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How to calculate gcal from hot water. Calculation of charges for hot water

Of course, installing water meters helps save money. Most residents believe that installing such devices is economically feasible.

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How to correctly calculate meter readings?

So, meters are installed in the apartment. To calculate the volume of water consumed for a certain period (month), look at the apartment payment receipt for the last month and write off the latest readings from it.

Some management companies now enter this figure directly into the payment document. If this is your first payment after installing water meters, the previous indicator is zeros.

Now let's learn how to take accounting readings. Scale modern meters gives us 8 digits. The first five of them are black, and the last 3 are red.

Since the corresponding columns of the payment document reflect the number of cubic meters of either cold or hot water spent, pay attention to the black indicators. These are the ones that need to be written down on the receipt. Indicators of red numbers - liters of water spent by your family are not indicated.

Water meter readings are taken at the end of each billing period (month). Meter data can be transmitted by telephone or via the Internet (in an electronic document) to a specialized organization.

Note: when transmitting water meter readings, the numbers that your meter is currently showing, as well as the previous value, which is written on the receipt for the last month, are indicated.

Legal justification for charging for water supply

Management companies count water according to meters, based on Government Resolution Russian Federation No. 354, adopted on 05/06/2011 and valid from the fall of 2012 until now.

These legislative Rules, in comparison with the old ones, are fairer, but are still far from perfect.

Payment for water by meters now consists of several components, taking into account:

    • The readings of the meter scale located in a certain apartment, installed to calculate the amount of cold resource consumed this month.
    • Readings from a meter located in a specific apartment, installed to calculate the amount of hot resource consumed this month.
    • Readings from the device installed in your home (in basement), set to calculate the amount of cold resource spent by all residents.
    • Readings from a device installed in your home (in the basement), installed to calculate the amount of hot resource consumed by all residents.
    • A share consisting of your apartment in a house. It is taken into account when determining the amount spent on the needs of the entire house (the so-called “general house needs”).
  • The share that corresponds to your apartment in the house. It is also taken into account when determining hot water, spent on the needs of the entire house (the same so-called “general house needs”).

The first two components of the list are the consumed water resource, the volume of which depends only on you and the size of your family’s needs. The remaining items are made up of the actual needs of the entire house, for example, wet cleaning staircases and apartment platforms.

And the “lion’s” share of general house expenses is overexpenditure resulting from riser leaks, unscrupulous residents who incorrectly indicate the cubic meters they spent or live in the house, use communications, but are not registered at their place of residence.

How to calculate water charges

It is possible to calculate the costs associated with water consumption by multiplying the volume spent by the corresponding tariff indicators in a particular locality.

According to the volumes of water consumption indicated by you according to the indications apartment meters the cost of payment for the sewerage service, which includes drainage, is also calculated. Wastewater.

Helpful information: You can find out the established and current tariff rates for today by calling your management company. The same information may be contained on the payment document itself.

Calculation of general house costs for cold water

This value is calculated quite complicatedly, using formulas that make no sense to indicate. We only note that to calculate this size take into account:

    • Quantity in cubes cold water, which was spent by consumers over a certain period, if general house water meters are installed in the house, and the amount spent by both residents and those who own non-residential premises is taken into account.
    • Hot water, which was spent by consumers over a certain period, if the house has communal water meters, taking into account the volume spent by both residents and those who own non-residential premises.
    • The amount in cubes of cold water used for this type utilities like heating.
  • The area of ​​the apartment you use in this house.

So, this formula involves calculating the overexpenditure of the resource used in comparison with the calculated standards for your home.

As discussed above, overspending typically includes:

  • Possible leakage from riser pipes.
  • Use of water by non-registered residents.
  • The “cunning” of neighbors who indicate the wrong number of cubes on the payment slip.

In accordance with the Rules specified in the article, apartment owners will pay for overused water and non-residential premises, proportional to the occupied area.

Calculation of general house costs for hot water

There is a similar formula that helps calculate overused hot water. The same values ​​are taken into account, only related to water supply hot water.

However, our Government took care of citizens burdened with utility bills, and in 2013 established consumption standards for general household needs.

These norms restrain the “appetites” of management companies and are developed independently at the local level. To find out their values, contact your management company in writing.

Limits on general household needs

According to paragraph 44 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013, the volume of general household needs (CHN) should not exceed the standard consumption established by local authorities.

It is not possible to charge you for payment for the volume of general household consumption that exceeds the established standard.

Again, if the water supply contract is not concluded with a resource supply company, for example, with Vodokanal. If there is an agreement with the latter, ODN will be paid in full.
In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in some populated areas set a fixed minimum payment that must be paid, regardless of whether you actually spent it or not.

It is taken into account that in the event of an overpayment in a certain month for what was not actually spent, this overpayment will be offset in the next reporting period. And rightly so.

If you are not a resident of a high-rise building, but own a house in the village, remember that payment is calculated using a similar method, according to current tariff for water supply.
Look video lesson on how to take water meter readings correctly:

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Almost all housing conditions nowadays are equipped with water supply systems. However, not every apartment has a meter for cold and hot water supply. In such situations, the water tariff is calculated monthly depending on the number of people living in the house.

Therefore, if you count without control readings, the bills for drainage will have exorbitant amounts. We suggest that you quickly install a metering device so that payments are made correctly and without additional charges to the water meter according to the consumption of the number of liters of liquid.

To calculate the water supply correctly, it is necessary to take the readings indicated on the dial of the device. This will help clarify the exact use of liters in the allotted period. We recommend using a calculator to get accurate values.

Each device has an individual design, so each unit will differ in color and number arrangement. This principle is typical for both hot pipelines and cold water. In order to easily read the values, the water meter must be in an accessible place.

It should be noted that the readings located at the end are used for measurement. Let's say your water meter shows 000408, without paying attention to the numbers that are constantly rotating, we determine that we have used 408 cubic meters of liquid. Preliminary numbers (zeros) are intended for further readings, liters counted

How to calculate water charges

Let's perform calculations using the example of the Crimean tariff for water supply and sanitation, which then need to be paid. Also, by analyzing all the data, you can find out for yourself how many liters of cold liquid were consumed. The main thing is to correctly take the values, the unit of measurement of which is considered to be a cubic meter.

In order to calculate hot or cold supplies, you will need the existing water supply tariff and meter readings. According to our data, the water meter reading is 408 units per cube, the current tariff for water supply and sewerage is 17 rubles. 63 kopecks

Now we look in the payment account book for the previous water meter readings of 403 cubic meters. From greater value subtract the smaller one, that is, 408 units per cube. -403 cube = 5 cube. m. We multiply the resulting difference by the tariff: 5 * 17.63 = 90 rubles. for only 5 units per cube. You can use a calculator for the procedure.

Note! The calculation of water supply and sewerage services is carried out jointly, so the tariff will seem high, regardless of the liters consumed. Every six months you will have to calculate expenses according to new tariffs.

After completing all the required calculations in the cube, we take the payment book for water and go to the nearest bank, where they accept communal payments in order to pay for services. You can also make payments via terminals and the Internet. We advise you to note that the tariff for supplying hot and cold water changes once every year or six months, so it is recommended to periodically check the price of water.

Excerpt from legislation or how to pay for water by meter

Let's consider how many nuances there are when calculating the liters by which you can pay for drinking liquid in an apartment or private house. To date, these data have already been approved, but are quite far from ideal. Therefore, in different regions, such a calculation may vary in amount.

Basically, the amount we receive in the receipt is measured from the following terms:

For an apartment with cold water, you often have to pay for drinking water and separately for bathing. hot liquid, which can be labor-intensive to calculate on your own. Here, payment is made for two services at the same time: when providing water supply and sanitation.

When paying incoming bills, it is recommended to save all receipts and stubs. Since if inspectors come to take readings, they have the right to demand payment receipts. A visit log must also be provided, where you will put your signature.

General building meters can be installed in entrances; when calculating the amount of cost, it is divided among all residents.

ODN: duty or whim of utility workers?

Citizens, tenants and owners of living space must pay utility bills monthly, so payments should be made regularly. The slightest delay costs a penalty for the service. Often you can find additional payment figures in the stubs.

It is noted that one must be paid by residents when living in apartment building and using community services. Payment is specified in Federal law, involving the provision of water supply and sanitation services in multi-apartment buildings residential buildings. To date, there is no compliance with the standards of liquid intended for public needs, how many liters should be used.

When providing communications for household and other needs, the organization must be guided by a special formula to determine the calculation for one. Often, payment for such a service is calculated for each residential area individually. This will also be affected by whether the house has a water meter.

  1. It is necessary to take the correct readings as shown by the general building meter and subtract the volume that was consumed by non-residential apartments, apartments that calculate payment according to the standard and premises that have an installed meter.
  2. The number of cubic meters that was obtained for use for general house needs is multiplied by the area of ​​a certain apartment and divided by the area that constitutes all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building. Such conditions are also established for hot water, if there is a supply to the house.

Standard consumption for each individual region is approved by the regional administration and government. The price is set depending on hot and other types of collateral. Ultimately, the receipt indicates the tariff at which everything needs to be calculated.

What exactly do you have to pay for?

Now the requirement to pay for general house needs often causes confusion among residents. In this section we will try to understand what a calculation is service one for hot and cold water supply. If this requirement is not met, housing and communal services workers have the right to remove the meter and seal the pipeline.

In the matter of providing water, a similar combination of letters refers to such general house needs as washing floors and stairwells between floors, washing courtyards and windows. Watering front gardens in the courtyard area and caring for lawns is also included in the water supply tariff for one person.

For example, residents apartment building decided to clean the area themselves, water land, monitor the condition of the entrances, and also fulfill other needs. They should first be calculated. For all this, a certain consumption of liquid (possibly a certain number of hot liters) is used for general house needs. There is a certain standard for how many cubes there should be.

Typically, for one, a separate water intake valve is used, on which a liquid metering and control meter is installed, on which the entire expended volume is recorded, and as a result, a calculation is carried out.

Is it possible to reduce water consumption and payment for one?

The method of correctly saving water for general household needs always exists, but each individual case has its own rules and principles, regardless of what the tariff for the service will be. As for one, then you can follow these recommendations:

  • When living in an apartment building where cold water is used, try to insist that each apartment owner has a water meter; it is also necessary to demand from companies providing water supply services and joint sanitation if necessary

A new column has appeared in receipts for utility services - hot water supply. It caused confusion among users, since not everyone understands what it is and why it is necessary to make payments on this line. There are also apartment owners who cross out the box. This entails the accumulation of debt, penalties, fines and even litigation. In order not to take matters to extreme measures, you need to know what hot water supply is, DHW heat energy and why you need to pay for these indicators.

What is DHW in the receipt?

DHW - this designation stands for hot water supply. Its goal is to provide apartments in apartment buildings and other residential premises with hot water at an acceptable temperature, but hot water supply is not the hot water itself, but the thermal energy that is spent on heating the water to an acceptable temperature.

Experts divide hot water supply systems into two types:

  • Central system. Here the water is heated at a heating station. After that it is distributed into apartments apartment buildings.
  • Autonomous system. It is usually used in private homes. The principle of operation is the same as in the central system, but here the water is heated in a boiler or boiler and is used only for the needs of one specific room.

Both systems have the same goal - to provide home owners with hot water. In apartment buildings, a central system is usually used, but many users install a boiler in case the hot water is turned off, as has happened more than once in practice. An autonomous system is installed where there is no way to connect to central water supply. Only those consumers who use the central heating system pay for hot water supply. Users of an autonomous circuit pay for utility resources that are spent to heat the coolant - gas or electricity.

Important! Another column in the receipt related to DHW is DHW at one unit. Decoding ODN - general house needs. This means that the DHW graph on one unit is the expenditure of energy to heat the water used in general needs all residents of an apartment building.

These include:

  • technical work that is performed before the heating season;
  • pressure testing of the heating system carried out after repair;
  • repair work;
  • heating of common areas.

Hot water law

The law on hot water supply was adopted in 2013. Government Resolution No. 406 states that users central system heating companies are required to pay according to a two-part tariff. This suggests that the tariff was divided into two elements:

  • thermal energy;
  • cold water.

This is how DHW appeared on the receipt, that is, the thermal energy spent on heating cold water. Housing and communal services specialists came to the conclusion that risers and heated towel rails, which are connected to the hot water supply circuit, consume thermal energy for heating non-residential premises. Until 2013, this energy was not taken into account in receipts, and consumers used it free of charge for decades, since outside heating season The heating of the air in the bathroom continued. Based on this, officials divided the tariff into two components, and now citizens have to pay for hot water.

Water heating equipment

The equipment that heats the liquid is a water heater. Its breakdown does not affect the hot water tariff, but users are required to pay the cost of repairing the equipment, since water heaters are part of the property of homeowners in an apartment building. The corresponding amount will appear in the receipt for the maintenance and repair of the property.

Important! This payment should be carefully considered by the owners of those apartments who do not use hot water, since their housing has a autonomous system heating. Housing and communal services specialists do not always pay attention to this, simply distributing the amount for water heater repairs among all citizens.

As a result, these apartment owners have to pay for equipment they did not use. If you discover an increase in the tariff for repairs and maintenance of property, you need to find out what this is connected with and contact the management company for recalculation if the payment was calculated incorrectly.

Thermal energy component

What is this - a coolant component? This is heating cold water. The thermal energy component does not have a meter installed, unlike hot water. For this reason, it is impossible to calculate this indicator using a counter. How, in this case, is the thermal energy for hot water calculated? When calculating the payment, the following points are taken into account:

  • tariff set for hot water supply;
  • expenses spent on maintaining the system;
  • cost of heat loss in the circuit;
  • costs spent on coolant transfer.

Important! The cost of hot water is calculated taking into account the volume of water consumed, which is measured in 1 cubic meter.

The size of the energy fee is usually calculated based on the readings of the common hot water meter and the amount of energy in the hot water. Energy is calculated for each separate apartment. To do this, water consumption data is taken, which is learned from the meter readings, and multiplied by specific consumption thermal energy. The received data is multiplied by the tariff. This figure is the required contribution, which is indicated on the receipt.

How to make your own calculation

Not all users trust the payment center, which is why the question arises of how to calculate the cost of hot water supply yourself. The resulting figure is compared with the amount on the receipt and on the basis of this a conclusion is made about the correctness of the charges.

To calculate the cost of hot water supply, you need to know the tariff for thermal energy. The amount is also affected by the presence or absence of a meter. If there is one, then readings are taken from the meter. In the absence of a meter, the standard for the consumption of thermal energy used to heat water is taken. This standard indicator is established by an energy saving organization.

If in multi-storey building an energy consumption meter is installed and the housing has a hot water meter, then the amount for hot water supply is calculated based on general house metering data and the subsequent proportional distribution of the coolant among apartments. If there is no meter, the rate of energy consumption per 1 cubic meter of water and the readings of individual meters are taken.

Complaint due to incorrect calculation of receipt

If, after independently calculating the amount of contributions for hot water supply, a difference is identified, you must contact the management company for clarification. If the organization's employees refuse to provide explanations on this matter, a written complaint must be submitted. Company employees have no right to ignore it. The response must be received within 13 working days.

Important! If no response is received or it is not clear from it why such a situation arose, then the citizen has the right to file a claim with the prosecutor’s office or statement of claim to court. The authority will consider the case and make an appropriate objective decision. You can also contact organizations that control the activities of the management company. Here the subscriber's complaint will be considered and an appropriate decision will be made.

Electricity used to heat water is not free service. The fee is charged based on Housing Code Russian Federation. Each citizen can independently calculate the amount of this payment and compare the data obtained with the amount on the receipt. If any inaccuracy occurs, you should contact the management company. In this case, the difference will be compensated if the error is recognized.

This is stated in paragraph 60.2 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

Tenant does not provide meter readings

If the tenant does not submit meter readings, the volume of hot (cold) water for the month will be:

  • average monthly consumption - the first six months of non-submission of data;
  • consumption by consumption standards - further (the seventh and subsequent months of non-submission of data).

This is stated in paragraph 59, paragraph 2 of paragraph 60 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

The individual meter is out of order

If a resident's individual meter fails, determine the volume of hot (cold) water consumed as:

  • average monthly consumption - the first three months of meter failure;

Calculate the average monthly consumption based on the readings of a specific meter for the last six months. And if the meter has been in operation for less than six months - for the actual period of its operation, but not less than three months.

This procedure is provided for in paragraphs 59 and 60 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

Increasing coefficients for water consumption standards in residential premises

Increasing coefficients to the standards for the consumption of cold and hot water in residential premises are set in the following sizes:

Standards taking into account increasing factors are applied when residents have technical feasibility to install the meter. In the absence of such a possibility, it is necessary to apply standards without increasing coefficients. The lack of technical ability to install meters is confirmed by an act in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 29, 2011 No. 627.

This procedure is provided for in paragraphs 59, 60, 60.2 and 81 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, paragraph 5.1 of the appendix to the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306.

Distribution of water consumption for general house needs

If there is a positive difference between the readings of the general house meter and the actual (standard) consumption for individual needs, the difference must be distributed in order to determine the amount of payment for utilities. To do this, calculate the volume of hot (cold) water transferred for general house needs per each specific room.

The calculation of the volume of cold water transferred for general house needs and per corresponding room depends on the area of ​​the room and whether the house has a centralized hot water supply and district heating or not. For the calculation procedure, see table.

The volume of hot water transferred for general house needs and per corresponding premises must be calculated based on its area. This conclusion follows from Appendix 2 to the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354. For the calculation procedure, seetable .

If the volume of hot (cold) water according to the general house meter turned out to be less than what the residents consumed according to the readings of individual meters and consumption according to standards, the distribution must be carried out not in proportion to the occupied space, but in proportion to the number of residents. That is, it only needs to be distributed between residential premises.

If the amount for reduction obtained as a result of the calculation is more than what a particular subscriber consumed, then reduce only to 0, and do not carry over the balance to past or future periods.

This follows from paragraph 47 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

When distributing the volume of hot (cold) water for general house needs, observe next rule. The volume per room after distribution should not exceed standard values. Volumes above these indicators Management Company(HOA, TSN) must cover it at its own expense. This can only be avoided if the residents voluntarily decide at a general meeting of the house that the excess amounts can be distributed among them.

This is stated in paragraph 44 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

An example of calculating the volume of transferred hot (cold) water by meters

The management company "Alpha" is located in Perm region. One of the apartment buildings has the following characteristics. The house has a communal metering device, centralized hot water supply and centralized heating supply. total area all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in the house - 2710.8 sq. m.

In February, the following data from the common house meter were recorded:

  • in relation to cold water supply, the volume according to the readings of the common house meter was 800 cubic meters. m;
  • in relation to hot water supply, the volume according to the readings of the common house meter was 400 cubic meters. m.

There are meters in all premises. The volume of cold water consumed in all residential and non-residential areas of the house was 760 cubic meters. m. The volume of hot water consumed in all residential and non-residential premises of the house was 320 cubic meters. m.

The volume of water transferred in relation to a 1-room apartment with an area of ​​42 sq. m with meter readings of 11 cubic meters. m (in relation to cold water supply) and 6 cubic meters. m (in relation to hot water supply) will be:

  • 11 cu. m - cold water supply for individual use;
  • 0.62 cu. m ((800 cubic meters - 760 cubic meters) × 42 sq. m: 2710.8 sq. m) - cold water supply for general house needs;
  • 6 cu. m - hot water supply for individual use;
  • 1.24 cu. m ((400 cubic meters - 320 cubic meters) × 42 sq. m: 2710.8 sq. m) - hot water supply for general house needs.

Calculation in the absence of meters

If meters are not installed, calculation of the volume of transferred hot (cold) water depends on:

  • room area;
  • the number of persons permanently or temporarily residing in the premises;
  • standard water consumption per person (taking into account increasing factors, if it is technically possible to install meters);
  • consumption standards for general household needs (taking into account increasing factors, if it is technically possible to install meters).

Consumption standards are set by regional authorities (clause 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354).

For more details on the calculation method, seetable .

Situation: How to determine the number of persons permanently or temporarily living in a residential building when calculating the volume of transferred hot (cold) water? The calculation is made by the management company (HOA, TSN) to determine the payment for utilities. Metering devices are not installed in the residential premises.

If you have data on the actual number of residents, make calculations based on this indicator. In the absence of such information, determine the number of residents based on the protocol on the administrative violation.

Payment for provided utility services is one of the responsibilities of consumers of such services (subparagraph “and” paragraph 34 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354). In this case, consumers include persons using premises in an apartment building (clause 2 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354). Therefore, the number of persons permanently or temporarily residing in residential premises can be determined based on registration data. It is equal to the number of citizens registered in the premises.

At the same time, the norms of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, are formulated in such a way that the conclusion follows: the fact of residence does not have to be confirmed by the presence of registration at the place of residence (stay).

A consumer is considered to be temporarily residing in a residential premises if he actually lives in this residential premises for more than 5 days in a row (clause 56 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354). In this case, he does not have to register (clause 9 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713).

The person with whom the utility service agreement was concluded is obliged to inform the management company (HOA, TSN) about an increase or decrease in the number of citizens living (including temporarily) in the residential premises they occupy, which are not equipped with meters. This obligation must be fulfilled no later than 5 working days from the date of the changes.

If a person fails to fulfill this obligation, the management company (HOA, TSN) has the right to determine the number of residents in the premises independently (for example, by interviewing neighbors or visiting the premises). The result of the check must be documented act on establishing the number of residents. Within three days, send such an act to the territorial authorities of the migration service and internal affairs to establish the fact of an administrative offense. Based on the administrative violation protocol, determine the number of residents.

This follows from subparagraph “h” of paragraph 34, subparagraph “e(1)” of paragraph 32, paragraphs 56(1) and 58 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

Thus, determine the number of persons living in a residential area as follows. If you have information from the owner of the apartment about the actual number of residents, make the calculation based on this indicator. In the absence of such information, determine the number of residents based on the protocol on the administrative violation.

An example of calculating the volume of transferred hot (cold) water according to standards

The Alpha company manages an apartment building in which there is no communal hot and cold water meter (the meter cannot be installed).

The total area of ​​the premises included in the composition common property in an apartment building - 2189.8 sq. m. m. The total area of ​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in the house is 2710.8 sq. m. m.

Standards for water consumption for general household needs according to regional legislation are:

  • 0.0392 cc m/sq. m - for cold water supply;
  • 0.03 cu. m/sq. m - for hot water supply.

The consumption standard for cold water supply per person is 3.832 cubic meters. m, the consumption standard for hot water supply per person is 2.743 cubic meters. m.

The volume of water transferred in relation to a 1-room apartment with an area of ​​42 sq. m with the number of residents 2 people, in which the meter is not installed, will be:

  • 7,664 cu.m. m (2 people × 3.832 cubic meters/person) - cold water supply for individual use;
  • 1.33 cu. m (0.0392 cubic meters/sq. m × 2189.8 sq. m × 42 m: 2710.8 sq. m) - cold water supply for general house needs;
  • 5,486 cu.m. m (2 people × 2.743 cubic meters/person) - hot water supply for individual use;
  • 1.02 cu. m (0.03 cubic meters/sq. m × 2189.8 sq. m × 42 m: 2710.8 sq. m) - hot water supply for general house needs.

Having received the final printout of the heat meter readings, an inquisitive person naturally begins to analyze it. After all, the desire to save is natural under today's living conditions. The first question that concerns residents is how many Gcal are in 1 cubic meter of hot water. If we are talking about this, the question is legitimate - you got to pay. Everything is quite simple here. 1 Gcal is just that the amount of heat required to heat 1000 m3 (correctly 1000 tons) of water by 1 degree. Therefore, 1/1000=0.001 or in 1 cubic meter of hot water 0.001 Gcal. To this value, when calculating for hot water, general house losses are added.

You can read what heat losses are, in short - general house losses are caused by the fact that while the water reaches your apartment, it will inevitably cool down a little along the way, but since heating network- pipes through which water is coming belong to everyone, everyone together for these losses and pay. It is especially strong in those houses where it circulates in order to keep it cool on bathroom heated towel rails. Heat losses here reach 35%, but in fact they are spent on heating bathrooms and it would be more correct to attribute them to heating. But this is unknown, he only counts what has passed through him.

Why heat bathrooms in the summer, we can only discuss with you; we will not change SNiPs, much less the existing pipe layout. Towel dryers cannot be thrown away, otherwise the circulation of water will stop in all apartments above and below you, and at the same time, in order for hot water to come out of the tap, it will have to drain for a long time, you will lose even more on the cost of water, having gained practically nothing on heat - it will go away with warm water until you get to the hot one.
Now let's move on to the cost of 1 cubic meter of hot water for heating. With the amount of heat that hot water carries naturally, nothing changes here. But the method of comparison or calculation that many people use is not correct. What is the mistake when calculating the cost of 1 cubic meter of hot water Let's look at the amount spent on heating using an example.

Analysis of the printout and answer to the question - how many Gcal are in 1 cubic meter of hot water?

Let's try to analyze through the eyes of the consumer. As an ordinary consumer thinks: the data from the Qо column is divided by the data from the V1 column, i.e. Gcal per cubic meter, the result is a certain value, for example, for us 0.00209. These data are compared with neighbors - who has it cheaper?? Those who make such calculations are especially negative. Their data is off the charts. Although the result is less heat, does that mean they are being deceived? They started paying more per cubic meter of water! Why did you spend money, part of the savings was stolen!

And the answer to their question is very simple. Let's go back a little. exactly the amount of heat that is needed to heat 1000 m3 (correctly 1000 tons) of water by 1 degree. It was not in vain that I marked “tons”, water at different temperatures(enthalpy) and pressure has different densities, when heated, it expands and there is more of it after it has gone around your apartments and cooled down, the volume of water decreased due to cooling, but in tons it will be the same. On the printout, if you look at columns M1 and M2, this is clearly visible. Some of the difference here is caused by the error of the instruments; in accordance with the heat metering rules, the error can reach 2% on one flow meter. Also, a small error is caused by the fact that the pressure at metering units in houses consuming less than 0.5 Gcal per hour of heat may not be measured, but programmed according to the actual pressure in the ITP, since pressure affects the overall metering only slightly, by approximately 0.1% of the overall accuracy of thermal energy measurement. AND main mistake- degrees or in these calculations the temperature difference between the supply and return pipelines, the dt column (circled in blue) which was completely forgotten.