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How to effectively clean your microwave inside and out. How and with what to clean the microwave from grease inside, the most effective methods

When cleaning the kitchen, you should pay enough attention household appliances. This especially applies to the products with which we prepare food. One of them is a microwave oven. Today it is found in almost every home. Its versatility allows housewives to find in the microwave irreplaceable assistant in the kitchen, so the microwave is in use quite often.

However, splashes of grease and evaporation from liquid products can severely contaminate the internal surface of the unit. The inability to promptly wash the inner walls of the oven from dirt leads to stains being eaten away. So how to quickly clean a microwave? By what means?

Microwave ovens have relatively recently entered the everyday life of housewives. Today, with their help, we can not only heat up cooled food, but also defrost it, cook food, and sterilize jars for sealing.

The simplicity of the device allows it to be used even by elderly people and small children. Due to their age, the latter are still not careful enough, so it is very difficult to avoid contamination of the device, including persistent ones.

Before answering the question of how to easily clean a microwave from grease and other contaminants, you need to understand the main points correct use device.

Before you use one of the small life hacks that tell you how to clean a microwave, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules for cleaning:

  • disconnect the device from the power supply;
  • Avoid hard brushes, especially those with iron in the bristles. Its remaining particles inside the oven will burn it as soon as you turn on the device;
  • use water in minimal quantities;
  • do not abuse cleaning products;
  • Do not disassemble the device yourself, do not try to remove the top covers. This work can only be done by professionals.

Wash internal fat we can with the help detergents sold in stores household chemicals. They are produced specifically for microwave ovens. The one that has the corresponding icons on the label will be safe.

Usually the products are made in the form of sprays or solutions. Using them is very simple:

More precise instructions for each cleaner are printed on its label.

Sprays must be used very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the grating under which the magnetron is located. Liquid should not get there.

Special products designed for cleaning ovens will also remove grease perfectly. They need to be spread over with a sponge. inner surface oven, wait a few minutes and rinse wet cloth. After this, you should leave the microwave open for a couple of hours to ventilate any remaining cleaning product.

Another household chemical that is very effective in the fight against kitchen dirt, is laundry soap, despite its unpleasant smell and unpresentable appearance. These two negative qualities are compensated by the antibacterial and disinfectant properties of soap.

To clean the stove, you need to prepare a solution of laundry soap shavings and warm water. Whip up a rich foam, apply it to the inner surface of the microwave, then wait 30-40 minutes. The dirt should come off without a trace.

Many people say that I rub and clean the device with special means, but the effect is zero. If you can't clean the oven chemical compounds or are afraid to use them, try using effective ones folk ways, suitable for use at home.

There are many ways to clean a microwave from grease. All of them are available at home. You need to choose your method based on the degree of contamination, as well as the time period that has passed since the last cleaning of the oven. If fresh stains can be removed very easily, then with old ones you will have to tinker a lot.

Quite quickly you will wash the stove with plain water. To do this, you need to pour liquid into a shallow container, place it in the oven and turn it on for a couple of minutes at maximum power.

During boiling, moisture in the form of condensate covers the walls of the microwave and dissolves grease stains. Upon completion of the procedure, clean all walls with a soft cloth or sponge. If some of the fat continues to remain on the walls, the procedure should be repeated.

If in some places the dirt is very strong, it can be removed using mustard powder or baking soda. These universal products will perfectly clean the surface, but at the same time will not harm the coating, as they are quite soft.

You can remove stubborn thick layers of fat with vinegar and lemon.

Vinegar is a universal remedy in any kitchen and in every home. It is not only added to dishes, but is also actively used as a cleaning agent for different surfaces and instruments. Despite the pungent odor, which, by the way, will dissipate after a short period of time, vinegar can be used to wash off too much dirt, including on microwave ovens.

If grease stains do not occupy the inner surface of the microwave too much, then simply apply the solution to a soft cloth and walk it along all the walls of the device.

In cases where there are old grease stains, you need to use another, more effective method. Pour one liter of water into a microwave-safe bowl and dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in it.

Place the container inside the device, turning it on maximum power. The operating time of the product is 10-15 minutes. Once the cycle is complete, do not open the oven for approximately one hour. During this time, vinegar vapor will cover the walls of the microwave and dissolve the layer of fat on them. The stains will be erased without a trace.

If you consider the use of vinegar unacceptable because of its smell, you should use another, more aromatic and no less effective means– lemon.

You can not only clean your microwave using lemon, but also get a fresh citrus aroma in your kitchen. In addition to lemon, you can also use other citrus fruits - orange, grapefruit.

Clean the microwave with lemon as follows:

  • cut two or three small lemons into slices;
  • place them in a container intended for use in the oven;
  • pour one glass of water;
  • We place it inside the device, which we turn on at maximum power for 10-15 minutes;
  • after completing the heating cycle, wait another 10-15 minutes;
  • We disconnect the device from the network and start washing.

Wash off any remaining grease with plain water and a soft cloth. This will be very easy to do, since the vapors released by the lemon have already fulfilled their function - dissolving fat and other impurities.

With this method, you can use not only the whole lemon, but also its zest. The procedure will be similar to the above method.

If lemons are not available, the same can be done with citric acid. Simply dilute its crystals (30 grams) in 200-300 ml of water, evaporate the liquid in the oven and wipe. Only the smell of lemon in in this case can't wait.

How to clean a microwave with soda?

Despite the skepticism of microwave oven manufacturers regarding baking soda, this accessible remedy can become a real panacea in the fight against grease and other contaminants on the inner surface of the device. If you use the powder correctly, it will not be difficult to clean the inside of the microwave.

It is important not to use soda as abrasive tool for aggressive microwave cleaning. Otherwise, damage to the surface cannot be avoided.

In order to thoroughly clean the inside of the microwave, you need to use a simple recipe:

  • dilute five tablespoons of baking soda in 0.5 liters of water;
  • place the container with the solution inside the oven and turn on the unit at the highest power for about 15 minutes;
  • when the evaporation process is completed, leave the device closed for 10-15 minutes;
  • Wipe all inner walls of the product with a soft cloth.

Who has used it at least once? similar method, was able to verify its effectiveness and continues to clean the microwave with its help. Particularly effective this method in the fight against old fat.

Cleanliness will be incomplete if an unpleasant odor emanates from the device after washing. You can also get rid of it using available means.

If you washed the stove, but when you first turned it on you smelled a burning smell, this means that the device was not wiped well enough. It's not scary. You just need to wipe everything again.

All of the above tips will not only make the question of how to easily and quickly clean a microwave from grease and other contaminants irrelevant, but will also allow you to keep the device constantly clean. Agree, it’s much more pleasant to cook and heat food in a shiny oven than in a dirty one.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

With the modern pace of life, food often has to be heated exclusively in microwaves - it’s quick and easy. It is not surprising that housewives are wondering how to clean a microwave at home quickly and effectively.

Folk remedies

Most quick way- see what available tools you have on your own kitchen will help you deal with microwave contamination. As a rule, you don’t even need to go to the store for this: every housewife has supplies of vinegar or, for example, soda. Here are several methods on how to clean a microwave at home in 5 minutes:

  • Take a deep bowl suitable for microwave oven, and pour regular water into it. Do not take a glass or bowls that are too narrow - it is better that the evaporation area is wide enough. Then set the timer for 10-15 minutes (check that the device’s power is at maximum). Now you need to wait until this time has elapsed and then wipe the walls with a sponge. Strong chemicals will no longer be needed.
  • This method is in many ways similar to the first. However, now you need to add three tablespoons of baking soda to the water (make sure that the volume of liquid does not exceed 2/3 of the container). Place the bowl in the microwave and leave it there for a quarter of an hour at maximum power. Experienced housewives who know exactly how to clean a microwave at home quickly and effectively with soda advise not to immediately remove the bowl from the device: let it remain there for another twenty minutes. If such a procedure does not help eliminate particularly stubborn stains, it can be repeated - only now set the timer for 10 minutes. Even the most old fat It will easily be wiped off along with the water droplets appearing on the walls of the microwave oven.
  • If you have vinegar, then you can not only clean the microwave at home quickly and effectively, but also figure out how to get rid of the unpleasant odor inside the device. The odor problem can plague absolutely everyone who regularly uses a microwave oven: you only have to reheat fish, fast food or a spicy Asian dish just once. Vinegar must be added to the water and follow the same instructions as with baking soda. This method compares favorably with using household chemicals: vinegar will not leave behind any specific odor.

Cleansing with lemon

  • Few housewives know how to clean a microwave at home quickly and effectively with lemon. This method is also distinguished by a unique aroma that fills not only the microwave oven, but the entire kitchen. Any citrus fruit can be suitable for cleaning, but lemon is recognized as the most effective in the difficult fight against particles of grease and dirt. The fruit must be cut into pieces of any shape and size, placed in a suitable plate, and then filled with water - you need about 20 ml. Then we put the container in the oven and turn on the microwave at maximum power. Consider the characteristics of your device: the time can vary from 5 to 20 minutes. Then, using a soft sponge (or a dry soft cloth), you need to carefully remove any dirt stuck to the walls of the microwave, after which you need to wipe the device dry. Obviously, it is not recommended to eat citrus fruits involved in the cleansing process. The same thing can be done using citric acid, however, the version with fruit is more flavorful.

Lemon helps clean your microwave

In addition to those described above folk remedies, do not forget about such an effective assistant as laundry soap. It was this that always came to the aid of Soviet housewives, and now, undeservedly forgotten, it helps only experienced women out of everyday troubles. To clean the inside of the microwave with soap, you need to thoroughly foam it, carefully apply it to the walls of the microwave oven and leave it in this state for about ten minutes. The dirt will “move away” from the walls, soften and become pliable - you can easily get rid of it with a soft sponge.

Please note: make sure you have completely removed any remaining soap. Otherwise, the next time you turn on the microwave, you will feel a characteristic burning smell - this is not scary, but it can be unpleasant.

Before and after cleansing

Household chemicals

Many modern housewives They avoid “grandmother’s methods” and believe that it is easier to buy a cleaning product in a store rather than create it from scrap materials. Maybe there is a grain of truth in this: the modern market offers many household products that allow you to get rid of the greasy dirt. So, we’ll tell you how to clean a microwave at home quickly and effectively:

  • In addition to a sponge and water, you will need any glass cleaning liquid. First, you need to disconnect the microwave from the power source. Then mix glass cleaning liquid and water (proportion 2:1). Determine the amount of solution yourself - it should be enough to wash the oven not only inside, but also outside. Then immerse the sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the microwave, including all constituent elements- ring and plate. Hard stains need to be moistened generously with detergent - let it sit on the walls of the microwave for at least 5-7 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly wash the microwave oven with water - a new soft sponge or cloth is suitable for this.

Specialized sprays for cleaning microwave ovens

  • If the pollution is not so strong, then you can do without a windshield wiper. If you want to clean your microwave at home quickly and effectively, don’t forget about a product like “Fairy”. It is not necessary to choose the chemicals of this particular brand, however, “Fairy” is most familiar to many housewives, as it has proven itself to be one of the best detergents. Moreover, we are not talking about rubbing the walls of the microwave with a sponge: strong chemicals risk scratching the device. Cleaning should be non-contact. To do this, immerse the sponge in water, add detergent to it (its area should be the size of a two-ruble coin). Gently foam the product by squeezing and unclenching the sponge. Set the power to minimum and leave the sponge in the microwave, turning on the oven for 30 seconds. Vapors from Fairy or another product will soften the dirt deposits and make the cleansing procedure easier. On the Internet, for the query “how to clean a microwave at home quickly and efficiently,” there are many videos, among which you can find described manipulations with a sponge.
  • Specialized sprays for cleaning microwave ovens. Such products are sold in any household chemicals department - the main thing is to choose exactly the product that is suitable for cleaning microwave ovens. You can read the instructions on the spray itself, but it usually just boils down to applying the spray inside the microwave and leaving it for 5-7 minutes, then wiping it off with a damp cloth. Avoid getting any liquid or detergent into the microwave rack.

The main disadvantage of household chemicals is that their use is more expensive than the use of folk remedies. After all, it is much more economical than an expensive fashionable spray.

When choosing a cleaning method, you need to pay attention to many nuances. The following tips will help you clean the microwave when minimum costs time and effort:

  • When cleaning a microwave oven, you must first remove the ring and glass plate from the oven, and then wipe the top wall and rack. Then we wipe the side walls, then the bottom, and only then the microwave door.
  • To prevent stains of grease and dirt from becoming old and to disturb you as little as possible, the cleaning procedure must be carried out at least once a month.
  • Proper care of your microwave oven helps reduce washing frequency. Heat food only in a plastic cap - it will protect the walls of the microwave oven from greasy splashes.
  • Heat food only in containers suitable for this purpose. The best (and healthiest) glassware is glassware that has a microwave-safe symbol on it.

Heat food only in containers suitable for this purpose.

  • Cling film can replace the cap, but the option with a plastic cap is more economical.
  • If the inside of your microwave is enameled, be especially careful with strong agents - these include not only household chemicals, but also citric acid and vinegar. Do not heat these products for a long time - otherwise you risk damaging the surface of the microwave oven.
  • If old stains of grease and dirt stubbornly refuse to disappear, and even a steam bath cannot help, it’s time to remember olive oil. After any of the procedures described above, soak a rag in oil and wipe the microwave with it - this should remove even the most stubborn stains.
  • Do not use sponges or rags that are too hard (for example, metal coating). In addition to scratching the enamel surface, there is another risk: metal particles tend to crumble. If such crumbs get behind the grill of a microwave oven, a fire or simply breakdown of the device may occur.

Heat food only in a plastic cap

  • The use of strong chemicals can also lead to fire and damage to the microwave. It is best to read the instructions for the product - it should indicate whether it is suitable for washing microwave ovens or not.
  • Avoid using abrasive products to clean your microwave oven. They are not only harmful to appearance devices, but also because of their chemical properties dangerous during subsequent heating of food.
  • If it turns out that you heated fatty food in the microwave without covering it with a cap or paper, it is better to remove any stains and greasy splashes immediately, without allowing them to dry out.
  • It is better to wash equipment using a minimum amount of water - there is a risk of flooding the microwave oven grill and hopelessly damaging the device.
  • Do not attempt to disassemble the device yourself. If dirt gets inside, contact a professional. It may be cheaper to purchase a new device. However, you won’t have to spend money if you take proper care.

Remember that it is much easier to prevent old grease stains from forming than to remove them. Your microwave oven will serve you for a long time if proper care and implementation of all the preventive measures described above.

Over the past few decades, many new devices have entered our lives, designed to make life as comfortable as possible and minimize household hassles. One of these miracle devices is the microwave oven. Initially, it was used only for quickly defrosting strategic food supplies, as a rule, in soldiers' canteens, and was of enormous size. Over time, one of the Japanese companies slightly improved the microwave oven and launched it into mass production.

Today, microwaves no longer only defrost and heat food, they have a mass additional functions. Using these devices you can bake, grill, stew and boil. Moreover, cooking in the microwave takes much less time and effort than cooking using regular stove. That is why many families use this device every day. However, with frequent use, a microwave oven will naturally become dirty quickly. In our article we will talk about how to clean a microwave oven so as not to damage the device and at the same time spend a minimum of effort on the cleaning process.

Types of microwave oven interior coatings and their features

If the outer coating of the microwave is more and less clear - the issue of its cleanliness can be solved with a sponge and any detergent, then cleaning the inner surface can present certain difficulties. This largely depends on the type of camera coating. On this moment There are three types of coverage. Let's look at the features of each of them:

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Professional microwave cleaning products

The modern market offers many different products designed specifically for cleaning microwaves. They are usually produced in the form of liquids, aerosols or sprays. The latter are the most convenient since they can be immediately applied to the surface without using any additional items. Such products allow you to clean the microwave quickly and quite effectively. They must be applied evenly to the surface, wait about ten minutes, and then thoroughly wash the walls with a sponge and water.

To clean the microwave oven, you can also use regular dishwashing gel; such products are known to dissolve grease well. It's very easy to do. First, apply the product to a damp sponge, lather it, apply the foam to the inner coating of the oven, leave it for about thirty minutes, and then rinse with a clean cloth and water. But from using products intended for cleansing kitchen stove, it is better to refuse, as they usually have a fairly aggressive composition and can damage any microwave coating.

How to clean the inside of a microwave using improvised means

Special products for micro-baking are not always at hand, and lately many have given up household chemicals, preferring to replace them with something less harmful. In this case, cleaning can be carried out using the most simple products or products that are probably present in every home.

  • Lemon. Minor stains can be removed with regular lemon. To do this, cut the fruit into two parts and wipe the inner surfaces of the oven with one of the halves. After about an hour, wash the coating with a damp sponge and then wipe it dry with a cloth. After this procedure, the microwave will not only be cleaned, but will also acquire a pleasant aroma.
  • Laundry soap. Moisten a clean sponge, rub it with laundry soap, foam it and apply the resulting foam to the internal surfaces of the oven. Leave the microwave in this state for twenty minutes, then rinse off the soap clean water.
  • Soda and vinegar. Add just a little water to a couple of tablespoons of soda, the amount should be such that you get a thick paste-like mass. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar into the resulting mass and stir everything thoroughly. The baking soda and vinegar will react to create a sizzling mixture. Apply it to the surface using an old toothbrush and leave for half an hour. After this, carefully remove the mixture from the walls of the oven with a soft sponge and wipe them first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

It’s hard to imagine a modern kitchen without a microwave oven: in it you can not only quickly heat up lunch and defrost food, but also cook delicious food without much hassle. But the need to wash this miracle helper puts many housewives under stress, because getting rid of dried-on grease stains is not so easy. How to clean a microwave at home in 5 minutes? Here are the best recipes.

To clean the microwave you need a soft cloth

Types of interior coatings for microwave ovens

If everything is clear with the outer coating of the microwave oven - it can be washed with any cleaning agents and even abrasives, then inner part requires a more delicate approach. The surface reflecting microwave rays can be of three types:

  • Enameled. The smooth, non-porous coating does not absorb grease, making it easier to clean. Nevertheless, the enamel is afraid mechanical impact– scratches on the surface quickly turn into rusty areas. The main rule when cleaning enamel coating is not to use abrasives and wipe the walls dry.
  • Stainless. The surface perfectly withstands constant temperature changes, but has a high “attractiveness” to fat and soot. Streaks and stains literally stick to the walls and are very difficult to remove. Large particles of cleaning powders leave scratches, and acids cause darkening of the surface.
  • Ceramics. Combines enamel smoothness and strength of stainless steel. How to clean a microwave with ceramic coating? Oily stains removed with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

Water and lemon juice– effective home remedies for cleaning microwave ovens

How to clean a microwave using household chemicals

Any household chemicals store will have several options for detergents for microwave ovens. Most often they are produced in the form of aerosols, sprays or liquids. How to clean a microwave from grease and deposits at home using professional means? Follow simple instructions:

  • Laundry soap is the most inexpensive way get rid of stains. Beat with a sponge thick foam, apply it evenly to the walls, wait about half an hour and carefully remove the composition. The advantage of the recipe is the low cost of soap and a fairly good result. The downside is the specific smell.
  • Dishwashing detergent can be just as effective. The liquid must be diluted in warm water and the walls washed with a sponge. Be sure to thoroughly remove any remaining foam and wipe the surface dry with a towel. Otherwise, the heated food will have a distinct “chemical” taste.
  • Specialized creams and sprays are present in the lines of many manufacturers. They allow you to clean the microwave in 5 minutes - just apply the product to the dirty walls and wipe it off along with the deposits after a while. Household chemicals have a significant drawback - it is quite difficult to wash them off, so don’t a large number of may get into food. This method is contraindicated if there are people with allergies or small children in the house who need to heat their food in the microwave.

You need to wash the inside surface of the miracle stove regularly. Even if you use a special plastic cover, vapors from heated products escape through special holes and settle on the walls.

Important! When carrying out “bath procedures”, make sure that excess moisture did not flow under the bars. Got on electrical parts water can damage your kitchen helper.

Wipe down the walls of the microwave after each meal preparation.

Home remedies for microwave

You can clean your microwave from grease and deposits at home using household products, which are in the arsenal of any housewife.


The simplest and, most importantly, free cleaning method. To get rid of stuck-on pieces of food and oil, place a bowl of warm water, turn it on at maximum power, wait 10-15 minutes and wipe off any remaining dirt with a soft sponge. The larger the diameter of the container, the better - the liquid will evaporate more actively, improving the effect. A glass or cup will not work, perfect option– a wide plate of medium depth. To enhance the effect, you can add a little dishwashing detergent to the water.

Important nuance! This method is only suitable for fresh stains. With many months of “savings” there will be no result.


You can clean the microwave with lemon or other citrus fruits:

  • Peel the orange, place the peels in a plate of water and place it in the microwave oven. Turn on maximum power for 5 minutes. When heated, the zest releases essential oils, which, in combination with water steam, soften dried-on food and oxidized fat particles.
  • Slices of fresh lemon enhance the effect and also get rid of unpleasant odors. Follow the previous instructions, but turn on the microwave for 20 minutes.

Important! Monitor the water level in the plate - it should not completely evaporate.


How to clean a microwave using vinegar:

  • Dissolve two tablespoons of apple or wine vinegar in a glass of warm water (citric acid can also be used).
  • Pour the solution into a wide plate, place it in the oven and set the timer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn on the microwave at maximum power.
  • After the end of the time, do not open the door for another 20-25 minutes to allow the steam to take effect.
  • Remove any remaining dirt with a sponge and wipe the walls dry.

When heated, a mixture of acetic or citric acid with water creates steam, which dissolves fatty deposits and softens dried-on food. In addition, pronounced aromas overpower the smells of fish, Chinese dishes and fast food.

Important! When cleaning the microwave using this method, be sure to open a window or vent.


The interior of microwave ovens should not be cleaned with abrasive materials. However, baking soda will help clean the inside of your equipment in another way:

  • Fill a wide bowl about two-thirds full with warm water.
  • Stir 3 tablespoons of baking soda into it.
  • Set the timer for 15 minutes and turn on the microwave.
  • Wipe off any dissolved dirt.

Important! After the timer goes off, perform a control check. If there are traces of fat on the walls, repeat the procedure. The non-contact method is suitable for any type of coating.

Important nuances

When wondering how to quickly clean the inside of a microwave, do not forget about “preventative” measures. Observe simple rules:

  • Do not use stiff bristled brushes or steel wool.
  • When washing the surface, try not to touch ventilation grilles and places of contact with power supplies.
  • Be sure to unplug the device while cleaning.
  • Wipe down the walls thoroughly after each meal preparation.
  • Use special lids for heating food.
  • If an “explosion” occurs during cooking and food particles end up on the inner surface of the microwave oven, remove them immediately.

Important! Don't neglect maintaining your microwave. Thick layer fat may cause short circuit.

Ordinary Activated carbon removes unpleasant odors from the microwave

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

The aroma of some foods (garlic, fish, fermented milk foods) is literally absorbed into the surface and transferred to other dishes. Getting rid of an annoying smell is difficult, but not impossible. In addition to soda and lemon, already indicated in previous recipes, you can use the following methods:

  • Natural or instant coffee. Wipe the inner walls with the solution, leave for two hours and rinse with clean water. It is not recommended to boil coffee in the stove - stains from the drink are difficult to remove.
  • Salt is an excellent absorber of foreign odors. The recipe is simply simple - pour 100 grams of salt into any container and leave in a closed microwave for several hours.
  • Activated carbon. The absorbent acts on the same principle as salt. You need to crush 7-10 tablets and leave them in the microwave oven overnight.

Important! To prevent the smell from being absorbed into the walls, do not close the door immediately after use. Allow the device to air for a couple of minutes.

Video life hack: how to quickly clean a microwave

Now you know exactly how to clean a microwave in 5 minutes at home, get rid of unpleasant odors and thereby improve the taste of cooked dishes. Follow these simple rules, and your microwave assistant will serve faithfully.

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effective ways and recommendations">

The microwave oven has been present in our everyday life for a long time. After all, it not only heats food, but also defrosts food and prepares a variety of dishes. During operation, equipment becomes dirty and stained. If you don’t know how to deal with them, then you will need information on how to clean a microwave at home. You will learn effective ways to clean dirt from our review.

Beautiful and well-maintained appliances are the hallmark of the kitchen

When deciding how to clean a microwave, you need to know that it is quite easy to clean the outside. But cleaning the inside is not so easy. Much depends on the types of coating techniques:

  • a good option is enamel coating. They may have smooth surface, but they are easily scratched. You need to wash it carefully and then wipe the surface dry;

  • ceramic coating It is easy to clean, but it cannot be subjected to strong mechanical stress.

There are some rules on how to clean the inside of a microwave oven:

  • the equipment must be disconnected from the network;
  • Do not use brushes or steel wool, which will quickly damage the surface;
  • to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places, you should use a vacuum cleaner that has a narrow and small nozzle;
  • You can apply a suitable product and leave for a couple of minutes. Then the composition must be washed off with water;
  • to clean surfaces you should use a damp cloth, napkin or sponge;
  • Do not use large amounts of water to wash the surface, so as not to flood parts that are sensitive to moisture;
  • Do not attempt to disassemble the equipment yourself to remove dirt.

You can watch the video on how to clean your stove:

For your information! For cleansing interior coatings Do not use aggressive components, especially those containing acid and chlorine. You should also not use products with abrasive properties.

How to clean the inside of a microwave: quick ways

There are techniques on how to clean a microwave quickly. It is recommended to use household preparations. There are also free cleaning options. Place a bowl of water inside, and then set it to full power. After 12-15 minutes, dirt particles can be wiped off with a soft sponge. To enhance the effect, add a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the water. This method is relevant for fresh drips.

You can use the original life hack on how to clean a microwave:

  • wet the sponge with water and apply some dishwashing compound to it. Lather the sponge well and place it on a glass plate.
  • close the oven door and turn it on for 30 seconds. You cannot turn on the equipment at full power;
  • then wipe all surfaces with a sponge.

There are other ways to clean a microwave in 5 minutes. This is a method of cleaning with vinegar, baking soda or citrus.

An interesting way can be seen in the video:

How to clean the microwave from grease inside: features of the procedure

If you don’t want to decide at the last moment before guests arrive how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits, then wipe the equipment after each cooking. If you do not wipe off fresh stains, they will harden and stick to the surface. In difficult situations, you will have to use a special product to remove fat. Cleaning can be done in two stages. Equipment is cleaned using citric acid or lemon. When the walls are steamed and the fat is softened, a special product is distributed. Most often, the composition is left on the walls for 5-15 minutes. After turning off the equipment, wipe the surfaces with a wet and then a dry cloth.

The method for properly cleaning a microwave from grease should also be safe. After steam treatment, there is no need to immediately apply the detergent composition, as the walls will still be hot and you can get burned.

In order not to subject your equipment to lengthy and exhausting cleaning, you need to take proper and timely care of it. To ensure that your equipment serves you for many years, use glassware. You can use a special plate or dome for cooking to prevent splashing. Do not heat containers that are closed too tightly, as they may burst.

For your information! After the procedures, the walls must be cleaned with a damp cloth, and do not forget to remove condensation in a timely manner.

How to clean a microwave at home: original and effective methods

Now let's find out what and how to clean the inside of the microwave at home. First of all, there are some rules to consider. For example, do not touch electrical contact areas. When heating food, you need to use special lids.

Eat different ways effective cleaning, which you need to know about. In addition to soda and lemon, you can use coffee drink. To do this, the walls can be wiped with powder and left for a couple of hours, and then washed.

Important information! Fat layer large thickness can even cause a short circuit.

How to clean a microwave with lemon: useful tips

Let's find out how to clean a microwave well with citric acid. After use of this product a pleasant smell appears. In addition, this ingredient allows you to remove fat that has dried inside the stove. Here's what you need to do with this tool:

  • pour into a glass container warm water, and then stir two tablespoons of acid in it;
  • keep the dishes in the oven on the heating mode for 5-10 minutes;
  • with this treatment, difficult stains soften and fresh stains drain off;
  • after heating, the plate should be left in the oven for another 10 minutes;
  • after this, the walls must be wiped first with a dry cloth, and then with a damp cloth soaked in an acid solution;
  • Finally, all elements must be wiped with a dry cloth.

You can also use lemon. In this case, instead of acid, the juice from one lemon is squeezed into the water. The smell of detergents disappears after the device warms up.

For your information! When cleaning the equipment, do not forget to remove the tray and wash the areas with the rollers.

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How to clean a dirty microwave using vinegar and soda: an effective method

A good result can be achieved by cleaning the microwave with soda and vinegar.You can prepare a mixture of 500 ml of boiling water, two tablespoons of vinegar and a spoon of soda. This liquid needs to be heated for 35-45 minutes. After this, all surfaces must be wiped.

You can also use another method. Prepare a solution of baking soda and citric acid. This mixture can be used to clean the stove using a regular toothbrush. Do not wash off the solution immediately, but wait half an hour.

Soda ash helps a lot, as it also destroys various bacteria.

Cleaning microwaves with baking soda has been used for a long time. This is an affordable component that allows you to fight both surface stains and old stains.

A simple method consists of several steps:

  • Stir two filled spoons of soda into half a liter of water;
  • This mixture should be poured into a glass container and heated for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, the liquid boils and releases beneficial steam, which processes difficult places pollution;
  • baking soda also helps eliminate bad odors in the appliance;
  • after steaming, turn off the equipment and wipe the surfaces with a dry sponge;
  • then you can soak a cloth in baking soda and wipe the surface again.

With a similar solution, you can treat all surfaces of the device, as well as remove all dust accumulations. After cleaning, it is important to wait until the structure dries. Let it sit for a day after washing. If moisture gets inside the device, it may cause a short circuit and damage.

There is another option with soda. For this you will need laundry soap. A piece of the bar can be grated and then added to the water. Then you need to add soda to the solution. After this, the resulting composition must be added to a spray bottle, and then sprayed over the surface of the stove. You can also dip a rag into the solution and then wet the stained areas with it. The solution needs to be kept on the walls for a while and then washed off.

How to Clean a Microwave with Vinegar

Now let's find out how to clean a microwave with vinegar. In heated water, stir two tablespoons of wine or apple cider vinegar. Pour the mixture into a large container, and then place it in the oven for 12-16 minutes. The device should heat up at full power.

When heating is complete, do not open the door for another 15 minutes. In this case, the steam will be able to act on dirty surfaces longer. Remaining dirt should be wiped with a sponge and then dried.

When heated, a mixture of acetic and citric acid with water creates steam, which softens dried food residues and fat deposits. When using this cleaning method, it is necessary to open the vents and windows so as not to inhale harmful fumes. After treatment, you will have to ventilate the room for a long time.

The nuances of cleaning a microwave with orange peels

You can also clean your equipment using orange peels. This component contains a special acid that can break down even dried fat on surfaces.

Here's how the cleansing procedure is carried out:

  • You need to fill a cup with water, and then put it in the stove for 7-11 minutes to warm up;
  • then you need to take the orange peels and put them in a tray or in a special bowl, and then put them in the oven to heat for 2 minutes;
  • after that, let the container stand inside for a while. And after a good steam treatment, all surfaces can be wiped with a wet cloth;
  • This procedure not only removes dried fat, but also helps fight unpleasant odors inside the stove.

Microwave oven cleaners: what household chemicals offer

Now let's select a microwave cleaning product from household chemicals. Such products are often produced in the form of sprays and aerosols. The most inexpensive option is laundry soap. It can be whipped into a thick foam, which can be spread over the contaminated surface, and then wait about half an hour and rinse with water.

Suitable common remedy for dishes. The liquid is diluted in water and then applied to a cloth. All remaining foam must be carefully removed, as the cooked food may develop an unpleasant odor.

All kinds of sprays and creams are also relevant. With their help you can clean the equipment in as soon as possible. The composition is simply applied to the fabric and then distributed over the contaminated surface.

Remember that all household chemicals must be washed thoroughly, as they can get into your food. You should not use this option if you have allergic reactions.

Here are some tools that you can use:

  • Mister Muscle You can spray it on the surface, and then turn on the stove at full power for 1 minute. Then the surface should be wiped with a damp cloth and the remaining solution should be removed;

  • Faeries effective when not heavily polluted. In this case, the sponge can be moistened with water and product. Then put it on a plate and in the heating chamber. The power should not be too high. Then all residues can be washed off with water;

  • exist special means for cleaning the stove. The composition must be kept on the surface for 8-10 minutes, and then wipe the walls with a cloth;
  • Wipes help remove grease and food debris. In this case, water may not be used. This option is also used for disinfecting surfaces.

Suitable for getting rid of odors baking soda, lemon or orange peel. Proven methods include ammonia, allowing you to delete even old pollution. When working with it, you should wear gloves.