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Interpretation of the dream wicket in dream books. The magic of numbers In a wheat field there is a metal gate dream

1 Wicket by Tsvetkov's dream book

Humiliation; all or part (half) disappeared - the son’s life fell apart; go through - humiliation; seeing the gate, opening it - a short-lived marriage.

1 Gate according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing or opening a gate is a happy but fragile marriage; closed gate - your offer will be rejected.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Gate according to Freud's dream book

Dreaming about a gate means:

The gate, like the gate and the door, is a symbol of the female genital organs.

1 Wicket by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Wicket dream meaning:

Big trouble, humiliation.

1 Wicket by Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a gate:

If the gate to the yard is broken - big problems; Unpleasant events may occur in the family.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Wicket by To the newest dream book

What a gate might mean in a dream:

An obstacle that arises when winning the affection of a person of the opposite sex.

Opening a gate in a dream means a surge of new strength.

1 Wicket by Modern dream book

A gate in a dream means:

A gate seen in a dream foreshadows a happy, but fragile marriage.

Walking through a gate in a dream means that in reality you will be humiliated by people from whom you never expected this.

Opening or closing a gate is a harbinger of incredible events, completely unpredictable and unpredictable.

If in a dream the gate is closed with a huge lock, in real life your offer will be rejected and you will lose the chance to distinguish yourself in the service.

A gate that rests on your word of honor speaks of your open and kind soul, but careless character.

1 Wicket according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

If a girl dreams of a gate, it means:

Seeing a gate in a dream or crawling through it, bending too much, means humiliation, but if the gate or part of it disappears, it means the collapse of the son’s family.

Knocking on the gate unsuccessfully is a symbol that you will not receive support; waiting near it is a fruitless effort.

Painting or repairing a gate in a dream means yearning for mutual understanding.

1 Gate according to the Small Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a gate:

If in a dream you say goodbye to someone at the gate, then in real life you will be disappointed or lost. Seeing someone entering your gate portends news. What kind of news this will be can be judged by the appearance of the guest. If you like him, then the news will be joyful. A person with an unpleasant appearance warns of negative news. Hearing the gate creaking means that you are alarmed about something.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Wicket by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Why does a woman dream about a gate:

Bad intentions, excessive curiosity; date.

1 Wicket by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a gate in a dream means:

Happy but short marriage. Passing through the gate means your marriage will become the subject of gossip and slander. Opening or closing the gate means trust in a loved one will turn into betrayal. The gate is closed with a large padlock - a secret will be revealed to you that you cannot come to terms with. The gate has fallen off its hinges - your soul wide open will become the cause of conflict. Crawl under the gate - to humiliation. Painting or repairing a gate - you will not find mutual understanding.

If you want your marriage to be strong and long, imagine that instead of a gate, you built a large, strong gate. Be sure to lock the gate securely.

1 Wicket by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

A dream with a gate in the dream book is interpreted as:

I dreamed about the Gate - a happy but short marriage. If you want your marriage to be strong and long, imagine that instead of a gate, you built a large, strong gate. Be sure to lock the gate securely.

1 Wicket by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dreaming about a gate means:

You saw a gate in a dream - the dream speaks of your inquisitive mind; every day you want to learn something new; acquiring knowledge is a pleasure for you; you have a lot of such fun ahead of you. The gate seems to be locked, but you have the key - the person you meet will become your friend; in it a whole world will open up to you, with which you will be fascinated. You enter through the gate into the yard - in reality, you will find yourself in an unusual situation, which you will later regard as an adventure. A young woman dreams that she is entering through a gate into the yard - in reality she is entering someone’s life; the dream foreshadows an early marriage for this woman.

Do you often dream about a gate? Such a dream means that you will unexpectedly encounter great happiness, but you will not know what it will be.

Freud's dream book - why do you dream about a gate?

I dreamed about it gate, this could mean a big loss for you in the near future.
The dream in which I dream wooden gate, is a signal that you are struggling with other people's hatred or other negative emotions.
See in a dream forged gate, such a dream suggests that you will be able to take revenge for any damage you have suffered.
When you dream broken open gate, this dream suggests that you take great care in financial matters, especially when it comes to loans, because there is a risk that this loan will never be repaid.

Dreaming of an open gate - according to the eastern dream book

In a dream dreamed of an open gate, this is a prelude to the success you can expect in all areas of your life.
When A woman dreams of an open gate, this dream means that you are in trouble because you are too reckless and you easily trust a person who does not deserve it.

In a dream, you dream of opening a gate - according to Vanga’s dream book

Had a dream open the gate-this dream says if you think that you can do something wrong and then correct that harm and just forget about it, then you are wrong.
If a man dreams of opening a gate, it is a promise that you will be able to overcome the problems that accumulate in your presence.

If you dream of closing the gate - Nostradamus’ dream book

I dreamed about it in a dream close the gate, this is a warning to you that soon someone around you will try to harm you, but if you are alert, you will be able to neutralize these attacks.

According to Hasse’s dream book, I dreamed of an open gate in the yard

A dream in which dreamed of an open gate in the yard is a sign that you are seeking revenge on those who have hurt you in some way.
Dreaming open gate in grandma's yard, this is a sign that for some reason you are hiding your inner self from others and trying to be a different person.

Gate - to see or open - a happy but fragile marriage - closed - your proposal will be rejected.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Dream about the Gate

Crawl through the gate, bending too much - to humiliation.

The gate or part of it disappeared - to the collapse of the son’s family.

Knocking on the gate unsuccessfully is a symbol that you will not receive support.

Waiting near the gate means fruitless efforts.

Painting or repairing a gate in a dream means yearning for mutual understanding.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does Gate mean in a dream?

A dream about her predicts fragile personal happiness or failure in love, sometimes an insult. For married people, such a dream predicts an unstable marriage. Passing through it in a dream is a sign of resentment and humiliation. To see it falling apart or to see that it has half disappeared means that your lover will leave you and everything in your life will go awry. Sometimes such a dream means that your destiny has failed. A closed gate in a dream is a sign of your lover’s refusal to accept your proposal. See interpretation: gate, castle.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Gate

To see or open is a happy but fragile marriage; closed - your offer will be rejected

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Meaning of sleep Gate

Happy but short marriage. Passing through the gate means your marriage will become the subject of gossip and slander. Opening or closing the gate means trust in a loved one will turn into betrayal. The gate is closed with a large padlock - a secret will be revealed to you that you cannot come to terms with. The gate has fallen off its hinges - your soul wide open will become the cause of conflict. Crawl under the gate - to humiliation. Painting or repairing a gate - you will not find mutual understanding.

If you want your marriage to be strong and long, imagine that instead of a gate, you built a large, strong gate. Be sure to lock the gate securely.

Interpretation of dreams from

Humiliation. If all or part of it disappeared, my son’s life fell apart. Walking through the gate is humiliation. Seeing a gate and opening it means a short-lived marriage.

How to interpret the dream “Wicket”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Humiliation Carousel - Nonsense Cinema - A quick long journey, guests from afar Cemetery - See - long life, stones on graves, read inscriptions - many friends Cage - Birds in a cage - successful empty love - betrayal, someone opens a break - kidnapping of a loved one!! Well …

I had a dream "Wicket"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Crawl through the gate, bending too much - to humiliation. The gate or part of it disappeared - to the collapse of the son’s family. Knocking on the gate unsuccessfully is a symbol that you will not receive support. Waiting near the gate means fruitless efforts. Paint or repair...

Seeing a gate in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about her predicts fragile personal happiness or failure in love, sometimes an insult. For married people, such a dream predicts an unstable marriage. Passing through it in a dream is a sign of resentment and humiliation. To see it falling apart or to see that it has half disappeared means that...

The meaning of the dream about the Gate

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Bad intentions, excessive curiosity. Date.

Dreaming of "Wicket" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It could also be a bad dream. Happy but short marriage. Passing through the gate means your marriage will become the subject of gossip and slander. Opening or closing the gate means trust in a loved one will turn into betrayal. The gate is closed with a large padlock - a secret will be revealed to you...

Why does the Gate appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The gate you see portends a happy, but fragile marriage. Walking through a gate means in reality you will be unexpectedly humiliated by people from whom you never expected this. Opening or closing the gate is a harbinger of completely unpredictable and unpredictable events. If the gate is locked with a huge padlock,...

Gate (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you say goodbye to someone at the gate, then in real life you will be disappointed or lost. Seeing someone entering your gate portends news. What kind of news this will be can be judged by the appearance of the guest. If he...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Gate?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will experience humiliation.

Wicket / gate - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A gate is a passage leading from one world to another. They can symbolize new opportunities. This sign can also refer to the gates of heaven.

Dream - Gate - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a gate portends a happy but fragile marriage. Walking through a gate means that your loved ones will unexpectedly humiliate you. Opening or closing the gate is a surprise. A gate that is locked - you will have to face difficulties before you achieve your intended goal. Dilapidated gate...

Interpretation of the dream "Wicket"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing or opening is a happy but fragile marriage. Closed - your proposal will be rejected.

What does the dream portend: Gate

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An obstacle that arises when winning the affection of a person of the opposite sex.

Happy but short marriage. Passing through the gate means your marriage will become the subject of gossip and slander. Opening or closing the gate means trust in a loved one will turn into betrayal. The gate is closed with a large padlock - a secret will be revealed to you that you cannot come to terms with. The gate has fallen off its hinges - your soul wide open will become the cause of conflict. Crawl under the gate - to humiliation. Painting or repairing a gate - you will not find mutual understanding.

If you want your marriage to be strong and long, imagine that instead of a gate, you built a large, strong gate. Be sure to lock the gate securely.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Wicket

A dream about her predicts fragile personal happiness or failure in love, sometimes an insult. For married people, such a dream predicts an unstable marriage. Passing through it in a dream is a sign of resentment and humiliation. To see it falling apart or to see that it has half disappeared means that your lover will leave you and everything in your life will go awry. Sometimes such a dream means that your destiny has failed. A closed gate in a dream is a sign of your lover’s refusal to accept your proposal. See interpretation: gate, castle.

Interpretation of dreams from