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Blackcurrant jam step by step recipe. How to make jam, marmalade and jam from red currants. Black currant jam with plums for the winter

Red currants, a perennial shrub from the gooseberry family, can be seen in almost any summer cottage. It came to us from Western Europe, where it was originally cultivated as a medicinal plant.

It contains large quantities of vitamin C, iron, potassium, succinic and malic acids, as well as antioxidants.

In cooking, red currants are used mainly for making jams.

The sugar added to it is an effective and safe preservative, and also compensates for the initially sour taste of the berries.

Ready-made redcurrant jam is used as a filling for baked goods and a component for complex creams.

Classic recipe with photo

You should be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time to prepare jam; it is much easier to make jam or jelly. But if you want to get a thick consistency, then this traditional recipe for the winter is suitable.


  • Red currants – 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

It is very important to maintain the proportions of berries and sugar, otherwise the jam for the winter will turn out sour and too liquid. Currants that are slightly overripe and crushed will do, no problem. Remove the berries from the branches, cover with cold water and rinse to remove debris.

Spread on a clean towel in one layer and let dry completely. Place in a deep enamel bowl and puree using a wooden masher.

You can simplify the task and use a blender with an immersion attachment, but some housewives are sure that some of the vitamins are destroyed when the berries come into contact with metal. Cover with a dense layer of sand and immediately set to cook on the burner.

You can set the flame level to medium until bubbles appear on the surface, and then reduce it to a minimum. You need to cook for at least three hours, stirring occasionally. When the treat begins to peel off the sides of the dish, you can set it aside.

Spoon the finished sweet into previously prepared and necessarily sterilized jars, screw on the boiled metal lids and send to a dark, cool basement.

Redcurrant jam with pectin

Pectins, natural polysaccharides obtained from fruit marc, sunflower heads and sugar beets, are often added to jam as an auxiliary gelling agent.


  • Red currants – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Pectin – 1 sachet.

The recipe for cooking currant jam with pectin for the winter begins by freeing the freshly picked berries from the branches, then rinsing them thoroughly under cold water.

Pour a little water into the pan intended for cooking jam, just enough to cover the bottom. Add berries, sugar and cook until completely softened.

Fresh red currants cannot be stored for more than two days, even in the refrigerator. To preserve the berries for the winter, they are frozen or made into jam. But the most convenient way is to make jam from red currants. After all, red currants contain so much pectin that even with a relatively short boiling, they acquire a dense jam consistency.

Red currants are quite sour and slightly tart, so you need to take the same amount of sugar as the berries. That is, for 1 kg of red currants you need 1 kg of sugar.

Place the berries in a colander and rinse them with cold running water. There is no need to cut off the tails. This is extra and unnecessary work.

Place the berries in a saucepan with a thick bottom, sprinkle with sugar and stir with a wooden spoon, and at the same time crush them a little so that the berries release the juice.

Place the pan over the lowest heat so that the berries slowly release their juice and the sugar melts. After boiling, cook the red currants for 5-10 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and wait to cool.

Grind the currants through a fine sieve. This way you will get rid of small seeds, skins and those very tails.

Now the future jam is still quite liquid and needs to be cooked. Place the pan on the heat again, and at the same time the small saucer in the freezer. The saucer is needed to check the readiness of the jam.

About 30 minutes after boiling, remove the saucer from the freezer and place a drop of jam on the saucer and turn it over. The drop should remain in place and not spread across the plate.

Prepare the jars. Sterilize them and pour the boiling jam into jars. Although it seems quite liquid, don't be surprised. After cooling, the red currant jam will become much denser, so choose low jars with a wide neck.

Red currant jam is very stable. It doesn’t need a special temperature regime, and it sits wonderfully just in the kitchen cabinet.

Some people call redcurrant jam jelly, but there is a fundamental difference. After all, preparing berry jelly requires the addition of gelling agents, and red currants harden even without gelatin. Hence the slight confusion in the name, but this does not change the essence.

Watch the video on how to make redcurrant jam or jelly:

Step-by-step recipes for blackcurrant jam with sugar, wine, lemon, plums, apples

2018-07-25 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


49 gr.

198 kcal.

Option 1: Classic blackcurrant jam

One of the most popular and ubiquitous berries is black currant. Preparations made from it will not only help diversify the winter diet, but will also give the body a lot of vitamins and valuable substances. The original recipe for blackcurrant jam uses only sugar and berries, nothing else is needed. The berries are first blanched in boiling water and pureed, so you need a saucepan and a good sieve.


  • 1.2 kg currants;
  • kilogram of sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for classic blackcurrant jam

Boil a couple of liters of water in a saucepan. While it is heating up, sort and wash the currants, add, boil for three minutes, then drain into a sieve. The berries should soften. Let cool and rub through the same sieve. We need to get a homogeneous currant puree. We squeeze out the skins and seeds and throw them away.

Add sugar to the currants, mix and transfer to a wide saucepan. It’s good if it has a thick bottom, then nothing will burn. It is better to use a wooden spatula or spoon for stirring. Place on the stove and after boiling, turn down the heat.

The boiling time for jam can vary from one to several hours. It depends on the juiciness of the berries and the liquid of the puree, the area and activity of boiling, as well as the required consistency. Since the treat usually becomes thicker as it cools, you can use a chilled saucer to test. We take it out of the freezer, drip a little jam and check it.

The finished blackcurrant jam is sealed in sterile and always dry jars. Place the delicacy while it is hot and roll it up immediately.

Like other preparations, it is advisable to keep the jars upside down until they cool, but there is no need to cover and wrap this delicacy. As soon as the jam has cooled, you can put it in a closet, in the refrigerator, or in the basement.

Option 2: Quick recipe for blackcurrant jam with seeds

The recipe for this jam is simplified as much as possible due to the presence of seeds and skins, but the berries are crushed with a blender, so you can barely taste anything. The losses in this recipe are minimal, the option with the highest yield.


  • kilogram of currants;
  • a pinch of lemon;
  • 900 g sugar.

How to cook quickly

Wash the blackcurrants and place them in a saucepan, lower the blender and grind until smooth. Immediately add half the granulated sugar. Stir and place the puree on the stove. Let it boil, reduce the heat so that the puree does not splatter too much. Cook for 20 minutes.

Add the remaining sugar and add citric acid. Let it boil again, now cook the jam for about half an hour. If the saucepan is wide and the moisture evaporates quickly, it may take a little less time.

We simply put the finished currant jam into jars and do it right away while the mixture is very hot. Close and cool.

If you have a weak blender at home that does not cope well with skins and seeds, then you can first simmer the blackcurrant berries a little with a couple of tablespoons of water, then chop them and then cook according to the given recipe.

Option 3: Blackcurrant jam with wine and lemon juice

For aromatic and unusual jam, in addition to sugar and black currants, you will need dry red wine. This recipe also contains orange zest. Citrus essential oils give a very pleasant and invigorating aroma.


  • 1 kg black currants;
  • 200 ml dry red wine;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • zest from 1 orange;
  • cinnamon (stick).

How to cook

On the first day we prepare the base for the jam. It is convenient to do this in the evening. We wash the blackcurrants, put them in a sieve, and let the water drain. We cut off all the branches and remove the garbage. Pour into a saucepan. Add about half of the granulated sugar. It is not necessary to measure it, just add it “by eye”. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and pour the jam into the future.

Place the blackcurrants on the stove, bring to a boil, and simmer for three or four minutes until soft. If the berries are large, then it can take a little longer. It is advisable to remove the foam as it boils; it is not needed in the jam. Cover the saucepan, turn off the stove, and leave it all for twelve hours.

The next day, the cooled currants need to be rubbed through a sieve or grind with a blender, if the presence of seeds does not bother you. We put the mixture on the stove again, but now add the remaining sugar. Let it boil, removing any new foam that appears.

As soon as we collect all the foam, throw in a cinnamon stick and add the chopped zest. Let it cook for another 12-15 minutes, after which we introduce natural wine. Now boil the jam to the desired consistency.

In the end, all that remains is to put the currant jam into sterile jars, close and store. In a cool place it will stand well for up to several years.

The thicker the jam becomes, the more often it needs to be stirred, otherwise the delicacy will settle to the bottom, stick and burn. If this has already begun to happen, then under no circumstances should we try to peel off the burnt crust with a spatula, as this could ruin everything. Quickly remove the jam from the heat and pour it into another pan and cook further.

Option 4: Blackcurrant jam with plums

Dark, rich and very easy to prepare, the jam freezes well and has a more delicate consistency due to the plum pulp. It also keeps well even at room temperature. You can make jam with yellow plums; it will not be so dark, but it will also delight you with its taste.


  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp. lemons;
  • 900 g currants;
  • 800 g plums.

Step by step recipe

Pour the washed and freed from the branches currants into a saucepan, add a few tablespoons of water to it. Steam for a few minutes.

We wash the plums and divide them into halves. Mix with currants and grind everything together with a blender. You can grind it through a meat grinder. Add the recipe amount of granulated sugar. Immediately add a little lemon. If the plums are sour, then its amount can be reduced to one pinch.

Place the currant jam on the stove, let it boil over high heat, then move it to medium level and simmer. Stir regularly with a wooden spatula. Cook until a thick consistency is obtained.

We pack the currant jam with plums into clean jars, roll them up, and after cooling, put them away in a place protected from light.

You can prepare similar jam not only with plums, but also with apricots, peaches, cherry plums and other types of stone fruits.

Option 5: Blackcurrant jam with apples

Blackcurrants and apples are a fairly popular combination; they are found in various preparations; here is a version of a simple and tasty jam. It turns out to be quite dark, rich, thickens well and is practically not difficult to store. If there are a little more or less currants, then we adjust the amount using apples, keeping within the amount recommended by the recipe.


  • 1.2 kg currants;
  • 1.5 kg apples;
  • lemon optional;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar.

How to cook

Rinse the blackcurrant berries well in several waters, then remove all the twigs and leaves, place in a colander, let the water drain, then transfer to a saucepan. Add a glass of sugar from the recipe and mash a little.

Wash the apples, cut into any pieces, place on top of the currants, which by this time have already released their juice. Cover and simmer slightly until soft, five minutes after boiling is enough. Leave to cool.

We wipe the currants together with the apples. It is not necessary to use a very fine sieve. Place the clean puree in a saucepan and add all the remaining sugar. If desired, you can add lemon juice to the jam or pour it along with the zest.

All that remains is to put the apple and currant puree on the stove, boil to the desired state, then put the jam into jars and roll up.

Multicookers are very popular now; they are in the kitchens of almost all housewives and are great for cooking jam; nothing burns or “runs away.”

Ecology of consumption: Food and recipes: Red currant is another berry that can be seen in almost every garden in our country. From it, like from blackcurrant, you can prepare tasty and healthy jam for the winter, as well as jam-jelly, jam and other desserts, which we will talk about in this article.

Red currant is another one of the year that can be seen in almost every garden in our country. From it, like from blackcurrant, you can prepare tasty and healthy jam for the winter, as well as jam-jelly, jam and other desserts, which we will talk about in this article.

Many gardeners grow not only black currants on their plots, but also red currants - a berry that is just as healthy, but has slightly different taste properties. This type of currant is much more sour than black currant, so in most cases it is grown specifically for harvesting for the winter. And because of its greater ability to gel compared to blackcurrant, not only jam, but also jelly and marmalade are often prepared from this berry.

Interestingly, in Germany, red currants are most often used as a filling for cakes in combination with meringue or custard, and in Scandinavian countries - as a component of puddings and fruit soups.

Both this berry itself and any preparations made from it are very useful: red currants contain organic acids, fructose, vitamins C and P. In folk medicine since ancient times, it has been used as a hemostatic, diaphoretic, antifever, diuretic, it also improves metabolism in diabetes and gout.

From this we conclude– various preparations from this berry will be an excellent natural healer that will treat colds and flu, relieve symptoms of the disease and improve general condition, and they can also be eaten during the off-season to increase immunity.


If you have never made jam from this berry, but it grows on your property, we strongly recommend you try it! This is no more difficult than with other berries, and in general, making any jam is not such a troublesome task.

A distinctive feature of red currant jam is that during cooking, the berries are most often ground through a sieve to remove the skin and seeds, which not everyone likes if they are present in the final product.

Let's look at recipes for red currant preparations, a wide variety of ways to prepare this berry for the winter in the form of desserts.


You will need: 2 kg sugar, 1 kg red currants.

How to make cold currant jam: Sort the berries, rinse, dry, grind in a meat grinder, or chop with a blender, rub through a sieve, add sugar to the puree. Stir the mixture with sugar using a wooden spoon until it is completely dissolved. Place the berry puree in sterilized jars, close with sterile plastic lids, and store this jam in the refrigerator.


You will need: 1 kg each of sugar and red currants, 1 glass of water.

How to make red currant jelly: Prepare the berries, pour them into an enamel container for making jam, add water, turn on the heat, bring to a boil, cook for 1-2 minutes, then immediately grind through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree and cook over moderate heat for half an hour after boiling. Pour the jam-jelly hot into sterile jars and roll up.

Of course, interesting jam recipes exist for red currants - jam from this berry can be made with the addition of vanillin, apples, honey, nuts and even bananas.


You will need: 1 kg of honey, 500 g of sugar, apples, red and black currants, apples, 1.5 cups of walnuts.

How to make currant jam with honey: Prepare the berries, cover them with water and place on the stove; when they soften, rub through a sieve. Boil syrup from liquid honey and sugar, add apples and nuts cut into thin slices into it (they must first be chopped), bring to a boil, add berry puree, simmer over moderate heat for an hour, stirring occasionally. Place the hot jam into sterile jars and roll up.


You will need: 1 liter of red currant juice, 600 g of sugar, 5 bananas.

How to make jam from currants and bananas. Pour the berry juice into an enamel container for making jam, add sugar and mashed bananas, bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat and cook for another 40 minutes. Hot jam is put into jars and rolled up.

As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, but how unusual this jam turns out to be! It can be served to guests for tea or on a festive table - for any occasion. However, we promised to dwell not only on different recipes for redcurrant jam, but also on recipes for jams and marmalade made from this wonderful berry.


You will need: 1.5 kg redcurrant puree, 500 g pitted cherries, 1 kg sugar.

How to make redcurrant jam. Place the berries in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then rub through a sieve. The resulting puree should be 1.5 kg, pour sugar into it, put on medium heat and cook until thick, then add cherries, boil the jam until the berries are ready, stirring occasionally, put in sterile jars and roll up.

This might interest you:


You will need: 1 kg of red currants and sugar.

How to cook: Prepare the berries, rinse, dry, crush with a wooden masher, then rub through a sieve, add sugar to the puree, stir, cook the jam over medium heat until thickened, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Place the thickened jam into jars, having previously sterilized them, and roll them up.

Fruits and berries


Currant jam- one of the simplest, most versatile and useful preparations for the winter that everyone can afford. Not many people can boast of this opportunity, because currants are very demanding on the soil and grow well exclusively on black soil. That is why it is imperative to take advantage of this opportunity and stock up on delicious and very healthy jam from these berries for the winter. What makes currants stand out from other berries? Everything is very simple: it is a combination of exceptional original taste and a large supply of useful microelements. Currants are one of those berries that contain a wide variety of vitamins in large quantities. Thus, having dishes with currants in your diet, you will already provide your body with everything it needs next winter.

Despite the fact that the method of preparing such jam from black and red currants is really simple, we have still prepared for you a detailed step-by-step photo recipe. From it you will learn about all the intricacies of creating such home preservation quickly and easily. Subsequently, you can use this currant jam to prepare other desserts or delicious homemade pastries.