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If you dream of a lot of people in someone else's apartment. Why do you dream about an apartment: you don’t have enough of your own housing

An apartment is a place where a person can fully relax and unwind. Therefore, it is quite understandable to want to find out what the apartment is for in dreams. In dreams, this symbol reflects the energetic and mental state of the dreamer.

As a rule, when you dream of an apartment, for a correct interpretation, you must remember the situation inside the premises. You should also pay attention to the quality of repairs and existing furniture. It is also important whether the dreamed apartment is yours or someone else’s.

Beautiful apartment

If the apartment you see in a dream is well-kept, bright and beautifully furnished, then this is a very favorable dream. It promises the dreamer wealth in real life. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will constantly have new sources of income. In addition, you can expect pleasant cash surprises. There comes a period in life when fate will provide you with many brilliant opportunities.

Why do you dream about a dirty apartment?

If you dream of a gloomy and dirty apartment, then this foreshadows the onset of a period of bad luck and failure. But if you exercise caution and prudence, you can avoid trouble. In addition, in this period of life, you can achieve a positive result if you are not afraid of difficulties. Even the slightest inner fear makes you vulnerable.

Other dreams can be interpreted as follows:

    A new apartment after renovation is a harbinger of new beginnings that will definitely be successful, but you will have to work hard for this. An empty apartment with no furniture symbolizes your fear of loneliness. Oddly enough, this is precisely what can prevent you from finding a reliable and faithful partner. Try to be more open to the people around you, against the background of this, the fear of loneliness will definitely disappear.

Former apartment - dream book

Very often, dreamers have a question about why they dream of a former apartment. Such a dream foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news that will concern your personal life. If you dream of a former apartment in perfect condition, then you should expect a happy period in your life. No one and nothing can harm you at this time. But if the former apartment in the dream is dirty and unkempt, then in reality you should be extremely careful. Possible troubles can affect any area of ​​life, and are almost always associated with your wrong decisions. If a former apartment appears in the plot of a dream in passing and the dreamer’s attention is not focused on its setting, then this indicates a person’s longing for the past. It’s better to get rid of this condition as quickly as possible and start living in the present.

Someone else's apartment

When you dream of someone else's apartment with completely unfamiliar furnishings, this is a very good sign. It portends favorable life changes that you have long strived for. In addition, such a dream indicates that you will be able to quickly and successfully cope with all existing problems.

Why do you dream about a new apartment?

A new apartment in a dream foreshadows gaining complete financial independence in real life. Also, such a dream often indicates the emergence of a new love relationship.

Apartment for rent

Very often I have a dream related to the fact that the apartment is for rent. Why do you have such dreams? They portend new love in reality or very interesting romantic adventures. And if you dream that you are renting an apartment, then this indicates that you will soon start a new interesting business that will turn out to be very profitable. Other interpretations of various dreams may be as follows:
    Paying rent or paying utility bills means having a conflict in reality with a close friend. It is better to try to resolve disagreements that have arisen in order to avoid this. Receiving rent means meeting a person from your own past. Furnishing an apartment means learning a new business or a new profession in the near future. This will allow you to become a more successful person and gain invaluable experience, which will be useful in the future for the implementation of your own ideas. Buying an apartment is a successful investment of your own finances. Cleaning the apartment is the establishment of harmonious family relationships.

If you dream of some kind of cataclysm in an apartment, for example, associated with a break in water pipes or a clogged sewer, then such a dream indicates that difficult times will soon come in reality. If you see in the plot of your dream that you caused the flooding of another apartment, then this symbolizes your strained relationships with others. And when the dreamer’s attention is focused on flooding his own apartment with dirty, muddy water, a serious family conflict with members of the household is brewing.

Apartment renovation

When you dream of renovating your own apartment, this indicates that you are moving in the right direction and are always striving to learn something new. If in a dream you have to renovate someone else’s apartment, then soon you will have to provide support in everyday matters to one of the people in your close circle.

Moving to an apartment - interpretation of sleep

Noteworthy is the dream in which he dreamed of moving to a new apartment. This is a sign that global changes are coming in real life that will affect all areas of life. And if you dream of moving to a secondary housing market apartment, then you should be prepared that there will be a lot of difficulties on the way to your goal.

Apartment as an inheritance, as a gift or as a win

If, in accordance with the plot of the dream, you dream of an apartment that you inherited, then in reality many small troubles will arise that will have to be resolved urgently in the shortest possible time. And if in your night dreams you are given an apartment, then this foreshadows profitable material investments. When in a dream you win an apartment on a promotion, then soon you will have an influential patron in your life or you will receive financial support that is important to you. Looking for an apartment in a dream indicates the dreamer’s subconscious desire to radically change his own life.

Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts.

Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love.

Someone else's apartment means that the person with whom you are in an intimate relationship is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding.

Not having an apartment means you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits.

If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a sign of surprises and surprises.

Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer.

If a tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you are in for trouble with men due to financial settlements.

Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality.

Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover.

To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to collect all the details seen into one whole, take into account the emotional load and get a complete picture. It is also important to draw an analogy between the information received and events occurring in reality.

Why do you dream about someone else’s apartment?

In one of the dream books, such a night vision is a warning that trouble will soon arise. Soon you will receive too much information, which will make you feel insecure. A dream where you had to make repairs in someone else's apartment is a sign that you will soon have to take on the solution of other people's problems and this will require a lot of time and effort from you. Gluing in an unfamiliar room means you will use an unusual method to convey your own message to others. If you are renting someone else’s apartment, this is a harbinger of a new business that will captivate you and, in the end, can become an excellent option for additional income. A dream where you had to stay in someone else’s apartment, which is completely unfamiliar, prophesies dramatic life changes. Depending on its type, you can determine whether they will be good or bad. If the room was clean and beautiful, then the changes will be favorable and vice versa.

Night vision where you admire someone else's apartment predicts receiving new lucrative offers. For representatives of an excellent position, such a dream promises a quick wedding with a financially secure groom. Seeing someone else's apartment in a dream where you feel comfortable is a good sign that portends in any business. If the room looks gloomy, then you should expect serious problems soon.

What does it mean to clean someone else’s apartment in a dream?

Most often, such a dream foreshadows taking direct part in a showdown between loved ones or colleagues. Also, such a plot indicates the improvement of relationships in the family.

This dream does not seem scary or alarming, but dream books do not interpret it very well. So, why do you dream of someone else’s living space?

  • Seeing someone else's apartment in a dream is considered a bad sign for people who are married or in a serious relationship. It is believed that this is a sign of future betrayal by a partner. Perhaps it has not yet taken place, but is already planned.
  • On the contrary, seeing yourself in an unfamiliar bedroom means that you will soon have to endure the jealous attacks of your loved one. And most likely - groundless.
  • If you remember an unfamiliar hallway where you waited a long time for the owner to arrive, you may be in for some unpleasant conversations, or maybe even humiliation.
  • In general, seeing someone else’s apartment in a dream means that disturbing changes will begin in your life, and you won’t have long to wait for them.
  • Seeing a fire and even trying to put it out - you will be forced to solve serious problems.
  • Cleaning in an unfamiliar apartment means a scandal will soon break out in your family. Sometimes such dreams foreshadow the beginning of squabbles at work.
  • Making repairs in someone else's home means you begin to feel cold towards your spouse, although you don't want to admit it to yourself.
  • If you stood and watched a stranger work, perhaps you have a close friend who needs your help, and very soon you will have to help him out.
  • If you see a terrible mess in an unfamiliar home, you are threatened with numerous, albeit trivial, problems.
  • To a woman who in a dream found herself in someone else’s apartment and saw an unfamiliar girl or lady there, the dream sends a warning: you have a rival, be careful!

However, sometimes such dreams also bring good news.

  • Large apartment, many rooms - soon you will experience success at work, or your financial condition will improve.
  • A cleanly decorated apartment, with fresh renovations - this dream means that changes will soon begin in your life, and you will like them.
  • If you know that you are standing in your apartment, but do not recognize it, good news awaits you, and maybe even more than one.
  • If you stand on the staircase and see the door of an unfamiliar apartment open slightly for you, guests will soon come to you.
  • Are you an unmarried girl and see yourself visiting an unfamiliar home? It is quite possible that you will soon be offered a hand and a heart.

What do the authors of famous dream books say?

What does Dr. Freud see in your dream?

“Grandfather Sigmund” sees both regular stay and active cleaning in someone else’s apartment the same way: your loved one is cheating on you. Your subconscious already guesses about everything and tries to warn you with such dreams. It is quite possible that soon you will find not only indirect evidence, but it will all end in scandal and separation.

However, if you boldly enter unfamiliar rooms from the outside, the psychologist warns: if anyone in your couple is prone to cheating, it’s you. However, if you do not enter, but instead break into a home that does not belong to you, you may soon be faced with intimate harassment.

What will the “interpreter of 10,000 dreams” Henry Miller say?

Did you feel like you were the master of these unfamiliar square meters? If yes, you have a good dream, your wallet will soon be seriously replenished. Have you tried to exchange real estate? The interpretation is still the same - probable treason. Why do you dream about someone else’s apartment that you want to rent? For marriage, if you have not yet been to the registry office.

And finally, Vanga’s opinion

The Bulgarian seer said: if in a dream you tried to sell real estate that did not belong to you, separation from your loved one awaits you.

Seeing someone else's apartment on the ground floor in a dream means low self-esteem of the sleeper, but if, on the contrary, it is almost in the clouds, be attentive to those around you, especially your relatives. You may be offending them with your arrogance.

And besides, as the dream book says, someone else’s apartment in a new house is a sign of future success in life (moving to a good place and even getting married), and in the old one - that all your work or efforts in your personal life are wasted and to no avail will not lead to anything productive.

Psychics' opinion

These people are considered great fans of “casting fog,” but their interpretations are the most logical and reasonable. Psychics advise looking for the “root of all evil” in your own feelings.

  1. Do you see an unfamiliar apartment? Perhaps, in fact, you want to change something in your life: work, relationships with loved ones... Finally, move somewhere.
  2. Do you see someone else’s apartment that is familiar to you, say, your neighbor’s, or your family’s? It is possible that you “think” about her even after turning off your thoughts, that is, something about her attracts you. Most often this is banal envy. Remember what exactly can attract you - fashionable renovation, cool equipment, large living space?
  3. Walls with holes, a ceiling with holes, in general, not an apartment, but a “victim” of a bombing - only people who are thoroughly confused in their lives dream of this. Understand yourself!
  4. Dark and uncomfortable rooms? Your vitality has seriously depleted. You need to rest and do a mental “reboot”, otherwise you won’t get sick for long.

Have you found an interpretation of your dream and you didn’t like it? Knowledgeable people say: you can take a bad dream away from yourself. Describe the dream on paper, then write down how you feel - and burn it. As this leaf disappears, so will the bad interpretation leave your life.

A very interesting and informative symbol that reveals the soul of another person, no matter who owns this home. Even if the apartment in a dream is not similar to the one that actually belongs to your acquaintance or friend, then its very appearance will give you answers to many questions.

To understand why you have such a dream, pay attention to the place where it is located, the floor and how different it is from the real one, the presence or absence of repairs in it, how many rooms, windows, doors, what kind of furniture was there, whether the room was narrow or spacious and How comfortable was it for you to be there?

It is also worth paying attention to pets, whether they were in the dream or not and what happened next. It is also important whether you got there yourself or were invited. This is what you dream about in a dream about someone else’s apartment in various life situations.

Street, house floor

Even if they differ from those in reality, often the location of someone else’s apartment in a dream will tell you a lot about its owner. The street itself in a dream can show a real place in which this person could be in accordance with his level of thinking, material wealth, virtues and lifestyle.

At least that’s how your psyche sees it. Therefore, it is not surprising that you see an important person in Khrushchev (this shows that he is not worth his place or simply treats people kindly, without arrogance and false pride) or a poor, insufficiently wealthy, but interesting acquaintance in communication in a large rich and beautiful house.

Both your individual associations with the street on which the house is located and its life stages are important. An apartment in a new building, even if a new building is not actually going to appear in their life, means renewal and a new stage in a person’s life. It may just begin or appear in the near future.

A dream in which you dreamed of an apartment in the new house of your acquaintance or friend means that some important change is beginning for him. The renewal can be associated with starting a business, a new job, marriage, marriage or the birth of a child, a woman becoming pregnant, and even the beginning of an independent life. In any case, there is some kind of change, renewal in this person’s life, or he himself is still very young at heart and he still has a lot to go through.

A floor in a dream means a stage in a public staircase. Often a new building, in which all the apartments are presented in the construction version, is dreamed of as a sign that some situation is unformed. Perhaps changes in a person’s life have occurred recently or he simply has not yet established himself on the social ladder.

The lower floors mean a person’s accessibility, his low social status, high floors mean a good position in society. Why do you dream that your friend’s apartment is higher than it actually is? The dream book writes that such a dream means his desire to rise. It is possible that he will climb the social ladder and be able to get a lot.

If someone else’s apartment turns out to be lower than it actually is, then why is this a dream? The dream book writes that poverty, deprivation of work, demotion, humiliation or great material loss will soon await him.

Seeing your friend's apartment in an old house means that he will strive for stability and will follow the inertia of life, not really thinking about the future or simply not wanting change. The dream book writes that such a dream characterizes a person who is not young or does not feel like one, and is afraid to change something.

An unfamiliar apartment in a dream, why do you dream about seeing it or renting it? Such a dream signifies newness in your own life, building or contemplating a relationship with someone.

Pay attention to where exactly it is and how pleasant it is to you.


Being in someone else's apartment and seeing that being there means the inner world and life of this person, his desires, aspirations and events in his life.

A construction project without repair, unpacked luggage means that changes in this life have already occurred or are on the verge of them.

Sometimes the dream book interprets such a dream as an unsettled life and the fact that these people are starting something from scratch, be it family life, living together or business, activity or simply living independently.

A beautifully furnished, cozy and spacious apartment in someone else’s dream means the goodwill of this person, harmony, peace and tranquility in his life. Especially if it had spacious rooms, light and warm colors, many windows and lamps.

Windows in a dream show a person’s openness to the world, his sociability. It’s easy to understand what doors mean in dreams: they mean a person’s secrets, the fact that he doesn’t trust others too much or is forced to put up with various circumstances in his life, especially if in reality he lives with various relatives.

The dream book interprets a cramped and uncomfortable, small room in which there are a lot of superfluous and completely unnecessary things, and especially rubbish, to the looseness of this person, his poverty, the fact that he limits himself in many ways.

Why dream of seeing brushes, paintings, paints or musical instruments in someone else’s apartment? The dream book writes that such a dream means something that is dear to this person. The occupation and secret passion can be judged by the size of the rooms and where exactly the tools are located and what some objects are intended for.

If you dreamed that a large space in the apartment was occupied by a bed and a canopy, then what is this dream for? The dream book writes that much attention is paid to sexual relationships in this house. To be in the kitchen and see that it is there that the “center of gravity” is located, why do you dream? The dream book writes that in this house there is a place for communication and openness.

Pay attention to how you managed to get into an apartment, including an unfamiliar one, in a dream. If you were invited there, then such a dream means trust and the fact that you will directly learn something important to you about a loved one. The dream book writes that the doors to someone else's soul are open to you.

An unfamiliar apartment usually means new circumstances in your own life. To be illegally, without permission, in someone else's room means prohibition, secrecy, a secret that you will find out anyway.

Most likely, as the dream book writes, something very important is being hidden from you, so you will have to find out about it in a roundabout way. It is possible that you will open the veil of secrecy in the near future, or that someone will let it slip and will no longer be able to deceive you.