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Dry water extinguishing system. Dry water fire extinguishing system - features of the fire extinguishing agent and installation device. Schemes of modern systems

A relatively new substance, developed in 2011 by the ZM company, has unique technical and performance characteristics. Official name Novec 1230, but in the world it is known as “dry water”.

The absence of hydrogen in the structure of the fluorinated ketone molecule endowed the substance special properties, which are successfully used to eliminate fires:

  • Zero electrical conductivity;
  • Boiling point +49°C;
  • Substances and materials do not get wet.

Obtained from a fine spray. As Novec 1230 transitions to a gaseous state, it rapidly reduces the room temperature, dropping it below the combustion point. At the same time, no damage is caused to people, equipment connected to electricity or material assets.

The substance is absolutely safe for human health and environmentally friendly. But, despite the generally accepted name - “dry water”, it is better not to use it internally.

More details about the properties of dry water can be seen in the video of the manufacturer’s presentation:

Application area

Dry water is most widespread in the West in systems automatic fire extinguishing installed in rooms with fragile artistic values: museums, art galleries; libraries and archives. It is recommended to use Novec 1230 in data centers, laboratories that work with liquid flammable substances and are equipped with fragile electronic equipment. Proof that dry water firefighting is effective and safe is the removal of all restrictions on its use in the United States and the use of dry water in aircraft and armored vehicles.

On this moment the most common substances of this type are 3M™ Novec™ 1230 and Fluoroketone C-6. Both substances have almost identical performance indicators and are classified as freons.

The fire extinguishing agent is certified for use in extinguishing fires of categories A and B. Research is being carried out to confirm approval for extinguishing flammable gases - class C.

Extinguishing with dry water occurs on the principle of reducing temperature (70% of the effect of the substance) and inhibiting the chemical reaction of the combustion process (30% of the extinguishing effect).


High efficiency - the source of ignition is neutralized thanks to high level evaporation, for 10-15 seconds;

Safety for humans confirmed clinical trials. The installation can be turned on when there are still people in the room.

Ease of use - dry water can be used as fire extinguishing agent in already installed equipment with minimal modernization. In addition, damage to dry water cylinders and even a spill will not cause unpleasant consequences. The “water” will simply evaporate without leaving a trace.

Environmental safety - the substance decomposes in 3-5 days, without damaging the ozone layer.

Fire extinguishing system design

The dry water fire extinguishing system consists of:

You can learn more about the elements of the system, their placement and operating principle from the manufacturer’s introductory video:

Considering high efficiency, which is demonstrated by dry water (fire extinguishing a class A fire takes only 10 seconds), the dimensions of the installation necessary for monitoring the room are much more compact, and the number of cylinders is much smaller. In addition, much lower requirements are imposed on the pipeline technical requirements. Operating pressure is only 25 bar, instead of what is required for gas system 250 – 300bar. This greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of both installation and further maintenance.

Of course this is a joke. They don't eat dry water. Or rather, they don’t drink. This substance was developed in the USA in 2004 with pure practical purposes. And if it weren't for him unusual properties combined with its resemblance to ordinary water, probably no one except specialists would have known about it.
In our country, interest in it arose after the appearance of a story about dry water in the Galileo program.

The mysterious liquid, colorless and odorless, so similar to water, has attracted the interest of many.
After all, dry water:

  • does not conduct electricity;
  • boils at 49°C;
  • does not wet surfaces.
In practice, this means that if you put a mobile phone (tablet, plugged-in monitor) into it, it will work quietly. A sheet of paper placed in this water will not get wet, and the ink will not smear. Sugar and salt do not dissolve in this “water”. You won't be able to make tea or coffee with it either. You can safely lower your hand into boiling dry water - this is another spectacular trick.

Dry water: application

It may seem that dry water is just an ingredient for tricks and jokes, and there is no practical benefit from it. But it's just the opposite. This substance was developed to solve very serious problems. And, if you look at its properties again, you can even guess which ones.
For those who haven't guessed, we'll tell you. Dry water was created for automatic fire extinguishing systems. Those who have at least once encountered the consequences of extinguishing even a small fire will definitely appreciate the benefits of dry water.
Imagine that the fire extinguishing system in the office went off. The fire has been extinguished, but at what cost! Important documentation is hopelessly damaged, office equipment, flooded with water and foam, does not work, and furniture is easier to replace than to put in order.
But if dry water was used to extinguish the fire, all these problems will not arise. This substance fights fire no worse, and perhaps better, than ordinary water. At the same time, paper, furniture and equipment remain undamaged.
What an office! After all, a fire can happen anywhere, for example, in a library or museum, a large data center or a television station, or in any other place where there is a lot of expensive equipment, important documents, priceless works of art. Imagine what losses dry water helps prevent!

In addition to the three well-known states of ordinary water, there is one more - this is “dry water”. This mixture consists of microscopic drops of moisture in a shell, the main substance of which is silicon dioxide. It is thanks to him that water molecules do not connect with each other and it does not spread. Externally, “dry water” looks like powder.

Features of the composition and quality of “dry water”

If you decompose Novec 1230 into molecules, you will notice that it does not contain hydrogen, which leads to a weakening of the bonds between the molecules. Novec 1230 features more low temperature freezing point – it is -108°C and low boiling point – only 49°C. “Dry water” does not conduct current and does not dissolve common substances such as sugar and salt. At the same time, just like ordinary water, it has neither odor nor color.

Main areas of application of Novec 1230

At the moment, “dry water” is used to extinguish fires, and in this area it is much more effective than ordinary water due to its characteristics. Novec 1230 will not damage documents, books and things, including equipment, since during the process of extinguishing a fire it is converted into steam, which then settles on surrounding surfaces and gradually evaporates, which takes only a few seconds. It is impossible to “wet” even the thinnest paper with such water, and such qualities can be called invaluable for extinguishing fires in institutions intended for storing historical property, as well as in those enterprises whose work involves expensive equipment and high voltage.

The actual process of extinguishing fires using “dry water” is carried out differently than in the traditional version. Novec 1230, by entering into a combustion reaction, promotes active absorption, while ordinary water only reduces the temperature and, during the evaporation process, prevents the interaction of fire and oxygen - thus, the flame is extinguished quickly and effectively, while the concentration of the composition required for this purpose does not pose a danger to human health .

Another advantage of this composition is the absence of a decrease in oxygen concentration in a confined space, which significantly increases the time required to rescue people. For example, employees of the same museums can safely evacuate from the premises without fear that any harm will be caused to their respiratory or visual organs, and without worrying about the need to save property of historical value from damage.
Under atmospheric conditions, “dry water” decomposes in a period of 3 to 5 days, subject to exposure to ultraviolet rays. In this case, the decomposition products do not have any effect negative influence to the ozone layer. It does not pose a danger to people, however, it is still not recommended to use it internally.

Fire extinguishing is not the only area in which Novec 1230 can be used. Ten years ago, scientists found that this composition is capable of very actively absorbing carbon dioxide. The latter is one of the greenhouse gases, which means it contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer. Through experiments, it was possible to determine that over the same period of time, “dry water” can absorb much more carbon dioxide than water, which makes it possible to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to the same extent.

Prospects for use

A similar technology can be used to produce powder emulsions, which simultaneously contain several liquids that do not mix with each other. With the help of such emulsions, it is possible to ensure the safety of transportation of liquids that pose a certain danger.

Today, experts are also considering the hypothesis that the ability to absorb gases can provide significant assistance in the extraction of frozen methane, which is located in the depths of the oceans.
In addition, scientists are trying to find the most suitable way in order to do more with Novec 1230 safe storage fuel for Vehicle, operating on hydrogen.

Article sent by: Kazachok

Dry water, known to many as Novek 1230, was discovered back in 1968. For a long time this substance remained unclaimed. While all its properties are not yet fully used by people, they have been renewed in the 21st century. Research will allow more rational application of all benefits.

General information

Dry water, whose composition includes carbon, fluorine and oxygen, misleads many. It's hard to believe, but it's not actually a real liquid. This substance is a powder with unique properties. Dry water is considered harmless to people, but this does not mean that it should be drunk. This chemical compound is simply amazing. Videos on the Internet in which people dip documents, phones, laptops and even an extension cord plugged into dry water clearly demonstrate the unique properties of this substance. The production of this chemical compound is a simple and short process. Water and silicon high speed mix for 1.5 minutes, after which it is ready for use. Scientists believe that this substance will very soon be used in almost all spheres of our life.

Characteristics of the substance

The composition of this substance includes 95% plain water, but at the same time it looks like powdered sugar. Each particle of powder is covered with a unique shell consisting of silicon dioxide. The combination of oxygen and silicon molecules in this substance is very stable. Silicon dioxide prevents water droplets from spreading and joining together. The particles of this substance are very small. Their size does not exceed 1 micron.

Dry water, the formula of which is CF 3 CF 2 C(O)CF(CF 3)2, has certain properties. It has a lot in common with plain water. This substance is odorless and tasteless. In ordinary water, oxygen plays the role of an oxidizing agent. In dry water it is fluoride. Novek 1230 has a boiling point of 49 °C and a freezing point of 180 °C. Even boiling dry water does not leave burns on the human body. This substance is different high density. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, dry water disintegrates.

Dry water research

This Chemical substance was patented by American scientists back in 1968. It was originally used in the cosmetics industry. In 1993, when a substance such as freon 114 (refrigerant) was banned, the American company 3M, specializing in the development automatic systems fire extinguishing, began to search for a substance that is safe for humans and environment. After 11 years of research, Novec 1230 was introduced to the public. It is called the cleanest gas. Safe for humans, equipment, documents, and the environment, it does its job flawlessly.

At the beginning of the 21st century. British scientists from the University of Liverpool began researching dry water. They were looking for ways practical application of this substance. During practical experiences it has been found to have a remarkable ability to absorb gases. English scientists developed ways to use this unique property. They found that this substance can absorb 3 times more carbon dioxide than ordinary water. Researchers have suggested that this chemical compound can be used to extract methane found on the ocean floor. Dry water can also absorb other gases that are difficult to produce in sufficiently large quantities. The researchers wanted to prove that the use of this form of liquid is relevant for the transportation and storage of various hazardous substances.

Scientists plan to use dry water in production food products and other consumer goods. It can speed up catalytic reactions and make chemical processing more energy efficient but less harmful to the environment. By turning hazardous liquids into a powdery mass, dry water makes their transportation and storage more convenient.

Dry water in the fight against global warming

Some researchers suggest that dry water could be a panacea in the fight against global warming. This idea came about thanks to her unique property absorb various gases. Since the greenhouse effect is associated with the release of various chemical compounds into the atmosphere, dry water can be used to absorb them. Unfortunately, the technology has not yet been developed that would allow this idea to be put into practice.

Properties of Novec 1230

Decades of research into dry water led to the creation and introduction of world practice new class of fire extinguishing agents gaseous substances, which are called “fluorinated ketones”. They have the effectiveness of refrigerants, but at the same time have a positive toxicological and environmental profile. In the molecule of these synthetic organic substances, the hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine atoms, tightly bound to the carbon base. This procedure leads to very positive effect. The replacement of atoms causes the substance to become inert towards other molecules. It is this chemical compound that is called Novec 1230. It has a faint odor. Novec 1230 is 1.6 times heavier than water. This substance does not conduct electric current, since its dielectric constant is only 2.3 units. Dry water, when stored in cylinders under pressure, turns into a liquid state, and when sprayed, into a gaseous state.

Fire extinguishing process

Dry water is used in automatic fire extinguishing systems. During a fire, it has a fire extinguishing effect based on active heat absorption and cooling. This substance is simply irreplaceable when extinguishing equipment and paper, since it does not destroy them. Thus, Novek 1230 should be used as fire protection in offices, archives, museums, etc. It is also used in areas with large crowds of people, such as airports, train stations, theaters.

The innovative properties of this substance are due to the structure of its molecule, in which there are very weak bonds. Thanks to this, Novec 1230 easily changes from liquid to gaseous state. In this case, active absorption of the thermal energy of the fire occurs. Due to the cooling effect (70%) the fire is suppressed. At the same time, flame inhibition occurs (30%). Amazingly, while extinguishing the fire, the oxygen concentration does not decrease, which makes it possible to quickly evacuate people. This substance evaporates almost instantly. However, it does not enter into chemical reactions, which does not cause damage to material assets, and the dielectric properties do not allow short circuits.

Advantages of Novec 1230

This fire extinguishing agent has the following advantages:

Rapid period of destruction in the environment (no more than 5 days);

Safety for people;

Quickly extinguish fires;

Zero ozone depletion potential;

Lack of corrosive properties;

Saving space in the room;


No polluting components;

Possibility of recharging fire extinguishing equipment on site.

Dry water storage

This substance is stored in an open container for no more than five days, since it is easily destroyed in the environment. Dry water must be kept in sealed special containers at low pressure. It is impossible to prepare such a substance at home.

Novec 1230 (“dry water”) is one of the latest innovative developments in the field of fire extinguishing. This gas fire extinguishing agent has a number of advantages over existing ones traditional means extinguishing fires for the safety of people and valuables, electrical equipment, museum exhibits.

How the systems work gas fire extinguishing using Novek 1230 is based on cooling with heat removal from the source of fire.

What is Novek 1230?

Novec 1230 is a colorless and odorless liquid, it belongs to the category of fluoride, called “dry water”. This fire extinguishing agent was developed by an American chemical company.

This substance boils at a temperature of 49°C, absorbing heat from the area of ​​the fire. This property is indispensable at the initial stage of a fire; even the minimum concentration of gas in the environment makes it possible to instantly remove heat.

There is no hydrogen in the molecular structure of this fire extinguishing agent, and therefore Novec 1230 has a number of unique characteristics(zero electrical conductivity, boiling point +49°C, no wetting of substances and materials), thanks to which it is possible to effectively fight fire.

This extinguishing agent does not conduct electricity, i.e. it is a dielectric.

Advantages of Novec 1230 gas extinguishing agent

The advantages of Novek 1230 gas include:

  1. 100% safety for people. This gas is completely non-toxic, and the release of this gas extinguishing agent does not reduce the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere.
  2. Ensuring the safety of valuables, books, works of art after using “dry water”.
  3. Lightning fire extinguishing.
  4. Safe for the environment. This fire extinguishing agent does not destroy the ozone layer.
  5. Ease of installation and subsequent operation.

This substance is non-corrosive metal surfaces, evaporates at lightning speed. Novek 1230 has a high fire extinguishing efficiency; the time required to extinguish a fire does not exceed 10–20 seconds. Such advantageous features ensure the use of Novek 1230 gas fire extinguishing agent in gas fire extinguishing installations.

Systems using Novek 1230 fire extinguishing agent are economical and practical. Due to the fact that fire extinguishing is possible with a low concentration of this gas, it is not necessary to equip the installations. a large number of cylinders, which in turn simplifies the installation procedure, the use of modules and spray nozzles.

Areas of application of these installations:

  • server rooms;
  • rooms with electrical equipment;
  • museums;
  • archive rooms;
  • libraries;
  • laboratories.

Installation of gas fire extinguishing systems

In gas fire extinguishing installations, Novek 1230 is placed in special cylinders; if the installation is triggered when a fire occurs, the gas moves through pipelines and is released into the room through special nozzles. Installations with gas extinguishing agent include several modules. Components settings:

  • cylinders (with gas fire extinguishing agent Novek 1230, pumped in liquid form);
  • shut-off and starting device (regulates gas release);
  • pipelines through which the fire extinguishing agent is supplied to the fire site;
  • hoses (elements for connecting cylinders to pipelines);
  • system fire alarm, which includes temperature sensors, smoke and combustion detectors;
  • equipment that controls the pressure of the extinguishing agent.

The shut-off and release device is designed to release Novek 1230 fire extinguishing agent within 10 seconds. Installations with a gas fire extinguishing agent are used in rooms with large numbers of people; their safety for people is confirmed by numerous tests. These settings are included even if there are people working in the rooms.

Gas fire extinguishing systems using Novek 1230 as a fire extinguishing agent are an effective, reliable and versatile way to deal with fire in a minimum amount of time.