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Diamond white currant. Varieties of white sweet currants with large berries. The plant has a number of benefits

" Currant

Nature generously gifted currants, decorating them not only with black and red berries, but also with white ones, endowing each variety with characteristic qualities. White currant bushes enhance gardens, and the fruits are considered healing berries.

The homeland of currants is Europe and Russia, where bushes with red berries were found around the tenth century. White currants appeared some time later, as a result of the “domestication” of the red berry crop.

The plant belongs to the Gooseberry family. It is a perennial shrub one and a half meters high. But in an ideal climate for the plant, the bush can reach two meters.

The bush is decorated with 3-5 lobed dense leaves, the edges of which are jagged. Small, inconspicuous flowers, yellow-green in color, collected in a brush, bloom in May.

Juicy, tasty fruits are yellow, cream or light pink in color, spherical in shape, with a diameter of 6-10 mm. The ripening period occurs in July and August.

The plant has whole line advantages:

  • if agricultural practices are followed, the plant gives annual bountiful harvests and is well suited for reproduction;
  • the berries remain on the bushes for a long time and do not fall off until late autumn;
  • not susceptible to the currant mite, which is the main enemy of the bush;
  • actively bears fruit in both dry and rainy weather conditions, thanks to a strong and very developed root system;
  • frost resistance, therefore, will delight you with delicious fruits regardless of the weather;
  • It is an unpretentious berry and therefore requires minimal care;
  • fruits of universal use with a high taste and good transportability.

In addition to the significant advantages of culture, there are also minor disadvantages, namely:

  • if the bush is not formed correctly, it begins to bear fruit late;
  • in shaded places it grows poorly, bears little fruit and is more damaged by diseases and pests.

Health benefits and harms

In addition to its delicate and unique taste, white currants are considered a source of nutrients, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

The healing composition makes the berry one of the most useful products and allows it to be used not only for preventive purposes, but also in the treatment of many diseases.

Possessing a number of beneficial properties, it has a positive effect on almost the entire human body because:

  • ensures proper functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • normalizes redox processes, increases immunity and protects the body from viral diseases;
  • stimulates the secretion of bile, helps strengthen liver cells;
  • absorbs and removes heavy metal salts from the body;
  • helps get rid of excess cholesterol;
  • is a good antipyretic;
  • prevents memory loss and the development of sclerosis in older people;
  • rejuvenates the body and slows down the aging process;
  • promotes mental and physical activity body.

But no matter how useful the berry is, there is a category of people who should refrain from eating it so as not to harm their body. This group includes patients suffering from gastritis, high acidity and a tendency to peptic ulcers.

Since the composition of the berries is rich in organic acids, which can provoke exacerbations of the listed diseases. Also, you should not get carried away with fruits if you have thrombophlebitis, since due to the high content of vitamin K it can increase blood clotting.

The healing berry is a supplier of useful substances to the body, which has a beneficial effect on human health. The main thing is to remember the contraindications, which will allow you to extract maximum benefits from the product without harming your health.

Rules for planting and growing in autumn and spring

The plant is best planted in autumn. Start the event in the second half of September and until the end of October. The main thing is not to miss the deadline so that the young seedlings have time to take root in the soil and adapt to external conditions before the cold weather. It can also be planted in the spring, but planting must be done as early as possible, as soon as the soil allows, and before the seedlings have buds.

  1. Landing site determinations

Currants are demanding on location, humidity and heat, as they cannot tolerate damp, swampy or very shaded places. The crop will bear fruit best in a sunny, windless area. Taking this into account, seedlings should be planted on the south or southwest side. Planting should be carried out on clay, loamy and sandy soils. In addition, the groundwater level should be taken into account. And if their depth exceeds permissible rate, then it is imperative to plant them on earth mounds. Excessive moisture can cause lichens to appear and the death of the plant.

  1. Technology for preparing pits for planting seedlings

A few weeks in advance, you need to dig up the area, clear it of weeds and apply fertilizer using compost and wood ash. Dig holes with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm under the bushes. The distance from one bush to another should be at least one meter. Equip the bottom of the pit with humus mixed with soil. If the soil is highly acidic, you need to add lime.

  1. Planting process

Qualitative planting material is a determining factor when planting currants, since weak and disease-affected seedlings will not make it possible to grow them into full-fledged, fertile berry bushes. Good seedling must have three large roots, about 15 cm long. The above-ground part must have at least two branches about 40 cm long.

Carefully place the seedling into the planting hole at an angle of 45°, if possible with an inclination to the north, so that the root grows to the south. Lower it by fifteen centimeters so that the plant can better develop additional roots and begin to grow quickly. Then carefully straighten the rhizomes and cover them with fertile soil.

  1. Necessary measures after landing

Upon completion of the work, carefully compact the soil around the bush, water it well and mulch with humus. Also, cut off the shoots of the seedling and leave only two buds above the surface of the ground. This procedure will promote the development of a healthy root system, the formation of a well-branched bush and the establishment of a strong and healthy crop.

During the first time after planting, you should monitor the soil moisture and water the plant if necessary.

Care involves performing appropriate procedures that will help increase the yield and improve the quality of the berries. Such events include:

  1. Watering. White currants love water very much, so they need to be watered often, especially in dry times. To reduce moisture loss, it is recommended to mulch the ground around the bush. Most regular watering necessary for the plant during the period when berries begin to appear and ripen. To prevent weeds from taking moisture, nutrients And sunlight in the plant, you need to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Moisture getting on the leaves and fruits when watering is unacceptable.

  1. Trimming and shaping. In order for the bushes to be strong and bear fruit well, they should be pruned in a timely manner and correctly. The first time pruning is carried out after planting. Remove all branches, leaving three buds at the base of the shoot. This will help the plant direct all its forces to root growth, which will subsequently enable the plant to produce strong fruit-bearing shoots in the spring.

Bunch of white currant sprigs

Perform formative pruning every autumn, leaving about three strong shoots. Cut off the rest of the shoots at the very base.

It is important to carefully inspect the plant and not allow the bushes to thicken or the shoots to age.

  1. Top dressing. The plant is responsive to good food, which uses potassium, nitrogen, organic and phosphorus additives. After each application of fertilizer, you need to mulch the ground with a mixture of peat and manure. This will help fertilizers to be better absorbed, and will also protect the berry crop from weed growth and retain moisture. Will also be useful foliar feeding solutions of potassium permanganate or boric acid. These sprays will increase the size of the fruit and increase its set.

Timely implementation of these procedures will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the harvest and the development of the bush as a whole.

The most famous varieties

Ural white

Variety Ural white mid-early ripening period. The densely growing bush has a moderate height. Slightly curved shoots of medium thickness, have a greenish color with a pinkish pale coating. Large five-lobed leaves have green color with sharp long teeth. The flowers are medium in size, the sepals are yellow-green, recurved. The round berries are yellow in color and contain small amounts of seeds. A universal fruit with a pleasant sweet taste and slightly noticeable sourness.

White fairy

White fairy- mid-season variety, self-pollinating. Productivity is high. A medium-sized bush is formed very thick and lush. The brushes are thin and long. The berries are round in shape, one-dimensional, weighing from 0.6 to 0.8 grams. The color of the fruit is white, with a yellowish tint. They are distinguished by thin but dense skin. Delicate sweet and sour taste, no aroma.

Dessert Bayana

Dessert Bayana– a universal variety of late ripening period. It is one of the best varieties of white beauty in terms of yield, fruit quality and disease resistance. The shrub is medium sized, but very dense. The leaf is 3-5 lobed, large, light green, matte, slightly pubescent below, elongated. The berries are white, round, transparent. Juicy fruits, having a pleasant sweet and sour taste and thin skin.

White currant is one of the most unpretentious plants in the garden. Equally important are its taste properties, which are characterized by the content of many useful substances, so the culture is in special demand and is very popular.

Along with red varieties, popular berry crop in our country. Currant bushes can be found everywhere in gardens, orchards, summer cottages. Ripe berries are used to make jelly, compotes, jam, and tinctures. Berries contain many useful substances, so they must be included in children's diets. It is also very useful for older people.

Our ancestors actively used red and white currant berries for treatment and healing of the body. For example, fresh currant juice diluted with warm water was used to reduce fever. The anti-inflammatory properties of the berries were used.

If you decide to plant bushes of this useful berry on your site, be sure to do so. Moreover, caring for them is not at all difficult. I’ll tell you all about what kind of care white currants require, planting and care, propagation of this crop:

Planting white currants

White currant is a strong, frost-resistant plant. However, she really loves warmth and sunlight. It is better to plant shrubs on the leeward side, somewhere on an elevated part of your site. It is very good to plant currant bushes along a fence or other fence. To currant bush grew well, bore fruit abundantly, you need to provide it with fertile soil.

Most suitable period for planting - early autumn (no later than October). It is better to plant seedlings whose root system not protected, with the onset of the first days of September. This way they will have time to better adapt to future cold weather.

Prepare before planting planting pits about half a meter in diameter. The distance from one to another is at least one and a half meters. For each hole you will need to add humus mixed with soil (5 kg), add 50 g of any phosphate fertilizers, as well as one glass of wood ash. All this, along with the soil, is added to the dug hole. Now place the seedling in it, tilting it slightly.

It is better to deepen the root collar to 7-8 cm. This will subsequently stimulate the growth of new, young roots and shoots. Then cover well with soil and compact. Now water thoroughly. It is better to mulch each hole with a planted seedling. For these purposes, you can use peat, sawdust or humus.

What do white currants like? Plant care


White currants, as well as red ones, require regular pruning, careful watering, and loosening of the soil.

The first time currants are pruned immediately after planting. You need to cut off all the shoots, leaving three buds. Such seedlings will take root better and grow faster.
Well, formative pruning is carried out the first five years after planting the bushes. White currants overgrow extremely quickly, so be sure to trim off excess branches from the very base of the bush. Leave only 3-5 of the strongest shoots.


To enjoy an abundant harvest, the bushes need to be watered regularly. Currants love water, so when the soil dries out, pour at least a bucket of water under each bush. Especially monitor soil moisture during shoot growth, as well as during flowering and fruiting. Do not forget to weed, loosen the soil under the bushes or mulch it with peat, manure or sawdust.


White currants can be damaged by pests and diseases. If powdery mildew, septoria, or anthracnose appears on the leaves, spray the bush with a 1% solution Bordeaux mixture. Only such spraying is possible only before flowering begins. Then it will be impossible to do this.

How are white currants divided? Plant propagation

Propagation of white currants is carried out using layering, using green but already lignified cuttings.

Reproduction by layering:

Layers are called long shoots of a bush that have matured well. They are simply bent to the ground, and then pinned tightly in 2-4 places. Since the shoot is not cut off from the bush, it continues to feed from its roots, soon the branch pinned to the soil will itself begin to take root. Better reproduction carry out layering of currants in the spring. Then by autumn the branch will take root well. It can be separated from the main bush and then planted in a new, prepared place.

Propagation by cuttings

Preparation of cuttings is carried out in the summer. To do this, cut off the semi-lignified young shoots of this season located on the sides of the bush. Make sure that each cutting has 2-3 internodes. Remove the bottom leaves and cut off the tops. Cut the remaining leaves by half (to reduce moisture evaporation). Now place the cuttings in a container filled with damp sand 2 cm deep. Give them an inclined position to the surface (45 degrees). Now cover the container with the cuttings with polyethylene (build a small greenhouse).

Strong, woody cuttings are best planted in mid-August - early September. Then they will have time to take root before the first frost and will overwinter safely.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in growing white currants in your garden. Its planting, care, and reproduction are not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you do not yet have a bush with healthy berries, be sure to correct this annoying misunderstanding and plant white currants on your site. Be healthy!

Currant - favorite garden berry. In our country it is grown everywhere. This culture has gained popularity due to its taste, nutritional and healing properties. Breeders have bred thousands of varieties of different currant colors. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Currants, like other crops, can be different varieties. Each of them has its own specific shape, size, berry color, pulp consistency, taste, aroma and much more.

Currant varieties differ from each other in the size of the fruit clusters and the density of the berries on them. And different ripening periods allow you to increase the period of consumption of berries in fresh.

Red and white currants

Usually, currants of these two colors are considered as one crop, since the berries differ only in color. Red currants were known back in the 5th century. It was grown by the Dutch for beauty. First of all, her decorative qualities, the berries were of no interest. Red currants have become very popular in Europe. In Russia, they became acquainted with this culture only in the 15th century.

She became known much later. Even at the beginning of the last century, it was considered one of the red currant varieties with a berry color atypical for this species. These two varieties do not have a pronounced aroma, but differ in taste and beneficial properties. The best varieties White and red currants are unpretentious to growing conditions, but they feel better on loamy and sandy loam soils. These are very light-loving plants, undemanding to moisture. It should be remembered that if there is insufficient lighting, the berries lose their taste and color. The culture is resistant to diseases and damage.

At proper care these two varieties of currants give a high yield. Bushes strewn with red and white berries look very beautiful. The fruit formations of white and red currants are longer lasting than black currants, the berries are evenly distributed throughout the bush, they are less dense with shoots. The plant can bear fruit for 15-20 years, growing without transplanting to another place.

Red currant: varieties

  1. "Varshevicha" is distinguished by the originality of the color of the fruit. They have a distinct dark purple color. This self-fertile variety, ripens late. A large, powerful bush produces many round or slightly compressed fruits. The berries are medium-sized with juicy purple flesh, have a sour taste and form a long cluster. Ripe fruits remain on the branches for a long time. Due to its high yield, unusual fruit color and decorative appearance of the bush, this currant variety is popular among gardeners. Fresh berries are consumed less often; more often they are processed.
  2. “Beloved” is a variety that has an average ripening period. The bush is characterized by small size, medium branching and thick straight stems. The round berries are bright and medium in size. There are a lot of them on the hands, and they are evenly distributed. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste universal purpose. This variety is not afraid very coldy, it has a high yield and is not affected
  3. A typical representative of the mid-ripe currant variety, the photo of which you see above, is “Svetlitsa”. The bush is medium in size, compact and has erect shoots. The round berries are not large in size, but very juicy and tasty. This variety, despite its small berries, produces high yields and is not susceptible to fungal diseases.

Large-fruited red currant

  1. "Chulkovskaya" red currant belongs to an ancient variety, which even today attracts the attention of lovers and specialists of this type of crop early maturation and taste qualities of fruits. The red currant variety is distinguished by its small size. The best varieties include Chulkovskaya currant. Long clusters are strewn with large red round or pear-shaped berries. They are distinguished by their tender, juicy flesh and sweetish taste. Ripe berries remain on the branches for a long time without falling off. This sweet variety Currants are consumed fresh or processed.
  2. The variety "Jonker van Tete" has a medium-early ripening period. This Dutch variety currant was introduced at the beginning of 1941. It gained popularity in our country in the nineties of the last century for its excellent taste and resistance to diseases and damage. This variety produces high yields and is resistant to low temperatures. The red currant variety is distinguished by its powerful, large, dense bush. The best varieties include this particular species. On long or medium-sized clusters you can count up to ten very large, bright berries. The shape of the fruit is round or pear-shaped, they are covered with a dense, elastic skin. The pulp is juicy and very pleasant to the taste. That’s why they love to eat these currants fresh.
  3. Large-fruited currant variety "Ural beauty" is one of the best varieties domestic selection. It is distinguished by low spreading bushes and disease resistance. Therefore, the leaves are preserved until the first frost. Culture refers to early dates maturation. The disadvantage is that the yield increases gradually, in direct proportion to the long-term growth of wood. The berries are large in size, have excellent taste and a pleasant aroma.

White currant: varieties

  1. "Prygazhunya" is a variety of white currant and has a medium ripening period. The bushes of the plant are distinguished by medium growth vigor, the branches are spreading, and when the harvest is abundant, they bend and droop. On the hands middle length usually there are a lot of not very large berries, light-colored Pink colour rounded shape. Sweet and sour fruits have a universal purpose. Ripe berries remain on the tassels for a long time and do not fall off. At this time, they intensively acquire taste qualities. Currant white variety"Prygazhunya" is ideal for freezing. This variety bears fruit abundantly and has excellent taste.
  2. "Dutch" white currant belongs to an ancient variety, but recently it has been persistently replaced by other, more promising species. Although many gardeners believe that it is in vain. The bushes of this plant are not very spreading, compact, which allows them to make maximum use of the area of ​​the site when planting them. This currant variety bears fruit better in moist, fertile soil and is resistant to low temperatures. The berries are medium-sized and have a round, slightly compressed shape. Their skin is transparent. Seeds and veins on the surface are clearly visible. The pulp is juicy and has excellent taste. Ripe berries do not fall off and are harvested in one go. This currant is good fresh. But its processing will not affect the taste.
  3. White currant variety "Versailles" is well known to gardeners who grow it on their plots. It is attractive for its high yields and tasty, large-sized berries. Its bushes are compact and medium in size. This currant produces large yields, growing on fertile soils. Tolerates frosts well. In terms of ripening time, it belongs to the middle varieties. Large berries also have a round shape. They hardly change in size during the growth process. Their skin is transparent, seeds and veins are visible through it. The pulp is very juicy, it harmoniously combines sugar and acid, which gives the fruit a refreshing taste. The berry is especially good when eaten fresh. In addition, jam, compotes, juices, syrups, jams and much more are prepared from it.

Red currant: benefits

Red currant berries are rich in potassium, iron, succinic and malic acids. They also contain carotene. Eating berries promotes elimination from the body excess liquid, serves as a preventive measure for heart and vascular diseases.

Red currant fruits are used in the treatment of diabetes. They eliminate nausea and stimulate appetite. Used as diuretics, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, laxatives and restoratives. Eating apple juice and those contained in berries charges the body with energy. Therefore, they are recommended for use by older people. Red currant juice maintains body tone at the proper level.

Harm of red currants

Obvious and indisputable. But in some diseases it can be harmful. In this case, it should be excluded from the diet. Drinking juice is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from stomach ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis and reduced blood clotting.

Black currant

The name of this type of culture comes from the word "currant", which translated from Old Russian means " persistent odor", characteristic of this species. Black currant is popular with gardeners, and its delicious berries have long been loved by children and adults. The description of currant varieties provides an opportunity large selection culture. After all, this plant is characterized by resistance to low temperatures and fungal diseases. Black currant is a fast-growing, high-yielding crop with annual fruiting. It does not have great requirements for growing conditions. And its berries have excellent taste and healing properties.

Blackcurrant: varieties

  1. "A little prince" - early variety. It is distinguished by a low bush and its convenient shape, which simplifies harvesting. It is resistant to all diseases, severe frosts and prolonged drought. Fruits regularly and abundantly. The berries on the tassels are densely arranged and ripen at the same time. This makes them easier to collect. The brushes are small in size, available in pairs and singles. The berries are juicy, bright black in color, covered with a thin, delicate peel. Lovers of sweet and sour fruits will like them.
  2. "Lacy" black currant is a highly self-fertile variety. It is frost resistant. He is not afraid of sudden weather changes. The intense heat does not bother him. It bears fruit regularly and has a consistently average yield. This crop is resistant to the disease powdery mildew and anthracnose. But sometimes it is affected by kidney mites. Curved thick brushes come in short and medium sizes. The round berries are large, shiny and have a sweet, sour taste. If you choose which varieties of currants are better, you can stop here.
  3. "Bagheera" refers to late variety and is characterized by high frost resistance and abundant yields. Slight freezing of the shoots is observed if frosts and thaws alternate frequently. This variety is not damaged by blight and anthracnose, but powdery mildew can sometimes harm the plant. On thin small branches the fruits are evenly distributed. The berries are the same size and have a pronounced black color. The shiny thin skin is very durable. The fruits have subtle aroma and sweet taste.

Large-fruited black currant

  1. "Exotica" is the largest-fruited blackcurrant variety. Is different high yield and early maturation. The bush is powerful, tall, the branches are erect and strong. They do not sag from the weight of large berries, which evenly form a cluster. The fruits are juicy and have a pleasant sweetish taste. The best varieties of black currant are represented by this type of crop.
  2. "Aleander" refers to varieties of large-fruited black currants. It is distinguished by a tall, spreading bush and the branches lying underneath it. Leaves dark green, powerful and slightly wrinkled. The plant is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose, but is prone to damage by bud mites. The culture of this currant variety tolerates the harsh winter months well, but is not subject to drought. comfortable conditions for its growth and abundant fruiting. There are many large berries on long, thick arched clusters. They differ pleasant taste and fragrant aroma.
  3. "Selechenskaya-2" is one of the best varieties of black currant. Tall, compact bushes have many strong branches that do not need staking. This variety is not afraid of fungal and tick-borne diseases. Very rarely it is affected by a kidney mite. This is a universal variety that tolerates severe frosts and prolonged heat well. On strong curved clusters there are many very large berries, similar to gooseberries. The fruits are covered with durable, thick skin. They do not break during harvesting. The berries are tasty, sweet, and have a unique delicate aroma.

Beneficial properties of black currant

A description of currant varieties would not be complete without talking about their benefits. Blackcurrant is the most healthy berry of all that exist. It is called the storehouse of substances necessary for humans. It has an excellent taste and is valued for its high healing properties. The berry contains a large number of ascorbic acid, carotene and biotin, which is called the vitamin of youth.

Black currant has long been widely used in folk medicine. The content of iron, potassium and magnesium allows the fruits and leaves to be used for anemia, vascular and heart diseases. Black currant is rich in pectins, phytoncides, essential and tannins.

The berries of this currant variety reduce cholesterol levels, treat eczema and skin diseases, helps with depression and stress. Ulcers and gastritis are treated with flowers and young leaves of black currant, and rheumatism and kidney problems are treated with berries. Currently, there are thousands of recipes based on black currants for various diseases.

Currant diseases

Currants, like other plants, are affected by diseases and damaged by pests. If you plant the best varieties of currants on your site, you can avoid infection by many infectious diseases. But you need to know the most common ones.

  1. Anthracnose is a disease of leaves, their petioles, stalks and fruits. It affects plants starting in May. Characterized by the appearance of small spots Brown, which grow over time. The leaves begin to turn yellow, curl and fall off. The shoots slow down and do not have time to mature. To prevent the disease in early spring and late autumn, you should dig up the ground around the bush. And before the buds bloom, spray with a solution of vitriol. You can use Bordeaux mixture. It is sprayed four times during the growing season: during bud break, at the end of flowering, half a month after flowering, after harvesting.
  2. Terry is viral disease and therefore can spread quickly. The carriers are bedbugs, bud mites and aphids. This disease is characterized by changes in the shape and color of leaves and flowers. The plant stops bearing fruit. To combat the disease, branches are cut off or the entire bush is removed. The main thing is to fight the spread of the disease.

Currant pests

  1. The kidney mite is very small and can only be seen through a magnifying glass or magnifying glass. It damages which acquire a spherical shape and do not produce leaves and flowers. The tick waits out the winter in the kidneys. Spreads through planting material, birds and insects. Effective means the fight against this pest has not yet been invented. But the fight must be waged. To do this, the plant is sprayed several times: before buds open, two weeks after it and before flowering begins. There are a lot of spray solutions. In any store they are presented in a large assortment.
  2. The sawfly has a good appetite. He eats all the leaves. Its larvae are found in cocoons that are buried in the ground under the bush of the plant. This is where the pest waits out the winter. The fight against it is autumn digging and spraying in several stages: when buds open, buds form, and at the end of flowering. To prevent the pest from multiplying, its larvae are periodically shaken off and burned.

Today we will talk about white currants. We will tell you how to properly plant white currants in the spring, choose a place for planting and suitable soil. After reading this article, you will have enough knowledge to grow healthy and fruit-bearing currants.

Did you know? Currants belong to the order Saxifragaceae. This order also includes peonies, bergenia and money tree.

The best varieties of white currants

First you need to figure out what is the difference between white currants and black or red ones.

In addition to color, white currants have other features: they are more suitable for older people than black and red ones due to their ability to prevent diseases associated with increased blood clotting.

Also, white currant contains less ascorbic acid, therefore it is more valued by people with increased acidity stomach.

Let's choose the most valuable varieties of currants. The most common variety of white currant. This is a mid-season variety that has a spreading low bush. Versailles currant produces large berries (diameter - 1.1 cm, weight - 0.7 g). The plant is medium winter-hardy, gives average harvest

(about 8 tons per hectare). Important! This variety

white currant is resistant to powdery mildew. – a mid-early variety, which is characterized by high resistance to cold, very tasty berries and early ripening. The bush of this variety is semi-spreading and of medium height. The berries have a mass of 0.5 g, the yield per hectare is approximately 5.8 tons. The main advantages of this variety are annual fruiting and high resistance to frost (since the variety was bred for temperature conditions

Siberia). This variety was also bred in Siberia. Belyana has average term

maturation. The bushes of this variety are small and semi-spreading. The berries can reach a weight of 1.5 g, which makes them different from the berries of previous varieties. They ripen simultaneously (however, they have poor transportability). The Belyan variety is immune to powdery mildew. The main advantages of the variety are self-fertility and good annual yield. The disadvantages include the fact that the plant is susceptible to anthracnose.

This variety is winter-hardy and has medium-early berry ripening. Dutch white gives a good harvest; The berries are quite large and round. The bush of this variety is irregular in shape and low. The advantages of Dutch White are resistance to anthracnose, self-fertility and easy propagation by cuttings. Mid-season variety , which was developed in the Czech Republic. Primus produces large berries weighing 1 g (about 10 kg of berries are obtained from a bush). The plant is resistant to frost, anthracnose, powdery mildew and.

gall aphid All varieties of white currants have both pros and cons. Some give, but have low resistance to diseases. Others do not get sick, but also bear less fruit. Of course, there are varieties that combine disease resistance and yield, but they are not so easy to find.

The main thing when choosing currants is to buy what you need. Therefore, carefully inspect the seedlings when purchasing.

Proper planting of white currants

After you've looked after desired variety, go to the right choice seedlings, places for planting and soil preparation.

How to choose a seedling

When purchasing a seedling, it is difficult to determine its variety, condition and presence of diseases. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Roots. If a seedling's root system is completely cut off, it immediately disappears. Ideally, it should have two main roots (at least 40 cm long) and many small adventitious roots. It is better to take a seedling with wet roots, which are placed in a container with water or a special mineralized mixture.
  2. Branchiness of the shoot. If you have a seedling without shoots or sprouts, then you should definitely refuse such a purchase. Choose well-branched seedlings with intact branches.
  3. (about 8 tons per hectare). Carefully inspect the branches of the seedling. If you think they are dry or semi-dry, refuse to purchase.

    To plant you need to choose sunny place, which is weakly blown by winds. If possible, choose a place where groundwater lie at a depth of about 2 m.

    Do not plant currants in lowlands where moisture will accumulate in the spring. In such places the plant will become covered with lichens and wither.

    (about 8 tons per hectare). Currants produce maximum yields when pollinated with pollen of other varieties.

    Soil preparation and fertilization

    If we talk about the soil for white currants, then it is unpretentious to the substrate in which it is planted. It will dry out and wither only on salt marshes or in waterlogged soil.

    However, to obtain maximum yield and healthy seedlings for seedlings, currants should be planted in more fertile soil.

    White currants are planted both in autumn and spring (after the ground has warmed up). Loamy soil is excellent for the plant, which is dug up and cleared of weeds before planting.

    When planting in the fall, holes are dug in advance so that the soil has time to settle. Their depth should be about 40 cm and 50 cm wide.

    (about 8 tons per hectare). When digging a hole, the top fertile layer must be laid aside separately. bottom layer mixed with mineral fertilizers.

    When planting, the roots are distributed throughout the entire depression and covered first with a mixture of mineral fertilizers (peat, humus, superphosphate), and then with soil from the top layer. It is important not to overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise you will burn the currant roots.

    The plant must be planted at an angle of 40-45˚ so that it develops a strong root system. When planting several bushes nearby, maintain a distance of 1 m so that the plants do not drown out each other.

    Growing and caring for white currants

    You planted a bush and it took root. Now the main thing is to properly care for the plant, apply fertilizers and prune on time.

    How to care for the soil

    When the plant's first buds begin to swell, it should be watered with hot water from time to time (temperature up to 70˚C). This way you will save him from possible pests that sleep in the ground.

    You need to loosen the soil and feed the white currants. Loosening also needs to be carried out if the soil near the currant is woody (the roots of the plant must breathe).

    After cultivating the soil, the ground near the bush can be covered with rotted leaves or other organic matter. So you will feed young plant, protect it from pests, drying out and hypothermia of the roots.

    Don't forget about watering. It should be done more often in hot weather sunny days. But you should avoid moistening the soil if there is a sharp drop in temperature or strong wind, as the roots may freeze.

    Thus, white currants do not require specific care or expensive fertilizing. At proper care the seedling will quickly take root and give a good harvest.

    Proper pruning and formation of a white currant bush

    Pruning currants is an integral part of plant care. Each extra branch is wasted strength and energy of the plant.

    In addition to healthy branches, the bush also spends energy on sick branches that do not bear fruit. That is why do not skip this part of caring for white currants.

    Did you know? Unripe currants contain 4 times more vitamin C than ripe ones. During ripening, the amount of vitamins decreases. A minimum of them is contained in overripe berries.

    Currant pruning is carried out for the first time immediately after planting. At the same time, the tops of all shoots are removed, leaving 3 buds on each. In this way, the crown of a new bush is formed.

    Pruning white currants, unlike black currants, is carried out not in the fall, but in the spring (sometimes in the summer, after harvesting). Pruning consists of removing old branches (which are at least 7 years old), unnecessary shoots (shown in the picture below), broken, diseased and frozen branches.

    The correct bush should consist of 20 branches, the age of which does not exceed 8 years.

    If you follow the instructions, you will get a bush with a well-developed crown and a large number of small fruiting branches.


    Currants should be picked in warm, dry weather. This way you will get a product that will be stored for as long as possible. Pick the berries with tassels, carefully so as not to crush them. For collection, you can use wide baskets or other containers with a wide bottom.

    (about 8 tons per hectare).If the berry must be transported, then it is harvested before it is fully ripe.

    If the berries of your white currant variety ripen at the same time, then you need to harvest the entire crop on time so that it does not become overripe and fall off. If the currants are not processed, then on the day of collection they are placed in the refrigerator and stored there.

    It is also worth knowing that if dew has fallen on the currants, then they need to be dried fresh air and only then place it in plastic bags and store in a cool place.

    The main thing when picking currants is not to crush the berries and not to store them wet to avoid rotting.

    Methods for propagating white currants

    The simplest and most popular method of propagation is cuttings.

    Cuttings are taken only from one-year-old shoots; the shoot must be healthy and intact. The cutting is cut about 25-30 cm long. After cutting, it must be dipped in paraffin so that the future seedling does not lose moisture. In this form, the seedling can be stored in the refrigerator until planting.

    Before planting, paraffin is cut off sharp knife. The cuttings are planted so that no more than 2 buds remain on the surface (and at least 4 underground). After planting, the ground is fertilized with peat or humus. The main thing at this moment is to preserve moisture in the cutting as much as possible.

    The second method of propagation is by horizontal layering. To do this, in the spring, grooves up to 10 cm deep are made under the mother bushes. Developed two-year-old shoots are placed in them, pinned with hooks and the middle of the shoot is covered with earth.

    Throughout the summer, the cuttings are mulched and watered abundantly. When autumn comes, the rooted shoots are separated from the mother bush and transplanted to another place. Those cuttings that are poorly rooted are left on next year, without separating from the mother bush.

    White currants are not propagated by seeds at home, as this is very labor-intensive work, and the percentage of young plants produced is very small.

White currants are much less common than black or red ones. And few people know that white berries contain a lot of vitamins C, A, E and P, and vital acids. They are much sweeter and more fragrant than their relatives; the advantage of white currant varieties is also their low content of allergens; they can be consumed by adults and children prone to allergic reactions.

Light berries help with colds, inflammation of the bladder, hypertension, rheumatism, urolithiasis, cardiovascular diseases and excess weight. These fruits promote rapid fat burning and improve metabolism; they are used to make compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, and jam. Today we will look at the most popular varieties of white currants.

If you are planning to go to the market for white currant seedlings, then you should ask the sellers:

  • What kind of harvest can you expect?
  • Is this variety frost-resistant enough?
  • How susceptible is he to disease?

The best varieties of white currants for the Moscow region.

The following varieties of white currant take root best in the Moscow region:

  • Belyan
  • Boulogne white
  • Dessert
  • Minusinsk white
  • Ural white.


Belyan- this berry has a taste advantage over other varieties of white currant and, according to tasters, is considered the most pleasant to the taste. The color of the berries is light yellow, the clusters are almost transparent, dense, of medium length, hanging down. The currant is frost-resistant and has proven itself well in the middle zone and the Moscow region.

  • Productivity - up to 4 kg. berries from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.6 to 1.5 g.
  • Refers to varieties of medium ripening
  • It is drought-resistant, tolerates cold winters down to -34 degrees.

Advantages: drought-resistant, frost-resistant, tasty.

Flaws: The berries have thin skin and may become wrinkled during transportation; it is better to process them on site.


Boulogne- mid-early ripening, the bushes are relatively low, dense, and tolerate dense planting well. The berries are round, cream-colored, with delicate sweet and sour pulp.

  • Productivity reaches 3-4 kg. berries from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries is from 0.7 to 0.9 g.
  • Ripening - mid-July

Advantages: good sweet and sour taste, high yield

Flaws: requires protection from anthracnose, does not tolerate severe frosts


Dessert- this variety of white currant takes root well throughout Russia, tolerates frost, and produces a good harvest. Thanks to its powerful root system, it can get by with infrequent watering. Not susceptible to fungal diseases.

  • Productivity – high up to 6 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 1-1.2 g.
  • Early ripening

Advantages: you can make compotes, jelly, fruit drinks and freeze for the winter, frost-resistant, resistant to fungal diseases.

Minusinsk white

Minusinsk white- the berry is different good taste(4.6 points), but not the highest yield. The average harvest per bush is about 3 kilograms. The fruits are yellowish and have thin skin. It tolerates cold well, is drought-resistant, was bred for Eastern Siberia, but grows and bears fruit well in the Moscow region. Resistant to powdery mildew and aphids.

  • Productivity - 2.5 kg per bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.8-1 g.
  • Medium ripening

Advantages: good winter hardiness, disease resistant

Flaws: large seeds in berries.

Ural white

Ural whitefrost-resistant variety white currants. The bushes are low, dense, and the yield is good. The berries have a pleasant delicate taste. It withstands any bad weather, including frost. Self-pollinating variety.

  • Productivity - up to 6 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 1.1 g.
  • Maturation - early period

Advantages: not picky in care, ideal for planting in the Moscow region and Volga region, has high frost resistance

Flaws: With infrequent watering, over time, the berries become smaller in size.

Description of the best varieties of white currants

English white

  • Productivity - 4-6 kg. berries from one bush
  • Weight of berries - 1.1 g.
  • Early ripening

Advantages: tolerates frost well, fruits are quite large in size.

Flaws: low self-fertility, affected by anthracnose.

White squirrel

White squirrel— a frost-resistant variety, not susceptible to diseases, begins to bear fruit already from the second year after planting, and is characterized by stable fruiting.

  • Productivity - 4.5 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.5-1 g.
  • Medium early ripening

Advantages: tolerates frost well, is practically not affected by powdery mildew and anthracnose.

White belyana

White belyana is a frost-resistant variety of white currant that tolerates drought well. The bushes are low, slightly spreading. The berries are slightly oval, with thin, delicate skin, and do not tolerate transportation well, but the taste is excellent - 5 points. The harvest ripens in mid-summer.

  • Productivity - up to 4 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.8-1.5 g.
  • Maturation - average

Advantages: good winter hardiness, self-fertility, wonderful taste of berries.

Flaws: May be affected by anthracnose

White grapes

White grapes- a mid-season variety of white currant, not afraid of long and cold winters, and tolerates drought quite well. The bush is compact, the berries are round, large, transparent with a yellow tint. The separation is dry. The taste is sweet, dessert.

  • Productivity - 4 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.8-1 g.
  • Maturation - average

Advantages: not afraid of spring frosts.

Flaws: low self-fertility

Belaya Potapenko

White Potapenko - the variety has good survival rate and is suitable for planting in areas with cold climates. It is almost not affected by diseases. The bush is small and stunted. The berries are white-yellow in color and taste sweet and sour.

  • Productivity - 5.8t/ha
  • Weight of berries - 0.5-0.8 g.
  • Maturation: mid-early

Advantages: early fruiting, excellent taste of fruits that hang on the branches for a long time after ripening.

Flaws:- average yield

White Fairy is the leading variety among white-fruited currants. Tolerates dry summers well. The shape of the fruit is round. The bush is slightly spreading, the branches are thick and of medium length. Berries different sizes, mostly large, weighing from 0.8 to 2 grams. It has White color with a yellow tint. Opened dry. The taste is sweet and sour, has no smell.

  • Productivity - 5.2 kg per bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.8-2 g
  • Ripening - mid-July

Advantages: self-pollinating, produces a good harvest every year, tolerates transportation well, good for dessert

Versailles white

White Versailles is perhaps the most famous and widespread variety of white currant. Consistently different good harvests and delicious large berries. The plant is unpretentious, easily tolerates heat and drought, but frosty winters may freeze slightly. The bushes grow up to one and a half meters. The berries are one-dimensional, large, sweet and sour in taste. It begins to bear fruit in the fourth year.

  • Productivity - 4-4.5 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.7-1.3 g.
  • Ripens in late July - early August.

Advantages: not affected by powdery mildew, easy to care for.

Flaws: affected by anthracnose.

Dutch white

Dutch white - this variety ripens quite early, has an average yield, and easily tolerates frost. The bush is small, medium spreading. The berries are medium-sized, cream-colored, very juicy. The separation is wet. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste.

  • Productivity - 4-5 kg ​​from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.7-0.8 g.
  • Early ripening

Advantages: easy to care for, self-fertile, resistant to anthracnose.


Dessert - this variety ripens early and has high yield. Resistant to frost and adverse weather conditions. The variety is resistant to various diseases. The bush is not large, but the berries are large, round, transparent, and have a yellow-pink tint. The taste is sweet with sourness.

  • Weight of berries - 1.2 g.
  • Early ripening

Advantages: large currant, tolerates adverse weather conditions well


Cream - this variety of white currant takes root well in the Central Black Earth region and, with proper care, brings excellent harvest. The berries are large, cream-colored, thin-skinned and sweet and sour in taste. The bushes are medium in size and may freeze in cold winters.

  • Productivity - up to 6 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.9 g.
  • Early ripening.

Advantages: large fruit size, almost not affected by diseases, high yield

Flaws: does not tolerate frost well, skin is too thin


Primus is a variety bred in the Czech Republic. It is characterized by high yield, good winter hardiness and resistance to almost all diseases. The bush is erect, compact. The berries do not fall off for a long time after ripening.

  • Productivity - up to 10 kg from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries -1 g.
  • Ripens in early to mid July.

Advantages: winter-hardy, high-yielding variety, resistant to gall aphids and anthracnose.


Prygazhunya - this variety was bred in Belarus by crossing the Red Cross, Cherry and White grape varieties. Medium sized bush. Productivity is high. Tolerates severe frosts well and spring frosts. The berries are round, pink in color and taste sweet and sour.

  • Productivity - 15 t/ha
  • Weight of berries - 0.7-0.9 g.
  • Medium ripening

Advantages: good yield, winter hardiness

Flaws: affected by leaf spots.


Smolyaninovskaya white - suitable for planting in climatic conditions Central and Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation. Refers to fast growing plants During the summer, branches can grow by 30 cm or more, because of this the crown quickly thickens and requires frequent thinning. The berries are transparent, round and taste sweet and sour.

  • Productivity - 6.2 kg. from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.7-1 g.
  • Medium early ripening

Advantages: frost resistance down to -30 degrees, high yield, good taste.

Flaws: medium resistance to pests, requires regular pruning.


Yuterborgskaya - this Western European variety is approved for cultivation in the North-Western and East Siberian regions. Mid-season variety of white currant. It tolerates drought easily, but has poor resistance to anthracnose. The bush is dense and low. The berries are medium and large, cream-colored, and have a sweet, delicate taste.

  • Productivity - 7-8 kg. from 1 bush
  • Weight of berries - 0.7-1 g.
  • Medium early ripening.

Advantages: It tolerates heat well, has high yields, and the fruits do not fall off for a long time after ripening.

Flaws: weak stability to anthracnose.