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What is the difference between a faience sink and a porcelain one? Which toilet is better - porcelain or earthenware or how to choose the right model

Choosing a bathroom sink is not an easy task, because you have to choose from many models, characteristics, manufacturers, price categories etc. How not to get lost in this variety and make a purchase that will not disappoint you in the end? We will try to help you in this difficult issue by telling you about different types sinks for bathrooms and toilets, their advantages and disadvantages.

So, based on what criteria should we approach this issue? Which sink is best for you? There cannot be a clear correct answer here, and we won’t decide for you. However, here are some tips: price, material, installation method. Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

The best sinks are those that will serve you faithfully for many years. What are shells made of anyway, you ask? Made from glass, ceramics, metal, and stone (natural and artificial). The appearance of the product and the degree of its practicality directly depend on the material used. Eg:

Bathroom sink price

Cheap bathroom sinks are not necessarily the worst ones. The most accessible and cheapest of all the materials used for the production of sinks is, perhaps, stainless steel. True, kitchen sinks are often made from it, but stainless steel is sometimes found in bathrooms and toilets.

Glass and glass sinks are a little more expensive than ceramic ones. composite materials. In general, the price of glass sinks and sinks made of artificial stone can vary greatly, depending on the design and quality of materials used.

However, ceramic, glass, and composite sinks are a matter of the mass market. All of them are quite affordable and do not cost exorbitant amounts of money. The situation is completely different with materials such as a natural stone, For example. Onyx, travertine, as well as marble or even granite are all quite expensive. The reason for the high prices for sinks made of natural stone- this is not only initially high price the materials themselves, but also the complexity of stone processing. The technology for producing stone sinks is quite complex and labor-intensive - which is why you will most likely have to fork out a significant amount if you want a marble sink, for example.

Natural stone is not the only bathroom sink material that can cost you a pretty penny. The same applies to non-ferrous metals. Copper and bronze are also very expensive, however, if you want a unique and unique interior, then maybe it's worth it.

When deciding for yourself which sink is best, it is important to consider not only what the sink is made of and how much it costs, but also how to install it. There may be several options:

  • The wall-hung bathroom sink is mounted on the wall. If you are not confident in the strength of your walls, then this option is most likely not for you.
  • A wall-hung sink with brackets is an option for those who have chosen a heavy sink, for example, made of natural or artificial stone. The brackets will support such a sink.
  • A sink on a pedestal is also good where there are doubts about the strength of the walls.
  • Overhead sinks are placed on a cabinet or cabinet. This is a fairly simple installation method; you can easily do it yourself.
  • Built-in (mortise) sinks are installed in a special hole in the countertop. The countertop, in turn, can be installed either suspended or as part of a special furniture set for the bathroom. Drop-in sink It can be completely recessed into the tabletop, or it can protrude slightly forward and hang over the floor.
  • Built-in sinks - most often this option is found with glass sinks, when the bowl is simply installed on top of the countertop (or partially heated in it).

So which sink is best for you? If you have decided on the materials, installation method and price for the sink of your dreams, then here you go last tip: When purchasing a sink, consider the size of your family. If you have a line to the bathroom every morning, and someone is periodically late for school or work because they didn’t have time to wash their face in time, then perhaps you need a double sink? It can be of two types.

The material of the toilet is important for its operation. For installation in residential buildings, toilets made of of stainless steel, made of plastic. The once popular cast iron toilets also do not meet the needs of buyers. The only acceptable one in our time is a ceramic toilet. But which one?

Which toilet material is best? Should I buy a toilet made of earthenware or porcelain?

Earthenware differs from porcelain in the content of kaolin (white clay). Porcelain is considered a material in which kaolin is more than 47%. In faience - no more than 20%. This difference causes differences in the physical and sanitary properties of the materials.

"Porcelain texture"

Porcelain is hard, translucent, durable. Its pores are so small that it does not absorb moisture.
Earthenware is opaque and porous. It absorbs moisture. Due to its lower strength, it is necessary to produce products with thicker walls, and therefore they are heavier than similar porcelain ones.

"Texture of faience"

It would seem that the answer is clear: as a material for the toilet better porcelain. It is lighter, stronger and does not retain odor. What is important for plumbing utensils. But earthenware is cheaper.

Which toilet material is better in practice?

In practice, everything is far from so clear. During production, toilet bowls are glazed. As a result, the surface porosity of a faience product is not inferior to porcelain.

"Plumbing products after glazing"

Earthenware toilets are on average heavier than porcelain ones, but the weight of this product does not affect its consumer properties.

On the other hand, rumors about the lower cost of earthenware toilets are also greatly exaggerated. Price components such as costs design decoration, premium “for the brand,” etc. are included in the final price of the product as more significant components than the difference in price between porcelain and earthenware.

“You can determine the material by the fracture of the toilet bowl”

Earthenware also has one advantage. It allows coloring in the mass. Porcelain - no.
Many well-known, prestigious companies produce toilets made of earthenware. They cost no less than porcelain ones and sell out just as well. At modern level in plumbing production, the difference between a faience toilet and a porcelain toilet has been leveled out.

Toilet made of earthenware or porcelain: rules for choosing

All things being equal, however, you should buy a porcelain toilet. For the simple reason that domestic market The predominant products are not from well-known and reputable companies, but from their Russian, Chinese, and other branches. In this case, the glazing of the toilet bowl may not be complete. Especially often it is missing behind the rim.

“If the toilet is not completely glazed, you have to clean it more often.”

If such a toilet is made of earthenware, then the unglazed areas will quickly absorb the smell, and the toilet will stink. In this regard, a porcelain toilet provides great guarantees of compliance with consumer qualities.

In appearance, ceramic toilet bowls are difficult to distinguish from each other. Read carefully accompanying documents. Inspect the unglazed parts. Porcelain – snowy white. Faience – grayish.

The bathroom is not only an island of hygiene in the house, but also a place of rest and relaxation for every family member. It is necessary to provide all amenities, and most importantly - choose plumbing fixtures from durable and quality materials . One of the most popular on modern market is ceramics. Thanks to its properties, it has established itself as durable and reliable material. It is from this that most plumbing products are made. However, ceramics are common name. There are its varieties. The most popular of them are porcelain and earthenware. What to choose? Which is stronger? Which is cheaper? Which will last longer? Let's try to figure it out.


Earthenware is made from white clay by adding kaolin and quartz components. Is fired at high temperatures(more than 1000 0 C). It has a microporous structure. This means it absorbs moisture, dirt and odors well. To avoid this, most often earthenware products are coated with enamel or special glaze.


Porcelain contains the same components as earthenware, only in different proportions. And to increase strength they add to the composition feldspar and quartz. The surface of porcelain is dense and smooth. This structure ensures resistance to various contaminants.

This material also has low water absorption, high strength, and thermal stability. Such properties have made this material one of the best for the manufacture of high-quality plumbing fixtures.

Similarities and differences

Both materials under consideration are representatives of noble ceramics. Their main similarity is compound(only the proportions and the presence of various additives have been changed) and the production method. One could even say that porcelain is an improved and modernized faience. Outwardly, it is sometimes very difficult for a simple person to distinguish them from each other. However, there are some secrets. For example, you can look at the bottom of the product. If there is a rim of glaze, it is earthenware. If not, porcelain.

To understand in detail the features of these materials, let’s consider the main differences between them:

  1. One of the main visual signs is translucency. Porcelain has it, earthenware does not.
  2. Product whiteness. The shade of porcelain is lighter, this is explained by the amount of clay in the composition. Due to the higher clay content in earthenware, dark shade when burned. However, recently they have begun to achieve the “whiteness” of faience through various additives: chalk, dolomite, etc.
  3. Product strength. Due to its porosity, it is difficult for earthenware to compete with reliable porcelain. This is why the thickness of ceramic products also differs: earthenware products are usually made thicker in order to increase their strength. The thickness of porcelain ones is much thinner, which makes them more elegant.
  4. Another sure sign - "ringing" of the product. When tapped, the sound of porcelain is very high and melodic, while earthenware will respond in a dull and low tone.
  5. Moisture resistance. Earthenware is much lower than porcelain. This is again explained by the porous structure of earthenware.

What to choose for plumbing?

When renovating a bathroom, you need to Special attention devote choosing plumbing. The service life of sinks and toilets depends on the quality of materials. That is why it is better to study the issue of the proposed materials in advance.

Lovers of durable and high-quality products undoubtedly need to choose porcelain. His distinctive feature - resistance to mechanical damage. Such a sink will not be afraid of any blows. Low water absorption and resistance to dirt and odors will also make the use and maintenance of plumbing fixtures easier. The service life of a porcelain sink is proper care will be at least 50 years. It would seem that this perfect option for every person. However, there are also disadvantages. First of all, this high price.

There are very often cases when people are not ready to buy expensive plumbing fixtures. For example, in a rented home, a porcelain sink is not the most necessary item interior It is in such cases that you should pay attention to a more budget-friendly option - earthenware. According to their own operational characteristics it is inferior to expensive porcelain. High porosity makes it vulnerable to dirt and unpleasant odors. Accordingly, such equipment will require more frequent and thorough maintenance. However, special glazes used to cover earthenware can cope with this problem. When choosing plumbing fixtures, you need to choose exactly the same glazed toilets and sinks.

The strength of earthenware sinks is also inferior to porcelain ones. You need to handle fragile earthenware more carefully. Then their service life will be about 30 years. And this is also not bad at a relatively low price.

Sometimes even when good care Troubles happen, such as heavy objects falling into the sink. It should be noted that repairing earthenware will be difficult. The porous structure can crack when drilled, and when gluing, the glue seam will be noticeable. A porcelain sink can be easily repaired; it is glued together with gypsum-based adhesives.

Thus, you need to remember these features when choosing plumbing fixtures for your bathroom. In order to save money, you can stay at more budget option- earthenware. Moreover, in last years are seeking High Quality glaze, making the shells very durable. And by appearance it is very difficult to distinguish earthenware from porcelain. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of this and pass off cheap earthenware as more expensive porcelain.

Connoisseurs of reliability and practicality, of course, should purchase porcelain plumbing fixtures. It will last a long time.

In general, both of these materials are related, differing only in some components in the composition. And in any case, when choosing ceramic sanitary ware, a person receives strength, quality, durability, reliability and long term services.

But whatever the choice, it should be remembered that any plumbing needs correct operation and good care.

Each person, taking up major renovation in sanitary premises, faces the problem of choosing suitable plumbing fixtures. The most controversy arises when resolving the question of what is better for a toilet: earthenware or porcelain?

It is difficult to give a definite answer, but the instructions presented below will help you understand all technical nuances and do right choice.

Criterias of choice

Before you go to a specialized construction supermarket and choose a porcelain or earthenware toilet there, it would be useful to decide on the main criteria that you should pay attention to when purchasing a specific model:

  1. The base of the toilet should be easily connected to the one installed in your apartment or house. For example, toilets with a vertical outlet cannot be connected to the neck drain pipe, mounted into the wall.
  2. The geometric dimensions of a plumbing fixture should be selected so that it is convenient to use, and it fits as organically as possible into the interior of your home. toilet room.

  1. If you buy earthenware or porcelain toilets complete with a cistern, pay attention to the ease of installing them yourself.
  2. The appearance of the product must correspond to the general style of the room. However, the decorative component should not be put at the forefront. Take care of the ergonomics of use.
  3. Regardless of which toilet you prefer - porcelain or earthenware - choose a bowl shape so that water splashes less when flushing.

Features of modern models

Materials used

Modern industry produces great amount various plumbing fixtures. The most popular materials used for this are shown in the table.

Material Peculiarities
Glass Glass toilets are attractive appearance, but require very careful care. The slightest stains or traces of dried water splashes will add dissonance to the exquisite interior your toilet room.
Stainless steel This material is highly durable and easy to clean. Due to these qualities, stainless steel appliances are most often installed in places common use. The big disadvantage of the described models is their high price and overly utilitarian appearance.
Polymer concrete (artificial stone) Luxury toilets. Their cost is quite high, but it is fully justified by their exquisite appearance and the most unexpected forms. They are very rarely found on sale and are usually made according to individual orders.
A natural stone Very, very expensive models, which are produced in single versions. They look elegant and elite, but the surface of the stone is very sensitive to detergents containing acids.
Sanitary ceramics This category includes porcelain and earthenware products. A porcelain toilet has a smoother and more beautiful surface, while a faience toilet is cheaper, withstands acids and alkalis well, but is destroyed by excessive physical impact.

Products made from sanitary ceramics are the most widespread. About them technical specifications and consumer properties we'll talk below.


White clay is used to make such toilets, so they have a dense, finely porous structure. Because of this, the product is characterized by an increased water absorption coefficient for a plumbing fixture (this figure is 0.5%). To avoid the device being soaked with water, its surface is covered with a layer of special glaze.

This layer protects the toilet from water penetration and gives the product an attractive appearance.

The advantages of using glaze to decorate toilet bowls are obvious:

  • provides the required level of moisture resistance;
  • gives the item an attractive appearance that lasts for a long time;
  • does not change color and shine from exposure to negative external factors.

Earthenware cutlery has thin walls. This was done on purpose so as not to give the toilet an overly massive appearance. But special processing methods and a layer of glaze provide reliability, which is sufficient for everyday use.

The advantage of earthenware is also its low cost. As a rule, toilets made of this material cost much less than similar products made of porcelain.

Note! There are exceptions to this rule. It all depends on the model, manufacturer and country where the device is manufactured. For example, earthenware products from the famous foreign company may cost higher than domestic porcelain toilets.


To make such a toilet, you need to add quartz and feldspar to the mined white clay. Thanks to these two elements, the water absorption coefficient finished product decreases by an order of magnitude and amounts to 0.05%. In addition, technical characteristics are greatly improved.

Porcelain toilets have the following advantages:

  • thanks to the ultra-smooth dense surface, they absorb dirt and dirt worse unpleasant odors, which is important for the toilet room;
  • due to its homogeneous structure, porcelain is easier to clean from dirt; much less effort is required to preserve its appearance;
  • Over time, a yellow coating does not form on the surface of the toilet bowl due to constant contact with water and biological waste;
  • the material in question is stronger than earthenware.

Note! The last statement is also conditional. If you drop a hammer drill onto a porcelain toilet while hanging shelves in the toilet, you are unlikely to notice the difference in the strength characteristics of both models.

Both earthenware and porcelain toilets are coated with a special glaze, which makes it very difficult to distinguish these models externally. If you are in doubt about the correct choice, contact your sales consultant for help.

Also, try to buy models that have been treated special compounds, preventing the accumulation of dirt on the surface of the plumbing fixture. This will help you increase the service life of the product and reduce the time it takes to wash it.

Product operation

The purchased toilet can please you for a long time with its attractive appearance. But in order for its surface to always remain white, you need to know how to clean a porcelain toilet or earthenware product.

There are several popular methods.

The choice of a specific one depends on the nature of the pollution:

  1. Stains that have formed recently can be easily removed with vinegar (regular table vinegar or apple cider vinegar).. To do this, you need to heat it up (without bringing it to a boil), pour it into the toilet and leave until the morning.
  2. Mineral deposits can be removed with citric acid. Two or three sachets are poured into a bowl for several hours, after which the surface is cleaned with a regular brush.
  3. The most powerful remedy is bleach.. It can clean even the most stubborn stains. Remember that this liquid (powder) is dangerous, so be sure to wear gloves and a gauze bandage when using it.


Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of certain models, you can take a more meaningful approach to purchasing a toilet for arranging your own toilet room. But for its use to be safe, the device must be mounted correctly ().

For more detailed and visual information about this topic, see the video in this article.

How to make the right choice of toilet. Are you planning to purchase new toilet to your bathroom, but you just can’t decide on the choice of material from which it should be made? Let's see what options the modern plumbing market offers us!

It should immediately be noted that the bathroom is currently one of the most important premises any home. That is why the arrangement of the “living space” of this room must be approached with all responsibility and seriousness. We would like to draw your attention to one of the key elements of this room - the toilet.

So, how can you choose a truly high-quality, practical and comfortable model toilet? Let's try to answer this question.

Choosing a toilet

So, choose a toilet. So, when choosing a new toilet, first of all, you need to pay special attention to the issue of the material from which it will be made. It should immediately be noted that the choice of material for such plumbing devices today is very diverse. Therefore, in the modern plumbing market you can find toilet models made of cast iron, glass, plastic, steel, glass, steel and even gold. However, in in this case It would be best to use traditional options, choosing either earthenware or porcelain products. Let's see what the main differences between them are, and which one should still be preferred.

Porcelain vs Faience

First of all, it must be emphasized that more durable material For now, porcelain is still considered (due to its minimally porous structure). So, its service life will be about 50 years, while earthenware only has 30–40. However, we do not think that this particular difference will be decisive. Much more important is that, again, due to its specific structure, porcelain is easier to wash and clean, and at the same time does not actually retain odors. Faience, in this regard, is significantly inferior to it, and, therefore, it will have much less time to retain its original appearance.

Reasons for the popularity of sanitary ware

With all this, it is imperative to note that products made from sanitary ware continue to enjoy enormous popularity not only in the domestic market, but also abroad. But German manufacturers, it will be interesting to note, are trying to improve the properties of this material, as well as extend its service life, were completely invented new technology firing of earthenware, due to which the porosity of its structure is reduced, and this in turn means that contaminants from the surface of such products will be removed much more easily.

It is also worth noting one more important point: today it will be quite difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish porcelain products from earthenware “by eye”, since both the former and the latter are covered with a layer of special glaze. Therefore, when ordering or purchasing a toilet, you must clarify what material this sanitary product is made of.

So what should you choose?

Once again we would like to emphasize that huge role it will play a role in the service life of plumbers quality characteristics. As practice shows, perhaps the best way to protect yourself from possible problems, is to purchase plumbing fixtures exclusively from well-known and well-established manufacturers in the market.

Moreover, we should not forget that the quality of their installation will play an important role in the subsequent operation of such devices. At the same time, it is absolutely obvious that the simpler and lighter the model of your new toilet is, the easier it will be to install. Therefore, we strongly recommend purchasing plumbing fixtures that are both simple and functional to use. Now you know how to choose a toilet. And you can easily find similar products in almost all companies that produce these devices.