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Hosta plant planting and care in open ground, growing from seeds, photo with names. Hosta, planting and care at home Hosta plant new species

Hosta is called the “queen” of shady areas and relaxation corners in the garden. This is a real emerald in the front garden, in any flower bed. Planting hostas and caring for them in the open ground will not cause much trouble for gardeners or summer residents. The flower can be propagated by division, cuttings and seeds.

Planting begins in August and ends in September. These dates may vary depending on the weather and location of the region. It is necessary to time the planting so that the hostas take root before frost. With the early onset of cold weather, young plants must be covered.

Needs the most winter shelter the root zone on which brushwood or other suitable material is laid.

The hosta is divided and planted in the spring, before the leaves bloom. A plant with a root ball, purchased in a store or given as a gift from friends, takes root better. Before planting, the hosta can be stored for a short time in the basement or in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. Planted in open ground when the threat of late frosts has passed.

Planting seeds in open ground

Sowing hosta seeds - an opportunity to get a lot of seedlings and saplings for landscaping large plot. The labor-intensive procedure requires certain knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, hostas grown from seeds do not always inherit the characteristics of the mother plant. This is especially true for variegated varieties.

Description of the sowing procedure:

  1. Propagation by seeds is carried out in early spring.
  2. Use a container, pot or plastic box for germination.
  3. Drainage is poured onto the bottom and the container is filled with light fertile substrate.
  4. Water, spread the seeds, sprinkle with a layer of soil 0.5 cm thick on top.
  5. Cover with glass or film and germinate in the shade at a temperature of 20–23°C.
  6. The soil is often sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

Germination time varies from 7 days to 3 weeks. Usually shoots appear after 2 weeks. Dive the seedlings into other containers, harden them to fresh air, but protect from direct hits sun rays. Seedlings develop slowly at first and acquire characteristics of the variety only after 3–4 years.

Propagation by cuttings and dividing the bush

The most common methods for obtaining new plants are used when there is at least one bush at the age of 3–5 years. Propagation by cuttings and division is not recommended 1–2 years after planting. During this period, underground and above-ground organs are given the opportunity to strengthen.

Dividing the bush and cuttings allows you to obtain hostas of the same variety as the mother plant.

Best time to breed by vegetative means- in the spring, when shoots appear. The mother plant is carefully dug up, large lumps of soil are shaken off the rhizome, and old and rotten parts are cut off. Cut the hosta with a shovel or sharp knife. Parts of a divided bush must have buds and pieces of root.

  • Only healthy plants are divided for planting.
  • In the first few weeks, water frequently, but without stagnation of water.
  • Hostas grow slowly after transplantation, especially variegated varieties.
  • Young leaves in most cases have a uniform green color.
  • The characteristics of the variety appear fully after 2 years.

Cuttings - separating a part with buds and a piece of rhizome - can be carried out from spring to autumn. Sometimes the procedure is unsuccessful, there are almost no roots left, but there are buds, or there is no rosette, but there is a rhizome. Even such inferior planting material is not thrown away. The cuttings are planted in the shade and covered with a cut plastic bottle. The missing organs gradually grow back and full-fledged leaves are formed.

Proper care of a shade-loving plant

The hosta flower, in its homeland in Asia, is found in meadows, along the banks of rivers and lakes, and on the shady edges of damp forests. It is recommended to create conditions for plants in the garden and flower bed that resemble their natural habitat.

Soil and location requirements

Need well-drained soil rich in moisture and nutrients. There are no special pH requirements; moderately acidic and alkaline substrates are suitable. Variegated forms require shading during the midday hours. Under direct sunlight, color stripes and spots disappear. Varieties with blue foliage also change color. Only single-color green forms retain their characteristics in the sun, but under the condition good hydration soil.

Watering and fertilizing

The plant does not need frequent watering if there is sufficient rainfall and placed in a shady place. During the dry season it is necessary to water 2 times a week. The soil under the hosts should not dry out even in winter. In summer, you can pamper the leaves with an evening shower. It is also better to fertilize in the evening.

A young plant needs more care and nutrients, so they fertilize 2-3 times. In spring, fertilizing is carried out at the very beginning of the growing season. The next time fertilizer is applied to the soil during flowering. The third feeding is needed by plants after flowering. It is advisable to alternate the application of compost and complex fertilizers. Be sure to mulch the soil immediately after watering and fertilizing, but only without damaging it. lower leaves plants.

Loosening, pruning, replanting

The hosta rhizome is located in the upper loose layer of soil. Loosening is done carefully so as not to damage the roots. Sometimes they are replaced by mulching after watering, then the soil retains moisture for a long time.

Peduncles are usually removed, but they are beautiful flowering varieties leave and cut before the seeds ripen (if there are no plans seed propagation hosts). Dry and damaged leaves are trimmed throughout the season. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to leave the foliage in the fall to protect the roots from frost.

The best material for transplantation is plants with 2–3 buds and well-developed roots 10 cm long. The planting hole is made wide, because underground organs grow in a horizontal direction. The depth should be at least 30 cm. Pour a mixture of compost on the bottom, garden soil, peat and sand. You can sprinkle a handful wood ash to normalize pH and disinfection.

The planting hole is filled with substrate to 70% of the height and moistened abundantly. The hosta is positioned so that the roots are on the surface of the moist soil, and the growth buds are at ground level. Sprinkle with soil, compact and water again. Finally, add a layer of mulch up to 2 cm high. Peat or sawdust is used as mulching material.

Care at different times of the year

During the summer, the hosta is regularly watered, dry parts are cut off, and weeds are weeded. In autumn, after the first frost, the leaves begin to fade. There is no need to cut or pick them. The foliage protects the soil above the roots from freezing. Additionally, you can cover the plant with agrofibre. In spring, the remaining leaves must be removed (plucked out).

Growing hosta in the garden - diseases and pests

The plant is little susceptible to disease, but becomes infected from garden crops phyllostictosis (brown spotting). A severely affected hosta needs to be destroyed and the soil disinfected with a fungicide. Against fungal and bacterial diseases sprayed with biopesticides.

Slugs gnaw holes in the leaves, making them less decorative. It is recommended to regularly inspect plants and remove pests. If you can’t fight, you can find planting material in nurseries or flower shops resistant varieties. Slugs prefer soft tissue and are less likely to attack hostas with “leathery” foliage. Another control option is to mulch the soil around the hosta with small crushed stone or crushed shell rock. At good care the plant remains healthy and attractive for 10 years.

Hosta in landscape design

Shade-tolerant plant with beautiful leaves helps out in cases where it is necessary to decorate recreation areas in the garden, the entrance to the gazebo. On the background lush greenery Hostas look great with flowering annuals and perennials: bells, primroses, phlox. Varieties with bicolor and tricolor leaves are especially valued in landscape design. It is advisable to place such plants singly on lawns, in small groups along paths.

It is better to start growing hostas with varieties that have green foliage. They are less demanding on conditions and care, and are easier to tolerate bright lighting and transplantation.

Hosta is great for mobile landscaping of the entrance to the house, terrace, gazebo. Plants in flowerpots and containers are watered more often because the soil heats up and dries out faster. In autumn, remove old leaves and cover the container. At the beginning of spring protective layer remove and install the container against the wall of the house.

Any option for using hosta in landscape design should be considered from the point of view of the conditions that will be created for the plant. With proper care, the “queen” of shade will not disappoint her fans; she will attract attention with the magnificent appearance of leaves and bell-shaped flowers.

Caring for these plants is the most enjoyable and rewarding activity that does not take much time and effort.

Hosta - decorative perennial The main decoration of the plant is large leaves, which differ among different varieties in shape, color, and size.

Hosta always looks beautiful, regardless of whether it is blooming or has already faded, this is not the main thing.

With good care, the bushes can grow greatly, and the color of the leaves becomes pronounced for this variety.
The presence of hostas in the garden adds elegance and some mystery. Hosta is the “queen” of the shady garden.

Its luxurious green rosettes form dense basal leaves. The color of the leaves is amazing.

Nature in this plant gave preference not to flowers, but to leaves.Hostas with the most beautiful leaves have very inconspicuous flowers.

The leaves have literally all shades of green, and in some, especially valuable varieties, the leaves are complemented by cream, golden, white, bluish-blue splashes.

Hosta flower - growing conditions

The flower is undemanding to the soil; the soil should be well supplied with moisture, but without stagnation of water. Damp areas Hostas are not suitable. Poor soils need to be improved by adding humus, sand, as well as various mineral fertilizers and growth activators.

Photo 1. Hosta Albomarginata - variety with a white border

On purely sandy soils, hostas grow slowly, developing very poorly, but at the same time their leaves become brighter in color.


The ideal place for planting is shaded areas in the garden. Hostas love shade. Of course, for many of them sunny place will not be a fatal factor, but in such conditions the plant loses its species and varietal characteristics, such as shape, color, leaf size.

Hostas with darker leaf colors - dark green or blue leaves - should be planted in shaded areas.

But the presence of a lot of white on the leaves of a plant signals that the plant needs more light. This hosta needs to be planted in a more sunny place.

Photo 2. Hosta Aureomarginata - varieties with a yellow border

In the sun, hosta leaves will change their color from bluish blue or purple to banal green color. This quality must be taken into account when planting.

Hosta: caring for it requires fulfilling one condition - it is mandatory to provide the plants with light shade during hot midday hours. To do this, you can protect the plant from the sun by planting a sun-loving perennial on the sunny side. Hostas are winter-hardy.

Hosta: planting and care, photo

In some cases, planting is done after growing seedlings from seeds. To grow hosta seedlings, you need to plant the seeds in pots at the beginning of April, or at the beginning of May the seeds are sown in a shady bed in the garden, covering it with covering material.

Shoots will appear in three weeks. The shoots must be protected from direct sunlight. At the end of the summer season, young rosettes are planted in their permanent place.

Photo 3. Hosta White Feather (Yight Fever) with raised creamy white narrow leaves

When planting a rosette of hostas, place it at the same depth at which it grew before, then water it and lightly mulch it.

But more often hostas are planted in the fall using cuttings or divisions of a bush. When propagated by seeds, flowers grow very slowly, and only after three to four years of their life they become decorative.

Hosta care

Caring for the plant is very simple, it consists of weeding, watering, loosening and fertilizing.

The main thing is to choose the variety that is most suitable for the conditions, as well as the composition of the garden..

These versatile plants can be placed in any corner of the site. They are ideal for borders and flower beds, and as tapeworms.

Photo 4. Blue hosta "Frosted_Dimples"

Hosta looks great along paths, paths, and borders. Compositions can combine several types of plants - lighter ones in the foreground, then darker ones, and dark large ones up to 90 cm high in the background.

Hosta is beautiful in pots that can decorate any area of ​​the garden. Hostas grow in one place for 15-20 years, growing into a powerful herbaceous bush.

Photo 5. Hosta Ivory Coast with pointed blue leaves with wide white-yellow margins

Hosta also does well in moist soils near water bodies. Thanks to its survivability and quite rapid growth these plants successfully control the growth of weeds.

This allows them to be used as ground cover plants.


Hostas are watered early in the day. Watering should be done in an average volume, but regularly, increasing the volume of liquid in hot weather. Plants are very moisture-loving.

Fertilizers, fertilizing

Caring for hosta requires fertilizing with certain fertilizers.

Photo 6. Hosta canadian blue with green-blue leaves

Throughout their lives, perennials are fed with mullein infusion, ammonium nitrate, compost, superphosphate, potassium sulfate.

Fertilizing is carried out three times during the growing season:

  • at the beginning of the season,
  • during the budding period,
  • after flowering.

It is worth remembering that overfeeding is harmful to plants.

Diseases and pests

Hostas suffer from slugs. Other diseases and pests cause much less harm than slugs.

Photo 7. Hosta Guacamole with large rounded yellowish-green leaves

Hosta planting is traditionally done with ferns, kupena, hellebore, astilbe, lungwort, autumn anemone and many other plants, such as alpine aster or daisies.

This makes the plants look even better. To maintain adequate appearance It is worth regularly removing yellowed leaves, thus renewing the rosette.

Hosta easily tolerates transplantation in autumn or spring. Choosing the right place to plant this plant is very important, as it depends on what type of hosta you have chosen. This video is about this:

The perennial hosta flower is considered a "plant for the lazy" - if you choose right place for planting, the crop is able to actively grow with virtually no care. If we talk about what hosts look like, then Special attention It is worth paying attention to the description of the leaves - they are the ones that give the plant its qualities, while the flowers of the crop are quite inconspicuous.

What do different types of hostas look like?

Hosta is a not very numerous (about 40 species) genus of plants of the family. Externally, these are low rosette perennial plants: Hostas are dense bushes formed by basal leaves. They have thickened rhizomes with numerous thread-like roots. They grow in shady forests on moist, fertile soils.

Hosta flowers are funnel-shaped, on raised peduncles, varying in color from purple to violet. Although not devoid of beauty, flowers are still not the main thing decorative value host. Their decoration is graceful leaves, collected in dense basal rosettes, with a diameter of 20 to 100 cm. different types and host varieties, leaves vary in size (from miniature, the length of a matchstick, to almost half a meter), shape (from narrow-lanceolate to heart-shaped), and color (from light and dark green to gray-blue). The leaf blades of some hosta species and varieties also have white streaks or stripes. various widths and shapes. The edges of the leaves are wavy, and the tip is elongated and curled.

Khosta is distinguished by rare stability decorative effect- from the moment the leaves unfold in May until they wilt in October. It is simple in agricultural technology, low maintenance, undemanding to heat and frost-resistant, easy to grow. All hosts are distinguished by rare shade tolerance and even. This is almost the only plant whose flowering can be observed under the canopy of trees at the end of August. Hostas are highly resistant to pests and tolerate replanting well, are non-aggressive, and can grow in one place for many years. The most widespread in gardens are 7-9 species of hosta and many of its variations and varieties.

Below you can see photos and names of hosta species, as well as their descriptions.

Hosta white-edged forms very dense bushes about 20 cm high and up to 60-70 cm in diameter. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, up to 15 cm long, up to 6-8 cm wide.

From the photo and description of this hosta, it immediately becomes clear why this plant got its name - its green leaves have a narrow white border.

Peduncles up to 30 cm tall, flowers up to 6 cm long, lilac-violet. Blooms in July-August. This hosta is quite widespread among flower lovers, hardy and. Grows best in light partial shade with full sun in the morning and evening.

Hosta swollen has almost heart-shaped, very wide leaves (up to 20 cm), up to 25 cm long. Forms powerful bushes up to 80 cm high and the same width. The leaf blades are dark green, shiny below, with pronounced longitudinal venation. Peduncles up to 1 m high, blue-violet flowers, up to 5 cm. Blooms in July - August for about 3 weeks. It is unpretentious and achieves its greatest decorative value on moist loams and in partial shade.

Hosta wavy forms relatively loose rosettes up to 20 cm high and about 30 cm in diameter.

As you can see in the photo, this type of hosta has leaf blades with an uneven wavy surface and a slightly twisted top.

The petiole is light, grooved, slightly winged. The leaf is green (16 x 10 cm), with an uneven longitudinal white center. The flowers are funnel-shaped, light purple, up to 5 cm long. Peduncles up to 80 cm tall. Blooms in August.

Hosta Siebold has very large (length up to 35 cm, width up to 25 cm) leaves, bluish-green, with a matte coating. The leaf shape is close to heart-shaped. The flower stalks are low, hidden among the leaves; the flowers are pale lilac, almost white. Blooms from the end of June for 2 weeks. In the sun, this hosta loses its bluish color and becomes dark green. Semi-shaded places are most suitable.

Hosta lanceolifolia has leaf blades up to 17 cm long, 7-8 cm wide, green. The bushes grow quite quickly. Rosettes up to 40 cm high, up to 60 cm in diameter. Leaf blades are located in different planes. The petiole is quite long, grooved. Peduncles up to 60 cm high, purple flowers. Blooms from the end of August for 2 weeks.

Hosta plantain has large (length up to 30 cm, width up to 15 cm) leaves with a heart-shaped base and a pointed apex. The leaf blade is bright green and shiny. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm long, white, peduncle up to 60 cm high. Blooms in August.

How to plant hostas and how to care for them

Before planting a hosta, you need to choose correct area with sufficient lighting. The most suitable for hosta are moisture-absorbing, humus-rich loams. Many golden forms develop best in areas lit only in the morning. With the right lighting, hosta bushes grow quickly, have dense, neat rosettes, and the color of the leaves is most attractive. If there is a possibility of frequent and regular care, then hosta can be planted at any time from spring to September. The most painless transplantation occurs in May and August. Further care consists of weeding, fertilizing, and regular watering when there is a lack of atmospheric moisture.

A necessary condition for growing hosta is a high organic content in the soil. It is most advisable to apply rotted manure in the fall in the form of mulching the soil around the bushes in a layer of 5-7 cm. This will simultaneously improve the wintering conditions of the plants. In spring, the mulch is applied shallowly. Mulch can be scattered under the bushes at the beginning of summer, then, in addition to fertilizer, it will increase air humidity, which is very useful for hosts.

The hosts are fed with mullein infusion. This promotes rapid growth of leaves.

How to care for hostas at the end of the warm season? In late autumn, withered hosta leaves are removed with pruning shears. In this case, it is good to sprinkle the bushes with peat, which is useful, especially in the northern regions. Many types of hosta develop rather slowly and are not decorative until 4-5 years of age. Adult bushes are the most elegant, usually after 7-8 years of growing season.

Hostas are propagated mainly by dividing overgrown bushes. Do better in spring, until the leaves fully develop, or in the fall in September. Old bushes usually fall apart easily.

Hosta is beautiful ornamental plant, which grows quickly and pleases not only with its greenery, but also beautiful flowering. Different varieties differ in foliage and flowers. Gardeners have long loved the plant for its ease of care and beauty. In our article we want to talk about how to grow hosta on your site, the flowers of which will decorate any flower bed.

Queen of the Shadow

Hosta is a unique flower. Its greenery looks much more impressive than flowers. But the combination of foliage and inflorescences makes the plant very attractive. Recently, hosta (photo given in the article) has become very popular among gardeners. The plant was brought to Europe from southeast Asia. At first, it did not take root very successfully in flower beds. However, later the culture gained public recognition for its easy care and incredible decorativeness. Now it is very actively used landscape designers for the design of personal plots. Mysterious flower received the title of Queen of Shadow.

And it’s hard to argue with this, because the plant really loves shady places. The bell-shaped flowers of the hosta are not amazingly beautiful; the main advantage of the plant is the leaves: light green, green, golden yellow, bluish-gray, spotted and striped. They can be long and narrow, large and small, round and heart-shaped. Hostas resemble green fountains decorated with modest flowers. And yet they are so beautiful that they adorn many gardens and personal plots.

Types and varieties of flowers

Hosta has many species (about 40). Some of them:

  1. Tall hosta has large leaves, colored dark green color, oval shape. The height of the plant can reach one meter. Flowering period is June and July. Hosta flowers are colored in a light lilac shade.
  2. Fortune boasts green leaves with a cream rim. It blooms in June with lilac flowers. The bushes are small, their height does not exceed 50 centimeters.
  3. Curly hosta has oval dark green leaves. It grows up to 60 centimeters in height. The plant begins to bloom in late spring.
  4. Hosta Siebold is a perennial plant with bluish foliage. Flowering begins at the beginning of June and lasts for almost a month. The flower stalks of this variety reach a height of 40 centimeters. A special feature is its special shade tolerance.
  5. The wavy hosta is a medium-sized plant with oblong foliage. The unique color of the leaves resembles watercolor painting. The middle of the sheet is colored White color, and around it is framed by bright greenery. Wavy hosta blooms purple flowers from July to the end of August.
  6. The swollen hosta has dark shiny leaves. It blooms in July and delights with flowers until the end of August.
  7. Plantain hosta has a fairly impressive size and wrinkled foliage with a corrugated structure.

There are even more varieties of hosta - more than 600. Different varieties of hosta differ in size. Among them there are tall, medium-tall and dwarf forms. The latter are considered the most capricious and demanding to care for. But the tallest forms are the least whimsical and hardy. Most interesting variety- Royal Standard. Its peculiarity is that plants of this type give abundant flowering even in very dense shade. Varieties Elegance, Hercules and others are used by breeders for landscape design. An interesting miniature variety is Teaspun. He, unlike most dwarfs, is very stable. First Frost is a very popular chameleon variety. Over the course of the season, the plant changes shade from dove-blue to green. Lakeside Dragonfly is a compact variety with narrow green-blue leaves and a cream-colored edge. T. Rex is a giant hosta with stunning greenish-gray leaves.

Description of the plant

Hostas are many-sided plants that amaze with their diversity. Every gardener has the opportunity to choose the most interesting variety for himself, which will become a real decoration of the garden. It was the spectacular appearance of the hosta flower that made it so popular. The plant grows very quickly and turns shaded areas into blooming green plantations. The culture is loved for its bright and unique foliage, colored in the most bizarre way. The plant tolerates cold and drought well, thrives in the shade and is an excellent background for other flowers. Over the years, the plant becomes more and more beautiful. However, the peak occurs in the fifth year of the flower's life.

The description of hosta should begin by saying that all plant varieties are herbaceous forms. The thickened rhizome of the bush has big number cord-like branches. It is thanks to them that the plant is firmly fixed to the surface of the soil. Hosta peduncles are devoid of foliage and rise above the green rosette. The inflorescences are racemose with simple or double flowers. Hosta in a flowerbed always stands out due to its greenery, even if it does not bloom.

Most plant varieties have flowers light lilac color. This is the most common shade. But there are pink and white varieties, as well as purple ones. The plant differs from other shade-loving forms in its rather beautiful flowers.

The average height of hosta bushes is in the range of 50-80 centimeters. But among them there are real giants, whose height reaches 1.2 meters. And here dwarf varieties in height do not exceed 15 centimeters.

Plant propagation

garden plant does not require special skills to grow it. Therefore, every gardener can plant such a flower in his garden. Hosta propagation is not difficult. Get young plant Possibly in three ways - dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings. Before planting, plants must be selected the right variety for your site, which suits you in terms of the degree of illumination, soil fertility, soil moisture.

To propagate the plant by dividing the existing bush, hosts older than four years are used. If you try to divide a young flower into parts, you can slow it down further development. It is believed that the plant can be propagated in this way in the spring. However, practice shows that gardeners use this method throughout the entire growing season, and quite successfully.

Its essence is quite simple. An adult bush is dug up and removed from the ground in whole or in part. Shoots with roots are removed from it. You can use a knife or something sharp. At first glance, it seems that this method is very traumatic. But this is not the case, since space for growth is freed up for an adult plant. The resulting space is filled with fertile soil, not forgetting to add fertilizer. New seedlings are planted in another area.

Propagation by cuttings

Planting a hosta flower is also possible in another way. If you have a shoot with a small part of the rhizome, then you can also get a young plant from it. To do this, it is planted in a small greenhouse in the shade. The shelter can be made from ordinary plastic bottle. In this case, the green part of the shoot must be removed. The rooting process of the cuttings will last for several weeks. During this period, the seedling will have to be watered regularly.

Propagation by seeds

Hosta can also be propagated by seeds. But this method is not used for all plant varieties. Most often, plants obtained from seeds do not have the same varietal properties as the mother bush. Therefore, gardeners do not use this method of flower propagation. Planting hostas by dividing the bush is much easier and more effective.

Seed propagation is actively used by breeders, since it allows them to obtain varieties with properties that have not been repeated before. This method is very long. With its help, a full-fledged plant can be obtained in four to five years. Of course, hosta seeds have a very high germination rate, but it is still much easier and faster to purchase ready-made bushes or cuttings.

Cultivation care

What conditions must be created for a hosta flower? Caring for it is quite simple. The plant must be periodically weeded and loosened the soil around it. It is also worth applying fertilizers suitable for the flower. The host needs to be watered regularly, especially during hot periods, increasing the amount of water. It is better to do this in the morning so as not to leave burns on the foliage of the plant.

If the bushes are planted in a nutrient medium, fertilizing may not be applied for three to four years. In autumn, the ground around the plant is mulched with humus or compost, thereby feeding the flower. Hosta does not need large quantities fertilizers, but if necessary they can be distributed around the bush. Fertilizer is sprinkled onto moist soil. Liquid fertilizers Apply up to twice a month until approximately mid-summer. Next, feeding should be stopped, otherwise the plant will not have time to prepare for winter.

The soil around the bushes, especially young ones, should always be wet. Morning watering is recommended for the plant. Moreover, it must be organized in such a way that water does not get on the foliage, since it leaves marks and spoils decorative look hosts. The water pressure during watering should be very weak so as not to clog the soil around the bush. Lack of moisture affects the condition of the foliage; its tips become brown.

To preserve the beautiful appearance of the plant, it is necessary to remove faded flower stalks. Weeding of bushes is carried out only at the beginning of cultivation. Subsequently, the plants grow so much that they choke out the weeds. After three to four years, the bush can be safely divided and replanted. For healthy plant this procedure is not harmful.

Preparing for winter

All varieties of hosta (photos cannot convey all their beauty) are very resistant to cold weather. Still, experienced gardeners recommend preparing plants for wintering. One of best methods is mulching. Substances used as covering materials will simultaneously protect the plant from freezing and at the same time enrich the soil. For example, shavings or sawdust can be used for mulching fruit trees, mown grass, straw, pine needles, peat, rotted manure, compost. In late autumn, hosta greens lose their attractiveness. At this time, you can prepare it for wintering. To do this, plantings are covered with pine needles or non-woven material. In snowy winters, the plant does not require shelter.


Hosta is disease resistant. And yet the plant fights such a fungal disease as phyllosticosis. The disease manifests itself by the appearance of brownish spots on the foliage, which subsequently cover the entire green part. Another fungus that attacks flower stalks is no less dangerous. Unfortunately, infected plants must be removed from the site and destroyed.

Quite dangerous for hostas and gray rot. Fungicides are used to combat it. If you notice whitish cotton wool on the plant, this is a sclerotinia fungus. Affected bushes must be treated with dichlorane.

The main enemy of the plant can be safely called slugs. Their presence can be recognized by the appearance of large holes on the foliage. You can easily remove slugs in a simple way. It is necessary to place vessels with beer near the bushes. After a day, they can be removed along with the slugs that crawled towards the smell of the drink.

Caterpillars may appear on bushes. They eat leaves very quickly. But dealing with them is quite simple. All kinds of insecticides will help with this.

Room hosts

It is worth noting that, in general, indoor flower the host may well exist. Although she is not one. Many plant varieties can be grown at home before planting in the ground. Young plants need to get stronger before entering the flowerbed. At home with proper care Hosta is even able to please with flowering. To transplant a hosta flower, you need to choose a pot suitable size. It should hold enough soil and all root system. It is very important for the hosta drainage system so that there is no stagnation of water.

When growing crops in a container, you need frequent watering and feeding, because everything useful material are washed out of the soil by water. Bushes in pots should not be kept in the sun; they may simply burn. If you decide to grow hosta in a container, then you cannot leave it outside for the winter. Hosta can only overwinter if it grows in open ground. In a pot, its roots will simply freeze. It is worth remembering this and putting the plant indoors for the winter.

The main condition for keeping hosts at home is regular watering, since the culture is moisture-loving. And in pots, the roots of the plant are at risk of drying out. With proper care, the bush grows quite quickly and requires transplanting into the ground.