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Where is it better to live in a house or in an apartment? Country house or apartment - what to choose? Advantages and disadvantages of country life.

The concept of “better” is quite loose, or rather very vague, and for different people sometimes it's not at all clear...

Nevertheless, I will try to highlight the pros and cons of the house and apartment. But first, let's draw a picture ideal home. Most likely, if it differs little from an apartment in terms of infrastructure development and quality finishing.

You also shared good information about the advantages and disadvantages of both apartments and independent home. This will be useful for buyers. Good article Mom is very helpful. Is it beneficial to stay in a gated community with more apartments or fewer apartments?

This is without a doubt what I need! Goode's article the main problem apartments - freedom, expansion, limited space, absence of family members, anxiety or quarrel from outside. In cases where an independent house is the cost of land, it is equal to the cost of the apartment and after the cost of construction becomes heavier.

Let it be a brick house (one- or two-story) and close to the city center, ideally with central heating.

Even if your own home does not match the picture I drew, it doesn’t matter! There are pluses in the house and here they are! Neighbors don’t drill or hammer into your wall, and you don’t have to carry shopping bags with groceries to the fifth floor (I mean five-story buildings without an elevator).

Please feel free to share any nice designs and photos or ideas you come across that our readers can always benefit from. Very nice and informative article. Every home hunter should read.

  • You definitely covered the pros and cons of an apartment and an independent home.
  • Thank you.
My office is moving outside the city.

Whether you're a college student leaving home for the first time or you're entering the working world and looking for a place to rent, there are several options in the housing market. Your personal needs and budget will often determine what type of accommodation you get, and there are advantages and disadvantages to each type. Typically, houses - including mobile homes - provide more space and privacy, while an apartment costs less to rent and maintain.

The feeling of constantly being in a concrete birdhouse disappears already in the second week of living in own home.

Very nice to have along with your home small area land, for orchards and small garden. IN Soviet time, for example, they allocated 6 acres - that would be enough now..

Pros of purchasing own home With personal plot Families with small children will feel it, they can be fed vegetables and fruits from their garden, and there is also a place to play on the sand that is not soiled by yard dogs.

A stick-built home that is securely anchored to the ground usually costs more to rent than an apartment. Renting a mobile home is usually about the same or slightly more than an apartment, although location and condition can change these numbers. A house or mobile home can afford roommates more efficiently than an apartment, allowing you to share some of the rental costs. Utilities may also cost more expensive than a house or mobile home due to more space. Mobile homes not as airtight as an apartment or a stick-built home, so this may result in higher heating and air conditioning costs More.

If the plot is larger, you can even prepare jams and pickles for future use, which is also very nice. The territory of the house is not limited to the rooms and the corridor in the entrance - children, if there are any, can run anywhere and however they want and quite safely (unless, of course, you forgot a few rakes in the yard..)

Finally, you will get rid of conversations about the janitor not cleaning the yard, the HOA constantly raising fees... No general house needs: maintenance, Maintenance, major repairs.

A one-bedroom apartment typically takes up between 600 and 800 feet of space, which is much smaller than most homes. The small mobile home is 66 feet long and has inner space just over 900 feet, and even the smallest ones typically have two bedrooms. An apartment usually doesn't have a yard and there's often no place to sit on the porch, while houses can offer both amenities.

Who can live well in their home?

With all rental properties, the majority of repairs are the responsibility of the owner. This could mean anything from fixing a toilet to replacing a door, but some landlords may be slow to make repairs. The apartments typically provide lawn care. If you have built a stick or mobile home that has a yard, you may have to do the lawn yourself, and your landlord may be strict about maintaining it.

And you can install a pool right in your yard! Of course, there are some shots who do this in an apartment, but everyone decides for themselves whether to risk it or not.

Minor inconveniences of your own home

When buying a house far from the city, you will have to have at least two cars in case one of them breaks down. It should be taken into account that you most likely will not have a janitor, which means clearing snow, cleaning the territory and weeding is all yours.

While the type of neighbors you get depends on the area, in an apartment you are in close proximity to many of them. You will often hear your neighbors, especially those who live directly above you. If you value your sleep, your neighbor's stereo may keep you awake - although most apartment buildings have noise restrictions that can help with such problems.

Due to space and proximity to neighbors, apartments often have stricter rules than houses. In an apartment, you'll likely have more restrictions on your friends being alone than with your home. The first order of business in investing is to get the best results, so let's take a look at where the money comes in when you invest in residential property.

Don't exclude small ones either. chores, for which you will at a minimum need to acquire a small set of tools. There are also financial expenses: fixing the fence, sidewalk, etc.

If you have a harsh winter, your water supply may freeze - a minor nuisance. It is much more important to have a trouble-free sewer system.

A private house. Are there any disadvantages?

Units tend to be more affordable than houses, making it easier for an investor to raise their bid the first time around. Due to the cost of land, houses often have more high price for access. With prices rising in Sydney, the median unit price in Sydney is now higher than current average price homes in Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart and Canberra.

Let's consider the disadvantages of the apartment

Council rates are usually higher in the home and you will have to pay land taxes on an ongoing basis. If you own the home, all maintenance issues are your responsibility and the maintenance and care of residential building and the surroundings lie on it.

Ideally, take it to the central one; if this is not possible, then you will have to buy a shambo and regularly order a cleaning service.

Or is an apartment better?

At the same time, living in an apartment has its advantages. For example, the location of apartments often gravitates towards the boundaries of large settlements, although if the city expands its borders, then apartment house can stand in a vacant lot and without developed infrastructure.

What do you want from your investment?

Are you looking for regular long-term income or do you plan to renovate and “flip” the property as soon as you can? A home typically offers higher capital gains due to the land component of the property. There also more possibilities. On the other hand, units tend to offer higher rental yields, so they are more favorable from a cash flow perspective. Their lower price points can allow you to build a diversified real estate portfolio more quickly.

Okay, let's not touch the new buildings, but let's draw a picture of the apartment as follows: located in one of the good areas of the city with developed infrastructure, on the middle floor in brick house, not corner... Well, there are already more requirements than for a house..

Apartments often have no problems with tap water, central heating and Internet. Repairs can be done once every 5 years - re-paint the wallpaper, tint, whiten, change household appliances.

Older units in smaller blocks may offer better value than luxury new apartments in skyscrapers. You'll be less likely to pay ongoing fees for amenities like gyms, concierges, and heated pools; your voice will be louder in meetings. It's also easier to find new tenants if there aren't 20 other vacant properties in the same location.

Now both houses and apartments are in demand. To optimize your investment, look for locations where rental demand is high, such as around universities, transportation, or lifestyle areas with easy access to schools, parks, cafes, shops, or beaches. Ultimately, there are reasons against almost any type of housing. Right choice investment for you will depend on your financial situation, risk profile and investment strategy.

Having an apartment in the city, you will be freed from digging in the ground, because the only piece of land will be in front of the house and it is not a fact that it will not be rolled under asphalt and a parking lot will not be arranged.

If by some miracle this does not happen, then local dog breeders will constantly fertilize the fertile soil.

You certainly feel safer in an apartment - it is located high (if it is not the first or second floors) from the ground and therefore you can hardly expect a random guest coming through the window, living on the 8th floor...

When it comes to your home, bigger is not always better. In fact, although many people believe that living in big house or apartment is a disadvantage, there are many advantages to the small space living that people in larger homes are asking for.

While saving money is a big benefit, small space living also lends itself to a number of decorating tricks and creative solutions that can transform even the smallest spaces into stylish and practical abode. You need to be more selective with your furniture.

Central heating in the apartment is provided by a thermal power plant, which cannot be said about your own home. Your only problem may be current batteries, but you don’t have to stock up solid fuel and periodically throw it into the potbelly stove so as not to die from the cold on a winter evening..

And if you are planning to install a gas boiler, then be prepared for the fact that first you need to install it properly and get it working, and then make sure that it performs its functions properly.

What about security?

Some people may view this as a negative, but having to choose your furniture is great way helping you hone in on the exact look you want for your space. For example, if you only have room for one accent chair, you'll want to hold out until you find the best one for your spot. Likewise, it will force you to really consider what patterns and other decorative accents to place around the room.

It's also a potential money saver and will prevent you from buying anything frivolous. There's less to clean and maintain. One of the advantages small houses that we can probably all take care of is that there is more fewer options for cleaning! Easier to keep cleaning small house, your cleaning supplies will go further, and you'll have more time for other things, like new and creative ways to make the most of your space.

Otherwise, when carbon monoxide or the pressure weakens, it will go out and shut down..

Minor disadvantages of apartments

But the question of whether it is better to buy a house or an apartment would not be completely resolved if we did not consider the disadvantages of apartments. They flow smoothly from the positives.

You can wait 40 minutes for a mechanic who has not yet remembered his name, while hot water is gushing out of your radiator.

It's easier to update your style. Availability small house means that you have less material, and it makes the occasional decor update more manageable. This makes it much easier to change up your seasonal decor or keep up with the latest trends. Switching out small pieces like statement pillows, accents and area rugs also makes a bigger impact in a smaller space.

You can get creativity for storage. Experienced small homeowners know all about maximizing the space they have. So if you can't go horizontal, go vertical! And a little shelf-style savvy goes a long way to making your shelving double as useful and decorative.

Yes, this happened to my friend: I just installed new batteries and one of them just fell off.

During the 40 minutes that the water gushed, the wallpaper flew off not only in his apartment, but also three floors below. But the mechanic was in no hurry...

Or not so long ago there was a domestic gas explosion in one of the apartments where marginalized people lived. I also don’t really want not only such a neighborhood, but also surprises in the form of a fire show by the Ramshtein group..

How much attention does the area require?

In a large home, you may have one or two rooms that are mostly unused. One of the best things about living in small space is that every space has a function, right down to the last corner. So no matter if you install home Office in the bedroom or living room or turning awkward space into storage, you're more likely to get the most out of your small home.

It forces you to be realistic about your needs. Small houses have limited opportunities storage that really makes you take a step back and identify the items you need—and the items you've collected over the years. If you have a hard time letting things go without having enough space, this makes making these decisions a lot easier. With limited space, it's much easier to prioritize.

Example from life:

And here is a very recent example from my practice of communicating with neighbors. There was a need to call a carpenter to work for several hours on a weekday from 18:00, because... Previously, for objective reasons, I could not free myself.

The guy started drilling, sawing and other wisdom that spewed out decibels... The neighbors were not long in coming. After 40 minutes, the doorbell rang and the neighbor, with “white” eyes, asked until what time we would make noise.

He can also help you declutter your belongings and get rid of any duplicates or additions that are taking up valuable storage space, such as bedding, sheets and towels. It's easier to create an entire home aesthetic. But this is not always easy when these rooms are spread out, with corridors and foyers interspersed between them. Live in small space makes it much easier to carry a certain style into your home. Small house also takes advantage of the aesthetics of the whole house; too many changes from room to room can create a chaotic, unbalanced appearance.

The employee replied that until 22:00, I repeated to her. She was indignant and asked to finish earlier, but I can’t rush the specialist, otherwise the quality will suffer. In general, I promised not to delay it. An hour later her husband came. He smiled.. (he probably did something nasty before that, I thought)

He gave an example of how they do everything renovation work ends before 18:00. May everyone be happy to live in such a way as to do so! In general, he also went home, because the carpenter had already finished!

It forces you to explore. interesting options decor. Do you need to separate part of your living room for an office? Want to make your space feel more open with a macramé curtain? Whatever your design goals in your small space, this a great opportunity flex your design muscles and become truly creative.

Use little decorating flourishes and tricks you couldn't use before, and have fun creating a home that truly speaks to your personality. There was a time when the choice of whether to live in a house or apartment was purely financial - you rented an apartment until you could afford to buy a house.

I even learned something useful from this incident - I got to know my neighbors and their patience better)) I hope we will be friends!

This is how you have to live with your neighbors if you decide that buying an apartment is better than buying a house. And that's just one small example, one evening..

This can go on ad infinitum and not be decided objectively, because everyone decides for themselves whether it is better to buy a house or an apartment.

If you have your own opinion on the question of what is better to buy, an apartment or a house, write below!

Many of us (and almost everyone, for that matter) changed or bought real estate. For yourself or relatives, it doesn’t matter. And the important thing is that when reading local newspapers with advertisements, a serious question invariably arose. So what is better to buy for yourself as a home, an apartment or a private house. Provided that both options are in the same locality. Just below you can consider the pros and cons of an apartment and a house with different points vision.

Well, with the location of the apartment, I think everything is very clear. In the vast majority of cases, these are several rooms in a brick (or concrete, panel) high-rise building. And since multi-storey buildings, as a rule, occupy an area of ​​the city close to the center. And if so, then in the immediate vicinity of the apartment there may be infrastructure facilities (from shopping terminals to healthcare institutions, that is, clinics) and a place of work. Five to ten minutes and here it is school, kindergarten, pharmacy, store, etc. Minimum body movements. back side The downside is that the city center, where high-rise buildings with apartments are usually located, is a very noisy and hectic place. With rare exceptions.

Private houses can be located either in close proximity to the city center (old buildings), or on quiet peripheral streets and alleys. Or even on the outskirts. On the one hand, it doesn't seem to be very good. It is necessary to somehow get to the place of work, study, etc. (and then back home). And this public transport, increase in travel time, distance distance. And if you look at the location from the other side, then living at some distance from the city center and places public use, this is relative peace and quiet on the street, less traffic (when every second car doesn’t try to run you over). Speaking of cars. An undeniable advantage of owning your own home is the opportunity to build your own garage for your car next to your house. Always close at hand, safer. But for those living in an apartment, they need to place their car either in a common open-air courtyard, or in a parking lot, or look for a remote garage. Definitely uncomfortable.

Living space.

Apartments vary in size. Just like at home too. But for the most part, we are not looking for a multi-level studio apartment to live in, but quite a an ordinary two-room apartment or three rubles. And this is a total living area of ​​65-75 square meters on average (plus or minus a couple of meters). But houses can often be more spacious. House at 85-100 square meters considered average. What if the house also has a second or attic residential floor? Then the apartment has practically no competition in terms of housing area. To be fair, it should be said that old great-grandmother’s houses that survived the Second World War are often sold. And they are really small, low and generally difficult.

Care and maintenance.

For those who want to buy an apartment in multi-storey building, you practically won’t have to worry about the condition of your home. The maximum that will be needed (and that’s not a fact) is that the whole world will chip in for a sweetheart in the entrance and on front door with intercom. All. The rest is the concern of management companies and utility services. Even those who have the dubious fortune of living on top floor(who are sometimes flooded with water from a leaky roof), or residents of the first floors (where there is a possibility of problems with the common drain) in case of problems, you just need to call the utility services as persistently as possible. They will come and fix everything. May be. Some day. So an apartment is definitely an option for lazy people.

But the owners of their home already have to technically maintain their place of residence. Here you can no longer rely on anyone but yourself. Everything, from the condition of the roof to the gates and gates, is the concern of the owner of the house. Communal problems also occur. Household waste removal, water supply and sewerage, gas, electricity and even snow removal - all this is on the shoulders of the homeowner. Every day, we walk around the property to see what’s broken where, what’s leaking, how to repair, what needs to be replaced, and so on. So the option of owning your own home is for real, not lazy owners.

Repairs and modifications.

Many people also know about this, but I think it wouldn’t hurt to mention it. In his own house, the owner is a gentleman. By by and large I do what I want. This is in the plan overhaul or alterations. That is, I wanted to make one out of two rooms - please, I wanted to install a new wall-mounted gas boiler - for my health, I wanted a hood - the same thing. But when living in an apartment, such a number will not always work. Make changes to the apartment plan, cut yourself off from common system heating, installing your own equipment and making design changes - this is very problematic for an apartment. Because general design houses and communication systems are not the property of the apartment owner, but are managed by public utilities. That's all.

Cheerful neighbors.

Both the apartment and the house are surrounded by neighbors on almost all sides. In a high-rise building these are neighboring apartments, houses are neighboring plots. Good relationships with neighbors are important in both the first and second cases. But in the case of an apartment, the percentage of conflict relationships is still higher than for a private house. And all because in an apartment negative reviews from neighbors can be caused by your lifestyle and everyday actions. Either you can’t drill into the wall (little children don’t sleep behind the wall), then home cinema Don’t turn it on loudly (the pensioner’s grandmother has health problems). You can’t sing in the shower, relax loudly in the toilet 🙂 and so on. And then there’s the banal flooding of neighbors from below with water (which has already become an anecdotal situation, etc. In short, any of the four neighbors bordering the apartment definitely doesn’t like something. And you, too, may not at all like the fact that one neighbor plays the piano for six hours straight, another listens to football at a hundred decibels, a third brought twenty-eight guests to the house and threw a party at three in the morning.

For a private home, these lovely everyday excesses do not happen, since there is no reason for this. Everyone is free to do whatever their heart desires at home. Even walk on your ears, even fill the whole house with water and arrange short distance swims in the corridor. Nobody will say a word to you. But at the same time, there is a bone of contention - this is the border between plots, joint fences, neighbor's dogs, cats and other living creatures (which can sometimes penetrate into someone else's territory and cause mischief). But disputes with land surveying are settled by drawing up clear cadastral plans with a division of boundaries that does not allow for double interpretation. Yes and others conflict situations occur somewhat less frequently than for an apartment.

Maintenance costs.

Everything here is not entirely clear. The apartment has a very large and constant list of monthly utility bills. In addition to the banal electricity, gas, water, utility companies are not really trying to cram in more expense items. This includes keeping the entrance clean, removing solid waste, quarterly house repairs, reconstructing the entrance, maintaining the courtyard, and so on and so forth. Payments for heat supply are also extended throughout the year. To some extent it is offensive. In the summer there is no heat - but you have to pay for heat. Therefore, many savvy apartment owners try to install their own gas boiler, but this is fraught with great difficulties (see above).

The house is a little cheaper in terms of maintenance (with the same living area). Judge for yourself. Installed, operating in economical mode, will help significantly save banknotes in heating season without losing heat. In the summer, of course, the heating is turned off and there are no expenses. There are no payments for the maintenance of entrances (purchase of light bulbs, repairs of the roof, sewerage, wipers, etc.). If you have your own, then there is no need to pay for water (only for the electricity consumed by the pump). No sewer? No problem. Order a car and pump it out drain hole not worth a lot of money. And this doesn’t happen quite often (although, depending on how you remind it). There have been real cases when a new drainage pit was not pumped out for 3 (three!) years because it was not filled. Three years without paying for sewerage. How do you like it?

These are the main points to consider when choosing housing. But it’s still worth remembering that everything in our life is relative. Someone can put up with individual disadvantages if the big advantage is (for example) the proximity to the place of work. Some are the opposite. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Compare, consider the pros and cons and choose. Apartment or house.