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How to make a diagram in Word. How to make a diagram in Word - a visual aid

Diagram in word. If you often have to create some reports with diagrams, then you cannot do without the help of Word. Many people think that it is more convenient to do this in Excel. May be so. In some cases this is justified. But not everyone knows how to work with tabular data, which is why they prefer Microsoft Word, which is easier to use. Creating a chart in Word is no different from such an operation in Excel. But I’ll write about this later, but for now let’s consider this issue for Word.

Diagram inWord 2003

To do this, select from the menu – Insert – Drawing – Diagram .

A diagram with a table like this will appear on your page.

Right-click on the chart area and select " Chart type... ».

Select the chart type that suits you. I like it " Ring" Don’t forget to press the button after making your selection. OK ».

I got this picture.

Double-click on the diagram with the left mouse button. You should see a sign like this. You can change and add your data (names and numbers) there. After the changes, press the "" key on your keyboard Enter ».

Here's what I got.

Now let's move on to editing our diagram. Double-click the left mouse button on the diagram to create a selection area.

Right-click on the diagram inside the selection area and in the list that opens, select the first entry “ Chart Area Format... ».

In the “Format Chart Area” window, you can change the fill of the area on which the diagram is located, the frame of the same area, and the font.

This is what happened to me.

Now let’s change in the same way “ Chart options... » (right-click inside the highlighted area of ​​the chart).

Open each tab and change what you need. After you change everything, do not forget to save your project.

If the diagram turns out to be very small and you can’t really see anything on it, then stretch it beyond the corners.

Right click on Legend and select " Legend Format " Don't forget to double-click the diagram area before doing this.

Change the background color, font, and legend placement if necessary.

If you right-click strictly on certain places in the diagram, you can change them too. Again, don't forget to double-click the entire chart area before doing this.

Right-click and select " Data series format... ».

Experiment. You can achieve very interesting results. Try the " Filling methods " when choosing a color on the palette.

If you want to change the color of a certain area of ​​the diagram, then select this area with one click on the border (preferably the transverse one, i.e. the shortest one). Then right-click inside the selected area and select " Data point format... ».

Select the color you need and click the " OK" It is more convenient to change the color at the very beginning of creating a diagram.

All this can be done in different ways. I described only one of them to you. Then you will figure it out for yourself.

Diagram in Word 2007

Some people prefer to work with the new office suite. Therefore, let's look at creating a diagram in Word 2007.

Inserting a chart in Word 2007 is slightly different than inserting the same chart in Word 2003.

And so let's get started.

To do this, select from the menu – Box – Illustrations – Diagram .

In the window that opens " Inserting a chart » select the required type of diagram, and press the button « OK ».

For example, I chose the chart type " Volumetric cut circular " This colorful diagram appeared and at the same time an Excel window opened with a table template.

Unlike Word 2003, it is certainly more convenient to work here. Each area is easily selected with one click. You can select each sector of the chart and change its color, delete it, or rotate it. Just right-click on the selected sector and select the action you need from the drop-down menu. For example, I selected the red sector and chose “ Data point format... ».

A window will open in which you can select whatever your heart desires. The choice is quite large and very interesting. You don't have to change anything in the row parameters.

But in the filling there is something to look at and apply for yourself. I was so carried away by this tab that I even forgot that I was writing an article. It will probably captivate you too.

Pay special attention to " Gradient fill " Select " Color" And " Workpiece name ».

On the next tab " Border color “I didn’t change anything.

I also left the border styles as they are.

On the " Shadow"made her choice.

On the " Volumetric figure format "You can also experiment. All these manipulations must be done with each multi-colored segment.

In the end, this is what I got. You can do even better.

If you right-click on the legend, you can change the font color in the small formatting window. And if you select " Legend format... ", then you can design your legend no worse than the diagram itself.

By clicking on each individual section of the diagram, you can format it to your liking. I specially made all the areas different colors so that you can clearly see what can be highlighted and changed.

Now all we have to do is change the data in the table and, if necessary, plot it on the chart. To do this, right-click anywhere on the chart and select " To change the data… " An Excel window will open with a table in which you can change the data. I think you won't have any problems here.

By right-clicking again on any segment of the circle of our diagram and selecting “ Add data signatures "You will add to each segment what is written in the Legend. And the data in the legend, as you might guess, comes from the table.

Well, in short, I showed how you can quickly make a beautiful diagram in Word. You can make it much better.


Creating a chart in Word 210 is no different from Word 2007.

Microsoft Office has a huge number of templates and tools for working with graphics. With their help, you can prepare a beautiful presentation or supplement a document with a visual application. To do this, figure out how to make a diagram in Word. It makes it easier to demonstrate information. If you display numbers and characteristics as text, they will be scrolled through. To understand the essence of what is written, you will have to strain, carefully read and compare the data. But a correctly designed schedule will be immediately remembered.

In this article you will learn how to properly format graphs in Word.

Creating Charts

Finding the required add dialog is quite simple

This graphic can be inserted directly into a Word document. In this case, you must enter the data in an Excel table. It is not necessary to understand all the functions of this program to prepare a presentation. Everything is simple and clear. So, how to make a graph in Word:

  1. Open a blank document.
  2. Go to the menu Insert - Illustrations (or Insert - Drawing). There are all the tools for working with presentations and documents: images, WordArt shapes, multimedia. Find the "Create Chart" option.
  3. Select a visualization type. On the left are the categories: circular, point, exchange, petal, linear, bubble and so on. And on the right you can see what the figures look like. Click "OK" to build the graph.
  4. This will open an Excel window. The characteristics of the object are shown in the table. The values ​​in the cells correspond to the values ​​in the illustration. They present the diagram as text. When you type a character in Excel, it will immediately be reflected in Word. All names are default - rename them in the table. For example, instead of the word “Category” write “Indicators for the current year”, and instead of “Row” write the name of the department. And change the numbers to the ones you need. This way you can make a visual graph.
  5. If you lack characteristics, there is no need to insert a new illustration. It's the same . The block with numbers, categories and rows in the table is surrounded by a frame. Pull it by the lower right corner - this will expand the diagram. Enter the desired values ​​in the empty cells.

When you insert an object in a text editor, the table is loaded

To change an already prepared presentation, you do not need to create it again. It's better to do the following:

  1. Click on the object.
  2. New items will appear in the menu bar. This is a toolkit that allows you to customize your chart.
  3. Open the Design panel.
  4. To select a different illustration and still keep all the values ​​in it, click the Change Type button. It is located on the left side of the panel. This way you can build a new graph, leaving in it the numbers and names from the old one.
  5. If you want to enter other numbers, then click “Change data”. An Excel table with categories and rows will open. They cannot be retyped directly into Word.

Basic tools for structured customization on the ribbon

In the “Layout” tab, you can set a name, make a signature, add a WordArt shape, and choose exactly where the categories and rows will be located. The “Format” section is intended for editing the color palette, style, layout and location in the text.

The next tab further expands your options

Appearance of charts

Microsoft Office has many illustration templates. But if none of them suits you, you can read how to create a chart in Word and change its appearance.

Double-click on the graphic object - a settings window with several sections will appear. In Word 2007, it is called up through the context menu, the “Format” item. Each element can be edited separately. Simply select the part of the object you want to work on.

More information about the tabs in the menu:

  • Row parameters (or axis parameters). Here you can change the shape of the figures and their location relative to each other.
  • Filling. Choosing the color of the illustration. If you want to make a graph with your own pictures, then place a marker next to the “Drawing” item and click “Insert from file”. You can set textures, gradients, combinations of different shades, and so on.
  • Border styles. Settings for view, fill and frame width. To work with this menu, in the “Border Color” tab, select the “Solid” or “Gradient” line type.
  • Volumetric figure format. You can make the drawing three-dimensional and choose the type of surface it will resemble. But this doesn't work with all elements in Word. It does not apply, for example, to such “Bubble” objects - they are already voluminous.

In the “Glow” and “Shadow” tabs you can configure the corresponding effects. Experiment and try different settings. The changes will immediately appear in the document. To move text information about series and categories, click the Legend button on the Layout menu.

Beautiful presentation design makes its perception more effective

But you can figure out how to build a diagram in Word and change its appearance without searching for numerous functions. These shapes are similar to the shapes from WordArt. Their individual elements are moved and stretched with the mouse. And the fill and style are in the “Format” menu. It appears at the top of the window when you select a chart.

This panel has settings for text wrapping. You can insert text into a picture from WordArt and add various effects. To create a unique and memorable diagram, you don’t need to use all the Word tools at once on a small piece of illustration.

Highlight an important fragment, giving it volume. Place the shadows wisely - this will give the feeling that the rows are at different levels. You can make an element glow to which you want to draw attention.

If you want to show your boss how much your sales have grown, demonstrate to investors the benefits of a project, or discuss your work plan with your colleagues, you need to create a beautiful and attractive diagram. Graphics are used for more than just presentations. They are inserted into abstracts, diplomas, and various documents to visualize data. Information is easier to perceive when it is shown clearly. Therefore, it is useful to know how to create a graph in Word.

As a rule, when drawing up reports or writing scientific articles, various graphic elements and tables are almost always used. Thanks to them, readers perceive information much easier and faster. In this article we will look at how to make a diagram in the Word editor.

First you need to do the following:

  1. Open the desired document.

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab. After that, click on the “Charts” icon.

  1. As a result, a window will appear in which you can select the desired chart type:
    • histogram (column);
    • schedule;
    • circular;
    • ruled;
    • with regions;
    • point;
    • stock exchange;
    • surface;
    • petal;
    • tree;
    • Sun rays;
    • mustache box;
    • cascade;
    • combined.

  1. In order to see the diagram in an enlarged size, just hover the cursor over the desired type. This preview will help you choose the option that's right for you.

  1. After you make your choice (for example, decide to use a round graph with percentages, a regular histogram, or something else), you will need to click on the “OK” button.

  1. As a result, you will see a new element that will contain standard information. At the same time, it does not represent any value to you. In addition, a small window with the Microsoft Excel editor will open.

If the built-in Excel window is not enough for you, you will need to click on the last icon located in the upper left corner.

As a result, a full-fledged editor with all the features will open. Here you can make all the changes you need.

  1. To do this, first click on the “File” icon.

  1. Then go to the "Save As" section.

  1. After this, click on the “Browse” button.

  1. In the window that appears, you will need to specify the folder and desired file name. To save, click on the appropriate button.

If you suddenly close the editor window, you can call it in several ways.

  1. Right click on the diagram.
  2. In the menu that appears, select “Change data”.
  3. Then repeat your selection.

  1. Immediately after this, the desired element will open.
  2. You will also be informed that this data is linked to a spreadsheet and all changes made will be saved there, and not in your Word document.

If the table is large, then it is better to use the editor in full size.

  1. Right-click on the diagram again.
  2. In the context menu that appears, select “Change data”.
  3. Then - “Change data in Excel.”

  1. Immediately after this, you will be able to make changes without any restrictions (visual and functional).

Related chart

It is not necessary to create such elements in the Word editor. It is much more convenient to use the capabilities of Excel. To do this, you need to do the following.

  1. The first step is to create some kind of table.

  1. Then select the required data. After that, go to the “Home” tab. Click on the “Diagrams” icon and select the one you like.

  1. As a result of this you will see the following.

  1. In order to copy a diagram, you need to press the key combination Ctrl + C or Ctrl + X if you want to cut it.

The same can be done using the context menu (right-click on the object and select the desired item).

  1. Go to the Word document and press the hot keys Ctrl + V on the keyboard.

If you want to insert this element through the context menu, the necessary items will not be active! That is why we use a combination of buttons.

  1. As a result, you will see the following.

Automatic data update

In such tables, the information itself is not updated. To do this you need to do the following.

Close the document you are working in.

  1. We make changes in the Excel editor. For example, for clarity, the subject “Physics” will have all zeros.

  1. Click on the save icon or press the hot keys Ctrl + S.

  1. We open the document again and see that the information has already been updated.

Let's consider another option when both documents are open.

  1. This time we will put zeros next to another object. For example, mathematicians. At the same time, be sure to save this file.

  1. We go to Word and see that no changes have occurred.

  1. Right-click on the desired object. In the context menu, select “Change data”. Then - exactly the same option.

  1. As a result, the Windows operating system will switch you to Microsoft Excel.

  1. We return to Word again and see that everything has been updated automatically.

  1. But everything can be made even simpler. Go to the “Design” tab and click on the “Update Data” button.

Immediately after creating a diagram, you will automatically have a new tab. In this case, you will immediately switch to it. Here you can find a large number of different tools. Let's look at each of them.

If you wish, you can always change the appearance of the default chart. To do this, just click on the appropriate button.

Thanks to this you will be able to add:

  • axles:
    • main horizontal;
    • main vertical.

  • axis names:
    • main horizontal;
    • main vertical.

  • chart title:
    • above the diagram;
    • centered (overlay).

  • data signatures:
    • in the center;
    • at the edge, inside;
    • at the base, inside;
    • at the edge, outside;
    • data balloon.

  • data table:
    • show legend;
    • do not show the legend.

  • error limit:
    • standard error;
    • percent;
    • standard deviation.

  • net:
    • main horizontal along the main axis;
    • main vertical along the main axis;
    • auxiliary horizontal along the main axis;
    • auxiliary vertical along the main axis.

  • legend:
    • on right;
    • above;
    • left;
    • below.

  • trend line:
    • linear;
    • linear forecast;
    • linear filtration.

Thanks to this, you can change the appearance of the diagram beyond recognition.

Using ready-made layouts

The Microsoft Word editor has several ready-made templates. They are designed for those who do not want to tinker with various settings themselves. To do this, you just need to click on the “Express Layout” button. Immediately after this you will see a large number of ready-made design options.

To preview, just hover over any of the icons.

You can also change the color of the columns or any other element. Depends on what you select when calling this menu. To do this, just click on the corresponding icon.

When you hover over any of the colors you will see the possible result. To save you will need to left click the mouse.

In order to see the full list of possible options, you need to click on the triangle in the lower right corner of the list of styles.

Immediately after this, a large list of possible templates will open.

To preview, you need to hover over any of the styles. To save, just click the mouse.

In this section, you can specify which data you need to build a chart on.

For example, you can swap a row and a column.

In addition, if you wish, you can always re-specify on what data this object should be built. To do this, just click on the “Select data” button.

Immediately after this, a small Microsoft Excel editor and the “Select Data Source” window will appear.

In this window you can:

  • swap column and row;

  • add, change or delete legend elements;

  • change the horizontal axis labels.

If you want to open only the Excel editor without additional windows, you need to click on the “Change data” icon. The result will be exactly the same as when calling the context menu.

The Refresh Data button works for both a regular chart and related elements

For this purpose, just click on the corresponding icon.

Immediately after this, you will see a window in which you can select any option you need.

This will give you the option to specify an axis for a data series. When adding a chart normally, this function is not available.

Format tab

These tools are mainly used to change the appearance of elements individually, rather than the entire object as a whole.

Let's look at each section in more detail.

The left side of this panel displays information about the selected element. It is updated immediately after the click. For example, if you click on a column, you will see the name of that row and buttons for editing it.

When you click on the vertical axis, you will see the relevant information.

When you click on the “Format Selection” button, a panel will appear on the right side of the program for editing various parameters.

Its contents will change depending on the selected element.

Not only these properties will change (on the right side of the editor), but also other parameters located on the main toolbar.

Some properties will become inactive if they are not applicable to that element.

If the standard set of elements in your diagram is not enough for you, you can always add something else. To see the full list, you need to click on the small triangle.

As a result of this, you will see a huge list of different shapes.

These include:

  • lines;
  • rectangles;
  • main category;
  • curly arrows;
  • figures for equations;
  • block diagrams;
  • stars and ribbons;
  • callouts.

If you cannot choose the desired design yourself, you can always use ready-made styles. To expand the full list, just click on the small triangle.

Immediately after this you will see a large list of different styles and blanks.

To preview, just hover over any icon.

In order to paint over any element, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on it.
  2. Click on the corresponding icon.
  3. Select the desired shade.

Using this tool, in addition to choosing a color, you can select the following items:

  • cancel filling;
  • choose other colors;
  • insert a picture;
  • perform a gradient fill;

  • use some texture.

If you don't want your chart elements to have a solid color, you can always add an outline to them. For this purpose, just click on the corresponding icon. Immediately after this, you can choose any color you want.

In addition, you can always specify the thickness of the borders.

In addition, the solid outline can be replaced with dotted lines or a “dot-dash”.

If you want to add various “3D effects”, then to do this you need to click on the last icon in this section. As a result, you will see a large list of the following items:

  • blanks;

  • shadows;
  • backlight;

  • smoothing;

  • relief;

  • rotation of a volumetric figure.

To change text elements, you can find ready-made “Express Styles”. In this case, it is necessary to first select the desired text.

To preview, just hover over any of the options.

In addition, you will be able to:

  • fill text;

  • change text competition;

  • add various text effects.

In order to change the position of elements, you need to click on the corresponding button.

As a result, you will see the following menu options.

These include:

  • position;

  • text wrapping;

  • alignment;

  • grouping;
  • turns;
  • moving back and forth.

If you really liked what you created (the appearance of the diagram), you can always save this design for later use in other documents.

To do this, you must perform the following steps.

  1. Right-click on an empty space in the diagram.
  2. In the context menu that appears, select “Save as template...”.

  1. Immediately after this, you will see a window in which you need to specify the save location and file name.
  2. To complete the operation, click on the corresponding button.

Creating Charts in Word 2003

The features described above are only suitable for modern versions of the editor (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016). In the old Word, everything is much worse.

In order to create this object in Word 2003, you need to do the following.

  1. Click on the “Insert” menu item.
  2. Then select "Schematic Diagram".

  1. As a result, the following window will appear.

As you can see, the choice of types is quite meager. Once you decide, you will need to click on the “OK” button. As a result of this you will see the following.

As you can see, this editor has much fewer capabilities than modern versions of the program.


This article examined in detail the process of creating diagrams in the Microsoft Word editor. Also, special attention was paid to the settings of the main elements of the object.

If you can't do something, you may be missing something. For example, you forget to click on the desired shape. Accordingly, because of this, you do not have the desired menu.

Video instruction

For those who have any questions regarding the instructions described above, a video with additional explanations is attached below.

In various financial documents or reports, coursework or diplomas, you may find data presented in table form. And in order to make them look more clearly, it is better to build a graph based on them. Since almost all documentation that is presented in electronic form is created in the MS Word editor, in this article we will learn how to create graphs in Word.

If you have a table with data in your document, then, of course, you can do everything yourself. To do this, turn on the visibility of the grid; using lines, draw the axes; sign them; and then, using the curve, draw.

But why such complexity if this function is already built into the editor. We just need to enter the data correctly and everything will be ready.

But let's talk about everything in order.

How to build graphs

Let me take the following data as an example. There are employees, and the amount of goods they sold in a certain month. The graph will help you quickly understand which employee sold the most goods for a certain month, or for the entire period.

Place the cursor at the desired location in the document. Then go to the tab and in the “Illustrations” section, click on the button with the image of the diagram.

A window like the one in the screenshot below will appear. In it, select the type of chart that suits you best. Then click "OK". I'll build with markers, but in this case you could also make a histogram, or bar chart.

You need to transfer into it all the values ​​that you have indicated in the table in the Word document.

First you need to select the correct range of values ​​in Excel. I will have 5 rows (top row and 4 employees), and 8 columns (employee names and months). Grab the lower right corner and select the number of rows and columns you need.

When you change them, please note that the schedule itself changes.

Once everything in Excel has been changed, close this window.

This is the result I got.

If you double-click with the left mouse button on the vertical (0, 10, 20, 30...), horizontal (Katya, Masha...) axis, legend (January, February...) or any of the data series (colored curves), a window with settings will open .

For example, click on the curve with values ​​for April, a window opens "Data Series Format". Here you can change the color, line type, etc.

If you click on the horizontal axis, a window will open. There you can select the necessary parameters.

If you right-click on the chart itself, a context menu will open. In it you can "To change the data"– an Excel sheet will appear with the created table, which we closed, and more.

By clicking on the created graph, a tab will appear at the top. In it you will see three additional tabs: “Designer”, “Layout” and “Format”. Click on them and see how else you can change the view. For example, add a title to your chart.

How to create a function graph

If you need to insert it into a document, then you can proceed as follows. First add a function graph in Excel, I described how to do this in a separate article, and then copy and paste it into a Word document. After this, you will still have the opportunity to edit it in Word, as described above: either click on the axes, or go to the tab.

You can also find various programs on the Internet that can be used to create a graph of a function in Word. I'll tell you about one of them - "Chart Builder 1.50".

This is a macro that needs to be installed on your computer. Then open Word and launch the program in “Add-ons”.

I downloaded the installation file from the Internet. Then I launched the installation wizard.

There is nothing special about the installation. Select your language, accept the license agreement, and click .

In order for the macro to work, you need to slightly change the Word settings. Go to the “File” tab and click on the item.

In the next window, go to the tab "Security Control Center" and click on the button.

On the tab "Macro Options" place a marker in the field "Enable all macros". Click "Ok" in this window and in the previous one.

If you do not plan to constantly use this macro, then after working with it, go back to Word and return everything back.

If you had a Word document open at the time of installing the program, then close it and open it again.

Then go to the tab. A new icon corresponding to the macro should appear there. To run the macro, click on it.

The program interface is in Russian. Enter your values ​​and draw the desired function.

If you have Excel installed on your computer, you can take advantage of Word's advanced charting capabilities.

In this article

About charts

Charts are used to present series of numerical data in a graphical format that makes it easier to understand large amounts of information and the relationships between different data series.

1. Sheet data

2. Chart created from worksheet data

Excel supports different types of charts, allowing you to present data in the most understandable way for a particular audience. When you create a new chart or edit an existing chart, you can choose from a variety of chart types (such as bar chart or pie chart) and subtypes (such as stacked bar chart or 3-D pie chart). By combining different types in one chart, you can create a mixed chart.

An example of a mixed chart that combines a histogram and a graph.

For more information about the chart types supported in Excel, see Chart Types.

Chart elements

A diagram consists of various elements. Some of them are displayed by default, others can be added as needed. You can change the appearance of chart elements by moving them to a different location or changing their size or format. You can also remove chart elements that you don't want to display.

1. chart area.

2. diagram plotting area.

3. Data points for a series of data marked on a chart.

5. Chart legend.

6. Names of the chart and axes that can be used in the chart.

7. data label, which can be used to indicate the information of a data point in a data series.

Modify the base chart to suit your needs

Once you've created a chart, you can change any of its elements. For example, you can change the appearance of the axes, add a chart title, move or hide the legend, and add additional elements.

To change the chart you can do the following:

    Change the appearance of the chart axes. You can specify the scale of the axes and change the spacing between values ​​or categories. To make the chart easier to read, you can add tick marks on the axes and specify the amount of space between them.

    Adding titles and data labels to a chart To help explain the data displayed in a chart, you can add a chart title, axis titles, and data labels.

    Adding a legend and data table. You can show or hide the legend, change its location or elements. For some charts, you can also display a data table that contains the legend keys and values ​​represented in the chart.

    Apply special parameters for different types of charts. For different chart types, you can apply a variety of special lines (such as swing corridors and trend lines), bars (such as up and down bars and error bars), data markers, and so on.

Use ready-made chart styles and layouts for a professional look

Instead of adding or changing chart elements and formatting them manually, you can quickly apply a pre-made chart layout or style to your data. Word has many useful pre-designed layouts and styles that you can use as is or customize by manually changing the layout or format of individual chart elements, such as the chart area, plot area, data series, and legend.

When you use a preset chart layout, the chart displays a specified set of elements (for example, titles, legend, data table, or data labels) in a specific order. You can select a suitable layout from those provided for a specific chart type.

When you use a preset chart style, the chart's formatting is based on the document theme applied, so the chart's appearance will match the theme colors (set of colors), theme fonts (set of heading and body text fonts), and theme effects (set of borders and fills) that your organization or organization uses. specified by the user.

You can't create your own chart styles or layouts, but you can create chart templates that contain the layout and formatting you want.

Attractive chart formatting

In addition to using a preset chart style, you can easily change the formatting of individual chart elements, such as data markers, chart area, plot area, numbers, and text in titles and captions, which will attract attention and make the chart stand out. You can also apply shape styles and WordArt styles, or manually format shapes and text in chart elements.

To add formatting you can do the following:

    Filling diagram elements. To draw attention to certain chart elements, you can fill them with color, texture, pattern, or gradient.

    Change the outlines of chart elements. To highlight chart elements, you can change the color, type, or thickness of the lines.

    Adding special effects to chart elements To complete your diagram, you can apply special effects to its elements, such as shadow, reflection, glow, smooth edges, embossing, or volumetric rotation.

    Formatting text and numbers Text and numbers in chart titles, labels, and legends can be formatted in the same way as text and numbers on a worksheet. You can even apply WordArt styles to highlight text or numbers.

Reusing diagrams by creating templates

If you want to reuse a customized chart, you can save it as a chart template (CRTX file) in the Chart Templates folder. When you create a chart, you can apply a template in the same way as a built-in chart type. Chart templates are custom chart types that allow you to change the type of an existing chart. If you need to use a particular chart template frequently, you can save it as the default chart type.

Step 1: Create a Basic Chart

You can add a chart to a Word document in one of two ways: by embedding it, or by inserting an Excel chart that is linked to data in an Office Excel 2007 worksheet. The main differences between embedded and linked charts are where the data is stored and how it is updated after it is inserted into Word document.

Note: Some types of charts require data to be arranged in a specific way on the Excel worksheet. For more information, see .

Inserting a diagram by embedding it in a document

If an Excel chart is embedded in a Word file, it will not change even if you change the original Excel file. Embedded objects become part of the Word file and are no longer part of the original file.

Because the data is stored entirely in a single Word document, embedding is useful when you don't want it to change based on changes to the source file, or you don't want recipients of the document to have to update related information.

Insert a linked Excel chart into a document

You can create a chart in an external Excel 2007 worksheet, copy it, and paste a linked version into a Word document. If a chart is linked, the data in it is updated when the external Excel worksheet changes. The associated data is stored in an Excel sheet. A Word document stores only the location of the source file and displays a view of the associated data.

    In Excel, select a chart by clicking its border and then on the tab home in Group Clipboard click Cut.

    The chart will be deleted, but its data will remain in Excel.

    In Word, click where you want to insert the chart in the document.

    On the tab home in Group Clipboard click the button Insert.

    Button Paste Options indicates that the chart will be linked to Excel data.

    Save the Word document with the chart linked to the Excel data.

    When you reopen the Word document, click Yes to update Excel data.

You can also create visual representations of your data using SmartArt graphics. For more information, see Create a SmartArt graphic.

Organize data in an Excel worksheet

Most charts, such as histograms and bar charts, can be drawn from data arranged in the rows or columns of a worksheet. However, some types of charts, such as pie and bubble charts, require the data to be arranged in a specific way.

    Add the data to the worksheet that you want to use to create a chart.

    You can arrange your data in rows or columns - Excel will automatically determine the best way to construct the chart. Some chart types, such as pie and bubble charts, require data to be arranged in a specific way, as described in the table below.

    Stock chart

    By column or row in the following order, using titles or dates as labels:

    high, low and closing values

    For example:





  1. Select the cells containing the data you want to use to create the chart.

    Advice: If you select only one cell, Excel automatically builds a chart based on the adjacent cells that contain data. If the cells you want are not in a contiguous range, you can select nonadjacent cells or ranges; in this case, the selection should be a rectangle. You can also hide rows and columns that you don't want to appear in the chart.

    Select cells, ranges, rows, and columns

    To highlight

    Follow these steps

    Single cell

    Click a cell or use the arrow keys to move to the desired cell.

    Cell range

    Click the first cell of the range, and then drag the mouse to the last cell of the range. You can also press the SHIFT key and use the arrow keys to expand the selection.

    Alternatively, you can select the first cell in a range and then press F8 to expand the selection using the arrow keys. To stop expanding the selection, press F8 again.

    Large cell range

    Click the first cell in the range, and then Shift-click the last cell in the range. Scroll to display the last cell.

    All sheet cells

    Click the button Select all.

    You can also press CTRL+A to select the entire sheet.

    If the table contains data, pressing CTRL+A selects the current range. Pressing CTRL+A again will select the entire table.

    Non-adjacent cells or ranges of cells

    Select the first cell or range of cells, and then hold down the CTRL key while selecting other cells or ranges.

    You can also select the first cell or range of cells, and then press Shift+F8 to include other nonadjacent cells or ranges in the selection. To stop turning on cells and ranges, press Shift+F8 again.

    Note: You cannot deselect individual non-adjacent cells or ranges without deselecting the entire selection.

    Entire column or row

    Click the timeline or column heading.

    1. Row header

    2. Column header

    You can also select cells in a row or column by selecting the first row and then pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW (RIGHT or LEFT for rows, UP or DOWN for columns).

    If a row or column contains data, pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW will highlight the row or column up to the last filled cell. Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW again will select the entire row or column.

    Adjacent rows or columns

    Drag your mouse over the row or column headings. You can also select the first row or column, and then press SHIFT to select the last row or column.

    Non-adjacent rows or columns

    Select the row or column header of the first row or column of the selection, and then press CTRL to click the column or row headers that you want to add to the selection.

    The first or last cell in a row or column

    Select a cell in a row or column, and then press Ctrl+ARROW (RIGHT or LEFT for rows, UP or DOWN for columns).

    The first or last cell in a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet or table

    To select the first cell in an Excel worksheet or list, press CTRL+HOME.

    To select the last cell that contains data or formatting in an Excel worksheet or list, press CTRL+END.

    Cells up to the last used worksheet cell (bottom right corner)

    Select the first cell, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+END to expand the selection to the last cell in the worksheet you use (bottom right corner).

    Cells before the beginning of the sheet

    Select the first cell, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+HOME to expand the selection to the beginning of the sheet.

    More or fewer cells than there are in the active selection

    While holding down the SHIFT key, click the last cell you want to include in the new selection. The new selection will include a rectangular range between the active cell and the cell that was clicked.

    To deselect cells, click any cell on the worksheet.

    To quickly create a chart based on the default chart type, select the data you want and press ALT+F1. Pressing ALT+F1 creates an embedded chart.

    When you create a chart, Excel determines the orientation of the data series based on the number of worksheet rows and columns that are included in it. After creating a chart, you can change the way the rows and columns are displayed in the chart by swapping them.

    If the diagram is not needed, you can delete it. Click the chart to select it, and then press DELETE.

Step 2: Change the chart layout or style

Once you create a chart, you can instantly change its appearance. Instead of manually adding or changing chart elements or formatting, you can quickly apply a preset layout and style to your chart. Word provides a variety of useful chart layouts and styles (or Quick Layouts and Quick Styles) to choose from; If necessary, you can further customize the layout or style by manually changing the layout and format of individual chart elements.