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Games with Apple Jack. Applejack Applejack pony girl

A pleasant red pony with a honey mane that smells like apples and has green eyes - this description corresponds to the character of the cartoon "Mile Little Pony" Applejack. He is characterized by the lively and extremely stubborn character of all the six main pony characters. Applejack lives in an apple orchard located on the outskirts of Ponyville and professionally cultivates apple crops. Thirty-three varieties of these juicy fruits grow on the Apple family's plot, each of which differs in taste and smell. Representatives of this clan know almost everything about apples. This large family includes more than 15 ponies with various apple-like names and lively dispositions. Applejack is a tough little thing with a steely character. He will help anyone, but he may well become stubborn and is constantly measuring himself against Rainbow Dash. Applejack's mane and tail are styled in tight braids and secured with apple-shaped bobby pins so that they do not interfere with the pony's activities and protect her head from overheating. The creature has apples on its rump, apparently this is a tribute to the memory of its main line of work. Applejack's favorite pastime is working on the farm and picking fruit. She is an apologist for workaholism, and also a wonderful and loyal friend who will never bother her friends with her worries, an example of this is one of the series where Applejack decided to independently harvest apples that had ripened during the season, because her relative was ill. Some ponies wanted to come to her rescue, but she stubbornly refused help, which almost led to a real disaster, because the weakened inside of the pony deprived her of maneuverability and made her extremely unstable. But headstrong Applejack still did not want to accept help from her friends until she lost consciousness. Applejack is not the kind of pony who constantly thinks about her appearance; a real hard worker has something to think about even without it. She has a southern accent and touchingly calls her friends “Sugar” and will always come to their aid in the most difficult situation and support them. In the same episode, Applejack tried to come to the rescue of her friends, although she herself had her hands full. In addition, this creature is an excellent psychologist. In particular, in one of the episodes she helps Rarity make acquaintance with Belle, Sweetie's sister. And it should be noted that Applejack always fulfills her obligations. In one episode, the pony promised to win the rodeo and donate the prize money to build a new town hall for Ponyville. However, there she was unable to achieve her plans. However, she did not go back on her words and came out of the current situation with honor. And it seems that this lady is not romantic, but an episode from The Cutie Mark Chronicles refutes this; a long time ago she wanted to become a socialite and for this she moved to relatives in Manehattan, but quickly began to yearn for her apple farm, realizing that cheerful idleness was not her life .

Usually, if we see pictures of Applejack, she is drawn in them wearing a cowboy hat and with her mane and tail tied at the end - for convenience. Embodying the spirit of kindness, she is also very hardworking - after all, she has to work all day long on the farm. She can do almost anything with her hooves, and she also deftly handles cows (in which her pet, the shepherd dog Winona, helps her) and knows how to cook a variety of delicacies from apples. A real earth pony, what can you add.

By the way, about apples. The history of the appearance of this insignia for Applejack can be found out in one of the episodes. The little pony dreamed of leaving her native farm and conquering Manehattan, where her uncle and aunt took her in, but after living in the city for a while, she realized that her heart belonged to the apple orchard and the farm. It was then that she received her distinctive sign.

She is also one of the strongest ponies in Ponyville. Only Rainbow can compete with her (which is the theme of many games with Applejack), and even then, largely thanks to her wings. Their competitive spirit is especially evident during the competition for the title of “Iron Pony” and the autumn race.

It is worth saying a few words about her manners. Yes, Applejack is not a fan of hoofing and other girly things; she prefers to tinker in the ground. And because of such disregard for her own appearance and behavior, she sometimes has conflicts with Rarity, who loves everything to be perfect... But one day, when their misunderstanding reaches the boiling point, it turns out that even such different ponies can be true friends.

Heart or manners: the importance of character

In general, Applejack's character is gradually revealed in many details. When she, having argued with Big Mac, stubbornly refuses help, wanting to harvest the apples herself, we understand that this pony is not alien to stubbornness and pride, and when she does not want to return to her native Ponyville, because she could not take first place in competition, some of her vanity also appears.

At the same time - and numerous games with Applejack can serve as an example - she is very sincere, does not know how to deceive (as shown, in particular, by the competition with making apple juice) and dearly loves her entire family, not just those with whom she lives. Although she is especially close to her younger sister Bloom, whom she is always ready to help with deeds and advice.

The strength of this honest pony lies not only in her hooves, but also in her whole, beautiful character, for which her friends love her and Princess Celestia herself respects her. And, of course, Applejack is always ready to stand up for the honor of her native Ponyville, which is clearly demonstrated in the episode with the braggart Trixie.


Applejack is an earth pony who lives on an apple farm in the city of Ponyville. Her body is orange and her mane and tail are yellow. The distinctive sign and symbol of this pony are red apples. Apple Jack loves to work, prefers country style and is the most honest and friendly pony in all of Equestria. A faithful friend, an excellent assistant and a straightforward adviser - this is exactly how everyone knows and loves Applejack. In our online store site you can buy Applejack My Little Pony toys at the most attractive prices!

In the town of Ponyville there is a large apple farm, “Sweet Apple,” which belongs to the large and friendly Apple family. The apple cider produced on this farm is famous not only in the city, but throughout the country of Equestria. It is on this farm that lives a representative of the Apple family named Apple Jack. She is one of the main characters of the wonderful cartoons “My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic!” and Equestria Girls.

Apple Jack is very easy to recognize: her body is orange and her mane has a straw tint. This pony's cutie marks are depicted as red apples. Very often, Apple Jack can be seen wearing a wide-brimmed cowboy hat: this pony not only loves cowboy paraphernalia and country style, but is also great with a lasso. This pony also has a noticeable Texas accent, and she prefers to address others as “Sugar.”

Applejack represents honesty as one of the Elements of Harmony. Indeed, you will not find a more honest, loyal and friendly pony in the whole world! Applejack is also great at smoothing out conflicts and loves to host guests on her farm, serving dozens of different dishes with apple filling. Applejack does not have magical powers, she is an ordinary earth pony, but, on the other hand, she is the most hardworking, calm and steady on her feet. She has a pet - a mongrel dog, Winona.

Of Apple Jack's many relatives in the cartoon, her younger sister named Apple Bloom, older brother Big Macintosh and grandmother Granny Smith most often appear in the cartoon. Apple Bloom is in elementary school and is a member of the Mark Seekers team. Big Mac works a lot on the farm and has an absolutely phlegmatic character. He answers all questions and requests with one phrase: “Aha!” Granny Granny Smith, despite her advanced age, is a very active character who constantly gets involved in different stories.

What does Apple Jack love more than anything in the world? Of course, work on the farm, cultivate the land, and harvest a rich harvest of fresh apples. And she also loves her friends very much - Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Together with them, Applejack goes through the most difficult tests to learn the true value of the magic of friendship, the most powerful magical force in the whole world. Once in the human world, Twilight Sparkle meets Apple Jack in human form - this story takes place in the cartoon "Equestria Girls".

While pegasi are studying the weather, unicorns are practicing magic, and princesses are deciding government affairs, who will feed everyone? Practical Applejack will never leave any economic issue to chance. Apple Jack teaches young viewers the importance of being honest, responsible and that they need to love work. She is also very charming, she has an indescribable charisma that is appreciated by all fans of little ponies.

Equestria. Apple Jack becomes a mother. Game for girls and girls! Equestria. Apple Jack becomes a mother - a game for girls in Russian. Today, in the fairy-tale land of Equestria, Apple Jack is expecting an addition to her family. In this case, all mothers, without exception, are very worried and need help. First of all, help the pregnant mother collect the necessary things and take care of a beautiful stroller for her child. Then, girls, you have to play the role of a doctor for her. Make sure mommy and her unborn baby are okay. And now comes a very important moment. Apple Jack went into labor. Calm down, girls! You will succeed! Hooray! A girl was born. Take the baby! To control the game you will need a mouse, up/down arrow keys and the spacebar.

Equestria. Apple Jack becomes a mother

New hairstyle for Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will be transported to the fairy-tale country of Equestria, to the small town of Poneville. The famous heroine of the children's animated series “Friendship is Magic” named Apple Jack lives there. The Pony girl works tirelessly on her farm, where she grows sweet apples. Don't think that Apple Jack knows nothing more than his farm. Like all girls her age, Apple Jack loves dresses and parties. So today she is going to have fun in a noisy company of friends. You know, girls, our sweet heroine has one peculiarity. In such companies, Apple Jack always prefers to be visible. At tonight's party, she is going to wow the crowd with her new hairstyle. Rainbow Dash will create such a cool hairstyle for Apple Jack and you girls will help her with this. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

New hairstyle for Apple Jack

Pony Apple Jack: Dizzying shuffle. Game for girls and girls! Pony Apple Jack: Dizzy Shuffle is an exciting puzzle game for girls and more, based on the animated children's series, Friendship is Magic.” Little Pony Apple Jack, also called Miss Honesty, lives in the fabulous country of Equestria on her farm “Sweet Apple”. Apple Jack loves his garden and often even comes up with games in which he uses apples as an attribute. Now, she invites you to play a dizzying puzzle with an apple with her. Putting it under one of the glasses before your eyes, Pony will mix the glasses in places. You girls will have to indicate which glass the apple is under. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony Apple Jack: Dizzy Mix

In Equestria, Canterlot High School is graduating. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, Canterlot High School is graduating. The Pony girls - Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash - must take the honorary stage of their educational institution for the last time to receive their diploma of education. Of course, on this memorable day, every Pony girl wants to look her best. Girls, if you are ready to help them, arm yourself with a mouse and explore their wardrobes without any embarrassment. We are sure that you will find everything you need to dress them there. But the main attribute of clothing for today’s event should be a black robe and a confederate cap, indicating successful completion of a university. Good luck!

In Equestria, Canterlot High School graduation

Beauty salon for girls Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! There's a party today in the fairytale land of Equestira at Canterlot School. Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle dream of looking like real ladies at a party - stylish and beautiful. They decided to bring beauty from the head. For this reason they are here in your beauty salon. Girls, try not to deceive their hopes. Take care of their hair, give them stylish hairstyles. And then choose the most fashionable outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Beauty salon for girls Pony from Equestria

New Year: Pony Ball. Game for girls and girls! In the world of fantasy, there is a fairy-tale country called Equestria, where little Ponies, the heroines of the series “Friendship is Magic,” live in the city of Poneville. Every year in Poneville a New Year's ball is held for Pony. This is one of the reasons why Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash sleep poorly before the New Year. After all, at this ball, each of them has a chance to receive the crown of a beauty queen. To take advantage of such a chance, you must first of all be well prepared for this exciting event. Girls, it is you who must help them. Start with spa treatments. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

New Year: Pony Ball

My Little Ponies: Fashionable outfits for the New Year. Game for girls and girls! My Little Ponies: Fashionable outfits for the New Year - a game for little ones to dress up Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Mod Pie. The ponies from the series “Friendship is Magic” follow fashion trends with passion. You are their stylist. Help Pony choose stylish, fashionable outfits for the New Year. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

My Little Ponies: Fashionable outfits for the New

Hair salon, MY LITTLE PONY." A game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will need to go to the fairy-tale country of Equestria, to the town of Poneville. The famous Ponies live there - the heroines of the children's animated series, Friendship is a miracle." Recently in Poneville a hairdressing salon was opened for them, “MY LITTLE PONY”, in which you will work as Apple Jack’s assistant, specializing in Pony hair care. Girls, don't be late - Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle are looking forward to your reception. Play with the mouse.

Hair salon, MY LITTLE PONY"

Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash are high school students. Game for girls and girls! Summer has ended in Equestria. The friends - the girls Pony Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack - became high school students. Girls, can you imagine how important it is to introduce yourself on the first day of school so that you are noticed? Of course, in the best sense of the word! That’s why, girls, helping the heroines of this game in preparation for such an important event, you will have to try very hard today to choose the most stylish, most fashionable, most elegant outfits and accessories for our young ladies. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rain

Equestria: Grand cleaning with Pony girl Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, in the house of the girl Pony Apple Jack, a grand party took place today. The guests had fun and went home, and the sweet hostess was left with real chaos after them. Girls, together with Apple Jack you now have to clean up the house, and at the same time do a lot of laundry. Start cleaning from the kitchen. Click on the tap and sink to make Apple Jack turn to the sink and help her wash the dirty dishes. Then use a mop to tidy up the floors. The cleaner will help you deal with carbon deposits on the stove. Now you can move to the bedroom. Here you will need to collect garbage and clothes scattered throughout the room, as well as place some things in their places. After this, you will have to do the laundry. As you can see, among the dirty clothes there are multi-colored items that should not be washed together. Having sorted the items into three baskets, you can start washing them and then drying them. To carry out all operations you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equestria: Grand Cleanup with Pony Girls

Hairstyles for girls Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will play the role of the famous hairdresser for Pony girls from Equestria. Meet, the most successful students of Canterlot School - Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash - have come to your hairdresser. In Equestria, Girlfriends are also famous for their concerts. Like all creative personalities, the Pony girls are in constant search of a stage image. Today, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are not happy with the unruly mop of their magnificent hair and want to tame it into their hairstyles. Dear hairdressers, the client's wishes are the law. Arm yourself with a mouse and get to work. And once you’ve done your hair, help your lovely girlfriends choose stylish outfits to match their new hairstyles. Good luck!

Hairstyles for girls Pony from Equestria

My little ponies on Halloween. Game for girls and girls! Equestria is noisy! Princess Celestia is throwing a costume ball for the little Ponies in honor of Halloween. Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Spike are excited. The holiday is very soon, and they still don’t have costumes. With 2 days left before the holiday, Pony Mod Pie undertakes to sew costumes for all of them. The hardworking horse kept her word. The costumes are ready and now, girls, now it's up to you. Help each Pony choose the coolest costume. In them, as expected, you can find all the signs of the expected holiday - cheerful, kind, beautiful and terrible at the same time. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

My Little Ponies on Halloween

Equestria. Collect the Elements of Harmony. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, a cool adventure game based on the events of a fascinating cartoon, the main event in which is the great miracle on Earth - friendship. SOS! There's trouble in Equestria! The Elements of Harmony were stolen there. From this moment on, the fairyland is in danger. The Elements of Harmony must be urgently returned to their place. The operation to return the Elements will be led by Twilight Sparkle. Other Ponies and you girls will help her, and true friendship will help your team overcome all obstacles. The help of Pony Apple Jack will play a big role in overcoming the difficulties of the first level. Ponies Fluttershy and Rarity will be able to overcome the second and third levels. Rainbow Dash will try to help out her friends on level 4. And Pinkie Pie will have the most difficult task of overcoming the final level. In order for their actions to be coordinated, you girls will need a mouse to control the Pony. Good luck!

Equestria. Collect the Elements of Harmony

My little Pony Apple Jack is working in the garden. Game for girls and girls! My Little Pony Apple Jack is Gardening is an online game based on the animated children's series, Friendship is Magic.” Hardworking Apple Jack has her own garden. In order to have plenty of vegetables and fruits, Apple Jack decided to add several additional beds. But suddenly a downpour fell on the ground. And then her friend Rainbow Dash, who is responsible for good weather in the fairy-tale country of Equestria, in the city of Poneville, came to the aid of Apple Jack. Having settled the weather, friends Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash began gardening together. Girls, help!

My little pony apple jack works in sa

Barbie makeup in the style of My Little Pony. Game for girls and girls! Barbie is a big fan of small horses, Pony, characters from the cartoon series, My Little Pony." Her favorite horses are Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy. Girls, Barbie would be happy if you could help her transform into her favorite Pony. You can do this using makeup and outfits that are typical for these cute Ponies. Have fun playing with your mouse.

Barbie makeup in the style of My Little Pony

Pony Apple Jack is not doing well. Game for girls and girls! Pony Apple Jack is not getting well - an exciting game about a hospital with the participation of the heroines of the animated children's series, Friendship is a miracle” - Apple Jack and Fluttershy. You are already familiar with Pony Apple Jack, who lives in the fabulous country of Equestria on her farm, Sweet Apple.” There, Pony Apple Jack has a garden that she tends with her family. So, while admiring the apple harvest, Apple Jack ate an unwashed apple with appetite, and her tummy ached. Girls, play the role of a doctor in the form of Fluttershy for sweet Apple Jack, and help her cure a sick Pony. Play with the mouse.

Pony Apple Jack is not doing well

Let's dress up Pony's sisters Apple Jack and Apple Bloom. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country of Equestria, on their farm, Sweet Apple, lives a cute family of pegasuses: Apple Jack, also called Miss Honesty, her grandmother Granny Smith, brother Big Mac and little sister Apple Bloom. So, girls, pegasus sisters Apple Jack and Apple Bloom are going to a party with their friends today. Help them be the most stylish Pony girls at this party. Good luck! Play: with mouse.

Dress up Pony sisters Apple Jack and Apple B

Pony. Party at the Farm, Sweet Apple.” Game for girls and girls! Pony. Farm Party, Sweet Apple is a game for girls based on the animated children's series, Friendship is Magic. Little Ponies Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are having a party today at the farm, Sweet Apple. Girls, join the fun company and help them with organizational work. First start dressing the Pony. Choose cute manes and ponytails for them. Then decorate the place on the farm where the party will take place. Don’t forget to feed the little ones with apples, candies, and cotton candy. Give each child a musical instrument and they will perform a short concert for you. And when the Ponies are a little tired, help them turn on the instruments and listen to the music well performed with them. Here you go! The party was a success! All that remains is to take a fun selfie. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony. Farm Party, Sweet Apple

Pony Twilight Sparkle and Apple Jack on a night hike. Game for girls and girls! Two Ponies, familiar to you from the animated children's series, “Friendship is a miracle” - Twilight Sparkle and Apple Jack - wanted romance. Without thinking twice, they chose a night hike with a campfire, stars and roasted marshmallows. Girls, join the romantics, they will need your help in arranging their vacation spot. Start by preparing your fire pit. Level the area for the fire, cover it with stones, and place firewood collected from the forest. Now, so that the Ponies can start preparing their favorite dish, help them light a fire. Beauty! As they wanted, Ponies will be able to roast marshmallows on the fire, enjoy communication and the stars. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony Twilight Sparkle and Apple Jack at night

Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie are on duty in the classroom. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to play for the Pony girls from Equestria - Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie - who are on duty in the classroom today. Clean up the classroom. Collect garbage in a bucket. Place books and other school supplies on desks. Wash the floors. Play with the mouse.

Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie are on duty

Pony Apple Jack girl on the beach. Game for girls and girls! You will be surprised, but it is so. The sweet girl Pony Apple Jack at the height of summer, leaving her garden and farm to her relatives, decided to leave Equestria. She goes to the sea. Girls, be happy for this girl and help her put together her vacation wardrobe. A lovely bikini, a chic bikini, a hat, sunglasses and a cute handbag - perhaps she cannot do without these things on the beach. Play with the mouse.

Pony Apple Jack girl on the beach

Equestria: Apple Jack's big house cleaning. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, in the house of the girl Pony Apple Jack, a grand party took place today. The guests had fun and went home, and the sweet hostess was left with real chaos after them. Girls, together with Apple Jack you now have to clean up the house, and at the same time do a lot of laundry. Start cleaning from the kitchen. Click on the tap and sink to make Apple Jack turn to the sink and help her wash the dirty dishes. Then use a mop to tidy up the floors. The cleaner will help you deal with carbon deposits on the stove. Now you can move to the bedroom. Here you will need to collect garbage and clothes scattered throughout the room, as well as place some things in their places. After this, you will have to do the laundry. As you can see, among the dirty clothes there are multi-colored items that should not be washed together. Having sorted the items into three baskets, you can start washing them and then drying them. To carry out all operations you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equestria: Apple D's Big House Cleaning

Little Ponies have fun on New Year's Day. Game for girls and girls! Our little Ponies from “Friendship is Magic” don’t get bored on New Year’s Day. Each of them has fun in their own way. Pony Twilight Sparkle, for example, promised her friends to borrow some New Year’s toys and accessories from Pony Apple Jack. But everything turned out wrong simply because Apple Jack hid them securely. At least, it seemed to her. Girls, you already understood - everything you need to find Twilight Sparkle is shown in the row at the very bottom of the playing field. These Pony items. Twilight Sparkle must look when Apple Jack does not see her. As soon as Apple Jack appears, you girls must immediately help Twilight Sparkle hide behind the tree. To do this, you will need to click first on Pony, then behind the tree to return Twilight Sparkle. to search, you need to click on the curved arrow located on the left side of the playing field. To move the found items in a row, you must first click on the button with the image of a gift box (bottom left), then on the found item. Use your mouse to interact with Twilight Sparkle. Good luck!

Little Ponies have fun on New Year's Day

New Year's dress up with Pony Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! Are you already familiar with Pony Apple Jack, who lives in the fabulous country of Equestria on her farm, Sweet Apple? There, Pony Apple Jack has a garden that she tends with her family. One day, in order to save the tree, this sweet Pony planted a tiny spruce seedling on her veranda. Over time, the frail seedling turned into a magnificent tree, which now brings joy to the family of Pony Apple Jack every New Year. Girls, this is the spruce tree you will have to decorate today. But, first of all, you will have to start dressing up Pony Apple Jack herself for the New Year. Good luck!

New Year's dress up with Pony Apple Jack

Making a cake with little Pony Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle. Game for girls and girls! Girls, we invite you to play one of the wonderful games with Pony Friendship is a miracle. Pony's friends Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle are having a party today. These two cute Ponies promised to bake a delicious cake by the beginning of the party. But it doesn't look like the cake will be ready today. Girls, just look at what's going on in the kitchen. Apple Jack is busy jumping on a chair, and Twilight has no idea what she’s doing. Oh, girls, intervene in this situation, or all the Ponies from Canterlot School will be left without the promised cake. First of all, collect the necessary utensils and all the ingredients that you will need to make the cake. Perhaps, girls, you don’t speak English at all yet. In this game, this is not so important, because next to each ingredient included in the cake there is a picture that makes it clear what we are talking about. Once you have collected everything you need. , girls, all you have to do is do everything as required by the game’s recommendations, and you will certainly get a delicious cake. Good luck playing with the mouse!

Making a cake with little Pony Apple Jack and

Bath for Pony Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! It's very hot in the fantasy land of Equestria right now, so after working on his farm, Apple Jack needs a refreshing bath. Girls, pour warm water, add pearl foam with the aroma of apples grown on her farm, Sweet Apple, and start bathing Pony. Then, after drying the Pony with a towel and hairdryer, take care of her mane and tail. Dress up a clean, rested Pony in her lovely clothes. Play with the mouse.

Bath for Pony Apple Jack

Apple Jack. We are looking for hidden objects. Game for girls and girls! In the country of Equestria, in the city of Poneville, there is a commotion in Pony Apple Jack's room. Little Pony won't find the things she needs. Girls, use your search skills and help this cute Pony find her lost things. Their list is shown on the playing field on the right. You have 1 minute for everything, about everything. Time has passed. Good luck!

Apple Jack. Looking for hidden objects

Makeup for girls Pony Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! For you girls, a cool game in which you will have to do makeup for the charming girl Pony Apple Jack. This gifted girl not only takes care of her garden on the farm, she is known throughout Equestria. And in the town of Ponyville, her concerts are always sold out. But today, girls, you must prove yourself. The girl Pony Apple Jack has minor problems with her face. Try to eliminate them as soon as possible. By the beginning of the concert, her face should again amaze with its beauty and freshness. Good luck!

Makeup for girls Pony Apple Jack

Pony girls from Equestria are going to School 2. Game for girls and girls! So summer is over. Three girlfriends, Pony girls from Equestria - Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy are getting ready for school. Girls, help them choose clothes. But first, choose their hairstyle. Each of the girlfriends is going to put on jewelry. The girls are going to school, not to a party, so make sure it looks modest. Play with the mouse.

Pony girls from Equestria gather in Shko

Baby Barbie takes care of Pony. Game for girls and girls! Baby Barbie takes care of Pony - a game for girls about caring for animals. Baby Barbie loves little horses, Pony. Girls, help her cope with caring for three Ponies at once. Meet Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Rarity. Choose one of them and start caring for it. Bathe her, dry her, comb her, and then dress her up in beautiful Pony clothes. And for complete happiness of the horse, entertain it with its favorite toys.

Baby Barbie takes care of Pony

Puzzle with Pony Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! That's not a problem! Today, girls, you have to solve a puzzle for Pony Apple Jack. This sweet Pony lives in the fairytale land of Equestria on her farm, Sweet Apple? Yes, but today we won’t be talking about her garden. Apple Jack lost her things in her own apartment and you girls need to find them. Moreover, you need to find them in just 1 minute. Will you have time? Play: with the mouse.

Puzzle with Pony Apple Jack

Archery with Pony girls. Game for girls and girls! An archery tournament is being held in the small, fairy-tale country of Equestria. The Pony girls formed two teams: Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts. Each team has two players. Girls, click on one of the girls to start the game. You will be given five attempts and three targets. Try to make sure that the Pony girl you have chosen hits the center of the target. And remember, every Pony girl will have her own advantages. Fluttershy will have one extra arrow to shoot with. Apple Jack can slow down the vertical aiming scale. Twilight Sparkle is able to pull the arrow closer to the center of the target, allowing it to hit the bull's eye. Sour Sweet can slow down the horizontal aiming bar. Take these features of Pony girls into account when shooting. Go for points! Good luck!

Archery with Pony girls

Decorating the garden for Pony Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! Decorating the Garden for Pony Apple Jack is an interesting game for girls, created based on the animated children's series, Friendship is Magic.” Girls, are you already familiar with Pony Apple Jack, who lives in the fabulous country of Equestria on her farm, Sweet Apple? Yes, it will be about her and her garden again. Apple Jack and his family take care of the garden and save it from the attacks of other playful Ponies. These jobs take up all of her time, and Apple Jack would like to work on improving the design of her garden. Girls, could you help cute Pony decorate her garden? Flower beds, various animals, trees, gazebos, benches, attractions and other decorative details will help turn this object into the wonderful garden of her dreams. Good luck!

Decorating the garden for Pony Apple Jack

Pony Apple Jack saves his apples. Game for girls and girls! Pony Apple Jack Saves His Apples is a game for girls based on the animated children's series, Friendship is Magic.” Little Pony Apple Jack, also called Miss Honesty, lives in the fairyland of Equestria on her farm, Sweet Apple.” She grows apples here. She had just collected a whole cart of apples, but due to carelessness the cart rolled down the mountain. Girls, before the cart overturns and the evil dogs catch up with it, you need to help Pony Apple Jack quickly catch up with the cart. You can do this using the SPACEBAR and arrow keys. Pony Apple Jack will be able to catch up with the cart only if she does not trip over the stones that come in her way. When hitting them in a jump, the Pony must push off against them. She can also kick dogs, pushing them away from the apple cart. Good luck!

The girls Pony Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash are having their graduation. Game for girls and girls! The girls Pony Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash are having their graduation. Today they must step onto the honorary stage of their educational institution for the last time to receive a diploma of education. Of course, on this memorable day, every Pony girl wants to look her best. Girls, if you are ready to help them, arm yourself with a mouse and explore their wardrobes without any embarrassment. We are sure that you will find everything you need to dress them there. But the main attribute of clothing for today’s event should be a black robe and a confederate cap, indicating successful completion of a university. Good luck!

The girls have Pony Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow

Girl Pony Apple Jack changes her stage image. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, a dress up game - Girl Pony Apple Jack changes her stage image - created based on the animated children's series, Friendship is a Miracle. The gifted girl Apple Jack with her guitar became famous far beyond Ponyville. Concerts with her participation are always sold out. They imitate her. And yet, this girl with a huge attractive mane of hair, so cute and stylishly dressed, suddenly had the idea to change her stage image. Girls, this is not a whim. Creative personalities have such thoughts more than once. So get ready to use your best stylist skills. Try to give Apple Jack a completely new hairstyle and a new hair color. Change her stage costume. Apple Jack loves hats. Let her give up this habit for a while. Try it! Experiment! Good luck with your finds! Play: with mouse.

Girl Pony Apple Jack changes the stage o

Pony. Forest adventures of Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! An adventure game with the brave Pony Apple Jack, based on the animated children's series, Friendship is Magic.” Little Pony Apple Jack, also called Miss Honesty, while walking in the forest, found herself taking part in dangerous adventures. Treacherous birds and bears stood in her way. To get out of this trap, Apple Jack will have to run, jump and even kick with his hooves. Pony only has 3 lives / 3 hearts /, but they can be replenished. To do this, Pony must hit the tree with apples with her hooves. By eating fallen apples, Pony will replenish his supply of lives. The most dangerous enemy for Pony is the big boss of the forest. He is the one who sends the bears at Apple Jack. Pony has only one escape from the boss: jump up and hit him on the head with your hooves. With your help, girls, Pony Apple Jack will be able to get out of the forest. To do this, you will have to use: 1) arrow keys - to control the movements of the Pony, 2) the Z key - to jump the Pony, 3) the X key - to attack with its hooves. And don’t forget about replenishing lives. Good luck!

Dress up the girl Pony Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! Dress up the girl Pony Apple Jack is a dress-up game based on the animated children's series, Friendship is Magic.” This noticeable Pony girl with a huge, attractive mane of hair is always in sight. She plays the guitar well and stands out among other Equestria girls with her performance style. Without the sound of her guitar, the Equestria girls probably wouldn’t have been able to attract so many young people to their concerts. Music for her, like friendship, is a miracle, magic, a holiday! That's why Apple Jack always prepares so carefully for his performances. Girls, help her get dressed for today's concert. Choose her cool outfits, hairstyle, one of her favorite hats, and accessories. Play: with mouse.

Dress up the girl Pony Apple Jack