage tank accumulates heat, and the water in it warms up to the maximum temperature. After the boiler has finished operating, hot liquid begins to flow into the batteries, providing heating for the home. The duration of heating depends on the volume of the tank and the outside temperature.

Do-it-yourself functional heat accumulator for heating

If you decide to make a heat accumulator yourself, then before you start work, you should decide on its dimensions and carefully study the drawing of the device.

The dimensions of the barrel can be calculated approximately, focusing on the ratio of 30-50 liters per 1 kW or by multiplying the area that needs to be heated by 4 (the resulting value will be the required volume).

You also need to estimate how much space you can allocate for a homemade storage device and how long the energy storage device should work instead of the main heat source.

Scheme for manufacturing a heat accumulator:

  1. To create a tank, you can take a barrel and thoroughly clean it inside. This is necessary to prevent rust or any oxides from getting into the water. Cleaning can be done with a grinding wheel or grinder.
  2. Then holes suitable for the diameters of the supply pipes are drilled in the container. This is done with a drill with a metal drill or a crown.
  3. Then threaded pipes are welded into the holes made to supply and drain liquid. Later on the thread will be fixed Ball Valves for connection to the heating system.
  4. The lid is welded. During this work, you need to ensure that all seams are tight and there are no leaks.
  5. The heat accumulator is insulated. The device can be insulated with mineral or basalt wool, which needs to be wrapped around the barrel, after which it is good to tighten the material with a metal fastening tape.
  6. All that remains is to connect the drive to the system using ball valves.

The storage buffer tank should be located immediately after the boiler, above the radiators, so that water flows freely into the radiators.

To create a buffer tank, in addition to barrels, you can use propane cylinders, old boilers, or discarded process tanks.

Do-it-yourself buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler and its connection to the system

The buffer tank can be used as a permanent or only seasonal thermal energy storage device. In any case, the device must be correctly connected to the system. It's quite simple, so it's easy to do it yourself.

Connecting the heat accumulator to the heating system:

  • The storage tank and the return outlet from the boiler are connected, and then a circulation pump is placed between them;
  • The pipeline is connected;
  • If there are many radiators in the house, then you need to connect each of them in series;
  • To eliminate the risk of overheating, batteries must be equipped with safety valves and control sensors.

By the way, if the displacement of the storage tank is more than 500 liters, it is extremely undesirable to simply place it on a concrete floor. It is better to make an additional foundation.

To do this, you need to remove the screed and dig a hole that reaches the dense soil layers. Then you need to fill it with broken stone, compact it and fill it with clay in a liquid state.

Is it worth making a heat accumulator from a Eurocube?

Finally, a few more tips regarding creating a buffer storage tank.

So, what else should you consider:

  • Plastic containers should not be used as they are not able to withstand high temperature water, under the influence of which they may begin to melt;
  • For too big house You may need a volumetric storage device - in this case, you can use a rectangular or cubic box, which you can weld yourself (besides, it will be easier to insulate).

Many home craftsmen are trying to make a heat accumulator from the now popular Eurocube. Here you must remember that it is made of plastic and Maximum temperature which it can withstand is 70 degrees, which is very little. But there are options for more durable containers, so when choosing a material for a future drive, you should carefully study the labeling.

Self-manufacturing of a heat accumulator is possible for every person who has the skills to work with basic plumbing and household tools. To assemble such a unit you will not have to buy any expensive parts and materials. Components for the simplest model can be found in the garage or pantry of any thrifty and economical person.

After studying the following guide, you will be able to make your own heat accumulator and connect it to the heating system.

By design, a typical heat accumulator is a steel tank with nozzles at the top and bottom, which are also the ends of a coil made of a copper tube. The lower pipes are connected to the heat source, the upper pipes are connected to the heating system. Inside the unit there is a liquid that the consumer can use to solve the problems he needs.

The operating principle of the unit is based on the high heat capacity of water. In general, the mechanism of action of the heat accumulator can be described as follows:

  • There are two pipes embedded in the side walls of the container. Through one it enters the tank cold water from the water supply or from the tanks, through the second, the heated coolant is discharged to the heating radiators;
  • the upper end of the coil installed in the tank is connected to the cold water pipe of the boiler, the lower end is connected to the hot water pipe;
  • circulating through the coil, hot water heats the liquid in the tank. After turning off the boiler, the water in heating pipes begins to cool, but continues to circulate. When cool liquid enters the heat accumulator, it pushes the hot coolant accumulated there into the heating system, due to which heating of the premises continues for some time (depending on the storage capacity) even when the boiler is turned off.

Important! To ensure the movement of the coolant, the system is equipped with a circulation pump.

Key functions of heat accumulators

The heat accumulator has many useful functions, among which:

  • providing the user with hot water;
  • normalization temperature regime in heated rooms;
  • increasing the efficiency of the heating system while reducing heating costs;
  • the ability to combine several heat sources into a single circuit;
  • accumulation of excess energy generated by the boiler, etc.

With all their advantages, heat accumulators have only 2 disadvantages, namely:

  • the resource of the accumulated warm liquid directly depends on the volume of the tank used, but under any circumstances it remains strictly limited and runs out quite quickly, so it is necessary to consider the issue of arranging an additional heating system;
  • Larger storage units require quite a lot of space for installation, for example, a boiler room.

Assembling a simple heat accumulator

The simplest thermal storage device works on the principle of a thermos. The walls of the installation practically do not conduct heat and allow the water to remain warm for quite a long time.

To assemble such a unit we will need the following devices:

  • tank. Select the volume individually, according to your needs and capabilities. Objective minimum – 150 l;
  • material for thermal insulation. Mineral wool is excellent;
  • adhesive tape;
  • copper tubes for making a coil;
  • concrete slab or boards for formwork and mortar for pouring.

The heat accumulator can be assembled on the basis of an iron barrel. The volume, as already noted, is selected individually, but there is no particular point in using a tank with a capacity of less than 150 liters.

First step

We prepare the barrel for further work. If it is an old container, thoroughly clean it of various contaminants and clean off traces of corrosion.

Heat accumulator, pipes. 1 - heating system. 2 - upper coil. 3 - lower coil. 4 — TA cooling. 5 - security group. 6 - magnesium anode

Heat accumulator, pipes on the other side. 1 - Wats thermometers. 2 - solid fuel boiler. 3 - temperature sensors for solar systems controller

Second step

Wrapping the outer walls thermal insulation material. Mineral wool works well. We additionally wrap the barrel, wrapped in thermal insulation, with tape in several layers.

Third step

Wrap the tank in foil film. To fix the material we also use duct tape. If desired, we sheathe the insulated structure with sheet metal.

Fourth step

We make a coil through which the coolant will be transported. To do this, we use a copper tube with a length of 8-15 m (depending on the volume of the selected barrel) and a diameter of about 20-30 m. We bend the pipe into a spiral and place it inside the tank. The coil is connected to the boiler. In the future, this spiral will heat up and transfer the resulting heat to the water in the tank.

Coil - heat exchanger

Fifth step

We make pipes in the side walls of the storage tank. Cold water will flow into the tank through one pipe, and hot water will come out through the other. We equip the pipes with taps to quickly shut off the water circulation.

Sixth step

We install the heat storage device and connect it.

To better understand the procedure for connecting the heat accumulator, look at the diagram.

Important! The barrel can only be placed on a concrete slab. We buy a finished product or cast the base ourselves.

According to the considered method, the storage device is connected to a heating system operating using 1 boiler. In case of using more heating units, the scheme will become significantly more complicated. The system will have to be equipped with pressure and temperature sensors, explosive and safety valves etc. It is recommended to start assembling such a unit only if you have the appropriate skills and experience.

Using a heat accumulator in different heating systems

Thermal accumulators show themselves effectively when used in a wide variety of different systems heating Moreover, in each case, such a storage device allows you to significantly save on heating.

Most often, solid fuel heating systems are equipped with heat accumulators. The installation will contribute to more economical fuel consumption and efficient heating, and will also prevent premature wear of heating radiators.

A heat accumulator in the system would also be useful. electric heating, especially in regions with double electricity tariffs. At night, when electricity is sold to consumers at a more affordable cost, the battery will accumulate heat. During the day, it will be possible to turn off the boiler for a while and heat it using the heat accumulator.

Drives are also used in multi-circuit heating systems Oh. Thanks to them, the distribution of coolant between the circuits is ensured. Installation of pipes can be carried out on different heights, which will allow you to obtain water heated to different temperatures.

A few words about modernization

If necessary, the heat accumulator we assembled can be easily upgraded. There are several ways.

  1. We can install an additional heat exchanger below, thanks to which the energy received will be accumulated solar collector. Relevant for modern systems that use solar energy to heat rooms.
  2. We can share inner space containers into several communicating sections, which will ensure more pronounced stratification of water by temperature. Relevant for multi-circuit systems.
  3. We can increase the budget a little and insulate the walls of the tank with polyurethane foam instead mineral wool. This material will further reduce heat loss.
  4. We can increase the number of pipes and connect the heat storage device to more complex system heating, built on the basis of several independent circuits. Relevant for heating systems serving big houses using high power boilers.
  5. We can install an additional heat exchanger to store water. It can be used for various household and household needs.

solar collector

To organize a heating system for a private home, you should take into account a lot of nuances, buy high-quality heating equipment, additional components. Important function performed by a heat accumulator. It's hard to imagine without him quality work heating devices. It is responsible for the uninterrupted supply of heat to the house, even in cases where fuel is not supplied to the system.

If gas boilers can still function without this element, then the operation of solid fuel devices in the absence of a heat accumulator causes a lot of discomfort. A stable temperature in the house is maintained throughout the day if the heating system is served by a boiler long burning, if a conventional solid fuel unit is installed, the same result can be achieved using a heat accumulator. This element is often called a storage tank or buffer tank.

If the process of organizing a home heating system does not include the cost of a heat accumulator, you can start making it yourself. This is not that difficult to do, you just need to be patient and have an idea of ​​how the main working elements of the system work.

Without any particular difficulties, you can make a heat accumulator for a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, if you become familiar with the mechanism of its operation.

So, the main function of the heat accumulator is to provide recharge to the heating system warm water at a time when, for some reason, heating device The heat exchanger does not heat up. If installed and operated correctly, you can achieve improvements in the performance of your heating system, while electricity can also be saved by allowing the storage device to discharge at the most appropriate time.

The main disadvantage of the heat accumulator is its weight and dimensions. It is convenient if a space is allocated for placing heating equipment separate room. Otherwise, you will have to sacrifice useful space in the room where the container is to be installed.

The operating principle of a heat accumulator is extremely simple. This is a large container where hot water is stored, which, if necessary, can act as a coolant.

Functions of the heat storage tank

The heat storage tank differs more complex design and operating principle, but its functionality is also expanded. The unit is used for the following purposes:

As you can see, the functionality of a thermal accumulator for solid fuel boiler quite expanded. To complete the assigned tasks, containers and tanks with a volume of 350-3500 liters are used. Of course, installing such equipment in a kitchen or bathroom is problematic.

The tank is well insulated; inside it there are coils, which are responsible for heating and maintaining the temperature of the water.

Note! To make a heat accumulator with your own hands for a solid fuel boiler, you will need a large barrel and heating elements.

Heat accumulator connection diagram

If a person is at least superficially familiar with what heating equipment is, what a heat accumulator is intended for and what it is, there should be no problems during installation. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made device, but keep in mind that its cost is not low. The connection itself looks like this:

The heat accumulator must be protected from overheating, otherwise it can very quickly fail without the possibility of troubleshooting. To regulate temperature and prevent overheating, they are installed special valves, sensors.

A do-it-yourself buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler is a good alternative to expensive purchased equipment. If you decide to buy a heat accumulator, when choosing a model, be sure to take into account the power of the solid fuel heating boiler. Present on the market different types equipment belonging to this category. To choose the most suitable device, you should use the recommendations of professionals.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing and connection

If you have at your disposal welding machine, even the simplest one, you can safely start making a heat accumulator with your own hands. Special knowledge during the preparation of materials and during execution installation work won't be needed. The buffer tank is a spacious, high-quality insulated barrel, in which there are cut-in pipes for connecting the pipeline and other working parts.

The tank, which will serve as a heat accumulator, must be completely sealed. For its manufacture, either a pipe can be used large diameter, or sheet iron. A self-made heat accumulator must include:

  • pipe inlets and outlets;
  • explosion valve to prevent equipment overheating;
  • thermometer for monitoring the temperature of the coolant.

For the tank to function effectively, you must take care of its high-quality insulation. At home, the usual one is used for this purpose. polyurethane foam. When the insulation is completed, you can connect the device to the system. The connection diagram is selected the day before.