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Джек Лондон; Jack London — Топик по английскому языку. Jack London - Джек Лондон. Топик по английскому с переводом Джек лондон топик на английском

Джек Лондон биография на английском языке представлена в этой статье.

Джек Лондон краткая биография на английском

The iconic American novelist, short story writer, journalist and social activist, Jack London is best known for writing Call of the Wild (1903) and White Fang. Jack was born in San Francisco, California on January 12, 1876. It is not known for sure whether his parents Flora Wellman and William Henry Chaney were married. But after Chaney left Flora, she married John London who gave Jack his last name. Flora’s second marriage also gave jack two half sisters, Eliza and Ida. The family moved several times before finally settling in Oakland where Jack completed grade school. Living in a working class family with a low income, Jack was forced to contribute to the family income by selling newspapers at the age of 10.

Despite living in a crude environment, fighting to survive every day, London was an ambitious young man, always enthusiastic about his future. He was very fond of reading and writing. Discovering a library in Oakland, London engrossed himself in the exploration of literature. He labored at various jobs such as working as a cannery and a jute mill, and also worked as a window-washer, watchman, and longshoreman. Also at an early age, London learned to sail and bought himself a sloop from borrowed money and worked as an Oyster Pirate in the Bay. But when his own sloop was robbed, London set off to become a beggar. His days as a tramp gave London a deep insight into class systems and human behavior. London soon realized he wanted a better life for himself and upon returning to California he went to Oakland high school and later entered the University of California at Berkeley. However, he dropped out before finishing due to shortage of finances.

For quite long a time, London had also been busy writing while studying and working. His first story, Typhoon Off the Coast of Japan (1893) was written while he was on the sloop off the coasts of Siberia and Japan. London began taking writing seriously and begun a successful career as a writer. London joined the Socialist Labour Party in 1896. His socialist views are evident in his writings such as The Iron Heel (1908). In 1987 London left for the Klondike during the Gold Rush. He did not find any gold, instead got sick with scurvy. During that painful winter, London wrote To Build a Fire. His writings also made way to significant magazines such as the Overland Monthly and The Atlantic Monthly.

Back in Oakland, London married Bess Maddern on April 7, 1900. The couple had two daughters Joan and Bess. Four years later, London and Bess divorced. London’s second marriage was to Charmian Kittredge. Also in 1900, London’s first book, The Son of the Wolf was published followed by other works; The God of His Fathers (1901), A Daughter of the Snows (1902), The Children of the Frost (1902), The Cruise of the Dazzler (1902) and The People of the Abyss (1903). Around the same time London met Anna Strunsky, who would become a lifelong friend and also his writing partner for The Kempton-Wace Letters (1903).

Some more works to follow during London’s prolific writing career include The Faith of Men (1904), The Sea Wolf (1904), The Game (1905) was followed by War of the Classes(1905), Tales of the Fish-Patrol (1905), Moon Face and Other Stories (1906), Scorn of Women (1906), Before Adam (1907), Love of Life and Other Stories (1907), and The Road(1907). London continued to write productively until his death on November 22, 1916 at his ranch which has now become the Jack London State Historical Park.

Jack London was an American author, journalist, and social activist.

Some of his most famous works include The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both set in the Klondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories “To Build a Fire”, “An Odyssey of the North”, and “Love of Life”.

Jack London short biography

John Griffith Chaney, better known as Jack London, was born on January 12, 1876 , in San Francisco, California. Jack, as he came to call himself as a boy, was the son of Flora Wellman, an unwed mother, and William Chaney, an attorney, journalist and pioneering leader in the new field of American astrology.

His father was never part of his life, and his mother ended up marrying John London, a Civil War veteran, who moved his new family around the Bay Area before settling in Oakland.

Jack London grew up working-class. He carved out his own hardscrabble life as a teen. He rode trains, pirated oysters, shoveled coal, worked on a sealing ship on the Pacific and found employment in a cannery. In his free time he hunkered down at libraries, soaking up novels and travel books.

First success

His life as a writer essentially began in 1893. That year he had weathered a harrowing sealing voyage, one in which a typhoon had nearly taken out London and his crew. The 17-year-old adventurer had made it home and regaled his mother with his tales of what had happened to him. When she saw an announcement in one of the local papers for a writing contest, she pushed her son to write down and submit his story.

Armed with just an eighth-grade education, London captured the $25 first prize, beating out college students from Berkeley and Stanford.

For London, the contest was an eye-opening experience, and he decided to dedicate his life to writing short stories. But he had trouble finding willing publishers. After trying to make a go of it on the East Coast, he returned to California and briefly enrolled at the University of California at Berkeley, before heading north to Canada to seek at least a small fortune in the gold rush happening in the Yukon.

By the age of 22, however, London still hadn’t put together much of a living. He had once again returned to California and was still determined to carve out a living as a writer. His experience in the Yukon had convinced him he had stories he could tell. In addition, his own poverty and that of the struggling men and women he encountered pushed him to embrace socialism, which he stayed committed to all his life.

In 1899 he began publishing stories in the Overland Monthly. The experience of writing and getting published greatly disciplined London as a writer. From that time forward, London made it a practice to write at least a thousand words a day.

Commercial Success

London found fame and some fortune at the age of 27 with his novel The Call of the Wild (1903), which told the story of a dog that finds its place in the world as a sled dog in the Yukon.

The success did little to soften London’s hard-driving lifestyle. A prolific writer, he published more than 50 books over the last 16 years of his life. The titles included The People of the Abyss (1903), which offered a scathing critique of capitalism; White Fang (1906), a popular tale about a wild wolf dog becoming domesticated; and John Barleycorn (1913), a memoir of sorts that detailed his lifelong battle with alcohol.

He charged forth in other ways, too. He covered the Russo-Japanese War in 1904 for Hearst papers, introduced American readers to Hawaii and the sport of surfing, and frequently lectured about the problems associated with capitalism.


In 1900 London married Bess Maddern. The couple had two daughters together, Joan and Bess. By some accounts Bess and London’s relationship was constructed less around love and more around the idea that they could have strong, healthy children together. It’s not surprising, then, that their marriage lasted just a few years. In 1905, following his divorce from Bess, London married Charmian Kittredge, whom he would be with for the rest of his life.


For much of the last decade of his life, London faced a number of health issues. This included kidney disease, which ended up taking his life. He died at his California ranch, which he shared with Kittredge, on November 22, 1916 .

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I have to admit that I"m fond of reading. I like to read books about the history of our country, about famous people and adventures. Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the world outlook, to understand life better. Books teach us to be honest, modest, and courageous. They help us to feel compassion for weak people.

Jack London became my favourite writer from his first books I"d read. First of all I got interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me not less than his works. What a man! He was strong and talented. He lived a life of adventures and hardships, so he knew what he was writing about. In his novel Martin Iden he describes his biography. What a hard life he lived!

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. From his childhood he suffered greatly. He changed a lot of jobs: selling out newspapers, working at the factory. He hated that kind of job, which exhausted people and made them suffer physically and morally.

Young Jack had no opportunity to go to school, so he studied privately reading much at night.

When gold was found in Alaska, Jack London joined the gold rush. He returned home without gold but with rich impressions about people with whom he met and made friends. They became the prototypes of his heroes.

The American novelist and short-story writer knew life in Alaska very well because he experienced it himself. That is why it is so interesting to read his novels "The Call of the Wild" and "White Fang" His heroes are bright personalities. They are physically strong and enduring people. They try to find a way out from the most difficult situations. They fight and survive.

The very first story The Love of Life caught my fancy. I was struck by the will of a sick man who found himself alone, side by side with a wolf. Both the man and the wolf were sick and weak. And each of them was waiting for the other to grow still weaker and faint in order to feed on him. The man won. While reading the story I admired the courage and human spirit of the hero.

The story "Brown Wolf" is not less interesting. Its about a dog and his devotion to people.

Later I read more novels and stories by Jack London. My fondness of Jack London, the greatest American writer, will stay with me all my life.

Перевод текста: Jack London - Джек Лондон

Я должен признаться, что люблю читать. Мне нравится читать книги об истории нашей страны, об известных людях и приключениях. Литература много значит в моей жизни. Она помогает формировать характер и кругозор, лучше понять жизнь. Книги учат нас быть честными, скромными и храбрыми. Они помогают нам чувствовать сострадание к слабым людям.

Джек Лондон стал моим любимым автором с его первых книг, прочитанных мною. Прежде всего я заинтересовался Джеком Лондоном как личностью. История его жизни поразила меня не меньше, чем его работы. Какой человек! Он был силен и талантлив. Он прожил жизнь с приключениями и трудностями, поэтому, он знал то, о чем писал. В романе «Мартин Идеи» он описывает свою биографию. Какую тяжелую жизнь он прожил!

Джек Лондон родился в Сан-Франциско в 1876 г. Он много пережил с самого детства. Он сменил много работ: продавал газеты, работал на фабрике. Он ненавидел такую работу, которая изнуряла людей и заставляла их страдать физически и нравственно.

Молодой Джек не имел возможности пойти в школу, поэтому, он занимался, самостоятельно читая, в основном ночью.

Когда на Аляске было найдено золото, Джек Лондон присоединился к золотой лихорадке. Он возвратился домой без золота, но с богатыми впечатлениями о людях, с которыми он встретился и подружился. Они стали прототипами его героев.

Американский романист и автор рассказов знал жизнь на Аляске очень хорошо, потому что испытал все на себе. Именно поэтому настолько интересно читать его романы «Зов природы» и «Белый клык». Его герои — умные люди. Они — физически сильны и выносливы. Они пытаются найти выход из самых трудных ситуаций. Они борются и выживают.

Самый первый рассказ, «Любовь к жизни», поразил мое воображение. Я был поражен силой воли больного человека, который оказался один, с глазу на глаз с волком. И человек, и волк были больны и слабы. И каждый из них ждал, когда другой станет более слабым, чтобы съесть его. Человек победил. Читая рассказ, я восхищался храбростью и силой духа героя.

Рассказ «Коричневый волк» не менее интересен. Он о собаке и ее преданности людям.

Позже я прочитал другие романы и рассказы Джека Лондона. Мое восхищение Джеком Лондоном, величайшим американским писателем, останется со мной на всю жизнь.

Использованная литература:
1. 100 тем английского устного (Каверина В., Бойко В., Жидких Н.) 2002
2. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. Устный экзамен. Топики. Тексты для чтения. Экзаменационные вопросы. (Цветкова И. В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А.)
3. English, 120 Topics. Английский язык, 120 разговорных тем. (Сергеев С.П.)

Texts for topics - Мегазбірка тем по английскому языку


To begin with I have to admit that i"m fond of reading. I have been doing regular reading since my childhood. I liked to read books about the history of our country, about famous people and adventures. Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the world outlook, to understand better life. Books teach us to be honest, modest, and courageous. They help us to feel compassion for weak people.

Jack London became my favourite writer from his first books i"d read. It was his novel "Martin Iden". First of all I got interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me not less than his works. What a man! He was strong and talented. He lived a life of adventures and hardships. So he knew what he was writing about. In his novel "Martin Iden" he describes his biography. What a hard life he lived!

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. From his childhood he suffered greatly. He changed a lot of jobs: selling out newspapers, working at the factory. He hated that kind of job, which exhausted people and made them suffer physically and morally.

Young Jack had no opportunity to go to school. So he studied privately reading much at night.

When gold was found in Alaska, Jack London joined the gold rush. He returned home without gold but with rich impressions about people with whom he met and made friends. They became the prototypes of his heroes.

That is why it is so interesting to read his novels "The Call of the Wild" and "White Fang". His heroes are bright личностей. They are physically strong and enduring people. They try to find a way out from the most difficult situations. They fight and survive.

The very first story "The Love of Life" caught my fancy. I was struck by the will of a sick man who found himself alone, side by side with a wolf. Both the man and the wolf were sick and weak. And each of them was waiting for the other to grow still weaker and faint. The man won. While reading the story I admired the courage and human spirit of the hero.

The story "Brown Wolf" is not less interesting. It"s about a dog and his devotion to people.

Later I read more novels and stories by Jack London. My fondness of Jack London, the greatest American writer, will stay with me all my life.


adventure [əd"ventʃə] - приключение

world outlook ["autluk] - мировоззрение

compassion - сожаление, жалость, сочувствие

hardship ["ha:dʃɪp] - нужда, нищета, нужда

to exhaust [ɪg"zɔ:st] - истощать, исчерпывать; опустошать

to suffer ["sʌfə] - страдать

enduring [ɪn"djuərɪŋ] - выносливый

to survive - выжить, остаться в живых, уцелеть

to faint - слабеть (от голода и т.п.), терять сознание, упасть в обморок

to admire [əd"maɪə] - восхищаться; любоваться

devotion - преданность, верность


1. Why are you fond of reading?

2. Why is it necessary to read a lot?

3. What kinds of books do you like to read?

4. What is your favourite book ?

5. Шго is your favourite writer?

6. Do you know many of his/her books?

7. What do his/her books teach you ?

8. Do you know your favourite writer"s biography?

9. Why is he/she so famous?

Мой любимый писатель Джек Лондон (1876-1916)

Прежде всего мне придется признать, что я очень люблю читать. Я постоянно читал с детства. Мне нравилось читать книги об истории нашей страны, о знаменитых людях, а также я любил приключенческую литературу. Литература много значит в моей жизни. Она формирует мой характер и мировоззрение, помогает лучше понять жизнь. Книги учат нас быть честными, скромными и отважными, выражать сочувствие к слабым людям.

Джек Лондон стал моим любимым писателем с первого его романа, который я прочитал. Это было произведение «Мартин иден». Я сразу заинтересовался Джеком Лондоном как личностью. Его жизненная история поразила меня не менее, чем его произведения. Какая прекрасная человек! Он был сильный и талантливый. Его жизнь была полна приключений и тяжелых испытаний. Итак, он знал, о чем пишет. Роман «Мартин Иден» в значительной мере автобиографический. Как тяжела жизнь у него была!

Джек Лондон родился в Сан-Франциско в 1876 году. С детства он испытал немало лишений: сменил много работ, чтобы выжить, продавал газеты, работал на фабрике, - и возненавидел ту работу, которая истощает людей и заставляет их страдать физически и морально.

Мальчик не имел возможности учиться в школе. Следовательно, он учился самостоятельно, много читая ночью.

Когда на Аляске было найдено золото, Джек Лондон присоединился к тем, кого поразила золотая лихорадка. Он вернулся домой без золота, но с богатыми впечатлениями о людях, которых он встретил и с которыми подружился. Они стали прототипами его героев.

Вот почему так интересно читать его романы «Зов предков» и «Белый Клык». Его герои - это яркие лица. Они физически сильные и выносливые люди. Они пытаются найти выход из самых сложных ситуаций. Они борются и выживают.

Самый первый рассказ, который я прочитал, было «Жажда жизни». Я был поражен волей больного мужа, который оказался один рядом с волком. Как мужчина, так и волк были больные и слабые. И каждый из них ждал, что другой станет еще слабее и потеряет сознание. Победу одержала человек. Когда я читал цс рассказ, я восхищался отвагой и человеческим духом героя.

Рассказ «Бурый Волк» не менее интересное. Оно про собаку и его преданность людям.

Позже я читал романы и другие рассказы Джека Лондона. Моя любовь к этому крупнейшего американского писателя останется со мной на всю жизнь.

(1906)-depict elemental struggles for survival. During the 20th century he was one of the most extensively translated of American authors.

Jack London. George Grantham Bain Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-DIG-ggbain-00676)

Deserted by his father, a roving astrologer, he was raised in , California, by his spiritualist mother and his stepfather, whose surname, London, he took. At age 14 he quit school to escape poverty and gain adventure. He explored in his , alternately stealing or working for the government fish patrol. He went to Japan as a sailor and saw much of the United States as a hobo riding freight trains and as a member of Charles T. Kelly’s industrial army (one of the many protest armies of the unemployed, like , that was born of the financial panic of 1893). London saw depression conditions, was jailed for vagrancy, and in 1894 became a militant socialist.

London educated himself at public libraries with the writings of , and , usually in popularized forms. At 19 he crammed a four-year course into one year and entered the , Berkeley, but after a year he quit school to seek a fortune in the . Returning the next year, still poor and unable to find work, he decided to earn a living as a writer.

London studied magazines and then set himself a daily schedule of producing , jokes, anecdotes , adventure stories, or , steadily increasing his output. The optimism and energy with which he attacked his task are best conveyed in his autobiographical (1909). Within two years, stories of his Alaskan adventures began to win acceptance for their fresh subject matter and virile force. His first book, The Son of the Wolf: Tales of the Far North (1900), a collection of short stories that he had previously published in magazines, gained a wide audience.

During the remainder of his life, London wrote and published steadily, completing some 50 books of fiction and nonfiction in 17 years. Although he became the highest-paid writer in the United States at that time, his earnings never matched his expenditures, and he was never freed of the urgency of writing for money. He sailed a ketch to the South Pacific, telling of his adventures in The Cruise of the Snark (1911). In 1910 he settled on a ranch near Glen Ellen, California, where he built his grandiose Wolf House. He maintained his socialist beliefs almost to the end of his life.

The Sea-Wolf Jack London writing The Sea-Wolf , 1903. Jack London State Historic Park

Jack London’s output, typically hastily written, is of uneven literary quality, though his highly romanticized stories of adventure can be compulsively readable. His Alaskan novels (1903), (1906), and Burning Daylight (1910), in which he dramatized in turn atavism, adaptability, and the appeal of the wilderness, are outstanding. His (1908), set in the Klondike, is a masterly depiction of humankind’s inability to overcome nature; it was reprinted in 1910 in the short-story collection Lost Face , one of many such volumes that London published. In addition to Martin Eden , he wrote two other autobiographical novels of considerable interest: The Road (1907) and John Barleycorn (1913). Other important novels are (1904), which features a Nietzschean hero, Humphrey Van Weyden, who battles the vicious ; and (1908), a fantasy of the future that is a terrifying anticipation of