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Horoscope for November. Horoscope for November What Pavel Globa’s horoscope for November portends

November 2017 is perhaps the best time for risk-takers and adventurers. If you want to expand your business, feel free to do it, but be sure to do it together with reliable partners. But you need to be careful when going international or collaborating with foreigners. The same applies to simple tourist trips abroad. This month and in general in 2017, Aries should give preference to tourism within the country, because there is somewhere to go.
The second half of the month will tune Aries to internal, intellectual or spiritual work. You will want to increase your level of knowledge in the field of philosophy, psychology, religion or esotericism. Well, don't hold back! Listen to the desires and needs of your soul, fill it with knowledge and experience.

Favorable days in November 2017: 9, 19, 20, 24, 25.
Unfavorable days in November 2017: 1, 2, 6, 10, 17, 18.

Horoscope for November 2017 Aries - Love, family
This month warns Aries about the threat of conflicts with loved ones. Use your sense of humor and don't focus on your partners' shortcomings. After all, we are all imperfect, but everyone is beautiful in their own way. Find positive qualities and beautiful facets in your “other half”, praise more and criticize less. The same recommendations are suitable for improving communication with children. Nothing brings parents and children closer together than a sincere interest in their hobbies. Children especially need empathy and support. Be there for your child when they succeed and when they fail. Let him or her know that you love and accept them for who they are, regardless of external circumstances, achievements or failures.

Horoscope for November 2017 Aries - Work, finances
In the financial sphere, now is a favorable period for Aries for gambling or risky transactions. But, of course, before making important decisions, an individual consultation with an astrologer and financier is necessary. The general background is quite optimistic. You can also receive money as an inheritance or unexpected profit through joint efforts with a partner, where his share of participation will prevail. Therefore, value your partners and employees, they can literally make you rich this month.

Horoscope for November 2017 Aries - Health, beauty
In November 2017, pay attention to the kidneys and genitourinary system. Avoid drafts and cold rooms. Dress warmly, especially for women. Men should reduce their alcohol consumption, because this month you are especially prone to poisoning.
For beauty and youth, as well as disease prevention, pay due attention to the intimate sphere of life. If the ardor has cooled, look for inspiration in beautiful films, sensual music, massage. A warm aromatic bath will relax you and set you in a romantic mood.
Pavel Globa

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In November 2016, Libra's need for communication, receiving new information, and learning increases. Relationships with close social circles, brothers, sisters, and neighbors may come to the fore. Perhaps one of your relatives will have an important event in their life that will affect you. His character is rather positive.
In the second half of the month, events may already concern the family or parents of Libra. Pay more attention to your parents, and if you have children, provide them with communication with their grandparents. This period reminds you of the importance of family values. That by honoring your parents, you set the right example for your children and make a huge contribution to your happy old age, provided with attention and care. If you still have unforgiven childhood grievances or complaints against your parents, or your relationship is tense, then be sure to devote proper time to internal work with these important issues. Believe me, by forgiving and accepting your parents, you will heal not only yourself, but also make a serious contribution to the well-being of your children.

Favorable days: 6, 10, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25.
Unfavorable days: 8, 11, 14, 17, 28.

Love, family
In November 2016, Libra will have a lot of love in their hearts and a great need to share it. Don't hold back, because the more you give, the more will come to you.
You can meet new love on a business trip or travel, as well as during training, for example, in foreign language courses or at an institute. The new feeling will be all-encompassing, and the relationships established in November will develop at breakneck speed and not without tense situations.

Work, finances
In November 2016, the stars draw attention to the importance of maintaining good camaraderie in the team and maintaining a friendly atmosphere in it. In addition, focus on expanding the circle of your business acquaintances, and if your job requires you to communicate with a large number of people, do not forget about the importance of the quality of communication. Use the courtesy and good manners given to you by nature, and your communications will bring you not only pleasure, but also quite tangible dividends.
In the second half of the month, pedantry, rationality and pragmatism will be held in high esteem. If Libra previously lacked these qualities, now is the time to develop them. In general, the month is favorable for active work and making good profits.

Health, beauty
Now you may notice that your appetite has increased, and your eating habits are increasingly forcing you to commit small “crimes” against the slimness of your figure. If this is the case, then try to satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits and honey, and replace your partiality for fried, heavy foods with curiosity and culinary experiments while preparing healthy food.
In November 2016, it is favorable to treat problems of the spine, knees, and teeth. If Libra has dermatological problems, it will be easier to solve them in November, so be sure to visit a specialist.
Pavel Globa

The science of the influence of celestial bodies on human destinies finds thousands of adherents in our turbulent times. According to the Chinese horoscope, the patron saint of 2017 will be a symbol of creative energy, friendliness and carefreeness. Astrologers suggest that the next 12 months will bring us success in our careers and studies, new travels and romantic feelings.

They enjoy the greatest trust. The Russian astrologer is known for his loud forecasts of political events. Many of them did not come true, which did not shake the reputation of the seer. Residents of the CIS still trust Globa's horoscopes. According to the astrologer, 2017 will be difficult for the whole world due to the financial crisis. But for Russia the year will end successfully.

Find out a detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa for all signs!

The coming 12 months will be full of surprises. Tempting opportunities will arise before you, especially in the professional field. To make the best use of the gifts of fate, remain vigilant and reserved. Take care of your health. Anxiety and lack of time can cause various ailments. To avoid troubles, establish a daily routine and do not deny yourself rest. The last months of the year promise you clashes and quarrels with loved ones. Be patient and the relationship will improve over time. If you are looking for a life partner, 2017 is the perfect year to start a strong and happy relationship. So don't miss friendly meetings and parties, especially in February-April. As for the financial situation, in the near future it will remain the same.

Get ready for changes in matters of the heart. The Rooster will give you new acquaintances, among whom may be your soulmate! Don’t be afraid to take the first step, because the stars promise strength to your union. “Family” Taurus may have difficulties raising children. However, peace and quiet will reign in the marital haven. In 2017, serious illnesses and disappointments will pass by. The first half of the year will bring you a charge of vitality and inspiration. But before autumn you need to get plenty of rest, otherwise your energy will be exhausted. The spring months are suitable for looking for a new job and starting your own business. Before doing this, do not forget to pay off your debts and give some funds to charity. In this case, income will not be long in coming.

It's time to say goodbye to the past: quit a boring job or put an end to a relationship that is leading to nowhere. But be careful. A risky and rash act will lead to trouble. The year will be eventful in terms of the heart. The stars predict a bright romance for you (or even two at the same time). But in the end you will have to make difficult choices. If your lover was born under the sign, pay attention to the words of his parents, even if they seem far from the truth. Astrologers recommend focusing on several goals at work and setting aside secondary tasks. This way you will get rid of the eternal doubts inherent in Gemini. Be patient and success will surely come. Remember about your health. Refuse to work overtime, do not neglect training and vacations - and you will spend a year without visiting doctors.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancers

The next 12 months will not be easy. Fate has prepared failures and frustrations for you, which must be avoided at all costs. Avoid quarrels and risks, keep promises and show management what you are capable of. In this case, the year will end on a positive note. Finances will bypass problems. In terms of money, 2017 will be a time of constancy and will be suitable for accumulating funds. But your personal life will resemble a roller coaster. The stars predict numerous romances and even unrequited feelings for free Cancers. Representatives of this sign, who have already started a family, must overcome their negative qualities in order to bring peace and happiness to their home. Cancer's constant worry can lead to health problems. Get plenty of rest and go to the hospital if necessary.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo

The rooster favors you. Under his patronage, your aspirations will become reality, and luck will follow on your heels. You will achieve what you want in work, hobbies and relationships. This year will be especially prosperous for the family life of Leo. Representatives of the sign who are just looking for a loved one will be disappointed. After all, alas, you cannot order your heart. The second half of the year is conducive to the beginning of a successful relationship, so be on the lookout. 2017 will fill them with vigorous energy and strengthen their health. Creative inspiration will allow you to reach professional heights or start your own business, which will bring a solid profit. But working until you drop is a bad idea. Moral exhaustion will overshadow your professional success and family well-being. We also do not recommend sharing secrets with unfamiliar people. It is possible that trust will turn into betrayal.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgos

You are among the signs that the Rooster will generously bestow with vitality. will be on the path to self-improvement in all areas of life. Don't be surprised if your outlook changes. The first place will be taken by relationships - existing or new. Your romantic interest can overshadow your professional interests and distract you from your daily activities. Take your work and home responsibilities responsibly, take the chance to climb the career ladder and take care of your health. In this case, returning from heaven to earth will not be a blow to you. 2017 is suitable for investing in someone else's business. The money spent will pay off in full, the main thing is to choose reliable partners. The Rooster may reward you with a bonus or a win in the lottery, but we advise you to save some money for the winter.

Those born under this sign will suffer due to their inherent doubts and anxieties. You may be discouraged by what is happening, but some situations will require decisive action. Autumn and the beginning of winter will be an unfavorable time for you, especially in personal relationships. Try to control your emotions and maintain balance. Meditation or talking with a psychologist will help you cope with difficulties. In your professional life, you will face problems that you did not solve last year. Be vigilant in communicating with old and new colleagues. Some of them may be plotting against you. 2017 will be a year of financial difficulties and savings, but this experience will be beneficial in the future. In the second half of the year, your situation will improve.

The coming 12 months will pass without surprises or setbacks. You will be able to realize what you have planned for a long time and change what you don’t like. 2017 is suitable for starting a business and looking for a new occupation. Take on something that sparks your sincere interest, be it a profession or a hobby. Be careful with investments and other monetary transactions. In addition, your peace of mind will be shaken by problems in your personal life. Lonely Scorpios will have a hard time finding a soul mate. But if the relationship starts, it will be long and happy. Those who are already married will face hidden misunderstandings from their wife or husband, which may lead to thoughts of cheating. However, the conflict will not last long. If discord pushes us to move to the left, it will end in trouble.

This year you will feel unprecedented confidence in your abilities. Peace and prosperity will come to your family and professional life. Fortune will show favor to Sagittarius, the main thing is to use the opportunities that it gives. You will have a chance to mend your shaky relationship with your spouse, and the relationship that begins in the summer will certainly bring happiness. A successful 2017 will help you find a new job and be highly productive. If you show courage and vigilance, financial affairs will go well. Sagittarius' weak point will be health. Next year, chronic diseases may worsen, and a harmless cold can knock you off your feet for a long time.

Your task is to find harmony between home and work. Change awaits Capricorn at every turn, requiring determination and quick action from him. Only in this case will they bring a substantial reward. In the first half of the year, marital relations will improve, and single representatives of the sign will begin a new romance. Prosperity will last until summer. Then misunderstandings will appear and, possibly, conflicts will begin. Only sincerity will help improve relationships. In addition, the Rooster will endow Capricorns with indestructible energy and efficiency. In the first months of 2017, you will avoid illness and be able to devote yourself to work. But in the fall, your energy supply will run out, so watch your health. Show courage and enthusiasm in your professional life, and your bosses will reward your efforts.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

2017 will be a time of discovery. You will show an unexpected side of yourself, think about your judgments and plans. The main thing is to rely on your mind and instincts, without succumbing to the manipulations of others. The next 12 months will be full of emotions. love awaits (perhaps for someone you already know), which can develop into a happy marriage. If you have a spouse and children, your relationship with them will become more difficult in the first half of the year. Be patient and the storm will subside over time. Serious pressure awaits you at work, but your income is unlikely to increase, and tasks will require effort and attention. Worries and stress can lead to loss of strength, so don’t forget about rest.

The next year will bring difficulties in your professional life. must show all their perseverance and efficiency in order to stay afloat. But excellent opportunities that are not related to your career will literally fall on you. 2017 is a great time to start a new hobby or start a romantic relationship. Perhaps you will find “the one”, and a little flirtation will result in marriage. Take care of your health and finances in the coming months. It's time to say goodbye to bad habits and extra pounds. Although your income will be stable, refrain from spontaneous purchases.


Favorable configurations of Jupiter, Sun and Venus will ensure Aries success in professional and financial matters. They will have at their disposal a large sum of money that can be spent on personal needs. The second half of the month is perfect for advanced training, training and any other intellectual activity. The love horoscope for Aries predicts the rapid development of new relationships. Non-free representatives of this sign will analyze the current situation in the couple.


Taurus will feel the need to cooperate. It is their interaction with colleagues that will determine their success at work throughout November. A favorable Mercury promises support in the business environment and promises good income. Personal life will be filled with romance and love. A very good period for single and married representatives of this sign. The second half of the month will require caution as the influence of Mars increases the likelihood of accidents.


November will force Gemini to act actively. Things that they have put off for a long time will require immediate intervention. Efforts will quickly bear fruit, because representatives of this sign will be supported by Jupiter and Venus. But we must not let our guard down. An unfavorable aspect of Neptune can manifest itself in the form of deception, forgery and fraudulent activities. The love horoscope promises a very emotional period. Geminis will be prone to impulses of passion and impulsive decision-making.


In November, the stars advise Cancers to rely on themselves and not expect help from other people, even if they promised it earlier. A favorable period for those who are engaged in trade, make presentations, speak to the public, and work with papers. The fifth house will be visited by Venus and Jupiter, which means that Cancers will experience sensual pleasures, passion, and a strong love interest. Positive changes will occur in established couples; disagreements and nagging will become a thing of the past.

a lion

In the professional sphere, Leos will actively establish contacts, speak in negotiations, and conclude contracts on behalf of the company. The month is good for active work, but business cooperation will not bring significant profits yet. Cash receipts will be unstable and untimely. But in family life there will be an atmosphere of harmony thanks to the influence of Jupiter and Venus. Many Leos will have a need to improve their living conditions.


One can only envy Virgo’s enthusiasm in November. Representatives of this sign will be active, active, focused on self-development and self-realization. The month is good for making money, but the immediate receipt of the expected amounts will occur later. The reason for this will be the unfavorable aspect of Mars. Virgo's personal life is also connected with communications. There will be an opportunity to start a promising relationship with a continuation in the form of a wedding. Those who are already married will have a second honeymoon.


November promises to be a very active and productive month for Libra. But there is a possibility of “spraying” on little things. The stars advise you to concentrate on specific goals and make efforts to achieve them. Mars will help you overcome all obstacles and achieve what you want. And the Sun, Jupiter and Venus, located in the house of money, increase the chances of large profits. A love horoscope promises tension in relationships. It will probably be associated with the intemperance of Libra.


November is a successful month in all respects for Scorpios. With the support of Jupiter and Venus, they will succeed in their field of activity, achieve recognition in their chosen profession, and find new influential allies and partners. But representatives of this sign need to remember that they cannot force events. November brings positive changes for the personal life of Scorpios. The chances of meeting a worthy partner for a long-term relationship increase many times over.


Sagittarians can expect professional achievements provided they participate in teamwork. During this period, you should not confront anyone, since the likelihood of harming your reputation is too great. The stars advise you to carefully monitor your spending. In the second half of November, unexpected expenses may arise. The love horoscope also predicts an ambiguous situation. On the one hand, the stars advise showing prudence and speaking openly with your partner. On the other hand, there is a high probability of disappointment and dissatisfaction.


In November, Capricorn's career house will be visited by Mars. This position of the planet increases the productivity of the already hardworking representatives of the earth element. The result is career achievements and strengthening of financial positions. Success in your personal life is just around the corner. Lonely Capricorn will meet his future chosen one at a mass event or on a dating site. Married representatives of this sign will experience joyful events and family events.


During the month, Aquarius will have several opportunities to express themselves in the professional sphere. The Sun and Venus will help strengthen authority in the team, and Jupiter will give you ambition and the desire to actively participate in the work process. Thanks to harmonious configurations, the likelihood of significantly improving your financial situation increases. Against the background of career achievements, personal life will fade into the background. However, family Aquarius will find a nice gift or a romantic date.


Pisces will be preoccupied with personal finances. Some will decide to invest their free funds in a promising project, others will start looking for a new job or source of additional income. The stars warn that November is not suitable for taking risks and participating in dubious activities. In general, the month is favorable for long-term planning rather than for active actions. Pisces who are married can count on help from a loved one. But disagreements over money are also possible.

Before we look at the horoscope for Leo for November 2017, let’s look at what the year as a whole portends for this sign. The year of the Fire Rooster is prosperous for this sign. Moreover, it opens up certain opportunities. They relate to good job prospects and expect unexpected and useful acquaintances. These meetings, to a certain extent, will promote career growth, even if there were previously tensions and disagreements.

Relationships with loved ones and old friends will improve and strengthen. Positive changes will be facilitated by changes in the inner world of those born under the sign of Leo. Along with a new wave of creative energy, which will be based on accumulated experience, intuition will sharpen. Leos will become more loyal to others. Their wisdom will lie in the fact that they will listen and take into account the opinions of other people.

This favorable forecast is explained by the location of the luminaries, Saturn, which means determination, hard work, will be somewhat balanced by Jupiter. This celestial body is a symbol of good luck and success in your endeavors. Its influence brings elements of a joyful perception of life. Those born under the sign of Leo this year can go on some adventures, for example, try to buy a lottery ticket, luck may smile on them. Positive preconditions stimulate people of this sign to change, including their image.

In the first winter months, the lions needed balance and caution so as not to enter into dubious transactions. In the summer we had to resolve complex property issues. The beginning of autumn promises good changes in the future. It is in the second half of autumn that they will offer a promotion at work and professional success. In October, there will be an opportunity to take a little break and take care of your health. A trip to a sanatorium will be useful for these purposes.

In the second half of the year, the planet Venus, a celestial body symbolizing love and various kinds of pleasures, enters the sign of the constellation Leo. During this period, “lions and lionesses” will become especially charming and attract the attention of the opposite sex. It is possible to receive gifts and pleasant surprises.

What does the horoscope portend for Leo in November?

The month will be successful for those born under the zodiac sign of Leo. During this period, the stars will favor them. This will manifest itself in almost everything; changes for the better are possible in personal relationships, at work, in the financial sphere. Positive changes will happen without much effort, as if on their own. You need to prepare yourself psychologically for this. In November, a situation may arise when an important lucrative offer arrives. It will come as somewhat of a surprise, so it is important not to be confused and accept it.

In the first ten days of the month, get ready for an unexpected meeting with an old friend. Perhaps you will receive an interesting offer from him. By using it, you will be able to fully reveal your abilities and realize your potential. At work, realizing your potential is better than individual activity. In collective work, it is more difficult to identify abilities and reveal talent. Although the month is favorable, it is necessary to make some efforts, patience, balance and wisdom are important. In this case, the result will be expressed in financial income, which will significantly improve the financial situation. But this does not mean that you need to isolate yourself from the team. On the contrary, participation in corporate events will allow you to enlist the support of colleagues, find support among them, and make new acquaintances.

Lviv will take off in the creative field; this will take place on the crest of an emotional upsurge. The desire to live here and now, to catch short-term moments of joy will overwhelm you. These emotions will be facilitated by the results of labor, work, and a stable positive financial climate. There will be a desire to “love the whole world”, to do something good for others.

Don’t hold back your emotions, because the accumulated positive energy needs to be given to someone. In this case, the Universe will respond and give the person what he wants. Do something good for friends, acquaintances, or just strangers. Take home a kitten, a dog from a shelter, make a donation for an orphanage. But be careful, in euphoria you can run into scammers.

For Leos of creative professions, November is the time of their takeoff, the realization of accumulated potential at a new level. A period of energy growth, when it is possible to implement deferred plans and unfinished projects.

Family relationships will become especially warm, and an altruistic attitude will have a beneficial effect on them. Give your family and relatives as much time and attention as possible. Give gifts, make an unexpected surprise.

Lonely Leos have a great chance of meeting their soul mate during this period. But you shouldn’t rush, take a closer look at your partner.

Details from astrologers, the November 2017 horoscope for Leo, can be found in the videos on their individual blogs.

The slight gliding will continue in the second ten days of the month, everything will be done without tension. The planets Uranus and Pluto will stimulate determination and the desire for self-discovery. The period is favorable for resolving issues related to property and vehicles. Financiers can confidently manage their money, enter into transactions, buy shares, and make capital investments.

Against the background of emotional and financial recovery, you can make plans, raising the bar of your aspirations. Efficiency, increased productivity, favorable location of the stars will make it possible to realize them. But the intuition that is inherent in people of this zodiac sign should warn them that sober calculation must be present in all endeavors. All monetary transactions are excluded on the 23rd, during the full moon.

In November, unplanned trips to see friends and short-term family trips are possible. At this time, it is better to make purchases and transactions planned for a later date, since in December retrograde Mercury will slow down such processes.

Passion for work and the implementation of financial plans should not overshadow taking care of your health. Try to give him time. Take walks in the fresh air, go to the gym, sports activities will be beneficial. Problems with the cardiovascular system may arise, and colds will haunt you.

Fans of adultery, however, will be disappointed. The established relationship will not continue. There is a possibility that your partner will disappoint you.

What do stars promise women?

The November 2017 horoscope for Leo for women does not promise bright love impressions. This will conflict with their energetic, psycho-emotional uplift; stars can also be ironic. Although momentary hobbies are quite possible, but not on November 7th at the new moon.

Try to switch your attention to your professional activities. Here you will find success in all your endeavors, which will be compensation for the gaps in your personal life. The financial situation will not only remain stable, but will also improve, especially at the end of the month. Women realize their full potential, career growth is possible.

We must beware of “dizziness from success.” Excessive self-confidence may be misunderstood by colleagues, which can lead to conflicts. In your work, pay attention to little things, details, numbers. When concluding contracts, contact experienced lawyers, but let us remind you that on November 23 all kinds of transactions are excluded.

For family “lionesses,” relatives and relationships with them will come to the fore. They will pay more attention to them, especially if they have recently devoted themselves more to work. Family trips to the forest, going to the circus, theater, and skating rink are useful. During this period, emotional outbursts are possible, but you need to try to restrain yourself.

The love horoscope for November 2017 for women born under the sign of Leo, who have long-term relationships with men, does not promise anything unfavorable. There may be a temporary cooling of relations, but it will pass quickly.

Active “lionesses” usually take part in the life of the team and are not averse to gossip. Such situations must be avoided, otherwise a quarrel may arise that will provoke stress.

The November 2017 horoscope for “lionesses”, single women, is not the best for starting romances, despite the fact that they are in the mood for them. Try to curb your desires by switching to work.

What does Pavel Globa's horoscope portend for November?

The famous astrologer notes that hardworking representatives of the Leo sign put a lot of effort into their work. They tried to achieve a certain career growth, so they feel a certain fatigue and a desire to rest arises. In November, the stars and planets are positioned in such a way that you can get a long-awaited promotion.

Along with it, your financial situation will improve significantly. It is possible for a career to take off through several steps at once, which will be a reward for a person who has worked hard and hard. After this joyful event, allow yourself to take a little break. All this will push personal relationships into the background, so whirlwind romances are not expected at this time.

Globa notes that it is worth paying attention to health and diet. Work took all my strength, it needs to be restored.

The November 2017 horoscope for Leos, family women, from Pavel Globa focuses on the fact that more attention needs to be paid to family and relatives. Spend as much time as possible with them, check on your parents. Relations between spouses will strengthen, as the emotional background of representatives of the Leo sign will shift towards sexuality, women will become more sensual.

Those who are looking for a life partner can meet such a person. But don’t rush, it’s better to take a closer look at the person before entering into an intimate relationship.

Lonely people do not need to isolate themselves; they need to step over their selfishness and pay attention to their loved ones. This is the time for charitable deeds and deeds. Helping others, compassion, will fill life with new content. A person who was previously self-obsessed will experience completely different feelings, warmth and gratitude from the people he has helped.

Mail horoscope for the month of November

The astrological forecast suggests that overall the month will be successful. There will be good news, wedding invitations, christenings.

The horoscope for November 2017 for Leo from Mail notes that in the field of professional activity November is one of the most successful months. But the tension will be so great that it can provoke nervous stress and depression. Rainy, cloudy weather intensifies neurosis. How to deal with this? Try to distract yourself, meet with friends and loved ones. Visit the theater, go to a concert of your favorite performer. Invite a friend or girlfriend to a cafe or restaurant.

The November 2017 horoscope for Leo women indicates that there will be revival on the love front, associated with heightened sensuality and the emotional background during this period. Close relationships will help overcome bad mood and nervous stress. Intuition will tell representatives of the fairer sex techniques that will make a woman more seductive and sexually attractive. The trail of this eroticism will not leave men indifferent.

Your financial situation can improve significantly through career growth. Unrealized plans and projects will be able to receive confirmation and come to life. In cases where relationships at work were not going well or were tense, November is a good time to decisively change your place of work. Changes will be for the better from a material point of view. Perhaps it's time to start your own business if you've been thinking about this question before.

You should take care of your health, there is a high risk of catching a cold, dress warmly. Pay attention to the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems. You need to be careful in fleeting intimate relationships. Playing sports, visiting the gym, swimming pool, walking in the fresh air will add strength.

Favorable, in terms of professional success, improvement of financial situation, the horoscope for November 2017 for “Lions” born in the year of the rat. Purposeful, ambitious workaholics, they will reach their career heights. The dualism of character is manifested in the fact that on the one hand, they are powerful, pragmatic individuals, on the other hand, they are sensual and compassionate natures. Being quite despotic leaders, at the same time they can make large donations and help people who find themselves in difficult situations.

The final conclusion that can be drawn from the November 2017 horoscope for Leo indicates that the planets and stars are favorably positioned. This will manifest itself, first of all, in career growth and a significant improvement in financial situation. From the point of view of establishing a personal life, love affairs are not exactly a good time, although they can take place.

You should focus on work, as that is where the breakthrough will occur. Overexertion can cause depression, so you need to take a short break and rest. You should not forget about your health, especially on the 3rd, 4th, 16th, 17th, 24th, 25th (days are unfavorable for this zodiac sign).

If you look into 2018, it promises interesting acquaintances, material acquisitions of real estate, travel and interesting meetings and acquaintances. So Leos have reason to be optimistic about the future.