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What are the names of crocodiles? Crocodiles (lat. Crocodilia). Dwarf blunt-nosed crocodiles

Warm rivers and swampy ponds where crocodile and alligator live are avoided by local residents. Reptiles are very similar to each other, but the crocodile's muzzle is longer and thinner, and the fourth teeth are visible even if the mouth is closed. Below we will talk about these green predators, their habitat and interesting details of life. So, where and in what country do crocodiles live? What is their life expectancy? Can humans and crocodiles coexist peacefully?

Where does the crocodile live: habitat

The habitat of these reptiles, which have inhabited our planet for more than 200 million years, extends to all continents, excluding Antarctica. Any child, when asked: “Where does a crocodile live?”, will answer without hesitation: “In Africa!” Yes, the crocodile also lives in Africa.

There are varieties that are found in different countries and continents, and there are endemics - they inhabit one specific territory. For example, the Philippine crocodile lives only on the islands of the same name, while the saltwater saltwater crocodile can live in India, Indonesia, and Northern Australia.

The largest and smallest crocodile

The saltwater crocodile is the largest of all representatives of this family. He loves salty rivers into which sea water flows. People try not to enter or swim in these places where crocodiles live. For example, there was a case when in Malaysia on the Duzon River a green monster snatched first a mother and then a child from a boat. Children and women most often become victims of these predators when swimming or washing clothes in rivers.

The largest specimen captured (but not killed) living in captivity on an Australian park farm is the saltwater crocodile Cassius Clay. It is 5.5 m long, weighs about 1 ton and is long-lived. Crocodiles live about 80-100 years and grow throughout their lives. Cassius lived to be more than 110 years old. He is loved very much, despite his bloodthirsty past, and is treated to a 20-kilogram chicken cake on his birthday. The reptile feasts on it for exactly... half a minute.

The smallest crocodiles are not so small. These are South American caimans, which are no more than 1.5 m in length. West African freshwater blunt-nosed crocodiles are approximately the same size.

A country where crocodiles live better than people

Scientists are confident that the crocodile population has such a long history solely because these reptiles have no enemies in their natural environment. The only mammal that a crocodile should be wary of is humans.

People are chasing profit in the form of handbags and other products made from the skin of these reptiles, and poaching is rampant in the areas where crocodiles live. This is gradually leading to some species being declared endangered. For example, the habitat of the Siamese crocodile has been reduced to Thailand and Cambodia, and in Vietnam and on the island of Borneo they have not been found for many years.

The famous farm in Pattaya, where crocodiles live in artificial conditions and are raised for commercial purposes, attracts many tourists. Crocodiles are used in show programs, and you can buy a purse (about 3,000 baht) or a belt (about 2,000 baht) made from reptile skin.

A completely different situation is observed in Africa (Tunisia, the island of Djerba), where in the Explorer Park travelers can observe the life of crocodiles from comfortable bridges in conditions as close as possible to natural ones. Surprisingly, on a continent where most countries are on the verge of poverty, people unselfishly care about those who could make a profit at the cost of their own lives. Of course, tourists do not visit the park for free, but the cost of an entrance ticket and a crocodile skin handbag is incommensurable.

The life of Nile crocodiles (the largest in Explorer Park reach 5 m) is not too different from their existence in natural conditions. In Tunisia they are fed meat; in winter, at a temperature of +10-15 0 C, they are transferred to heated indoor spaces. Females lay eggs in specially designated areas, and young crocodiles are kept separately from adults to prevent cannibalism.

How are crocodiles similar to birds and dogs?

The anatomical structure of the crocodile is perfect from the point of view of hunting. His eyes are endowed with a third eyelid, which allows him to see perfectly under water and in the dark. For a long time before an attack, crocodiles lie motionless closer to the sunny surface of the water to better warm up the blood before jumping. The powerful head and tail allow you to stun the victim and break the spine in one blow.

With his tenacious teeth, he takes the prey to his storage and “marinates” for some time, then swallows it without chewing. An interesting fact: in those parts of the Ganges where the crocodile lives, the reptile’s “storerooms” often contain the bodies of the dead, whom Hindus send into the waters of the sacred river during a funeral ceremony.

To better digest and move food through the intestines, these reptiles swallow stones, like birds. True, the size and weight of the stones are somewhat different, sometimes about 5 kg. Having had enough, the crocodile rests and cools down. To do this, like a dog, he opens his mouth. Some researchers claim that crocodiles can live for almost a year without food.

Friendship between people and crocodiles

Zoologists believe that friendship between people and green reptiles is impossible, and it should not be allowed because the outcome will still not be in favor of humans. However, there is evidence of a fisherman from Costa Rica who recovered a five-meter dying crocodile wounded by a hunter. The man temporarily settled him in his pond, literally hand-fed him.

The fisherman released the healthy alligator into the river, but the grateful reptile began to return. The friendship lasted until the natural death of the crocodile.

There was a time in China when people caught crocodiles and chained them outside their houses, like dogs. The alligator was fed and watered, and he guarded the owner's property. True, as a result, the Chinese... ate a crocodile grown to a decent size.

Crocodiles have inhabited our planet for 250 million years. They survived dinosaurs and others because they were able to adapt to changes in living conditions. The evolution of these reptiles led to them becoming large amphibious predators. The crocodile frightens and at the same time attracts attention. We will tell you where the predator lives and what it eats in this article.

Why have crocodiles been around for so long?

All these many millions of years, crocodiles lived in the tropics and subtropics, settling in bodies of fresh water. Because their habitat remained virtually unchanged for a long time, crocodiles have remained virtually unchanged since ancient times. After the huge dinosaurs and others became extinct, crocodiles had no dangerous enemies left, and they became masters of their habitats. New predators from among warm-blooded animals, such as lions, tigers, leopards, and so on, had a different habitat and could not exterminate crocodiles. Well, they, in turn, being strongly tied to bodies of water, were not able to expand their possessions.

The most terrible and deadly enemy for crocodiles was man. Reptiles were killed for two main reasons. The first is fear of a predator clad in a strong shell with a huge toothy mouth. The second reason is mercantile. has become a very valuable material for making shoes, handbags and other leather products. Some peoples who eat reptile meat and eggs for food have contributed to the reduction in the crocodiles population. Where do crocodiles live and what do they eat? This is the question that all children ask when they see this reptile for the first time.

Who are called crocodiles?

Currently, all crocodiles are classified into three families:

  1. Real crocodiles.
  2. Alligators.
  3. Gharials.

Zoologists consider Caymans to be one of the species of the alligator family. In total, 23 species of crocodiles are known and described. Each of them has its own habitat and food system. Scientists have long been interested in the crocodile - where it lives, how it reproduces and whether it poses a danger to humans. All these questions were asked regularly, and in order to get answers, it was necessary to observe the animal for a long time.

Such different reptiles

Representatives of different families differ from each other primarily in the shape of the muzzle and teeth. In real crocodiles, the muzzle is narrow and elongated; the fourth tooth of the lower jaw is visible when the mouth is closed. Alligators and caimans have a wide and oval head; when the mouth is closed, the teeth are not visible, since they are covered by the upper jaw. Gharials are distinguished by a very thin and elongated muzzle. There are other small differences, such as the length of the teeth, the shape and location of the skin scutes, and so on.

The body of caimans and gharials is far from perfect, like that of all amphibians and fish. It is unable to maintain the body's thermal regime. All these reptiles can only live in hot climates and warm water. They maintain body heat balance by immersing themselves in water or going ashore to bask in the sun. The salt metabolism of these reptiles is very poorly developed, so they live in fresh waters. Only true crocodiles have salt-exchanging glands. The process of removing salts through is called “crocodile tears”.

Reproduction and nutrition

Crocodiles spend most of their time in the water, but they lay eggs in a nest on the shore. They breathe atmospheric air through their nostrils. The powerful jaws of crocodiles are filled with large and sharp teeth, but the crocodile cannot chew food. He is capable of dragging a very large animal underwater, drowning it, and then tearing large pieces from the carcass and swallowing them whole. Reptiles are very voracious, but can go without food for a long time, since their vital processes are slowed down. Yet crocodiles are patient hunters and ruthless killers. They are able to patiently wait for prey for a long time, sneak up on it unnoticed and silently, and then with a swift throw grab it and hold it with their jaws until it dies. Crocodiles do not disdain carrion, for this they are sometimes called water cleaners.

Where can you find crocodiles?

The characteristics of behavior, nutrition and development of reptiles are determined by where the crocodile lives and in what zone it lives.

The saltwater crocodile is the only species that can live in the salt water of seas and oceans. It is distributed over a vast territory - from the southern coast of Asia to the coast of Australia. It can be found off the coast of India, on the islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans, in the north of Australia. This largest crocodile reaches a length of 6 meters or more and weighs about 1 ton. It feeds on animals, fish, that is, any representatives of the animal world that attract its attention. There are known cases of attacks on white sharks, large animals, including horses, tigers, and so on. Cases of saltwater crocodile attacks on people have been recorded. Now you know how this crocodile differs from the rest, where it lives and what it eats.

The Mississippi alligator lives in the southeastern United States. These reptiles are especially abundant in the swamps of Florida. Lives only in fresh water. It feeds on all living creatures that live nearby. Snakes, turtles, fish, birds and small mammals are included in its diet. A hungry alligator can come close to people's homes and attack small dogs and small pets. capable of digging small ponds. On the banks of these ponds, females make nests and lay eggs in them. In cool weather, alligators lose activity and are half asleep. Males are larger than females and reach lengths of up to 4-4.5 meters. People walk carefully in areas where crocodiles live.

In which country are these animals considered sacred? Previously, Egyptian residents treated these animals with trepidation. Today the situation has changed - they are trying to avoid predators.

Crocodile fisherman

The gharial lives only in the rivers of the Hindustan Peninsula. The only species that has survived to this day is called the Ghanaian gharial. There are no others anymore. Gharials have an elongated muzzle, very long jaws with many teeth. This allows them to hunt fish effectively. The length of the gharial reaches 4.5 meters, there are almost 100 teeth in its mouth. But despite its large size, it does not attack large animals and people, since, thanks to the structure of its jaws, it is more of a fisherman than a hunter. Of all the reptiles of the crocodile order, the gharial spends the most time in water, and sometimes even manages to acquire shells. In addition to fish, it can also feed on small animals and carrion.

Such a crocodile is not dangerous for humans. Where this animal lives, you can often find small villages; people are not afraid of such a neighborhood.

All representatives of the crocodile family, having existed on Earth for millions of years, have found their niche in the animal world. As predators, they perform their function as orderlies of water bodies and coastal areas. They clear their territory of sick and weak animals, as well as their decaying corpses. Crocodiles and alligators do not expand their domain by capturing new territories and living spaces. Their fights with other predators are random and occur mainly at watering holes. Victory or defeat in these battles does not mean a redistribution of territory. But the life and further existence of crocodiles now depend only on humans. They have no natural enemies in nature. People don't like to go to places where crocodiles live. The country of America is inhabited by these animals; many residents see these creatures as an object for profit. Their skin brings in good income. But those who are not connected with the crocodile for profit try not to disturb this predator.

If you are interested in crocodiles and just want to see them in the wild, then this article is for you. Here we will tell you about the places where you can see these amazing reptiles in the wild.

Crocodiles in Australia

If you are keen to see large crocodiles in the wild, then Australia is the country to go to. This continent is famous for the largest living crocodiles - saltwater crocodiles. This reptile reaches a length of more than 6 meters and weighs more than a ton.

If in many countries you can see crocodiles mainly in nature reserves and National Parks, then in Australia these reptiles have inhabited almost all the rivers of the northern coast of the country. Crocodiles are not only found in wild areas, but are often caught in areas densely populated by people. For example, in Fanny Bay, on the shores of which the largest city in the Northern Territories of Australia, Darwin, is located.

In Australia there are National Parks and Nature Reserves, and simply crocodile parks, where saltwater crocodiles can be seen in the wild. In some areas, special shows with feeding these reptiles are organized for tourists.

For thrill-seekers, the special Crocosaurus Cove crocodile park in the center of Darwin offers the Cage of Death attraction. Those who want to tickle their nerves in a special glass cage (made of very durable glass) are immersed in a pool with huge crocodiles. Daredevils can watch these huge cannibals at arm's length.

For lovers of Africa, the National Parks of the Republic of South Africa cordially open their doors. Those who want to watch crocodiles in the wild are recommended to go to the Kruger National Park and Mapungubwe National Park.

In South Africa you can observe Nile crocodiles. They are slightly smaller than their Australian brothers, but no less bloodthirsty. Large individuals can reach lengths of more than 5 meters and weigh up to a ton.

Here, of course, you will not be offered the same conditions as in Australia, but you can observe reptiles while sailing along the river in a comfortable pleasure boat.

Crocodiles in Uganda

If South Africa is a Europeanized Africa, then in Uganda you can see a piece of untouched Africa.

Crocodiles can be seen here in National Parks and Nature Reserves. To do this, you can visit Queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi National Park and Lake Mburo National Park.

Crocodiles in Uganda can be observed during river and lake tours. There are a great variety of reptiles here, so there will be no shortage of thrills.

Crocodiles in Thailand

If you want to not only look at crocodiles, but also taste them, then your path goes straight to Thailand. It is in this Asian country that there are a huge number of crocodile farms where crocodiles are raised for their valuable skin and meat.

Don’t think about it, there are still crocodiles in the wild in Thailand, and there are even tours in some reserves where tourists can see these reptiles in the wild.

But if you really want to see the show and taste a crocodile, then you should definitely visit one of the crocodile farms. Experienced Thai trainers will show you an unforgettable show, and virtuoso chefs will prepare dishes with amazing taste.

Alligators in the USA

Alligators differ from real crocodiles in their calmer disposition, although they are often not inferior in size to their aggressive relatives. In the United States, common crocodiles are found, but alligators dominate. If you want to see alligators, you should visit the states of Florida and Louisiana.

For those who like “very thrills”, it is recommended to visit the Swamp of Ghosts in Louisiana. This place is located near New Orleans. The place itself evokes terrible fear. According to legend, it was cursed by the black voodoo queen at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, many of the settlements along the swamp have died out, and now only the ruins of houses stand. And huge alligators came to the places where people once lived.

During an airboat tour of the park, you can see hundreds of alligators. And then a bright show awaits you, during which an experienced presenter will tell and show what you should do if you had to encounter an alligator or crocodile in the wild.

How much does it cost?

If you are going to see crocodiles in the wild, you should understand that this pleasure is not cheap.

The most affordable option is Thailand. With a departure from Kyiv or Moscow, such a tour can cost $1000-1200 per person.

After it comes the USA. Such a trip can cost $1200-1500 per person. Although the cost of the flight is approximately the same, and maybe even less, than to Thailand, the cost of living in the country will be more expensive.

Next on the list are Uganda and South Africa. The cost of such a trip will be $2000-2500 per person.

And Australia will cost the most. Due to the remoteness of this country from Kyiv or Moscow, air tickets will be quite expensive. The cost of such a trip will be $2500-3500 per person.

When is the best time to go see crocodiles?

You can go to Thailand at almost any time of the year. The climate there is stable, and tourists are welcome all year round.

The same situation is in the USA. Although due to Atlantic hurricanes, it is not recommended to visit Florida and Louisiana in August-September.

It is better to go to Uganda in the middle of winter or summer. The country is located on the equator and has a fairly stable temperature climate. And spring and autumn are the rainy seasons.

You can go to South Africa at any time of the year.

But it’s better to go to Australia in May-September. The rest of the time there is intense heat, and there is a high probability of forest fires, or rainy seasons, when large areas are flooded and movement around the area is difficult.

My little brother really likes crocodiles. All his books are about crocodiles, things have crocodiles painted on them, and among his toys there are solid rubber and plastic green reptiles. It is he who initiates me from time to time into the intricacies of crocodile life.

Where does the scary crocodile live?

They call the crocodile scary for a reason. If his huge mouth with sharp teeth slams, it won’t show much. In Australia People die every year from clashes with crocodiles, because crocodiles sometimes swim from their freshwater bodies to the salty resort seas. Especially it concerns Nile and African crocodiles. Therefore, when going to the sea in the following countries, you need to be afraid not only of sharks, but also of crocodiles:

  • Mexico;
  • Ecuador;
  • Central America;
  • Cuba;
  • Peru.

The largest concentration of adults is observed in swamps and rivers.

Australian saltwater crocodile

This reptile deserves special attention, because all crocodiles are dangerous, but saltwater crocodiles especially. Their species is the largest coastal predator - about 7 m long and weighing about 2 tons. They are found in warm waters the following countries:

  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Philippines;
  • Australia.

Crocodiles are not particularly picky when it comes to food. They may not eat for months. But if they go hunting, then for large animals: antelopes, gazelles, monkeys, snakes and so on. They can also catch smaller animals, but due to their size and slowness, this is unprofitable for them. It takes a lot of time to hunt, but in the end there is little food.

But the diet of young and newborn crocodiles very different from the diet of adults. Young animals prefer the following:

  • small fish and frogs;
  • crustaceans, crabs and mollusks;
  • water birds;
  • lizards

Do crocodiles have enemies?

Crocodiles are standing at the top of the food chain, and they have no enemies in nature. On average, crocodiles live 70 years. But not everyone survives to a natural death. Because the crocodile is a valuable trophy for man and his beauty needs. From crocodile skin they make bags, belts, boots.

People also catch crocodiles for food. His meat is considered an exquisite delicacy. I don't know if I could eat boiled crocodile...

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I can’t say that I’m a big thrill-seeker, but I learned about one place that I wanted to visit. In Australia Darwin has a crocodile park called Crocosaurus Cove. And in this park there is an “entertainment” called “Cage of Death”. A small cage made of durable glass is lowered into a special large aquarium where huge crocodiles swim freely. The entertainment lies in the fact that a person is in this cage, and from a distance of a couple of tens of centimeters from himself he watches the predators clicking their mouths. Sounds tempting. Is it true?

Where do crocodiles live?

Crocodiles love warmth, humidity, bodies of water and tropical climates. Accordingly, the main habitats of crocodiles are:

  • Philippine Islands.
  • Africa.
  • Japanese islands.
  • North of Australia.
  • Some bodies of water South and North America.

Now, before traveling to the sea, the first thing I will do is to study the possible presence of crocodiles. Because crocodiles do not always live in fresh water bodies. There are species of crocodiles that thrive in salt water, such are the combed and sharp-snouted crocodiles.

Saltwater crocodile the largest in the world, up to 7 meters in length and up to 2 tons in weight, the most dangerous predator. It lives in rivers that flow into the sea, and can swim into the sea itself, hunting there, among other things, for dolphins and white sharks.

Crocodile farms

Crocodiles are valued not only in Australia. And in Thailand, there are quite a lot of crocodile farms, where predators are raised specifically for preparing dishes from crocodile meat (it is considered especially tasty meat of a Nile crocodile, and an adult one at that), and for the manufacture of various products from crocodile skin, which are very expensive.

Crocodiles and their smaller dinosaur brothers

Crocodiles are the most ancient predators on the planet.

They relatives, so to speak, of dinosaurs. At the same time, they lived in a time when dinosaurs, and according to some scientists, despite family ties, could eat each other a little. More precisely, it was crocodiles that more often hunted dinosaurs, and not vice versa.

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My first such close acquaintance with cold-blooded animals took place in Thailand, in the tourist city of Pattaya. It was in this city that I visited a crocodile farm. In addition to meeting the animals, I also went to their show program. It turns out to be “toothy” trainable and can carry out a wide variety of commands from their trainers.

Where do crocodiles live?

If speak about Thailand, then representatives of aquatic fauna can be found on wetlands of rivers and lakes on the mainland of the country. The average age of the local reptiles is 100 years. As for their size, they grow throughout their lives. Imagine every year after floods, hundreds of crocodiles are thrown out of their usual habitats. After which the “crushers” go on a “free” swim. Therefore, after the floods, you should know that crocodiles can be found anywhere. But it is not at all necessary to go to swampy rivers to get acquainted with crocodiles, and all because you can see crocodiles on special farms. The crocodile farm in Pattaya is located within the city. I went to the farm on an excursion program, which, by the way, was free. The territory where crocodiles live is more like a park, in which, in addition to crocodiles, you can see a beautiful garden of trees, incredibly beautiful ancient stones, pools with fish and even enclosures with other animals. Crocodiles live in lakes fenced with a metal enclosure. What crocodiles can be seen in the territory:

  • combed;
  • Siamese;
  • gavial.

By the way, the last type of reptile does not pose a threat to humans. Also, it is in this country that it is forbidden to sell bags, wallets, key rings made from the skin of this crocodile... Yes, I almost forgot, crocodiles on this farm, for a fee, Can feed the chicken. I recommend checking your reaction!!! The chicken is tied to a rope and you need to try to tease the “toothy one”. Make him click his teeth for the first, and maybe even the second time, before he has time to eat the chicken. Adrenaline, emotions just go through the roof!!!

Character of a crocodile

It turns out that crocodiles are very smart animals. They cannot be called a thoughtless colossus, in whose head the goal is to kill and eat. Main character traits:

  • pliable;
  • communicable;
  • emotional;
  • extrovert.

Besides, crocodilesknow how to trust. Naturally, not to everyone passing by, but, for example, to your trainer. A person who loves an animal and treats it with respect.

What irritates the psyche of crocodiles

Reptiles, it turns out, do not tolerate foreign odors well. Therefore, before each entry into a room with crocodiles, the trainer must pour water on yourself. Otherwise, you can become lunch or dinner for the animal.

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I have always been both frightened and fascinated by modern dinosaurs - crocodiles. These animals outlived their ancient ancestors and perfectly adapted to modern conditions. Luckily, I can only meet a crocodile at the zoo or on TV. But there are places where people and crocodiles are forced to coexist side by side.

Where can you find a crocodile

Crocodiles can be found in all tropical regions of Africa, America, Asia and Australia. They are not available only in Europe. They live in fresh water bodies, but there are some species, such as the saltwater crocodile, that are great tolerate salt water. All modern crocodiles spend most of their lives in water. But Olay eggs They on the land. This is due to the fact that ancient crocodiles lived on land and only after some time began to live in water. These aquatic reptiles are divided into three families:

  • real crocodiles;
  • alligators;
  • gharials.

Each of the crocodile families is further divided into separate species. There are 23 of them in total.

Survive at any cost

After the extinction of dinosaurs there were no natural enemies left for crocodiles. Lions, tigers, bears and other land predators had a slightly different habitat, so they could not exterminate them. Crocodiles have lived in the tropics and subtropics for millions of years, and their appearance has remained unchanged. The only onetheir enemym became whatcatcher. He kills crocodiles not only out of fear, but because of the durable leather from which handbags, shoes and other leather products are made.

All families of crocodiles differ from each other in body structure, muzzle and teeth. But their body is not perfect. Crocodile will not be able to survive in cold climates and in cool water. He is not able to regulate his body temperature, so he maintains it by immersing himself in water or basking in the warm sun.

Crocodiles - reservoir orderlies where they live. They cleanse them of weak and sick animals, and also destroy corpses. The crocodile grows all its life, and he may live to see100 years. These reptiles swim at a speed of 40 km/hour. They run even slower - 11 km/hour. But they can jump out of the water as much as 2 meters.

The crocodile's jaws close with tremendous force. But if you tie the jaw with ordinary tape, he will not be able to open the jaw. A crocodile changes its teeth up to 100 times during its life. The world's largest crocodile can be found in India and the Fiji Islands. Its length reaches 7 meters. This is a saltwater crocodile.

There are approximately 23 species of crocodiles in the world. As a rule, we imagine these animals as reptiles with a large head, short legs and huge teeth. Of course, they are all similar in appearance, but each species is truly unique and has its own interesting features. This list includes crocodiles that are often overshadowed by their more famous relatives, such as the Nile crocodile, saltwater crocodile, or American alligator. So.

They live only on the island of Juventud, as well as in some swamps in Cuba. They reach three meters in length (a relatively small species). They are perhaps the most aggressive of all crocodiles. They are dangerous and have incredible dexterity and intelligence, but due to their rarity and limited habitat, cases of Cuban crocodiles attacking people are very rare. When hunting large prey, they can work as one team. This is a very active species that spends a lot of time on land, although it is considered a semi-aquatic animal.

They live in tropical rivers and swamps of Western and Central Africa. This is the smallest species of crocodile found in the wild, measuring only 1.5 meters in length. It feeds on insects, frogs, fish and carrion. These crocodiles are not dangerous to humans (although females will defend their nest and attack any intruders, as almost all crocodiles do). They live in burrows on the banks of the river, which they dig themselves and emerge from them only at night.

Another little-known species of crocodile that lives in tropical rivers and swamps of Africa. The narrow-snouted crocodile is much larger than the dwarf (taller) crocodile, capable of growing up to 4 meters. It feeds mainly on fish and aquatic invertebrates. The numbers of these crocodiles are steadily decreasing due to uncontrolled hunting and reduction of their usual habitats.

Found in Indonesia (on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, probably on Sulawesi), Malaysia (Malacca Peninsula, Borneo) and Vietnam (most likely extinct). The animal has been considered extinct in Thailand since 1970. The gharial crocodile received its name due to its external resemblance to the gharial (1st place in the list). It is rarely mentioned as one of the largest species, but there is much evidence that the gharial crocodile is capable of growing to an incredible size of 6 to 7 meters. The main food is fish, but studies of the stomach of individual individuals have shown the presence of insects, crustaceans and mammals (up to macaques) in their diet.

This is one of the most common crocodiles in the world. The piranha caiman, as it is also called, lives in the swamps and reservoirs of Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. Fortunately, they are quite small (2 meters) and rarely attack humans. It feeds on aquatic invertebrates (they especially prefer snails) and vertebrates - fish, less often snakes.

This animal is more widespread than any of the alligators: it is found from Mexico to Peru, as well as in Brazil. Crocodile caimans are unusual because they can change the color of their skin (although they do so rather slowly). They grow up to 3 meters in length, but usually less. The main food of this caiman is shellfish, freshwater crabs, amphibians and fish. There are also cases of cannibalism.

They live in the Amazon River region and in northern South America up to the Caribbean coast. Caimans choose areas with relatively fast currents, but can also tolerate standing water. Also found in flooded forests. The smooth-faced caiman is the smallest of all currently living crocodile species. The length of males is up to 160 cm, females - about 120 cm. They feed on everything they can catch, often hunting on land, especially at night. Recently it has become a popular exotic pet.

The Chinese alligator lives only in eastern Asia, in the Yangtze River basin in China. This is a very rare species of crocodiles; there are less than 200 individuals left in the wild. It feeds mainly on mollusks, but does not disdain fish, the small animals of which it was able to catch. Body length can reach 2.2 m, but usually does not exceed 1.5 m.

Also known as Johnston's crocodile or freshwater crocodile. This is a relatively small species of crocodiles that very rarely grow more than 2–3 meters in length; it will take them 25–30 years to reach such a size. Like all narrow-snouted crocodiles, the basis of their diet is fish. They can also feed on amphibians, birds, small reptiles and mammals. This species of crocodile lives in the northern regions of Australia: in the states of Western Australia and Queensland. This crocodile is considered not dangerous to humans, although it can attack if it thinks that you pose a danger to it.

This little-known and rather rare species of crocodiles is common in India and Nepal. The length of its body reaches 5–7 m. Its feature is a very narrow and long muzzle. The gharial spends most of its time in the water, preferring to stay in calm areas on deep, fast-flowing rivers. Unlike other crocodiles, they have very short and weak legs, they come out of the water only to bask in the sun and lay eggs. Despite their enormous size, they are usually harmless to humans, but can attack in self-defense. Sometimes human remains and precious stones are found in the stomachs of gharials. This is explained by the fact that gharials swallow the remains of cremated bodies, which, according to ancient custom, are buried in the waters of the Ganges River. The gharial is considered one of the rarest crocodiles in the world.