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How to plant bulbous begonia. Growing tuberous begonia: planting and care in the garden. Preparing tubers for planting

Tuberous begonia is a herbaceous perennial plant that forms a tuber due to the growth of part of the stem (the area between the attachment of the cotyledons and the root collar). This is the main feature of tuberous begonia, and its main advantage is its very beautiful flowering.


In the middle of the 19th century. began selling a begonia hybrid created from 2 wild species, the origin of which was Bolivia. Next, different species were crossed with it, the homelands of which were Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile. The modern assortment was created on the basis of at least 7 species. Terry forms were first developed by breeder Louis Van Goutte in Belgium. This state is still called the largest European producer today. The country has allocated 400 hectares for these plants, and about 100 million tubers are produced annually.

In gardening, varieties are divided into large-flowered, medium-flowered and small-flowered.

Popular varieties of large-flowered form:

  • Harlequin - edged, grows up to 24 cm, blooms yellow with a red edge, flower diameter 11.5 cm;
  • Bud de Rose - pink-shaped, grows up to 24.5 cm, blooms with a pink tint, flower diameter 18 cm;
  • Dak Red - peony-shaped, grow up to 15 cm, dark red flower, diameter 10 cm.
  • Popular varieties of medium-flowered form:
  • Multiflora maxima Wye t - grows about 16.5 cm, the flower is white, 10 cm in diameter;
  • Switzerland - height 15.5 cm, dark red flower, 6 cm in diameter;
  • Tasso - height 15.5 cm, flower of a rich red hue, diameter 6 cm.
  • Popular small-flowered varieties:
  • Ami Jean Bard - height 11.5 cm, orange flower, 3 cm in diameter;
  • La Madelon - height 14.5 cm, pink flower, diameter 4 cm;
  • Frau Helene Grams - height 11.5 cm, orange-yellow flower, 3 cm in diameter.

Tuberous begonia is characterized by its ability to purify the air in the house and kill harmful microorganisms. In group planting, plant activity increases. In folk medicine, infusions are prepared that take:

  • elderly people;
  • for colds;
  • bad mood.

Tuberous begonia, growing and blooming well, brings happiness. If the plant withers, this is a signal about the deterioration of the situation in the house or about the appearance of ill-wishers.

How to care for begonia at home?

Before planting, the site is prepared. The soil must be water and breathable. Clayey, heavy soils are not suitable. They can be improved by adding sand and peat. Organic fertilizers are applied to sandy soils with low fertility.

The plant is characterized by sensitivity to intense sunlight. It will bloom beautifully in partial shade. But if the planting site is heavily shaded, then the shoots become elongated, the tuberous begonia sheds its leaves, and the formation of flowers will not occur or there will be only a few of them. The shoots of the bushes are very delicate and can be damaged by the wind, so the plantings must be protected from strong winds.

Before planting the plants, the soil needs to be watered for a couple of days. Throughout the entire period of growth and development of tuberous begonia, it is necessary to ensure regular watering. But if the soil is waterlogged, the leaves will begin to fall. A very important point is the arrangement of drainage, which will ensure prompt removal of excess water.

Tuberous begonia is a non-winter-hardy plant; low temperatures easily damage it. Therefore, they are planted in the ground at the end of spring or early summer.

The plant is planted with formed leaves and buds. Before planting, the tubers are kept in boxes in an earthen substrate for 2.5 months (sprouts should appear). Before this, they are disinfected - kept for about 2 hours in a 0.06% solution of potassium permanganate or 0.2% solution of foundationazole. Place in boxes at a distance of 11-12 cm so that there is enough space for the formation of the root system. The tubers are covered with earthen mixture, the tops are left on the surface. Then they need to be watered evenly and left in a bright place at a temperature of 18-20°C.

Water as it dries. From the third week of May, for hardening, you need to reduce the intensity of watering and increase the frequency of ventilation. When the seedlings grow to 12 cm and the roots become well developed, they are transplanted to a permanent site.

Tuberous begonia is planted in open ground, maintaining a distance of 18-20 cm between neighboring plants. Plants are watered regularly, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. After watering, the soil is loosened and fed with fertilizers every 2 weeks.

When the plant grows to 7 cm, the top is trimmed to stimulate the formation of side shoots.

After the latter grow to 11-12 cm, their tops are cut off to form additional branches. Next, the shape of the bush can be slightly adjusted, excessively long branches can be trimmed or removed. To awaken dormant buds, pinch off the top of the bush and cut off the branches growing at the bottom of the stem.

Diseases and pests: treatment methods

Tuberous begonia is a delicate and capricious plant that needs careful care and attention. If grown improperly, the plant can be damaged by diseases and pests.


  • leaf nematode - damages young shoots, buds and leaf apparatus, the plant dies. The bushes are treated with 0.05-0.2% heterophos;
  • greenhouse aphid - damages young shoots, flowers and leaf apparatus, feeds on sap. In a greenhouse, the reproduction process takes place year-round. The bushes are treated with a 2-4% soap solution (200-350 g of laundry soap per 10 liters of water), tobacco infusion (100 g infused in warm water for 48 hours, filtered, diluted 2 times with water), and insecticide solutions.


  • powdery mildew - the entire above-ground part of the bush suffers. Individual spots with a white coating merge, a powdery coating forms, and the leaves dry out. Tuberous begonia is treated with fungicides, a solution of colloidal sulfur (0.3-0.5%), copper-soap solution (20 g of soap and 2 g of copper sulfate are dissolved in 1 liter of water);
  • gray mold – the disease is caused by a fungal pathogen. Spots with a gray coating form on the plant, then they transform into brown rot. The bushes are treated with fungicides, Bordeaux mixture (1%), copper-soap solution (20 g of soap and 2 g of copper sulfate are dissolved in 1 liter of water).

What to do with tuberous begonia in the fall?

In autumn, initial frosts do not harm the tubers, so tuberous begonia is dug up after the leaves have fallen. A significant increase in tubers occurs at the end of the growing season due to the accumulated supply of nutrients and the establishment of renewal points.

In the house, the potted plant will bloom almost until the end of autumn. In October, the intensity of watering is reduced. After flowering is completed, the shoots are cut off and the tubers remain in dry soil or sand at a temperature of 8-10°C. In March - April they are transplanted into fresh soil mixture and watered regularly. When sprouts appear, the pots are placed in the light. If a large number of shoots are formed, they are partially used for cuttings, leaving 1-2 of the best shoots.

How to store tuberous begonia in winter?

After digging, the tubers are carefully cleaned of soil and dried with ventilation. After 2 weeks, the remaining shoots are removed, and the well-dried tubers are placed tightly in a box in one layer, sprinkled with dry sand or peat, and stored at 11-12°C.

How to propagate tuberous begonia?

There are 3 methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • tubers;
  • cuttings.

The seed propagation method has several advantages. During the year we receive:

  • conditioned tubers;
  • flowering plants.

Seed material is sown in late December - early February. The earthen substrate is characterized by good moisture capacity and light structure. Tuberous begonia seeds are not embedded in the substrate, they are sprayed with water, covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 25-27°C. Crops must be sprayed regularly, but the seedlings must not be exposed to drops condensed from inside the glass. The glass must be raised for ventilation and moisture drainage. After the seeds have sprouted (2 weeks after sowing), the temperature must be lowered to 18°C. After another 2 weeks, the glasses are removed. In December - January, crops need to be illuminated for 5 hours in the morning and evening; in February - March, additional illumination time is reduced.

The dive is carried out twice:

  • when the plants reach the 2-3 leaf phase, the distance between neighbors should be 2-2.5 cm;
  • after 30 days, when the plants become crowded. The distance between seedlings is 5-10 cm.
    Once every 14 days, seedlings are fed with a fertilizer solution. When it is very sunny, the plants need to be shaded. It is also necessary to harden them - leave them in the open air. After 1.5 months, the seedlings can be planted.

The maximum increase in tubers occurs in September-October. When sown in December-January and appropriately cared for at the end of the growing season, they grow up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

The method of propagation by cuttings has the advantage that the varietal characteristics of the plant are completely preserved. The disadvantage of the method is a decrease in the yield of planting material. Royal tubers should be placed in boxes with soil mixture, crushed with humus and moistened. When the shoots grow to 6 cm, they are carefully broken out and planted in boxes filled with a sand-humus mixture. When it is very hot and sunny, the seedlings are shaded and the soil is regularly moistened.

After about 20 days, roots form. Plants are transplanted into boxes, the distance from each other should be 10 cm. Placed in a well-lit place, at a temperature of 21-22°C. Subsequently, the seedlings are fed with fertilizers and watered. In the fall, they are transported to a greenhouse for growing and kept until November, reducing the intensity of watering.

Then the tubers are processed and stored for winter.

Tuberous begonia can also be propagated by stem cuttings. In February - March, side shoots should be cut off from a potted plant, placed in a container of water or planted in a pot and covered with a glass container. After the formation of the root system, the seedlings dive.

As a rule, 5-10 buds sprout on good tubers - this depends on their age and size.

They can be cut into pieces with 1-2 shoots. Before planting, the cut must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Use in landscape design

Upright plants are planted in above-ground containers or flower beds. They look great against the background of a decorative “wall”, in a white plastic flowerpot with a back wall, against a background of gray crushed stone or painted pebbles.

The beauty of blooming tuberous begonia will not leave anyone indifferent; it will improve the mood of every person. It is necessary to care for the plant carefully and painstakingly, but in gratitude you will receive beautiful flowering bushes. If you wish, you can arrange a magnificent flowering garden on your windowsill.

Currently, there are more than four hundred different types of begonia, and its varietal diversity goes beyond imagination. Some are distinguished by graceful flowering, not inferior in beauty to roses, while other varieties, blooming more modestly, are distinguished by very decorative foliage. The most popular among gardeners are ever-flowering and tuberous begonias. They are capricious, but at the same time very effective.

Features of the view

Tuberous begonia is a perennial, one of the most beautiful species among these flowers. Every year its popularity only grows, and the number of varieties increases. The difference between tuberous begonia and rhizomatous begonia is that it forms tubers up to 6 cm. It can be grown as a houseplant and as a garden plant.

Begonia has branching stems and shoots And. Depending on the shape of the bush and the size of the flower itself, tuberous begonia is divided into the following types:

  • hanging - plants that form on a long vine;
  • large-flowered with a total size of 9 to 21 centimeters (for example, begonia Multiflora Maxima);
  • medium-flowered - flower size reaches 8 centimeters;
  • small-flowered crops.

Begonia flowers come in a variety of colors and shapes - from simple to double, reminiscent of camellia, rose or peony.

The difficulty with how to grow tuberous begonia is that each species and variety reacts differently to the same conditions. For example, large-flowered species grow and bloom best in partial shade, while small-sized hybrids prefer bright sunny color. However, almost all varieties react negatively to sudden changes in temperature and even mild frosts outside. Flowering under conditions of insufficient watering noticeably deteriorates. In this case, the root system of the flower cannot fully develop, and the begonia soon dies.

Begonia propagation

The culture can be propagated in several ways: by seeds, leaf cuttings, by growing from a tuberous rhizome (division).

Planting and care are difficult because the seeds of the crop are very small. To make planting easier, the manufacturer sprays each seed with a special soluble coating. Sowing seeds into a pre-prepared substrate can be done using two methods. In the first case, the seeds can be sown directly into the soil, after which the soil must be moistened to stimulate the growth of the crop. In the second case, granulated begonia seeds are laid out on a thin layer of snow. After the snow melts, the seeds will fall into the moist soil on their own.

After sowing the seeds, the planting container should be covered with a special plastic film. When growing begonia from seeds at home, you need to regularly check the room temperature. Shoots appear most quickly at temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the soil must remain moist at all times, otherwise the seed coat may become hard, which will prevent young seedlings from hatching.

Growing from a tuber

Growing a plant from a tuber is the easiest and most reliable way. Material for further planting should be collected immediately after the last flowers of the donor bush have faded. To do this, begonia tubers are dug out of the ground, leaving a little soil on them. Are waiting until the soil is completely dry and place the tuber in a special container filled with peat and sand. The planting remains in the container for the winter. To preserve the plant in winter, the container with soil needs to be watered from time to time. After the cold weather has passed, the tuber must be cleared of soil and planted in a permanent growing location.

Another common method is dividing an adult tuber. This planting method is also used after the winter season.

Plant cuttings

The cutting method is not as popular as the first few. For this planting method, you need to choose a cutting that will have two buds at once. The leaves growing on it are cut off in half. To quickly root seedlings, you can use a substrate that includes a mixture of peat and sand. A special hole should be created in the soil and the previously prepared cutting should be carefully placed in it.

Afterwards, the container can be covered with a transparent bag or a cut part of a plastic bottle can be placed on top. While the cutting is actively rooting, you need to regularly collect condensation from the lid. If everything is done correctly, the roots will form within three weeks from the moment of planting.

Plant care

Uncomfortable living conditions lead to the fact that the plant stops growing and develops poorly. Incorrect lighting, to which tuberous begonia is very sensitive, leads especially quickly to plant diseases.

Growing and caring for this species cannot be called simple. Before purchasing it, you need to clarify what kind of lighting the selected variety prefers. In any case, place the pot in a place that will be well lit, but protected from direct sunlight. It is not recommended to place the plant in a place with unstable lighting, as this can lead to the buds falling off. It has been noticed that begonias practically do not bloom on northern windowsills. Moving the plant often causes the condition to worsen. If the begonia grew on the western side, on the southern side it may get leaf burns.

Flowers also need to be provided with an even, warm, but not hot air temperature..

Watering and spraying

The flowers and leaves of begonia do not tolerate strong humidity, so it is not recommended to spray the plant itself, otherwise obligate pests will appear on it, which will cause the plant buds to rot and large spots to appear on the leaves. Sometimes you need to spray in the room itself, but not get it on the begonia.

In hot weather, the flower requires a lot of water. The soil should be given time to dry between waterings. Water the young plant carefully so as not to damage the tubers.

Feeding and fertilizer

Begonia is highly sensitive to various fertilizers, so during the growing season the crop should be fertilized at least two to three times. It is better not to use only one type of fertilizer, but to add organic and mineral fertilizers. The first time you need to add fertilizer is after the formation of buds, 10-14 days after transplantation. From a large number organic fertilizers Mullein is best suited for the plant. Before using fertilizer, you need to calculate a special proportion. For efficiency per 1 sq. m. 10 liters of fertilizer are used, to which 2 g of boric acid is added.

As soon as the first flowers appear, you need to refill the fertilizer. The plant needs complex nutrition containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. At least 80 grams of each component is taken. The third fertilizing should be included in the soil no earlier than two weeks later. Fertilizer should consist of 20 parts of mullein and one part of magnesium sulfate. For the fourth time, potassium fertilizer must be added to the soil, and for the fifth time, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer with the addition of 15 g of magnesium sulfate.

Winter storage

At the end of summer, watering is gradually reduced; at the end of the autumn season, the tubers of the plant are removed for the winter. To do this, all above-ground parts are removed from them and placed in a cool place. The cellar is not suitable - it is too cold there, this can provoke the development of diseases. In your apartment, you can store tubers near the balcony door directly in the pots in which the begonia grew, or in a box or box with sawdust, sand, peat, or vermiculite. In winter, the tubers are periodically moistened. In spring, new shoots appear from the tubers.

Diseases and treatment for them

From uncomfortable conditions content, begonia weakens and is easily infected with various diseases.

In addition, begonia is often affected by fungal diseases. You can fight them with copper sulfate, and for prevention, the room where the plant is located must be regularly ventilated. Another common disease is bacterial blight, which causes watery spots to form on the bottom of the plant leaf. After some time, the spots will begin to change color and the shoots will turn black. This disease is incurable the plant needs to be thrown away, and neighboring specimens should be quarantined.

However, with proper care, your begonia will produce gorgeous flowers that will appear almost continuously for several months.

Attention, TODAY only!

Among the many flower crops, begonia is perhaps the most popular plant. This demand can be explained by the variety of varieties, colors, ease of reproduction and ease of care. Among the wide range, tuberous begonia stands out. The people's favorite has won attention and reverent attitude not only as a houseplant, but also as a decoration for flower beds, rose gardens, gardens, verandas, terraces and gazebos.

Not only a professional florist, but also a novice amateur gardener can grow a gorgeous, abundantly blooming flower.

There are 3 main subgroups of tuberous begonia:

  • with large flowers;
  • with medium flowers;
  • with small flowers (simple, double).

However, this is not the entire list of cultural divisions. There is a much larger list of varieties and types of tuberous begonia. Here are photos of 10 of the most common options. One of them is the ever-blooming begonia.

You bought begonia tubers in the spring, how do you store the tubers before planting them in a pot or soil?

Those who want to grow luxurious begonia bushes in their own garden or plot often purchase unique specimens in the spring. Here it is important to know how to preserve tubers before planting them in a pot or soil. If you bought begonia tubers in the spring, but the warmth has not yet arrived, and the earth has not warmed up enough, you can do the following.

First of all, the tubers should be treated with special solutions that stimulate growth (Stimul, Epin) and prevent rotting (Fitolavin, Maxim). You can buy them at gardening stores, or use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The treated tubers are placed in prepared shallow containers with a substrate of sand, peat, napkins, and toilet paper. The mixture must be thoroughly moistened, the tubers are arranged in rows, the containers are covered with film and stored in a warm room. This procedure will allow the tubers to take root and prepare for further planting.

When to plant tuberous begonia in a garden pot after winter?

For proper flower replanting, it is important to know when to plant tuberous begonia in a garden pot after winter. The best option in this case would be the time after rooting of the treated tubers. As a rule, this is February, March. How to do this was discussed above.

Well-rooted tubers get rid of old roots and dried substrate. A properly selected pot and high-quality soil will allow you to preserve the plant until planting in the garden. Therefore, choose a container that is not too deep and wide, about 1 liter and up to 12 cm in diameter.

When to plant begonia tubers in the ground after winter?

Lovers of indoor flowers are often interested in the question of when to plant begonia tubers in the ground after winter. Here, experienced breeders definitely advise not to rush into planting, but to wait for the warmth and good warming of the soil. Begonia is a fairly heat-loving plant, so the best time for planting it in the ground will be May - June.

Before planting in open ground, begonia should be hardened off. To do this, containers with tubers can be placed in a cool, shaded place during the day, and removed to a warm room at night. The hardening procedure can last a month or two.

Begonia tubers have many buds, how can you divide a tuber for propagation?

Very often, by spring, begonia tubers have many buds. And lovers of flower culture are interested in the question of how to divide the tuber for further propagation. It’s worth saying right away that plants propagated in this way bloom later than ordinary begonias. Tubers can only be divided from 3-year-old begonias.

In order for the plant to survive this method more easily, the tuber must be prepared and germinated on a moist peat substrate 2 weeks in advance. Only after waiting for 5-centimeter shoots to appear is the tuber cut into pieces along the shoots.

How to disinfect tuber cuts?

After the division procedure, gardeners are often interested in how to disinfect the tuber cuts. The sections must be treated with a strong solution of manganese, crushed with activated or regular carbon, allowed to dry and left in the peat mixture for 2 weeks for germination. Such simple processing is needed to avoid possible suppuration of the tuber.

How to plant a begonia tuber in a pot?

Despite the fact that begonias are unpretentious indoor plants, lovers should know how to plant a begonia tuber in a pot. Rather, it is important to understand which container is best to choose. Begonia roots do not grow deep, but spread out, so the device must be wide enough. If you have no intention of replanting the begonia in open ground in the spring, then it is better to buy a large pot, up to 3 liters.

The tuber itself with the sprouted shoot is slightly pressed into a small depression in the soil so that the new bud is visible. The opinion that the tuber needs to be buried at least 5 cm deep is erroneous. The ideal planting is considered to be a protruding part of the tuber above the ground of about 1 cm. As the buds grow, the soil mixture around the tuber with shoots is added again.

How to plant a begonia tuber in the ground?

As mentioned earlier, begonia must be hardened off well before planting in open ground. The hardening has passed, the begonia has prepared for the upcoming planting. How to properly plant a begonia tuber in the ground?

To begin with, let us remember that begonia came to us from the distant tropics. Therefore, the flower should be replanted in open places only in warm weather, preferably in the month of June. Planting on insulated balconies and loggias can be carried out earlier. Cold air and unheated soil in the garden flower bed will destroy the exotic beauty.

Depending on the variety, the tubers are planted at a distance from each other of 15 by 15 cm, 20 by 20 cm, 30 by 30 cm. Tubers with sprouted roots are deepened 5 cm into the ground, after which they are sprinkled with ash and humus.

Which place is considered successful for begonias: sun, shade or partial shade?

When coming up with the design of a flower bed in a garden plot, it is important to know which place is considered successful for begonias: sun, shade or partial shade. Begonias do not like bright, direct sunlight. They burn their tender beautiful leaves. The shadow also does not benefit the capricious beauty. Too shaded places do not allow begonias to bloom in all their glory. The flowers in this case are faded, small and quickly fall off. The best option would be light partial shade, without direct sunlight.

Wind and tuberous begonia how to protect?

An important factor in choosing a site for begonias is the correct location. Wind and tuberous begonia are incompatible things, so you need to know how to protect a rather delicate plant from sudden gusts.

Summer thunderstorms with strong gusty winds are not uncommon. For most plants, fresh coolness is only beneficial, and powerful wind currents are not scary. But not for tropical begonia, whose stems are so delicate and fragile that, despite the voluminous bushes, they break instantly from strong winds. To avoid this, it is better to plant begonia in places sheltered from the winds. Even for a garden, container planting is still an ideal option.

Begonia stem garter, photo

One of the plant care measures is staking the begonia stem; a photo of the correct support is presented below.

As a rule, indoor begonias are mostly low-growing. Tuberous flowers are much larger and require staking. With proper support, the stems will not break and the flower will delight its owners with abundant flowering and the beauty of the leaves for a long time.

Feeding and watering tuberous begonias

In order for begonias to enjoy long-term flowering, it is necessary to carefully care for them. Feeding and watering tuberous begonia in the right amount will give strength to the luxurious plant. It is important to follow the proportions of mineral additives exactly according to the instructions, otherwise you can harm the flower. Tuberous begonias require a competent approach with fertilizers.

The first fertilizing with ammonium nitrate to stimulate the growth and expansion of greenery can be done even when planting tubers in pots. Further, this fertilizer should not be used, since an excess of nitrogen will lead to the fact that the plant will begin to gain only green mass and will not bloom.

The main feeding of begonias is carried out once every 2 weeks.

It is very important to keep the following in mind:

  • the plant itself should be located in a well-lit and ventilated room - this is necessary for better absorption of fertilizers;
  • a couple of hours before applying fertilizers, the soil must be well moistened;
  • Feeding begonias is carried out in the evening;
  • Fertilizers should not be allowed to come into contact with the flower itself;
  • compliance with strict proportions.

To improve flowering, begonia is fed with complex mineral fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron. All this composition plus an additional set of useful vitamins is contained in such preparations as “Kemira Lux”, “Good Power”, “Begonia”. In addition to those mentioned, there are many others that are no less useful and in demand.

In addition to feeding tuberous begonias, proper watering is very important:

  • the plant cannot be sprayed, otherwise when it comes into contact with water, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and rot;
  • use settled water;
  • In summer, water abundantly, but every other day, otherwise flooding of the plant cannot be avoided;
  • In winter, water only with warm water and once a week;
  • after watering, it is recommended to loosen the top layer of soil to saturate it with oxygen and better soak it in moisture;
  • as an option, you can use the method of immersing the container in a pan of water for 20 minutes;
  • You can place a container of water next to the begonia to humidify the air.

Having spent some time and a little effort caring for begonias, lovers of indoor flowers will be able to enjoy lush and long-lasting flowering for a long time.

Autumn in the life of tuberous begonia

After a warm summer, just like in people’s lives, tuberous begonia comes into autumn. Since the plant is heat-loving, gardeners need to properly prepare begonia for wintering. With the onset of autumn, they wait until the upper part of the plant dies completely. After this, before frost sets in, the tubers are carefully dug up, leaving part of the soil and placed in a sand-peat mixture in a cold basement.

As an option, storing tuberous begonias in the refrigerator is used. To do this, place the tubers in a bag with a substrate of pine needles and sawdust. The contents of the package should be moistened periodically.

All tuberous begonias need peace and rest. Therefore, after harvesting, the tubers should not be moved; they should be kept for at least 3 months.

How to preserve tuberous begonia in winter?

Lovers of indoor and garden plants are often concerned with the question of how to preserve tuberous begonia in winter. There's nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to dig up the tubers on time and correctly. If the plant blooms, wait until the foliage dies and the flowers fall off. The tubers are not shaken off the ground. Be sure to sort by size, cut, allow to dry and place in prepared trays with a substrate of peat, sand, sawdust, and pine needles.

Awakening of begonia in tuberous spring

After a long winter hibernation, begonia awakens in the tuberous spring. This usually happens in March - early April. The buds on the tubers begin to swell and the sprouts become barely noticeable. At this point, the begonia is placed in a warmer room, wait until the buds grow to 5-6 cm and are seated in separate containers. The transplantation process was discussed above. Begonia germination can take up to one month. You shouldn’t rush things, but let your pet gain strength for a new summer flowering.

Video: planting and caring for tuberous begonia

Tuberous begonia from seeds, planting and care master class

The delightful aroma and beauty of this flower are well known to gardeners. We are talking about begonia - one of the popular types of flowers. Although the plant is small in height - only 25 cm, it looks great on windows, in greenhouses, flower beds, hanging flowerpots and boxes. Let's look at how to plant begonia in a pot.

Types of begonias and their differences

Initially, begonia was grown only in greenhouses, but today breeders have developed many new varieties that are resistant to cold climates. Thanks to this, gardeners can grow the flower in any region of the country, both in homes and gardens. But before choosing the flowers you like, you need to know about their characteristics and cultivation in order to avoid mistakes and be able to admire the beauty of blooming begonias.

Begonia has its own characteristics of reproduction, transplantation and planting

There are more than a thousand different varieties of begonias known in the world. Based on the type of root system, they are all divided into three types:

  1. Tuberous. They have tubers that are located underground. They reproduce by tubers.
  2. Leafy. They have a thickened rhizome, which is used for propagation.
  3. Bush. The root parts of this type of flower are not used for propagation.

Tuberous varieties are the most popular among gardeners.

Choice for planting begonia tubers

When buying bulbs (tubers), you need to choose the largest ones, more than 3 cm in diameter. This is a guarantee that the plants will grow beautiful and strong. If only small bulbs are included, there is no need to worry, they will also bloom in the first year, although the number of flowers will be much less.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the appearance of each tuber: there should be no damage, suspicious spots, and especially rot. The tubers should be smooth, dense and not overdried.

Each tuber has an upper and lower side, but it is very difficult for beginners to distinguish between them. The following information will help you understand where the top is and where the bottom is: the bottom side of the tubers is convex, and the top side is flat or concave. In addition, the upper parts have growth points. These are barely noticeable bumps and bumps. If you managed to purchase a large tuber with a large number of growth points, you can cut it into several parts with a knife. But at the same time, you need to make sure that each of them has at least 3 growth points.

Preparing the soil for planting

Begonias are very demanding of the soil and its quality, so it is better for beginners not to experiment and buy a ready-made soil mixture designed specifically for begonias. If you have experience in planting flowers, you can prepare the substrate yourself.

For adult tubers, you can prepare the following mixture:

  1. Deciduous soil (three parts).
  2. Sand (one part).
  3. Peat (one part)
  4. Rotted manure (one part).

Everything needs to be mixed well and the loose, fibrous, humus-rich soil is ready. The only thing you need to remember is that it must have a neutral acid reaction, so it is best to stick to the specified components and their quantities.

What do begonia tubers look like?

Choosing a pot for tubers or bulbs

When choosing a container for planting begonias, you do not have to search for any special pots: they can be of any shape, and their size depends on the size of the tuber: the larger it is, the greater the amount of nutrients it has accumulated. This means that many shoots will grow from such a tuber, which will need space. Therefore, you should proceed from this parameter and choose, for example, for a tuber 5-6 cm in size, a pot with a diameter of about 15 cm. For smaller tubers, accordingly, you will need a smaller container, for larger ones - a larger one. »

It is dangerous to purchase pots that are too large because the root system is not very developed. Some of the soil in the container will remain undeveloped. Because of this, it will turn sour, which will lead to flower disease or rotting. For those flower growers who are rarely at home and cannot water their flowers on time, it is advisable to purchase a pot 3-4 cm larger than needed. Then, in the absence of timely watering, begonias will not suffer - there will always be enough moisture.

How to plant begonia in a pot?

When the substrate is ready, pots are available (necessarily with drainage holes in the required quantity at the bottom), you can begin planting the tubers. This should be done in February - early March. The process itself is carried out as follows:

  1. Wash the pots, disinfect with potassium permanganate, rinse and dry.
  2. Place a drainage layer on the bottom. Its thickness should be at least 1 cm. It is advisable that the drainage occupies a third or a fourth of the planting container.
  3. Sprinkle some soil mixture over the drainage. Flatten it and compact it. The pot should now be half full.
  4. Remove dead roots from tubers and disinfect them with fungicide or potassium permanganate.
  5. Try on how the tuber will fit into the container. It should not be higher than the level of the pot. If 1.5-2.0 cm remains free to the top, then this is the ideal location of the tuber. If it is deeper, then you need to add soil again and check if everything was done correctly.
  6. Now you need to remove the root again and moisten the soil well. But you can’t be zealous - it shouldn’t become dirt.
  7. Place the tuber. Fill the free space on the sides with soil. There is no need to bury the tuber completely yet. The soil will close the eyes and they will not be able to germinate. Therefore, until sprouts appear, the tuber remains open on top. "

If the tubers are young, there is no need to leave more than 2 sprouts on them - they will not be able to provide the required number of branches. On old tubers, the number of sprouts left can be increased to 5.

Features of planting begonia bulbs

There are several ways to plant bulbs. Each of them has its own advantages.

Begonia tuber close up

In the table we consider the features of each growing method.

Way Features of germination Accommodation Planting in the soil
Option one Grow indoors. 30-35 days before the possible last frost, plant the bulbs in pots or boxes When using boxes, the distance between the bulbs should not be less than 8 cm. The bulbs are covered with earth 2 cm high on top After a month, when the bulbs have sprouted and the threat of frost has passed, the plants can be planted in the soil
Option two Suitable for southern regions where frosts practically never occur Place the bulbs in the prepared holes (5 cm deep). The distance between them should be at least 25 cm. Sprinkle the bulbs with soil 2.0-2.5 cm high Planted bulbs should be watered when the soil is almost dry. At the same time, water should not be allowed to get on the bulbs or young shoots. Weeds must be removed regularly so that they do not oppress the flowers and create a damp microclimate around them
Option three Foresees growing bulbs as perennials. To do this, in the fall, the bulbs are dug up along with a lump of earth, dried indoors and stored in boxes all winter. Residents of the southern regions may not dig up begonias for the winter, but leave them to winter, with a little insulation in case of frost In the spring, carefully separate the roots if necessary and plant them in the soil. This could be a greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground. Planting time depends on whether the bulbs will be germinated indoors or outdoors. It can be planted in open ground at the beginning of May, in closed ground – 3-4 weeks earlier. Removing weeds, moderate watering

You need to work with the bulbs very carefully - they are very delicate and after a blow or damage they may not germinate at all. »

What does begonia look like during flowering?

Caring for plants after transplantation

After the planting process is completed, the begonia is not watered until the pale shoots begin to grow. All this time, the pot should be in a warm, well-lit room. The lighting should be bright but diffuse. Water when the young shoots begin to turn green. But they water it so that water does not get on either the sprouts or the tuber. Therefore, it is best to immerse the pot in a container of water below the level of the tuber for a short time so that the soil does not become too damp.

After the young shoots rise to a height of 5-6 cm and the first leaves unfold on them, the tuber needs to be sprinkled with earth. After this, adventitious roots will appear on the tuber, which will help the adult plant stay in the soil and not fall out of the pot. Next, begonia should also be watered by immersion.

How and when to fertilize begonias?

Begonia, no less than other types of ornamental plants, needs feeding, protection, and replenishment of substances necessary for growth, budding and flowering. Today, manufacturers produce a huge number of different types of fertilizers. They all differ not only in shape, but also in composition, so each has its own effect. Which of them to buy depends on what mineral salts and microelements a particular plant lacks.

Experts recommend purchasing traditional Begonia fertilizers, which are intended specifically for this type of flower. Kemira Lux contains all the necessary substances in balanced quantities. The table below provides information about several more popular types of fertilizers that are intended specifically for begonias.

Begonia tubers are placed in a small and shallow pot

We offer an overview of fertilizer for begonias.

Drug name Release form Impact
"Aquarin" Liquid fast-acting concentrate Stimulates the growth and development of plants. Promotes the development of leaf apparatus, full and long-lasting flowering
"BIOPON" Liquid. Contains phosphorus, potassium and other important substances Ensures growth intensity, prolongs flowering time, accelerates bud formation
"Gilea" Dry fertilizer Increases the resistance of begonias against diseases, rot, hypothermia, and preserves leaves.
"Garden of Miracles" Liquid For long lasting flowering
"Hello turbo" Powder Stimulates the growth of the root system, replenishes the lack of all important plant nutrients
  1. Over time, begonia bulbs become large. But since this type of flower does not belong to long-lived plants, the bulbs remain suitable for only a few years.
  2. Begonias transplanted into flower beds, outdoor boxes or open ground for the summer must be returned indoors before the cold weather sets in. It is unacceptable to wait for frost, otherwise the roots will freeze and die.
  3. To save tubers (bulbs) until next year, they need to be cut from the stem and stored in pots or peat. To preserve planting material, you need to use dry, protected from light places.
  4. Even indoor begonias need rest after the growing season, otherwise they will not bloom in winter.
  5. It is unacceptable to plant more than one tuber in one pot - powerful bushes are formed from several growth points, and if there are two or more tubers, then adult plants will interfere with one another.

The first planting of begonias is mainly done using seeds.

Tip #1. If begonias are grown in boxes, then the tubers should be placed so that there is at least 12-14 cm between them.

Newbie mistakes in caring for begonias

Very often, novice gardeners do not pay attention to changes in the appearance of begonias. This is fraught with serious consequences, so the most common manifestations will be discussed further.

Manifestation Cause Elimination
Yellowing of leaves Excess moisture or lack of light Move the pot to a more sunny place, adjust watering
Leaf fall Elevated temperature, lack of light Move the pot to a brighter and cooler place
The tips of the leaves have turned brown The air is too dry Place the pot on a tray with moistened moss or periodically humidify the air in the room
Falling buds Dry air or excess moisture Reduce watering or provide air humidification
Brown spots on the leaves, which then develop a grayish coating High air humidity Remove damaged leaves and then spray with fungicide

Tip #2. With a lack of moisture or its excess, begonias experience the same symptoms: the plant withers, the stem, as if wet, softens, begins to bend, the leaves droop. To find out what happened, you need to pay attention to the earthen lump. If it has become like a stone, then there is clearly a lack of moisture. If it is very soft and damp, the root has rotted.

Questions about growing begonias

Question No. 1. What size pot do you need for begonias?

If you constantly monitor the plant, then the pot should be no more than 2 cm from the plant itself. If you rarely water your begonia or are often away from home for long periods of time, then it is better to choose a pot that is 3-4 cm larger than the flower. In this case, the plant will be much more comfortable, and the begonia roots will not dry out during your absence.

Question No. 2. Do you need a large pot for tubers?

No, the tubers are placed in a small pot, which should be shallow. You should not choose pots whose volume is small, but they are extended upward. In this case, it will be difficult for the plant to take root; it will feel uncomfortable and cramped.

Question #3. I transplanted my begonia into the garden, do I need to transplant it back into the pot for the winter?

Begonia is an easy flower to care for, and you can certainly grow a beautiful flowering plant if you follow a few growing rules.

What time of year is best to plant a flower?

Like many other indoor (and not only) plants, begonia goes into a dormant period in autumn and winter. In the spring it enters the growing season, begins to grow rapidly and produce new leaves, and in the summer it blooms with dozens of delicate flowers. When planting, it is necessary to take into account this plant regime, therefore plant tuberous begonia It is best in early March so that it immediately begins to actively vegetate.

What kind of soil is needed?

Regarding the composition of the earth begonia is not capricious, it will feel good in the usual universal soil, sold in all flower shops. If you still want to make your own soil mixture, mix four parts leaf soil, one part turf soil and one part sand. This mixture has a slightly acidic composition, which is ideal for tuberous begonias.

Which pot is better to choose?

The material of the pot is not particularly important: since the roots of such begonias have the appearance of tubers, they do not have roots and fibers that can cling to the pot and interfere with replanting. Any pot will do- ceramic, plastic, even a wooden tub. Although, most often begonias are planted in plastic pots. But the size of the pot is much more important - it doesn't have to be very deep. The tuber should fit into the pot so that a third of it is visible above the ground, and three to four centimeters should be left from the tuber to the edge of the pot.

Do not bury the tuber completely. The width of the pot should be quite spacious: the root of the tuberous begonia grows in breadth, not in depth.

The diameter of the pot should be such that there is about four centimeters left on the sides from the tuber to the pot.

How to water correctly?

Proper watering- an important part of caring for tuberous begonia.

Under no circumstances should begonia be watered with cold water or sprayed with a spray bottle.

Recommended watering mode - two or three times a week, distributing the water evenly throughout the pot. During the flowering period, begonia can be watered more often. It is important to prevent stagnation of water; excessive watering will lead to the development of fungi.

What light mode is optimal?

Begonias - light-loving plants, for their harmonious growth it is necessary to place them in a bright place, but not in bright sun. Begonias do well on south-east and south-west windows.
Exposure to direct sunlight on leaves can cause burns.
If the sun is too strong, you can shade the windows by attaching tulle or gauze to them. The larger the flowers of your begonia, the less it tolerates bright sunlight.

How and when to prune?

Begonias are pruned at the beginning of the rest period, when the plant has already bloomed and began to shed its leaves (in indoor conditions, the most suitable time is the beginning of October). Dying shoots of begonia are cut off one or two centimeters from the tuber, and then the plant is placed in a cool place at home for autumn and winter.

What thermal regime is required?

During the growing season, that is, in spring and summer, the room temperature should not drop below 12 degrees, although begonias do not tolerate extreme heat. Ideal temperature - about 22 degrees. During the dormant period, after the plant has flowered and you cut off the drying shoots, the pot is moved to the basement or storage room.

The temperature in the place where “resting” tubers are stored should be about 10 degrees.

How does tuberous begonia propagate?

There are three main ways to propagate begonias − seeds, tuber division and cuttings.

Growing tuberous begonia from seeds

The good thing is that it allows you to preserve the varietal characteristics of the flower, but this is a very labor-intensive process. The purchased seeds are poured onto damp soil without burying, and the pot is covered with plastic wrap. Place in a warm sunny place and spray daily. Every day the pot is opened for an hour to ventilate the seeds and prevent them from rotting from dampness.

The room temperature should be about 24 degrees.

In about two weeks the seeds will sprout. When the sprouts have two or three leaves, carefully place them in small glasses.

Tuber division

It is most often practiced on old tubers, since over time the plants will bloom less luxuriantly. The division of the tuber is carried out in early spring, when new shoots appear on the tubers. Until they reach 4-5 centimeters in length, you can cut the tuber without damaging the plant. The cut areas are treated to prevent them from rotting with a special preparation or charcoal powder. After this, the tubers are planted in different pots and cared for as full-fledged plants.

Propagation of tuberous begonia by cuttings

A very simple and quick way to plant begonias. Cut a shoot about 10 centimeters long with several leaves, sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal (to prevent rotting) and root it in moist soil in a warm, bright place.

The leaves of the cuttings should not touch the soil.

The planted cuttings must be covered with a glass jar and ventilated for an hour every day so that excess moisture evaporates. After three weeks, the cuttings are carefully transplanted into a pot.

How long does a flower live?

Typically, the lifespan of tuberous begonia is two to three years, but some varieties can live five years with proper care. Tuberous begonias, sold in gardening stores, are second-year plants. To “rejuvenate” a begonia tuber, divide it into several using the division method described above.

How and when to feed the plant?

In the spring, when begonia enters the growing season and actively forms new leaves, it is watered with fertilizers, containing nitrogen, twice with an interval of two weeks. To nourish a flowering plant, in the summer it is fed with potassium-containing fertilizers every two weeks.

Chlorine is harmful to begonias, so be careful when choosing fertilizer, and also do not forget to settle the water for irrigation.

If you have little understanding of fertilizers and the microelements that make up them, use one special fertilizer for begonias both in spring and summer - this way you will definitely not harm your favorite flower.

How to care for tuberous begonia in autumn?

Begonias in autumn a period of rest begins, which lasts until spring. At this time, you need to cut off wilted leaves and shoots, reduce watering, put the plant in a cool (with a temperature of about 10 degrees) place and occasionally carefully moisten the soil.
How long is the flowering period? Of all the begonias, the tuberous one is the most decorative; its flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple or double, single-colored, two-colored or bordered, small or large (up to 15 centimeters in diameter). Tuberous begonia pleases with abundant flowering in the garden- throughout the summer, and in indoor conditions - from June to October. Begonias bloom best on a shaded balcony.

Care and planting of tuberous begonia in garden conditions

Tuberous begonia is, first of all, a garden plant. If you plan to plant it on your site, pay attention to several rules of care.


As is the case with indoor cultivation, begonia in the garden does not require a special soil composition. The only condition is that the soil must be loose.

Choosing a landing site

You can't plant begonias in the scorching sun, diffused light is recommended. Flowers feel best on the eastern and western sides of the site, away from direct sunlight. In the first month after planting begonias, it is recommended to shade them and shield them from the bright sun with a piece of greenhouse film.

How to grow this flower in the garden?

Begonia can be planted in open ground only when the weather is warm - best in May. Before this, in the spring, begonias are kept in pots at home or in a greenhouse. The plants look beautiful in the garden, planted at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. In the fall, when the begonias fade and begin to lose their leaves, they are cut off, dug up and wintered in a cool place (read more about the proper wintering of begonia tubers).

Diseases and pests

Begonia is afraid of waterlogging, and therefore dampness can lead to to root rotting. Moreover, various fungi can appear in overly wet soil. The most common fungus, gray rot, affects leaves; it can be identified by a gray coating on the upper side of the leaf; buds are also affected (a mucous coating appears on them). You can get rid of gray rot by spraying the plant with a raster of soap and copper sulfate (20 grams of soap and 2 grams of copper sulfate are dissolved in a liter of water). Also, dampness can cause powdery mildew - light gray spots on the leaves. It's easy to deal with - just wipe the leaves with soapy water. Begonia can also be affected by aphids, a small insect that sucks juice from the leaves. Aphids can also be removed with a soap solution; Special chemicals also help.

Begonia is most susceptible to rot. Carefully monitor the watering schedule - do not allow water to stagnate in the soil.

Rot manifests itself in blackening of the stems and spreads very quickly. It is important to quickly remove rotting stems to prevent the death of the plant and treat the flower with a fungicide. Bacterial spot can cause blackening of stems and leaves; it begins with the appearance of small glassy spots on the inside of the leaf. It is useless to fight it; you need to throw away the affected plant and disinfect the soil. To prevent bacterial spotting, begonias are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride.

We hope that these tips will help you grow a healthy one that will delight you with beautiful lush flowers in your garden or home for many years.


Below you can see photos of planting and caring for Begonia tuberosa at home:

Useful video

In this video you will learn more about plant care:

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