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Draft document “On the position of the Church in connection with the emergence and prospects for the development of new technologies for personal identification. The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church did not bless the adoption of biometric documents

Tell me please,
What is the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church to the new type of foreign passports (Biometric foreign passport)?

Externally, a Biometric passport is not much different from a regular one. However, there are special solutions that are used in Russian new generation biometric passports.

a microchip integrated into a plastic page contains information about the owner of the biometric passport, his color photograph, the date of issue of the new passport and the authority that issued the document.
the first plastic page of a biometric passport, all information on which is applied by laser engraving. The signature of the owner of a new type of foreign passport and his photo are also printed on the plastic page of the biometric passport. The plastic page of the biometric passport is attached to the book using a fabric insert.
This technology allows the owner of a biometric passport to significantly reduce the time it takes to go through border and customs procedures, since equipment is installed at the borders of most countries that allows information to be read from a microchip.

Is it possible to obtain such a passport for an Orthodox Christian?



Dear reader!

Can. The Church calls on its children to remain sober-minded.

In connection with the adoption of Taxpayer Identification Numbers and electronic cards, there are people who sow doubts in the souls of Christians. They continue to search for all sorts of negative phenomena in church and social life. His Holiness the Patriarch described this phenomenon as activity, " aimed at undermining the authority of the hierarchy, at creating discord and schism within the Church." These words of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, it seemed, should have brought some sense to those who still have any doubts about the new passports and Taxpayer Identification Number. For what more authoritative opinion should an Orthodox Christian expect than the opinion of His Holiness the Patriarch, expressed in his official address?

Of course, people who spread drunken eschatologism, especially those who do it in bad faith, sin against the unity of the Church. Another thing is how to realistically and lovingly counteract this? After all, understand, the enemy of the human race most of all wants schisms in the Church, and of course will strive to ensure that those people who are sensitive to the problem of electronic documents with those who treat it calmer, more soberly, find themselves in separation. And the task of all of us Orthodox church people is to prevent this.

We prayerfully hope that the spiritual authority of His Holiness will serve to enlighten those children of the Orthodox Church who are now in soul-destroying error.

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The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church opposed the forced and unalternative use by citizens of electronic methods of accounting and personal identification.

This is stated in the document adopted at the Council of Bishops that ended yesterday: “The Church considers any form of coercion of citizens to use electronic identifiers, automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data and personal confidential information unacceptable.”

This question did not arise now, its history goes back decades,” Andrei Titushkin, a specialist at the synodal department for relations between the Church and society, commented on the Council’s decision to the RG. - Believing citizens who do not want to accept certain electronic innovations constantly turn to His Holiness the Patriarch and the hierarchy of the Russian Church. The reaction of society has become especially aggravated in connection with the introduction of a universal electronic card (UEC) on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The concerns, according to Andrei Titushkin, are different. From radical ones - someone is afraid to see in electronic documents the “number of the beast” that the Apocalypse warns about, or the image of the “beast” itself - to completely justified ones, related to the fact that the card can fall into the hands of fraudsters and as a “collection of data” about person to compromise their privacy.

People are also afraid that electronic technologies can become a means of imposing on people an ideology that contradicts Christian teachings. There are already examples in the West when certain ideas about tolerance are imposed on people, and those who disagree with these views (on same-sex marriage, sex education) have problems keeping accounts, getting a job, etc.

The document of the Council of Bishops emphasizes that the Church understands perfectly well that progress is moving forward and cannot be stopped, that we live in the age of electronics, and there is nothing sinful in counting the population. The Gospel of Luke says that the Holy Virgin Mary and the righteous Joseph went to the census in the city of Bethlehem and along the way the Savior was born. But it is noted that there is concern in society that the use of new personal electronic identifiers may become a prerequisite for every person’s access to material and social benefits and help for total control over a person without his consent. The Church in this case stands for human freedom. And the Constitution guarantees the right not to accept new electronic identifiers to citizens.

Conversations that traditional paper passports have already become obsolete and will be replaced by plastic ones with electronic media have been going on for at least 20 years. Representatives of the Federal Migration Service stated that a serious burden has been created on the internal passport of the Russian Federation and this document no longer has any prospects. Electronic media allows you to record a huge amount of information on it.

Last year, the head of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovsky, said at a meeting with members of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy that the internal passport had lost its significance. “You need an identification document within the Russian Federation. But this is not a passport. Alternatively, a plastic ID card with a chip,” said the head of the FMS. At that time, there was no final decision on this issue. Not much has changed now either. An interdepartmental working group has been created. It must also determine the parameters of the new document. What information will it contain? Will the traditional passport be completely replaced by an electronic ID card or will they exist in parallel? Will there be alternative ID options for people who have religious objections to electronics? The Federal Migration Service cannot yet answer these questions. While this is all just being discussed, it is too early to comment on anything, the FMS told us. Meanwhile, it was planned that the new document should be put into circulation as early as 2015.

The prototype of an electronic passport is a universal electronic card (UEC), which has already begun to be issued this year at the request of citizens. And starting next year, UEC will be issued to everyone. Let us remind you that with its help you can receive various state and municipal services, pay taxes and fines, use it as a travel ticket and much more. It is assumed that after the UEC is tested in practice, it will be possible to switch to an electronic passport. However, the president of the federal authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card" Alexey Popov believes that "the good old paper passport will be the main document for a long time, and all state and municipal services can continue to be received as people are accustomed to."

Vyacheslav Postavnin, president of the 21st Century Migration Foundation and recently deputy head of the Federal Migration Service, does not see any point in replacing traditional passports with plastic cards. At the same time, he notes that “the procedure will cost billions of rubles, because it is necessary not only to change the documents themselves, but also to install card readers for reading information from these passports everywhere, right up to housing offices and clinics.” The expert approves of universal electronic cards, which are already in circulation: “It replaces a whole series of documents for a person - it’s convenient. And it’s much easier for the state to control a person, thanks to the card, essentially every step, every action of a person will be known.” As for the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, then, according to Postavnin, if someone fundamentally does not want to use electronic documents, he should have the right to an alternative choice. “On the other hand, electronic registration of citizens has been maintained for a long time. Each person is assigned individual numbers both in the tax service and in the Pension Fund, and each paper passport has its own number. So from this point of view, nothing fundamentally will change with the advent of electronic documents.” , says Vyacheslav Postavnin.

Orthodox activists and authors of the church-wide document “on the Taxpayer Identification Number” expressed their concern about the introduction of electronic passports. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin did not share their theological considerations, but agreed with their concerns, emphasizing that the introduction of electronic means of identification could threaten civil liberties.

“There are a certain number of citizens who will never accept electronic documents, and in extreme situations will go into the woods,” emphasizes the head of the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, convinced that these concerns must be treated with respect.. - They have various reasons: both religious and other, not related to theological assessments of identification technologies. The first version of the church-wide document suggested some analysis of these reasons, but the presidium of the Inter-Council Presence decided to exclude them from the final text.”

As it became known from the text of the bill published on the Internet, paper passports should soon replace plastic identification cards. New documents that are not equipped with a chip will contain an electronic key that will unite together the hitherto scattered electronic databases of various government departments (health insurance, traffic police, Federal Migration Service, social and pension security). Old paper documents will continue to be in circulation only for some time, so after the expiration of the transition period, all citizens will have to accept new passports on a non-alternative basis, which will combine the functions of an identification card, universal access to government databases and commercial services, becoming both a passport and a banking card. card.

Recalling that the Council of Bishops refrained from making theological assessments of identification systems, Father Vsevolod noted that combining electronic databases through a plastic passport can allow the state or other structures to accumulate information about a citizen’s health, his habits, find out what books he buys and what places he goes to: “ Let’s assume that you are going to get a government job, and a special program analyzes your purchases, movements and determines your degree of trustworthiness and automatically produces a figure that determines whether you have the right to work in this position or not.”

Full control

These words, spoken by Archpriest Vsevolod at a round table held in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on February 25, were echoed by the majority of representatives of the country’s traditional religious faiths, who also took part in the discussion.

This is how the head of the Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith supported Father Vsevolod, Sergei Ryakhovsky, stating that: “The task facing legislators is to ensure not only state security, but also the safety of citizens.”

Representatives of relevant government departments who came to the round table tried to dispel the doubts of religious leaders. They tried to convince critics of the reliability and safety of the proposed technologies, recalling that when the FMS issues regular paper passports, all passport data has long been entered into a special electronic database, which is used not only by the FMS and the police, but also by other government departments, for example, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for issuance of driver's licenses. There have been no cases of unauthorized access to these databases so far, according to employees of the Federal Migration Service.

“We need to fight not against technology, but against abuses,” says Vladimir Platonov, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma. - Even if you can buy information from the traffic police database on Gorbushka, this does not mean that you do not need to register the car at all. We need to improve the control system, and not abandon bases.”

“With the development of society, a person comes more and more under state control: a cell phone and a bank card make it possible to establish the location of a person. Can they be used to harm humans? Yes, like any other technology,” he emphasizes.

Worse than vodka

In response to a remark from the Chairman of the Moscow Duma, religious associations voiced the opinion that if the state strengthens control over a citizen, then citizens should also have the opportunity to strengthen their control over the state, in any case, over the data that the new passport will contain and broadcast .

In addition, the chairman of the All-Russian public organization of parents of large families “Many children is good!” made an unexpectedly sharp criticism of identification systems. Tatiana Borovikova, she spoke out not only against electronic passports, but also against pension insurance policies, which have long been in the form of a plastic card, and containing the so-called SNILS (Individual Personal Account Insurance Number) assigned to the card owner by the state and mandatory for receiving almost all services related to the system compulsory pension insurance.

“I consider one hundred SNILS to be as sinful as a bottle of vodka! - she is convinced. “We are forced to organize religious processions around schools and the State Duma in order to ensure the protection of our territory from officials who are letting this terrible electronic infection into our country.”

In addition, she admitted that, due to her religious beliefs, she does not use the services of Sberbank, which, when making monetary transactions in its branches, forces clients to accept a serial number in the electronic queue, printed on paper by a special terminal.

“Taking a number instead of a name is unacceptable, this is a grave sin,” Tatyana Borovikova is convinced. Not long ago, she was forced to take her middle child out of school after the introduction of electronic diaries there, and she was never able to enroll her youngest daughter in school, due to the fact that to do this she would have to sign up for the electronic queue on the website of the Department of Education.

In all these restrictions she sees discrimination against believers; a Moscow City Duma deputy also made no less radical criticism Dmitry Mishustin, who admitted that he accepted his passport “containing three sixes” “even before joining the church.”

New world order

Traditionally, documents developed by the commissions of the Inter-Council Presence are anonymous. Although external experts who are not officially part of the Presence are sometimes brought in to compile them, the texts themselves are presented for church-wide discussion without a signature. As the chairman of the Union of Orthodox Citizens admitted Valentin Lebedev, who took part in the round table, among the experts called to voice the opinion of the church community on February 25, there were people who participated in the work of the specialized commission and were responsible for the content of the document rejected by the Plenum of the inter-council presence, without naming these experts by name. Some of the considerations that were not included in the final version approved by the council, but contained in the original draft, were voiced by the Orthodox writer, one of the leaders of the movement “For the right to live without TIN, personal codes and microchips” Valery Filimonov, who supported the notorious Bishop Diomede before his break with the church hierarchy and deviations into schism.

He emphasized that today the world is on the threshold of the formation of a global information society, whose general contours have already been outlined by the relevant international agreements signed at conferences in Okinawa, Orleans and Montreal. These documents, he said, involve the creation of a universal form of electronic IDs throughout the world and their integration into a single global network. The standards of these agreements generally coincide with the characteristics of the Universal Electronic Card and future passports introduced by the Russian government. “Russia is being included in the global community, and the means of identification is just a tool. A soulless computer system identifies a person as a certain commodity. The human personality itself is reduced to the level of a commodity, the writer is convinced. - No less dangerous is the collection of biometric information. A base containing the genetic pool of a people can become a tool for creating genetic weapons.”

The developers of identification systems hastened to assure the Orthodox expert that the new passports do not imply biometrics, in addition, their owner who does not want to use electronic services will still have the opportunity to receive the corresponding services in the traditional way, limiting himself only to identification, including non-electronic: all data that will be recorded on the chip cards will be duplicated in the traditional printed way on its back side, including the holder's last name, first name and photograph.

In conclusion, Father Vsevolod Chaplin proposed not to touch upon theological issues in the current composition and proposed to focus on the secular dimension of the issue; let us once again recall that this is exactly what the Council of Bishops did. At the same time, he doubted the soteriological arguments voiced by Orthodox activists: “Orthodox teaching does not fully allow the deprivation of salvation in such matters, except in cases of grave unrepentant sin. And although I know that some people consider the adoption of documents to be just such a sin, this is still a debatable issue.”

(downloads: 666673)

Recently, in connection with the beginning of the adoption of the UEC in Russia, the discussion has intensified whether soon or not soon they will put the seal of the Antichrist and how this is connected with the UEC.

Here is the answer.

In the USA, they are going to affix the seal of the Antichrist to all Americans before March 23, 2013 /1/. A microchip under the skin, by adjusting the psyche, turns a person into a biorobot: a bioobject with remote control. There is a real possibility of adjusting the psyche of a biological object or even its physical destruction. (/3/, Appendix 1). Hieroschemamonk Rafail (Berestov): Having “swallowed” a passport, followed by a token with a chip, a person will “swallow” a chip on his forehead or hand and Will become controlled by Satanists, will lose his “I”, They will make him possessed /4/.

About Russia St. Seraphim Vyritsky said: “The time will come when there will be spiritual flourishing in Russia. Many churches and monasteries will open, even people of other faiths will come to us to be baptized on such ships. But this won’t last long - fifteen years, then the Antichrist will come." (/2/, p.44).

V. Zhirinovsky openly speaks about the need to microchip all Russians on television /6/, some parents from St. Petersburg declare that they want to microchip their children in order to know their whereabouts (this is also from television news /15/), about sewing in chips Ex-President and current Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev /7/ jokes under the skin of members of the United Russia party, and already as a government program: Chip into the brains of Russians in 2025– order 311 of August 7, 2007. From Order 311: “...the ability to produce all components of network systems will mean Establishing actual control over all their users"(Appendix 4).

And since the microchip in the UEC /8/ and the Ukrainian biometric passport is foreign, the “actual control” over Russians and Ukrainians will be exercised by the Antichrist in his “beast” supercomputer (Appendix 3).

1. Barcode – the seal of the Antichrist

The trouble is that this printing in the form of a barcode on goods has already Twenty years affects us (three elongated double lines, two at the edges and one in the middle of the barcode form the “number of the name of the beast” 666):

It carries demonic energy and poisons food and other goods with it;

It influences the subconscious, inclining a person to sin and to accept a seal on his hand or forehead.

Hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov): “The digital name of the Antichrist 666 contains power and demonic energy, and it exerts strong pressure on the subconscious and on the will of a person (/4/, 0:08:43);

The Orthodox elders warned: “a bar code is the same stamp that will be placed on the hand and forehead”, “this seal, apparently in the form of bars, will be placed on all products”, “if a person has not taken a passport, but eats food with coding, He’s already in the cage.” They said about TIN and electronic documents: TIN plus three sixes (666) as the digital image of Satan is Denial of God, of Jesus Christ, ...demonic energy settles on them, that’s why they can’t be taken - This is already the seal of the Antichrist(Appendix 2). Note: TIN is written in the computer in the same EAN-13 standard as the barcode on goods (Appendix 1), therefore the demonic energy associated with the seal of the Antichrist (EAN-13) also sits on all “geared” goods.

Any priest, if you ask him whether it is possible to consider satanic symbols, will say that under no circumstances. And here, the barcode (the seal of the Antichrist with the number of the name of the beast) how many times a day does it catch our eye in stores? We don’t notice it, we buy groceries, that is, according to the principle of the 25th frame The barcode (the seal of the Antichrist) acts directly on our subconscious.

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher: “Do not buy products with barcodes. Pick them, cross them and sprinkle them with holy water, and then eat them with prayer. The barcode is the same stamp that will be placed on the hand and forehead" /"Salt of the Earth" (Movie 2)/. A modern priest also advises trying not to eat food with a barcode, and if there is no other choice, he recommends tearing off the barcode and sprinkling the product with holy water under the prayers “Our Father” and “May God rise again.”

I think the barcode itself should be torn or cut into several parts so that, if it gets into the ground with garbage, it does not poison it.

2. UEC (biometric document) – the final renunciation of Christ Orthodox elders warn: the trick of the enemy is that A person renounces Christ not at one moment, but gradually, step by step

(voucher, Russian passport, TIN, insurance certificate, bank card, UEC or biometric passport). Accepting electronic documents Man enters into the system of evil, The purpose of which is to lead a person to the seal of the Antichrist. At each stage of acceptance of the next electronic document The grace of the Holy Spirit and the Guardian Angel depart from a person, and at the same time the mind becomes increasingly darkened , black wings appear and man is no longer controlled by the Lord. The person becomes as if stupefied, and at a certain stage he "» will put up his right hand or forehead and he will be given a laser stamp in the form of a barcode (Appendix 2).

Many priests and monks believe that you can pray a lot, while taking everything electronic, and save yourself, and save many around you. One perspicacious Orthodox elder, who sees through the sins of people, said about such people: “ They will not be saved", and one perspicacious schema-nun said: “ After a biometric document, there is only one road to hell».

Why does the final renunciation of Christ occur at the stage of the biometric document?

At the UEC stage (“tokens with a chip”) a person:

1. Agrees with the assignment of an international identification (ID) number, which immediately, through a companion, enters the Antichrist computer “beast” (Appendix 3).

2.Deigns through the Law “On Personal Data”, the transfer of one’s personal data, including biometrics, into the hands of “third parties”, i.e., to the developer of the microchip and the entire psychotronic concentration camp system under construction - the Antichrist. The Ukrainian Law “On the Protection of Personal Data” provides for the processing of personal data Adaptation, and this term is not described anywhere in the law, the Russian Law “On Personal Data” provides for them Change.

3. In fact Adaptation (change) will mean a psychotronic (witchcraft) influence in the “beast” computer on a person through fine-field structures associated with a fingerprint or photograph. Just as a sorcerer influences a person through his photograph, the same will happen here - through a digitized photograph and a fingerprint, only this effect will be many times stronger than the influence of an ordinary sorcerer, because:

The person internally opened up to this influence, consenting to the transfer of his personal data to the “beast” computer and to the adaptation of his personal data in it;

The Antichrist himself will zombie him.

It is for psychotronic (witchcraft) influence that the Antichrist needs to collect Through his servants in governments fingerprints from all people. It is for this purpose that they want to create a Unified Demographic Register in Ukraine. So that after such zombification a person will involuntarily and calmly accept the seal. Therefore, there is such a struggle for fingerprints in Belarus, and will soon be in Russia and Ukraine.

The result of witchcraft is known: zombification and demonic possession, when a person begins to submit to sinful thoughts inspired by demons, or even hears their voices calling for sin, suicide; another result is cancer.

In this case A person will have an irresistible desire to accept the seal, And the Guardian Angel will not be able to help him, since the man himself rejected him, I deigned in writing The Antichrist “changes” and “adapts” his soul, which is connected in a subtle material way with digital photography and fingerprints located in the “beast” computer.

That is why there will be no return to Christ, after the ID number and biometric data enter the “beast” computer and their “adaptation” and “change” there, then only Zombification And Seal. Orthodox elders warn us about this (Appendix 2).

That's why the acceptance of the UEC (biometric document) is the moment of the final renunciation of Christ.

Therefore, people, refuse the UEC, do not take any biometric documents, save your souls!

R. B. Alexander

Annex 1

  • From the expert opinion of the Vinnitsa National Agrarian University at the request of the people's deputy from the Regiono Party Vadim Kolesnichenko (2010):

The analysis revealed the following:

1. The identification number, written in the EAN-13 UPC standard as a barcode, contains the key sequence 666. That is, the computer clearly reads three pairs of thin elongated lines as three sixes.

5. In the EAN system, the identification number, in addition to the bar, text and electronic recording methods, provides Radio frequency option, which “favorably” differs in that The number can be applied to a person’s hand or forehead in the form of a tag (microchip).

6. The role of the identifier (INN) can be performed by the series and number of the passport, which, Fundamentally, it doesn't change anything.

Possible consequences of mandatory assignment of an individual identification number to each person:

11. Modern achievements Psychotronics together with a person’s identification system, they make it possible to control him “from the inside” and scan his mental, moral and spiritual state in real time. There is a real possibility of adjusting the psyche of a biological object or even its physical destruction. Combining identification systems and psychotronics opens up prospects Transformation of a person into a biorobot: a remote-controlled object.

12. Introduction of achievements Nanotechnology opens up fundamentally new horizons for the development of civilization. The dimensions of microprocessors embedded in the human body can now be measured in nanometers.

13. With 100% coverage of the Earth's surface by observation satellites, a person will constantly remain in a zone of strict control and will be able to act only under the conditions of a strict control system algorithm.

15. The existence of a Unified Database, in principle, turns a person into an object of control in a system of total control.

Appendix 2

“They will give out new documents: passports, numbers, everything will be electronic and they will distribute the markings everywhere. He called them Old Testament Israelite symbol. You can recognize him this way: he will have 30 sticks according to the number of 30 pieces of silver. The outermost ones are elongated and the middle ones are elongated. When you see him, know that it is him. AND They will put it on products, on documents, Everywhere, everywhere. The Apocalypse will be fulfilled." (/10/ “Salt of the Earth”, (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:17).

“The mark of the beast will be in the form of numbers Old Testament Solomon's treasury. And some sticks will be, and three will be elongated or shortened, as he thinks of. Will be on all products". (/10/ “Salt of the Earth”, (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:23).

“The barcode is the same stamp that will be placed on the hand and forehead. The print will be applied Laser and will be invisible. The ever-memorable schema-abbot Jerome of Sanaksarsky also spoke about this” (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth”, (film 2), Schema-archim. Christopher, 2:19:00).

“Father Christopher, seeing the barcodes, said: “This is them, this is them.” That is, the marks of the Antichrist. AND I did not bless the purchase of goods with their image.”(/10/ “The Salt of the Earth”, (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 1:51:00).

Archimandrite Tavrion: “See, don’t make a mistake, because This seal, apparently in the form of bars, will be placed on all products, so as to confuse Orthodox Christians.” (/10/"Salt of the Earth", (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:50:00). “If a person did not take a passport, but He eats food with code, he is already in a cage". (/10/"Salt of the Earth", (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 4:32).

« The person who accepts the number (TIN) enters the evil system"- says Elder Kirill (Pavlov)." (/11/ “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), p. 58).

Hieroschemamonk Rafail (Berestov): Father Nikolai Guryanov told him in a telephone conversation: “Don’t take the TIN, you can’t take the TIN.” Masons have direct contacts with Satan and give more and more new revelations. These are Satanists, and they give a program of action. And the TIN did not just appear, it is not from a person, I think it is from Satan . TIN plus three sixes (666) as a digital image of Satan is a renunciation of God, of Jesus Christ. Paisiy of Athos, the great Athonite elder, denounced the TIN and other electronic documents, saying that Those who take them will lose the grace of the Holy Spirit. Demonic energy settles on them. That's why you can't take them - This is already the seal of the Antichrist. Still on paper, but not on the forehead or hand. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:31)

Father Christopher said back in the 70s: There will be a great departure from the truth, from the truth of God, when people begin to be given numbers, passports, vouchers and other documents of the Antichrist. They'll give it to you first Voucher. And whoever accepts it will have one foot in hell, and if he does not repent, then he will go into the abyss, into eternal fire, forever and ever. After a while they will give new passports, cards, And if a person takes them, he will be a traitor to Christ. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 1:33).

They will voluntarily and forcibly force you to take new documents and work for them. Sometimes there will be a thought: I will agree, and then, God knows. Never. Just agree to this small step, you will lose everything forever. Grace will go away. Therefore, there should be no compromises with heavenly established authorities. In the form of these people the hellish serpent will work. Sometimes they won't even know who they work for. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:02).

The voucher and other documents are Steps to hell. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:07).

“Slavochka said that the first non-human document in our country / Russia / was a voucher, the rest of the subsequent documents will also be from Satan. The time will come when a person wants to receive even a small certificate, but they will tell him: “Accept the number, otherwise we won’t give you a certificate.” The last document will be a world passport In the form of a small, very nice gray plate, and when people receive it, specially installed equipment will apply three small sixes in the form of a tattoo with rays on their forehead or right hand.” (/12/ youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova, pp. 266-267).

Anyone who accepts the passport will also accept the stamp. He can't resist. Starting from the acceptance of the voucher, An eclipse of consciousness begins. If there is a code on the ID card, then for the enemy “this is already my man.” With the acceptance of the passport Grace leaves a person. This is not a print yet, but a huge step towards a print. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:09).

Father Nikolai / Guryanov / treated Soviet passports coldly, but did not bless Russian ones, with rare exceptions. And here it cannot be called a blessing, the priest just saw that the person would take it anyway. And here I didn’t bless any plastic cards. Even driver's licenses. Also, foreign passports, saying that that’s enough, it’s too late to travel. About the TIN, he immediately said that they could not be accepted, and often when asked about the numbers he answered: “The Temple of God, the services of God, the numbers / code for the temple / are not God’s.” (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:30).

Father Tavrion told his spiritual child: Without a new passport they will not hire you. What kind of passport do you have, try to stay with it. With new passports, people will feel all the benefits, all the success, but they will have this joy until the reign of the Antichrist, when the world computer turns on. Then those who take it will suffer grief, fear and horror, and Those who do not take it will be persecuted, but will be with God.(/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:21).

Hieroschemamonk Rafail (Berestov): PassportsThey Not Russian Masonic with the seal of the Antichrist. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:56).

O. Nikolai Guryanov conveyed to the woman who decided to give up the TIN through the cell attendant: Don’t take any number, The number is destruction, the grace of God is leaving. Never take it. Don't be afraid of anyone, no one will touch you; He gave her an image of Jesus Christ through the cell attendant so that she would always carry it with her (according to this woman, indeed, she has been carrying this image for many years, and so far no one has touched her). (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:33).

Father Nikolai Guryanov privately told his spiritual daughter: Hold on to the last, do not accept the Russian passport. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:34).

O. Nikolai Guryanov: If someone took a passport, tax identification number or plastic cards out of ignorance or carelessness, they must repent of this, Submit these documents because they lead to spiritual destruction. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:36).

O. Nikolai Guryanov blessed everyone to distribute court decisions according to the TIN. (/15/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:54). His cell attendant handed out xeroxed court decisions on Taxpayer Identification Numbers to everyone. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:37).

Father Christopher said: We started with a voucher and how You will climb the steps to the Antichrist: Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), medical policy, insurance policies, new passports, CHIPs. If you accepted the policy, then the TIN, then the passport, then There's no turning back, You already You will be like zombies, and your mind will be taken away, you will no longer be able to think. Then you will go further and accept the rest everything, and the last one: Just involuntarily calmly put your forehead and your hand and they will put CHIPs on you with a laser. And hell awaits. Father Christopher asked the spiritual children not to take anything satanic, starting with the voucher. Whoever does not take a passport, tax identification number and other evil spirits, the Lord will give crowns during his lifetime, they will be invisible. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 2:22).

Do not take a single document from this government. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:06).

It's better to starve and not take anything. You just need to pray, and the Lord will help.(/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:12).

The voucher cannot be taken. It’s like we are selling the property of our Tsar Nicholas II. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 1:39).

Even the Soviet red passport could not be taken, since it had a secret number stamped on it. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 1:42).

After the red passports of the 1975 model, they will be issued Jewish ones with sixes. “It’s better to die of hunger than to take them.”"- said Father Nikolai Ragozin. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:47).

Do not take a Russian passport under any circumstances, otherwise you will already have one foot in hell (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:48).

Take your passport and other pieces of paper, By this you cling invisibly to the Antichrist. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:50). Plastic cards should not be taken under any circumstances.. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:53).

« Passports already bear the stamp of the Antichrist and work for him. I don’t know whether the current ones signal to satellites or not, but knowledgeable people told me that this would happen.” (/13/, p. 146).

Before putting a real seal, People will be bombarded with papers, they will get used to it, and then they will put a real stamp on it. People will not immediately accept the seal, And papers take away your mind, then people will accept the seal. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:51).

Father Christopher warned all his spiritual children that the times of Antichrist would come. Don't take anything that isn't offered to you. They will place a cross and bread in front of you, follow the cross.. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 1:36).

One person twice violated Fr.’s blessing. Nikolai Guryanov: 1) accepted the Russian passport, 2) burned it (while the blessing was to bury it in the ground). As a result, an evil spirit entered the man, and he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:48).

In Russian passports, barely noticeable fibers are made in the form of sixes, and a personal code for children is provided. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:46).

Hegumen Gury told his spiritual children that they should not take new Russian passports, that with an insert in a Soviet passport you can live until the end of time / in Russian passports on each page there is the number “666” - like a pattern around the number of each page, like the background of the name “RUSSIA” "(666666), as well as the line width is 6.6 cm, barely noticeable fibers are made in the form of sixes - approx. condition/. He also did not bless the taking of privatization “vouchers”, pensions, medical insurance policies, holograms, or magnetic cards; he told his spiritual children not to take or sign anything. I advised the children to write three applications with refusals of digital personal identifiers - to a health insurance organization, to a pension fund and to the tax office - and send them by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery. “They will send you in response,” he explained, three papers, and you will show them to the Lord when you appear before Him. “The most important thing now, said Fr. Gury - do not accept the Taxpayer Identification Number" "...and so he said: If you want to get sick, take a policy, but if you don’t want to get sick, don’t take it, and the Lord will save you from getting sick." "He said: " If you take this, then you will also accept the seal of the Antichrist, you will not notice how" After all He who is not faithful to God in small things cannot be faithful in big things.(/11/ “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), pp. 15,16,19,29).

If a person takes nothing and has nothing, then The Lord helps him, and if a person takes something, then Guardian angel and grace depart, appear Black wings, and man is no longer controlled by the Lord. AND The person becomes as if stupefied. Spiritual daughter: “If the person you were walking next to took your passport, he becomes like a stranger and doesn’t hear you.” Father Gury: “If you took at least something, you already took number 666 (it’s like a root, and stems rise from it (voucher, passport, policy, tax identification number, bank cards, census)." (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” "(Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:30).

The pension insurance policy must be taken back to the Pension Fund. ( Do not burn!). Burning is already deceit. The fight must be a fight. If you took it, take it back. (/10/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:40).

“Once he (Father Gury) told us that he had a revelation from the Mother of God: “So that you, my children, do not take anything and do not sign anywhere. A The main thing is repentance. If they ask why you don’t take this or that, You need to answer like this: “I fear the Almighty Lord God and His Last Judgment!"(/11/ “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), p. 19).

One day before going to bed, Fr. appeared to the servant of God, who was tormented by the question of whether or not to change her old passport for a new one. Gury (already deceased by that time) said: “You can’t take a new passport. Once you take it, you won’t notice how you take everything else.” “...the point is not whether I want to take all these satanic numbers, but that I I won't notice how I take them." (/11/ Servant of God No. in the book “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), pp. 64-65).

“He /Father Gury/ put his medical insurance policy on fire. “The flame, wow, what a flame burst out!” - the father told the children.” (/11/ “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), p. 37).

Father Gury “after the evening service, he gathered us all and told us not to take anything, it was all the enemy’s. “I wake up at night,” he says, “and see that there’s an enemy standing there in the form of a voucher, so scary.” He appeared in his cell. So he said: “Repent, everyone who took the voucher. There are casemates prepared (in hell), whoever took it.” (/11/ “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), pp. 72-73).

“Father /Guria/ had a vision. A certain young man appeared to him, handsome in appearance, holding a piece of paper in his hand. When Fr. Gury looked at this paper and saw that it was a medical insurance policy. At the same moment, the young man turned into a disgusting, vile monster, a demon with clawed fingers.” (/11/ “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), p. 48).

One woman said that she really wanted to be saved. Father Nikolai Ragozin answered her: “Very, very? Then Don't take any new papers" (Starting with the vouchers, we didn't have to take anything). (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:54).

Appendix 3

Many Russian military experts warn that data from a foreign UEC microchip will first go to a foreign server, and only then to a Russian government one /5/.

Five Orthodox elders warned at the end of the last century that the Antichrist computer “beast” is a reality:

O. Paisiy (Svyatogorets): “In Brussels, a whole palace with three sixes was built over the [central] computer. This computer can control billions of people. Six billion is almost the entire world.” (/9/, p.10).

O. Paisiy (Svyatogorets): “And now they are going to take the entire economy into their own hands. The “beast” computer in Brussels serves the same purpose. They themselves call him “the beast.” It can contain information for six billion people. Now there are 4-5 billion in the world, and he still has a reserve.” (/9/, p.33).

They will make a machine, it will be called “the beast”, and it will know everything. She will answer any request. And he will know all the secrets. If a person renounces Christ in words, fearing torment, but not in his soul, then the computer will say that he is praying, but that he has not renounced in his soul. But they need to refuse in their souls, to tear God out of their hearts. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:59).

«« Image of the Beast» from the Apocalypse – This is the computer that will put the stamp of the Antichrist." (/11/ “Radiant Father” (about Abbot Guria), p. 84).

In one small Western country, a large powerful device will be installed in a five-story building - a computer - a beast (father Tavrion said so: a computer). At first secretly, but then the Voice of God will come to this designer to tell him about what he has made. Try not to get into this computer, it will operate, but its last power will be when the Antichrist reigns. Then the Antichrist will declare war on those who did not accept the mark. Don't be afraid, you can't have two deaths. The Lord needs courageous people. (/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:38).

The worst thing and most destructive for the soul is to be enrolled in the world computer - the fiend of the Antichrist. The devil writes such a soul in his Book of Death.

“The worst thing and most destructive for the soul is to be included in the world computer - the fiend of the Antichrist. The devil writes such a soul in his Book of Death.”

(/10/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 3:36).

Appendix 4


Minister of Industry and Energy

Russian Federation

V. B. Khristenko

"____" __________ 2007
Development strategy for the Russian electronics industry.

for the period until 2025

(page 59 of Order No. 311 of 08/07/2007). The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the everyday life of the population. Each individual must be constantly connected with global Information and control networks

Internet type. Nanoelectronics will be integrated with biological objects

and ensure continuous monitoring of maintaining their livelihoods, improving the quality of life, and thus reducing the state’s social expenses. Will become widespread Embedded wireless nanoelectronic devices, ensuring constant contact between a person and his surrounding intellectual environment will become widespread Means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with surrounding objects,

vehicles and other people. The circulation of such products will exceed billions per year due to its widespread distribution.

The domestic industry must be prepared for this challenge, since the ability to produce all components of network systems will mean establishing actual control over all their users, which is unacceptable for many countries from the point of view of maintaining their sovereignty /14/.

Download the analytical note in WORD format (downloads: 666673)

2. Seraphim Vyritsky. Life of prophecy akathist (Pochaev) – 142 p.

3. Contributions to the request of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Vadym Kolesnichenko to the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Law Academy of Ukraine. Yaroslav the Wise, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Lviv Regional Institute of the National Academy of State Administration under the President countries “Five major experts who indicate the insecurity of the tax payer’s identification number (INPP), social card number, etc. etc.), in which the number of the Antichrist is 666” // Examination No. 1-5.-2010 r_k. 4. On the acceptance of the Antichrist documents of the markings (14:57):

5. Film by Galina Tsareva “Echoes of the Technotronic Dictatorship” http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=2plMYp8aiiw / Moscow City Duma deputy A. Klychkov; film time where his interview begins: 2 hours: 42 minutes/

6.Chipping people, Zhirinovsky. (VIDEO) (4:50): http://www. videopager. ru/video/8LpvuKs3gJE&feature=youtube_gdata_player

8. FILM: “The second act of CHIPING people has been LAUNCHED! Then CHIP!!!” http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=BfjF5ChKBQk&NR=1

9. Elder Paisiy Svyatorets of blessed memory (Spiritual Awakening) “On the Signs of the Times.” Publishing house "Holy Mountain", Moscow, 2001.

11. “Radiant Father” (Memories of Abbot Guria (Chezlov) (Vologda, 2006) – 103 p.

12. Emelyanova L. God speaks to his chosen ones...” /about the youth Vyacheslav/ (+1993)/ (St. Petersburg, 2008) – 399 p.

13. A. Krasnov. Spiritual conversations and instructions of Elder Anthony (in 3 parts, 336 pp.).

In the church environment, passions around tax identification numbers, barcodes and biometric passports do not subside. With each subsequent innovation from those in power, the common people are seriously agitated and are trying in every possible way to protect themselves from the seal of the Antichrist. And no matter how much the hierarchy calms and persuades, the panic among believers does not fade away.

On the one hand, anxiety is not out of the blue. It is difficult to argue that all processes lead to globalization, and states continue to improve systems of population control. This, in principle, does not bode well for the average citizen.

What used to be the stuff of science fiction books is becoming a reality these days. As a schoolgirl, I read about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva and could not imagine such a marvelous device as a video phone. And now even Skype has died down. Video communication has become commonplace - it is built into any social network or communication application.

Getting into the secret room in the spy action movie was possible only by scanning your fingerprints and retina. About ten years ago, my work laptop already had the ability to “unpass” using a fingerprint. The retina has also been scanned for several years at many airports around the world and compared with the data embedded in the biometric passport. Similar examples can be continued.

The retina as a universal personal identifier appears in the Hollywood film Minority Report starring Tom Cruise. It takes place in the future (not too distant, it seems to me). The film describes a society in which such amazing order has been established that even criminals can already be caught at the stage of just emerging intention. One characteristic feature is the ubiquitous presence of retinal scanners. A person who suddenly finds himself in disgrace cannot hide anywhere. Naturally, everything was resolved in the plot, but the idea itself is rather bleak. Such possibilities of total control for Christians, which are always a bone in the throat of almost any society (for we do not forget that “you will be in a world of trouble” (John 16:33)), are difficult not to perceive as a direct threat.

We know that Christianity has rarely been in favor. Even in Orthodox Byzantium, schisms and heresies constantly raged, during which followers of the right faith were persecuted and sent into exile. Nowadays, there is no particular warming in attitude towards the Church and its representatives either. From numerous prophecies we know that in the last days Christians will have a particularly difficult time. And, obviously, this is due precisely to the fact that it will not be possible to sit in the corner. The technology will be so perfect that it will be impossible to serve the Liturgy in homes behind the backs of the special services, as happened in the Soviet Union. It will be impossible to come to church without an entry automatically appearing in the electronic file; in conditions of non-cash payments it is impossible to buy any Christian literature; and any query in a search engine will immediately be recorded somewhere in our chip and counted from it at the very first post. You can fantasize long and hard, but it all comes down to the fact that being a Christian will equal huge problems in everything. And there will be no way to hide this. Consequently, the temptation to cheat or renounce Christ will increase. It will be very scary. Moreover, these fears will be completely justified. Some, perhaps many, will tremble and receive the mark of the beast. But this will be a consequence of abandoning Christ, and not its cause.

Interpreters of the Apocalypse understand the mark both spiritually-allegorically and quite literally. However, its acceptance is always preceded by a moral choice. A couple of sentences earlier in the text it says that the Antichrist will deceive many with false miracles, order the creation of a special image that will be as if alive, and will act in such a way “that everyone who does not worship the image of the beast will be killed” (Rev. 13:15) . And only then “everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:16–17). So there is no reason to worry. If we do not renounce Christ and do not accept the Antichrist instead, then there is nothing to worry about - they will not put a seal on us anywhere. We will be executed before that. There is, of course, little pleasant in what is described, but, I repeat, accepting the mark will not entail a renunciation of God, but will only confirm it.

Let me use my imagination a little here as an example. For illustrative purposes only. Let’s say that after a certain number of years, all information about us, including financial matters, all genealogy and a complete psychological portrait, will be stored on a chip built directly somewhere in the head or hand. Maybe by that time we will each live in our own holes; and work, and communicate, and make purchases exclusively using the Internet without leaving anywhere at all. All life will take place in virtual reality. Any disobedience to the system will result in disconnection from the network. There are concerns about dependence on gadgets, social networks and the Internet in general even in our century. Then disconnecting from the network will mean complete isolation from the outside world. It's like an ultra-punishment cell. A person will rush to agree with everything that is offered to him and will bow to anything in order to return to an environment that is comfortable for him. Then he will be given a seal in the form of an access code to this common network. And if he resists, he will not receive the password and will remain outside it. And he will only see the message: “Your chip does not support the updated version of the system. Please install the latest updates. To do this, follow the link and donate this much to glorify our wonderful and unique benefactor N, our god and savior.” If you don’t click “OK”, you could very well die physically: after all, at a minimum, you won’t be able to order food or water.

The picture painted is depressing, but the Lord Himself said that in the last days “there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:21–22). Therefore there is nothing to be surprised here. Are we just using the same methods of struggle?

Christ calls us to internal change, not state reforms. We can declare our fears and disagreement with the course of the state or society, but we have neither the strength nor the ability to successfully fight this. And is this necessary? Due to the reception of Christianity in the Roman Empire, slavery itself disappeared; no one really fought against it. The worldview gradually changed, and this institution, as incompatible with it, died out on its own. Likewise, women and children ceased to be property and were given the same civil status as men. This happened not in spite of Christianity, as they try to convince us, but thanks to it. It just doesn’t act clumsily, but smoothly. His task is to change and heal the soul, and the rest will take care of itself: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

We should not forget that Christ was crucified precisely because He refused to carry out a coup d’état and did not propose any reforms, but called for changing first of all oneself, one’s soul. He gave us commandments. Our task is to try to comply with them. If we need to renounce God and go against our conscience, we must be ready even to die. If I love something more than Christ, then I am a potential candidate for receiving the seal of the Antichrist. After all, if I fear public condemnation more than God, then with the threat of dismissal with shame, ridicule and humiliation, I may falter. If I don’t learn to control my body and limit my desires, then at the first physical impact and even slight pain I will jump and run for the seal. If I depend on likes on Instagram, then all I need to do is simply bombard me with comments that the world has never seen such scary and losers, and I will already be on the verge of suicide.

We all have addictions and passions that turn us away from God. If we do not eradicate them, then each of them will be able to shake us when we face the most important choice in life. Every time we follow our passions and sin, we renounce God. For some reason, we are not afraid of this at all, and our souls do not hurt, and we sleep peacefully at night. When it comes to codes and passports, there is immediate excitement and worry. Is it wise to fight not the cause, but the effect? To avoid being sent to prison, I need to not commit crimes, and not demand the destruction of the penitentiary system.

The Lord calls us to joy. In the Gospel He often tells us: “Do not be afraid!” If we cause panic, then it turns out that we are not celebrating Him and His words enough. The beloved disciple of Christ writes in his Epistle: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment. He who fears is not perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Fear fetters and paralyzes, it distracts us from the most important thing - from our salvation, placing it not in life according to God, but in the struggle with administrative problems.

Ekaterina Vykhovanets