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How to care for a buckwheat husk pillow. Positive and negative reviews about buckwheat husk pillows

Pillows made from buckwheat husks are useful for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as they perfectly support the neck during sleep and help reduce pain.

The main advantage of pillows filled with buckwheat husks is that they provide excellent support. Buckwheat pillows can adapt to the contours of the neck and head, providing even load distribution, good support and comfortable sleep. Due to these characteristics, these pillows help relieve neck pain and fatigue.

  1. 1 Support is the most obvious benefit of these pillows. They do not press in or flatten during sleep, supporting the owner's head and neck in the correct position. In addition, it is very easy to adjust their density to suit yourself by adding or removing a certain amount of filler.
  2. 2 Pain relief. The ability of these pillows to relieve pain is above average. At least 20% of owners reported a decrease in pain, especially in the neck area. However, at least 5% of owners claim that these pillows cause pain, usually due to their hardness.
  3. 3 Air permeability. Buckwheat hulls allow air to pass through perfectly, do not heat up, and do not accumulate moisture. However, with constant use, the husk becomes denser and less breathable.
  4. 4 Massage effect. Due to its structure, the pillow filler constantly provides a light massage effect, which improves blood microcirculation.
  5. 5 Hypoallergenic. Buckwheat can cause allergies, but in very rare cases. In addition, buckwheat husks do not attract dust. Therefore, this filler is well suited for people suffering from asthma, as well as children.
  6. 6 Ease of care. According to the instructions, if necessary, you can remove the husk from the cover and wash it. It is not recommended to wash the husk itself at all. The husk may bunch up on one side of the pillow, but this is very easy to fix by giving it a good shake.
  7. 7 Reducing snoring. Due to correct position neck and head during sleep, snoring may decrease or disappear completely.

You can easily adjust the height of the pillow by pouring or adding filler to it. Each pillow has a zipper that makes this easy.

In addition to all the advantages described above, such a pillow can be easily customized to suit you. You can adjust the volume of the pillow simply by pouring or adding buckwheat husks.


There is no harm to the health of pillows filled with buckwheat husk do not provide. However, not everyone will find them comfortable due to their unusual rigidity and noise.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks do not cause any harm to health, but they will not be comfortable for everyone. A pillow that is soft and cozy is considered “comfortable,” rather than a hard, dense, and heavy one. If this is what is important to you, you are better off choosing a softer, lighter type of pillow.

  1. 1 Noisiness. Pillows filled with buckwheat hulls are probably the noisiest of all (this is especially noticeable for people who prefer to sleep on their side, that is, with their ear to the pillow). This is caused by the husk rustling under pressure. However, many owners report that the rustling noise is very easy to get used to and that the noise virtually disappears over time.
  2. 2 Hardness. Due to the firmness of the pillows, people who prefer to sleep on their sides and stomachs find them uncomfortable, at least at first. These pillows generally provide excellent neck and head support, but some owners have noted that the firmness of the pillow made their ears feel uncomfortable and tingly at first.
  3. 3 Heavy weight. Most often, such a pillow weighs from 1 to 5 kilograms, which depends on the quality of the filler. It's a lot more weight regular pillow, which means that buckwheat pillow, most likely, will not budge while you sleep on it, but lifting or moving it will not be entirely convenient.
  4. 4 Fragility. The husk thickens over time, and as a result the pillow becomes somewhat smaller in volume. With proper care, such a pillow can last you from 2 to 5 years.
  5. 5 Specific smell. Some owners reported that their pillows smelled bad at first.

If some of the disadvantages of such pillows do not suit you, then you can consider options with filling made from

Sleep is intended for complete rest of the whole body. If you regularly wake up with a heavy head, frequent headaches, stiff arms and neck, then this is a reason to think about the incorrect position of your head on the pillow while sleeping. Long gone are the days when people preferred to sleep on high feather pillows like our great-grandmothers.

Scientists have proven that the quality of sleep depends on the size of the pillow, its height and filling. It is recommended to sleep on low pillows that support the head and neck in an anatomical position. These include orthopedic pillows from buckwheat husk. They have long been used in Asian countries and have become widespread in the United States of America and Canada. Gradually, our citizens are acquiring pillows that bring health benefits.

What is buckwheat husk?

Everyone is familiar with the pieces of black husk that are found among buckwheat. This is buckwheat (or buckwheat) husk. Cleaned of flour, it began to be used to fill pillows. When purchasing products made from buckwheat husks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, the quality of the pillow and your health depend on it.

Husk and dust mite

A pillow made of buckwheat husks does not collect dust and does not harbor dust mites - a constant companion of down and feather products. This fact was proven during scientific research, which were carried out in 2004. Therefore, people suffering from allergic diseases and bronchial asthma can sleep on such a pillow. For those who still doubt their absence, we will give one piece of advice - freeze the husks in the freezer for 24 hours.

Types of pillows

In addition to traditional rectangular products measuring 40x60 or 50x70 cm, children's pillows and neck cushions in the shape of a horseshoe or a regular round shape are made.

For children

Buckwheat pillows for children can be used after two years. The amount of filler should be minimal, and over time it can be gradually increased. If the child cannot sleep on it right away, then you can limit its use during illness or when overexcited. To enhance therapeutic effect some manufacturers add it to pillows various herbs– mint, hops, oregano, cedar shavings.

First make sure that the child is not allergic to medicinal herbs.

For sitting

People who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, or in the office can look for a buckwheat husk cushion for sitting. It can be used for car seats, sofas and chairs. They have a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect on the biologically active points of our body. This helps to get rid of various pains, activate blood flow, and prevent many problems in the genital and internal organs.

Using buckwheat husk as a filler has many advantages over a down or synthetic pillow. For those who are allergic to house dust, pen or bed mites, such pillows will be a real salvation.

For people who have spinal diseases, lead a sedentary lifestyle or are engaged in heavy work, sleeping on a pillow with buckwheat will help relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and back. This occurs due to the rigidity of buckwheat, which takes the shape of the body and fixes it.

Before going to bed, the pillow should be fluffed so that it absorbs correct form. If at first you feel discomfort at night, you wake up with the desire to turn around, take a different position, you can also lightly tap the filler with your hand.


The advantage of buckwheat hull pillows is their ability to absorb sweat without creating thermal effect during the heat. The structure of buckwheat husk and its shape allow air to pass inside the product.

It will be useful for you to know about the massage effect of the husk on the muscles, face and scalp when you go to bed.

  • Relaxing the muscles of the neck and forearm improves blood circulation in the head.
  • It will pass headache associated with incorrect body position on the pillow.
  • The snoring that bothers you and your loved ones will decrease or completely disappear.
  • Acupressure of the skin of the neck and face will prevent wrinkles.
  • The effect on the scalp increases blood supply to the hair follicles, which will improve the condition and growth of hair.

Buckwheat pillows are environmental products. If they are not suitable for your individual indications, then you should pay attention to synthetic filler.


In front of everyone positive properties Products filled with buckwheat husk have certain disadvantages.

  • Some people are allergic to buckwheat hulls, so they will have to limit themselves to synthetic pillow fillings.
  • At first, the pillow seems too hard, the rustling sound is annoying, and the smell is intrusive. After a while, you get used to the rustling and harshness, the smell of the husk becomes softer, and sleep brings pleasure, giving you an easy awakening without headaches or numbness in your hands.
  • Minor disadvantages include the greater weight of the pillow and the short service life of buckwheat husks. A buckwheat pillow will last from two to five years.

Choosing the right one

When purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The fabric from which the cover is made must be natural;
  • The presence of a snake makes it possible to clean the pillow and adjust the height by adding or reducing the amount of buckwheat husk;
  • The light cover allows you to see when shaking that fine dust does not fall out of the pillow.

  • A pillow filled with husks cannot be washed. You can pour out the husks and wash the cover separately. Buckwheat should be sifted to remove crushed particles.
  • The pillow must be shaken periodically and dried in summer. outdoors without direct sunlight.

Compliance with these simple rules will increase the service life of buckwheat husks.

Nowadays they release a large number of the most different pillows. Crispy and tough buckwheat husk does not immediately come to mind as a filler for an ideal pillow. But its manufacturers say hollow buckwheat hulls resist dust mites, help reduce headaches and muscle pain, and take on a shape that perfectly matches the contours of the body. Doctors recommend it to straighten the spine and maintain good posture. Research on confrontation dust mite There are not so many in our country, but quite a lot of them have been carried out abroad.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are traditionally used in Japan and other Asian countries. This product is successfully sold in the United States (price is $15-75), they are available in online stores, and they offer to buy such pillows in some offices alternative medicine, physiotherapists recommend. For those who are interested in needlework, there are recommendations on the Internet on how to sew a product yourself.


Making pillows for healthy sleep are engaged in companies whose specialization is environmental clean products food, cosmetics, household items. On foreign websites you can buy pillows from Asia, Canada, and the USA. Their products are made from environmentally friendly buckwheat husks, completely free of flour residues, which can cause allergies.

One of the most famous domestic manufacturers is Faberlic. Its “Healthy Sleep” pillows are designed for good sleep, rest and relaxation, which provide product characteristics:


Since buckwheat hulls are not crushed during the production process, the filler easily follows the contours of the head and neck, and this is what is recommended by doctors to relieve neck pain, headaches and muscle pain, stopping snoring, insomnia and other troubles. Read reviews of massage pillows for the back and neck.

Official medicine says very little about the effectiveness of buckwheat husks. But pillows with it have already gained many adherents around the world, including medical practitioners. Suzanne Ceranko, a Portland-based herbalist at the National College of Natural Medicine, recommends pillows filled with buckwheat hulls to help improve sleep: “By using them to support your cervical spine and neck, you are guaranteed to sleep better.”

The opinion of chiropractors

Berkeley chiropractor Mick Hamilton says buckwheat hulls are an excellent neck support with many positive side effects.

A clinical assistant professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore points to buckwheat sleep products for those who complain of neck pain due to spasms caused by poor posture throughout the workday. Poor ergonomics at work is the fault of the patients themselves, but buckwheat filler during sleep relieves stress from the muscles, relaxes and soothes them, giving them a chance to recover. Some types of headaches can be successfully treated if they are caused by a spasm of the muscles in the back of the neck.

Buckwheat husk is considered one of the best fillers for a pillow.

Buckwheat husk and dust mite

In 2004, the Korean Medical Journal published the results of scientific research on the resistance of buckwheat husks to dust mites. The number of dust mites found, which cause allergies, after three months of use is hundreds of times less than the number found on a traditional synthetic pillow. This is good news for asthma sufferers.

Study co-author Rob Siebers, a scientist at the University of Otago in Wellington, New Zealand, says the safety of the product depends on how thoroughly the husks are cleaned of any remaining flour. Material passed correct processing, absolutely safe for everyone. Manufacturers say that pillows should not be washed due to the difficulty associated with drying.

If you have doubts about dust mites while using a pillow, you can easily get rid of them by simply freezing the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unique advantages:

  • adjustability - adding or removing part of the filler helps to adjust the height;
  • the pillows do not accumulate heat, it is not hot to sleep on them;
  • husk that protects the buckwheat kernel is an environmentally friendly, flexible, elastic material, ideal for making products for comfortable and healthy sleep.

Disadvantages that occur at the beginning of operation:

  • pillow hardness;
  • rustle of filler;
  • intense odor;
  • Experimentation is necessary to determine a comfortable amount of filler.

Most products have convenient zippers. By opening them, you can adjust the amount of filler (some manufacturers sell the pillow and additional filler included) and wash the cover.

After several years of use, the filler partially loses its volume and needs to be added. The rustle of the husk, heard when changing position on the pillow, seems distracting at first, but after a few days everyone gets used to it and enjoys the comfort. The sleep accessory is no different from the usual down pillow, but sleeping on it is much more comfortable. Bamboo pillows are very popular now. The Asonia pillow is also of interest.

For information on which pillow is best to choose for pregnant women, read the link.

On video: the benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow:

We are all used to sleeping on soft feather or synthetic pillows. Lying on them is like drowning in a cloud. How sound will the sleep be if the filler is a much harder material? Speech in in this case It's about buckwheat husks. Manufacturers claim that such pillows are not only very convenient and comfortable, but also very beneficial for health. By molding to the shape of the body, this filler provides the best support for the neck, head and overall spinal alignment and pain relief. Is it so? What are the actual benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow?

It is believed that buckwheat husk is one of the best fillings for pillows

Buckwheat husk: what is the filler?

Buckwheat husk is a product that is obtained from cereals at the last stage of its processing. After harvesting, buckwheat is washed and thoroughly dried, after which it is threshed. As a result, the scales are separated from the kernels. They are collected and used as pillow fillings.

Useful properties of the pillow

What exactly is a pillow for? – To ensure strong comfortable sleep throughout the night. However, not all of them fulfill their intended purpose, and proof of this is insomnia, from which quite a few city residents and those who have sedentary jobs suffer. Of course, for the condition nervous system largely influenced by lifestyle and frequency of occurrence stressful situations, however, at the same time, the quality of sleeping accessories also plays a huge role.
A pillow filled with buckwheat husk provides good rest because it takes the shape of the head, supporting both it and the spine. As a result, the muscles of the neck and forearm completely relax during night sleep, which helps improve blood circulation in the head.

Down and feather products are known for their ability to collect and accumulate dust, which often negatively affects the well-being of people with bronchial asthma and those prone to allergies. Buckwheat pillow does not have such qualities. This was proven back in 2004 through scientific research.

Advice! If you still doubt that a pillow filled with buckwheat husks does not collect dust mites and is absolutely safe in this regard, then to be completely sure, you can leave it for several hours. better than a day, V freezer. With such low temperatures The dust mite is dying!

If you snore, then a buckwheat husk pillow can solve this problem. Thanks to the fact that the head and shoulder area are in an optimally comfortable position, you sleep soundly and at the same time do not interfere with the rest of the rest of the household.

Buckwheat husks have sharp peaks, thanks to which during relaxation you also get a wonderful massage, which in its effect is similar to acupressure. As a result of careful study of bioactive points, which are located both on the neck and shoulders, headaches go away and blood microcirculation is improved in all parts of the brain. In addition, this massage helps to normalize arterial pressure, relieves fatigue and helps you relax as much as possible. Plus, you get a unique opportunity to take care of your appearance simply while you sleep. And this is again thanks to acupressure, as a result of which the skin becomes fresher and younger, as fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the hair is shiny and strong, which is associated with the impact thin corners husks on hair follicles.

The structure of buckwheat husk is such that air circulates freely through it. This allows the pillow to be very comfortable and comfortable even in summer - it absorbs sweat and does not create a thermal effect, and therefore it is not hot on it.

Disadvantages of buckwheat pillow

At first, a buckwheat husk pillow may seem quite uncomfortable, and all because of the specific filler. Buckwheat hulls are quite hard and also noisy. And despite the fact that a high-quality pillow is not capable of causing any harm to health, some refuse to use it precisely because of these disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • The buckwheat hull pillow is noisy. The noise effect is created due to the fact that the husks rub against each other, and it will be especially bright when a person sleeps on his side, that is, directly with his ear to the pillow.
  • The accessory is very hard. Similar complaints are usually heard from those who are used to sleeping on their stomachs or, again, on their sides. In such situations, the ears and cheeks “suffer” the most. But at the same time, those who sleep mainly on their backs experience practically no discomfort.
  • And lastly, heavy weight. It all depends on the size and height of the pillow you choose. Its weight can reach five kilograms, and this is really quite a lot, especially when children or elderly people have to cope with such a sleeping accessory.

Main selection criteria

For some reason, many people believe that absolutely all pillows with buckwheat husk inside are absolutely identical in their effect. However, this opinion is erroneous. The result of using this accessory will depend on many criteria.

Case material

Preference should be given to pillows whose cover material is satin. He will the best option, since it is quite dense and, accordingly, durable, but at the same time it will not interfere with normal air exchange.
If we consider other fabrics, for example, calico, then it is much thinner and with constant contact with the sharp edges of the husk it will quickly become unusable. Teak is characterized by low hygroscopicity, and therefore can significantly reduce the therapeutic abilities of a buckwheat pillow. As for synthetics, there can be no question of it as a material for a cover in this case, since such fabric will simply negate the benefits of the product.

Buckwheat husk quality

What could be simpler than filling a fabric cover with husks, which is a residual product of kernel processing? But in fact, the filler is different from the filler, since the husk must certainly be clean, free of debris and plant debris.

On a note! You can determine the quality of the composition only by touch, checking with your fingers to see if there are any fragments of twigs and small fragments of debris among the husks. But it’s quite difficult to check by eye whether the composition is good!

The ideal material for filling such a product is calibrated husk. It undergoes additional heat treatment, as a result of which it is disinfected and becomes less fragile. A pillow with such a “filling” will have a little spring, which will provide an excellent orthopedic effect.

In addition, during operation, buckwheat husks should not become loose. Good filler It will be free-flowing and definitely without any foreign odors.

The lineup

Pillows with buckwheat husks can have different shapes and sizes. It is believed that best effect They provide products with a width of 40 cm and a length of 60 cm. They perfectly adapt to the shape of the body and relieve stress from the shoulder area. If you have a figure with high shoulders, then you should pay attention to pillows with dimensions of 70x50 cm.

At the same time, rectangular models are best suited for sleeping. As for round and square products, their shape does not allow all the anatomical features of the body to be accepted; accordingly, they are not suitable for many hours of night rest. You can also find pillows in the form of a cushion on sale - similar products can be useful only on the road, when there is no opportunity to fully relax.


If you are choosing a buckwheat husk pillow for a child, then a product with dimensions of 40x50 cm will be suitable.

Important! Buckwheat pillows can be used by children who are at least two years old!

In this case, you must regulate the amount of filler yourself, adding it in portions as the child grows. If your baby cannot sleep on such a pillow all night and often wakes up, then at first it is advisable to limit it to only short-term use, for example, several times a week during naps or during illness. In addition, today many manufacturers produce pillows made from buckwheat husks with medicinal additives: oregano, mint, lemon balm, hops, lavender, etc.

You can also find on sale orthopedic seat from buckwheat husk. This product will definitely come in handy for those who spend more than 4 hours sitting a day. It can be used in the office, in the car, on a hike, and also at home, for example, while watching TV, sitting on the floor, while working at the computer or reading a magazine in your favorite chair. This accessory perfectly tones and has a conditioning effect. In addition, the orthopedic seat, like the pillow, provides a kind of micro-massage, which helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and prevents congestion.

And the last thing I would like to draw your attention to is caring for a buckwheat husk pillow. Only the cover can be washed; the filling cannot be wet. From time to time, it is advisable to sift the husks and remove crumbled particles. IN summer time It is recommended to dry the product on fresh air, but only so that it is located exclusively in the shade, without being exposed to sunlight.

Pillow filler - important component restful and healthy sleep. Not only the cost, but also the softness, elasticity of the surface, smell and the ability of the product to retain its shape depend on its quality and characteristics. In the East, the culture of sleep dates back more than one century. In Japan, for example, with apparent external asceticism, special requirements are placed on the rigidity, hygroscopicity and environmental friendliness of pastel accessories.

Pillows made from buckwheat husks are especially popular among the scrupulous Japanese. Many experts consider this option the best of all used today

natural fillers for bedding.

Unfortunately, such pillows are not yet widely available. But any of the models can be bought in the Dreamcatcher online store.

Residents of Moscow have the option of self-pickup or purchase at one of 11 operating retail outlets, full list which are located on the company’s website in the “Delivery and Payment” section.

What are the benefits of buckwheat husk pillows?

Unlike down pillows, the proposed option is more rigid. Thanks to the fine fraction, the filler freely takes the shape of the head, without losing elasticity and preventing the back of the head from “sagging.” In this position, there is no deformation of the cervical spine, and blood circulates freely without stagnation. With constant use of the pillow, noticeable improvements in well-being are observed in people suffering from headaches, increased intracranial pressure, chondrosis and other diseases of the blood vessels and musculoskeletal system.

At the same time, the buckwheat pillow has a pronounced conditioning effect and good hygroscopicity. Buckwheat husks perfectly maintain a constant temperature. Unlike medical products, which have the same set of useful properties and are used in rehabilitation institutions, a pillow made from buckwheat husk is relatively inexpensive.

It is worth adding that products made from buckwheat husks are completely hypoallergenic. The filler does not rot, does not cake, does not accumulate dust and has no irritating odor. Even those who sleep on these pillows are useful. Who was diagnosed with allergic reaction on the protein contained in buckwheat flour. Thanks to thorough cleaning of the filler, its traces are completely absent from buckwheat husks.

How to properly care for an eco-pillow?

  1. Each buckwheat pillow, which you can buy in our store, is sold in special adjustable covers that allow you to add or, conversely, reduce the amount of filler. For hygienic use, cover the cover with a regular cotton pillowcase.
  2. In order for the pad to retain its properties longer healing properties, like any bedding it needs to be shaken and ventilated. It is not recommended to wash the cover with filling.
  3. Instead, experts advise “roasting” pillows in the summer sun or “calcining” them in the cold in winter.

Types of pillows made from buckwheat husks

Standard buckwheat pillow (price varies depending on size) - 40x60 cm and 50x70 cm. If necessary, you can order a model of a different size.

Often manufacturers offer not only traditional rectangular flat options, but also rollers or “horseshoes”. Their prices are usually lower.

For children, special models of smaller size and filling density are produced.

The most popular additives used are combinations medicinal herbs, bamboo fiber, pine nut film or synthetic filler that regulates the rigidity of the product.