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Very tasty scrambled eggs recipe. How to cook fried eggs in a frying pan

One of the fastest dishes is scrambled eggs. It is usually made from chicken eggs. But you can use the product from quails, ducks, geese and even ostriches. Many housewives know how to quickly fry delicious scrambled eggs. Today we will show you several recipes. Even a person who has no cooking skills can master them.

Egg selection

From the beginning you need to make the right choice of eggs. It is worth taking the freshest products. You can check for freshness by pouring cold water into a container and placing an egg in it. If it sank to the bottom horizontally, then it is absolutely fresh. If it sank to the bottom slightly at an angle, then a chicken laid it about 7-8 days ago. If it does not sink, but is afloat, then the product is dangerous to eat.

If the egg was previously in the refrigerator or was brought in from the cold, then it must be allowed to sit. You can't get a tasty dish from cold ingredients. Tip: The product is then washed thoroughly. Then put it on a napkin and let it dry a little.

No oil

You can cook a delicious dish in a frying pan without oil. To do this, take a small piece of cotton wool or a napkin. Then it is slightly moistened with sunflower oil. Before frying, you need to wipe the surface of the pan with this sponge slightly soaked in oil. Place the frying pan over medium heat. Next you should take:

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • salt;
  • spices.


Heat the frying pan. Place fresh ingredients on it, add salt and sprinkle with spices. Fry for a few minutes. Before serving, you can lightly sprinkle with chopped herbs. Bon appetit!


For the classic recipe, you need to take a thick ceramic or cast iron frying pan. For 2-3 eggs, use a small frying pan, for 8-10 eggs, use a large one. To prevent food from burning, you should fry in sunflower or butter. If you combine these two types of oils, the dish will become original and unique in taste.

The product should be driven into a well-heated frying pan. To fry eggs, the heat should be at medium level. If you fry over high heat, the edges of the dish will burn, but the center will still be damp.


  • 4 eggs;
  • a spoon of sunflower oil;
  • sausage;
  • a little salt;
  • greenery.


Heat a frying pan well. A classic dish that must be served with any sausage. Cut the sausage into small pieces and lightly fry in sunflower oil. When the scrambled eggs are fried, you should salt them. To properly fry classic scrambled eggs, you need to salt only the white without touching the yolk.

Once the dish is fully prepared, place it on a beautiful plate and garnish with herbs.

Fried egg

For many housewives, it is a frequent dish on the table. To fry with fried eggs, you need to take:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 slices bacon or ham;
  • 1 large bell pepper;
  • 15 grams of butter;
  • a little salt, spices, herbs.

Cooking method:

    1. Wash the peppers and dry. Cut 2 circles from the heart, having a thickness of one and a half to 2 centimeters.
    2. Cut ham or bacon into small pieces.
    1. Place a frying pan on the fire and fry the chopped pepper pieces on each side for 2 minutes.
    1. Connect the two parts of the pepper, placing ham or bacon in the middle. Fry for 3 minutes.
    1. Beat 1 egg onto the surface of the pepper. Cover with a lid and cook until the dish is ready.
  1. Turn off the heat, let the dish sit for 2 minutes so that the cooked food comes away from the surface of the dish.
  2. Place the finished dish on a plate. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.


The multicooker has become a popular appliance in recent years. Housewives love to fry delicious and original dishes in it to pamper their family. To prepare you need to take:

  • 5 eggs;
  • half-smoked sausage - 5 pieces;
  • sour cream cheese – 5 pieces;
  • one piece of large bell pepper;
  • salt;
  • parsley;
  • dill.

The pepper is washed, peeled and cut into rings. The bowl is washed and pepper rings are placed, which are then fried on each side in the “Frying” mode.

Place sausage and cheese on each pepper, top it with beaten egg and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill. Turn on the device in the “Frying” mode, fry the food at a temperature of 160 degrees for 10 minutes. After the dish is completely cooked, sprinkle small herbs on top.

Air fryer

In parallel with the scrambled eggs, you can prepare toast. When cooking in an air fryer, it will not burn.

To prepare take:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 25 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 PC. pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of green beans;
  • 25 grams of dill and parsley;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

    1. Take 5 eggs and milk, mix, add salt and pepper depending on your taste preferences.
    2. Tomatoes and peppers are peeled.
    1. All vegetables are cut into cubes, garlic is squeezed out, parsley and dill are finely chopped.
    2. Everything is mixed, beans are added.
  1. A mixture of vegetables and beans is poured into the mold and filled with an egg-milk mixture.
  2. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on the scrambled eggs.
  3. You can fry in an air fryer for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  4. Place the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle lightly with herbs.


You need to buy special dishes for microwave ovens, which can be used to fry in the microwave.

Apply a little oil to the surface of the plate. Break the eggs and add a little salt. Place inside the microwave and cover the plate with a lid. In 2-3 minutes the scrambled eggs are ready.

With vegetables

For breakfast, you can cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and other vegetables. We offer you a delicious dish. For him you should take:

  • 3-4 eggs;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 piece of bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • some greenery;
  • spices;
  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a few black peppercorns.


    1. Wash and peel vegetables and herbs.
    2. Then cut the prepared vegetables into small cubes.
    3. Place the frying pan on the fire and add oil.
    1. Fry the onion in hot oil, then add all the other vegetables and cook until they become soft.
    1. Prepared vegetables should be salted, peppered, sprinkled with spices and eggs should be broken on them. The dish is fried until the protein becomes crystal white.
  1. Place the finished dish on a plate and sprinkle a small amount of herbs on top.

With sausages

For breakfast, you can fry eggs with sausage or with sausages. For it you should take:

  • 3 sausages;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • greenery;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

    1. Place the frying pan on the fire. Pour sunflower oil or you can fry eggs in butter.
    1. Cut the sausages into circles and place in a single layer on the frying pan. The sausage is fried until browned on both sides.
    2. Break the eggs. Salt and sprinkle with other spices depending on taste.
  1. Cover the frying pan with a lid. Fry the scrambled eggs on the fire until cooked for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Garnish the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.

In bread

A simple and quick dish to prepare is scrambled eggs in bread. It can be fried for breakfast or lunch.

Have to take:

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • 15 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 25 grams of butter;
  • a little salt, spices, chopped herbs.

Cooking method:

    1. Remove the crumb from a piece of bread.
    1. Grease the “frame” with butter and fry until it is browned.
    2. Beat an egg into the center of the bread.
  1. To reduce the risk of burning, reduce the heat. To prevent the scrambled eggs from burning, add a little sunflower oil. To prevent the egg from spreading, you must do this carefully.
  2. Salt the scrambled eggs and sprinkle with spices.
  3. Place the finished scrambled eggs on a plate, sprinkle with herbs and serve warm.

Continuing the series of master classes on creating simple and tasty egg dishes, today I will talk about the favorite food of bachelors and students.

It’s not difficult to guess that we’ll be talking about how to cook fried eggs in its simplest form, so that it looks and tastes perfect. For variety, we can complement it with fried bacon, as they do in Great Britain or Ireland, serving the traditional scrambled eggs at the table for breakfast.

Fans of a heartier breakfast or afternoon snack can combine natural fried eggs with fried meat, mushrooms, potatoes, fresh tomatoes, green onions, zucchini, spinach, green beans, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, cheese and other favorite products in various combinations.

Fried eggs - frozen sun

Scrambled eggs deserve their name because of their appearance after heat treatment of the eggs. The yolks are to blame, they remain intact and look like eyes. A classic fried egg is a completely coagulated white and a liquid but slightly thickened yolk.

In English, fried eggs sound like “sunny side up,” which means the sun on top, but the British themselves do not eat this dish very often, mainly on weekends and holidays.

But the Spaniards prepare their fried eggs “huevos estrellados” - Spanish for “broken eggs” - for dinner and serve them with homemade fries. Bulgarians will definitely add their own twist to the culinary recipe and treat you to fluffy scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes and pieces of homemade cheese.

Eggs for making fried eggs must be fresh, since the yolk of stale eggs often breaks when moving the raw egg from the shell to the frying pan. The “Your Cook” portal is a real storehouse of the most useful kitchen tips, including several ways to check eggs for quality.

The calorie content of fried eggs ranges from 215-220 kcal per 100 g of product. The exact figure will depend on what type of cooking fat (butter, olive or vegetable oil, bacon grease) and how much you use to prepare the dish.

How to eat fried eggs correctly

Proper eating is the very process that we pay the least attention to, but which plays an important role not only in digestion, but also in creating a good mood.

In addition, some dishes require special knowledge and skills in using serving utensils so as not to feel clumsy. Fried eggs, of course, are not a slippery oyster, but you also need to be able to eat them beautifully.

As soon as we cut the yolk, it treacherously begins to spread all over the plate, and you can “catch” it with a piece of bread crumb only with your family, but not at a dinner party. It is for this purpose that when serving fried eggs, it is “accompanied” by a teaspoon, with which the yolk is carefully pierced and scooped out, and only after that the white and other components of the dish are eaten with a fork and knife.

How to fry delicious fried eggs: culinary tricks

Choosing the right frying pan

Firstly, the size of the pan must correspond to the number of scrambled eggs needed. A large frying pan is suitable for a large friendly company and a grandiose fried egg. Otherwise, the lonely protein will spread in a thin layer along the bottom of the pan and most likely it will turn out very dry.

A very small frying pan is usually used for serving dishes in portions in a restaurant, but you should not cook scrambled eggs at home in such a frying pan, as they may not fry properly due to the thick layer of protein. Conclusion: you need a medium-sized frying pan, preferably cast iron and with a thick bottom.

Breaking eggs correctly

This should be done with a knife directly onto the frying pan, and not by cracking the egg on its edge. This way you will avoid breaking the yolk and getting shell pieces into the dish. Oh, and don't forget to wash the eggs thoroughly before using them.

Salt the fried egg on time

The ideal time to salt scrambled eggs is shortly before they are ready. It is better to salt the whites with fine salt so as not to spoil the appearance of the yolk and not to violate its integrity.

Video recipe for simple fried eggs

In addition to this classic recipe, I offered several more original options for preparing eggs.

Without changing my habits, in addition to the video I am attaching a step-by-step photo report of cooking scrambled eggs.

To prepare fried eggs you will need:

How to make the perfect fried eggs at home

Almost everyone knows how to cook scrambled eggs. It’s not for nothing that this dish is unofficially called “bachelor’s dish.” Even inexperienced cooks can crack an egg and fry it in a frying pan. Despite the fact that this dish is easy to prepare, today there is an incredible number of recipes with which you can make not only a tasty and nutritious, but also a beautiful and satisfying breakfast for your entire family.

Features of the dish

Scrambled eggs for breakfast are the perfect dish for an adult. It is so high in calories that it can satiate your family members so much that they will not want to sit down at the table again until late lunch. However, it should be noted that such food, especially fried in a frying pan with butter, contains too much cholesterol. In this regard, it is highly not recommended to use it for those who have this indicator too high. I would also like to say that scrambled eggs and sausage are not the most ideal breakfast for a small child. For children, it is better not to fry such a product in a frying pan, but to make, for example, a delicious omelet with milk.

How to cook classic scrambled eggs?

To make such a breakfast, you only need to spend 5-10 minutes of free time. By the way, it was the speed of preparation of this dish that played the most important role in the fact that it became the most popular among those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time.

So, before preparing classic scrambled eggs, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • fresh butter - 3 dessert spoons;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches;
  • allspice black - one pinch;
  • fresh dill - 2 sprigs;
  • fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;

Cooking process

Fried eggs can be prepared in different ways. After all, some people prefer this dish with a runny yolk, while others like it when the egg completely hardens under the influence of temperature. Below we will talk about how to prepare both options.

If you need to quickly make breakfast for your family members, you need to take a large frying pan and place it on low heat. Next, add fresh butter to the saucepan. After the dishes heat up and the cooking fat melts and begins to boil, you need to break large chicken eggs into it. In this case, it is recommended to ensure that the yolk is not damaged, but ends up in the pan intact.

To give scrambled eggs a pleasant taste and aroma, the laid out product must be immediately salted, peppered and sprinkled with fresh parsley and dill, which must be washed and finely chopped in advance. Next, close the pan with a lid and increase the heat to maximum. The scrambled eggs should remain in this position for about two minutes. Next, remove the pan from the stove and keep it covered for another 60 seconds. Prepare breakfast this way. You will get a delicious fried egg with a runny yolk and a firm white.

If you prefer to eat fully fried eggs, it is recommended to keep them on the fire for about four minutes, and under a closed lid for at least five. The increased time will help the yolk harden and you will achieve your goal.

Serve it right for breakfast

Now you know how to cook classic scrambled eggs with liquid and hard yolks. It is recommended to serve it on a flat plate along with ketchup and white or rye bread. Bon appetit!

Cooking hearty scrambled eggs for lunch

Scrambled eggs with sausage will serve as an ideal dish for a hearty lunch if you are sorely short of time to prepare any other culinary masterpiece. For this we need:

  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - 2 sprigs;
  • fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • green onion arrows - several pcs. (add at discretion);
  • boiled sausage - about 150 g;
  • spicy ketchup, white or rye bread - for serving.

Food preparation

Cooking scrambled eggs with sausages does not take much time. But before frying all the ingredients in a frying pan, they should be thoroughly processed. To do this, you need to wash the green onions, parsley and dill, and then chop them very finely. Next, you need to cut the sausage into 4 thin wheels. In addition, you should break large chicken eggs into a deep bowl and lightly beat them using a hand whisk or a regular fork. In this case, it is advisable to immediately salt and pepper the resulting mass to taste.

Heat treatment

To create such a lunch, you need to take a large frying pan, pour sunflower oil into it and heat it over high heat. Next, you need to reduce the temperature to a minimum and lay out all the chopped sausage. After the underside of the products turns slightly red, they need to be turned over with a fork, and then immediately poured over with the whipped egg mixture. It is advisable to sprinkle the top of the formed dish with chopped parsley, dill and green onions. Finally, close the pan tightly and increase the heat slightly. After 2-3 minutes, it is recommended to remove the dishes from the heat and leave them aside for the same amount of time.

How to serve for dinner?

After a short exposure under a closed lid, the scrambled eggs and sausage should be cut into portions and placed on plates. On top of such a hearty and aromatic lunch you need to decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs and a mesh of ketchup. Serve scrambled eggs and sausages preferably hot along with bread and vegetable salad. Bon appetit!

How to make an unusual egg breakfast?

Few people know how to cook scrambled eggs in bread. To correct this situation, we decided to present a detailed recipe for the presented dish. For this we need:

  • odorless sunflower oil - 3 large spoons;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches;
  • fresh carrots - small pcs.;
  • allspice black - one pinch;
  • fresh dill - 2 sprigs;
  • white or rye bread - ½ brick;
  • fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • onion - small head;
  • spicy ketchup - for serving.

Preparing the Components

Scrambled eggs turn out beautiful only if you use your imagination and put in a little effort while preparing them. It should be noted that there are a large number of people who prefer to eat not only a fried chicken egg for breakfast, but also slightly dried toast. To combine these desires together and please your loved ones with a tasty, satisfying and beautiful dish, we suggest using the presented recipe. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse the greens and chop them finely. Next, you need to peel the onions and carrots, and then chop the vegetables into cubes and grate them accordingly. You also need to cut ½ brick of bread into toast 1.5 centimeters thick. Carefully remove the pulp from the resulting pieces, leaving only a not very thin crust.

Roasting process

After the main ingredients have been processed, you should put the frying pan on the fire, pour a little oil into it, and then add the grated carrots and onions. After salting and peppering the ingredients, it is advisable to fry them until transparent. Next, you need to place the vegetables on a saucer, and place pieces of bread without the core in the frying pan. You need to break one chicken egg into a kind of “plates” so that it fits completely in the flour product. It is recommended to add salt on top, as well as add fried onions and carrots (a large spoonful at a time). Breakfast should be cooked over medium heat and covered until the egg white is completely cooked.

Serve it right for breakfast

After the filled toast is cooked, it should be carefully transferred to a flat plate and sprinkled with fresh dill and parsley on top. It is advisable to serve this breakfast hot, along with ketchup and sweet tea. Bon appetit!

Delicious breakfast with tomatoes and cheese

Scrambled eggs with cheese are prepared just as easily and simply as the previous dish options. For this we need:

  • odorless sunflower oil - 3 large spoons;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches;
  • small fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice black - one pinch;
  • hard cheese of any kind - 90 g;

Ingredient Processing

Before preparing such a delicious and aromatic breakfast, you should process all the pre-purchased ingredients. To do this, you need to break the chicken eggs into a bowl, salt and pepper them, and then lightly beat them with a fork. Next, you need to wash the fresh tomatoes and cut them into not very thick slices. You should also grate hard cheese on a coarse grater and finely chop fresh herbs.

Roasting a dish

After preparing all the ingredients, pour the oil into the frying pan and place it over medium heat. Next, you need to place slices of fresh tomatoes one by one in a heated bowl, add beaten egg mass, sprinkle it with grated hard cheese and fresh herbs. Covering all the ingredients with a lid, it is advisable to keep them on high heat for about three minutes. After this time, the pan should be removed from the stove. In 2-3 minutes the dish will be completely ready to eat. It must be cut into portions and placed on flat plates. Top scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese should be decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs. This dish can be served with boiled sausages or sausages. Bon appetit!

Delicious and bright scrambled eggs in the microwave

Surprisingly, you can cook scrambled eggs for breakfast not only using a regular kitchen stove, but also using a device such as a microwave. For this we may need the following components:

  • fresh butter - 25 g (for greasing the mold);
  • large chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - to taste;
  • small fresh tomato - 1 pc.;
  • allspice black - one pinch;
  • dill, fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • canned green peas - 60 g;
  • cream 30% - 3 large spoons;
  • green onions - several arrows;
  • mayonnaise - add to the finished dish;
  • rye or white bread - for serving.

Product processing

Scrambled eggs in the microwave are not only very tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful and bright. To prepare it, we need to wash the tomato well and cut it into small squares. You should also chop fresh herbs (onion, dill, parsley) and drain the liquid from canned green peas.

Formation process

To ensure you get beautiful and tasty scrambled eggs in the microwave, it is recommended to use a not very deep ceramic mold. Regular bowls may be suitable for this. They must be generously greased with butter. Next, you need to put chopped tomatoes, green peas, fresh herbs into the mold and pour in a few tablespoons of heavy cream. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, add chicken eggs to them. Moreover, you should not beat them first, since the yolk should remain whole. At the end, the formed dish needs to be seasoned with spices to taste.

Heat treatment of the dish

After breakfast is prepared, it must be placed in the microwave. It is recommended to cook scrambled eggs at maximum power. To begin with, the timer should be set to 1.5 minutes. If after this time the protein does not harden, then the time can be increased by another 30-45 seconds.

Serve scrambled eggs to the table

When breakfast is completely cooked, it should be removed from the microwave, allowed to cool slightly, and then served immediately. This dish can be additionally sprinkled with fresh herbs on top and decorated with a mayonnaise mesh. Bon appetit!

Let's sum it up

As you can see, scrambled eggs can be cooked in different ways. Moreover, it is served not only for breakfast, but even for lunch. However, in this case, it is recommended to additionally add some nourishing ingredients to the main product (for example, sausage, vegetables, sausages, mushrooms, etc.).

Scrambled eggs with chicken is a tender and tasty dish that can be prepared in different ways. Chicken can be smoked, fried, boiled. Add spices for the chicken, herbs or vegetables if you like.

Turkish fried eggs, which the Turks call Menemen, are quick and easy to prepare. But it looks impressive and tastes very good!

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are a dish of original Mexican cuisine, so the recipe is dedicated to those who love spicy and piquant food. However, the ingredients are familiar to Russian people too. Very simple and tasty.

Scrambled eggs can be fried not only in a frying pan, but also in the oven. As for me, scrambled eggs in the oven turn out even more delicious, and that’s for sure more healthy and nutritious.

Bright and unusual scrambled eggs in the microwave are prepared very quickly and simply, even easier than usual. If you don’t have a stove at hand, but you have a microwave, you can cook scrambled eggs in no time!

Scrambled eggs and beans are a classic English breakfast. You should definitely add fried bacon to this company. But it’s up to you as you wish. We will use store-bought beans in tomato sauce.

A recipe for an unusual breakfast dish. A simple and original recipe for fried eggs cooked in white bread. Fast, tasty, beautiful. Your homemade dishes will be highly appreciated!

Scrambled eggs with cheese are a cheerful and satisfying start to the day. Make a cup of aromatic coffee, toast a couple of pieces and prepare fluffy scrambled eggs with cheese and herbs. Tasty, fast, nutritious! Good day!

Bulgarian scrambled eggs are not just a quick breakfast. It is often served as a main dish, as well as on a festive table. However, anyone can prepare this dish from simple ingredients.

Scrambled eggs with cabbage make a fresh, sweet breakfast. Quite unusual, but useful and quick to prepare. Fresh cabbage should be chopped and fried, add onion, eggs and spices.

Maybe you have prepared this dish for breakfast more than once, especially in the summer, but you didn’t even think that there were Armenian scrambled eggs on your table. Juicy fresh vegetables paired with eggs are the perfect start to the day.

Do you want to be strong like the hero of a popular cartoon? Eat spinach. Scrambled eggs with spinach are a sure and healthy start to the day. It’s extremely easy to prepare these scrambled eggs, and always use more spinach.

Scrambled eggs with potatoes will satisfy any man's morning food needs. It goes well with onions or green onions and parsley. Make some extra strong coffee and a great start to the day is guaranteed!

Scrambled eggs with lard - a rustic breakfast. Hearing a frying pan with lard, onions and eggs in the morning means waking up in a good mood. Lard can be used with or without a meat layer.

Scrambled eggs in bread "Heart"

Dedicated to all beloved, loving, warm-hearted people! A simple recipe for scrambled eggs in Heart bread. Treat your loved one on Valentine's Day and prepare him such a wonderful breakfast.

Steamed eggs are easy to prepare. Place the frying pan in a water bath (a saucepan of boiling water) so that its bottom does not touch the water, beat the eggs into it and fry until done. Aerial result!

I bring to your attention an excellent option for tomorrow - American-style scrambled eggs. This recipe will help diversify slightly boring omelettes and fried eggs.

If you still think that the British only eat oatmeal for breakfast, then I hasten to surprise you with another, no less traditional, breakfast - scrambled eggs in English.

A classic recipe for a wonderful start to the day - scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese. Juicy tomatoes, tender cheese, a couple of crispy toasts with butter and a cup of hot coffee. What could be better? Wake up!

Scrambled eggs and herring represent a fresh morning sandwich (in my opinion). It is spicy, satisfying, original. For such scrambled eggs, you can use salted or pickled herring.

Scrambled eggs and ham are a great start to the day! What could be better than crispy, flavorful ham and the most tender egg? Be sure to please your loved ones with such a wonderful breakfast!

Scrambled eggs with sausage - a quick, satisfying and healthy breakfast. It will take less than 10 minutes to cook scrambled eggs and sausage. Any sausage will do. You can add green or onions to this scrambled egg.

A simple recipe for scrambled eggs with avocado was born spontaneously when I was hungry, and only eggs and avocado were lying around in the refrigerator. It turned out to be very tasty. The recipe caught on and was improved. Here he is!

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage is a classic breakfast. I especially like this on the weekend. Juicy and sour tomatoes, my childhood favorite sausage, a piece of butter and fresh eggs.

If you want to prepare a gourmet dish for breakfast, then eggs benedict is the perfect option for this. The most delicate egg, crispy bun and ham with original sauce will amaze you with its taste.

Juicy, tasty and very tomato-based Georgian fried eggs will be an excellent breakfast. This dish can rather be called seasonal, since only fresh vegetables produce this aromatic delicacy.

Want to surprise with breakfast? Then you should definitely cook French-style scrambled eggs. These incorrigible romantics, the French, even fry eggs in an unexpectedly original way.

An ordinary and unusually beautiful scrambled egg made from quail eggs. It differs from ordinary scrambled eggs in the richer taste of the yolk and in its usefulness.

The original recipe for scrambled eggs in a bread pot surprises with its colorfulness, taste and, of course, extraordinary execution. This scrambled egg is prepared quickly and very easily.

Scrambled eggs "Heart"

In order to prepare scrambled eggs “Heart” at home, you will need heart-shaped cookie cutters, an oven and a loved one (beloved), for whom we will actually prepare such scrambled eggs. It will take half an hour.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage is a simple traditional breakfast dish for people all over the world. It can be prepared in a matter of minutes, gives great energy, and is suitable for both students and the president.

Scrambled eggs, frankly speaking, are nothing more than an ordinary fried egg. Of course, experienced bachelors are capable of cooking something more serious, but this dish remains a signature dish for many.

A tasty and satisfying dish can be served both for breakfast and for an afternoon snack. You will like scrambled eggs with fish.

When you want something spicy and salty for breakfast, scrambled eggs with cucumbers will help you out! Try it, very tasty.

Scrambled eggs with caviar are a real delicacy. I make it in the form of rolls and decorate it with red caviar. It looks very beautiful and appetizing.

A delicious dish that can be served in large portions even as a full lunch or dinner (well, or breakfast for a hero) is scrambled eggs with mushrooms. Prepares in just 15 minutes.

This delicious smoked scrambled eggs recipe is perfect for a hearty breakfast or a quick snack throughout the day. Prepares in literally 10 minutes.

There are many options for preparing fried eggs in Italian, I bring to your attention one of them. The most delicate frittata with spinach will be a healthy and tasty breakfast.

The best breakfast is scrambled eggs! Cook it with spinach and mushrooms in the oven, your breakfast will become even more satisfying and provide you with a productive day.

Don't know what to cook for a quick, hearty breakfast? My suggestion: make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. It will take just a few minutes, but the breakfast will be delicious!

Scrambled eggs with onions are prepared with caramelized onions and green onions. The smell during cooking will be such that the neighbors will go crazy. It makes a delicious, aromatic morning snack.

Scrambled eggs with milk are prepared in almost the same way as an omelet. Makes a lush, filling breakfast snack. If desired, you can add vegetables, herbs, sausage or cheese. Arm yourself with a whisk and go!

Delicate and unusual breakfast - scrambled eggs with banana. In two stages - first the banana is baked, then the scrambled eggs. Give it a try.

Fresh champignons are an excellent ingredient for any dish. Scrambled eggs also go great with champignons. For two servings you will need several mushrooms. The scrambled eggs will be juicy and aromatic - with the smell of the forest.

And only very recently I learned that the most respected guests were greeted with fried eggs in the Voronezh region (where my grandmother was from). Several dozen eggs were fried in a huge frying pan and served in the center of the table. I can assume that they were fried with lard, which, of course, is incredibly tasty, aromatic and satisfying. So grandma knew what she was asking.

She probably explained it to me, but as always, I didn’t want to listen, much less believe and delve into the essence of the tradition. Now it emerges from memory - after all, it lay somewhere in the farthest corners, but the time has come, and it was needed.

About eggs

Of course, scrambled eggs (“ scrambled eggs" - Russian colloquial) was fried from eggs "straight from the hens", the freshness was always of the highest category, dietary. Today we need to be able to choose eggs, which can be quite difficult. In the store, the only reference point is the date on the package. The later, the fresher the egg. The manufacturer, of course, also matters, but if you make a choice between manufacturer and freshness, my choice is always in favor of freshness.

How to externally distinguish a fresh egg from an old one? It is almost impossible to do this in a store. But when preparing fried eggs (I’ll talk specifically about that), this will be noticeable right away. Fresh whites will not spread into a thin puddle; the yolk will be clearly convex and formed. In the photo on the left is a fresh egg, and on the right is an egg that is not the first freshness.

Maybe it was transported for a long time and carelessly, shaking it. By the way, this is why it is better to store eggs in the refrigerator not on the door, but on the shelf - they are calmer there.


So, the perfect fried egg requires fresh eggs, but what is the perfect fried egg? There are exactly as many answers as there are tastes. Some people prefer a toasted, crispy edge and a runny yolk. Some people like a soft white and a yolk almost untouched by heat. And someone will cover the scrambled eggs with a lid or turn them over to completely fry the whites on all sides.

One important thing to know is that the white cooks much faster than the yolk and this must be taken into account when heating the pan. If the pan is too hot, the white will quickly “seize” and fry, but the yolk will remain runny. But what’s most unpleasant for many is that the top part of the protein will also not cook well due to the dense bottom crust that has formed. Poorly heated eggs will simmer in the pan and the yolk will be dense, like a hard-boiled egg.


Yes, perhaps the most important thing to achieve the best taste of scrambled eggs is to fry them in butter. Of course, you can cook it with olive oil - less tasty, and with lard - very tasty, but fatty. Therefore, it is optimal to use butter, which will reveal the taste of the fried egg.

The oil should be placed in a cold frying pan and only then put it on the fire. We don’t see how the frying pan is heated, so we can make a mistake - overheat the frying pan and the oil will immediately start to burn. You need to heat the frying pan together with the oil - control the heat.

There should be enough oil to cover the entire bottom of the pan, not just a smattering of oil. In a small frying pan - for 2 eggs - add about a dessert spoon of butter.

Scrambled eggs are salted at the very last moment before removing from the pan or already on the plate.

Option 1: browned and crispy edges and runny yolk

This is, in my opinion, the easiest way. Place a piece of butter in a frying pan and immediately place over high heat. The oil will begin to melt quite quickly and actively sizzle. Without allowing the butter to brown (otherwise it will quickly start to burn), break the eggs and reduce the heat to just above medium. With this method, the bottom of the scrambled egg is fried very quickly, the white becomes dense and does not allow heat to pass through to the surface. You can help a little with the tip of a knife, pushing the protein apart - the heat of the pan will rush upward and the protein will fry faster.

Option 2: soft but fried white and runny yolk

Place the frying pan with oil over medium heat and heat until the first sign of oil hisses. Break the eggs and, slightly reducing the heat, wait patiently until the whites are completely cooked.

Option 3: equally fried eggs on both bottom and top

There are two technologies here. The first is to leave a runny yolk while the white is cooked. To do this, heat the frying pan over high heat, break the eggs, and reduce the heat slightly. Arm yourself with a spoon and continuously pour hot oil over the egg until the fried egg is completely white.

The second technology is to heat a frying pan with oil over medium heat, break the eggs, reduce the heat and cover the frying pan with a lid. Fry until the protein is ready. But with this method the yolk will be denser.

If you ask me what kind of scrambled eggs I like, I will answer: I like soft whites and runny yolks, as in the second option.

Olga Syutkina:
“The Kitchen of My Love” was the name of my first book. Since then, in addition to traditional gastronomy, my husband and I have taken up the history of Russian cuisine and written a new book, “The Uninvented History of Russian Cuisine.” It is about the past of our gastronomy, how it arose and developed. About the people who created it. Now a continuation of this work is being published - this time about the Soviet period. Together with our readers, we are trying to figure out whether Soviet cuisine was a logical stage in the development of great Russian cooking or whether it became an accidental zigzag of history. Here I will try to tell you about how sometimes in a surprising way history comes into our world today, onto our kitchens and tables.

Olga Syutkina's recipes:

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