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Cached application data will be cleared. What is cached data on a Samsung phone and can it be deleted?

All applications that are installed on your device write their data to cache memory to speed up their work. This means they take up extra space. After completing their work or during failures, applications do not always clear memory and over time the amount of free space decreases.

Clearing the cache using Android.

First you need to go to “Settings”. Next, select “Applications”. Depending on the version of Android that you have installed, select the appropriate item: “Memory Usage” or “Manage Applications” for versions 2.x or “Application Manager” for 4.x and higher.

In the available window at the top of the screen, go to the “All” tab. Here is a list of all installed programs on the device. Having selected what you need, go down a little and click “Clear cache”.

We recommend starting cleaning with those that work with errors or often freeze. By clearing memory in each application one by one, you will avoid aggressive cleaning and possible loss of necessary data. The main disadvantage of this method is that clearing the cache of the entire device will take a lot of time.

Therefore, as an alternative, we suggest you use special utilities with which you can quickly, easily, and most importantly safely clear the cache of your phone or tablet.

Clearing the cache using specialized applications.

There is a huge amount of cache for Android devices. We offer you only the best of them. By clicking on the links below, you can download all cleaning apps for free. There are also detailed instructions with video.

– It is very popular. Maximum functionality combined with simple interest. It can clear not only the cache memory, but also the entire android system.

– An equally functional application for cleaning the cache and memory of your gadget. Allows you to control applications.

– The simplest and easiest utility. Doesn't take up much space at all. The functionality and interface fully correspond to the name. Does not contain anything unnecessary, only clearing the cache.

We hope that this material was useful to you.

In the IT world, cache is present almost everywhere. And we are not talking about a slang cache that means money, but about a computer one. What it is? We will answer in this publication.

Cache is an intermediate buffer in which information with the maximum probability of being requested is stored. The cache has fast access, so programs, applications, etc. can obtain the required data as quickly as possible.

In simple terms, a cache is a storage of data that is used extremely often. It is needed for the quick functioning of various programs and applications. Frequently used data is loaded into RAM, and those data that are used most often are loaded into the cache. The main disadvantage of the cache is its limited capacity - it often gets clogged and needs to be cleaned.

Cache on the phone is also a fast-access data store that stores application data. Due to this, applications work faster, but if the cache memory is full, then you need to prioritize applications - who is entitled to quick access and who is not.

Clear cache- means removing data from quick access, that is, from cache memory. Applications that used this data will start to run a little slower, but will still be able to refill the cache.

On your smartphone, you can clear the entire cache of all applications at once. You can also enable automatic clearing of the cache so that it does not become clogged all the time. This is necessary if you periodically need this action.

If you clear the cache on your phone, nothing bad will happen. Cache data is a copy of the data in the phone's memory. If you clear the cache, the application will access different memory.

If you don’t have any problems with the system’s performance, all applications work quickly and the operating system is not buggy, then you don’t have to touch the cache.

The cache in a phone or tablet based on Android OS is an intermediate buffer with quick access in which this or that information is stored. In this case, we are talking about the data that applications use. The cache is also necessary for faster launch and access to the application. But in some cases, the cache size increases so much that the system may slow down, and due to lack of space, it will not be possible to install new applications. Therefore, today we will talk about how to actually clear this cache. Please note that the manufacturer of the device does not matter, whether it is Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, LG, HTC, Xiaomi, etc., since the algorithm of actions will be the same. The difference can only be in the arrangement of elements depending on the type of firmware.

Clearing the cache: everything at once

So, the easiest way to clear the cache. Go to the device settings.

We see all available memory. There is an item here called "Cache Data" which specifies the amount of memory used for the cache. In our case, this is 147 MB ​​- far from a record.

We click on this item, after which an additional window appears that asks us whether we need to clear the cache? Click on the OK button to confirm the action.

The cache has been cleared.

Clear cache for one application

You can clear the cache for each individual application. To do this, you need to go to the settings again, only this time select the “Applications” section.

Here you will see a list of applications, including third-party ones. Find the application you need and tap on it.

On the application page we see the “Cache” subsection. The cache size will also be indicated here. Click on the “Clear cache” button, after which it will be automatically deleted.

Clear cache using an app

The cache can be cleared using the application. To do this, go to Google Play Market and download, for example, the Clean Master application.

After installation, launch it. Click on the “Trash” button so that the system finds all unnecessary files.

The calculation is completed and we see 441 MB of data that can be deleted, including the application cache. Click on the “Clear” button, after which the system deletes everything itself.

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What is a cache and what is it for? Many have heard this term, but have no idea what its role is in a smartphone. Find out what cached data is and whether you can delete it.

What is cached data

The operating system is designed so that the user can conveniently and quickly receive information. A cache is an intermediate buffer containing information that may be requested. It speeds up re-downloading of photos, videos, apps, programs, etc.

“Cache” translated from English means ‘to hide’. Cached data is information that is stored in an intermediate buffer and quickly reproduced upon request.

For example, you go to Facebook from Android and watch a video. In this case, the following data is saved and used when reopening:

  • application settings;
  • icons;
  • pages;
  • video.

Cache memory contains not only the data that is needed, but also a lot of information that is no longer needed. Is it possible to clear the cache, read in the next section.

Is it possible to delete the cache?

You've learned what cache memory is, now let's figure out how to handle it.

If the device's RAM is full of operational data, the gadget may display errors and notify that there is not enough memory.

It is necessary to clear the cache periodically. There is nothing to fear: all applications and files will remain unharmed. You can delete the cache in two ways, namely:

  • manually (in general memory settings or separately in each application);
  • using special installed applications.

After the cache is completely cleared, the device will accumulate new data, but until this happens, the following inconveniences may occur:

  1. Some applications take a long time to open. After the first download, information about them will be saved and the speed will increase.
  2. The work of the browser and social networks is delayed. This problem will also disappear after opening applications for the first time.

Cache is RAM that allows you to quickly access information, but its overflow negatively affects the operation of the phone. How and what cached data to delete is up to you to decide individually.

You may have already noticed that sooner or later, the phone begins to freeze, slow down, switch between applications very slowly, etc. This indicates that the phone has accumulated a lot of cached files from applications and browsers that are created during their operation. A large volume of such “garbage” makes the phone very slow and irritates you. It will be useful for all owners of various mobile gadgets to know how to clear the cache in the Android OS, which we will talk about in our article.

What kind of cache is there?

There are three types of cache on Android:

  1. Dalvik-cache- this is a type of information that is present in every Android OS and is responsible for the execution of all programs. It has its own partition and you cannot clear this cache manually.
  2. System application files– system cache, which is created during the operation of main applications. Located in the /cache folder. It is highly not recommended to clear or touch it at all, since deleting the cache may lead to errors in the operation of the system.
  3. User Application Data– cache of applications that were installed while using the gadget. These include games, news applications, browsers, and more. Unneeded information may be stored either in the phone's memory or on a removable SD card, depending on where the applications are installed. There are two ways to clear this cache on your Android phone. Manually and using special utilities.

To clean the system manually on Android OS, you must follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Settings” menu
  • Select the “Memory” tab
  • Select "App Data" and go to "All"
  • From the list, select the application whose cache you want to delete
  • In the window that opens, click the “Clear data” button
  • Confirm your action by clicking "OK"

Once you've deleted your data from an app, you may need to log in again or enter some credentials into the app when you use it again, so be sure you have all the information you need to do so.

There are countless different programs for removing system files from your phone. The programs are popular due to the fact that the user requires minimal knowledge of phones or tablets. I opened it, pressed a couple of buttons and that’s it, absolutely everything was deleted; it was deleted without any harmful consequences; among the most popular, programs such as:

  • Cash Cleaner Easy
  • Clean Master
  • CCleaner

Cache Cleaner Easy– a simple utility for cleaning “garbage” from the phone’s memory. The program was translated into Russian to expand the audience of users. The principle of operation of the program is simple: you scan your mobile device and then, by checking the boxes, select those pieces of information that need to be deleted. Or simply clear the cache of the entire device. The application is no different from many other similar ones, it is very simple, scans the system and displays the result. Perfect for those who don’t want to wait for a deep system scan, but want to quickly clean and forget. But for those who rarely “clean” their gadget, it is better to choose a program that scans the entire system more thoroughly.

Clean Master is a free, popular application among users for Android phones and tablets. Performs several useful functions, namely:

  1. clear cache
  2. speeding up the device by closing unnecessary processes
  3. optimization and uninstallation of space in the device memory

It is worth noting that the program has the ability to install its modules on the home screen in the form of widgets, which significantly simplifies the process of performing application functions. You do not need to open it, but simply activate the widget. The utility does not require Root rights to perform its work, but having these rights will significantly improve the performance of the application and the gadget as a whole.

CCleaner- a very popular and powerful software for Windows OS, now available for Android devices. The application menu contains diagrams describing the states of the RAM and internal memory of the device. By clicking on the “Analysis” button, a full scan of all parameters of the smartphone’s memory will take place, after which the user will be given cleaning options, either automatic (will delete everything it considers unnecessary “garbage”), or detailed, where the user can select files for cleaning himself, right down to the phone's call history. The program has established itself as a high-quality “cleaner” that can compete with Clean Master.

In order to clear the browser cache, you can use either cleaning programs, where the utility will do everything for you and nothing will be required of you. Or, through the “Settings” menu, where you need to find the desired browser to clear the cache and manually clear it. Or, go to the desired browser (there are often several of them on phones) and, in the browser menu, select “History”. After opening this item, select the “Clear history” item, select the “images and other files saved in the cache” item, click “delete data”, after which the cache of all files is permanently deleted.

Be careful, as your login and password may also be deleted from the browser’s memory for those pages for which you clear Cookies.


To summarize this article, I would like to say that the task is not so difficult. Today it was carefully described to the smallest detail how to clear the cache on Android devices, which method and program to use is a purely personal matter for everyone, but the only important thing is that each of the methods is important in its own way and knowledge about the various options for deleting the cache can be useful in any situation . You should not always rely only on the program or manual cleaning, the program sees only what is embedded in its code, and with manual cleaning you may not notice all the “junk files” and nevertheless, both options should be used at least once every 2-3 months.