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Professional painting of walls. Painting of industrial (production) facilities and premises at a competitive price

1. Painting cast rims powder paints in any color. LIFETIME WARRANTY.

2. Painting decorative metal parts powder paints: calipers, springs, door handles, windshield wipers, etc.

Currently, many companies offer powder coating. In reality, there are only a few large companies on the market - the rest are intermediaries. We were the first in Moscow to begin painting wheel rims with powder paint, we carry out the work ourselves and have our own full cycle production.

The use of powder paint when painting wheels allows you to achieve the highest results both in the appearance of the wheels and in the excellent durability of the paintwork. A wide variety color range guarantees satisfaction of almost any client's wishes regarding the color of the finished product.

In our work we use special painting materials designed specifically for wheel rims, which guarantees excellent quality works!
In our centers you can order the painting of wheels in the Eastern Administrative District, North-Eastern Administrative District, North-Western Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District.

Manufacturers of wheel rims coat their products with powder paints. Therefore, we guarantee the restoration of the original factory coating of the disc, with long-term aesthetic and performance properties. You can choose the paint color.

The wheel rim must be covered with a layer of anti-corrosion primer, then painted with base paint to give it desired color, and only lastly with a layer of super-transparent varnish to protect against external influences. Only compliance with the entire technological cycle of painting wheels allows us to provide a lifetime guarantee for our work.

Types of disc colors

Discs can be painted with powder or acrylic paints. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you need to paint a complete set of wheels, it is better to choose the powder coating method. The method of acrylic painting of discs is usually used in cases where it is necessary to carry out cosmetic painting or partially paint the disc.

We will paint according to the method you choose, in compliance with all technological features painting auto and motorcycle rims.

You should know it

  • Cosmetics or cosmetic painting of discs is when the disc is painted not entirely, but partially.
  • Powder coating of wheels is stronger and more durable than other methods of painting wheels. This technology is a method of applying powder to a disc and then fixing it under high temperatures. To the disadvantages this method Painting can be attributed, perhaps, only to a smaller selection of colors for discs, and the fact that painting discs using this method can only be carried out entirely as a whole.
  • Acrylic paints are available in a wider range of colors. With their help, you can get brighter shades, harmonious combinations of the color of the wheel with the color of your car. However, this type of paint is much less resistant to influences environment(about ten times compared to powder paints) and quickly loses its consumer properties.

Wheel painting procedure

Painting alloy wheels is a multi-step procedure:

  • First, the car's disk is treated with a sandblasting machine to level the surface and remove remnants of the old coating.
    After this, the surface of the disc is degreased, which allows the paint to be applied in a more even layer.
  • Then the disc is phosphated - this is the application of an anti-corrosion coating. This type work is carried out to increase the durability of the disk during operation.
  • Then the disc is powder coated and heat treated. To protect the surface, a glossy or matte varnish is applied over the paint, depending on the desired result.

In our service center, wheels are painted using modern equipment in compliance with all technological standards.

To work on powder coating discs come with a LIFETIME WARRANTY.

Recently, our campaign has been receiving questions about the cost and technology of our work. In this regard, we decided to clarify some points:

  • We were the first in Moscow to begin painting wheels with powder paints and, accordingly, have the greatest experience in this field.
  • Our competitors imitate us, and this means that we are leaders.
  • It is possible to choose the paint color according to your wishes from the RAL catalog - we will order the color especially for you.

The technology we use for powder painting of wheel rims:

  • sandblasting - for cleaning old paint
  • phosphating of the disc - to protect against corrosion
  • primer covering
  • base color coating
  • protective varnish coating

If you pay attention, we use THREE layers of coating - primer, base and varnish.

Many enterprises engaged in painting wheels and having more than low price disrupt the technological cycle at various stages.

For example, they do not use varnish or perform sandblasting instead chemical removal old paint, reuse paint or primer, paint only the front part of the disc, etc.

All this, of course, has direct influence on the result of the work.

Warranty terms

For your confidence in the quality of our work, we support a LIFETIME WARRANTY on the wheels we paint. This means that if you paint your wheels with us, we guarantee that the paint will not peel off throughout the entire period of their operation. Otherwise, we will repaint your wheels. As you understand, the warranty does not cover paint chips - paint chips will occur, but subsequently the paint chip will not increase in size by more than 0.5 cm. Attention! Discs with oxides (aluminum corrosion) that have penetrated deep into the surface of the disc are not subject to warranty.

It's no secret that wheel rims lose their original aesthetic qualities over time. Under the influence abrasive materials and due to corrosion processes, scratches, abrasions, indelible stains, and so on appear on their surface.

Eliminate all these unpleasant consequences Powder coating of wheel rims will help. However, this service can also be used by those car enthusiasts who are simply bored with the current color of the wheels.

Wheel painting technologies

  • “Cosmetics”, or partial painting of the disc. Performed by applying acrylic enamel. This is a technology used to eliminate visual defects in certain areas. You cannot completely paint the rims with acrylic paint - it will simply peel off after a while. Application acrylic paint performed using a sprayer. To obtain the best result, the paint is applied in several layers, with mandatory drying after each of them. A clear varnish is applied on top.

It should be noted that acrylic painting of discs is considered not the most durable and not resistant to negative environmental influences. But the range of available colors is huge, which allows you to choose the right shade if only part of the disc is painted. In many cases, using acrylic can save time and money.

  • Powder coating of discs. More modern and reliable technology, allowing to obtain very stable and durable coating. Today, painting of alloy wheels is most often carried out using this method, since wheel rims experience significant loads and are in direct contact with an aggressive environment.

Powder painting technology includes three main stages:

1) preparing the surface for painting - sandblasting,

2) phosphating – anti-corrosion treatment,

3) the process of powder painting itself in three layers: primer + base coat of paint + protective varnish.

At the beginning powder paint applied to the surface of the disc using electrostatic spraying. Then under the influence high temperature(150-220°C) its polymerization is carried out in a special heat chamber. The result is a physically and chemically resistant coating. The main disadvantages of powder coating discs are the price (it is significantly higher than acrylic) and limited color range. Also, due to the peculiarities of the technology, the part, as a rule, is painted only as a whole.

Wheel painting in Moscow

If you want your wheels to look like new, use the services of the Profshinservice company! We service disks of any type using modern equipment and strictly adhere to work technology. To work on powder painting Lifetime warranty provided!

There are a great many options for painting doors made of solid spruce.
Let's add "bark beetles", patinas, apply abrasions, having discussed in advance the intensity of artificial aging - we will get a masterpiece of antiquity in the "brocant" style, creating warmth and comfort in your home. Oak, in comparison with pine and spruce, is much heavier, has a dense structure and a unique, incomparable wood pattern. Solid oak looks great both under varnish and under a moderate layer of paint. And if you approach the matter creatively, then with the help of brushing (highlighting the structure of the wood), tinting, patana and varnish, you can give oak that living warmth that no other material has. Add to this hardness (density) and operational reliability.
There are doors from MDF white, primed specifically for painting, smooth or with a clearly defined wood structure. They can also be painted in any other color, according to your sample, the RAL standard or the catalog of paint manufacturers with the addition of patina. Besides varnishing! Doors made of MDF are very heavy and are afraid of moisture, so the ends of the panels at the top and bottom must be well impregnated with at least the same paint. Before painting you need to have a firm idea of ​​what it will look like. carpentry after dyeing. A pre-painted sample on the same material will help with this. The fact is that the color of the paint after drying differs slightly from the printed image on the catalog of paint manufacturers and this may not be critical, but with the application of patina the base color will become slightly different. Another advantage of a pre-made sample is the visual determination of gloss intensity. Your choice: completely matte, highly glossy or something in between. Matte coating is not recommended for products that have direct contact during operation.

For example, pushing interior door away from you or covering it behind you with your palm, over time in a certain place the matte coating will begin to stand out with shine.
Having been guided by the sample, before painting the main product, you can always make changes and add your wishes.
For high-quality painting or varnishing of wood products special conditions are required. First. Separate room in which will be held paint and varnish works should always be clean from dust, well ventilated and sufficiently lit, air temperature 15 - 28 ° C, humidity 50 - 80%. Second. Availability of paint and varnish equipment. And third - important condition. Not all paint material manufactured at water based. Having working fire extinguishers is simply a must, and smoking is not allowed at all.

So how does painting happen?
Before you begin painting, the carpentry must be prepared.
Remove or cover the fittings with masking tape. Prepare a place for fastening the product in advance. Check for defects: dents, cracks, chips, traces of glue, packaging... All this can be removed using water-based putty and fabric-based sandpaper. Traces from adhesive tape are removed with white spirit.
Remove dust from the surface with air pressure, apply primer or varnish with a spray bottle - the first layer and allow to dry. After the first painting, the surface of the wood becomes rough, so the product must be completely sanded with sandpaper until it is as smooth as possible. Remove dust. Place in the spray booth and wipe with a special “sticky cloth” to remove the finest dust.
You can filter the paint using a funnel, mesh size 125-280 microns. After painting, the joinery product is transferred to drying chamber. And only after complete drying the product is collected and packaged. Toning with varnish, artificial aging with patina and others decorative effects increase the process and, as a result, take longer. The patina is applied manually, but in general the technology remains almost unchanged.

The topic of hair coloring raises many questions, “how to dye your hair with professional dye?”, “How to choose a hair color to suit your face?”, “How to care for dyed hair?”, “how to remove dye from hair?” These and many others, no less interesting questions, inspired us to create this article.

Read how to dye your hair with professional dyes yourself, without being a specialist. Follow the color rules described in detail below and you will flawlessly overcome the difficulties of coloring, become a real expert in this matter, dye your hair painlessly, and also save a lot.

Let's make a little introduction - Very often the concepts of “level” and “shade” are confused, remember, when we talk about the level of hair, we are talking about the degree of darkness, when we turn to shade, we are talking about color.

Before you start dyeing your hair yourself, we recommend using special tools, which will help you choose the perfect hair color that will suit all parameters - skin color, eyes, hair type, face.

The main assistants for us are the color “wheel” and the color chart. These things need to be on hand when choosing a color, since we will take it from point A to point B (repaint from one color to another). They will help you understand how your chosen shade will look when applied to an existing one.

Here is the “color wheel”:

Simplified diagram:

Table of distribution of shades of natural colors:

Using this table, you can easily understand the shades of colors that are presented in the wheel.

How to understand what the numbers on the paint mean and how to choose a color based on them?

Formula: main color (first number) + shade that is added (second number) + additional shade (it is minimal, usually considered a highlight).

Color chart of natural colors:

Natural colors always have their own tone from 1 and above (if you see, for example, a tone of 8.3, this means that natural color will be with some shade (in the palette of each brand, the shade values ​​may differ, so when buying paint you will need to compare everything again).

1 is black
2 is a very dark chestnut
3 is dark chestnut
4 is chestnut
5 is light chestnut
6 is dark blond
7 is light brown
8 is light brown
9 is blonde
10 is light blond

To clearly explain to you how to understand the final color of paint by its number, we follow the natural diagram (it is above) and the same example 8.3 - 8 is the main color, look above we understand that it is light brown, 3 is dark chestnut, respectively general the color turns out light brown with a hint of chocolate. Usually natural shades are numbered the same for all manufacturers, but be careful.

It will look something like this, so we’ll look at it below:

It is also very important to observe simple rules combination of hair color with skin color, the wrong shade can create the impression of a pale or tired look, which is completely unsuitable for us. So remember these simple tips:

How to choose hair color to match your skin color:

How to choose hair color to match your eye color:

Choosing a color according to the color type - winter, summer, autumn, spring:

Follow the tones indicated in the picture and you will choose for yourself correct color hair.

How to choose the right hair color according to the color of your eyes and skin?

Let's move on to the next stage of our training. Now let's talk about hair developers.

Oxidizing agents (oxidants, developers) how to choose them correctly?

“What is a developer?” answer: A developer or oxidizing agent (oxidant) is a peroxide or oxidizing component that works to develop color on the hair. The oxidizing agent removes the natural color, allowing the artificial color of our chosen paint to appear. That is, the desired color is achieved precisely thanks to the oxidizing agent.

Tip: It is better to use the same brand of paint and oxidizer.

You need to choose an oxidizer based on its power, it depends on the percentage of hydrogen peroxide contained. It is designated as volume. It’s easy to determine the power of the oxidizer; it will depend on the chosen color. Use the table below to determine the oxidant for you.

If you are still not sure that you have correctly decided on the color and oxidizer, contact the consultants at the store where you will purchase the paint for recommendations.

Tip: Professional paint should be purchased at professional cosmetics and tool stores.

In the third stage of training we will look at specific examples staining.

Darkening blonde hair. How to change your color from blonde to brunette

First: we get rid of the idea that you just need to buy dye and dye your hair!

A small exam, test yourself

Having already learned the color “wheel”, answer the question: What happens if you take level 3 dark brown color and apply it to level 12 blond hair?

We look at the wheel and understand that our hair color will be gray-green-brown, or, to put it simply, terrible.

We gave this example for those who think that you can “just buy paint” in the color you want and paint it - of course, you can, but such actions will lead to you being surprised by the result, not for the better.

Let us remember that coloring is filling the hair with pigment, so the intended result will not always be achieved the first time, especially when the color is completely etched out and the hair is completely empty, as is the case with blondes.

For example, the transition from light hair that has never been bleached to dark hair occurs in two stages. The first stage is primary filling. Filling the hair means replacing the pigment, first we will nourish the hair several levels below what we want to achieve (more light shade from the one you want to get in the end).

If you dye your blonde hair immediately dark color, without primary filling, it will turn out dull and disappoint you. After we have nourished the blonde hair, we can dye it in the chosen dark tone. Between the first and second staining, take a break of 1-2 days.

What tools will you need to use and how to apply the paint? step-by-step instruction ⇒⇒⇒ Find out more

How to change from a blonde to a brunette?

If your hair was pre-lightened with blonde or after rinsing, and you want to make it darker or completely black, first of all we will eliminate the uncolored color. To do this, the first step is to tone your hair.

Tip: You will practically not harm your hair if you use 10 volume developer for a light golden color (7-8 natural tone according to the chart).

Having aligned the color to one tone, dry your hair and only then proceed to the 2nd step - apply the dye of the desired color.

Step by step:

  1. Even out color transitions with tinting (never use “tonic”; they are not compatible with professional cosmetics). Homemade tonic recipe - 30 grams of paint (2 shades lighter) + 20 grams of shampoo + 10 grams of balm.
  2. Wash your hair.
  3. Dry your hair and let it rest for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Apply dye the color you want your hair to be.
  5. Wash, style, enjoy the result.

How to go from brunette to blonde?

For brunettes, it’s also possible to become blonde in several stages, it all depends on the original color, if it was black, then you will have to lighten it at least twice, if it’s chocolate, then once may be enough.

Step by step:

  1. Do bleaching (if the color is black, do it 2 times with a break of one week).
  2. After the second wash, take a day off and tint your hair or dye it the desired blonde with permanent dye.
  3. Rinse, dry.

The fourth step is to consider the issue of washing the hair.

How to bleach your hair yourself? How to wash?

Bleaching or washing hair is done in order to make hair light or to wash off a boring color to transition to a new one.

Hair bleaching, or rather the result will depend on the chosen oxidizing agent. All oxidizing agents, when mixed with blonde bleach, will lighten the hair, the only difference is in the speed of the process. For example, if we mix Blondran powder with a 40 volume oxidizing agent, the lightening effect will happen quickly, but you should not choose it if you have thin hair, it is not suitable for this type of hair. 10 volume oxidizer will give the same result, but you need to keep it on your hair a little longer, but this combination is suitable for all hair types.

Tip: The proportions of blondoran and oxidizing agent are 1: 1.5 or 1: 2 (1 measuring cup of powder to 2 or 1.5 measuring cups of oxidizing agent)

Hair bleaching steps:

Hair washing differs from bleaching in that shampoo is added to the mixture of blondoran and oxidizing agent. This is done for a gentle effect, the shampoo will envelop the hair and the rinsing mixture will be more gentle on the hair.

Hair wash recipe: Mix the oxidizing agent, blondoran powder and add shampoo (oxidizing agent and shampoo are added 1 to 1). Apply the resulting mixture evenly to the hair and leave the development time will depend on the chosen oxidizing agent. This type of wash will give the desired result and will not damage the hair.

The fifth stage of our training is tinting hair after washing or dyeing.

How to properly tone yourself?

We can tint our hair in two ways - with paint and toners; by the word toner we mean a corrector. If we need to change the color level to make it neutral or brighter, we will resort to their help. For example, after bleaching my hair I got yellow, but I want to get a real blonde. Select the toner or paint of the desired color.

When choosing a concealer, look at your hair.

Answer 2 questions for yourself: What defect do you want to get rid of? Is it slightly brassy or too yellow?

Check your color by color wheel. So that the unwanted shade goes into the desired beautiful tonality. Choose the opposite color tones. Blue and violet toners are great for eliminating gold tones. Yellow and green toners are suitable for eliminating red ones.

We remind you that in color zones shades are located

We add hair corrector to the dye, for example, 60 grams of dye, approximately 10-15 grams of corrector will do. Use the instructions, as each company will have its own rules and dosages.

A homemade toner recipe without concealer consists of shampoo, conditioner and dye. The average dosage is 60g of paint + 20g of shampoo + 10g of balm or mask. The main point is to mix well.

Extra bright colors- our sixth stage of training.

How to dye your hair bright or pastel colors?

Bright pink, blue, green, purple, orange yellow or pastel hair is the result of bleaching and colored dye. Get rich color Without bleaching your hair, it won’t work; the same goes for bed hair color. Don’t be afraid to take risks; we already know a gentle method of bleaching, and such paints will not harm. The image will be breathtaking!

  1. Wash (possibly several times).
  2. Feel free to dye your hair, pastels will work the first time, and bright colors will work twice.

Hair in pastel colors:

Fashionable gray colors under gray hair

It’s logical to move from pastel colors to the seventh, final stage about coloring gray hair.

What oxidizing agent should I use when coloring gray hair?

Gray hair is more difficult to saturate with pigment, but it is quite possible. Remember a simple rule: to dye gray hair, use an oxidizer of at least 20 volume.

If there is a lot of gray hair, and for example, you want to get a cold White color, you need to use a neutral or golden shade to compensate for the natural color that is missing. If the gray hair does not go away, then we increase the power of the oxidizer to 30 volume to help the hair absorb the new color.

And the most important final stage of training, we won’t number it, you need to remember it in any case!

Caring for colored hair

The healthier your hair is, the easier and faster it will absorb the dye. Love them and take full care of them.

  • Maintaining colored hair healthy and rich is not difficult, do not use shampoo to preserve the color, it does not help, but rather washes out the color. Instead, try a cleansing cream that will cleanse your hair and keep it in good condition.
  • Comb your hair, do it correctly by choosing a comb for your hair type.
  • If your hair does not respond to coloring, drink protein preparations and return to coloring, focus on moisturizing your hair, without this there is no way - moisturizing is the basis of hair care.

Use conditioners and masks. Pamper your hair with masks made from natural ingredients - organic.

If you want to know what high-quality car painting at a car service is like, then read on.

Even taking into account the fact that in the modern automobile industry only modern painting materials are used, there is still a high risk that the color of the hood, as well as other parts of the body, will gradually fade.

A perfectly smooth coating will cease to be so, as it will begin to appear. This is all very bad appearance any car.

High quality car painting

In an instant, all these problems can be solved with the help of high-quality car painting. This service has become very relevant today, because every year the flow of cars on our roads increases almost tenfold.

Depending on the condition of your car, as well as on your personal wishes, specialists can perform either a full paint job or a local one, in which a new appearance purchases only one or several parts of the car, for example, the hood, doors or trunk.

Local painting is usually used in cases where all other functional elements The cars are in excellent condition and do not require any changes in appearance.

Those companies that try to maintain a brand that care about their clients always staff their staff with exclusively competent specialists. For them, professional car painting is an operation that has already been brought to automation.

In the painting process, such companies use the most modern equipment and materials, which are produced under the brand 3M, Standox and other manufacturers of this class.

What to do before painting

There is one more important step before painting a car. The service life of the new coating will subsequently depend on how competently the workers carry out this stage. First, the parts that need to be painted are cleaned of rust, after which they are coated with a primer that has anti-corrosion properties. Second important point is puttying.

After this, the structural part of the car is processed special compounds, the main purpose of which is to rid the surface of elements intended for painting from all kinds of marks and small pores that become the scourge of car enthusiasts.

Next, the processed parts are thoroughly dried and only then polished, due to which they become perfectly smooth. By the way, if experienced craftsmen carry out high-quality painting of your car, they will certainly remove the salt and silicone that have accumulated there from the surface.

Work after painting a car

Finally, the process of painting the entire car or its parts is completed. However, the work does not end there. The finishing touch is . After that paintwork will not be afraid of any external influences.

Many car owners are often worried that the technical center employees will not be able to choose a “native” color for them. Such fears are unfounded. The database of recipes and colors is constantly updated with new ones, which makes it possible to achieve exactly the same shades as the car originally had.

Even if your car has three layers of paint or synthetic pearls, there is still a way out! One option would be to paint the car, which is carried out in a smooth transition to those parts that are located in the neighborhood.

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Can you imagine what the painted walls look like? the best professionals!? So, after reading this article, you will be able to repaint ceilings and walls yourself at the level of not just a pro, but a real guru painting works! So what are the secrets...

7 commandments of a professional painter

There are at least 7 rules that every highly qualified painter adheres to. Let's see what ideas are worth checking out and using during repairs.

1. A professional chooses the color meticulously

Did you know that there are hundreds of shades of white? And a professional not only knows this, but also has a good grasp of them. No worse than a designer, he can choose such a shade of white walls that the room will never seem cold and uninhabited, and he can also help you choose a ringing, joyful white.

And in order not to get confused and have a good understanding, a professional usually has a whole collection of tinting fans and color charts, where each color and shade has its own number. And a pro always does test paints before starting to paint the entire wall. And these are not small specks of paint applied to a piece of paper attached to the wall, but large (about 1 sq. m.) paint on the walls in the very room where the renovation is being done. To have the opportunity to look at this wall for a couple of days different time days and at different types lighting.

Stealing the idea: Never - and again - never definitively choose a paint color from a photo on your screen. Because it is not a fact that the color is adequately conveyed in the photo, and that the settings of your monitor match the monitor of the person posting the photo on the Internet. On the screen of a monitor or phone, you can only notice a certain color, but in order to decide on its shade, go to the point of sale for fans and samples.

2. A professional works magic on the base

A professional craftsman will tinker with the wall for a long time before he starts painting. Because the foundation really requires careful preparation. The most common mistakes made by non-professionals is to skimp on primer and not level the walls. Meanwhile, achieving perfect smooth surface worth it, even if the walls are painted over wallpaper. And skipping the priming step will result in significant expenses due to the fact that a lot of paint will simply be absorbed into the wall.

Stealing the idea: The surface of walls and ceilings must not only be perfectly smooth and well primed, it must be clean. Even just a little microscopic dust or dirt can significantly reduce the quality of the finish. Before painting, arrange general cleaning: Go over the walls with a brush, or even better, with a vacuum cleaner.

3. A professional respects the application conditions

A real professional knows exactly the weather forecast for the day of painting, air humidity and temperature in the room, and if something is not according to the rules, he simply does not get to work. Yes, all these parameters are really important and should not be neglected. Where to an ordinary person learn such subtleties? Elementary: in the instructions on the manufacturer’s website on the paint page, find the “Method of application” section, for example, here.

Stealing the idea: If there are no problems with a thermometer, then where can I get a hygrometer (humidity meter), which is not very popular in our country? You can borrow it from friends who keep terrariums, or who have small children - or buy it at Children's world or a pet store.

4. A professional uses special devices

A professional painter, of course, has the most comfortable workwear, which is not hot or cold, and the paint from the fabric is easier to wash off. Experienced master doesn't skimp on professional tools, uses simple but easy-to-work devices, and knows thousands of useful life hacks.

Stealing the idea: Few people use a paint grid, and in vain: when working with a roller, it is much more convenient than a paint tray. The tray that everyone is used to often tips over, the paint is not distributed very evenly across the roller, and it’s not so convenient to move around with the tray.

And it’s even more practical to cover the floor not with a thin film, which constantly tears, peels off and creates a danger of slipping, but to buy a thick tarpaulin - once and for many repairs to come. Foreign stores sell special waterproof canvases for painting (canvas drop cloths), which are really convenient to use.

5. A professional paints in 2 tones

A professional painter has tested this in practice more than once: it is better to paint the wall that is the worst lit, for example, where there is a window, a tone lighter than the rest. The same should be done if one of the walls is covered textured plaster(the texture itself gives a slight shadow and the paint will appear darker). That is, 2 colors are chosen for one room: one is a tone darker than the other.

Stealing the idea: The paint is usually applied in several layers so that the color of the base does not show through the paint. To save money, you can apply the first layer with the remnants of the same paint that you bought as a sample, of course, only if it is a fairly close color.

6. A professional keeps a painting diary.

True mega-professionals remember many of the objects they worked on, not by addresses, but by paint numbers! And yet, without relying on memory, they carefully write down the paint numbers and make the colors in their journals. And years later, when the customer asks to update the walls with the same shade, the master will have no questions.