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Quotes about champagne that will make you want to drink. Myths about New Year's champagne

In any country, the clinking of glasses of champagne means that something kind, funny, or even important will certainly be said. People at the top of the Forbes lists bathe in this drink, and every hip-hop artist always mentions how carelessly they treat Dom Perignon. Drinking a bottle is a kind of statement to the world, and we have collected several quotes from famous people who could not imagine their life without this drink. Put on a luxurious dress, grab a glass and get inspired.

1. I would prefer to live in perfect health, but if at some point I have to leave this life, I would like to do it, sitting on a chaise longue, perfumed, in a velvet robe and pearl earrings, with a glass of champagne in my hands and remembering the answer to last question in the crossword puzzle.

Olivia de Havilland, American actress

2. Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald, American writer

3. There comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that can help is a glass of champagne.

Betty Davis, American actress

4. When you win, you deserve champagne; when you lose, you need it.

Napoleon Bonaparte, French commander

5. There are three things in the world that I will always miss: envy, satisfaction and enough champagne.

Dorothy Parker, American writer

6. Friendship resembles the state when you have eaten your fill of meat, and love is like being drunk on champagne.

Samuel Johnson, English writer

7. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t drink more champagne in this life.

John Keynes, British economist

8. Champagne is the only thing that gets me going when I'm tired.

Brigitte Bardot, French actress

9. The decision gave her a kind of self-confidence: when she left the table, she felt so at ease that she was surprised that her glass of champagne remained untouched. It seemed to her that sparks were flying around her.

Edith Wharton, American writer

10. One glass of champagne gives you a feeling of excitement. The nerves are strengthened, the imagination is stimulated, and the mind becomes more flexible.

Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister

11. No matter how much money I have, I don't know a better way to spend it than champagne.

Ernest Hemingway, American writer

12. I drink champagne only on two occasions - when I'm in love and when I'm not.

Coco Chanel, French fashion designer

13. Champagne... makes it seem like every day is Sunday.

Marlene Dietrich, American actress

14. Champagne is the only wine that leaves a woman beautiful after drinking.

Marquise De Pompadour, politician

15. Champagne can make the soul immortal, because it discourages anyone from thinking about earthly abominations.

Oscar Wilde, English writer

16. I drink champagne when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm lonely. When I'm in company, champagne is a must. In all other cases, I don’t touch it unless I’m thirsty.

Madame Bollinger, winemaker

Without a sip New Year's champagne Not a single celebration takes place, be it with relatives or friendly gatherings. But not many people know that there are many myths surrounding this drink that it would be nice for young ladies and experienced women to know in order to avoid problems with health and beauty. Yes, “light” sparkling champagne also affects female beauty. Let the myths given below become the rules for how to behave at the New Year's table.

Myth No. 1: Champagne is a low-alcohol drink

Many are confident that New Year's champagne There is almost no alcohol, it has few degrees. But another name for this drink (sparkling wine) says the opposite - any wine produces a pronounced intoxicating effect. And due to the carbon dioxide content in champagne, the intoxicating effect after champagne is even more pronounced. Due to carbon dioxide bubbles, alcohol is absorbed more quickly into the blood. So the secret has been revealed why the drink beloved by many young ladies so quickly gives the desired effect, “hitting” the head. But it becomes fun, free and easy with only 2-3 glasses of champagne. Afterwards comes a severe stage of intoxication, which has all the signs of a hangover. So this seemingly “innocent” drink should not be underestimated.

Myth #2: Champagne doesn't give you a hangover.

Exactly New Year's champagne gives one of the most pronounced hangover syndromes. The reason is still the same - sparkling wine contains a huge amount of carbon dioxide. Note: drinking “stale” champagne allows you to slow down the process of intoxication. For the New Year, it is better to change the canon of drinking the drink in order to feel better after the holidays. But there is also a disadvantage to drinking this way: it is the bubbles that provide the unique taste of the drink. You will have to choose between a severe hangover and the “game” of champagne.

Myth No. 3: Champagne is not a dangerous drink

It seems that all the negative properties New Year's champagne hidden in his “game”. Bubbles have an irritating effect on the digestive tract, increasing stomach acidity. That's why champagne should not be drunk on an “empty” stomach. In this case, not only unpleasant sounds are guaranteed, but also a “sucking” in the pit of the stomach. Gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are contraindications to the consumption of this drink. In general, for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should not drink champagne. To prevent the next year from starting with an exacerbation of gastritis, colitis and other diseases, you should limit yourself to a few sips.

Myth No. 4: Champagne does not harm your figure

Champagne is not a high-calorie drink. This opinion is shared by most women. There is even a diet according to which you need to wash down fruit with champagne. But any drink containing alcohol is harmful to your figure. The reason is simple: alcohol is an energy-rich product. Champagne is no exception. It is clear that sweet and semi-sweet sparkling wines are considered the most nutritious. Semi-dry champagne is also not safe, but has less harm to the figure.

Myth #5: Champagne is good for the cardiovascular system

It is believed that champagne, like any alcoholic drink, cleans blood vessels, prevents high blood pressure, and clogging of blood vessels (the stronger sex often appeals to this in defense of vodka). This is true, but in light of the other “healthy” properties of this New Year’s drink, it is better to celebrate the rest with a glass of good red wine. And it’s best to limit yourself to one “fun” day, because holidays are not a reason to give up a healthy and proper lifestyle.

Champagne gets its name from the province of Champagne, which is located in France. Already in the 3rd century, grapes began to be grown in this settlement, after which they were left to sour in barrels. Later, fortified wine was produced, which was then called “devil.” It’s not for nothing that they say that champagne is one of those few alcoholic drinks that make girls even more beautiful. It is for this reason that it is served at all special events.

The benefits of champagne

  1. For the most part, it is extremely strange to look for beneficial qualities in a drink that includes alcohol. However, there are positive aspects that I want to believe in.
  2. Experts say that the benefits of champagne are equivalent to the value for the body that red wine can provide. Scientists have proven a fact that partially confirms this.
  3. Champagne contains many antioxidants that stop the effects of free radicals. This reduces the impact of harmful substances on the human body.
  4. The sparkling drink normalizes blood pressure, or rather, reduces it. The drug also prevents many heart diseases by cleansing the blood channels.
  5. The drink contains many plant polyphenol compounds. They normalize metabolism, thereby enhancing digestive activity. Food is quickly absorbed into the walls of the esophagus, spreading through the blood throughout the body.
  6. Champagne gently dilates blood vessels and drives blood through them. Due to increased circulation, the condition of the skin, hair, and all internal organs improves.
  7. Champagne enriches the brain and heart muscle with oxygen. Of course, this action is only possible when it comes to a high-quality drink made from high-grade raw materials.
  8. The drink is rich in antioxidants, which in their properties are superior to the well-known ascorbic acid and tocopherol (vitamin E). These substances cleanse internal organs of harmful decay products.
  9. The main beneficial quality of champagne lies in its effect on the respiratory system, digestive tract, in particular the gall bladder. If you periodically drink 1 glass of sparkling wine, you will improve your health on all fronts.
  10. It is not for nothing that wealthy people prefer to take a bath completely filled with champagne. Of course, this is a sign of luxury, but not only. Such procedures regenerate skin cells, renew tissues, maintain water balance, and accelerate collagen production. Thanks to this, a person always looks young.

  1. Sparkling wine affects all body systems. The harm lies in the accumulation of ethyl alcohol, which, when ingested, is filtered by the liver. It is this organ that is most subject to negative influence.
  2. The liver filters only 20% of the total volume of ethyl alcohol. Everything else is absorbed by the blood and carried to the heart, brain, digestive tract, and respiratory system.
  3. Due to the accumulation of gases in the drink, the entire “poisoning” procedure goes faster. Intoxication does not set in too noticeably, and this is why champagne is dangerous. You need to drink more of it, therefore, the harm will be higher.
  4. Champagne has a negative effect on some categories of people. What appears is not the expected uplifting of mood, but its deterioration. Often, a passion for sparkling wine provokes depression, neurosis, drowsiness, and poor concentration.
  5. If a person has deviations in the functioning of the psycho-emotional environment, he can become the cause of an accident or its victim. You can’t drink champagne too often; the statement “on holidays” is appropriate.
  6. Consumption of champagne provokes intoxication of the body. Ethanol, after decomposition, forms pure poison, which has a bad effect on all internal organs. Champagne is considered even more harmful than vodka.
  7. The sparkling drink irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the drink provokes ulcers, gastritis, and general indigestion.
  8. The drug creates a strong desire to drink in a person. Moreover, this happens at all levels: physical, emotional, psychological. The drink destroys brain cells and partially blocks blood access to them.
  9. If pregnant and lactating girls drink champagne, there is a risk of congenital defects in the fetus. After birth, a child automatically falls into the risk zone of future alcoholics.
  10. With a strong attachment to a drink, a person “loses himself.” He begins to develop a personality disorder, memory loss, apathy, irritability, and chronic fatigue.

Rules for storing champagne

  1. You need to know how to properly maintain champagne. In this case, the drink will retain its original properties. It is customary to keep sparkling wine in a dark room at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees.
  2. When storing champagne, it is important to leave the bottle of alcohol in a horizontal position. This condition will prevent the cork from drying out and losing its qualities. When opening the bottle, the stopper will not crumble.
  3. When opening a bottle of champagne, the alcohol must be corked after the event and stored in the refrigerator. In this case, sparkling wine must be consumed within 2 days. Such indicators depend on the crop variety. Some wine lasts longer.

  1. The rules for opening a bottle of sparkling wine are an important step. Champagne should delight with a pleasant aroma, fullness of color, taste and sparkling bubbles. If you open the container with cotton, the drink will lose most of the gases. If foam starts pouring out, the alcohol can be considered spoiled.
  2. It is important to prevent such developments. To do this, hold the bottle tightly and twist it slowly. Grab the cork, it should fly out on its own. The container with champagne is in a container with ice.
  3. Hold the wine bottle at a 45 degree angle, a slight pop and light smoke are acceptable. Such an opening demonstrates professionalism. Please note that before opening the bottle, the champagne must be cooled to 8 degrees. The manipulation is carried out gradually.
  4. It is forbidden to cool wine in a quick way, for example, putting champagne in the freezer. For such purposes, there is a special bucket that is filled with ice. Champagne is poured into a vertical glass without touching the walls. The glass should be smooth, tulip-like.

Rules for drinking champagne

  1. Open the champagne bottle in the usual way and remove the fixing wire. Tilt the container at an angle. Do not point the cork at guests; carefully open the sparkling wine, following the recommendations described above.
  2. Expensive and high-quality champagne will not create problems for you if opened correctly. It is recommended to pour the wine a few minutes after you remove the cork. Thus, the alcoholic drink better reveals its taste and aroma.
  3. Pour the chilled champagne slowly, you can tilt the glass a little. This move will help prevent the drink from foaming. The champagne will gradually fill the glass, flowing down its wall.
  4. If you notice large bubbles in champagne, you should know that the drink has been artificially enriched with gas. Natural fermentation is out of the question.
  5. The size of the bubbles should be approximately the same. Moreover, it is recommended to observe the process a few minutes after filling the glass. In the allotted time, the container and drink will reach the same temperature.
  6. Depending on the glass, champagne can reveal its aroma and taste properties differently. If you prefer brut, an elongated Flute is suitable for this. Sweet and semi-sweet champagne is usually drunk from wide glasses.
  7. To fully develop the taste, you need to take a small sip and savor it in your mouth. White meat, seafood, pineapple, strawberries, cheese, fruit desserts, and olives go well with sparkling wine.

The benefits of champagne for the body are very specific; in any case, you should not abuse sparkling wine. Before drinking, decide exactly what you want to achieve from alcohol for medicinal purposes. In other cases, it will not hurt to know about the rules for storing and drinking champagne.

Video: harm and benefits of alcohol

The sparkling alcoholic drink spread throughout the world from the small region of Champagne. In Russia, it has also gained popularity, but at the same time, many exclude it from their holiday menu, since champagne gives headaches to almost 30% of those who drink it.

There are several different factors that explain why a glass of champagne gives you a headache, and why a “fun” drink doesn’t add any fun to your life.


If the champagne is fake, then most likely this is the reason. But many suffer from pain even when drinking a high-quality and proven drink.


Sulfites are sulfur dioxide, which is used as an antiseptic in the process of making white wine. This helps to avoid souring of the product, but can have a negative impact on the consumer’s well-being.

The largest amount of sulfites is found in sweet wines, which means that pain syndrome is more likely to occur when drinking them.


The thing is that intoxication caused by champagne comes very quickly (thanks to carbon dioxide bubbles), but it passes just as quickly. Alcohol in the blood causes the blood vessels to dilate, but as soon as a person begins to sober up, the blood vessels narrow, and then pain occurs.

In addition, sparkling white wine is not an invigorating drink, and discomfort after drinking it may be associated with normal fatigue and the need to relax.

Depending on how much you drink, champagne either increases or decreases your blood pressure. A small dose of a few sips may lower blood pressure, but if you drink a little more, it will immediately increase.

Individual physiological characteristics cause people to respond differently to different drinks. You can not experience discomfort from strong alcohol and at the same time suffer from one glass of sparkling wine.

“Exhausted” champagne is not able to intoxicate with the same strength, and also does not cause such a severe headache as usual.


In fact, pain that constantly occurs after drinking alcohol indicates that a person has alcohol intolerance. In addition to the headache, the following is noted:

  • redness of the skin on the face;
  • nasal congestion;
  • the appearance of blisters.

Such symptoms are considered evidence of genetic abnormalities in which the liver is not able to process and break down alcohol. Increased levels of the hormone histamine produced by the body should reduce the strength of the allergen. And one of the manifestations of the immune reaction can be a headache.

Most of the headaches associated with drinking alcoholic beverages are caused precisely by the presence of disorders in the liver.


Next on the list of reasons is Tyramine. This substance is found only in red wines. Therefore, if you just drink good champagne, there should be no problems. But if you eat it with chocolate, the Tyramine contained in the treat (together with the alcohol you drink) can cause a migraine attack in the person who is prone to it.

How to drink to avoid pain

Based on the above factors, it is not difficult to understand how to drink champagne so as not to have a headache. You need to choose a quality product, take into account the likelihood of an allergic effect, etc. But you can add a few more points to this list:

You also need to remember to monitor your reaction to various drinks. It is likely that champagne is not suitable for a person in itself, but other alcohol will cause a completely acceptable reaction in the body. In this case, you will simply have to give up sparkling wine.

What to drink to avoid getting sick

To the question of which champagne does not give you a headache, every knowledgeable person may have his own answer, since such preferences are purely individual and depend on many personal characteristics of the person. But most often those interested are offered to try Abrau-Durso. According to the overwhelming majority, this wine does not give you a headache at all.

Getting rid of pain after drinking

If the disease cannot be prevented, then it will have to be treated. There are several methods to get rid of severe headaches:

  • drink plenty of fluids (this will help remove all toxins from the body that cause pain);
  • make a contrast shower (this will speed up the blood and promote the rapid removal of toxic substances);
  • boil the broth and drink it warm;
  • take a walk down the street and get some fresh air (or at least ventilate the room, since the discomfort may be partly due to a lack of oxygen);
  • A professional massage and acupuncture session will help you cope with pain;
  • No-spa is suitable for further treatment and relief of spasms from blood vessels;
  • if low blood pressure occurs simultaneously with a headache, then you need to take a Citramon tablet, it will help raise blood pressure to an acceptable level;
  • if a person feels nauseous, vomits, and the skin turns very red, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, who will perform a gastric lavage and insert an IV;
  • when all other procedures have been completed, and your condition allows you not to fear for your health, then it is best to go to bed, giving yourself the opportunity to deal with the problem yourself and restore your strength.

But prevention remains the best treatment option.


You should always correctly assess the capabilities of your body. If he does not take a certain product, then most likely he does not need it. Therefore, there is no point in risking your health, including your moral one (since no painful sensations conduce to peace of mind), even for the sake of a very pleasant-tasting, but still dangerous drink.

Even doctors don’t risk arguing with the kings who brought this drink into fashion.

The comedy “The Diamond Arm” was dismantled into quotes a long time ago. People laughed especially loudly when after the phrase “Either aristocrats or degenerates drink champagne in the morning.” Anatoly Papanov paused and took a sip straight from the bottle. On Champagne Day, let's try to figure out why the aristocratic habit of serving breakfast with sparkling wine arose and how harmful it is.

Exclusively for health

Even at the dawn of civilization, people, experiencing thirst, sought to cling to the source of life-giving moisture. But there were no treatment facilities, no water filters! They looked at the water either with horror or with apprehension. Therefore, in Ancient Egypt they learned to brew beer, and winemaking flourished in the Hellenic world. The Middle Ages breathed life into new classes and estates. The rich could afford to start the day closer to noon. It was a stroke of luck that their breakfast was accompanied by champagne.

Louis XIV During his life after the coronation, which for French kings traditionally took place in the capital of Champagne, Reims, he tried all the sparkling wines that were available. His personal doctor and friend strongly supported his interest in champagne and, to consolidate his success, prescribed sparkling wine for Louis for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A large retinue created a stir, imitating the king, ordering champagne in huge quantities.

After already Louis XV and his favorite marquise de Pompadour and madam DYubarri only strengthened the tradition of starting the day with a glass or two of sparkling wine. Madame de Pompadour even left a quote: “Champagne is the only wine after which a woman remains beautiful.”


Churchill's recipe

In Russia and other countries they did not lag behind the progressive French. Breakfast with champagne in the warm company of friends for Pushkin It was served in a French restaurant. Winemakers also heard about the love of the Russian nobility for the sparkling drink. At the beginning of the 19th century, according to the pace of invasion of Europe in general and Russia in particular, the army Napoleon overtook the wine company Piper-Heidsieck.

Later British Prime Minister Churchill Only Pol Roger champagne was recognized. An imperial pint from the house of Pol Roger was released specifically for the British Prime Minister's breakfast, 0.57 liters of French champagne, not a drop more - and you can go off to solve state affairs.

It was the French who brought into fashion the ideal product for breakfast with champagne - caviar. If you don't have caviar, oysters or quality salmon are perfect. Once upon a time, royal favorites tried to snack on champagne with chocolate, but then warned their compatriots that it was a mistake: the tastes did not combine.

Todrink, to lose weight?

Champagne is the answer to those who want to get rid of extra pounds. A girl from New York named Kara Elwill Leiba began to promote just such methods of fighting for harmony and succeeded! In one of her books, “The Champagne Diet,” she said that 1-2 servings of champagne daily helped her more than all diets combined.

And although doctors never tire of reminding us that the abuse of any alcohol is harmful, some nutritionists agreed that champagne (in small quantities) can diversify your diet. Kara advises adhering to certain simple rules: do not exceed the dose of drink, 1-2 glasses (each has only 91 calories!) and no more than 1500 calories in total per day. Do not drink on an empty stomach. Ban yourself from cheap food and fast food - that's what Kara calls for in a nutshell.

Scientists from Reading, after reading the book, said that they did not intend to issue any criticism, that champagne also has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels, and Miss Leiba’s point of view has its place. Of course, modern doctors do not advise starting the day with champagne - or with any other alcohol, and even overusing it. And two glasses every day for several years can easily lead to alcoholism. Two or three glasses of drink per week is the norm and quite safe for health.

Ladies drink

If you no longer have any strength or ability to drink, you can just lie down in it! Madame DuBarry claimed that champagne smoothes out wrinkles and makes the skin radiant.

In our time Kate Moss made a splash when she took champagne baths at the hotel in the company of Johnny Depp.

Singer Kamalia regularly takes “beauty baths.” In great secrecy, she said that in everyday life she would not drink 32 bottles of Veuve Clicquot, but for the glossy photo shoot she chose expensive varieties. When someone criticized her for excessive demands, the artist said: “Yes, I take champagne baths. But not every day!”

There is the Cadogan Hotel in Knightsbridge, London. , famous for its guests and various spicy stories. If you have some spare money and you don’t mind wasting some money down the drain, then you can go to the Cadogan Hotel on Valentine’s Day, for example, and allow yourself a little madness.

For the modest sum of £4,000, specially trained people will open and pour 122 bottles of Louis de Custine Champagne, 1998 Millesime, into your bath. If you complain of a feeling of coolness, the champagne will be heated to the desired temperature. The hotel has a special “bath butler” on staff; at your signal, he will come up to your room and uncork one of the six bottles of the same champagne in which you are already swimming. The box will be given to you as a gift, so you can start plunging into nirvana, snacking on your indescribable sensations with chocolate-covered strawberries.

For £6,000 you'll be offered a vintage Perrier Jouet. For £8,000, choose a bath in Veuve Clicquot or Perrier Jouet Rosé. The pinnacle of extravagance and extravagance is the 2002 Dom Perignon champagne bathtub, pay £25,000 and enjoy.