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Why do you dream about a ditch according to the dream book? Why do you dream about a ditch? Why do you dream about Trench?

Seeing or receiving a beautiful piece of land in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life.

Well-groomed land with beautiful gardens in a dream is a sign of great family happiness.

Land covered with greenery or moss in a dream means money or a profitable marriage.

A barren land is dreamed of by those who face failure and bitter losses.

If you dream that the land is sown with wheat, then your hard hard work will help you become rich.

Kissing or eating the ground in a dream means humiliation and loss.

Vegetables growing on the ground are a sign of grief and trouble.

To see fertile, black soil terrain means your opportunities that you are missing due to laziness or weakness of character. Sometimes such a dream warns of excessive gullibility. The larger the plot of land that you see in your dream, the more wealth, joy and happiness awaits you in life.

If you dream that you are desperately digging the ground, then you should moderate your selfish appetites so as not to repent of it later.

Plowing, sowing, fertilizing, planting seeds in the ground in a dream means profit and growth in prosperity. For those getting married, such a dream predicts a strong family and healthy children.

Wet soil that has turned to slurry predicts illness. If you get dirty with it, then expect shame and strife. See interpretation: slurry, dirt.

Measuring out a plot of land in a dream is a sign of discord with relatives. Measuring a plot of land in a dream foretells that your situation will be desperate and your loved ones will begin to feel sorry for you. Place markings on the ground - for divorce or division.

Seeing the dug up earth is sometimes a sign of a funeral. Especially if you see it under the window of your house or near the house of your loved ones.

A ruined land is dreamed of by those whose lives are not settled. Such a dream does not bode well for them soon.

If rods, sticks, or pieces of wire stick out from the ground, then expect delays in resolving your case. In addition, you have enemies who are trying in every possible way to harm you. And this dream also means that you have made a lot of mistakes in your life. Try to correct errors if possible.

Seeing the earth from a ship in a dream is a sign of imminent success that will follow long experiences and searches.

If you see a foreign country, they will soon make you an interesting offer related to the trip.

The earth opened up under your feet in a dream - a sign that a collapse awaits you in business and in love. Such a dream predicts long suffering, disappointment and humiliation. See interpretation: earthquake.

Getting stuck in muddy ground in a dream means that your business will stall. If in a dream you are lucky and you get out of the swamp, then fate will generously reward you for your hard work. See interpretation: swamp.

Seeing diggers in a dream means that your enemies are waiting for your death.

Lying on the ground in a dream is a sign of the unsettled nature of your life and the collapse of your plans for the future. After such a dream, it may well be that you will lose your livelihood.

If you dream that the earth has collapsed before your eyes, or see an earthly failure in a dream, then your plans will fail completely, troubles or misfortunes await you. They say that such a dream predicts good luck for those who owe money or are going on a journey, since it promises to the first that they will not have to pay debts, and to others that their journey will be successful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Good evening, Elena! Happy St. Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul! “I dreamed of the sea, but I didn’t see it” - you have somehow moved away from the direct perception of God’s will. You are not quite in the right mood right now. Probably because of the problems you describe, you cannot fully and completely accept your life situation. This is a whim, mother. There is no point in pitying you for this, but we should give you a thrashing. Really, go to Elder Seraphim, maybe he will correct you... “and I only saw some trenches dug very deeply. They seemed to be extracting some kind of metal from them.” - these are precisely the problems that you are creating for yourself. But metal is something that the Higher Powers will harshly lead you to, if you yourself don’t want to give up these many years of “ideas” of yours. “Then I fried pancakes, but didn’t eat them.” - You seem to lead a church life, and you become aware of important things, but what I described above prevents you from receiving real benefits from all this... Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Digging a hole in a dream foretells hard work. To understand what such a dream means, you should carefully remember what you saw in detail, forming it into one meaningful image and comparing it with the circumstances and features of real life, and look for the meaning in the dream book.

The interpretation of the dream - digging a hole, in most dream books indicates the need for the sleeping person to make every effort to implement his plans. Having set a high bar, the dreamer must follow the intended path despite obstacles and fatigue; only in this case can one count on an increase in material and financial well-being.

Digging with a shovel in a dream is a very alarming sign, warning a person against rash actions. The dream book also says that you need to complete the things you started earlier, otherwise you will soon have to pay severely for your inattention and laziness.

Honest work, which in reality will not bring the results and benefits that a person so hoped for, this is what it means to dig a hole in a dream according to Hasse’s dream book.

Miller's dream book foretells a difficult and difficult life for a person in reality, the result of which will be the security of the dreamer and his family. If a dug hole fills with water in a dream, it means that in reality the sleeper cannot control the situation that has arisen, which indicates his direct dependence on the actions and decisions of other people. Any attempts to take control into your own hands will end in failure and failure.

Gardening and earthworks

To understand why you dream of digging a garden, you need to remember the condition of the site and the crop being cultivated. If the area where the work is being done is unkempt, full of stones and debris, then a person should think about his moral and spiritual qualities, which are most likely signs of failures and losses in real life. If the garden is neat and clean, it means that significant positive changes in life will soon await the dreamer.

If a woman dreams of digging a garden, it means that the young lady will have to spend maximum effort to ensure the integrity of her family. Girls who sit at home and take care of children and housework should think about their own development, both mental and physical.

For people directly connected with farming and agriculture, such a picture promises a fruitful year and the opportunity to provide a decent existence for family and friends through their hard work.

Starting a difficult task, full of risk and obstacles, is what you dream of digging vegetables for. A person will have to spend a lot of effort to restore his former well-being, and also face obstacles that his ill-wishers have prepared for him in advance. For businessmen, such an image promises troubles and disputes with partners, as well as litigation.

Digging beets in a dream portends health and longevity in the dream book. Strong friendship will help the dreamer survive difficulties and overcome troubles; during this period, a person can fully count on the help and assistance of friends in his planned enterprise.

Digging beds in a vegetable garden in a dream foreshadows good business prospects in the dream book. For a young girl, such a dream speaks of a meeting with a rich admirer who intends to propose marriage to the young lady.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes? The dream book predicts successful endeavors that will bring profit, benefit and moral satisfaction. Large potatoes in a dream speak of a solid cash flow, small ones - you should pay attention to the little things, rotten ones - minor troubles.

Digging a trench or trench in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as the dreamer’s subconscious desire to hide from the problems hanging over him in real life, to escape from responsibility. Also, such an image speaks of a person’s fatigue from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a state of depression or nervous overexcitability. It is worth setting aside a few days, or even a week, for rest in order to bring your morale and vitality back to normal.

Receiving an inheritance, a money transfer from afar, a financial reward or a substantial win - this is what you dream of digging carrots for. For women, such a picture foreshadows exorbitant and wasteful expenses that should be avoided.

In a dream, digging a flower bed and pickling flowers, the dream book predicts bright prospects for work and personal life. Also an opportunity to spend several fun and magical days in the company of loved ones and friends.

bury, dig up something

It is useful to know why you dream of digging worms for fishing. If attempts to find worms are successful, then this dream indicates that the dreamer will learn interesting information that will help get out of the current situation, a search for ideas and a thirst for knowledge. Often, such a picture foreshadows the presence of an enemy among the close circle, who wants to harm the person with all his might.

An unsuccessful search for worms means an incorrectly chosen path to achieve the goal, which will ultimately lead to a dead end. To avoid this, you need to reconsider your priorities in real life and identify other ways to implement your plans.

Digging sand in a dream is revealed in the dream book as a warning that you should not start serious enterprises in the near future, since they are doomed to failure. The dream indicates the need to spend more time paying attention to your relatives and loved ones. A loved one’s illness is possible, which will turn the dreamer’s life upside down.

According to the dream book, removing and digging snow in a dream prepares a sleeping person to fight life’s difficulties and obstacles. For women, such an image alerts them to the need to fight for their love and family happiness.

Digging a well in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of failures and losses associated with the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers.

Most dream books ambiguously interpret why you dream of digging a cellar in a dream. On the one hand, the picture is deciphered as intentional “sabotage” and deceit of the dreamer, a desire to harm someone. The second is the subconscious mood of the sleeping person to hide from problems, the need for protection and attention.

For women, digging a basement in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a desire to have a lover, infidelity to one’s chosen one.

Digging a pool, according to the dream book, characterizes the dreamer as a person who is mired in loneliness and sincerely wants to start a family. For careerists, this vision foreshadows a successful deal that will allow a person to realize his long-standing plans.

Why dream of digging a hole in a cemetery? Such an image is interpreted by the dream book as appearing in reality in a situation where the fate of a stranger will depend on the actions and words of the dreamer.

Young guys dream of a trench to the fact that they will be called up for military service. For older men, a dream may foreshadow the return of problems associated with a once unpaid debt or unfulfilled obligations. Women may dream of trenches as a warning of difficulties that their lovers will face. ...

What does the dream of Trench, trench mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Someone’s aggression, defense from attacks, defensive life position (idiom: “dig in”).

The meaning of a dream about a Trench, a ditch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Defensive, defensive positions. Difficulties in relationships, love or business.

The meaning of a dream about a Trench, a trench

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Someone’s aggression, defense from attacks, defensive life position, idiom: “dig in.”

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Trench, trench

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Someone's aggression, defense from attacks, defensive life position (idiom: dig in).

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Trench

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Digging a trench in a dream means getting out of a difficult situation in reality. To encounter a trench on the way means to encounter intrigue in real life. Trying to jump over a trench and fall or stop means being involved in dubious enterprises.

After waking up, people often think about the meaning of their dreams. If a person dreams of a foundation pit, the first thing he does is look for the meaning of his night vision in a dream book. In order to understand exactly what the foundation pit predicts, it would not hurt the dreamer to recall his dream in detail.

If a sleeping person happened to see a pit in the ground, then poverty awaits him in real life. Some dream books associate a foundation pit with uncertainty about the future. I had to dig it with my own hands in a dream - to bad events that will happen through the fault of the dreamer.

What if you dream about a pit

Watching strangers dig a pit is a sign that promises a person problems with purchasing real estate in a new building. A dream in which the sleeper falls into a huge hole, the bottom of which is filled with muddy water, predicts troubles associated with a lack of financial resources. The dreamer will have to earn them secretly from his family.

In a dream, the pit has become a place of imprisonment for the sleeping person and he cannot get out of it? This is a bad sign, symbolizing a person’s helplessness in the face of the problems that have fallen on his head.

What does the pit portend?

How does the dream book interpret a pit in which piles or beams are visible? Most likely, the dreamer will have to lead a very important matter.

A dream in which the sleeper digs a pit prophesies that he will commit actions that will affect his destiny. Looking into a hole under construction and seeing a person sitting in it means a desire to rule over people. If the dreamer comes across a pit on the way and he tries to jump over it, then in real life he will have troubles. Successfully overcoming an obstacle promises him a successful solution to problems.