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Military mortgage per year for contract soldiers. Conditions for providing subsidies under the military mortgage program. Waiting period for the right to a mortgage

Military mortgage today has become the main way for military personnel to purchase housing. It is planned that by 2023 it will remain the only source for paying for the purchase of housing, and the waiting list for housing at the Ministry of Defense will be abolished.

Currently, the military mortgage program is supported by more than 30 banks in the country, providing loans under this program on preferential terms.

To participate in the military mortgage program, a serviceman must register in the Rosvoenipoteka system. After this, the funds from the Department of Defense cash subsidy will be transferred to a special account, which will then be used to form a down payment on the mortgage. After three years, the military man submits a report on the need to use funds for a mortgage and begins to search for suitable housing. In addition, the bank that will handle the mortgage is determined. Since the military mortgage program is state-owned, there are no particular discrepancies in the conditions for providing mortgages in banks.

The borrower must be no older than 45 years, the rate is 9.5%, the loan amount can be up to 2,200 thousand rubles, the down payment is 10%. A military mortgage, the amount of which depends on the size of the living space, must provide for the purchase of an apartment for three people. Its area can be up to 54 square meters. meters.

The serviceman can find out how much money has already been credited to his account. This is easy to do in your personal account on the Rosvoenipoteka website. But a military mortgage, the amount of which must be calculated, involves the use of information about the market value of real estate in the region.

The personal account of a participant in the savings system is formed according to the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Military mortgage, the savings amount begins to form from the moment the grounds arise for including a military person in the register. The date of inclusion in the register does not play any role. Also, the time of opening a personal mortgage account for the military is not taken into account.

The amount of the annual contribution to the serviceman's account is usually revised upward each year. Currently, 233,100 rubles are transferred to the account annually under this program.

The annual contributions of the mortgage system are invested only in assets of special reliability. These are most often bonds and government securities.

A serviceman can open a personal account at the bank where he intends to apply for a mortgage. Mortgage payments are recorded in the serviceman’s personal account for the duration of his military service. Funds are deposited into the account every month. The calculation of the accumulated amount for a military mortgage in the form of a monthly payment is calculated as 1/12 of the amount of the currently established annual payment. The mortgage becomes available three years from the start of savings, the savings amount is used as a down payment military mortgage.

Funds in a serviceman’s personal account cannot be his property until the right to use them becomes available. This means that the accumulated amount cannot be used for personal purposes. It is assumed that these funds will be spent exclusively on the purchase of residential real estate.

Information regarding the status of the savings account is received from Rosvoenipoteka and sent to military personnel by April 15. If this information has not been received and not communicated to the participant in the accumulation system, he can submit a report to the unit commander about the request to the housing department.

But the serviceman himself can easily find out the status of the account in his personal military mortgage account if he registers on the official website of Rosvoenipoteka.

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Banks offer favorable lending conditions to military personnel using government subsidies. Low interest rates and no hidden fees allow military personnel to purchase their own apartment in a relatively short period.

Military mortgage: terms of provision in 2016

The main parameters of the product "" in 2016 are not subject to change:

  • first installment – ​​from 10% (no more than 700,000 rubles);
  • the contract term is up to 25 years (at the time of final repayment of the debt, the client must be no more than 45 years old);
  • rate – from 9% (most banks offer 11–12%);
  • the use of maternity capital is allowed (when applying for a loan, for early repayment of debt);
  • the maximum available amount is 2.4 million rubles. (no more than 90% of the estimated value, in some partner residential complexes the amount reaches 3 million rubles).

The client independently decides what kind of real estate he wants to purchase: an apartment or a cottage on the primary or secondary housing market.

To take advantage of favorable loan conditions, a serviceman must:

  1. Register with the NIS (savings and mortgage system).
  2. Serve for at least 3 years.
  3. Submit a report on participation in the mortgage lending program.
  4. Receive a Participant Certificate.
  5. Select a lender and submit documents to apply for a loan.
  6. Wait for the bank’s decision, sign agreements (credit, collateral, insurance).
  7. Prepare documents for ownership.

To register with NIS, soldiers and sergeants do not have to wait 3 years. You are allowed to submit a report to participate in the program after signing the first contract.

In 2015, the cumulative mortgage payment is equal to 245,880 rubles. (monthly RUR 20,490). This is 5.5% more than the previous year, but is not comparable to the actual inflation rate. The government announced that for 2016 the amount of payments will not be indexed; it will remain at the 2015 level.

In this regard, the maximum amount in some banks has already decreased from 2.4 million rubles. to 1.9 million rubles, its further gradual decrease is predicted to 1.5–1.7 million rubles.

Can banks change the terms of a military mortgage on their own?

Each financial institution has its own terms and conditions for the Military Mortgage. In particular, the bank independently determines:

  • requirements for clients;
  • interest rate;
  • the amount of the down payment;
  • maximum loan period;
  • amount available to the client (maximum and in each specific case).

Under the current agreement, the bank cannot change the terms unilaterally. The lender is obliged to notify the borrower and sign an additional agreement with the client.

What conditions should you consider for a military mortgage in 2016: tips for clients

Military mortgages today are the main source of purchasing housing for young military personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Moreover, by 2023 it will become the only source of purchasing housing, and the waiting list for housing from the Ministry of Defense will be abolished. At the moment, more than 30 banks are already participating in the program for issuing military mortgages, providing preferential loans for this purpose.

How to participate in the military mortgage program? To do this, the serviceman must register in the savings mortgage system of the Rosvoenipoteka Federal State Property Institution. Further, over the course of 3 years, the Ministry of Defense will transfer funds from a monetary subsidy to a special account, intended for the formation of the first installment on the loan. After three years, you must submit a report on the use of accumulated funds to obtain a mortgage for a home. Next, housing is selected for which it is planned to be purchased using a military mortgage and a bank is selected. The conditions of banks, due to the fact that they participate in the state program, are not very different and are determined by Rosvoenipoteka:

  • The loan term is limited when the borrower reaches 45 years of age
  • Loan rate from 9.5% per annum
  • Loan amount - up to 2 million 200 thousand. rub.
  • Down payment – ​​at least 10%

Any type of housing that is suitable for the maximum loan amount is available for purchase - apartments, cottages, townhouses, etc. It is also possible to use a military mortgage for independent housing construction. The bank to apply for the loan is selected independently; to do this, it is necessary to carefully analyze the conditions for the bank to provide a preferential loan, so as not to subsequently discover “pitfalls”. To do this, after discussing the essential terms of the loan with the bank manager, it is best to ask for a draft of the future mortgage agreement for review. Naturally, study it carefully in a calm atmosphere, and if possible, give it to a lawyer to assess the borrower’s relevant risks.

In order to control the repayment of a military mortgage loan to a bank, it is recommended to request from the credit institution at least once a year a statement of payments made and the balance of the debt. Banks usually practice drawing up a payment schedule, in which first the interest for using the loan is repaid, then the amount of debt itself. Or the amount of repayment of the loan body in the first years is insignificant, which also leads to the fact that in the first years of loan repayments the amount of debt changes insignificantly. To avoid this, it is recommended that in addition to payments transferred to the bank from the budget, you additionally contribute funds on your own every month to reduce the amount of debt. This will reduce the total amount of payments to the bank and repay the loan faster.

On February 3, 2015, at the already traditional annual press conference, the head of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” Vladimir Shumilin spoke about the successes of his department.

As in previous years, many numbers were named, graphs directed upward were shown. The past 2014 was called by the head of the government institution “not only an anniversary, but also probably the most successful year in the entire 10 years of the program’s existence.” In fact, over the past 2014:

-the number of NIS participants increased to 315,000 military personnel (at the beginning of 2014, more than 280 thousand military personnel were participants (NIS);

Of them 107,980 military personnel have already purchased housing under the military mortgage program , including almost 34 thousand (30,313 a year earlier). Vladimir Shumilin drew the attention of those gathered to a slight discrepancy in the numbers on the slide - the number of apartments purchased over the past year was 33,835, and the number of targeted housing loan agreements signed was 33,787. The explanation for this is simple - 48 military personnel “immediately bought two apartments.” And the number of such military personnel increases every year! Why one serviceman had two mortgaged apartments at once was not explained;

The funds in the personal savings accounts of NIS participants who have not yet purchased an apartment with a “military mortgage” do not lie as a dead weight in the treasury account. They are located in the management companies selected by competition. The management is approx. 160 billion rubles, and the yield at the end of 2014 was 7.87% (with annual inflation of 11.4%). “NIS is a system of two vessels, the situation that was on the market in 2014 is starting to have a positive effect on us now,” said director Vladimir Shumilin. At the end of last year, the placement of funds held in trust occurred at the level of 16% per annum, and the expected profitability from these placements at the end of 2015 is expected to be about 11-12%. “I think these returns are likely to outpace construction inflation.” Time will tell to what extent this forecast will be justified;

-the maximum amount of the loan issued was 2.4 million rubles before January 1, 2015 . Naturally, after the well-known events, the rate on mortgage loans from banks at the end of the year increased, and the amount of the loan issued decreased;

The leading regions in military mortgages and apartment sales remained the same. The gap between outsiders has not decreased. Every fifth apartment was sold in the Moscow region , and the region that closes the top ten has indicators that are already 10 times lower. For obvious reasons, graphs were shown in which different subjects of the federation (Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the region) were combined into one region - in the capitals, due to the cost of housing, sales decreased sharply. However, they did not focus on this;

In the fourth quarter of 2014, in almost all regions, There has been a trend towards a decrease in the cost per square meter of purchased housing , compared to previous quarters. Mr. Shumilin expressed hope that this trend will continue in 2015. At the same time, the cost per square meter could decrease for various reasons: seasonal discounts, more purchases on the primary market, falling prices and stagnation in the real estate market...

-there was a rotation among the leading banks in issuing “military mortgages” . The former leader of AHML, under whose program several dozen medium and small banks worked, left this market last summer. At the end of 2014, almost every third apartment was financed by Svyaz-Bank - 23%, - 18%, - 12%, - 8%, Zenit - 6%.

-for military personnel who previously purchased housing, the loan rate will not change . It is fixed in loan agreements. In those agreements in which it is tied to the refinancing rate, nothing will change, because this rate is effectively frozen and is not synonymous with the “key rate”. Where the loan rate is linked to the MIBOR rate, this link will only come into effect in the fourth year, but it cannot exceed 16% per annum . This is also stated in the loan agreements;

At the end of his speech, the head of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” Vladimir Shumilin, focused on the economic and social factors of the advantages of the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel.
Most likely, it is correct to compare the current NIS system and the one it replaced, or with the program for providing housing for military personnel of the armies of NATO countries. Therefore, it was funny to hear that “the birth rate among military personnel who purchased housing with a “military mortgage” is approximately 1.5 times higher than that of their peers, on average in Russia.” If we compare, then compare only with those peers who have their own housing! Even animals do not reproduce in captivity.

Mr. Shumilin did not remember that 2 (two) years ago his department, together with deputies, was going to eliminate problems associated with certain children and spouses. After all, the main difference between a military mortgage and a civilian mortgage is that the apartment is registered as the property of only the military personnel. During a divorce, it is not divided between the spouses, because is not jointly acquired property . Statistics are silent about how many children and ex-wives of military personnel were added over the year who were left without a roof over their heads after a divorce.

Other participants in the press conference also spoke about the successes of the organizations they represent..

Deputy President - Chairman of the Management Board of VTB 24 Bank Anatoly Pechatnikov proudly said that the goal that the bank had set for itself had been achieved.
“We were satisfied with the results of 2014: we issued 9,600 loans under the “military mortgage” program for 20 billion rubles, this is every third loan that we issue throughout the Russian Federation.” Media representatives, after such a statement, did not ask Anatoly Pechatnikov a clarifying, control question - “Crimea is the territory of the Russian Federation and does VTB-24 Bank operate under the military mortgage program in Sevastopol and Crimea”?

The speech of the representative of the banking community, in contrast to the head of the Federal State Institution Rosvoenipoteka, was not so rosy in terms of forecasts and expectations. He noted that the bank put up with low margins for the “” product for a long time, realizing that it earned more on other projects related to the military department.
After the Central Bank increases the key rate to 15%, the bank will not be able to issue loans to military personnel at 11.95%, as is happening now. “VTB 24 is ready to put up with such a loss-making financial result for some time... the financial capabilities of even such a large bank as ours are not unlimited, and if we do not see support from the Bank of Russia in the foreseeable horizon of the first quarter, then it is possible that We will be forced to raise rates further, at least to bring this product to break-even,” Pechatnikov said. After clarifying questions, Anatoly Pechatnikov actually gave the Central Bank an ultimatum: “The Central Bank must launch a program for refinancing mortgage loans for military personnel and revise its quantitative parameters.” Otherwise, VTB 24 will be forced to raise the rate for borrowers, “at least to 15% per annum” .

“2014 was a wonderful year for the MORTON company,” said Oleg Kolchenko, vice-president of the MORTON Group of Companies, in turn.
Over the year, the company commissioned about 1 million square meters of housing, incl. 15% of sales of new buildings were under the “military mortgage” program in the amount of about 7 billion rubles. About 3,000 military personnel have purchased apartments from MORTON, of which 1,000 have already received the keys.
MORTON GC has accredited 19 of its properties for sale to NIS participants, in 11 of which apartments are still being sold. Next year it is planned to accredit 4 more new construction projects. “The company’s plans for 2015 are ambitious, but they will be more modest than last year.” In the two years during which the company has been operating under the “military mortgage” program, sales volumes increased 20 times .

Each military personnel included in the register of participants in the savings-mortgage system opens a personal account into which accruals for military mortgages are received.

The maintenance of registered savings accounts is carried out by the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka" - the authorized federal body ensuring the implementation of the NIS. The amount of savings can be estimated using the calculator below:

Military personnel's personal savings

The calculator is being updated. The values ​​given are not accurate!

The calculator is intended for military personnel who have not yet used the housing protection center and have not purchased housing. According to official statistics provided on the website of the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka", as of January 1, 2019, the total number of NIS participants is more than 489 thousand. Thanks to the payments, by 2019, more than 233 thousand military personnel were able to purchase housing.

0 rub.

0 rub.

Calculator development: LLC "Molodostroy.Ru" OGRN 5147746173207

The potential amount of savings is calculated very approximately and does not take into account possible difficulties in the economy, crises, etc. This is a conditional guideline for the end of the year that you indicate. When deciding whether to “buy a home now or continue saving,” take into account inflation, the fact that the indexation of savings was canceled in 2015-2016 with the possibility of its repetition, and other possible negative factors. At the same time, by 2019, the maximum amount of military mortgages issued by banks increased compared to previous years, which means that the chances of NIS participants to purchase exactly the kind of housing they want have also increased.

Cancel indexing. Mortgage debt

The amount of military mortgage by year (amount of annual contributions to savings accounts) is given in the table:

Since 2015 (after the 2014 crisis), the indexation of savings has deviated from the planned course downwards, and in 2016 there was no indexation of savings at all.

Military personnel have already felt the “under-indexation”: according to current payment schedules for mortgage loans issued before 2014, military personnel by the end of the loan period (usually by the age of 45) owe the bank up to 1 million rubles, and in some cases even more!

What to do about it?

Firstly, the state has already taken care of the problem. Government Decree No. 115 of February 18, 2016 adopted changes to the Rules for the Formation of Savings, which are designed to increase the possible income from investing savings and smooth out the negative effect of the suspension of indexation. More on this below, in the next subsection.

Secondly, the crisis will not last forever; it is planned that in subsequent years the lost time will be made up.

Thirdly, if you want to insure yourself against risks, you can independently repay the loan early (a few thousand rubles per month is enough), or better yet, open a savings deposit with a high interest rate and regularly put aside an feasible amount for it, with subsequent withdrawal to repay a loan or for other purposes.

Information about the exact amount of savings in a personal account can be obtained through your personal account on the Federal State Public Institution website.

Changing the rules for creating savings

Since 2016, the procedure for receiving funds to the savings account of a serviceman who has drawn up a CLC agreement to repay mortgage loan obligations has changed. From this year, the contribution became annual, that is, a certain amount began to be credited to the NIS participant’s account in a lump sum, until March 20 of each lending year. Thus, by March 20, 2018, 268,465.6 rubles will be immediately transferred to the savings account as the annual contribution amount for the military mortgage for 2018. The NIS participant will need to wait until the specified date in 2019 for the next transfer of funds.


Thanks to the innovations, it has become possible to direct the current year's savings contributions to trust management and the serviceman's account will eventually be replenished with interest income, which will smooth out the negative effects caused by the suspension of savings indexation.

In a simplified form, the additional “income” arising in this way can be assessed as the interest rate based on the results of trust management, multiplied by 1000 (12% - 12,000 rubles, 7% - 7,000 rubles). At the end of the year, the specified income will be automatically used for partial early repayment of the loan. This scheme has already been successfully developed by the beginning of 2018.